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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 31 Mar 1886, p. 5

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Jfefyorj piiniMlw. WEDNESDAY, MARCH. 31. 1886, Railroad Time Table. On and after Monday, June W, ITralna will pau McHenry ntation as below: OOIHS SOUTB. Seneva Lake Passenger 7:38 a. • Geneva Lake Express., .8:45 " Geneva Lake Freight ......>.12:46 r. * Geneva Lake Passenger ... ..3:M •• OOIHTO NOBRit. Geneva Lake Freight S-ll A. it Qeneva Lake Passenger .10:00 - Geneva Lake Express 4:48 p. u Senava Lake Passenrer 6:57 " B. BDW, Agent. McHenry. Ill MASONI3 MOIIKWBT LODOB, NO. 158 A. F. and A. M.-- Regular Communication* the Saturday on or tefore the full of*the moon and every two ireeke thereafter. OHA0. 0. OOLBT, W. M. MCB*BTF HAPTBB So. 31 R. A. M.--Regu- tr Convocations held on the second and fourth Fridays in each moneh. . JOHN EVAKSOW, H. P. m ANNOUNCEMENTS. . PKBSONAL. \ A. M. CHCBCH, of Chicago, spent Sunday with friend* here. JOHN WENT WORTH spent Sunday with friend# In this tillage. EARNEST KIMBALL, of Elgin, ipeni Sunday with bis, parents. In tills vil- lage. Miss ETTA TORRANCE, of Hebron, Is Fiaiting with old friends In this vicln* Ity, MRS. SMITH COLBT. of Chicago, lias been spending a few days with her parents, in this village C.M.PENDLETON, of Crystal Lake, maoe our sanctum a pleasant call o*i Monday. Mss. H. E. WIG^TMAN and Miss Clara Wigh^man are spending a few days in Chicago this week. J. LAWRENCE, who resides at No. 27, Sheepskin Avenue, has a new daugli* , >*r>qrho arrived one day lait week CHAS. W. FAT goes to Fox Lake f CHA! I this w< FOB SHERIFF. T fi'etebr Announce myself as a yjlri^kate r*2U"e ' for the office of Sheriff of McHenry county at the comirg Fall election, subject to the deci­ sion of the Republican County Convention. WM. B. WALKER. week, where | the summer At ,he is engaged for the Chicago Club started on Monday where he goea to with bis FARMERS In this vicinity were plow- Inglast week. TOWN MEBTINO on Tuesday next, April 6th. " READ the new advertisement of W H. Dwight. Woodstock, to be found In another place in this paper. R, BISHOP, has a new advertisement tills week, which none of our readers should fall to mad. OOR pleasant weatber of last week bas been succeeded by continual llur« ries of snow this week. G. L. HUBBARD, Harness Maker, Nunda, has an advertisement in anoth­ er column. Read his prices. SUPERINTENDENT BARBER had a class of seventeen at bis Examination here on Tuesday of last week. READ the new advertisement of John J. Winkles, Carpenter and Joiner, to bo found in another column. CORPORATION ELECTION takes place this year on the 20th day of April, two weeks from next Tuesday. See notice in another column. BERT STEBBINS for Chenoa, 111., learn the Tinners trade, unpla»4ohn Wlghtman. FRANK C: GOING has THR broadest mile on his countenance of any man in ftlie State of Illinois. It's a boy. arriv­ ed on Saturday last, and weighed pounds. EUHEN WOOD, and wife, who have been engaged at the Riverside House the past year, go to Fox Lake next week, to take a like position l«i Sayles' Hotel. Fred Taggart. of Wanconda, will succeed Mr. Wood at the Riverside I House* READ the new a Ivertisemeiit of Perry A Owen, in another column. Do not fail to read the new adver­ tisement of C. V. Stevens, He has a special Sale on Saturday that will In-., terest you. 7 LOOK out for the new advertisement of W. H. Dwightrv Woodstock, next week. In the mean time bear in mind that he is now receiving his Spring and Summer Stock of Boots and Shoes, and is ready to shov you the latest styles and glye you the lowest prices for good Goods. MOB Eft - DEPARTMENT. No. registered. './ifB Present membership 41 Attendance average per oent 87 Punctuality average per cent 99 •ROLL OK HONOR--Marv Went- worth 94; Wallace Morey 94; Harry Blackmail 91. J. J. VAIKT Principal. INTERMEDIATE DEPARTMENT. No. enrolled 86 Present membership..... 43 Attendance average percent 76 Punctuality average per cent........98 •ROLL OF HONOR.--Agnes Colby 98; Florence Srarles. 93; Katy Lough)In, 91. CLARA L. WIOHTMAN Teach*r. PRIMARY DEPARTMENT. No. registered 84 Present membership... 31 Atterdance average per cent.*. 78 Punctuality average percent 95 •ROLL OF HONOR.