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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 9 Dec 1885, p. 5

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fr* piantaler. WEDNESDAY. DEC. 9. 1886. MASON 13 Monamtr LODOK, NO. IOS A. F. and A. M.-- Ittnlw Communications the Saturday on or lemre the full of the moon and every two •reeki thereafter. OHAS. C. COLBT, W. M. MCRffRT JKAPTKS NO. Si R. A. MRegu- ir Gonvoca.ions held on the second and tourth Friday • in each moneh. JOHtT^BVAHSOLT, H. P. Railroad Time Table. On and after Monday, June 11, Trains Will pass McRenry station as below: OOIJCQ BOOTH.: » Geneva Lake Passenger ...,7:W A. X Sonera Lake Express .8:26 " Geneva Lake Freight 12:45 p. n Geneva Lake Passenger 8:96 '• not*o Hoara.k Geneva Lake Freight 9-11 a. K Seneva Lake Passenger..... . 10:00 " Geneva Lake Express 4:48 p. it ienevaLake Passenger... .6:67 " B. BUBS, Agent. McHenry, III Go ancl ie« the "Ocean Walf' at Riverside Hall to-night. THE Riverside Skating Rink will be open on Saturday evening as usual. Rsv. L. W. BBIGHAM willpreach In ilie Unlversallst church on Sundav next Dec. 13tb, at 10:30 A. M. and 730 p. M. SHERIFF UDELL was over hire one day last week su.nmoning jurymen for the January term of Circuit Court. F. K. ORANGER shipped two cars of HOgs and one car of Cattle from this Station to-day, Wednesday. OUB merchants counters and win­ dows begin to remind the people that it is time to begin thinking about the approaching holidays. ATTENTION Is called to the new ad­ vertisement of the Wauconda Drug Store and Book Haunt, to be found in another place in this paper. COLD weather cave us a sudden call Sunday, and on Monday morning the thermometer registered 14 degrees be­ low zero In this section. A trifle too sharp to begin with. Do not fail to readme new adver* tlsement of C. V. Steven?. ttTbejfound In another place in this paper. He is offering bargains which you cannot aflord to lose. THEBE will be a Social by the Ladies of the Universalis^ Society, at the residence of ff. A. Crlsty. on Friday evening of this week, Dec. 11 (h, All are cordially Invited. - A MAN is wiser for his learning, an^ the sooner he learns that the only prop­ er way to cure a cough or cold Is to use Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup, the better he is off. t-. • A SEVERE snow storm this Wednes­ day morning was accompanied by sharp lightning and heavy thunder. Will some old weather prophet tell us what this portends? THAT Santa Ciaus has established his Headquarters In Wauconda at Gold Ing Bros., Is a fixed fact, and therefore If you are looking for Holiday Goods, from five cents worth up, don't fall to call at this store. Read their adver­ tisement. THE McHenry Public School will close for the term on Frld ty of next week with an entertainment by the teachers and scholars, the proceeds to be used for the purpose of paying the balance due on the Organ. \ full pro­ gramme will appear next week. For the treatment of rheumatism, gout, neuralgia, tic douloureux, semi- srania, sciatica. Ac,, Salvation Oil should be applied to the parts affected and thoroughly rubbed in, eo as to reach the seat of the disease. It kills pain. Price 35 cents a bottle. THB road on the East side of the * river, running South,Is being graveled and otherwise repaired lu asubstsntlai manner, making a long needed Im­ provement in that direction, for which those having the work in charge will receive the thanks of the traveling community. THE German church, at Johnsburgh, have lately received three new bells, which they are raising to their posi­ tions in the Towers, ot the Churzh, this week. The largest one weighs 3.600 pounds, the next one 2,000, and the smallest one 1,300 pounds. When in their proper positions they can be heard at a great distance. GEOUGB DINGER, son of Squire Dingee, who runs the Woodstock Pickle Factory, shot himself through the heart on Saturday morning last, at his home In Rivenswood, III. He hall been on a protracted spree, and in a Ht of despondency took his own life. He was 31 years old and had beep married eight years, . 1 " ^ HENRY SIMES, the West Side Black­ smith and Wagon Maker, whose shop Is opposite the Parker House. Is doing a rushing business about these days. He Is working both early and late to keep up with his orders. He makes Horse shoeing a specialty and is now making his own shoes Instead of buy­ ing the patent turned ones, and guaran tees satisfaction In every particular. WB have received, through the courtesy ot the Emporja (Fla.) Gazette, • sample of Florida mistletoe (a para­ site aud a native of Florida), which It will send to any address upon receipt ot-five 2 cent postage stamps to cover postage, etc. The Gazette has pub­ lished a "Florida Catechism," that give* full and accurate information upon all subjects of Interest to tourists or settlers, which It will mall, to any applicant, with a sample copy of Its paper, upon receipt of 2 two cent stamps. Buy a box" of Campbell's Baking Powder (every box warranted to give satisfaction) and get an elegant prize. Foun J only at Perry ft Owes's. WB learn that at the Aanual Meeting of the McHenry Agricultural Board, held at \Voodstock on Monday last, the following officers were elected: * President.