WEDNESDAY, JUNE 2, 1888, JT. VAN 8LYKE, Editor. THIS PAPER «̂ yaT S°EuSd °rn SOW El.I. A CO.'8 Newspaper Advertisjng nreau (10 Spruce Street), where advertising S5fr«i:NEW YORK- • v " •* -* * * * „ -t i i * * 1 • nl,tl4»'4wjw!f " ' * ; >u» „i •> 8=5 43ft l>W, '»&• !> # " The County Convontlon. The Republican County Convention, which WM held at Woodstock on Sat urday last, was one of the roost harmo nious gatherings of the kind held for many yean. Every town was fully represented, and It seetned to be the aim of each individual delegate to do that which would be for the best Inter est of the Republican cause. Although this la what i« called an oil year in pol itics, every Republican seems to be in dead earnest, and the result will be an old fashioned Republican majority in November. Ia the nomination fur Conntj officer*; there was no opposition except for the office of Sherifl, for that office there being five contestants before the Con •entlon, but the prize was captured by Captain Oeo. Eckert on the thirteenth ballot. The balance of the t icket was nominated by acclamation. Otthe different candidates it is use less for us, at this early date, to make particular mention. They are all well known, and tried men, and in ourjudg ment |the strongest ticket that could have been made. Later in the canvass we shall have something more to say in relation to the nominees. Trie following la the ticket nomina ted: Fbr County Judge--O. H. Gilmore. County Clerk--William Avery. County Treasurer--Wm. H, Stewart. Sheriff-- George Eckert. Superintendent of Schools--Lester Barber. Congressional Convention. ' At the Congressional Convention. Cpr the Fifth Congressional District, held at Elgin, on Tuesday, June 1st. our present able member, Hon. A. J. Hopkins, was renominated br acclama tion. Every county was fully repre sented and the best of feeling pre vailed throughout. Stirring resolutions were parsed which we will publish in foil next week. Mr. Hopkins tenure to be c.leoted by nt least 12000 majority. 19* W. P. Morse, who announced himself as a candidate for County Treasurer, withdrew his name from be fore the Convention, his friends think ing that he entitled to anil should rrccive a more lusrative position Even the opposition to him in the Convention on Saturday were open in their promises that he should receive their undivided support for the office of Circuit Clerk two yeirs hence. Whether these pledges are kept or not remains to be seen in the future, but WO qpine shout I Mr. Morse live and re main in the County, the people will tee to It that be is not cold out by any political Ring, great of small, (^Congressman Hopkins was again called upon by the Republican minor ity of the Election Committee of the House of Representatives, to present tha legal phases of the contested elec tion case of Page vs^Pierce, of Rhode Island. His speech on the question is a keen legal argument, and the proofs therein exhibited are convincing in fa- tor of Mr. £Pierce, the Republican in cumbent, who was fairly elected. It speaks well for Mr. Hopkins* eminent legal acumen that he has twice within - three months been charged by his com. pi It tee with the duty of reviewing the Ipgal points of election controversies which, under the House rules, are at tfte best very intricate--Beacon. J(^*ln a vigorous editoral in its issue of the 24th, in which are discussed •ome of the probabilities of the next Presidential campaign, the Utica N. Y. Herald says of President Cleve land: "He will be tested by the promises and the failures, the assump tions and the blunders, the expecta tions and the disappolutments that mark his administration. By a tainted eablnet,by Ignorance and imbecility In foreign aflairs, by varlence with his party in Congress, by inability to ad vance a single measure of public poli cy, be will furnish abundant material for his own condemnation In the tribunals of his own party, so that the people will be denied the chance of visiting their Indignation upon him at the polls." (SruThe land or the free, and the home of thfc brave," 1» where America stands to day--the brave, dead; the assassins free. Governor Oglesby, the noble old' Commander, now In his dotage, is bu*l y engaged in setting tho assassins free, or granting respite to the condemned and convicted mur derer in order tiiat some expert may have time to step in and discover some germ of insanity which lias been lurking in the family, and has been In herited by the doomed assassin, that it may be the m^ans of procuring for him a full pardon and set bim free. Only a few days since he granted a sixty days respite to Pauton the brutal Elgin assassin. Who wasno have been luing May 14. and a day or two later he respites Dacy, the murderer of Alderman Gaynor. He pardons