y • --'--v jinv icnr^u a«iT»Boc; ft Not Paid within Three Mor Suoacriptions received for onthsi. 8.00 Suoacriptions received for tthree 'Or six lonths in the same proportion. ,s . Kates of Advertising. < We announce liberal rates for advertising1 IN th« PLAINT*RATHER, and endeavor to state ¥ them so plainly that thev will be readily un- lerstood. They are aa follows: 1 Inch one year . . . . t Inches one year • - - ' J Inches one yeaT - % - 15 oo '•~M. Oolnmn one vear -• , • - 30 no • II Column one year- - - «0 00 •„ Column one year - • - - - 100 00 One inch means the measurement of v *ch down the column, single column width. ' v Yearly advertisers, at the above rates, have llie privilege of changing as often as they (noose, without extra charge. * R«sruiar advertisers (meaning those bavins* inding cards) will be entitled to insertkn local notices at the rate of 5 cents per lire week. All others will be charged lo ts per Mne the 11- st week, and 5 cents per for each subsequent week. Transient advertisements will be charged lit the rate of 10 cents pe line, (nonpareil |ype, same as this is set in) the first issue, and fcents per line for subsequent issues Th-s, ! §n inch advertisement will cost #1.00 for one week, #1.60 for two weeks, *2.00 tor three ; •feeks, anclsoon. v * The rtAiNDRAias will be liberal in giving Jditorial notices, but, as a business rule, it " #111 require a suitable fee from everybody •eeklng the use of Us columns for pecuniary BUSINESS CAKDS. ; H. T. BROWN, M. D. IYS1CIAN J$sD SUliGEQJT. Residence, McHenry, O. H. FEGERS, M, D- iVliYSlCtAN AND SURiiEON, McHenry, I Ills. Office at Re O. J. HOWARD, M. U. I>HYS10I.VN AND SURGEON, McHenry, I . 111. Office one door West of tfitzsimmonS St Evanson's store, up Stairs. „ BARBIAN BR09. CIGAR Manufacturers, McHenry, III. ders solicited. Shop, li Old Mcllenrv, Kelter Block, third door west of -Riverside ROBT SCHIESSLE Having purchased the okl stand of Joseph Wiedemann,4 McHENBY, ILLINOIS, Keeps open for the accommodation of the Public a First-Class Saloon and Restaurant, Where he will at all time# keep thcibest brands of Wines, Liquors and Cigars to be found in tae market. Also Agent For FH.ANZ ITALICS MILWAUKEE LAGER BEER. Beer in T.arge or Small Kegs or Bottles al ways on hand, cheaper than any other, quali ty considered. Orders by mail promptly attended to. GOOD STABLING FOR HORSES, 4VCall and see.us. .... „ Rbert Schlessle. McHenry, 111., May 15th, 1885. M A R C U S ' GERMAN Manufactured by F. MARCUS, -DEALER IN- PURE WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS. Woodstock p The beat Tonic in the world. Fint-and (juart Bottle** , . III. Put up in F. MARCUS, Patentee. A, a , j SALOON and RESTAURANT Buck's Old Stand, McHENRY, ILLINOIS. Fine Kentucky Liquors, French Bitters, McHenry Lager Beer, • * Talks' Milwauk»e Bear, By the Bottle or Case. We buy none but the best, and sell at Reasonable Prices. '• Call and see me and, I will use you well. . r, - " % ANTONY ENGELNJ 1884. NO. 21 . - . V - i : # ' " ft"*# Pledged butto Truth, to Liberty Law; No Favors Win us and no Fear Shall A M'HENRY, ILLINOIS, DNESDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1885. VOL. 11. E. B. BEiXKETT, M. t» Lateljouse Surgeon Cook County Hospital, RICHMOND, ILLINOIS, Special nttention given to difficult Surgical DKI" TSCIl <; ESPROCHEN Benuett. BUSINESS CARDS. OANED Soldiers Department. On MOM on time, te to suit borrti Count v Far ins, atid in amounts STEAD •Igin, Illinois. A.SA W. SMITH, TTORNEY AT l,A W and Solicitor Chancery.--Woodstock, 111. Published K*«»-y Wednesday bv J.VA> SLYKB UI1TOK AND PCBLISUKR. for 13 Weeks. •pTTYSICTAX AXD SURGEON. Also United r States 11-17-6 IB Illinois. The POT.ICE relv Unl 111 he mailed, to any address in the three mouths on receint of GAZETTE STSu CIIIT.DS, HOMEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN AND SUB GEON, West Mcllenrv, 111 ONE Liberal discount allowed to postmaster*, Calls ly attended to, dnv or night. agents and clubs. Sample copies mailed tree Address all orders to DR. C. a WELLS. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, f>ake. Co., ill. A!I calls nrom f hop. BICHARD K. FOX, FRANKLIN SQUARE, New York. Wan con an, Vv attend- t., east of ed, dnror ni£lit. Oracfe on Main Barker's harness* ATTENTION LADrES. MRS J. H, SEXTOK, to Blake's Fuinlturc now piepared to public with Next or the past ten yenrs One of the-leading1 Dressmakers in Elgin, 1:1s moved to McHenry Ay here she is ready to do Dressmaking in all the latest ^t^les. Satisfac tion guaranteed. Cutting and Fitting a specialty. Also agent for the I.'X L., Tailor system of Cutting and Fitting. Full instructions given* Rooms two floors West of the Kiverside House. LT MEATS, FRESH Meats, Hinl flatter my ttusftomcrs as auv «lier buy none but inveelf that meals in as f Soliciting a guarantee ic patronage I will both in quality and LAMPHERF McHenry, III, Proprietor. ' without First drivers Teaming ot kinds done EMT! t^in pustaire si i*ra|i|!jns, an t>, will rocci-x Engraving of a 11 <? Clc vela A«ld Co.. Chioatro. lil. ;>rs 0 pay lor mailing of two hook 1 Sled fXnishing I'liKSIUKNTS, i s.'28 indies, w M ART G. hAlt 15,1 A-N; HATH-' WORKEII . vn ku.ds or riatr Work done in (irst class atvie a'nd at reasonable prices. Rooms at rcsidr-nce/north- east corner of Public, Square, McUenry, III. ,^)it" c. E. WIT,MAMS. kKNTT^T. Residence Dundee.' Willbe at Mctjfnvv, at,Parker IJo.use, the 10th 11th '25fh and '2<Uh of each monl'h. Whop "Inte^ occur Saturday or Sunday I make my visits on the following Mpnday#and the first day of such visit occurs on Friday, I will stay but one day A. M. CHURCH, Watchinakor nucl Joweifer NO-sr. FIFTH AVE., (Uri'-'ars .House), Ohi-cMifo, ill. special attention Riven to re pairing Fine watches and Chronometers. Full Assortment of Goods in his line AT THE Oi l) ST VXD, JACOR RONSI.ETT, ^ALOON AND RE^T\URANT, at the old 7 stand, op^»o»it,e Bishop's mill, Mcllenrv, III. The choicest Wines, l.iquors nn-< Cix : l ' 's 'ie found "in the county. Warm or cold Is on short notice on application. < PHIT- BEST'S MILWAUKEE REERbythe Bottle or Case, al-.vays on hand. GOOD STABMNi; FOR HORSES. J. PEKOVSKY, CIGAR MANUFACTURER, Wholesale and Retail Dealer. HANDT.ES nore but his own make,and will compare his Brands with the best mad" In the State. Store and Manufactory loor to >ho Posl Oflic.e, Mcllenrv, III. J. C. KAIIGES, House, Sign and Carriage P A I N I K U , Shop at McHenry House, # . Near the Iron Bridge- f am prepared to >|o 'ill kind*'of Painting on short notice, and guarantee satisfaction. Sign PainWng a Spscially. you. twth in workmanship and price. J. C. Karnes. McHenry, dune 15, 13SS. Attention Horsemen! I would call the attentfion of the public to my Stable ot Stock Hoi ses, four in number: two Morgans, one 3-4Percheron, and one Imported Horse. They are all ffootl representatives of their breed. Also a few Merino Sheep t r sale. The publit; are cordially invited to call and examine stock, get prices, etc. No business done on Sunday. N, S. COLBY. 10-7-tf McHKNKY, ILL PUMP REPAIRING, CEMENTING, ETC. The underpinned is prepared to do all jobs in tjie Mne of Dl^in? Wells, Repairing •' I 'uinps. Cementing Wells, or will put in New Pumps On short notice and warrant satisfaction. In short will do all work 111 this line. Can furnish you a new Pump, either wood or iron, warranted, as cheap as any other mail. Good references furnished if desired. If you want a Well Dux, a Pump Repaired or a new Pump, give uic a call. flWOrders hy mail prom Post Office, JohiislMiiMli, 111! L. BANTES. Johnsnurgh, 111., May 25th, 1S35. rarior For Cpal and Wood « CAM, ON E M. HOWE Opposite ̂ JisUop's Mill, Vho lias a complete line .if the host staves in the market, as well as a large sto-k of HarJw 3i3, -Msshaais's Tools, flN, COPPER &. SHEET IRON WARE, And, Injfact, everyllungjin the hardware <'ove and tin lino. HE WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD. Call at his store before'huylrji elserwheire. and reiiairing promptly .ittended to »S"Reu)eMii>iM-', «-xt ra goo I l>arg:iiub can ai «? ivt- l»e obtained at llowe'3. McHenryt Dec. 1, W. County G. A- R, Directory. RICHMOND POST NO 286. third Friciaj evenings of DR.S. r, BENNETT. Com. »CK POST, NO 108. third Monday evenings B. N. SMITH. Com. NTTNDA P08T, NO . ijfacsssst4. ""rt W*. BITTLKR, Oom. HARVARD POST, NO 255. Meets the second and fourth Monday even ings bt each month. TILT II. TI WOODRPPF. Com. MARKMIO I'OST, No. 169, Fourth Friday J. B. RABCOCK, Oom. - Meets eve-v .Second and eningS of each month. w r I N f l o w s Vineyard^ Roller Skates. "A .laekusa Ratterjr." 