-- Thos. McD. Richards. Secretary.--A S. Wright. r ̂ Treasurer.--Asa W, Sin tli. General Superintendent. -- Barton Wright. RIFLE MATCH--At Volo, III). Thurs­ day. Dec. 24. 1885. Prize, ̂ Beef. The animal to be le^j on the ground, and after the Match, to be butchered dressed and quartered, and disposed of as follow*: Each man has a Target, and the one who makes the most cen­ ters has first choice, next man second choice, next third choice, next fourth choice, and the fifth man the hide. Distance Shooting 60 yards, with dead rest,. Entrance fee 81.00. Also Glass Ball Shoot at 1 o'clock sharp. Also Turkeys to be shot for at long and short rauge. No pains Will be spared to make this one of the best matches ever gotten up In Lake County. Head­ quarters at J. N. Barrus'Restaurant and Lunch Room. THERE aro many young men in this vicinity who are out of work or earn­ ing onlv half the pay they should re­ ceive. To all such we say, first get a business education, qualify yourself for better positions and better pay and you will gel them. The cood posi­ tions with good salailes are being constantly captured by those who have educated and qualified themselves in some good Commercial College. Do not postpone this matter until some future time, but get a business educa­ tion this winter. Write a letter or a postal to Mr. O. M Powers, Principal of the Metropolitanw-Buslness College, of Chicago, for a catalogue. That in- titut'on stands as high as any in the land, and if our young men woul£ go there and spend a tew months, they would find it a rich investment. THE examination of Stephen Bader. who was arrested for the murder of Bodine, near Libertyville, in May last* set for last Thursday, was, on account of the large number of witnesses and the great interest taken in the case, set for hearing in the Grand Jury room in the court house. At the calling of tho case the counsel for the defense entered a motion for a continuance un­ til next week. The motion was argued by counsel on both sides and finally the hearing was set for neat Wednesday forenoon at 10 o'clock. The people are represented by Charles Whltney.States Attorney, and C. T. Hey decker. Esq., and the prisoner IK represented by Messrs. D. L. Jones and Reuben W. Coon. The examination promises to be interesting and hotly contested.-- Waukegan Gazette. REPORT of McHenry' Public School for the -month ending November 25th, 1885: HIGHER DEPARTMENT. Whole No. registered 43 Present membership... 42 Attendance,- average percent 92 Punctuality. average per cent 99 •Roll ot Honor.--Mattie Smith, 93 Ed th Carpenter,90; Christina Buss, 95 Birdie Neill, 91; Delia Gage, 92; Anna Nordquest, 96; Wallace MoiVy, 94. J. J VASBV, Prln, INTERMEDIATE DEPARTMENT. Whole No. registered ..44 Present membership. 44 Attendance,average percent 78 Punctuality, average per cent 98 •Roll of Honor.--Agnes Colby, Maud Colby, Stella Morey, Nina Wells, Florence Searls, Effie Kennedy, Katie Laughliu, Frank 'Smith. CLARA L. WIQHTMAH PRIMARY DEPARTMENT. Whole No. registered 38 Present membership 38 Attendance, average percent....... 85 Pun auality, average percent.... 100 Names of pupils neither absent nor tardy, whose deportment is 100 and scholarship average 90 or oyer,--Harry Wlghtman, Villa Morey. Willie Colby, Willie Neill. Dora Colby. Edith Walsh, Edgar Bishop, Willie Bishop. Frank Colby, Harry Fay. NETTIE M. PAIGE. •Embracing those pupils who were perfect in department, attendance and punctuality, and whose general'scholar- ship average was 90 or above. Tone up your system by the use of Ayer's Sarsiparllla. It will make you feel Like a new person. Thousands have found health, and relief from sufi ering, by the u*e of this great blood purifier, when All other means failed Looking Through a Teloscopo Large crowds were observed last week guthered around a Telescope man at the coiner of Eighth and Market Streets. Our reporter stopped to as certain the cause of so much exrir* ment, pale1 his five centg'for a look and discovered across the face of the moon at .which the "scope" was pointed. "Best thing for a cold--Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup." He just concluded that Dr. Bull was a high old advertiser, and that Bull's Cough Syrup was't'ie best thing out. Some one had stuck a strip with those words Hcrops the glass. Philadelphia. Pa., Traveler„ Forty years' experience. In ev«ry clime, has proven Ayer'e Cherry Pec­ toral to be the most reliable remedy for colds, coughs and lung diseases, 'olds shoulk not be neglected. The Pectoral will prevent thair beconin^ deep seated In thfe system. 