--Allie Smith. Miles Colby, Lutie More v. Willie , Colbv. Willie Neiil. Walter Neill, V Willie Bishop. - ̂ Lois E. CHASE, Teacher, *Embraclng those pupils whose at­ tendance, punctuality and deportmeot are perfect, and whose general schol­ arship average is 90 or above; THE M. E. Church Sociable wtll be held at the M. E. Parsonage, on Thurs day evening of this week. All friends are invited. y SERVICES will commence in the Uni­ versalis! Church hereafter on Sunday evenings at 7:30. In the mornings at the usual hour 10:30. MR. T. J. TOMLINSON, formerly of the Detroit Daily Journal, has bought a half Interest in the Elgin Daily News and Weeklv Advocate. THE person who took away the Lock belonging to L. D. Lincoln will save themselves trouble by returning the same at once. "A word to the wise is sufficient." THE blue birds and robin* are sing­ ing morning songs now Soon the prairie will be clothed with roses of Vare beauty. Oh yes. the picnic season Is near at hand. APRIL fooPs day to morrow. TLe best way to fool an editor is to send him a paid up subscription for a year. Edi tors never look for this and can always be taken In. WE would call particular attention to the notice of a House for Sale, the particulars of which can be learned by calling at this office. It is a bargain and a neat and tidy residence for a small family. ROCKFORD District Ministerial Asso­ ciation will be held at Nunda III.. April 19th. 20th and 21st. All the ministers In the Rockford District are expected to be .present. An Interesting pro­ gramme Is published. The time approaches for the publi­ cation of town officer's annual reports as required by law. The officers re­ quired to make such reports are super­ visors, treasurer or commissioners of highways and sohool township treas­ urers. MB. Warren C. Morse of Beivldere. III., and Miss Isabella J, Nelsh, were united In marriage at the residence ot the bride's father, Mr, James Nelsh, in the Coun ty of Lake: March 24th, Rev, J. M, Conlee officiated. It was a very pleasant but quiet affair. Only the re­ latives and immediate friends 'of the contracting parties were present. ' THE believers in old saws and pro­ verbs have been noticing the weather lately. It Is said that the prevalent direction of the winds about the time of the vernal equinox will indicate the pre valance of tbe winds during the season. Just before the sun crossed the equator the winds were in the south and just afterwards In the*north. What are We going to do about It? THE aspirants for the West Point Cadetship will have to face the follow­ ing talent at the examination: Prof. J. H. Freeman, Aurora, Kane county. Chairman; the Hon.C. W. Marsh. Sy­ camore. DeKalb, County, the Hon* Homer Cook, Waukegan, Lake County; Dr. F, S. Whitman, Beivldere, Boone County; Prof. Henry R. Baldwin, Hebron, McHenry County. IF some sleek, smooth tongue d stranger comes round »nd wants to leave a corn planter or a harrow at your place as an advertisement. calf fche dog. If he wants to sell you Bo­ hemian oats or German barley, get down the shot gin. If he wen's von to sign any receipt wha'eoevcr. of any kind, kick hi IU off the porch, through the gate and out luto the road, and then tnrn the dog loose and say "sic" Bad get Into the house and shut the dsor. AFTER the Birthday Sermon at the Unlversalist Church on Sunday last, the Ptstor. Rev. B. Brunning, was pre­ sented with a line financial Birthday Present, by the Ladies or the Society. Mr. Brunnlng is justly popular with his society and congregation, and Is doing good work for tiie society, which ^ias so long been dormant. ONE of the most pleasant parties of the present winter wai a surprise given by the relitive* and old neigh­ bors of I*aac Hawthorn, near Rich •nond, Thrt tables were load* d with good things and old and young had a grand time. Before leaving we made up a purse and presented them with two lovely chairs for father and mother. A GUEST. REPORT of for the tbe McHenry Publlo month ending March WE publish. In another column the Annual Report of the Supervisor and Road CorumieMoucrs, for the Town of McHenry. We would call particular attention to the Report of the Super­ visor. who makes an unusually good showing, the expenses of the town being much l«ss, we think, than ever before shown. Read It carefully. It is a natter that Interests every voter In the town. CHARLIE NOTES, whose Announce­ ment'as a candidate for Sheriff ap­ peared in our column last week, has written us a letter requesting us to withdraw his Announcement as he lins concluded not to run, and is now "look­ ing for a situation in a Creamery." We are sorry at his decision, as we understand he is a first-ciass Night Watch, a good Butter and Cheese Maker, a man who can shoot straight and split four cords of wood a day "Twas ever thus, from childhoods Ac. You know the rest. DIED.