•VP£:W- - 'C-% r&'+ ,V.. l'~ <• *'%' i'«S i <,5 • • Wh* * - - „ : to k\>:' M~"4 • - •; . , ; r 44 Pledged but to Truth, to Liberty and Law; No Favors Win us and no Fear Shall Awe," . . . . s . . . . . ; . ; VOL. LI. : . • M'HENRY, ILLINOIS, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 23, 1886. ' . • * . NO. 49. m. ess- m eiry 1ItWeelei, Patiliihel ffertn«»il»T 'T V^V>" S4LYKB KDIWUXO PUBLMttKB. [>ttoe In Bishop's Block* •;.•• --OrrosiTB PBMT A TBBK4 Of SUBSCRIPTION. >' ,;i 3n« fear (in Artraaee) -•J-®* If Not PaM within Three Months ,. 3.08 Siit>scriptk>t)« receiwl tor (IhfM or liz Matha la tfie same proportion. Kates of Advertising. We annannce liberal rates for advertising at the PLAIWDKAT.BH, and en<leavor to state them ao plainly that they will l>« EWwlily un. lerstood. They are as follow#: j 1 Ineh one year j • * «<\ . s 90 ) tushes one year . - * * »# 3 Inches eae year 15 no SOolnmn one yea# * - • 30 no Oolomnoosyeai . - * - • « W»o« Column one year * < « * •• <*> *,100 00 One Inch means the measurement of one •eh down the column, single column width. Yearly advertisers, at the above rates, have the privilege of changing as often as they thoose, without extra charge. Regular advertisers (meaning those having Standing cards) will be entitled to insertion •f local notices at the rate of ft cents per line each week. All others will be charged 10 cents per tine the ft-at week, and 5 cents per line for each subsequent week. Transient advertisements will be charged at the rate of lb cents pe line, (nonpareil type, same as this is set In) the first issue, and Scents per line for subsequent issues. Ttr-s, M inch advertisement will cost $1.00 for one week, |LM for two weeks, 92.00 for three we«.ks, and so on. the PfcAlNDKAi.HR will he liberal In giving •ri.torial notices, but, as a business rule, it will require a suitable fee from everybody seeking the use of its columns for pecuniary BUSINESS CARDS. M. r. EL LSWORTH, A TTORNBT at Law, and Solicitor la Chan S\. eery, Nanda, III. ASA W. SMITH, ATTORNEY AT LAW and Solicitor IB Chancery.--Woodstock, 111. S. F. BENNETT, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SU'UiRON. Also United States Examining Surgeon. Richmond, Illinois. t l, , DR. C. R. WILLS. ed. _ „ Barker's harness thop. MART O. BARBIAN. HAIR WORKER. All kind* of Hair Work done in first class style and at reasonable prices. Rooms st residence, north east corner of Public Square, McHenry, 111. DR. O. E. WILLIAMS. DENTIST. Residence Dundee. Will be at McHenry, at Parker House, the M>th 11th «5th and 2flth of each month. When dates occur Saturday or Sunday I make my visits on the following Monday,and the first dav of such visit occurs on Friday, I will stav but one day. UiM States Var Claii Apcj --or-- WM. H. COWLIN, Woodstock, - - Illinois. Prosecutes all r.la«sss and kinds of claims against, the United States tor ex-Soldiers, their Widows, Dependent Relatives or Heirs. A specialty ti made In prosecuting old and rejected claims All communication* promptlv answered If Postage Stamps are enclosed for reply. WM,H.COWLIir, Office at Residence, Madison St.. Woodstoec, Illinois. BUSINESS CARDS. H. T. BROWN, M. D. AN AND SUROX Residence, McHenry, III. ftBYSlGIAN AND SURGtfON. 0«ce at •tr̂ \ O. H. FEGERS, M, D- «KirslOtAN AND SURUEON. McHenry, l Ills. Office at Residence. O. J. HOWARD, M. D. fiHYSIOIAS AND SUROEON, McHenry, 111. Office one door West of rUxslmmons Branson's store, up stairs. . . . BAKBIAN BROS. 0IGAB Manufacturers, McHenry, 111. Of-ders solicited. Shop, la Old -McHenrv, tB Kelter Block, third door west of Riverside ..JteP*- . iiiriijiiiiwy Livery Stable. faralshed at reasonable rates. Teaming of all kinds done on short notice. Attention Horsemen! I would call the altentfion of the public to my Stable of Stock lorses, four in nutuber: two Morgans, one 3-4Percheron, and one Imported Horse. They are all £ood representatives of their breed. Also a few Merino Sheep r sale. The public, are cordially invited to call and examine stock, get prices, etc. $0 business done on Sunday. N. S. COLBT. 