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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 1 Sep 1886, p. 1

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PBBMSHBD ETKKT WKDJtBSDAT BY V A N 8 L Y K E , - KHTOR AND PROPRIETOR. Office in Bishop's Block,. >- --OPPOSITE Psitgr A OVES'S - • TERMS Or SUB90BIPTIOX. Jirie Tear (In A«raa<;e) ff Not Paid within Three Month*....:. .. iW Subscription* receivo'l for three or .six •oaths In the same proportion. Kates oi Advertising. We announce liberal rates for advertising B> the PLACNOBALER, AND yn leavor to state them so plainly that thev will be readily un- lerstood. They areaa&JJo**; 1 lanh one year « . * - <<fc. 1 Inches one year ' * „ . . " 1 »,< 500 10 (IP S Inches one year i .c w IS 00 It Column one year - .. '• - - 30 no H Oolpmn one year. . . - 60 00 Oelamn one year - • . 100 oo One inch means the measurement of one ach down the column, single column width. Ttftrly advertisers, at the above rates, have the privilege of changing as often as they Ihoose, without extra charge. Regular advertisers (meaning those having Standing cards) will be entitled to insertion sf local notices at the rate of 5 cents per line each week. All others will be charged 10 cents per !ine the il- st week, and 5 cents per line for each subsequent week. Transient advertisements will be charged st the rate of 10 cents pe line, (nonpareil type, same as this is set in) the drat issue, and i cents per line for subsequent issues. Ttr-s, an inch advertisement will cost $1.00 for one week, 91.50 for two weeks, 02.00 for three wocks, nnd so on. 1 he PLAINDKALBB will be liberal in giving sd torial notices, but, as a business rule, it will require a suitable fee from everybody seeking the use of its columns for pecuniary gain. BUSINESS CARDS. H. T. BROWN. M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Oflce Bl Residence, McHenry, III. a H. FKGERS, M. D- |>HYSlOlAN AND SURGEON, McHenry, I Ills. Olllee at Residence. O. J. HOWARD, M. D. OIAS AND SCRGEON, McHenry, 111. OSce one door West of Fltsslmraons i Branson's store, up stairs. BARBIAN BROS. CIGAR Manufacturers, McHenry, 111. Or­ders solicited. Shop, li Old Mclfenry, tn Kelter Block, third door west of Riverside House. W Livery Stable* E. WIGUTMAN, Proprietor. «f« H. class rigs, with or without drivers furnished at reasonable rates. Teaming ot all kinds done on short notice. ROBT SCHIESSLE Having purchased the old stand of Joseph Wiedemann, SEAR THE DEPOT. ttcHENRY, ILLINOIS, Keeps open for the accommodation Jof the Public a First-Class Saloon and Restaurant, Where lie will at all times keep thelbest - brands of Wines, Liquors an4 Cigars to be found in the market. AIM Agent For FRANZ FALK'8 MILWAUKEE LAGER BIER. Beer in Large or Small Kegs or Bottles al. ways on hand, cheaper than any other, quail, ty considered. Oilers by mall promptly attended to. OOOD STABLING FOB HOUSES. - and see as. Robert Schlessle. McHenry, III., May 15th, 1MB. IA1QQM "Ml JU5STA.URAKT L. Buck's Old Stand, MoHKNRV, ILLINOIS. Fine Kentucky Liquors, French Bitter, | HeHenry Lager Beet, f, Xilwaaku Bur, -AND- J, Schlitz IMee Buttle Beer. ^ • By the Bottle or Case. We buy none but the best and gel! at Reasonable Prices. I Call and see me and I will use ' ANTONY ENGELN. McHenry, 111., 1886. Agents Wanted! United States War Claim Agency OF-- _ WM. H. COWLIN, Woodstock, • <• Illinois. Prosecutes all o.la«9?>8 *n<t ifnits of claims n«r>innr tho United states tor ex.HoM'.or«, their Widows, Dependent Relatives or Heirs A speoiaitv is made In prosecuting old and rejected claims All communications promptly answered If Postage Stamps are enclosed for reply. WM , H . co wLrsr, Office at Residence, Madison 8t., Woods toe*, Illinois. Attention Horsemen! I would call the attentfion of the public to m^r StaMe ot Stock Horses, four in number: two Morgans, one 3-4Percheron, and one Imported Horse. They are all good representatives of their breed. Also a few Merino Sheep r sale. The public are cordially invited to call and examine stock, get prices, etc. No business done 011 Sunday. N. S. COLBY. 