--In the town of Randall, Wis Richmond, of apoplexy, BENJAMIN FRANK­ LIN GIBBS, aged 74 years, 11 months and SS days. Mr. ttibbs was born in the town of Itethel, Winsor Co , S. Y. About the .year 183* he came West and located at Plumb tirove. III., where, in 1838 he' was married to Jane R. Miner, who survives to mourn his loss. The Iruit of this union wis a family of nine chil­ dren, four boys and Ave girls, of whoai three beys, Charles, Albert and Herbert, and three girls, Mrs.Carrie Vosburgh, Mrs. Hattle Bene­ dict and Mrs. Kate Beiitelle, are yet living. About the year 1S4S Mr. Uibbs settled In the Town of Randall, upon a beautiful farm of MS acre*, lying contiguous lo Twin Lakes, where he has ever resided up to the time of his death. , Mr. Gibbs was one of those quiet men of sterling worth, who are most esteemed by those who know them best. His life was one of singular probity, and his death will be la­ mented by an unusually large circle of friends and acquaintances. He was one of those men whose word is as good as their bond. Hi* kindly, neighborly qualities were universally known and conceded and few men finish their allotted term in thi* life, and at death leave so fen who may be enemies. The universal feeling is that a good man and a kind neighbor has gone to rest, and many helffts, outside his own family will IM saddened at news of his sudden death. A few days ago Hr. Gibbs was tt»ken with a "dm? spell," which gave warning of the ap­ proaching catastrophe. Dr. E. B Bennett was called to see him two or three days later, and gave the family warning that anxiety might be felt at his condition, but few sup­ posed the end was so near. At the time of his death an astendant saw a sudden change in his appearance and called In his son Herbert, who found him breathing heavily, and raised bis head from the pillows, when he expired in a few moments, being stricken with sud. den cerebral hemmorrhage. or apoplexy. The funeral was held at his late residence on Monday, and was attended by a very large concourse of mourning and sympathising friends. The Rev. Samuel Earngy, of Aurora, formerly In charge of the Richmond and He­ bron Methodist churches, was In attendance* and preached the funeral sermon over the re­ mains of his old and respected Iriend and pnr- ishloner. The burinl w.as in Mound Prairie Cemetery, near Twin Lakes. The bereaved widow and the family have the heartfelt sympathy of the community In their bereave* merit. THE new Boiler for the Steamer *'Mary Griswold," arrived on Friday last. It is made entirely of steel, is 64 inches in diameter, 10 feet high, con­ tains 132 flues, weighs 6900 pounds and cost, as she now lies at the dock, up­ wards of 1600. It #a8 made by O. Mason A Co.. 100 North Clinton St. Chicago, and is a splendid piece of workmanship. Captain Hill saw It tested by hydrauli<- pressure to 17S pounds per square inch, aad he invites an inspection by all who are interested In such ma'ters. Now that the "Mamie" Is in running order anil making almost daily trips, workmen will be employed on the "Mary Griswol 1" and a few weeks will see her ready for commission. The "Mamie" is In charge of the J.inior Captain, Alfred Qiil, who has been with his father on these waters seven years, and is well acquainted with the steam boat business. He is deservedly popular, not only as a McHenry young man, but among the numerous patrons of our river and lakes. During the summer months the "Mamie" will probably be stationed at Fox Lake, the "Mary Griswold" taking the river trade, transfer!ng the East shore passengers of Fox Lake to the "Mamie" at Sayles dock and vice versa. The regular trips now are Wednesday,Fridav and Satur day, leaving McHenry at 5 p. M.. re turning at 8, Thursday, Saturday and Monday mornings. Alterations of time table will be duly announced. r EVERYBODY KNOWS That Henderson's Boots and Shoes are the best. We sell lots of them.-- Perry A Owen's, Sole Agents. Don't fall to look at Goods offered tor "ale at Bishop's Warehouse. No goods will he ottered but what are first class and will be sold way down to Bed Rock, Paints and Oik and Mixed Paints, lowest prices at Perry A Owen's ALGONOUI*. EDITOR PLAINDEAI.ER:--At C. t. Chapel.'s suction sale, consisting of &3 head of milch cows, on Tuesdav of asi week, cows sold ou an average of 838 per head. F. K. Granger, of McHenry, did the talking. Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Mortoi, with Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Sherwood, visited on Thursday of last week with: L. B. Church, of Turner Junction. Miss Birdie Morton attended the Missionary Meeting at Turner Junc­ tion on Thursday of last week. Mrs. David Peter, of Arlington Heights, Is making ^frs. Peter a visit here. J. Helm was In the • city last week purchasing Fishing Tackle etc.. And he also has a fine assortment of Lumin­ ous Baits for night Ashing. Our Public School closed on Friday last, for one weeks vaeation. The river Is very high snd the water Hill raising. The residents on Chicago St. are almost surrounded by water. In fact the water is at their doorsteps. Uncle Harvev Hubbard has planted his potatoes for early market, but on Sunday last they were covered with a wliHe blanket. Remember the Literary on Friday evening of this week. The debate will be: Resolved, That the States- nan lias done more lor tbe world than the Warrior. Ike Kiinck, Mike Donley and Ji m Tibbet*, started on Monday of this week for California. They took the benefit of the cheap rates. Dr. Nason attended the Reunion'and Banquet given by the Faculty to the Alumni of the Chicago Medical College at the Leland Hotel in Chicago,on last Tuesday evening. Over 200 of the graduates and Professors of the Col­ lege were present. »mbrac.ng many of the most prominent physicians and surgeons of Chicago. The Doctor re ports a very pleasant, seciai occasion. Chapell and Thomas shipped a cat1 load of stock to Chicago on Monday of this week. W. B. Walker, of Harvarl. and D. A. Stedman. of Marengo, were in town on Monday of this week, interviewing our town men in regard to the coming Sheriff. Look at the Brewster Bug y. full shifting Rail, double steel Collar Axle, at Bishop's Warehouse, it prices that are sure to please. Look at the MaoJUr Seeders, at Bishop**. WALL PAPER. Full Line at Perry A 'Owen's, Bishop means business when he says he will not be undersold. WALL PAPER Trl mined tree of charge at Perry A Owen's Buy Henderson's Red School House Shoes for Boys ani Girls, fsusd saly at Perry A Owen's. NUNDA- ITTTO* PLAIXDEALER Last Frl d*y was the last day of tbe winter term of our publle school. In the principals room the last two or three days was spent In the neceesary ex­ amination*. to And where each pupil should be placed In the different el asses and grades. In the next term. The entire school have made satisfac­ tory improvement In their studies, and as Mr. Paul promised them at the beginning of the term, they have all bad plenty of wvrk to do. On Friday afternoon quite a number of visitors were present, and two of the directors Mr. Johnson and Mr. Crow. The rooms of Miss Geer and Miss Edith EUworth united In a literary pro­ gramme. The spring tetm commences Monday April it^. The young people of this village. to the number of forty, congregated at Mrs. Edgar Berkley's, on Friday evening last, and with Instrumental. and vocal music, games and social chat passed the time till the Mwe sma hours" Refreshments were served. and all present pronounced Mrs. Beckley and her daugl&r Nettle, suc­ cessful hostesses. Our spring Weather look a dreadful cold on Friday night last. Prof„ J. C. Paul lei$ on the 10,21 p. M. train for low< to spend his vaca- tiopk The ease of Fred Smith vs. Frank Beardsley, garnasbee, was last week appealed to the Coiinty Court They were In a hurry? you see, to get justice. As defendent's council stated Circuit Court sits In May and the law term of the County Court not till November. The Board of Auditors for the town of Nunda, met to Esq, Beardsley's office on Saturday last. Cam Golf Is In trouble with his tenant, and has served notloe on him to quit. There Is some dispute as to who should receive the reut. More crookedness among the Rail­ road men at Harvard, han lately been brought to light by Dectlve Lafe Benthusen. At the last term of the Circuit Court a dosen or more Rail­ road men from there were arranged for stealing coal from the yards at that place. Most of them pleading guilty received fines, and a term in Jail. One for attempting to steal a detec­ tives watch received two years In the penitentiary. And now come a forty thief. For a long time other valuables besides coal have been missed from in regard to theCraine Bridge freight cars at that place, and the necec*lty" for Its construction i* All Standard Goods, boose of R. Bishop. at the Ware- It, detectives have failed to bring tbe larceny home to any one. A short time ago Benthusen undertook tiie matter. After looking the ground over, ex­ amining., different parties who had been suspected, he at last singled out a man who occupied a prominent posl ion in the Depot there, and one on whom the breith of suspicion, or scandal had never dared to rest. It was no less a personage than Ed Shulis, the ticket poller. And when aftnr shadowing him, and coming upon him In •iiff*>rent situations, and sur­ prising liltn out of hia mad* up appear a nee of countenance, and after visiting the farm of his Fatlifr. two miles from Harvard, ostensibly m the agent of a barb wire manufactory who was looking up , Infringements on their patents, and And rg on said farm in new fences, and hid awav I" an old cellar, over >ne hundred and fifty dollars