10 7-tf MOHKNRY, ILL JROBT SCHIESSLE Having purchased the old stand of Joseph Wiedemann, NEAR THE DEPOT. MoHENRY, ILLINOIS, Keeps open for the accounnodatlon .of the Public a First-class ^ Saloon and Restaurant, Where he will at all times keep thejbest kMMds of Wines, Liquors an'l Cig trs to be ftmnd in the maifmt* Also Agent For fBANZ FALK'8 mMm LAGER BEER. Beer In Large or Small Kegs or Bottles al ways on hand, cheaper than any other, quali ty considered. Orders by null promptly attended to. t v GOOD HTABL1NO FOR HOBBRB v*#6§TOall and see as. Robert Sohlesste. C. G. ANDREWS, GENERAL AUCTION, SPRING GROVE ILL Sales ot -Stock, Farming* Tools and Goods of all kinds attended to on the most BU80SABU THUS, A N D Satisfaction ("all on or Address £'• C. G. Andrews, Spring Grove, 111. pring snve, Sept. nth, 1MB. 11-ll-Sa HeHeary, IlL, May 15th, *». - n « il miuiuiii, SAL0W and KE8TATOA1TT i Buck's Old Stand, * MoViBNKY, ILLINOIS. fias Kentucky Liquors, French Bitters, ' W -*,'s §l£cHenry Lager Beef, the Bottle or Case. %e buy none but the best and ^ «sll at Reasonable Prices. v^V Call and see me and I will use *1 C"" §OVL W®11* ANTONY ENGELN. < ^ Meaenry, III., 1886. " CORSSTi [IMPROVED.] la the only perfect fitting, truly comfortible and health-preserving Corset ma<te. Has an Mastio ^notion above and below a Corded Center piece. Entirely llfgreni from any iMw. Rvery Ooraet is itoop*<l ami absolute- l#*eawao»eed in everv partieular. Be sure M|NODWU PMBL Maaufantured only iw#>wpi Oerset Oo^ OUoaae, an lay i(et-elMe dry-goots stores ever If*. Pnoe SI JO. li, PUMP REPAIRiNG, CEMENTING, ETC. The undersigned is prepared to do all lobs In the line of Digging Wells. Repairing Pumps. Cementing Welle, or will put la Htmvr Pumps <)• ihort notice and warrant satisfaction. la thort will do all work m this line. Ora furnish you a new Pump, either wood or iron, warranted, as cheap as any other man. Good references furnished If desired. If you want a Well l>ug, a Pump Repaired era new Pump, give me a ealL ^•Orders by mail promptly atteaded' 10. Post office, Johnsbnrgh, HI. L. BANTE8. Johnsburgh, 111., May 48th, W#. IOBBABBAHS a E. R. BRaNETT, M. U., Late House Surgeon Cook County Hospital. RICHMON D, lULtflOIS, Special attention given to difficult Surgical eases. DEUT&CH OB8PHOCHSN. Office at Residence of Dr. 9. F. Bennett. for 13 Weeks. The POT.ICB OAZETTE will be malted, -leourelv wrapped, to any address In the Halted Stares for three months on receipt of . ONE DOLLAR. Liberal discount allowed to postmasters, agents and clubs. Sample copies mailed Use Address *11 orders to u«aiB»x. rMiiuii'SOtrm, New Yerlt -- it is the Beat, andT Cheaper than you eaa toy Coal or Wood aad make It yourselC A, M. CHURCH, Watchmaker and Jeweler VO.SS FIKTH ArE., (Brlggs House), Chl- i" eago. 111. Special attention given tore* pairing Pine watches and Chronometers. vWA fall Assortment of Ooede in Ms Hal JOHN J. WINKLES. CiBFINTEB m JOIHffi, Is prepared to do all work in his line on short ootice^»ftd gu*i> entee sati faction. Will work by the jub or day* desired, and do as »ooJ work as any man in the business. Orders left at his residence, Southeast corner opposite the Public School House, will reoetre prompt attention. Best of References given if de sired, JOHN J. WINKLES. McH WET, ILL-Von* SOT A, Ml j. p. smmi, JloHenry, - UliiMiii. As Fine a Steck of Withes, Clocks and Jewelry As can be found in the Oountv, which I offer at prices that oan not be beat. A riae