1--a-- MARRIED. * JVBB3TBR--PAIGK --On the second lnst» at the residence ofWm. Paige, father of the brMe. Mr. Eugene B. Webster, of Vermont to Jdiss Nettie M. Paige, of West Me Henry. Judging from the number of neigh bors and friends pretext, and the vat- lety and value of the presents, we udge that Nettie will be fortunate In­ deed if her circle of friends in her new home shall equal that she leaves here. We sincerely hope it may. We could but see in this union a new link bind­ ing together the East and the West. Another thought suggested itself; I. It was another Installment paid of the debt the "Sucker State" owes to the old "Green Mountain State," which has furnished so many grand wives and mothers for our western boys. Illinois never repudiates, and although loath to part with our girls, yet God willing will pay our debts. So '"Gene" if you see any more ' Green Mountaiu\ Boys" odd, lonely and unmateJ, give ,em Horace Greeley's advice, 'Go West 3'oung man, go West" and we doubt not :hey will find som > of Illinois' fair daughters willing to sojourn a thous and miles nearer sunrise. * For Sale* A few choice Brown Leghorn Cock­ erels. Call early to be sure of getting something choice. Price fl.60 >ach Two for 82.59, W. A. CRISTT. We have put o it a box of Shoes and marked them 50 cents a pair. They cost from 91.00 to 92.25. Look them over. C. V. STEVENS Examine the celebrated Badger State Overalls. Jackets and Shirts at Bonslett A Stoftel's. Wear and work manship warranted on above, &nt Dress^Flannels at Perry A Oweo'cT / AKDRKWS-4IENDERSON.--At the home of the bride's parents, near Barreville, Deo. 2, 1985, by Rev. J. M. Coulee, Mr. T. C. An­ drew s and Miss Agnes M lienderso young­ est daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. Henderson. The wedding was a private one, none but near relatives of the contracting parties being present. After the customary congratul ations, etc., a bountiful repast was served and having stored the inner mau with sumptuous viands and spending ths short evening in a social manner, the company look their departure, wishing them heavens choicest good, thus starting the young couple out on life's voyage with every prospect of a fair life before them, he being an industrious young -mslness man, oossessing all the tact necessary t.> make success and accompanied by a bride possessing many goOQ traits of both mind and heart, and in every way worthy of being mistress^over all he may possess. The best wishes of a host or friends follow them to their new home in Woodstock. MARRIED--At the M. E. Parsonage in McHenry, by Rev. J. M. Conlee, D®c. 2.1885, Mr. John F. Wendt and Miss Gertie Wllley. both of Nunda, III. How rapidly whirl the cycles of time; From infnnt lo youth, from youth (oonr prime Frr>m manhood to age, from ag<- to the tomb; That home for us, of darkness and gloom. Though weighted with care, each year rolling bv, Brings joy to the heart and light to the eye; Ami, '-live while you live" as motto prevails ite's ship floating giyly, with broad-spread- ing sails. 'Tls thus, as we travel on life's rntsted road, Mid pleasures and sorrows full oft hare we trode; Now goaded with pain, with suffering dis-' tressed; Now, gleetul and happy, the blest ot the blest Reflections, like these, unbidden arise; As, passing in view, 'fore memory'" eves; Reflections of youth, of mnnhoo<t and age. Come crowding amain, my thoughts to engage. While thinking of you, my own brother dear, This day, of all days, for you, in such vear, Brings vision'ry phanUmt frem mem'ries ' store, And tells of enjoyment ,in bright days of yore. II tells of onr mother, now salnte<l above ; 11 tells of ber kindness, an<l inotherlv love; It teils ot our father, long since passed away, Tojoinher in mansions, where all is bright day. To von of a daughter, she passed all too soon, As a rose bud or l>eauty lies withered in June She slept, and while sleeping, a voice from the skies. Came irnto her saying. "Fair daughter arise. Rut not. all of woe, our thoughts to engage, There are many bright sides on life's turning page, Which bid us recall the many bright scenes, The sunshine of Joy, contents "go.den" mean. Our years have been many, our fortunes, though small. Have brought us a name, far hotter than all Of Vanderbili's