1 noHoed at the battle of Chantilly in Anjj ,l$ni. n very (limimitive battery «vf field gnns. enoii gun nnd caisson be ing drawn by a single mule, f was in formed at tl »• time, it was known as "Gen. SigeTs Jaokass Battery." Can auv comrade inform me where the said battery was raised, and any particulars as to size of. jjuns, etc.--WILLIAM H. EARL, Co, C, 2!st Mass., 70 State St, Boston. For the best; most durable and easiest run ning Holler -kates get the -'VINEY Alll>." i'l the principal Rinks are using t'ie "V i X K Y A It I)" Roller. Put up in <ill Clamp, Half Clamp and Strappod Oowplcte. Tlie demand for these skates is so great that thev are kept in stock hy all principal har l- ware dealers throughout the country. ufactured by the Inventor and Patentee SAMUEL WINSLOW, WORCESTER, MASS. DONT YOU FORGET ITr ASA W. SMITH, --OF-- Woodcock, - Backed by Million of money. IXOEMXITT against damage by' ri;.;' tightng 'WlinJ""m'rW«, CYCLONES AND TORNADOES. Drop ine a postal card audi will visit you; call on me and I will write you a policy, and w.ien either or any of these" destructive ele. ments devastates your property, happy will you be'if you hold one of my policies, for I Will sureiv visit you, ind .minister untojyou. will not forsake you. • A IS A TT. SMITH, cfm'l lnsuanee A a' J. P. SMITH, WATCHMAKER % JEWELER, UcHenry, - Illinois. REWS. As Fine a Stock of Watches, Clocks ancf Jewelry. in be fonnd in the county, which I offer .t prices thai cannot be beat. A Fine Stock of CHOICE CIGARS. Ci.land examine goods and learn prices. J. P. SMITH. McH*hrv. III.. July 15tn. 1835. John Helm, Algonquin, III., DEALER IN * 5, Hardware, Stores, Tiawars, In short, we keep everything n the above mentioned lines, which we are offe.ingto the buy- in public as cheap as any other (louse in this section. SPRING GROVE ILL. Sales ot Stock, Farming Tools and Goods of all kinds attended to on the most TEEMS, -AND- Satisfaction Guaranteed. ('all on or Address 'C. C. Andrews, Spring Crve, 111. Spring 3rove, Sept, 30th, 1885. , ll-ll-lim Another Funny story About Gen. Sherman Genera] Sherman IS one of the most popular men in Washington, judging by the demand for him at social enter tainments. He rarely, if ever, dines at home. As-lie goes out 80 regularly he sometimes forgets where he is to go. The .other night he came out on his doorstep In 'a gr 'at hurry. He was in dinner dress, hut hesitated *fter he came nit*-of the daor. Mrs. Sherman, Who was la the hull, asked what was ihe iiiattor. ' My George." said the General, "I was lo £0 to dinner soiue- w/iiere to uig' and to save my I have forgotten • man came to the .C to eld General Van roing quietly up the * e goes General Tan V at dinners where i it follow him, and j>e.*.M "My George, what, a splendid id<*a! I can't miss it following th:T !n-,'V Van Vliet can be tnt-'ed to lirnl ••til the dinner places.' ' k ill inl TiVimU not return, It was safe to conclude be found the right place. blanked. blPSS" where." ilis„ iloor. nud. polu liet who W;- street, said, ' Vliet. lie is >: yon :uo invit- <„ go in where lie JOHNSBUllGH Call and See m 1 JOBBNG & REPAIRING, PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. JOlIN HKI.M. Algonquin. Feb. 18. 1885. Plows! Plows! P. HAUPERISCH, McHenry, Illinois, vV jii" I inform the f-irmers of Me,Henry and •'I 'ronndiug country that he is prepared to sell" them a F1RST-CLASS PLO W, An 1 warrant the mtne.st a tower price than jam *>e purchase'! elsewhere ii\ the county, HENRY MILLER, --DKALBB IN-- Ai< <irds Of BLACKSMITH1NG, WAGON m l ' ARlilAUE work promptly attended to. . tE PAIR ING, t:». kinds on short notice. •^"Gtve i<1 we will please you both in quaiiti n ' • nee of work. P. HAUPERISCH. ' Mutlenryi IlLa Oct. 7th, lS8i. Fiireip and American Marlle, Scotch and American Granite MONUMENTS, TABLETS, HE A DSJOA ES CEMETERY COPING, ETC. JOIINSBUBGH, ILI,. Orders Solicited. Good Work Guaranteed. Poet'Office Address McHENRY, ILL. * ; LORILLARDS G,iant ;r chew takes PLOWSHARE TH° ""•"iji ii/v Ask y°ur m Li w \A m Dealer for it Company K ' Hound-Head*." Ootti|i in'y E of the 100th Pa., entered the sorvioe 'under command of Captain Samnel Bentlej-.