Stock ot CHOICE CIGARS eaH and examine goedvaud learn prfeet. J. P. SMITH. tfoH**rv. IlL. March 1st. 188R. SMUlTS BEANS **Vm BWoatwew; tUk IMMadiflwr--rXim. U) See tfeee relieves Neindela. ThciyeareaaS pmeat Chills >fntr, KarMimek / M SrsaBi. Clear the »kle. Tewe IhrPeffot, Uts>VI«»r to the system. Doaei ON* fflsJaK. Tft Mem eece and fee will aever fee wRMMrtJkMa. Priee, CS cents per kettle. SeM if DnwWriM M HI das Oeelsrt fleMtaNy. Seafea-liiffiMllil priatla etaaps, powpaM, te any awsei, J. P. SMITH A CO.. and Sole PIOM.. ST. BREEDERS OFFARM HORSES 1 offer for your inspection my Clys<tale aralllon. Defiance, Jr., S years old this spring. ' In color a bay, with dant Hmbs. black mane ami tail. Of fair Kite, weSfarmeU body and a et of clean, straight llmaf. SlftED BY DEFIANCE 430. Do fiance was imported j gett, of Waukegnn, 111. 1 Uam were of superior bull body and good, sounds UINM* TEJUU TO rNS0RE, s». Sorclting yonr insp*clion of the Colt, ind a MM el paireaage, 1 remain, Tours llespectfully, OKO. H. HAKSIS0V. Two miles South ot ftlngwood. CALL OK Algonquin, III., OIASJB1 n H&rdwui, ItoTM, TIBMNI In short, we keep everything in the above mentioned lines, which we are offe in^ to the buy ing public as cheap as any other house in this section. Call and S©» iis. JOBBNO ft BMPAMim. PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. JOHN HELM. At(MM|iila«'fl*fc. lSt'lW, JOHNSBURGH Buckwheat "Wanted. / At the Pox Rlwr Valley Mill, for , Which the bigb«a( martwi prloe will be ••"V . aslii, «> & . * . > • • ' '••*» BWHO*. t v£'.-i* j. t e ' • & % , * * • ̂ 4 i , : E.M. HOWE Oppoalte Bishap's Mill 0ba has a complete line of the best storeMta the market, as well as a large stock of Hariiare, Mechanic's M, TIN, COPPER & SHEET IRIN WARE, and, lajfact. ererythUsg In the hartftfcf* •teVe and tin line. H WILL WOT B Jjm tCIM. Sill at his store before baying eMMVhire bing and repairing promptly atteaded to •OrKemember, extra good «ays be obtataed at Howirit ^ ^ •* MeHeory, Oeo. i *#• • • Wi.r f- ,4... 1 - !§SSA. s*J: HENRY Ml Mi aiA SOOIBII ftndtalftieriaan Qmite MOJS maimt TABLET*, HKAV89&SE8 mmtsrxBT camum, xj% JOHNSBURGH, ILL. Orders Solicited. Guaranteed. MoHENBY.lLL. Good Work ICE C|JPAM PARLOR -UINOH ROO# eRKXjBSC - BLOCK, Vear 'tt* "Ifew Mlfe. AU (Bods Home Made, from Home Receipts. Koallea or ether drag used te lighten or whitea ear bread, pethlng but good eld fhshioued Teast, aaeelately pare aad whole Tea Cream, from Pave Cream flbr Parties Bad Festival* - All IMdrefOake ea fttad. A, G. LOCKE. mm At THE STAND, JACOB BOItSLETT, stand, opposite Bishop's mAi, "icHenry", III. The choicest Wingfc Liquors an"! Cigars &ALOON AND RESTAURANT, at the old shop' i§l te he fuund in the coKty. ffiwm or cold meals on short notice o^k|»plication. PHIL BEST'S MILWAUKEE BEER by the Settle or Case, always oh band. QUOD STABLING roR HORSKS. (fitpt. A.v Blod iQi antn and grand ktooth ae to tornr of A TO CURE R H E U 1 H A T I S M . remedJ has a speelflc action upon the Aside boS^sBpelrlniiiwtstate to the tissues and I® tfteud by the disease. Nt Minisifes remain- after a curs by i sessile. A trial of a single bottle will conrttiee ssoet soepUcal that we have not told half its vir- taes. wii tl.ee per bottle. For sale by all diagjtlsts. llannfsctnrid only by MUVNCY WCDKMNK CO., OtWNOA. ILLINOIS. i . L>\|i"Jiliir;»jir^.l - SODA, B eat in the "Wo rid. Agents Wanted! VOX THE OBEAT VBW BOOK, •The World's Wonders' By JWBusl. The most suceesssnl subscription book ever MB Wished Over half a million copies were sold mrftut eight months, and it is selling three tMesas tast now .is ever before. Regular eaif^asMrs clear from |15 to #25, <*0 and #50 per da . Nothing like it was ever known in the history of book publishing. Pro fa sent tret 9*application. No