gold, or Uould's 'normous wealth, A conscience untroubled, ensuring our health So now, as we travel, approaching the goat, The end of this life, the birth of the sou1. Let's travel together, in thought and In mind, Content with our lot, to our fate all resigned. You eount, on this day, ot years Sixty-eight, While for Sixty-six, I've only to wait TilK" <iay, in December, shall number thir­ teen, How short is the span the measure between. Tis thus, my dear brother, our "three score and ten" Of years once allotted by God unto men, tlave almost consluded our struggles with life, Ami seon will have ended both pleasure and strife. " . Here's health to our friends, forgiveness to foes. Here's hope for the future unmlngled with .woes, Content for the p.esent, blight dreams of the rast, heavenly visions secured at the last. --A. W . 9. Woodstock, III., Nov. -IS, 1885. ' . HEBRON- Eurroit PLAINDEALE**--Dt-cember came In like a Hon. . T ; Dr. Herricks brother. Iron! Lake Geneva, was In town Friday. Mrs. H. K Baldwin Intends to sp<Mtd a few days with her parents at Crystal Lake. Mrs. Snowdys' sister, of Geneva, Vis­ ited with her last week. Miss Smith, a friend of Mrs. Dart, Is spending^* few weeks visiting here. Misses Rett and Nett Van'Hoozen, from Greenwood, spent Saturday and Sunday with their sister, Mrs. Frank Kwwe, Mr, and Mrs. P, H, Woollrom, of Harvard, visited friends here one day last week. Rev. G. H. Wells will begin a series of revival meetings tlila week. Mrs. Warsaw and her daughter and sou, from Kansas, spen' last week with her brother. Win. Parsons. A few of the Ring wood boys came to the entertainment Friday evening, got stormed In and had to spend the night- "Our Boys"' have organized a series of clu » dances to be held during the winter. Music will be furnished by Slocum's Orchestra. Tickets oitly sev­ enty five cents The first party will be given Friday evening, Dec, 18th. All are very cordially invited to at­ tend. On account of the Inclemency of the weather Friday night, the Dramatic Troop held forth "Driven from Home" to an ajudienc) somewhat less than a hundred. The entertainment will be repeated Saturday evening, Dec. 12th. Pin thl& In your hat. Is it the fashion or free trad-i'.'where articles are borrowed and not returned for severr.1 months, then the owner having use for, writes for them, they are returned--by express, C. O. D and the owner pays the express charges. Those are the kind of ^borrowers" they have over at Richmond. Holiday Goods. ' We offer a maguifioient line of goods suitable for holidty gifts, consisting of ladies^ and gents' silk handkerchiefs and mufflers at from thirty five cents to four dollars apiece; ladies' and childrens fancy bordered, hem stietied, emhr ddered and l ice handkerchief's at from live cents to three dollars apiece ; ladles' Spanl-h lace -oarfs and ties; lace collars, ficliues and gilt edged ruchlngs, ladies hand sachets, shop­ ping bags and real Russia leather pocket-hooks, ladlei w >rk boxes in oilk and velvet Hued, dressing cases, writing de»k*. portfolios, autograph albums, hand mirrors, fine brushes and combs, Lublin's perfumery and toilet soaps ge<itV neckwear in silk ties, silk and »atin stocks, some extra fine goods In white table linens, and napkins to, match; a No turkey red damasks, gents* cardigan jickets, kid lined gloves and fur caps, l'o those wishing to invest In silk.satin or woollen dress goods of any kind we offer bargains never be­ fore heard of in this place. B. A. MURPHY & Co., Woodstwk. A Doctor Wanted. We have noticed among our ex changes such phrases as are set forth below, and would like some doctor of anatomy to describe the part iudicated* -- rable Talk. He kissed her passionately upon her reappearance.-- lefferton Souvenir. She whipped him apon his return.-- Hawkeye He kissed her back.--Constitution. She seated herself upon ills entering. --Albia Democrat. Mr. Jones walked In upon her Invita­ tion --Electric Light. We thought she sat down on her be* ing asked.--Saturday Goneip. She fainted upon his departure.