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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 21 Apr 1886, p. 1

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v?ni£ > VOL, U.. l* . m? '• |f4lrar7 Jliiiledw. Pabllihed 8t«*t Wednesday ty %. VJSJS SJLYKB pDITOK A»D PUBLISHER* „ Office in Bishop's Block, ; H. . --OPPOSITE PK*HT Ovrt'i.- » V jf tfBMS or 8VB80BIPT10H, Dm Tear (In Aavance) SI.SO if Mot Ptl4 within Throe Month* 1W Su ascriptions received for three or lix fMothf, la the sarae proportion. 5*0 10 QC ism som 60 00 10000 of one Bates of Advertising. We announce liberal rates for advertising m the Plaikdealer, and endeavor to state them so plainly that ther will be readily un. terstood. They are as follows: 1 Inch one year t Inches one year S Inches one year - % Column one year • H Oolumn one year- Oolumn one year - One Inch means the •eh down the column, single column width. Tearty advertisers, at the above rxtes, have the privilege of changing as often as they •boose, without extra charge. Btgular advertisers (meaning those having Standing cards) will be entitled toinsortion •f local notices at the rate of 5 cents per line each week. All others will be charged 10 eents per !ine the fl-stweek, and Scents per llae for each subsequent week. Transient advertisements will be charged at the rate of 10 cents pe line, (nonpareil type, same as this is set In) the first Issue, and f eents per line for subsequent issues Ttr-s, IB Inch advertisement will cost $1.00 for one week, *1.60 for two weeks, 92.00 for three weeks, and so on. The PlaindkalBB will be liberal in giving editorial notices, but, as a business rule, it will require a suitable fee from everybody peeking the use of its columns for pecuniary n>n- BUSINESS CARDS. Us a. T. BBOWN.M.D. AX AND SITHGEI Residence, McHenry, III. PHYSICIAN AND SUKGKON. Offlce at Eesld O. H. FEGER9, M, D- IIIIVSICIAN and SURGEON. McHenry, I Ills. Offlce at Residence. O. J. HOWARD, M. D. IHYIIOIAS AND SURGEON. McHenry, | HI. Office one door West of tPUxslmmons Branson's store, up Stairs. __ &S: BARBIAN BROS. CIGAR Manufacturers, McHenry, 111. Or­ders solicited. Shop, la Old McHenry, in Kelter Block, third door west of Biversidd House. ,W "Ml. Livery Stable. ! ' ; Tt 1. WIGHT M AN, proprietor.^ First H ^lassrigs. with or without drivers famished at reasonable rates. Teaming ot •II kinds done on short notice. i SOBT 8CHIESSLE ; ,.v • "• •* I Having purchased the old stand Of Joseph Wiedemann, REAR THE DEPOT* /, JIoHENBY, ILLINOIS, 'Iteeps open for the accommodation of tbe Publio a First-Class Saloon and0Restaurant, - to be found in the market. V - . Also Agent For FRANZ FALKfl IMAUK1I LAGER BEER. Beer in Large or Small Kegs or Bottles al- nyi en hand, cheaper than any other, quail- V considered. Orders by mall promptly attended to. GOOD HTABL1NU FOR HORSE& 'arcau »«* Me-U8- Robert SohleMle. •McHenry. IlL. May 15th, 1888. 'k,,% • I. SHU, SALOOH and RESTAURANT Buck's Old Stand, MlHENRY, ILLINOIS. / fine Kentucky Liquors, | French Bitters, McHenry Lager Beer, Itilw&akH Bmi, By the Bottle or Case. We buy none but the best and 11 at Reasonable Prices, Call and see me ifad I will use well. ANTONY ENGELN. i-t- -i i MeEemry;lll.. 1884. lOWS' PAcUu8t?ng" CORSET M [IMPROVED.] KlWly perfect fitting, truly comfortable I MMth.preserviug Corset made. Has an Clastic Rection above and below a Corded *l«r piece. Entirely different from any Kber. Every Corset is stamped and absolute ly Guaranteed In every particular. Be sure to get the Oevas Pattnt. Manufactured only |T the Gsm-Dowm Corset Co., Cbieago, an isr sale if Arat-cUss dry.gooae stores ever where, Pnoe f | ,8a r> ' j, • Send 10 eents postage and we will mail you free a royal, valuable, sample box of goods that will 1 - you In the way of maki mors money at once, tl , .. America. Both sexes of >• at boose an» work in spare time tiapital ^ot required. Wt loimefssr pay sure for those RmWAOO, BUSINESS CARDS. M. F. ELLSWORTH, A TTORNEY at Law, and Solioitor In Chaa A eery, Nunda, III. ASA'W. SMITH, A TTORNEY at LAW and SoUeMoit in /X Chancery.