experiei lastff* success. We help persons without meat* to do a lar«e business; no capital need ed. *Wrlte for particulars. Salaries r/uaran- fimSSii ptrtons who do not wish to oanvas* tm com~ rntmm. We mean business, and want live "4agefllB IS every township. It will cost you eething to write for terms and full descrlp Mens of our plans of doing business. We also ofaeoioay tUmdard books to persons wbosend us name i of book agents, Write for our list sWiee staadani books. MARENOAI. PCBCIBIIINO Co tf-4w, Soldiers' Department. OONTBTBCTKD BT WK. H. OOfLIK, County CU k- R. Directory. BIOmtOBDtrOBT WO ML Meets the first aad third Fridat iiMSBi ef •each month. Da. s. F, BBNHBTT, Com. (WOODSTOOK POST. MO MM. Meete first and third Monday evening* of eeeh ssoath. G BO BOB KOKBBT, Coia. WTODA roar, wo--, Meets the second aad fourth Wedaesday erenlags of each araath. WM. Bt/TUO, COBL HARVARD poet, iom Meete the seeosd aaa tearta Monday evaa* lags ot each month. DB. H. T. WvJODBTJF*. Cost. MABBNOO POST, NO. iff, Meete ere-y Second aad Fourth Friday eveatags of each moath. A. J. BOT»»TOV, Ota. We would like for any comrade that fetlc so Inclined to write us any tool- £ect of camp, hospital or battle. Don't natter whether you ean write good or not, give us the Mbttaboe, sad we Will pat It loahape. Comrades is this right and juitf •*Although the soldiers that enlisted In the early part of the war, was prom Ised one hundred dollars bounty, the government decided that unle*a he was wounded he did not desorve any until after he had been ehot at oter two years. If he was discharged by reason of disability other than wouuds. or accidental injury, after being in the service two fears, lacking one day, he could not get the one hundre I dollar bounty promised him, but |f he had served the other day he would be en titled to the bounty refered to. 'Ob consistency, though art a Jewel." A Genuine War-Wore*. Gen. Kllpatrlck's old war-hofse "Spot** Is to figure in the Port Jervlt celebration on the 5th of July. It l» •aid that this horse psssed unscathed through all the battles fought by the army of the Potomae, and so marched with Sliertnan to th*eea, a fact thai might be be'd to Indicate that bis rider manHged to keep him out of danger with remarkable skill andencoesslf 'he world had not been olten told that KIIpal rick was a very braye mau.-- hBUjotd (Fa.) Dispatch. 4 *I re leeiber tbat eee ef daring and Strongest willed men In our regiment was much given to Inugh inc at the poor fellow* who went down under disease or who complained much of what we called mere acratcties oi wounds. For two years it teemed that be was proof ^against all troubles Inci dent to army life, but one day as tit- stood In line of battle, an fine aspect, men of sold«*rly i-plrlt aod courage a# 1 ever saw, there came bounding and rolling toward the line a (wavy cannon- ball ttred from-one of the large guns of the enemy. The temptation to stop a spinning ball of this klud was sw strong that must soldiers oerved them selves up to the point of resisting the inclination to give the apparent!) harmless ball a kick, l'he only mau to yield to the temptation was my superb soldier. He put out bis foot witU a smile on his face, and went down a shattered, maimed, and helpless man Ilia foot was cut oil as by ao ax, aod the shock made him eo the instant et helpless as a babe. Depoadeat Father's Feasloau In eases where the soldier die4 In the service or of wounds reoetved or disease contracted-In the servloe. leav ing a lather or mother dependent upon him. the law provides thatiqion proof of such depenitence the tnethe r is entitled. In casd the mother dies while her elaim is pending or pfter'li has been allowed, the right to pension reverts to the dependent father, but his pension