worth of the same brand of wire as that stolen, lie went to Mr. Burbank, the Agent, and told him -Shultx was the guilty man, and bis Father was his nccompl'ce. The Agent at first refused to believe It. But father and son were arrested, and finally under tbe application of the detectives pump, confessed every­ thing. Owned up to having oarried on this business for two year*, the father coming with bis team In tbe nlghl and carrying away the plunder. Both are under one thousand five hun­ dred dollar bonds to appear before tne next Grand Jury. Everyone who was acquainted with the parties were ut terlyj amazed at the deuoument. While common sneaks, tramps, Ac., have been suspeoted and arrested, for these crimes, no one thought of look­ ing behind the ^companies desk for tbe thief until Benthusen Inserted bis pro­ boscis lo the pie, when he soon had the right man hunting around after nim, making inquiries as to who he was Ac.* Then It wss that when Shults's least expected It, he found himeelf con­ fronted at every turn he made with the "eyes that never sleep" until his guilty soul turned every object fcborit him Into a detective, and his sand gave way, and he gave himself away. On being arrested he was frantic with remorse and grief, and It was feared that he would commit suicide. Later we learn that the brother- lu- la v of Shulti has got his foot Into a mess. ' To the Voters of tho f oWfl of Bicfcmond. Aaong the purposes of the Town Election, on April 6th, as set forth In the posted notices of the same, we find this: ** lb vote aipon the proposition to issue Bonth to the athawU of 1200. to pay the County'» one half cost of the Bridge known as the Craine Bri ige.v That the electors of the township may fully understand the reasons why there arises a necessity for issuing said bonds, we beg their indulgence in pre­ senting the facts and circumstances as they have arisen--circumstances that were beyond the oontrol of r,he town officers, and the responsibility ft r which rests upon the shoulders of that majority of the county board of Super visors, who. In contravention of law and justice, and relying for success upon a mere quibble, have refused to appropriate monies from the County Treasury to pay for one-half the ex­ pense of the "Craine Bridge.' To make it perfectly clear what the duty of the Town officers is in tbe premises, and also that of the Board of Supervisors, we beg the reader to give a careful study to the law governing In such cases: 19 Rarooats--CoriNTT AI D : If 19. When It is nccessarr to construct or repair any bridge over a stream, or anv approach or approaches thereto, by meant) of an embankment or tres- t le-nrork, on a public road In any town, or oil, or near to, or across a town line, in which vrork the town is wholly or In part responsi­ ble, and the cost of which > 111 be more than 20 cents on the one hundred dollars on the latest assessment roll, and the levy for t lie road and bridge tax for that year in said town was for the full amount of (90 cents on cach one hundred dollars, allowed by law for the com­ missioners to raise, the major part ot which is needed f r the ordinary repairs of roads and bridges, the commissioners may petition the County board for aid ; ami if "the foregoing facte shall appear, the county board shall ap­ propriate from the County Treasury a sum sufficient lo meet one halfthe expenses of the salii bridges or other work, en condition that the town asking aid shail furnish the other half of the desired amount. (I) The expen­ diture of these joint funds shall be made by the commissioners ami two persona appointed by the board of supervisors; and any surplus funds appropriated by the county board, after the completion of the work, shall be paid into or laps* Into the county treasury: Provided however, that beforo any brid<e or approaches as contemplated as above shall 1MS construct­ ed or repaired under the provulont of this section, the commissioners shall make a care ful estimate of the probable cost of the same and attach theroto their affidavits that ihc same is necessary, anil will not be made more expensive than is needed for the purpose de­ sire I; and such estimate and affidavit shall be Bled with the petitions: (I) Provided that In case of some emergency arising from the sudden destruction jr serious damage to a bridge or its approaches, when delay in re­ pairing or rebut Ming would be detrimental to the public Interest, such petitions to the county board may lie presented durirg the work or after its completion, and if the facts appear as contemplated by this section, than the county )>oa>d shall H pproprlate one-h.ilf of saen co*t, with like conditions that the town pay the other