--Woodstock, IlL S. F. BBKNETT, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND RUHCiEON. AleoUnited States Examining Surgeon. Hlehmond, Illinois. " E. R. BEANETT, M. Late House Surgeon Cook County Hospital, RICHDHffcO, ILLINOIS, Special attenlMa atven to difficult 8urgl<Ml cases. DEZJT&CHOStPROCHEN. Offlce at Residence of Dr. S. F. Bennett. DR. C. B. WELLS. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Waneonda, I. Lake Co., III. All calls promptly attend­ ed, day or night. Office on Main St., east of Barker's harness chop. MART O. BARBIAN. HAIR WORKER. All ku.ds of Hair Work done in first class style and al reasonable prices. Rooms st residence, north­ east corner ef Public Square. McHenry, IlL DR. C. E. WILLIAMS; DENTIST. Residence Dundee. Will be at McHenry, at Parker House, the 10th 11th 35th and 26th of each month. Whep dates occur Saturday or 8nnday I make my visits on the following Monday, and the first day of such visit occurs on Friday, I will sta? but one day. United States War Claia Apcy --OF-- WM. H. COWLIN, Woodstock, • Illinois. Prosecutes nil cla«s?s and kinds of claims the United State, for ex Soldier*, their Widows, Dependent Relatives or Heirs A specialty is made In prosecuting old and rejected claims All communications promptly answerei If Postage Stamps are enclosed for reply. WM, H. COWLIN, Office at Residence, Madison St., Woodstoe<, Illinois. Attention Horsemen! I would call the- attention of the public to ray Stable ot Stock Horses, four in number: two Morgans, one 3-4Percheron, and one Imported ,Hors«. They are. all g-ood representatives of theij^ breed. Also a few Merino Sheep r sale. The public are cordially invited to call and examine stock, get prices, etc. No business done on Sunday. N. S. Colby. 10-7-tf MCHENRY, ILL C. G. ANDREWS. . GENERAL SPRING GROVE ILL. Sales ot Stock, Farming Tools and Goods of all kinds attended to on the most mSONABLI TEBHS, :--and-- Satisfaction Guaranteed. (vail on or Address C. C. Andrews, Spring Grove, 111. spring 3reve, Sept. 80th,1l8dft. 11-U-SOt [J, III JUMP REPAIRING, CEMENTING, ETC. Tbe undersigned is prepared to do all lobs In the line of Digprini; Wells, Repairing Pumps. Cementing Wells, or will put in XTew Pumps On short notice and warrant satisfaction. In abort will do ail work in this line. Can furnish .vou a new Pump, either wood or iron, warranted, as cheap as any other man. Good references furnished If desired. If you want a Well Uutt. a Pomp Repaired or a new Pump, give me a call. WOr-lcrs bv mail promptly attended to. Post Offlce, Johnsburg >y mail promptly hnsburgn. 111. L. BANTES. Johnsourgh, IlL, May tttti, UW. fOB BABQmS Sf For Coal and Wood CALL OW--- E. M. HOWE Opposite Bi»hop'« Mill, ^ho has a complete line of the best stores'in the market, as well as a large stock of Harifare, Hethanic's Tools, TIN, COPPER & SHEET IRON WARE, And, "ln|fact, everything in the hardware <tove and tin line. as WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD. Call at his storo before buying elsewhere lobbing and repairing promptly attended to «9~Reraember, extra good bargains can »l- ways be obtained atll»we1> ,* rf,v MoHenry, Dec, 1* IMS. ^ 1 SI 'for 13'Weeks. The POLICE GAZETTE will be mailed, <eeurely wrapped, to any address M tbe (United Sta es for three months on receipt of ONE DOLLAR. Liberal discount allowed to poet masters, agents and clubs. Sample coplas mailed free Addrfeea all orders to KICHARD K. FOX, , Fbahkliv Squab*, New York. A. M. CHURCH, Watehmaker and Jeweler NO. 55 FIFTH