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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 1 Sep 1886, p. 4

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•••' ;• ";v. -"J-* S9B PERRY & 0 $»W$s OREAf WDtlOUll «2j •}- • tfeflwry piairietler. WEDNESDAY, 3*PT. 1, 1886. •I. VAN 8LYKE. Editor. THIS PAPER JB3r,b#fc"d-at GRO. P. ROWBl,t A CO.'8 Newspaper AdTertlilnf flareau (10 Spruce Street), wher* nrtvcrtialng eontract* ~ wade for "WSNEW YORK. tflFAn Elgin exchange says: It Mtmi to b« tb* prevailing opinion In hit district that Mr. Elijah M. Haln«« ought to b* taxeJ two onnts a pound and compelled to w*ar a rev^nw stamp. th« saniA as will oleomargarine. They believe him to he bnarna, too. |0*On Sunday morning, during n •lolent rhnnder storm, the magazine of the Laflln & Rsnd Powder Compn- nr. Chicago, which contained 100.000 pounds of powder and 30.000 pounds or dynamite, exploded. It wag located on Archer near Johnson avenue. One death has resulted, with four other* likely to fol'ow. besides which twenty- live persons were p^infully^ Injured The shock was relt all over the city Mir An exchange glvifc this InrH definition of ftnarchyc It is the abolition or law, the dfe^ial of the •Ultor nfnn to «n.hv fn fruits of their own labor, end* further, the adoption of the principle ttrat men if justified in k'lling those who l«»gal]v and for good cau«e interfere with them. The very definition of Anarchy taken from the mouths of Anarchist? themselves , shows what temporary madness must have seized the wits of those who da'ly with the thought of tolerating men who hold such doc­ trines. §9*Somebody has i ovented a post hole and an exchange announces that » patent has been applied for and that a sample hold Is on exhibition. This Is probably the'sort of excavation that windfall politicians and played out contractors retire into and then haul It- after them. The Inventor had better take out his patent^ometime when Mr. Biyird Is absent from Washington, else the secretary of state may seix- the model for his own use. ard In sucl< a case it Is Impossible to tell whethei the Canadian or the Mexican method of settling the dispute would be adop­ ted. ••"The recent Chicago convention of the Irish National League has im parted > wonderful Impetus to the cause of Irish home rule. It demon­ strated in a marked manner that the Irish crusade agaiust British mlsgov- ernment is actuated not by race prejudice and tradltlooal hatred, but by sooer reason and judgment. The proceediigt of the convention, while animated and free, were controlled by a discretion and prudence which indi­ cate in a new and striking degree the fitness of the Irish leaders for sell government. The account of the gath­ ering will be read lu British aristo­ cratic circles with bitter disappoint* ment. The Senatorial Convention. The Convention for this Senatorial District, which was held at Woodstock on Monday last, put In nomination for Representatives the Hon. Charles E Fuller, of Boone, and Capt. C. A* Partridge, of Lake. That the nomi­ nations are good ones no one who If not a.crank by nature will for a mo­ ment question. We were unible to attend the Convention, and have not as yet seen the proceedings, but from what we can hear we are Inclined to the-opinion that the McSenry county delegation shewed an inconsistency In their action that will not bear the light of investigation. This rule or ruin policy whloh Is practiced by a few of our would be politicians to the detriment of the entire party, bar several times before made McHenry County the but of ridicule, and it is about time they were shown up In their true light. We shall have more to say in relation to this matter In the future. JWWe learn that a "dark lantern" Caucus, in the loterest of Elijah, the Halnetite. was held In this village one night last week, at which there were present delegates from Woodstock. Nunda, Richmond, and other points where the famous E ijah Is known to be a faithful theller-out. Why this gathering was held with closed doors, which could only be reached through a back alley. Is one or the mysteries.