half. FOR SHERIFF* 7b O. It. Cutotr, Esq., itiehmmd, 1U. The undersigned, reposing trust and' oonfldence In your ability to perform acceptablr the duties of Sheriff, would respectfully solicit you to become a candidate for that office for McHenry county, at tbe next el >ction. JAMBS V ALDBICB, 8- P. BBUKBTT, J K. BCRTOM, 8. R. WARD, G. W. BLDBKDOB, J MCCONNBLL, A. R. ALBXAMDBR. Elehmead, III., March 29th. IMS. Remember that L. W. Nichols, Jr. the West McHenry Jeweler, does all kinds of repairing in liis line and guarantees perfect satisfaction. Cucumber Seed, Wo have mad«* arrangement* by which wr* ran supply beat qu illtv of Cucumber seed at Very low prices. Quality and vari <ty guaranteed. CMSIT, WALKKH 4 Co. S6-6er A lot of It Inch Rotary Steel Dise Pulverises, that will be closed oak at s low prloe, at Bishop's WarehetiM. not disputed, nor the further fact that the cost would be more than "20 cents on the one hundred dollars on the latest assessment roll"and "the )ev\ for the road and bridge tax for thai year In said town was for the toll auiouut oi 60 cents on each "ii* liuudre i dollar*. t<llnw< d hv law !••• the ConiinlMolo era io rai*«\ the uiii part ot which Is needed fo tl.»* "Min > ry repair «l roads ami hri<i«<*« * Further, thi* bridge came uml- r i« provisions of the second proviso," the Act above, for the hiNg* lit . broken down In JH* middle and ha < become Imp <f<ab'e lor team*. Tic law had hem fully compiled with i»\ ill* ('oiniulsidoiiers the mn'M-y hi' Iteen raided to pty lhi> town** halt «>. the cost of the bi idge and wa« In t l i i i i hands snd the County Board was dij . "petitioned for aid," N.»w, to make this thing plain. *• must go a Utile further ba«-k. It will be remembered that when the SOI<MI Bridge was built, the County Board also refused to pay the County s one half of the cost of construction of tin- same. and the town had to raise tlx- mouey to pay the sum which the board refused. To raise this mouey, bonds of the towii were Issued, all or a pari of which were still outstanding. The Commissioners having the money lu their hands to pay the to vu'e share of cost of the Craiue Bridge, and as It would not be needed for use for a time, converted a portion of It Into nine hundred dollars worth of the bonJs which were issued on tbe Solon Bridge matter, knowing tbst when the money was needed for the Craine Bridge they ceuld be reconverted Into currency, and in*, the meantime the town be saved some interest on tbem. Because of this conversion of the money Into bonds, tbe County Board held that it was not "raised for road and bridge purposes/' that therefore the town had not complied with the law--and refused to spproprlate money to pay the County's half. Hence tbe present necessity for bonding the town by vote at the next election; ior the bridge is built, tbe money for building it is due, and it must be paid. It would seem to be the duty of every citiiens to vote aye. upon the propo sltion to issue the bonds. That this money will ultimately be returned to the town there ca I be no doubt. Tbe law is too plain and ex­ plicit for the County Board to dodge It. The position taken by the Board is the roost transparent quibble. It is a matter of public knowledge that the money which the Commisssoners con­ vened into Bonds was raised for "road and bridge purpose*," and in conver slon Into Bonds they only changed, the form ot the means they had with which to pay the town's half, for they held the Bo >ds for that purpose. Had tliej put the money luto Qover»raeut Bonds and held them for the same pur pose, would any objection have been raised? No. Supposing the fund* tliey held in their hands had been lu <dlver certificates and they im* chang ed tnem Into Greenbacks, would anv one have objected, or plead that the exchange showed that the money had not been "raised for road and bridge purposes?" Of course not. And Hie two transactions suppoaed and what the Commissioners did, are identical. It Is nor likely that one Supervisor who voted to refuse to pay the County's liaff h*'l any Idee that the county would not. ultimately have to pav It, but they hoped that, as in the case or the Solon bridge a compromise might be effeoted ana tbe county treasury be saved a portion oi the sunt which it should Justly paj. 8. F. BKIIXKTT. PUBLIC AUCTION. The undersigned will sell at Pttbtlc Auction, on the premises,4 miiea weet of McHenry and one-half mile tooth trora Elder Basset's faros, on Sat urday. April 3,1886. commencing at 12 O'clock, noon, the following propter ty. 7 cows, new milch and springers, 1 mnre 4 years old. 1 -oare 5 years old, 1 •prhig wa on, I lumber wagon, 1 set double harnes*. 1 plow. 1 drag, 1 dia tnond tooth cultivator. 