AVE.. (Brlggs House). Chi­cago. ill. Special attention given to re» pairing Fine watches and Chronome tera. OVA Full Assortment of Goods In hta line • 4§,3PHE OLD JACOB BONSLETT, . , 1 ^ALOON ASD RESTAURANT, at the Old j stand, op|torlte Bishop's mill, McHenry, III. The choicest Wines, Liquors and Cigars to be funnrl in the county. Warm or ooid meals on short notice on application. PHIL BESTS MILWAUKEE BEER by the Bottle or Case, always on hand. GOOD STABLING FOR HORSBS. MONEY LEANED On McHenry Countv Farms, on time, terms, and in amounts to suit borrowers, by J. W. RAN STEAD. li-i7-6in Elgin* Illinois. J. P. SMITH, 7ATCHMAKIR § JEWELER, McHenry, - Illinois, l As ]*&e a Stock of Walches, Clocks and fev^lry As can be found in the Countv, which I offer at prices t hut can not be beat, A Fine Meek ol CHOICE CIGARS Call and examine goods aud learn prices. J.P. SMITH. McHanrv. III.. March 1st. 1B8B. - Mrs. j. h, sextok. Tor the past ten years one ot the leading- Dressmakers in Elgin, las moved to McHenry where she is ready to do Dressmaking in alt the latest *>t} les. Satisfac­ tion guaranteed. Cutting and Fitting a specialty. Also agent for the I. X L., Tailor system of Cutting and Fitting. Full instructions given* Rooms two doors West of the Kiverside House. 1 iX QQ 10-38 John Helm Algonquin, Oil., DEALER IN Bardwait, Stow, Ttawtn, Jn short, we keep everything <n the above mentioned lines, which we are offe ingto the buy­ ing public as cheap as any other .louse in this section. Call and See lis. J0BBNG ft REPAIRING, PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. JOtfN HELM. Atfonquln. F«b. 18. 1S86, JOHNSBURGH Ma; tile & Granite ... •: i HENRY ail Mm larE Scotch and American Granite MOSimBNTB. TABLET* HSAD8TOXX8 CEMETERY COPING, ETC. JOHNSBURGH, ILL. Orders Solicited. Good Work Guaranteed. Post Office Address MoH£NRYt ILL* Mlchi. Pure Bi $2 per 13.' White per 13. Satistact A few ish aud For Sale. s/.tr Wyandotte Eggs, lorn fl.OO Guaranteed. ihan, Black Span- rte Leghorn Fowls DWIGHT, Woodstock, III. ATTENTION LADIES. JOHN 4 WINKLES. CABPENTEff AND JOINER, Is prepares to do all work in his line on shi>rt notice and guar- entee sati fa<»on. Will work ly the job or day as desired, and ao as good work as any man in the business. Orders left at his residence, Southeast comer opposite the Public Schopl House. will receive prompt attention. Btst of Reticences given if de- wred. » #OHV| J. WINKLES. McHE&RY, lLZ+i March 90th, 1888. HamWe yZ Bred Stallion O. [Registered In Wallace's st*d Book, VoL 5.] "G<H>ri?e O." Is altolden Sorrel, with Star; • pots on left shoulder; hiso little black spots on Imily denoting a bark "train of Arabian blood K«ale<l .lune'fith, 1H8C. PEDroREE:--"Gaerge o " was sired by Lakelnnil Abdallah, an own brother to Harold the sire of Ma.id A., 2 ; Noontide '2 20,H ; Mattie Graham, 2 21Mj MrOardy's llamb'eton ian, 2 26>i; Dei'ianat-J!27>»'; Hermes, 2,27*4; "^^einpie 2.30, and others, itvsdykes llamble- li»"t or" better), he by ino, he bY Imp. MeaS' Goo<1 Morning, 2! Lakeland .ibdallil tonian (with 37 tn Alxlailah, he bv M< enger; l>ain, the Bellfounder. etc. Lakol <nd Ahdall oy Ab<iallah, Kent mare £r Imp. am was enchantress, ete., as above. Pan-hen, by Cassias M. Olav, by Andrew JackBon, by Young Itashaw, etc. Dam of Dannie B. by Youn^ Kowl'ng, by Gen. t.ifforrt; her Dam'by Imported Messen­ ger sent lo Ohio some 40 years ago. "George O." is a ve'i-y promising young horse at(1 with his breeding is bound to be a trotter, behaving trotted with only 60 days bundling in a race in 2.3K, Sept !7lh, 1885. His colt? are very line and are going to be early sought after. TEKMri:-- $20. payable as soon aa mares are known to be in foal. Accidents and es­ capes at owner's risk. Should any mare be disposed of before ber time to foil, the will