-- One of the faithful got so bewildered In the dark and narrow way that he failed to find the entrance, and ex­ plained bis absence in the morning by saying that he bad been eating green cucumbers and was wrestling with the colic. That's the way H&loeslsm effects some of them. It turns their stomach We would like to publish the proceed­ ings of this meeting in full, the mln "tee of which we have before us, but spaee will not ^permit. Suffice to say, Elijah is on the war Jpath and Is con' •tantly repeating to himself those beautiful lines, suggested to blm not long since,-- ••The Butterfly has wings of Child, % The Firefly wings of Flame, The Bedbug has no wings at all, Bat he gets there all the game!" The Great Fair at Ckloti*, There are but few of the regular fair goers of the Northwest that have not decided to attend the great fair of the season, to be held at Chicago on Sept, 6 to 10.1886. The application received for stalls and pens for stock and for space in the exhibition hall for other displays insure an exhibition at the coming Illinois State Fair that has never been surpMsed In extent or quality. The unusually large and fine displays to be at the coming Stale Fair will attract many thousand visitors who have not heretofore enjoyed the op­ portunity of examining the Interest­ ing exhibits at the leading agricultur­ al and industrial exhibition. The %ttra<tive exhibits displayed each year at the Illinois State Fair of live stock, farm products, agricultural im­ plement*. mechanical devices, fine arts, "itlinary store*, eta, will pleasantly surprise and interest all classes who desire information concerning the wonderful productive resources of the fertile region tributary to Chicago. The attastlon already provided for the coming fair to hft held at Chicago, far surpass any previous exhibition of the Illinois State Fair. The American '^lydesdalc Association, the American Percheron Association and the Ameri­ can Shire Horse Association, have trranged to hold their extensive tnnual shows this season In connection A'lth the Illinois State Fair, and In iddlrion to the large premium* adver- rlsed by the Board of Agriculture for rhe breeds named, these associations provide nearly 910,000 as extra Induce­ ments to Insure at the coming fair, the largest and best display of heavy horses ever seen together. The commission men at the Union ^tock Yards at Chicago, with a view of encouraging home and foreign breeders of cattle to make bn urpar­ alleled exhibition of cattle, have tendered the board a grand'herd prize of 91.000 for herds of cattle awarded premiums at the coming State Fair. This handsome prize, in addition to the large premiums offered for cattle by the Board of Agriculture, has at­ tracted the attention of the most successful breeders and exhibitors of cattle throughout the country, and there can be no reason to doubt the presence at the fair at Chicago, of the finest herds of cattle to be found on this continent. Canada Thistles Convention. Proceedings of the Convention of the Commissioners of Canada Thistles Held, at Woodstock Aug. 26th, 1886. Tne Convention was called to order by President Bourne. The object of the faceting was then stated to be consultation in regard to the best method of operating with Canada Thistles, and gUvipg the expe­ rience of each as to their Individual success. " " After fully discussing the different methods, the Convention adopted tiie following general rule, to-wit: A eep the Thistles under ground. If the ground can be plowed plow it is often as the Thistles show them selves, and the first of July sow to Buckwheat or Hungarian. • If you can't get to them with a plow then cut, them close to the ground every week. It will surely kii them if strictly and persistently followed. The Commissioner from McHenrj reported t'iat he was visiting even farm and marking the location o "very patch found, with the intention or making a plot and placing it oo fll« for ruture reference. This plan was at once approyed