^ I.eft home on the 27th of August, 1861. with 110 men, a» a coir pany'could not be sworn in -vith tnore than 101, a number were tr«n ferred r,o other companies. Two coon after Joined the company and waited, without pay. until there was a vacancy by discharge or death rather tliah go into other companies. In September, 1802, five more Joined the company and took the place of those wh« had been killed In the second Bull Run fight, ard of these fWe only one live ! to ?et home. In February. 1861,35 more joined the company, takings the places of deceas ed and discharged members; of these seven were killed In battle soon after, and three more never lived to get home. Only a few of the entire com pany escaped without wounds, and the in ijority of these wer* ones who sick ened in the Soui hern sw^inps and were sent to lio.fpiuls before the fighting commenced. In Mart'h the company was filled up again witli 4S more, luak'ng a total of 1!U. Of tlte 10 numbers of company E, wh >ee nam * commenced with -\V, only two lived to £<n hotne. Two were killed in battle, two died in rebel pris on®. two in cain(>, and two la hospitals. --Xetr Castte Se.wtt. Scott, Orant., and Fish. I was at West Point In 1865 and siw Grant'and Gen. Scott meet each other for the rirst tjjne. Grant had been un der Scot t in M<*xi •«», but had no chance to get very near itiiu. Scott !ook«d to be about eight feet high. As ^Grant came up the steju of the hotel with a blush on his fac.;, he reached his hand to the great, hti^: giant. Not long afterward 1 went to the funeral of Gen. Scott at West i'- i it. After Gen. Gra-it had gone aero country hon- f Serene t iosp i ta ' the s t n i ton an Mr. F i«h ?*' I iad been gov« river to Mr. Fish's I partaken of the t here came back to i i re d : "Who is this ml'* him Miat Fish of N - w York, sena tor from New-York, and waa descended from old Peter -mnyvesant, the hero of Washington Irving. In "the course of t ime Grant inv i ted Fish into his cabl - net.--Boston Globe. "• Marmaduke and PrflntiH, An iuterestin* incident happened in Chicago the other day. In which Gen, Marmaduke was concerned. He went over to see the panoramic view of the buttle of Sliiloh which is ;>elng exhib ited trfere.and was greatly entertained by the strikingly realistic view that was spread out before him. > As the Colonel of a regiment of confederate troops lie had taken an active and memorable part In the great battle, and he could easily discover 01 the broad canvas, the t'aaiiiiar locali ties., He was particularly interested in one where his command had met a galling and overw lie lining fire from the division of the Federal Gen. Pren> tiM, who was afterwards captured with- 2.000 men by the Confederates. Marma duke was closely scanning the ground where he and his men were twice re pulsed by Prentiss, when some one at bis elbow said, MAre you not/General Marmakuke?" 4*I am," was the reply. "You were in the battle of Shi job?" "I was, and I had a devilish hot time of it right along there,' ' pointing to the spot referred to. "Gen. Marmaduke,1* continued the stranger, "al ow me to introduce you to Gen, Prentiss, who was al*o at the battle of Sliiloh." They had never seen each other be fore, but they were pretty well ac qualnted, and shook hands cordially. I'hls is wliat might be called a singular coincidence. or the Soldier. If I were asked where, among men, could be found an entire absence of selfishness, I should answer it would be found the nearest to perfection among soldiers, well officered, well drilled and well disciplined, who felt that they were fighMn^ in a good ciuse. Here selfishness seems to disappear. I will be pardoned, I trust, If I recall an jnci dent In my own experience. It wai the night after the battle of Corinth (the 4lh of October, 1S62), when every one was well nigh utterly exhausted. About 3 o'clock In the morning of rlie 5th, while jn pursuit of the et.emy, one of those temporary halts, morn trying than the swinging march, occurred. Without overcoat or blanket I dropped on the ground. I was