be considered in foal. Mares kep. bv the inontti in Summer, in eluding trying mitres, at #2.0u per month. For fartner particulars address, GEORGE V. OWE*. KeHmfJ, 111. MeHENRY COUNTY. K-Sm. LIMITED TO 13 MAEBa TO JVHI 1st. fABUXBS LOOS Better known as the Hanly Horse, will m;ike the season of I88ti at his stable, 1*4 mile South of Mo Henry Brick Mills. CHAMPION JR. has but few equals as a general purpose horse as his pets are tully meeting the expectnlions of the Farmers. Terms to insure, $8.00. v We also have a fine Hamble- ton ian Stall ion in service this season. Also a fine young Jack. It will pay you to call and see us liefore breeding. Terms reason­ able Mares Ironn a distance kept iii pastureH free, at owner risk. I IANF.Y BROS. E. LAWLUS, HOLD THE FORT AS He makes Suits to ordes of the best Cloths, Foreign or Domes­ tic. AT THE LOWEST PRICES That good Good9 £$n be sold ftt. HE ALm v-;*. Cleans and Repairs Clothes Neatly and on short notice. e » Call. LAWLUS. McHenry, Jan. 19th, I986. Buckwheat Want*d. At the Fox Rlv«r Valley Hill, for I TBS INDIANS DNOM THK LAW. The Black HI1U, Dakota, Timet, of March 24th, records an important first itep in a new line of Indian poll* oy, namely tbe sentence of a Soulx Indian to a term in the penitentiary for ao aaaault to murder; the crime bav ing been committed on another Indi> dlan, In Indian Territory, and the tri­ al having been held in an American conrt, under tbe provisions of an act passed at the last session of Congress through the earnest effort* of Senator t>awts and the Indian Rights Associa­ tion. Before the passage of this law Indian crlnMnals were only subject to tribal authority; a state of things which tn prActioe granted lmtannlty for all mmnner of lawlessness, from theft tp^homlclde. The utmost pun- Ishment inflicted by the tribal author* Itie/was a fine of a few ponies. The effect of this absence of law and jus- tlcc^was most mischievous, though un­ fortunately it was In accord with the whole reservation system, all the In fluenee ot which tended to maki the Indian Irresponsible. Indolent, savage and lawless. Sucb a system. Indeed, could be guaranteed to debauch and barbarize a white race In two genera tions, and how much more the Indians. The new law, the first Oise under which has been noted, malps a crime committed by an Indian puninhible In our courts, The change thus Introduc­ ed Is calculated to exert an Important influence over the tr.bes subject to |r. It is the beginning of a ww and prac­ tical eduoiMen tor the Indian; an edu cation which If practically extended will in no long time prepare him* t- exercise the duties ot citizenship, by familiarizing hlut with the restraints and obligations which hold civilized society together and maintain order and progress, b is a matter of sincere congratulation that this initial step has been taken, for it Is in some sense an assurance that the old, Irrational* hopeless muddlo called ou Indian poli­ cy has been outgrown, and that hence­ forth all the energy and intelligence available will be oonoencrated on the organization and evolution of a new plan of treatment. Had we not been fettered by tradition and a kind ot superstition In tbe past, which made us regard the Indian as somehow differ log troea wmmon bumjinly^be bave ceased to exist as a source of difficulty long ago. And what makes tbe slow disoovery of the truth so cu rious is that ever sinoe tbe foundation of tbe American Republlo we have been practising, In regard to tha per ennial throng of lutmmigrtnts trotn which our population has be«*n recruit­ ed, precisely the principles which we are now beginning to see would have succeeded equally well with the In­ dians. To make them amenable to law, to prepare them for citizenship, we simply put our foreign guests under .our svstem of