ant' recommended to all commissioners. It wan reported to the Convention rhat the towns of Riley and HartlanH *re allowing many patches to go un­ cut, and the town of Burton as bavin? no Commissioner and lots of thistles And this Convention would recom­ mend to tne Board of Supervisors tlia «hey see to the appointment of a Com missioner for that town. The Convention also recommend* that the Commissioners of t'ie differ­ ent towns enter complaint of any vio­ lation of the statute concerning Cana- la Thistles by parties near their towi. line which have been or may be neg lected or overlooked by their owi< Commissioner. The Convention also Instructed tbeii Clerk to confer with the Clerk of the County Court of Lake County, request ing him to call the attention of the Board of Supervisors of Lake Count? to the fact that large quantities of Canada Thistles are growing near our county line, and oo the shores of Fox Lake, which are not attended to, and request them to take some action to­ wards their extermination. The following resolution was adopt­ ed: •fcesolved, That we feel much encour aged by the action taken by the differ­ ent Commissioners during the past summer, and we would recommend that each and every Commissioner push the work with more vigor the coming year. Adjourned to call of the President. A. BOUftNE, President. H. C. MEAD, Secretary. MTJefferson declared that cities were sores on the body politic, if this was true 80 years ago, it Is much more so now, when the size and In­ iquities of the city have so enormously Increased. Defective as farm life is according to the ideal standing it furnishes the conditions for more suc­ cessful manhood thao the crowded c,tjr* . the,r fru,t< J® know then,'* The ranks of eminent business and professional men are mainly re­ cruited from rural homes, says the American Cultivator. A Sensible Man. Would use IKewp's Balsam for Throat and Lungs. It is curing more ciaes of Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Bron­ chitis, Croup and all Throat and Lung Troubles, than any other medicine. The proprietor has authorized Geo. W. Besley to refund your money If after taking three-fourths of a bottle relief is not obtained. Price Mo sad Trial stze free. the •1 The Population of McHenry Is about 1000, and we would say at least one-half are troubled with some affection of the Throat and Lungs, those complaints are, according to sta­ tistics, more numerous than others. We would advise ill not to neglect the opportunity to call and get a bottle of Kemp's Balsam ror th" Throat and Lungs. Price 60c and 9100. Trial size free. BesptcUuUy, Geo. W. Bssu&v. fcagtUli Preverfce, A bed workman quarrels with his tools. A contented mind Is a feast. A good maxim Is never out of season. A handful ol good life Is better than a bus del of learning, A little body doth often harbor a great souL A man never surfeit* of too muoh honesty. Anger dleth quickly with a good man. A dose of Plso's Cure, ' taken before going to bed, will relieve yonr oough and give you a good night's rest. Better to be alone than In bad com­ pany. Content la tbe true philosopher's stone. Death Is deaf, aud hears no denial. Diseases are Che Interests paid for pleasure. E%c;lee1ly alone, bat sheep floek to­ gether. Ood helps those who help them­ selves. Re that runs fast will not run long. If you have Catarrh, Plso's Remedy for Catarrh will give you an Immense relief, and a thorough treatment effect a cure. Idleness Is tbe sepulchre of a living man. Keep thy shop and thy shop wilt keep thee. Love ask* faith, and faith asks firm­ ness. . • •• • Neccssltv Is the mother of Invention Plso's Cure for Consumption con­ tains no opium In any form, therefore it Is perfectly safe. It Is very pleasant to the taste, and differs from other Cough remedies In that it never caus­ es nausea, consequently young children and delicate persons take It without objection. Patience Is a plaster for all sores. Provide for tbe worst, the best will «ave Itself. c Speech is tbe gift of sill, but thought of few. The mob has many