10 7-tf MoHENRY, ILL FOB TUB OLTUT »BW BOOK, 'The World's Wonders •yJ. W.Buel. The most sueeesssut subscription book ever published. Over half a million cojriei were told the poet eight months, nnd it is selling.three times as fast now w ever before. Ktgular canvassers clear from f 15 to *25, #40 nnd #50 Kr da>'. Nothing like it was ever known in s histtfry of book publishing. Pro ft lent freeon application. No experience needed to Insure success. We help persons without means to do a l*r« business; no capital need­ ed. Write for ? particulars, Salariet guaran­ teed to per mm* who do not uish to oanvate on oom- iMta We mean business, and want live •gents In every township. It will cost you Bothtag to write for terms and full descrip Hons of our plans of doing business. We also •fos miemit standard Saefcs to persons who send Bs names of bouk agents, Write for our list Of ftreastawUru books. HIBTOKICAL PoBuunro Oa _ MiAUlN. Third Street, Sb Loulsjte. JfiZ: BUSINESS CARDS. M. F. ELLSWORTH, A TTOUNEY at I.aw, and Solicitor la Chan I\. eery, Nunda, III. AAA W. SMITH, A TTORXBY AT LAW and Solicitor] it fa. Chancery.--Woodstock, I1L S. r. BEMMETT, M. D. TWTSIOlAir AND SURGEON. Also Unit* JL SUtes Examining Snrgeon. Richmond, Illinois. MART G. BARBIAX. HatJ S9RKE,t AU of Hair Worlrdone in first class style and at reasonable prices. Rooms s t residence, north­ east corner of Public Square. McHenry, III. DR. O. K. WILLIAMS. rvENTTST. Residence Dundee. Will be at Mdfenry. at Parker House, the 10th 11th "25th and 26th of ea^h momta. When dates occur Saturday or 8nnday I niakc my visits on the following Monday* and the first day of such visit occurs on Friday, I will stav but one day. GOLD! irs scans, but fbsss wbo writs Is ScinjKm &Co.,Portland, Mftioe,wiU rccein free, full information nbout work which they can do, and live at home,that will pay them from $5 to $25 per day. Some have mnitd orer S.'V > tn a day. Either s«x. $oun^ or old. Cafntal sot required. Too are started free. Thow wbo art at ones •it MiKteli ran of »tig bttl* (ertoncs. ill feosw. C. G. ANDREWS, GENERAL _ SPRING GROVE ILL. Sales ot Stock, Farming Toolt* and Goods of all kinds attended to on the most BlASOirABLI ffiUIS, A N D -- Satisfaction Guaranteed. llall on or Address G. C. Andrews, Spring Grove, 111. 'ifring 3rove, Sept. 30th, 1886, li-ii-Sra PUMP REPAIRING, CEMENTING, ETC. The undersigned is prepared to do all Jobs in the line of Digftinx Wel'.s, Repairing Pumps. Cementing Wells, or will put in X7ew Pumps On short notice And warrant satisfaction. IB short will do all work in this line. Can furnish you a new Pump, either wood or Iron, warranted, as cheap as any other man. Good references furnished if desired. If you want a Well Dug. a Pump Repaired or a new Pump, give me a call. flVOrders by mall promptly attended to. Post oBce, Johnsburgh, 111. L. BANTES. Johninurgh, III., May 25th, ls«5. fOB BAEGAIHS 15 E. R. BKftMETT, M. LaW House Surgeon Cook County Hospital, R CHMOND, lULINOlSf Special attention given to difficult Surgical cases. DKUT&C1I GESPKOCHJCN. "Office at Residence of Dr. S. F. Bennett. For Coal and Wood ' CALL OS E. M. HOWE, Opposite Binhop'a Mill, dfho has a oomplete line of the best stores'in • the market, as well as a large stock of Hardware, naiic's Tools, flH, COPPER & SHEET IRON WARE, And,"lnVact. erery thlngpn the kardwar* .love and tin line. MS WILL NOT BK UNDERSOLD. Oall at his store before buying elsewhere robbing and repairing promptly attended to sarBemember, extra g«od »rgains «• w ays be obtained at flowe'ft. MoHenry, DM. 1. VU. «1 for 13 Weeks. The POT.ICE GAZETTE will be mailed, eenrelv wrapped, to any address in the raited Sta es for three