government. Italians. Portuguese, Hungarians, Irish, En-, glish. French, Qeroians, Swiss, Span lards, Oreeks and many other nation alltles in the United States every day wholly untaught In our laws and In stitutions and in a short time they ar« assimilated. This then, is tile way to take with tbe Indians. Give them land in severalty. Secure them in tbe possessions of it for two or three gen rations, because If not so secured they would be che ited out of it before they bad learned how to take care of themselves. Put|them a* speedily at practicable u ij*r tin laws of the oountry, and let them realize iIm* necessity of abstention f 'oni violence and disorder of all kinds through ex perience. Tbe act now first set in motion In Dakota is, we hope and be lieve. the beginning of belter things. A fundamental tieueniiUy a to I in pre aa upon the m|nd ot the Indian the tact that be is accountable, and that if h*- commits a crime he will be puitiolieu in *>ucli a way aa to caut*e him suffering, ibis method of 11 struct ion will edu cate a far lower grade of humanity than the Indlaus. It only remaius to supplement the new law with legls latiou olthe same kind ami spirit. • «•* Moabjr mitt Uvea. Ex-Confederate Col. Mosby and Lieut. Oraydon, who were recently in the employ of the Chinese torpedo service, had a row lo a leading hotel lobby the other night. It seems that Oraydon accused tbe clerk of the hotel of stealing fl.tOO. and on trial Mosby swore that tbe lieutenant had oot good reputation in Hong Kong. Oraydon In turn testified that Mosby was unfriend­ ly toward blm because the former had refused to make an appointment for blm. Mosby heard this, and accompa­ nied by two friends found Oraydon In the hotel lobby and after a tew words denounced blm In set terms as a liar. Instan ly Oraydon knocked tbe doughty ex-guerllla down, Mo»by beside him­ self, rushed on the lieutenant and again found himself ou the floor. Then he put bis band to bis pistol' pocket, bnt was seized by bis friends and hur­ ried to tits room, leaving Oraydon mas­ ter of tbe field. The prospects of a duel between the two gentlemen are being discussed about istsnAn Jfrawclsso Dispatch. We an agent* bere i- OUOITONK A SID IRK LA NO. The wonderful speech ot Mr. Olad stone proposing home rule for Ireland will oocupy the mind of the civilized world for a long while to come. De­ livered on tbe other side of the ocean. Its foroe and loglo 00mpel admiration In American homes. But It Is not its eloquence, chiefly, that stirs the in tellect. Something more than oratory, •tea at Its best, arouses the rapt at tesilon of mankind. The British premier grappled with tbe most press­ ing task ef tbe government of tbe empire. Bow bas he dealt with It? His plan, says tbe VUea RtratiU Is bold, broad and 00m pie te. A peril a ment Is to be constituted In Dublin, of two orders sitting together, with the right to either to vote seperately. The first order Is to consist of tbe pfesent 18 Irish peers and 75 members chosen for ten years, and ro possess property of tbe value of 91,000. The second order Is to answer to the British commons. When this body is established, Irish representatives will no longur have seats In the parliament In Westminister. The parliament In Dublin h not to meddle with trade, oolnage, the army, navy, or with foreign or colonial affdrs. "The fiscal unity of the empire Is to be pre­ served," by leaving customs laws to be adjusted at Westminster, although the oolkieilons from tmt sou roe In Ireland are to be devoted to the benefit of that country. Provision Is made for antedating pensions to judges, and new appointments are to be made by joint vote of the two orders. For tbe present, tbe constabulary Is to remain under imperial control, aud a share of the cost is to be paid by ihe imperial treasury, but