beads bat no brains. Ninety-Fifth Re-Union. The Annual Re*Uoion of the 95th 111. Vol.. will be held in Marengo, Satur­ day, Sept, 4th, the anniversary of tbe muster into the (J. 8. servloe. The bus­ iness meeting will be held in O. A. R. Hail at 19 M. Dinner in Skinner's Rinkatl:15u At S o'clock form and march to the Park where the speeches tnd re-unelng will take place. The programme committee has arranged tbe exercises in tbe Park as follow^:-- Addresses by Chaplain W. H.Smith of Marengo; J as. F. Casey, Woodstock; Mrs. I. R. Curtiss, Frank W. Smltbr Utrengo. in the order named. Besides the above, Maj. Loop, W, W. Wood, Lieut. Ellsworth. Capt, Fr«d Hmlth, Capt. John Eddy, and other •Id soldiers will talk to the boys. All speeches and addresses will be brief--not exceeding ten minutes each. All old soldiers are cordially Invited, to participate In the re-union. Our Chicago Market Refsoft. Prepared Expressly for the Punn>liLBl by Oar Own Correspondent. CHICAGO, Aug. 30, 1886 Receipts of grain at this point are quite heavy, and advices from other •narkets, both home and abroad, quote rade ruber dull and values lower. Wheat Is active at a further decline in prices; export demands have not •een so large recently as a few weeks tgo. It looks now as though the near uture of the wheat market would be governed largely by the receipt* and •xports. or the law of supply and de- nand. Corn meets with ouly moderate (emend; heavy receipts and the de­ li ae in wheat cause a weaker feeling. ')ats and small grain sell sparingly. The cattle market again rules weak ind lower, the common and Inferior ots sell 10c lower, first-class fat cattle remain about steady, but the general rone or the market Is weaker owing to xceeding email reoelpts. All deelre­ de qualties of hogs are 5c. higher. Both shippers and packers purchase freely. Sheep are 15o. lower lu prices Vitta s nail amount of trading. WINTER WHEAT--NO. 9 red 77($86 No.3 red 77. SPRING WHEAT--Ho. 9 78c; No. 3 73@74e; No. 1 hard (Minneapolis) 77 ^o. 1 hard (Duluth market; 79*. CORN--No.2 40| c; No. 3 38@39. OATS-NO. 9 96|c; No. 3 by SAMPLE £4@27c; Barley Oats. KTB--NO. 9 by sample, 69. BARLEY--NO. 9 By sample 91 @83, TIMOTHT SEKD--Poor to good, 91.87 FLAX--No L. #1,19. CLOVER--Poor to choice, 95.00@f5.95 BUCKWHEAT , BBAN8--Cnol«e hand picked, 91.45 POTATOES--46@55c BUTTER--Creamery fancy 91 to 93c, lairy tocbofce 16@ 18c;common grade 9@10. EGGS--Fresh Northern, CHEESE--Toung America 19le. t tyc: full «u«i cream Cheddar 8}; skimmed 3@4c. ^POULTRT -- Chickens 7} Turkeys Cattle--Good to extra sbl -- -- Jhlppei„ •6.10(885 20; ralr to choice 94.00@94.65; common to good 93.60@94.I5; poor to medium 93.40@3.90; stockers 92.00(1 93.10; feeders93.00@93.75;Texans 92.55 @03 60. HOGS--Light weight 94.70@94.90 rough packing 9BJ5@94.35; heavy packing and shipping 94 90 SHEEP--Common to choloe 99J5@ 94 35. Rock ford Carpet Warps at Boaslett A Stoflels. _______ Wli»« are NppMttmfc A. O. Hose, from New London. Conn., writes: Send me two boxes of your Kemp's Pile Suppositories by mall. Our druggist Is out. They are for a friend. I tried everything with­ out help, but the Suppositories cured me. The treatment is new and within reach of all, and would advise the effected to give tbem a trial. For Eamphlets on Piles address Box 995 % Roy, N. Y. For sale in MoHenry. by Geo. W. Besley's at 50c per box. If you want to learn how to Paint your Buggy for One Dollar, esll at DA|Uwte nmff fgfjftflt. SmJ to*1- . ' • '• 6 I 3V' DURING THE \VEEK OF TH$B " ' *§* *" ' .. - ; • ' 4'a- Goxmty|1air, shall have the Largest stock cf 4 •&> • r -AND- 'tfHrtighi to WoMstock, or into McHenry County. AT WAIT DOWN LOW CASH PRICES. Oomer Maine Street and Public Square. W. H. DWICHT Woodstock, Illinois. A CARD. We take this opportunity to explain to our patrons why so many were disappointed in not being able to obtain their usual supplies from us on Monday last. The constant increase of our bus-, iness made it absolutely necessary to make some repairs and changes in our Oven and enlarge our workshop. As it