-- Lynn Union. CUTTERS- A Large of flue Cutters and Robes at Low Pri vs. at. E. M OWEN A SON'S. Great Cloak Sale. In order to reduce stock as low as possible before the first of January we have determined to close out our stock of Cloaks rega'dless of cost. We .offer Misses and Childrens Cloaks at 91.00 apiece and up. Ladies Sackfi in Black and Colors at $2 00. former price 95 00. Ladles Ulsters at 92.00 and 93.0", for­ mer price 96.00. Ladies Short Wraps 95.00 to 97 00, former price 912 to 917. Newmarkets in Brocaded Mattelasse at 96.00 to 912, reduced from 920 and 925. These goods are all of this season's make, fashionable and desirable, and at the prices now named no such bar­ gains have ever been offered to the people of this county. Call early so that you can select while the assort­ ment Is good, E. A. MCRPHT A CO. Woodstock. III. Fur Caps, Scotch Caps, Cloth and Knit Caps l^i good variety and cheap at Booslett A StoffePs. Our Chicago Market Report. Prepared Expressly for the PLAINDEAI.KR by Our Own Correspondent. CHICAGO, D»c. 8.1885. WINTER WHEAT-NO, 2 red 95; No. 3 red 77. SPKINO WHEAT--No. 2 88; No. 3 74c: No. 1 liard (Minneapolis) 91c. No. 1 hard (Duliith market; 93c. CORN--No.2 41E; No. 3 26@30c. OATS--No 2 29c; No 3 by sample 26@30i;; Barley Oats 32@33. Urn--No 2 by «a nple. 61. BARLEY--No. 2 By sample 65. TIMOTHY SEED--Poor to good, 91.65 FLAX--No 1. 91.12 CLOVER--Po«r to choice, 95.60. BUCKWHEAT--Prime. BRANS--O»ol e hand picked. 91.60 POTATOES--35@56c per bushel. BCTTER--Creamery fancy 24 to 26c; dairy to choice I7@18c; common grade Eoos-Good fresh Northern. 19@20c. CHEESE--Young America I0cj; full cream Cheddar 9; skiinmed 7c. POULTRY--Chickens 6@7c; Turkeys 6@10c. C\TTLE--Giod to extra shippers 95 75 to 96 00; cominor, to good 95 00 to 95.60; hurdlers steers 93 75 to 94 00; •tickers 92.35 to 93.60; Tex <ns 3 10. HOGS--Liifht weight 93.60@93 70 rough packing 93.50@93 70; heavy packing and shipping 93.90. SHEEP--Common to choice 93.50 Felt Boots and Overshoes at lowest possible figures at Bonslett A Stoffel's, Bed Klankf ts and Kobes very cheap at Bonslett A Sioffel's. We are selling strictly all wool Underwear for men at 49e. PERRY A OWEN. We offer 20 coats each, for 92 00 each, of a common jacket. Hatchet Baking Powder only ttc at Bonslett A Si off* **•> Elegant Hanging Lamps, very tine for presents, at Perry A Owen's. < wenty pounds choic* Prunes, Dried Peaches and Dried A pies for 91.00 at Bonslett A Stoflel's. Five Gallons 150 test Oil for 65c at Bonslett A StoHH's. I have just received a stock of stylish Pantaloon Patterns; also a fine lot of 'Suitings.--none but the very best--and Trimmings to match Hie goods. Fine Cas-dmere Pants for 95.W. Good all wool business suits for 922.00, Please give me a call. ' FRED HOCK. Up Stairs, over FltxSimmons A Evan- son's Store. ' c " WAUCONDA. EDITOR PLAINDEALER:--J. E.Cobk- lin, formerly Mr. Hunt's assistant at the cheese factory,' and during the summer employed at Genoa, Is visiting Wauconda Iriends, B. C. Hill is preparing to open a meat market In the old hotel building. News has been received of the death of John W. Sensor, formerly a resident ol Gilmer. He died the 21st of Nov. in Iowa.* Herman Maiman is enjoying a lively trade In custom made clothing. It seems that he is appreciated abroad as well as at home, having just shipped a second outfit to a gentleman In Texas .Frfr^ftjkevenlng, Dec. 11th,a company ffom McHenry, under the leadership of Messrs. Cutteridge A Going, will give an entertainment in Malman's Hall. Prof.X'utterldge is well known in McHenry. He is a gentleman of ui> usual musical ability, and we have no hesitation in predicting that his con­ tribution to the entertainment will be in Itself richly worth the price of ad­ mission. Mr. Going Is so well known in this section that any statement, further than a mention of his name may seem almost superfluous, but the, fact Is there Is a temptation to enlarge lust a little when such a meritorious subject is presented, and so at"the risk of shocking slightly Frank's well known modesty, wie will say that a better negro minstrel is seldom seen In or out of Chicago. He Intends to make minstrelsy a regular business. During the summe> he has been study­ ing with that end In view, and it is said that he has Improved greatly In his specialty, a^d that in this enter­ tainment he is awfully immense. It must be confessed that there have been times when, as a whole, the McHenry troupe lias not covered Itself In Wauconda with the greatest glory possible. "They are as well aware of this fact as we are ourselves, and hence are determined to redeem themselves on this occasion. Mrs. Hope, of California, Is visiting her mother, Mrs. Rone?. Elfzn Houghton, daughter of Mr. Plrtarch Houghton, died on Thursdxy a? ernooii. Most of her life had been spent -villi her aunt in Chicago. Par 11 ally recovering from a severe sickness in the spring, it was thought that the country air would aid In gaining strength and complete recovery. Ac­ cordingly she came home to her lather's, but the improvement was not s.i rapid as was hoped, aud about six weeks ago she was again taken severe- l.v sick Little hope for tier recover* was entertained by bet friends until about a week before her death, when she seemed better, though very weak Thursday morning she grew worstf and died abmit six o'clock. The last Wankegun