the principle is accepted that the police force should be subject to the domestic legislature. Mr. Oladstoue recognizes the obli­ gation providing gurantees for the landlords, for civil servants, and the prostestant minority but pleads that arter transient prejudices have ex­ hausted themselves, the minority can take care of Itself. His discussion ol these difficulties is signally adroit. He probably proposes two orders in the belief tbat the first, order will repre sent the minor ty. The device for re talnlng coutrol of the customs and ex­ it) tbe Westminster parliament, Is th£faii#if no taxation without representation. Just bere Is one of the crucial tests, and both sides may find ground for criticism. Tbe boauolal details are handled with tbe masterly skill for wmfl^tie premier is noted. SUIt at the KroaS. The Western Aura/, of Chicago, Is one of tne most progressive and thor­ oughly practical, farm papers of this oountry. Constantly alert as to what­ ever Is ol Interest to the farmer and steek raiser, It never looses an oppor tunity ao advance hta Interests or advocate bis cause under any and all Hrenmstances. The number of April 3d, Is of special Interest and value to many farmers, Inasmuch as It oontalna tuuch 01 interest as to the benefits, painlessness, and mode of hlsborning cattle, including opinions of eminent Veterinarians and many practical farmers, who have tested the operation and benefits of the same. It has prepared and bas now In pre*" one of tbe most practical and compre­ hensive year books ever published, embracing as It does many novel features not to be found elsewhere. It will no doubt prove of great value to those securing a copy. It Isatsoen gaged In a laudable efiort to unite through the medium of the National Parmer* Alllau< e. the producers of tbe country. Into a str.»ng and compact organisttlon for mutual help aud pro­ tection. and to this end is sending out larg» numbers of certificates ol honorary membership. Inviting I arra­ nt* everywhere to become ldeutified wi'h this movement. The only condi tiou imposed is that the cvriifiate I# *lgued aud returned for tbe seal of the National All I Alice and the signature of its Secretary. It will then be returned to you, your name will be enrolled, and you will be entitled to all tbe privileges and Immunities of said or izatlou. Write Milton George, 155 Dearborn St.. Chioago, for a sample copy, and then sen J in your subscrip tlon for one year, and you will oot regret It at tbe end. Price #1,65 per year 10-Col. MBIIP Morrison, ot Illinois, the famous tariff reformer, la Indig­ nant at the President. He Insisted tbat Cleveland should give a certain consulate to a friend of bis, assigning as a reason thai tM latter was a hard party worker, and bad earned the re­ ward. Mr. Cleveland was apparently skeptical as to tbe necessity of thus rewardin r Morrison's henchman. The colonel then declared that tbe man must be provided for. as be had been In Washington since Congress met, «ad that he (Morrison) had promised to gel the place for him. The Presi­ dent umwered "All right, get It for him; hat the man wbo has beee banging around .here for foor months can't be appointed by me.* Morrison says that be will not ylstt the White MeM»*epla. • faney, solid colors, haadkerehleft - - AStefielV Eve was never folly a| am sure, and I come to causetomy feeble #ptj& Oft was a«t In tbe GiHMt of it occured. and If I tl%| bee*, j woman. I should not#§t ft: not believe the 1 at all. That story was some jealous man who the gilt froqi her glory. which she has been be ber star of honor. I am sure she was not alote garden, and we can trace her aotU clearly as a path lit by First in tbe freshness 1 new world she stood In the eeet 1 of the Free of Knowledge, mad i her blue eyes and discontent crept ftttt