commenoes from th<» date of the mother's death, being the date when he could only become entitled . The pension from date of soldiet's death that the mother could have re covered and received during her life time, cannot be paid to the father 6F to her children, The pension of dependoot brothers aod sisters does not accrue while the mother or father Is living, and in ua&e such br ithers or sisters are oyer 16 years of age at the death of *hetr last surviving parent, they cannot receive any pensious, as all right ceases at that age, •. Gen. Tillman, of South Oarollo«. is one of the characters In congress. He Is 60 years of age. tall, well propor tioned, and. like JHantbal Hauilin, has never worn an overcoat. In the coldest days in winter the General goes up to the capltol. usually with bis coat uo buttoued and looking as though the weather rather suited him tlinn other wise. Recently Gen. Tillman was coming down Pennsylvania avenue accompanied by a friend. Walking In the opposite direction was a one ar.oed ex-soldier who wore the badge of the Grand Army of the Republic. Tillman, who fought In the confederate army, and Who Is even new fond ef talking ot the Mlost cauSe,**stopped*the veteran and said In his peculiarly suave aod genial manner: "Good morning, sir; 1 take oil my hat in recognition of true manhood.**' He chatted with the ^rerteran for a moment. Inquired about Ifa health, i si--sdfcH walk. & Later be said to bis Mead when ques tioned about the altai r: * Yes sir, I will take off my hat to any soldier, black |or white, ex-confederate or union. These veterans are the tvpes of true manhood, and they shall have my homage and respect." Gen. Till man was one of th« bravest 'officers >ent Into the lleld^-by South Carolina to flght for the life of the eonfederaoy. i Latter fromOoa. Onsl %m Osa IhsnMa Comrade Brown, Co. C. 124th Ell., Lorin, CalH sends us a lithographic facf* simile of the foltowlngletter, which al ludes to a brother-in-law of the late Wilbur F. Story, of the Chicago Tifiet. The person referred to was atresled and sent to the Alton PeeVtentlAry. as directed by Gen. Grant. After a short imprisonment he WAS released ow th** condition thtthe would keep qelet. The next year he was drowned while on a pleasure excursion: Headq'rt, District of ftlWiliai, CUBINTB, Aug, 8,1869. Msj.-Gen. W. T. SHBRKAM, Commanding U. S. Forces, Memphis, GKNBBAL: Herewith I sendyeu'aa article credited to the Memphta corns pondent of the Chicago Time*, which is both false in fact and mlschnvotie' In character. You will have the aetftor arrested and sent to the Alton Peni tent arv under proper eeoort for con finement until the dose Of the war. Un less sooner discharged by ooarpetem authority. I am. General, very respeetfHl!y« Your obedient servant, U. 8. GRAHT, Major-General Commanding. Do yen know the-man? Find blm out and arrest him, w. T. AHKEMAH. XaJor Genefil. August 14.186i. The eqnaHratlon of beotttlee 'heve been hnaglpg five as It were. In Con gress for Mveral years, and from our stand-point, we cannot see any jau reason, why, it has net been passed long ago, by both houses, and signed by the president. We think that j«i«- tlce will never be done to the large portion of the soldiers that enlisted in (lie early part of the war. until some bounty bill Is past equalising bounties. The bill that is before the hou«e now, tllowlog eight and one third dollars per month, for time-actually nerved, le lucrlng bounty that hart been paid from the amount, Is peritapa the near- »st right of any that haa yet 'been in troduced tnto Congr*«s. Mo«MMU|been hut our Mf nave not heard half they will fr»ar bn this subject. The m »n that-saved tills Union have a sight to speak on ques tions that are of importance to t lew I'he soldier atks nothing