Max well, tho brutal murderer, from a life lorg sentence, because some one had represented to him that Maxwell was liable to die in prison. This was ore of the most inhuman and brutal cases of man -slaughter on record, no cause for it but a few dollars that were In the pocket of his victim. Dacy and Panton hhd both been tried twice for murder, and twice convicted, and In each case the plea of insanity was made part of the defense, and on that plea ably defended by counsel, a jury of twelve men In each case had de clared both men guilty; and the court on that verdict had sentenced them to be hung May 14th. Governor Oglesby now grants them a respite on the ground that a spark of insanity mar be discovered lurking about them, which may result in setting these two guilty wretches free. Twk»e tried, twice convicted, twice sentenced to be hung, but Governor Oglesby steps in and prevents what the court lias decided to be justice, proper and right. While the authorities of Chicago are now engaged in suppressing crime .by bringing the anarchists to justice. Governor Oglesby is cleaning our penitentiary of the most brutal mur derers that ever inhabited its walls.-- liocheUe Herald, fgrln view of the present troubles respecting the fisheries. It is of inter est to read what Daniel Webster, when secretary of stale, «aid 36 years ago when he beard that cruisers were to be fitted out by Great Britain to en force her supposed fishery claims under the treaty of 1818. He said: The fishermen shall be protected in all their r.ghts of property and in all their rlglus of occupation. To use a M&rbleheMd phr*?e, they shall be pro tected book and line, bob aud sinker. * The treaty ot 18 8 was made with the crown of England. If a fish ing vessel :e captured by one of her vessels of war aud brought in for her adjudication, the crown of England is answerable, and then we know whom we have in deal with. But it is not to be expected that the United States will submit their rights to be adjudi cated upon in the petty tribunals of the provinces,or that they will al.ow our vessels to be seized by constables and other petty officers and con demned by municipal courts of Canada and Newfoundland. New Brun-wick or Nova Scotia. No! No!! No!!i Furth er than this, gentlemen, 1 do not think It expedient to remark upou this topic at present; you may be assured it is a subject upou which uo one sleeps at W ashington. MOBB INDIAN JUfe In Arlzono is not very pleasant. A few score of savages find good picking there among the tens of thousands of whites who are trying to conquer homes out of the wilderness, A fresh band of the red desperadoes have burst loose from Geronlrno'g band end are going about searching for women to disembowel and children whose eyes they may gouge out. These pastimes of the noble red man, •tlr up indignation In the west, but by the time the news reaches Washington Officials they are ready to weep over the fact that the Indian only got ten white blankets last winter instead of twenty«five, or the supply of canned peaches and "A1' (Ugar had been lessoned a little In quantity. The troops have been in hot pursuit of the Indians, The trouble with the troops is that they are always in pursuit-- they never catch them. In otder to stop tbe horrible outrages •f Geronitno's Indians they should" be •arrounded and every one put to tbe sword. The lives of a white mau and 'women are worth more to civilization than the whole nation of greasy. lousy grates. We learn Capt. C. A. Partridge, of Waukegan, formerly one of the pro. prietorsof tbe Waukegan Gazette, will be brought out by his .friends"as a candidate for the lower House of our State Legislature, at the coming elec tion. Lake county could not make a better choice. to 35c tak*n Pl*ce this drop of about 90c last week, has OffMsed country ship pers to begin tostteerclse some cau tion. (logs are In heavy supply. Prices about steady. Only or e lot of sheep, consisting of about 400 head, has been shipped frum here to the east this week The re mainder of the sheep shipped from here were forwarded to Illinois, Indi ana. and Wisconsin, for fattening. Prices have decilncd in a majority of Instances 76c to 91.00 100 #>* within a week, but shippers arc still out of the market. \. WINTEK WHKAT-NO. 3 red 76; No. 3 red 74. SPRING WHEAT--No. 2 73o; NoJ 70c; No. 1 hard (Minneapolis) 74 No. 1 hard (Duhtth market.; 79$. CORN--No. 2 35<$36c; No. 3 33. OATS-NO. 2 28c; No. 3 by sample 30c; Barley Oats. RYK--No. 2 by sa nple, 60|. BARLEY--No. 2 By sample 50, TIMOTHY SEED--Poor to good, 91.05 @41.70. FLAX--No 1.91.06 CLOVER--Poor to choice, 95 25(196<50 BUCKWHEAT , BRANS--cnol e hand plotted, 91«S0 POTATOES--45c per bushel. BUTTKB--Creamery fancy 15 to 16c; dairy to choice 12@i4c; common grade 7@9. EGGS--Fresh Northern, 8@9c. CHEESE--'Youn<r America 7c; full < cream Cheddar 9@10; skimmed 7@7c. POULTRY--Chickens 8@9c; Turkeys U*. CITTLE--Good to extra shippers 95.10@*5 80; fair to choice 94.90@95.00; common to good $4.6()@$5.25; poor to merlitim 94.25oo5.00; stockers 92.76(3 -94.20; feeders #3.80@$4.80; Texans 95.25 HOGS--Light weight 94.10@94.90 rough packing 63.95@94.10; Heavy packing and shipping 94 20 MIEEP--Common to choice 93.75® 95 65. Tho qxuc!;c: 'j the v.