her heart, and she wanted to ' gods knowing good and evll»"* l||i bltlon nestled beside dleeoetoM she reached out ber hand and the apple, and coorage sprang to and she did eat. In the dlstanee . Adam; with a thrill of rapture eyes saw him and love poase •eed- and she ran toward him tltrough flowers, pausing on the rivet's rest, for weariness had touched limbs. She watched be wat»t*| ntng south out of tbe garden, one coming out of a dim sweet twfl into a blaze sf glory, she looked wondered "why" It ran that waff, 1 lo! thought was bom; and genet l iughed In the sunshine when the apple in Adams hand. ai(4> blushed rosy red when he pressed ! hlsllpaand Ingenuity and In rushed In full armour to the and she gathered the 4g kttvefi Then memory like ed In her ear: The day ye eat ye shall surely die." She gliwiK$i Adam and deadly fear chilled tfcij ous blood in her veins. Then •Mi gued: He will be less angry with i woman, and Hi* vengeance will leas heavily upon me, than amittti whotu his command was given and' reason rose like a star on the waves of life, and shoulder to shoulder womanly devotion and heroism that fears 1 God nor death In defense of Its I ones entered ber soul, and she Inatreris*.. ed Adam to say, "The woman tempted me;* and deception .trembled on her remorse watered tbe seeds of deeep>* tlon and they grew so luxuriously that woaien have had the happy faculty ef getting out of scrapes ever slles* Tea to Eve belongs the honor n&Djri^ee of all nations, for sbe brought as all things that fill our lives, and I warn you not to let any sa ike glide Into your minds to rob Eve ot her glory. If there was any serpent there at all I warrant he did not tempt her at leaat* hutou the contrary, she flattered a^j|| coaxed him into climbing the tree, clubbing oil the epple the could not reacn.--"Chat" <it Ms CtAetimatti JAs- qvirer. VYou may ask, w'h» was Tow Walkerf He was a Boston man. who was meaner than the devil, is woe proved in this wise: According to Washington Irving, our Ameihna Whiter Scott, Tom Walker was » Boe» ton usurer «bo formed a partnership with the devil to discover Captain Kidd's treasure and open a brokei*s office In Boato i on condition that they should divide tbe profits tor a long term of years, at tbe eed of whlcb lime torn was to deliver himself up, heart, body and soul, to tbe devil as part of (he contract. Tom had a wondertei tun of business and made Immense nutus of filthy lucre, but some time be- • ore t»e contract expired be waa driv­ ing sucb a Hard bargain with a poor, he)ple«s debtor that the devil himself got enrsged that any one should be meaner than he was. and in hs wrath­ ful Indignation he mouuted a big blade horse during a dark, bowling storm, dashed up to tbe brokers office, and, snatching Tom by the hetref tbe head bore him off to hell afrseeft by dm* grvwmJilrnan. of South, , State ruh Law. The law forbids catching fish In'ft seine In any Illinois rivers or weeks between March and September. Be- tween September and Ma rah seines may be bsed whose meshes are not less than two Inches square. No persees shall so obstruct streams as to proves* tbe free passage of fish. It is ualawtal to catch fish, except lug minnows for bait, with anything except a book aad liae within a half a mile of any dam in any stream. Brook trout may only be caugh t between April 1 aad July 11, and then with a hook. Ftaesass oot less than 910 nor more thaa |909aod costs for each offense." , Carflteturing ha* run man. IMMt has become a nuisance. It Is shameful that|grends tate*men|like Logan, Cook- lin, Tnurmaai or Iogafls, whssa shffl* ty ao one doubjs, whose hsaaMrta j relation of life Is should |be pictured donkeys, or rats and «lndow,ala*ghl«gi less crowd, emlaeati la te ao* kept mBmm

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