but Justice and that, they have a right to demand. Che soldier will stand by those, that s*and by them, and advocate their rights. When they send men by their votes Into the balls of congress to enact laws, they expect to be recognized by those men, when Just bills are iutroduo d in their favor, and thoso congress men who take a back seat and fall to do their duty the snldler will remember >n certain occasions when every free American citizen has a right to speak Ms aenti nenta. namely, at the polls. The proposed Equalisation Bounty Bill will, II It becoius a law, .pint to late ei llated Jien eight and one third dollars bounty a month for each month f service, deducting all (Jnt:ed States bounty heretofore paid. Bight aad one third dollars bounty a month Is equal to §100 bounty a year. Any of our readers who desire to learn the amount of noouty to which they will beenttlled should the Equalisation Bill become a law, should multiply the number of months of actual service by eight and one third dollars, and from the prodnot subtract the amount or bounty alread? received from the Unl ted States. The remainder (if any) will show the amount tbey will be en titled to recelve if the bill beeomee a <#NADA THIITLIB. •ZTBttMlHAYVOM. AM ACT to "amend section three (8) of an act entitled "An act concerning Canada thistles." approved and In ferae Mnreh 15.187J. and to amend said act by providing for the ap pointment of a commissioner by oouuty boards where the tesrn eti- thorities fail or refnae te do the aatne i and section two of this act to be numbered section eight aod one- baif (8|) of the original act. SECTION 1 Be it enacted by the Poo- pie of the State of Illinois, represented in the Qeneral Assembly: That section three (3) of an act entitled "An act concerning Canada thistles," approved and in force Mareb 16,1871* be ameniRd to read aa follows: ••Section 3. In cKse said thlstles are found groelng on Indosed lands, the commissioner shall advise with the owner, age^it or occupant on their treatment, and If the said commission er shall deem It necessary and exped ient for him to fnllv control the same, he shall agree with the owner, agent or occupant on the boundaries of the tract so Infected which it Is expedient r him to control, aad he shall nark the same by stakes, or by feoee If thought best; and theieafter such In fected tract, or ao mach as from time to time remains Infected shall be man nged and eoMraHed by^thweald eom mtuloner. foTthe-pntTKwe'Ol" destroy- log said thistles,'and so long as tt mhy be necessary to complete4be work. Is agent or occupant of said land agree as regards the propriety o( oommlseloner controling such trwi^ the boundaries of the same, then the commissioners shall proceed to stske out or mark such boundarlee as be deems proper, and file a copy oft his decision 'with the town cierk, et. lit countlea not nnder tow isblp organiza tion, with the county elerk. Tie owner, a >ent or occupant of the land may If he feels agrleved. appeal from sneh decision of the eommlssienor, without bonds, within twenly days, to the commissioners of high ways of the town, or to the county commissioners, as the case may be, who shall proeeed to view the same, and to hear the res- sons for and against the decision of the Commissioner, and a majority of aoch board of appeal shall decide as te the propriety of taking possession of the trsct alleged to be lofected,and If they decide to take such possession, what shall constitute the boundaries of the same, and shall direct said commission er to exterminate said thistles, (which are hereby declared a oublle nuisance.) without unnecessarily 'depriving the owner of the land of any legitimate use and enjoyment of the same; and the owner or occupant of said land shall pay all