months on receipt of j ONE DOLLAR. Liberal discount allowed to postmasters. Agents and clubs. Sample copies mailed tree Address all orders to KICHAKD JL Tot, #BAKKLIM SQUABS, KOW YORK. A. M. CHURCH, Watchmaker and Jeweler NO.BSriKTH AVE., {Briggs House), Chi­cago. 111. Special attention given to re­ pairing rtne watches and Chronometers. «p-A Pull Assortment of Goods la his Ha« JOHN J. WINKLES, CARPENTER AND JOINEB, Is prepared to do all work in his line on short notice and guar- entee sati faction. Will work by the job or day M desired, and do as good work as :inv man in the business. ^ Orders left at his residence, Southeast corner opposite the Public School House, will receive prompt attention. Best of References given If de­ sired, JOHN J. WINKLES. McHESR V, ILL., March SWA, WML J. P. SMITH, WATCHMAKER § JEWELER, enry. • Tlliimis. As Fine a Stock of Watches, Clocks and Jewelry As can be found in the County, wkirh I ofltar • at prices thxt can not lie beat. A Pine Stock ol CHOICE CIGARS Call Bad examine goods and learn prices, J. P. SMITH. McHenry, Til.. March 1st. Wk atlkdk pi I*® BEANS /-VURE Blllensnesi; eijiL aa la _ vlvK nvUevN* inmrIM*II 16) One dose relieves Neuralgia. They cure aai pment Chills Fever, Sour ttemaeh / Sai Breath. Clssr the Skin, Toaethe Nsrves, and jhi Life A Vleor to the system. DoistONfUfil. Try them oaee and yon win never be wtthoet ikea. Price, 26 cents per bottle. Sold br Dmwlih aad Medicine Dealers generally. Sent ea ribilpt M price in stamps, portpald, is any adireM, J.F.8MITH* CO., Maaufacturers and Sole Preps.< ST. UHNt, Mb John Helm, Algonquin, III., DBAI.BB IN Bardwati, Storst, Hammi In short* we keep everything in the above mentioned lines, which we are offe ingto the buy­ ing public as cheap as any other louse in this section. Oall and See us. JQBBNG & EEPAI&IVO, PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. JOiIN HELSL /klgonqaln. Feb. 18.1885, JOHNSBURGH HENRY MILLER, --DKALKB IK-- B. LAWLUS; HOLDS Ml FORT AS A CaTTBR He makes Suito !to order of the uwt (Uoths, Fore%n Domos- tH\ II TEE LOWEST PRICES I hat good Oocyte can be sold • i , HE ALstO Jtoans and Repairs Clothes Neatly and on s&ort notice. «live Me a CaJI E. LAWLUS. ".fcll«nrv. Jan. IWth. 18X6, AT THE OLD STAND, JACOB BONSLKTT, O Al.OON AKD RBHTAOSANT, at the old j ataml, opitofite Bisksn mill, McHenry, 111. The choicest Wines, Liquors an-i Cigars to be fuund in the county. Warm or oold meals on short notice on application. PHIL REST'S MILWAUKEE BEER by the Bottle or Case, always oa hand. GOOD STABLING FOR HORDES. veHNEy»s ^ ^ TO RHEUMATISM. r hasa spedltMHMi wn the fluid 11 tnSMMHfio thd ttssaetarttf nts amcted ky the disease. Nc. ed Iilaba mnatn after a cure by A trial of a single bottle will convince l seeMleal that we have not told tixir Its vir- lios il<M per bottle. For sale by ail s. Manufactured only br LCNNEY MEDICINE CO., e^BNOA. ILLINOIS. 'Every iaf>ife of Liicoli. -BY- THOSE WHO KNEW HIM Prom the obscurity of his bovhood to the date ol his tragle >lnath. A new Biographv of the great American PreMident, Ir xn a new atan<l-|M>int--accurate and exhaustive tn fact and inci'tent, replete with ane>'<iote. profuse and eleftant In illustration (1(10 engravings from original designs illustrating incident*, anec-iotea, persons, ie., including ,K Steel Portraits.) Anttnift Wan toil Mnii for f,,n p^rticu. Mycins ff itniBU inrs anil for evidence that rbis is the most salable and profltatile book published; or. to nave time, send gi S3 at once for Canvassing Booh, and state your choice of townships. Address IV. D. TROMF- •OK PUBLISHIMO CO., Pubfc., (JL Louis, Mo„ or New York Oity. A GIFT <end 10 cenu postage and are will mfcll rou free a royal, valuable, sample bos oi goods that will put you in the way ot making more m<mey at once, than invthing else in America. Both sexes of all •get can live at home and work la spare time, erall