Gazette notices Hie marriage of Mr. Charles Johnson and Mrs. Millard, in Chicago, Nov. 25 The following MISO from tlie Gazette will be of interest to our Wauconda friends: • "On Wednesday of last week Mr. Charles F. C.illahan. formerly of Wau­ conda. in this county, and Miss Lilly McMahon. of Chicago, were united in matrimony by Rev. Father SicGmth. After the ceremony, which took place In the evening at Si. Malaciiy'a churc i. Chicago, the happy couple returned to the residence of the bride's mother, where they received the congratula­ tions of their manv friends and then departed on a wedding tour south. No formal wedding was given and none but the relatives and very intimate friends of both parties were present, bi.t notwithstanding this fact the pres ents tliey received were remarkably numerous and peculiarly costly, a mate rial and convincing proof of the very high esteem in which they are held. It is hoped th>»t on their retnp4 to Chi cago. which they will make their future home, they may be enabled to pay at least a short visit to their many friends in Wauconda. where the grooin is very widely known. But whether they will condescend to do so or not, they may at •least be assured that the earnest good vislies of a host of friends wid accom patiy i hem in their entrance upon their new life. worth 9o to 910 This Is the price Ca 1 early. C. V. STEVENS. We carry a very Uill stock of the celebrated Watertown Wl*„ Flaur.eN, noted as being nearest like the ol<l Carpentersville make of any manulic* tn ed aud will wear better. Prices the lowest. Ca'l and see them. PEKRY A OWEN Twenty pound Broken. Rice 91.00 at Bonslett A Stoflel's* For the best line of al<-wool flannels, at eighteen cents a yard and up, or a (cotton and wool plaid flannel at twelve ;cents a yard, or a Canton flannel at five cents a yard, bleached and brown mus- 11 'is at flve cents a yard and up. and th* finest assortment of «*re88 goods silks and velvets at the lowest pries, call on E. A. Murphy A Co., Woodstock in. r . Wauconda Sights Of course grow dim as age creeps on. . t then becomes necessary to procure Proptrlv Adjusted Spectacles. Scien­ tific anhority declare^ that not bin:; is ga ned bv putting ofl the use ot glasses wiien an uiinauiral difficulty In distin­ guish tig small objects by a dim light and orhei well known symptoms are observed which are removed by speuta cles. On the contrary, positive injury results tr<>m delay. The iniwcles of the eye are constantly stral ied in attempt­ ing to increase I ne power ot the lens in the eve. The len In the spectacle frame soctnnges jhe direction of the rays of l ight that this effort is no longer necessary. The muscles are re­ lieved, and the former read ness of sight is restored. Of course as age ad vances. and consequent clia ge in the li-ns of the eye, ihere must be a corres ponding change in spectacle glasses to maintain easv sight. The glasses should be accurately ground and as perfectly transparent as possible, aud held in frames so that their center will be in direct range with the center of the leus of the eye. I have t>ken great pains to be able to meet all lhete requirements for inv customers. The Optimeter siiows the number of the glass or lens required I keep c instant­ ly in sto k all the numbers, of the best lmport"d glasses, and can furnish peb bles ir desired. I have frames separate from he glasses, of diflererit widths and heights to accommodate wide faced, narrow fa^ed, high nosed and low nosed customers. 1 have cheap Irames. best steel frames, ni ;kel, com­ position and gold frames. The glasses fit t ing any frame, you can select an oili t i t of almost any quality and price desired. I shall be glad at any time to try your eves and see if you can be helped to see better. Remember that I guarantee satisfaction li; every case, so that if the new glasses fail to give additional relief, i t will cost you noth­ ing but your time and trouble iu test­ ing them. JOHN HUMPHBBT. We buy our Goat Robes direct from the manufacturers and can give you jobbers prices. PBBKJ A OWBX. A 3BN3IBLE MAX Would use Kemp's Balsam4 for the Throafand Lungs. It Is curing mote cases of Coughs. Asthnt, Bronchitis, Croup, and all Throat and Lung Troubles, than any other medicine. The proprietor has authorized Geo. W. Besley to refund your money If, after taking three-rourths of a bottle, relief is not obtained. Price 50 cents and 91. Trial size free. For sale In McHenry by Goo. W. Besley. The best line of men's and boy's ready made suits and overcoats to be • ound in McHenry cbunty Is now on exhibition at our store. Call early and secure something that Is nobby and neat. E. A. Murphy A Co., Wood­ stock, III. BRAN AND MIDDLINGS! At