1 pair new bobs I corn plow, 2 brood sows, aquantlty of potatoes and hay, 1 barrel *alt pork, and other property not mentioned. TKRIIS OK SALE.--All sums of 910 and under. Cash. Over that sum one year- time, on approved notes, at 7 per cent interest. JOANNA SCTTOK. F. K. GRANGER. Auctioneer, Barley For Sal^ ^ About 300 bushels of first class Seed Barley for sale. Will be sold for 40 cents per bushel. JOHN FLUSKKT. Two miles south ot McHenry, on the Nunda road. 2w Por Solo. I oiler for sale my Farm of 110 aeres. situated 3 miles from Richmond, known as the old Newcombe Farm ; one half mile from school house, and with a living spring running through It, MAJOR NOBLK. Richmond. March 17, 1886, For Sal* A house and lot In this village. Is well located, the house new, having been built last season, and is a very desirable piece of property. Will be sold cheap If applied for soon. Will give possession at once. For further particulars inquire at this offiee. ; o Pasture for Stock* The undersigned has good Pasture for 6tock. on the old Wilson farm, two miles east of McHenry. Good water for stock. Will take a llin'ted num­ ber of head. Call on the premises. HUBERT WIBIB. Reduced Prices. LU MBER WAGONS, Complete, only 845.00. Carriages and Milk Wagons at cor­ responding low prices. ' Horse Shoeing a specialty. New Shoes 25 cents Setting 10 cents Call and see us. SMM ORTMOLBY FT PLMT. Ring wood, March 17,1886. Call for the "Winning Stroke", a new Brand of five cent Cigars, mauofaetu r> ed by Barbian Bros. It beats tbem all. L. W. Nichols, Jr. the Jeweler, In West McHenrv. d'*e« not make a speciality of CHEAP WORK, bur lias for Ms motto, "Promptness and good work. CALL and «ee tbe new stock of Spring Millinery at Mm. 11 H, Nlc'iols, The finest line ot Spring Millinerv ev»*r brought to IhU town at Mr* -l H.Nichols. FOR SALI. Ill «he vill itfP of Wmirnn-I • I two • <>rv huilditi*. 24x30 !<»••: .nearlv new V.-II I Hid the 2nd , *t««r« i,Uiii-i| )i|| fur Ivinf ro'Miia. Wi nil' uid ife l f<»r a BI*cW*mlt'» Hhii|i II tvliijf no u«e lor |i | |irii|mM> In se.l < i ll *ap <»r ex 'h .nge f -r ot her prop r»v. Woiiid like a good Spin toward it. * For further |»ariic ii»r« a »ply to W. H. FOKD. R.vt tvlde House, McHe try, 3:1 tf. t To Calh Buyers \V«* offer extra Inducein Flour nadeiriin Minnesota hard Wheat, a rial wlil be appreciated, Klizfliimnoii* A Evauson. The flnent line of Top and Combined Koirifi"* everhrouglit to thi* County •it E. M.Owen A SOIIH, and way down on prlcita. OUR PAPER HUMMER Is running constantly now. We trim all our Wall Paper free of Ciarge, Call early and see our New Styles. Perry A Owen. Wall Paper. New and elegant styles, larg* assort* ment and prices reasonable at Fitislm- mous A Evauson's. Ladles Rubbers Only 29 cents at Perry A Owen1*, Solo Agent* For C. M. Henderson's celebrated school shoes. See tbem at Perry A Owen's, Dried Apples; Prunes, Lom »ns A Oranges, all new and cheap tor cash at Fltzslmmons & Evan son's. 6 pounds Saleratus. 25 sent* for cash up at Fltzslmmons A Evanson's. One pound box Baking Powder oolv 18 cents for cash' at Fiusommou A Evanson's. . Buy of us good Toweling and Sheet* lng at 4J cents per yard. BONSLKTT * STOrraL. Last chance to buy Keg Syrup for •1,15 at Bonslett A Stoffel's Pumps, both Wood and Iron of all kinds and sizes, at E. M.OarentA Sons, See oar qand painted Window Shades. qand painted BONSLETT A STOITEL. Three 3 pound cans canne d Pumpkin only 20 cents at Bon<*l*ut A Stoffel's, For Sale. One Sorrel Horse, «lx vea rs old. Weight about eleven hundred pou nds. GEO. H. HARRISON. Two and a half miles Southwest of Rlngwood. 33--ft. Good whole Codd-di only 4 cents per pound at Bonxlett A Stoffel's. EASTER GOODS. JU«I received at Mrs. II. H. Nichols. Catarrh of the none and head can be ev»ily.qni<'klv. pleasantly and lastingly cured. The Francis Catarrh Cure will positively and efle rualiy cure In a few days anv case. A package, nore than enough to «urelv a<id infallibly 'cure any ca»e. sent post paid bv mail for one dollar by M. FRANCIS, Washington DC Plow*. Plow*,! and Plows. We have the following makos which we warrant to suit any farmer. OrandHtour, Moline, John Deere. Cas« Norwegian. Thompson's Norwegian. Skandia. Garden City and Star, all of the oldest makes which insures aiicces* in a good t>l«w an I warranted to aconr In any soil. R. M. OWBM A Sons. Jersey WaUts. a full supply, which will be sold at lower prices than any other store 10 McHenry. Mas. M. acapnia*a*. For Sale or Rent. _ On account of sieknew I ofler *# Blacksmith a*# Wagon Shop I* ih* village of McHearyTfor 8sle or 1l*ot. There is a Blacksmith 8bop f Wsgon Shop 20x24, with Palat; anuStore Room In second story. __ a Warehouse on North side 24xSB. ]* In good location for this or any other kind of business. Will sell on rs<nof> able terma. or will Rent with or wltl# out Tools. PHILLIP <AUPERISCH. >, ' McHenry, 111. March 16th. 1886. Work Hor*o* for Solo. „ For Sale a good work team. 8 and It , year* old. Will weigh 1200 each. For other particulars inquire of JACOB Hicrtiuci. McHenrv. March 16. 