the time. Otpitai net rwiaire i We will sUrt you. Immense pay sure lor tti»<w who start at onn*. «Tnrewo M Oo *i»a DOWNS' 'mimnST COBSET [ISiPROVED.] Is tbeoaly perfect fltting, truly eoafrrttblt «nd healtN.preafrvlug Corset made. Has « Clastic Section abort and below a Corded Centerpiece. Entirely liferent from any ltber. Every Corset is stamped and absolute IT Guaranteed in ever* particular. Be sure M get the Dovai Pat*Bt Manufactured onlv »r the OBft-iwwas Coraat Ce., Cbieaco, an<i *»r sale iTf drst-«las* dry .goods stores every­ where Pnw Foreip ail American Harlile, Scotch and American Granite. MONUMENTS, TABLETS, HEADSTONES CEMETERY bOPlSG, MTO. JOHNSBURGH, ILL. Orders Solicited. Good Work G uaranteed. Post Office Address MoH£N&Y, 4LL. fie st in theWorli If yoo want to year Buggy for One Dollar, « Malay's urog Stora, Watt Sad. learo how to Palot One Dollar, Dili al A Biavs WMow fBaatoaor. Oa the J4ih Kate M. Pincln. a war widow of 4C, drove from her hone I \ Bant Monmouth to Gardiner, M#.. and want thence by train to Augusta to draw her pension noaey. While count lag ft she taw an ugly looking man watching her. Patting through a deep w-»od on her return from Gardiner to Ban Monmouth the *am<t man diore peat her, telced her lioree by th? bri­ dle, and demanded her money. UM. Pincln ooolly leveled a revolver at iM head, forced him to mount his buggy, turn around and retreat to- •wards Gardiner. Then the up her horte and drove home. Soldiers* Department. OOKTBIBDTBD BT WM. H. COWLIN. County CU A. R. Directory. •lOHMOMOilOaT HO I Meets the second Fri<t*i oaohMBth. evening of OB. S. F. BBIMBTTI QMM. woooavooK roaf, BO MM. Meets list and third Monday evenlairs of each month. OBOBOI BOKBBT, Com. MtnroA POST, no--. Meeta the seoobd and fourth Wednesday «veaiBga of each month. WM. BCTLBB, OOOL BABTABD.rOaT, BO M. Moots the secoaa ana rourtn Monday evea iagaot each moath. DB. B. T. WooDBurr, Ooou MABBHOO POBT, MA MB, «Ts y Second and Fourth Friday eveaings of each month. A. J. BOYIITOTOB. Oom. Comrade*, have you t claim against the government for aervice rendered, or oen*loii claims, or any just claim that haa not been pMprilylidjuitrdf If BO I want to call your attention, vea. and recommend to your conaider­ ation the advertisement of Wm. H. Oowlln, of Woodstock. II),. Pension Attorney and Plain; Agent. He Is an old And»r*or.vlll« prisoner, disabled for life, but he bears the impress of honesty upon lilt countenance, the seal oi ability on hit every act. while the acale of t qiiiti and exact justice guides all his business triHfaoHon. This IS not written aa a puff In hie behalf, lor I know whereof 1 speak, for I have been there an I done hnelnega *lth him '•*1 ve him a call.--Sotdiera Column, fay Oapt. J. M. ReckUy. Thanks, <Japt. Beckley, although the above rea<ia pretty strong and esuses ue to feel just a little vain, consld r- Ing the Bourse from which it emanates, vet we accept your l^tnd words thank­ fully and la the spirit In which we know they were meant., vfien written General Grant's loasb. One year ago on the 23d ln*t. Gen. Graut died. As It was the first anni­ versary of that sad event it was observed by many of the late General's Ir'tnds, the Grand Army of the Re public, and U. S. Grant Post. At the tomb In Riverside Patk there were many visitors during the day. Baily tn the morning a committee of U. * Grant Post decorated the c«»fflii with handsome wr at lis, graceful p.tluis, and sweet-scented flowers. At the head oi the casket waa placed a beaut ful design of an anchor la wti te roses. It was two feet In hight and around it were artistically grouped bunches ol flowers. Later In tue forenoon Hand­ some floral tributes from Mrs (J H. Grant and tome irotn the Rev. Dr Newman were placed on the casket. Col. Fred Grant stood by his father's eoffin a short time with uncovere I head and. plucking a twig of Ivy that grew near by, went away. While lie waa preaent the crowd stood by with uncovered heads.