-orut type t.rr.'.M Xeural gia of of SMITH'S BILE one to four hours, a3 many who have tried it can test ify. 11 does seem strange that sensible people will suffer with tins terrible disease when speedy relief can surely be found in this simple safe and inexpensive remedy. 25 cents. For sale by all druggists and dealers in medi cine, or sentany where ou receipt of price in stamps. Administrator's Notice. ESTATE of Bryan Frisby, deceased VFbe nnder8i*r>e<i having been appointed) Ad- minlatraior ot the Estate of Bryan Fi isby de ceased, late of the county of McHenry, and State ot Illinois, hereby gives notice that he will appear before tne County Court of Mc Henry County, at the Court House, In Wood stock, at the July icrm, on the third Monday ic July next, at which time all persons hirinr claims rgoinst said Estate, are notified and re«|iicste<l to attend for the pur pose of having the same adjusted. All persons indebted to *ai<1 Estate are requested to make immediate payment to the un<ier»i;cned. Dated the 12th day ot May. A D. 1888. JOHN B. Pnisar. NEW PATENT COOLER 9 H*. •' The boycott has been pretty thoroughly tried. Tbe laboring men have boycotted their employers, the employers have boycotted their hands, railroads have boycotted o.her rail roads, the newspapers have boycotted and been boycotted, and in fact we have had a wide-spread and destructive epidemic or boycott. Most of us have had all we want. The boycott was a new craze, and bad to run its course, the same as the fifteen puzzle, roller skating and the Mikado. We do not hear so much of it as we did. There is nothing illegal in the boycott, and the action Of the New York authorities in arresting men who organize a boycott hardly seems justifiable. It heeds no law to do away with it. It will depart of its own accord. If a body of men choose to refuse to buy goods of any person, no power on earth except des potism can compel them to do it. But the boycott has been placed upon firms and individuals for such trlvai causes thCt it is in disrepute. It has gone out of date. We bid it farewell gladly. It will remain one of the curious fea tures of the labor agitation. Our Chicago Market Report. Prepared Expressly for the PLAIKDEALEK by Our Own Correspondent. CHICAGO, May 31.1886 Weaker markets in the east and abroad, and excessive offerings at home has causcd a weaker feeling, and a lowering of prices in all the grain markets, , Wheat is active at the decline, but the prices are unsettled and have dropped over a cent. Corn rules weak under heavy re ceipts and in sympathy with the de pression in wheat. Oats are lower in price nnder moder ate demand. Vegetables are in fair request. Armour & Co.. during the last few days have sold 7,000,000 lbs of canned beef to the French government, about 1,000,000 lbs of bacon to the United States government, and 200,000 lbs of meat to the Canadian government. Cattle are active but prices are rather low in common grades. The receipts fell oft to 6,000 bead, bring 2 300 less than came in the day before and 1,000 less than the receipts for Friday of last week, and to the smaller ofierlngs was the strength entirely due, Tbe arrivals were Jighter than were looked for, but the decline of 25 Having recently purchased and lit ted up the Shop in Nicholft* Block, we are now pre. pared to furnish our customer* with Fresh aid Salt Head O F . A L L K I N D S , Sausage, Smoked ^Meats, Etc. --AT THE-- LOWEST LIVING RATK8. We bu* none but the best of Meats, and flatter ourselves that we can offer our cus tomers meats in better shape than anjr other shop in this section. We have put In one ot Stevens' Patent Coolers, which enables us to keep Meats of all kinds in the warmest weather. Give us a call and twe will guarantee to please yon. «CSB T. B. TURNER. McHenry, III., May 10th, 1883. RHEUMATISM. Tills remedy but specific action upon the fluids of the bpdr. supplying moisture to the UUBM and lubricating the Joints affected br the dismse. No •tier or Distorted Llab* remain after t cure br this specific. A trial of a sinRle bottle will convince the most sceptlcal that we have not told half its Tlr- <-ues- Prtce per bottle. For sale br all druKfflBts. Manufactured only by i-ENNlY MEDICINE CO.. CMKNOA. ILLINOIS. BREEDERS OF FARM HORSES I offer for your inspection my Clysdale talliou, Defiance, Jr., 3 years old this spring. In color a bay, with dara limbs, black mane and tail. Of fair wize, well formed body and a •et of clean, straight limbs. 