cost and expense of labor for said extermination, which shall not exceed the sum ef 6100 for each infected tract for one year, without the content of the supervisor of said town, or county commissioners, at lM[ case may be. and that the sum so pended shall be « lien upon said tmet * > Infected; and If the owner or occu pant shall not pay the same to said commissioner on or before the first Monday ot September of the year the work was performed by the commis sioner on said tract, the oommlsnt«j|ier shall report the same to the board of town audi tore. In towns under town-/ ship organiaatlen. or county oommte* oloners as tli< case may be. and o*rtify to the same, and that said board of town auditors or county commissioners shall oertlfy to the county clerk the amount so doe on each tract; an<i It shall be the dury of the «>obty clerk to cause the amount so returned to be levied on the lands as oerttftid by said board of auditors or coramisxloanrs. as the oase may be, and that said a nonet ao certified shall be same supervisor of the Min i township organisation, and to the county commissioner, as the case may be, who shal. pay the same out on the ordf r of the commissioner to ihe par ties entitled to the aame, for the la-* bor employed in destroying the this ties on each tract for which the money was collected.** } i. And It is hereby made the duty of county boards In counties under 'ownshlp organization, where town auditors have- tailed or refined to ap point a commissioner of Canada thistles upon the petition of twenty- five land-owners of said town or ad joining town or towns, stating the failure of said board of auditors to ap point a commissioner lor said town, and of the nrceasi ty for the same, to appoint a commissioner for said town (who shall be a resident of said town), who snail hold his office for the same time as If appointed by ihe board of auditors^ and shall reoelve the came compensation, and said compensation shall be audited and allowed, and f aid by the township for which ho *vas ap pointed, the same as I f he had been appointed by the board of anditora of said town; and Ills duties shall be the same. And the hoard of town anditora, or county board, may appointao many assistant commissioners as tbey may deem necessary to thoroughly perform the duties In any town; whl Jb assist ants shall receive the aame compensa tion for like services as the commle- sloner. and whose duties shall be the same; and the commissioner of Canada thistles, or assistants, refusing or neglecting to perform their respective duties, shall be fined In a sum not lost than ten dollars nor more than one hundred dollars for each offence, such floe to be sued for In any court of competent jurisdiction In the name of the town, on complaint of any land owner of the town: said fine, when collected, to be paid to the supervise? or county commissioner and become a part of the town or precinct fund. Approved Jnne 97. •886. / . -- " " For Sato. The undersigned offers for sale bla residence, and two acres of landi situa ted in the village or Rlagwood la well located, in good repair and on the premises are all kinds of small fruit, «dl in a healthy and bearing oonditlon. It is. with all a very desirable ptees of property. Good ham and outbuildings For terms and ether particular* oalt on the undersigned en the premises. Wx, LASOBAI, , Klftgwood, March 9th, 1886. Co we! Cows! Cowmt AU>BB, III , feh. 4th. y Jrttma * Bm, Aw ayta*. ML Dut SIB J--Please send my bf e& preee two dozen Cow Prescription* I got one ot my neighbors to try It en n oow that was almost dead with IHiBt fever and It cured her. It la a gild thing. _ B. 8.8nOl> Fovea te by all I>mrglsta. Hry oar warr»t.ird Bbdf r 9Mt OvetaHs, Jackets and sblr». kiito* 4 I.jt.Afifea/L. . , ...fk