--National Tribune. ttsssml Grant's Oawardlee, Al the marriage of John Russel Toung to M<at Coleman at Hertford, aaya the oorrest«ondent of a St Louis paper. General Grant waa a gu«st, and *vhen the ceremony was ov**r the coin* pany waited for the General to take oreoedence In extending congratula­ tions. The General went forward, leading his pretty little granddaugh­ ter (Fred Grant's child) hy the ha< d and after shaking hands with the bride, tald to lilt grandchild: **Won*t you kiss the lady ?" The bride caugh' the child In her arms kl'sei' It. and thee looking up blutfiingljr said: Ml would like to klst the grandfather, too. If I dared." The veteran warrior, who had faced a biasing bitery. seemed all at once to become a trembling coward. He flushed up. looked sheepish; but conscious that the bride was peeping at hi u from behind drooping eyelids, and was waiting for him to say or do some thing, mechanically extended hit head and the next moment a fair face was in bis beard. Imprinting a kls* upon the line that marked his mouth. He seemed to be In a tremor at he grasped hit grand3hl<d*t hand and ticked away. All the young gallants were surprised at the cowardice of an old soldier before a pair oI fresb inviting lipt, A Good Enoeh AMfod Btory, Felix H. Sadller ahouldered a mus­ ket In 1861 and went South, and In a few month* hl« name appeared among the killed. Hit wife moved to New England. Sadller had not been killed, and be returned and searched for her at long at bit money held out. After the war he went to Now York and amassed quite a torn or money. Then he vent to Shadeville, a email town near Columbm, Ohio, wh»re he lived the life of a hermet for years. As hit Icrtune grew the longing for hit wife and children grew also. A private de­ tective was employed, and about 13 years ago he discovered that the wife had been marrkd at Watertown, Mass.. to a Mr. Demlng. The flrat husband was nearly deranged at this Informa­ tion, but for 12 year* he tuflered, not willing to shock his - wife and children by appearing before them. Two weeks ago the detective telegraphed thai the second husband bad died In Philadel­ phia. and Mr. Sadller hurried Eafel at once. He drove to his wife's house and made hlmseli known to her. An hour Or two later the pair, accompa­ nied by two children, started for tfie Wtut.--National Tribune. A Confederate Soldier's Opinion, The evacuation of Richmond wat a tad blow to the tent of thontanda whose blind faith In Lee had led them to believe that his army could suffer everything and atlli stand between Grant and the capital. But when he left the trenches of Petersburg not one man In a thousand In hit army knew that the end was near. Indeed, tliev looked upon It as a nove towards »oo.e new victory. Cavalry and artil­ lery norses were mere skelet mi, the the army In rags uid confederate mon­ ey no better than brown paper, and yet when did those men fight better than In those la«t dark days? Oil the morning of the final surrender only a few men saw the shadow of the falling hamm»r which wat to strike a last blow Brigades that did not number 600 men. regiments ^hlch did hot number 100, companies in which there were only fix or seven private soldiers, gird >d themselves for another butle. The last skirmish line was thrown out In iron' of Lie's annr, was commanded by a Captalo now attached to the Vir­ ginia State government. With thirty men hf pushed forward through the woods until stopped by three Federal I lies of battle. The skirmishers halt­ ed in amozement. Look which way they would there were the lines of blue. Not a shot was fired. Instead of the craih of musketry there came the words: "No use, Johnny--Lee la going to surrender." It was the last dftj and the last hour. The principle of secession fhad been drowned In Mood--re< elli>>ii had been