1888. Business Notice*. City residence* for sale. Apply fj|! •SM Asa w. Smith, Woodstock, 111. Everything In the Hardware lino bottom figures, at K. M. Howe's. Celluloid Sets, cheaper than ever fore, at G. W. Besley's. West Side. Clothe* Wringers, both the Noveltjft and Universal. Your choice for Wm- at John L Story's. Fine Scrap Books only (IJi at O, #S' Besley's. West Side. o Celluloid Combs, only SOoenta, at4, W. Besley's, Welt Side. • --_ Lace Curtains. Tidies, Lamberkl Bedspreads and Shams, cheap, at Mrf§; Schumacher's, near the Depot. A fine line of 8tove Boards, different sixes and styles, at John I. Story'e. Look at the choice Csndle* at Be# ley's Drng Store, West End, DOMESTIC Piano and Fornltare Pol­ ish. the finest thing in the market, s$ Besley's Drug Store. The Lyman Barb Wire, both and galvanized,decidedly the best Wi ID the market, at John I. Story's. Besley's Famous Waukegma Ale and Porter On draught at J. Bonslett'*, A. En- glen's and John He loner's. Ir you want to make your Bugg* Top look as good as new get the Nsp* tlonal Patent Leather SbiouyLjii Besley's Drug Store. Mrs. Schumaohew Visits Chicago every weekend wlf take in your orders and furnish good! st the lowest Chicago price*. Cook and Heating stoves, both Co*| and Wood, of the latest style* and I»aiterns, at J, I, Story's BirdCages. both Brass an4 Japaigt the finest aseortment in town, at J. I. ^torv's. BKSLKT** Ale and Porter is tlm be# •wa«le. On draught In McHenrv at Jaeoi IWelett's. A. KtiaclenV and Jobft Maimer's. GLASS ! GLASS f We R«<ep Oiaia of all nim oonstantli '•«i hand Hpn'isl iIihd mil withot|| x'ra maw JoHtt I. HfimT. I'he Nickel u HI l»i»or Ro||<*r. adfe Ki.owledifed hv all to I*- the beat thing •»l the kind on the in >rk«*t. for <ale by •lolm I. ^lory. If you w>mt to le^rn hoW to PaliT i our Bi'ggv for One Dollar, call at iealey's ilsug Stor*. VWst End. S lancv (solid color*) hemstitched' Handkerchiefs for 10 cents at Bonslett A Sioffel's. » Rubber* and Rubber Boot* all si*f§tv ai Perry A Owei('s. Buy only good Kerosene Oil. fli best can be found at Perry A Owen's. New spring styles. Prints, G!*I ham. Shlrtlng.4 etc. clieap<for cash* FiUlmmona A Evanson*s. FARM FOR SALE. The undersigned offers for sale h farm, situated four miles west McHenry, consisting of 246 acres, la »;ood location and an excellent Dairy arm. Or will trade f»r a sntalli farm. Apply to PHILIP GIMBLIB. 20--3 months. Men's Rubbers. Only 49 cents at Perry A Oweife, We sell 4 pairs good ladies hose ftgl 90 cent*. BONSLETT A STOFPBL. Seeder*, Seeder** Seeder*. Van Brunt, Prairie City, WliliaiM and Buckeye, at 1 M- Oweu A "Great Reduction. 1 wilt until further notice make pic­ tures at tne following low rates: Cabinet Photos, per doz. |8J§ Cabinet Photos, per half do* 2.00 Card Phoros, per doz 1.00 Card Photos, per half doc ljBO Satisfaction given la all cases, formerly. ^ L. I, BBXNKTT. House and Lot Por Sale, i In the village of Rlngwood. Cos* tains 10 Room*. Also a Barn Wood* shed and other outbuildings, well, eis:ern, etc., ou the premises. With* in twenty rods of Depot. Good Garden Ajfy)le Trees, etc. Prio* •1000. For terms and other particu­ lars ioquire of WESLBT LADD, Rlngwood, March 5th, 1888. 34-f month*. 'M A 9BN4IBLB MAIt Would use Kemp's Balsam for the Throat and Lung*. It Is curing more eases of Coughs, Asthot, Bronchitis, Croup, and all Throar and Lung Troubles, than any other medlcio*. The proprietor has authorized Geo. W. Besley to refund your money if. after taking three-fourth*) of a bottle, relief Is not obtained. Prion 50 cents and H, Trial size free. For sale In McHenry by Geo. Besley. Notice. To those that want Tube. Tat*. Bay Racks,and anything In mv line of busi­ ness. Work done on nhort notice ie order. Shop oae door South ot Law- I us' store, F. A. HBBABDw MsHsary. A a*. * Ml IM-lf For Sale or Excbanfe, One good bouse and barn with other out buildings, good orchard aad all Is good shape, with land from I to 14 aeres; or will sell a part of the lead by the acre without the buildings. Alee will sell some good lots to aoyooe wishing to build. Will sell any or the whole of the above property wf low* trade for a good farm or for Westers land. The above property to well *lt*> ated sear the depot lo West MeBeary UL 18 tf & KtTHWt

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