Bonslett A Stoflel's. For Tash, One hundred new aud stylish Cloaks at nearly half price, to close out at Fltzsimmons A Bvanson's, McHenry. We have the finest stock of Under­ wear. Prices the lowest. PERRY A OWEN. Clothes Wringers, both the Novelty and Universal. Your choice for 92.7S at John I. Story's. -* Two hundred Overcoats at greatly reduced prices, to close out for cash. FITZSIMMONS ft EVAffsoir, Holiday Goods of every description at Perry A Owen's. We wish to remind our friends and patrons that we are prepared to make any prices cut or regular thai may be made. We appreciate your patronage and will always protect vou in prices, Please remember we have the goods an i will sell them as cheap, aud in many Instances cheaper thau any other house in McHenry county. We will not be undersold •*. HENRY COLBY, Gloves! Glove*! Mittens! Mittens! f«r men, women and children, at Perry A Owen's. ̂ CLOAKS! CLOAKS! From 93 00 to 925.00 at Bonslett A Stoftel's. Keep one Eye open on Bargains All Wool Suits 95.00; Flrie all Wool Pants 92 00 and 93.00; Fine Dress Suits 916 00; Odd Wool Coats 92.00; Vests 25 cents, at E LAWLCS', Opposite Riverside House Call and see the splendid line of Holiday Goods at Perry & Owen's. OVERCOATS! OVERCOATS! At Bonslett A Stoftel's. Campbell's Prize Baking Powder at Petry A Owen's. Lake Deflince Herd of Poland China Swiae. C. STREET A SON, HEBRON, ILL. Have a I »r of Hogs for the market of 1885 and 1886, In th s ce ebrated herd is ilouesr I'om. years old, bred by B. T. Fowler, of Hart Prairie, Wal worth Co.. Wis., weight 890 pound". He was sired by Hoosier Tim 2d, 2571 (fl), stral is irom "Tom Corwiu 2d, 2037 (6) and Bess ..bbens 1168 (6). Hl« lam was Laay Black, 3160 (6). Thl-« Boar took first Premium at Elkliorn and Burlington, Wis. Fairs In the Fall •if '85. Is an extra sire, as his stock will show. One * Black Bess, 2 years old. sired by Hvnest Tom, weight 610 pounds, the best Breeding Sow ever owned by C. Street A Son and is called faultless by all that see her. Her get »re prool of the above statement. St eet A Son iiave a large stock ol young Pigs now marketable for breed­ ing purposes. They have spared no pains or expense to hold their-fairly earned position In the foremost rank of Breeders'. • Clothing Is cheaper than over at Perry A Owen's. OVERCOATS. Owing to an unprecedented sale on Overcoats 1 have had to duplicate JI\ early orders, and think I now can fit any man. bov, or child, both in size, style and price. Do not fall to 110k at my stock before purchasing HENRY COLBY. Good large N U U I Liiup only 9 cents it Bonslett A Stoflel's. Bed Blankets and Horse Blankets at Perry A Owen's. We have In stock at uery low prices, canned ap des, peaches, pears, plums, iprlcots, pine ap des. black berries' raspberries, cherries, blueberries, green giges, strawberries, tomatoes, corn "iiccotash, lima beans, string beans, peas, baked beans, sweet potatoes, mackerel, cove oysters, salmon, clams, lobsters, beef, etc. HENRY COLBY. Twenty-one pounds Prunes for 91 at Perry A Owen's. Red path's #3.oo Shoes* The b -n in the world for the m~n ey. Solid leather, solid sole leather counters and innersoles and are made out of firs quality calf skin, put to­ gether in an honest, substantial man ner and warranted to give satisfaction Try a pair. For sale by Henry Colby We are selling Overcoats cheaper than the cheapest. PERRT A OWEN. Rockford Flannels are said to be the most durable of any Flannels manufac­ tured In America. Try them; they are for sale at Fitzsimmons A Evanson's Holiday Goods ar Perry A Owen's. The Buford wheel sulky takes the lead, also Hapgood, Case, Skandia and Fly ng D<irchman Plow's at E. M. Owen A Son's. An elegant line of Drew Qoods at Henry Colby's. CLOAKS! CLOAKS! CLOAKS! Fineat line in the County, and it the Lowest Prices. Be 6ure and see them before purchasing. PERRY A OWEN. CLOTHING. Buying as I do, mostiv in the East. I have exclusive styles. If when In need of a suit you will take the trouble to look mv stock over, I*am confident we will make a customer of you. HENRY COLBY. Fur Cape, several different styles, at Perry A Owen's. New This Week. Mrs. H. H. Nichols was In the ci ty yesterday and bought another large b'U of goods, consisting of Ladles Hats. Bonnets and Frames. Ladies Hoods, Childrens Hoods, Jersey Caps Neckwear, all bought very low. which she intends to give the public the b>nefiitof the low prices. Call and examine before this Invoice Is culled ovor. MRS. H, H. Ntoaou ̂ - .'{1 Business Notices. , City residences for sale. Apply Asa W. Smith, Woodstock, 111. Everything In the Hardware llo««| bottom figures, at E. M. Howe's. Randall and Keystone Pulverizers. 