wiped out. After tl at should have ()bme peafce and good-will A hate born of war and enduring through years of peace ls unworthy even of a savage. The confederacy was a bubble In which bur few believed with all their heart. If secession meant tepara> tion from the North It meant separa tlon from esch other afterwards. It would be hard to find a score of ln« Mligent men In the South t>day who have any arguments against a grand and generous Union which shall be represented bv * single flag. The following items we clip from the San Francisco Chnmicle relating to the late G A. R. National «0CA?Nti­ me nt held In thit city. KtdstNO THE VETERANS --An amus­ ing and at the same lime pathetic incident occurred yester lay aflenooou on Market street near third as the profession was passing that point. A wel*-dressed, pr«'poses«lng old lady, whose almost snow-white hair gave evidence of her years, waa the chief actor In the scene. After watching the parade for some time, during which she continually waved he£ handkerchief and saluted the marching veter ins, she began IO grow more and more enthusiastic, until finally, as a ('allfornia division halted In front of her. she rushed In o the line, and with teara down her face threw h«r arms around several old sodtera andk sted them, one after another. Who she was no one seemed to know, and what memories 'he sight oi those gallant veterans may have recalled would. If told, perhaps, make a tad and Interett* Ing tiory. A FEATHER-WEIGHT SOLDIEB.-Dr. B. F. Br«.wn, of 1020 Market street, who wat born August SO, 1850 at Buffalo. N. T , claims to have been the Ugliest enlisted soldier during the late rebellion. He enlisted in Compat y B. First Minnesota Regiment Volunteer infantry, at Fort Sue III ng, on Februa­ ry 18, #864, and was honorably dis­ charged with regiment July 14.1865 The First Minnesott did good service In the First Brigade. Second Division, Hancocks Corps. Aarmy of the Poto­ mac. At the time of the |musterlng out there remained a battalion of some thirty five men, all told, «om» manded by Maj*>r Frank Houston. A MICHIGAN DRUMMKR BUT,--Every day during the Encampment the com­ rades of the Grand Army ot the re­ public have discovered and brought !*> light the valiant services - of the younger members of their companies, regiments, and brigades. Some of the Michigan veterans In discussing rem- Inlscences yesterday called up the en llstment of Mare F. Jones, of Company B. First Michigan Engineers and Mechanics, who wes probably one of the youngest enlisted men tn the service. Mr. J->net who Is In the city with the veterans of this State, en­ listed In 1861, at the age of 11 years, and served for three years wllh bit pany at « drummer boy. TUB YOUNGEST UNION SOLDUO.-- McF. Greer, Past Officer of the Guard of Lincoln Pott of tbla city, and who retldct at 871 Folaom street, contest* with M. J. Simmon* the dlstlnetloa of being the youngest soldier. Hit record shows that he was bora September 33, 1850. and was enlisted as a drummer boy on the 31st of December. 1881, when only a little over 11 year* of age. Mr. Greer served at a drummer two yeais and four months, and then began to bear a musket. He wat hot* orably discharged on* January S. 1888, when he re-enlla efl for a term of five yeara In the regular cavalry. Hit war experience embraces Shlloh, Mission­ ary Ridge, Corinth. Altoona Paes and other warm fights. Ph« namea of the above battlee indicate that be alto ao* com panted Sherman In hi* nftarch ii the tea, «--==-B A Girls Do* sai As Allanler One tultrv afternoon, a vooog daugfi ter of an arit'ocrat Southerner, In rb* lower part of Alabama, took a towel and soap and went to a oool and shady pool formed by a creek which emptied into the Alabama river. After she had sported In the waters for half an hour or more, she half-robed herself and crawled Into a hammock;swing- lug partly over the water, and