conscious that it was damn and jold, but I was soon hal.' asleep, arid shhering wlth„ the cold. Suddenly I felt that a warm blanket was being wrapped about me. I wa- sufflclently awake to enjoy the co nfort It brought. After a half hour, perhaps, had passed, the way was clear 'or 119 to proceed. I was tWSn fully awake and reaMzed'that some one had kindly de prived himself of his only blanket to add to my comfort. . Diligent Inquiry failed to discover the soldier that had made the sacrifice and to this dty I am Ignorant ns to who the man \Vas who did me such a 1 indues*. It may seem ms" the act or a morft'tna --Gen. J. IF. Sprague's Memorial Ad dress The State Dairymen's tlon> Associn- . The Illinois State Dairymen's Asso ciation w]ll meet In Adelphi Hall. Belvidere. on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, Dec. 9, 10 and 11. Many prominent persons and leaders In the dairy interest of the country are ex pected to be present to address* the meeting, and it is intended, If possible to make this one of the most in erect ing and successful conventions ever held by this Association. There will lie both day and evenln c sessions, and It is hoped that the citizens of Belvi dere and Boone county will give It a little of their attention and aid the Committees in £he entertainment of the guests who wil' be present. Belo.v we give au outline of the programme to be presented during tha convention --of thosa who will give addre^se^ or read papers: "**" Mayor F. S. Whitman will giv-* the ad.lresg of welcome to the Association, which will be responded to by the President, Mr. H. B. Gurler of DeKalb, and the Secretary. Mr. R. P, McGliucy of Elgin. Mr. J. C. Lambert of Belvidere--sub- v~- ject, "Farming." Prof. C. E. Mann of Geneva--subject "Leisure hours on. the farm.* Lovejoy Johnson of Stillmau Valley --subject. '"Has the bottom dropped out of the dairy business." W, A. 'Boies of Marengo-- subject, "My experience in Dairying," Prof. Henry of Madison, Wi*„--sub ject, "The value of corn fodder In the production of milk." Horton Gillis of Big Foot-- ,4Gather- ed cream work," W. R. Hosretterof Mt. Carroll--sub ject, "Profit and loss In Dairying.* E. L. Lawrence of Belvidere--sub ject, "Bookkeeping on the farm." Col. T. D. Curtis, of Syracuse, N". Y., will deliver an address, the subject of which will be announced in due time. i Prof. George E. Morrow, of the Uni versity of Illinois--subject, "Stock and grain growin t with d drying." It is expected that Gev. Oglesby will be present on the evening of ihe 10th, and deliver an address. The evening sessions will b> inter spersed with music which Will be in charge of H. C. Boutwell. Julius G. Lombard jj»t Chicago, the well-known soloist, will be in attendance. There will be reduced rates on all the rail roads. Rooms will be provided far tire dis play of dajryJtnpleavetit? ind machin ery, and it is hoped these will be well represented. Frte ontertainmeut will be furnished to all visitors. tt^A youngster joyfully assured bis mother, the other day, that he b*d found out where lliey made horses; he h\d seen a man finishing one--'he was Just uiUUng ou liis lafct root." OCR WASHINGTON tETIER. Special Correspondent to the Plaindealer. WASHINGTON, D. C., NOV. 30, 1385. The unexpected and sudden death of •-"< Vice President Hendrfcks baa plunged fhe city in gloom, and men of all ties forgetting his shortcomings remember and speak only of his good? ness and honesty and unvaried integrl- ty. The Public Buildings are alt j heavily draped in mourning, the iecor* » ations being more elaborate than those for the late Ex-President L\ S. Grant. £ The death of the Vice President bag ' had the effect to invite the attention v of all parties to the question of tho Presidential succession, and it seemc * clear that one of, the first acts of tb# new Congress wiil be to pass a law governing this subject.' Many scheme# ; are proposed but the one receiving th$ most favbr appears to be that proposed! J Tby Senator Hoar, of Massachusetts^ which passed th« Senate at its la<>| " " " i o n . I t p r o v i d e s t h a t i n c a s e o f - -- ^ - death 8r disability of both the Presi< f dent and Vice Presi lent elect, the 'M succession