8IRED BY DEFIANCE 490. Defiance was imported by Capt. A. Y. Bled* gett, of Waukegan, III. Both aam and grand* uam were of superior build, both as to tors ef body and good, sounds llmba. TERMS TO INSURE, $8. Sol citing your inspection of tbe Colt, tnd a share ot patronage, 1 remain, Tours tlespectfnlly, 0JtO. K. HA1BIS0V* Two mftesfeuth of Aingwood. O'HB w DOXXAR We will send you the Formula for making the famous Compound 0XYGBH HOME VBEATKBHT, a positive cure for Con- sumption, Bronchitas, Asthma, Catarrh, Hay Fever and all Blood Diseases of either eex, from whatever cause, or we will said you the Formula and a two months treat ment with Inhaler for $3.00, Send In letter at our risk. Address, 0XT8EH HOKE TBE1TKEVT 00* ISO Desrkm M, CUCAM ** t , ' • • - 1 ' " " * % « >11 pTOne Door West of the Riverside House. ; ! ,'.v ..;v DEALER IN * r Also the Celebrate# STOVES & And in short, everything1 in the Hardware, -•« WE HAtE A FULL STOCK .W ^ DABS, OAB-LQCKS USE POLIS, AHD FISHIHG TACKLE OT ALL HOTS. Which will be sold' as low as the same quality of Goods can be bo light anywhere. Call at my store before buying elsewhere. fHE FINEST LINE OF BIRD CAGES IN TOWN. Promptly Attended To, Jo Trouble to show Goods, JOHN i. STORYi Mchenry, III., May 24th, 1886. ATTENTION ALL! Are you aware that at E. M. Owen & Sou yon can get all the best and latest improved Machinery, and all warranted as represented. CORN PLANTERS. We carry in stocft. the celebrated Keystone in two styles, Standard, Challenge, Arving, Evans and John Deere. We can discount them all on the old reliable Bertrand <& Sanies; Climax, Standard. Monitor or £>tar, Crawford, Case, Norwegian, fcurst & Bradley and others, sold very low to thin them out. MOWERS! .MOWERS! MOWERS)! Look out for our Six Foot cuts this season. The Eureka 6 loot cut will draw with less draft than any 4 toot cut made and leave your grass in better shape to dry. Call and see one at our place. Also have the Standard and Manny, both iu wide and narrow cuts. The Crawford, New Warrior and otherb which cannot tail to suit you. Try a wide cut, as two rounds with one is equal to three with a narrow cut machine, and can do it just as easy. THAT V£ FABBAST. PULVERISING HARROWS OF ALLtKINDS. Carriages and ;ons. We have the most popular makes, and can say here that we have the finest finished jobs that over came into the county and the mater ial can't be better. We have in stocic the celebrated LaCrosse Walliscarriage; the renouned Cortland, which we have sold hun- dieds of, Henny, Miller, Fenner, aud others, and the price we can convince you is right. All waraanted for two years in regard to material. Call and see us before you invest in anything in4our liue, as we are sure you can be suited; A few Single Harness on hand. The best for the money^ever offered. E. M- OWENi&lSON. LOMUUD-Sfr « PLOWSIlUE"- >•«. B I • I SN A,K Y01" rLUVl. Dealer for It CHAS. H. TRYON. DRAINAGE ENGINEER AND SURVEYOR. Levels taken, Drains located and Grades established for Tile and Open Drains. Swamp and overflowed lands reclaimed. Elevations taken of Springs. Ponds and Water Courses and all work requiring Accurate Levelincr • ung P. O* Address, GENERAL MERCHANTS, t* V 1 ' V y . " f ^ -• West MeHenrJ^; ̂Illinois, is1 '*4 --v--- •<*? | ' i - Have just received a FttU Line df ' L * s ^ . tt v 1 . 4- .V "A . 1 t ' * < "v* )• ' tL i^insistins: of New, Stylish and Gheapi §UMMm U A fine line and cheap. Hosiery, Straw Goods, Hats, tain Shades, Poles and Fixtures. &4S Wall Paper I Wall Paper! As good an assortment as can be found in the county, The best makes and at low figures. "" CLOTHING FOR ALL Newf well cut and made, and latest styles. • Great Bargains in Communion and Confiimation Suits. We own for this town exclu sive patent on Clothing not to be found elsewhere. Please call and examine. - , --i ^ \ h , 0rocej ies G BONSLETf STOFFEit HEADQUA TERS FOR BORDERS AND DECORATIONS W- ,5 - * C . ALL PAPER TRIMMED FBlE OF We have the. Finest Stock of WINDOW In tbe County. See them. Our new FINE CLOTHING Is ahead of them all in fit and style o^ goods. Prices guarenteed the lowest. We invite every Man or Boy who contemplates buying a Spring suit to SEE OURS. Everybody knowe Henderson's "< 1"""i* - (*,- i Al ^ BOOTS We carry a full line and warrant them. Henderson's Red School House hoes for B oys and Girls are noted for durability. We have In stock. ^Atso sell from samples. Latest novelties in Dress .Good* iwd Xrimanug* Embroideries, eto« j f• ••• - .. Full line of Canned Goods and Fresh GrooerlM. V \ Perry & Owen; mailto:94.90@95.00 mailto:63.95@94.10