13 and 16 inch at E. M. Owen A Son. Children's Clothing cheap at Beitff Colby's. German Knitting Tarn, all oototf. beat quality at Henry Colby's. Gloves and Mittens, good ftod cheap at Henry Colby's. Saxony Tarn, all colors at Henry Colby's, Fine line Gents Neckwear at Htiry Colby's. Forbush A Brown's Buffalo Boots • the best made at Henry Colby*s, Walking Shoes at half price to oloss at Henry Colby's. Beslfey's Famous Wankegan Ale and Porter On draught at J. Bonslett'a* A* Ite* glen's and John Helmer's. Dress Flannels good and cheap Fitzsimmons A Evanson's. A fine llneW Stove Boards, different ^ slses and styles, at John I. Story's. , /v Examine.the new styles VelvetMtt - -v J at Fitzsimmons & Evanson's. "l - ® I Cotton as well as Woolen Flannel- aold cheap at Fltsslmmons ft Evaaa son's. Bird Cages, both Brass an£ the fiiiefet assortmeut In town, at J. I. Story's. . Jersey Waists, a full supply, which will be sold at lower prices than any other store In McHenry. MRS. M. SCHUMACHAAU A n e w s t o c k o f F a l l a n d W i n t e r Mllllrery just received. Latest styles and lowest prices to be found in tho county, at Mrs. Schumacher's. The celebrated Cortland SldeSjpring Buggy Is the leader. Ask the 200 In thh oounty what they think of thorn Always on hand at E. M. Owen A Son's Ten thousand yards extra heavy Rockf <rd Fa->nel (best in the world) at liberal discount to cash buyers. PITZSIMDOMS A EVAKSOW. Two hundred pairs Mjsses Black Im­ ported Kid Gloves, sizes 6 to 6|, only 20c at Fitzsimmons A Evansons. Call at E. M. Oweu A Son's for yonfi Farm Machinery. They keep none bttt the best, and warrant everything. Notice, To those that want Tubs. Vats, Hay Racks,and anything lu mv Tne of bust* ness. Work done on «hort notice to order. Shop one door South ot Law- ius'Store, F. A. HBBABfe McHenry, Aug. 10,1885. 11-4-ly The Lyman Barb Wire, both p' and galvanlzed,decldedly the best Wire in the market, at John 1. Story's. Fine white Handkerchiefs, colored border, 5 cents each, warranted fast, at Henry Colby's, GLASS ! GLASS 1 " ^ We keep Glass of all glzeScoflstantly on hand. Special slses out without extra charge. JOHN I. STORY, FEED CUTTERS. The Belle City takes the lead; the strongest and best, at E. M. Owen & Son's. > Lace Curtains. Tidies, LatnberktfV Bedspreads and Shams, cheap, at Mil* Schumacher's, near the Depot. BESLEY'S Ale and Porter is the best made. On draught in McHenry at Jacob Bonslett'8, A. Englen's. and John Ueimer's. When buying your winter supply of Flannels exami ,e the Rockford first, for sale at'Fltzsimmons A Evanson's. KEGSTRUP! KEG STRUP! At Bonslett A Stoftel's. To Rent at ft i chmnd, III. A good Blacksmith Shop, to rent with or without tools. Rent low. In­ quire of Geo. Viuton, Richmond. H. C. Mead. McHenry, or write to F. WV Mead, Elgin, III. Farmers and Dairymen, do not fail to use Dickinson's Cow Prescription, as it will often save the pMce of the cow in preventing that faraj disease, milk fever; will cause the cow to do well <fter calving,curesgarger,horn all and all disease of the cow, and will repay <en fold in increasing the flow of milk. For sale by all Druggists. Select your holiday presents early and avoid the ris*i. Henry Colby has a large assortment to select from. Goods may be selected now and left 'till called for. Special Cash Sale of Overcoats, La* dies Cloaks. Underware, Blankets and Fur Caps, this and next week. Prices no object as these Goods must be moved at once. Come and see. FITZSIMMONS A EVAN SON.; LAMPS. I have just ad led a fine assortment of handsome Lamps. sui<able for pres­ ents. Prices very low. Call and look at them. HENRY COLBY. If you want to buy the best made Flannels In America, (we mean the Rockford) call at Fl zslmmons A Evanson's Cash moves thlim at lower prices than ever known. Please laves* tigate. Overcoats! Overcoatst At Perry & Owen's. For Sale. The West Division of Clover - Farm, containing 160 acres, situated on the Waukegan and McHenry road, about four miles from the new Rail- road now being built, and only flvo miles ftom the Fox Lake resort. Tersss reasonable. Apply on the premises. ™ E. STANFORD*, 15.tt Fort Hsu, Lake Co., Ufc; Mrs. Schumacher. Visits Chicago every week and will take in your orders and furnish goods at the lowest Chicago prices. A Boone to Humanity. ST. ALBAWS, VT„ May tt, V9L C. Dickinson Ji Son, Barrini/ttm, IIL:~ 1 have used your Russian Liniment In my family over two years, and it the best Llnimen; I ever treed. It will relieve pain almost instantly. For Rheumatism. Lame Back. Headaotio, Sore Throat. Burns and Chilblains It has no equal. I should not feel sate without it in my fami y. •* Nu. AmtuOum For sale by aU Druggists* . .pi , '~W A1

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