Shall be through the Secre* ' tarv of State and the other cabinet •Ministers In the order of^thelr import* ance, and that such successors shall holt), for the term tor which the President was elected, thus obviating the callii of a special election or disturbing plan of an election each four years. This plan! received the almo«t tin ant* mous support of both parties in the * Senate, bnt was defeated In the Hous- by the introduction in that body of substitutes known as the Eaton bill. One of the objectionable features o this bill provided for a special election -if the unexpired term was more than one year, and under its operation two elections for President might be had in one year. 0 The fact Is that the Presidential term should be extended to six years and a second terra fori hidden, and anr bill that provides der any circumstances for an election ^ more frequently should be defeated. As we have heretofore stated, in tb®S|| organlzai iou of the next House tl will be tin opposition jn the Dem cratic ranks to the re-election i Speaker Carlisle, of Kentucky, ft It also equally certain that Hon. John B. Clark, of Missouri, wil! be re-elected* Clerk, Mr. Leedotn, of Ohio, Serjeant-1 at-Arms, and Mr. Dalton, of Indiana, Postmaster. The only other office of importance is that of Doorkeeper, fc candidates, viz.: Mr. Samnel Donelson, of Tennessee, and (MMI, Jaang li. Coil, of Connecticut. This fight will,be an interesting one, as showing the disposition of the Dem ocratic party towards the eastern Democrats and Federal Soldier ele« ment. The election of Mr. Donaldson would give three of five elective officer# to the south and not one of the five a Federal Soldier, while It would a>60 concentrate ihese offices about thet Central States or in the group of States! bordering on the Ohio and Mississippi a out their confluence^ General Colt was a gallant soldier who entered the service as a private and reached the rank of Brigadier-General^in the late unpleasantness, and bears on his person honorable scars in defense of the Union of the States. The death of Vice President Hen* dricks has thrown a shadow particular ly over the so< iety people of the Capi* tai, among whom it was expected Mrs. Hendricks would occupy a leading; . p ace, and it is now stated that,the season proper will not open until after the holiday recess, and will be inausru- rated by the President's reception, January 1st, 1886, Society, therefore, will have to be content for the next month with quiet home re-unions and the excitement the theatres afford. , Washington is better supplied will* ;" theatres than ever before in it- history, the National, Albiugh's. Ford's, an<| Herzog's being all nice cozy establish* meats, and capable of accommodating*. the visiting and resident population. : So far this season the character or quality of the plays presented fa as not been up to the. standard required by-l l Washington's discriminating theatre- goers." v The statement industriously circulat ed by the enemies of General Log tn» ' that he has taken any part whatever in the movement for his election aa President Pro-Tem. of the Senate, 1# false In every particular. Senator ' Logan has not had a wort) to say on the subject, and has not made a move in that direction. It may be stated* however, that he will be selected. Of GENKKAI. COXOEKX.--One t!.ot»- and lady and gentlemen agents wan ted at once :« introduce our latest andE ^ most popular publication--"House wife's Delight."-- a large, dur-ble bound, elegantly printed, handso uely; Illustrated and the most complete cook; ; book and general guide lor the proper \5Sj Hitiduct ol tlte household ever Issued., , -f^ It retails at 92.00 ar?d sells at s!giit the ladies. Send 35 cents by postal note to tnyrer postage, cost of psokinsr etc..'an<l we will send you an elegant sample If you mean business and de sire to take advantage of this golden opportunity to <"ake money easily and rapidly. If you are otherwise engaged please show this to some reputable person wHio is out of employment*. Address, B. K. FUCHT, Lewisburgh, Pa, Box. D. w The Nickel B iru Doer Roller. liiM>wlfil^f«i In" all In be the heal thing of rti» kind on the tntrket, for ^Ue by John I. Story.