with one toot hanging dali tllv over the water a few Inches, she fell aaleep. Presently a lar*e Newfound.and dog stepped out from the *>u«h«s, tmelt al his mistress, wagged his tall In pleas­ ure, and lay down at the foot oi t|ME| tree. In half an hour a splash was beafit? In the creek furtner off and presently huge wav»s broke th* cove, and th* waters, disturbed and rolling, made a noise that caught the dog's attention, Atrc md or two later and the ugly note of an alligator appeared above the water a few feet off from the loot of the aleepl' g girl. The hungry besst taw the tempting and dainty mor*el. and hit greedy eyet spa tit led In anticipation. He made toward _tl _ wltn mou'h open, teeth gleaming and > eyes afire. The faithful dog saw peril of his mistreat, and with one wild bark that awakened the quiet echoes ol the woods, hurled himself full at the mouth of the allgator. The dog's warning caused the girl to jerk up her foot, but the dog and allgator met In a deadly struggle. They reared as they met, and the girl was thrown « from the hammock to the bank, bat the gallant dog went for that'gator, and having a good hold on him be ildn't care to turn loose. They were first lit the water, then on the bank, and the struggle went on, wMle the girl's screams soon brought her assis­ tance. The *gator was finally killed, and measured teveu and a ball feet la length. -v , The girl etye she loves to swim, baft never goet In a larger pool now than can get In a tub. and aees that th* Water It Strained before It goes thejjit r Faying the !>e*t. Another bond call, this tlm» for git*. 0U0000 of the three per cents, has been made. This Is the third call during the |. re sent fltnal year, which began oa July 1. and makes the total tor thai ' I me 828.000.000 It Is to he remem­ bered iliat 845000.080 must be called per y*ar to comply with the require • mehts of tho sinking fund law; and la cr ier that It may make capital In th* < ongresslonal elections, we may louk for calls for the 816 000000 necessary to make up the total before November. •Then we predict there will be a long rest before am further calls are maJe, The law, passed undo" a Republican admln s|ratl»n. requires at least 843,- 000.000 >o be called per year, but of « ourpe more may be called The Dem­ ocratic adml nistra' Ion proposes to oall this required amount as speedily as possible, and during the campat. n. and then claim credit for rapid debt re- duct loo. ' ; ^ Had the Re publican policy been ad­ hered to. ai d the average rate of pay- log the debt been kept up. there eranld have been at this time 840j000008 more of the debt paid than he* bee* done. In nineteen years the Repubil* can administration of our Ananas* paid 81.347.948 53* of the debt and redooed the annual Interest 8106,6884*6--or about two million dollars a week. II will take buter financiering than th* Democrats are doing to equal thla record. "'"f"'1' Graham and hla barrel hoi*- - been outdone. Sunday a Boston maa. protected only bv a oork life preserver, passed unhurt through the Whirlpool Rapids and swam ashore from th* Whirlpool, by good fortune escaping the fate of Captain Webb. This man** experience ought to prevent any ot{af dare-devil person from undertaking the feat, but we tear It will not. H* says that all th* money tn the world would not t*apt him to repeat hi* performance, and that the must expert ^ swimmer Is niterlv powerless In the seething torrent. Thinking person*. *f oonr**, realised this before. Webtfc who was an excelled swimmer, waa ^ killed by being dashed sgalost tlntr | rooks, Th*law ought to be able tolaf Ita haa *• oa aay one foolish enough la tempt Providenoe by exposing hlaM*lf to such Imminent peril e*a a trl| th* rapids li mi i _ * % *1 1 » «*P through th* rapids Impiiee. KeadaB is Hkelv to have aeveni isutaun IK ' bis wlck*d lolly.

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