must of ne­ cessity take two days, one for the oven to cool sufficiently tor the Masons to work, and another tc do »he work, we were compell­ ed te suspend operations lor the day. We prepared as we sup* posed, a sufficient quantity of goods on Saturday, to meet the wants of Monday, but an unusual demand caused it to vanish. We regret the disappointment and inconvenience to which you were subjected, but trust that with the improvements we have made we will be better able to serve you all in the future. Thanking you for the very lib­ eral patronage we have leceivcd since we opened, Mav 15th, 1886, and soliciting a continuance of the same, we remain, VBRT RISPKCTFUI.LT, A. G. LOCKE. Chancery Notice* STATE Or ILLINOIS, McHenry Goontv. Circuit Court of McHenry County.-- September Term. A. D. IH8B. Nathan 8. Hooker vs. Kllen A. Hooker.-- in Chancery. Affidavit of the non-residence of Ellen A. Hooker, defendant above named, having been filed in tbe office of the Clerk of said Ci.rutt Court of Mclienty County, notice is hereby given to the said Ellen A, Hooker that the complainant heretofore filed his bill of com- filalnt in said Court on the Chancery side hereof, and that a summons thereupon is­ sued out ot said Court against said defendant returnable on the fourth Monday ot Seutem. bernest. (IMS),as is by aw required. Now, unless you, the said Ellen A-(looker shall personally be nnd appear before the said Circuit Court ot McHenry County, on the llrst day of a term thereof, to be holden at Wood­ stock, in said County, on the fourth Monday of September, *, 1). 1888, and plead, answer or demur to tbe said Complaina its bill ot com. Rlaint, the same, and the matters and things tereln charged and stated, will be taken as confessed, and a decree entered against you according to the prayer of said bill. E. E. RICHABDS, Clerk, C. H. DOHWELLY, Complainants Solicitor. Administrator^ Notice, ESTATE of James Gracey, deceased. The undersigned having been appointed Ad alnistrator or the estate of James tiracey. deceased, late of the county of McHenry and state ot Illinois, hereby gives notice that he will appear before the County (Jour. ofMc. Beery County, at the Court House In Wood, stock, at the September term, on tbe third Monday in September next, at which time all persosa having claims against said estate are aet'ted aad requested to attend for the pur­ pose of tav Ing the same adjusted. AH per- soas indebted to aaid estate are requested t* make Immediate payment to tbe undersigned. Dated (Ms M day of July. A. O. IMS. Jotfk H. attoiT, Administrator. ? - ' -A* Have Waited MMMaHicimi To find a Store or Business Place West of Chicago who dare to sell Cheaper than they propose to do. GREAT CLOSING 8 A Xm TBL -TO BEGIN Wiril-- CASH SAlLtIS* THIS WEEK MS IEZ1, Many Goods at Half Price. AND OTHER* AT AND Below Cost. r-=* To make room for one of most the General "Merchants, WEST MCHENRY. • ims&tmmM • • ^ McHefify - tmnois. Great Bargains lor Cash or Good Credit ^ ^ i Of itll description make room new **"" Fall and Winter Uagnifice&i Stocks, Ever shown in McHenry Coun ty. This means business and no advertising humbug*. Wanted at Highest Market Price. ARRIVING DAILY. We will be prepared to show a Brand New iStock of Childrens, Misses and Ladies All grades and for all a<res from 1 hour to 90 years. Prices the lowest, considering quality. Menasha Woolen Mills -AND- THICOTS Just arrived, new patterns, large variety, goods warranted. We carry in stock the well known APPLETON TARNS ^ In different shades and quali­ ties. We will receive this week a large Fall and Winter stock ot the well known O, «, FARGO Boots <& Siloes. Fully warranted, all grades, all prices* Our Fall stock of CL OTH ING, Will be here in a week, includ­ ing the celebrated '-Dean" all wool suit, .in black, brown, and blue, the greatest bargain ever in town. Dress Good, Domestics, Prints Ginghams. BONSLKTT A STOFFEL. WMt McBenry. Jume U, MML By Sept. 10th, comprising this seasons latent designs and styles, trorn the $3.00 Newmarket to the $35.00 plush cloaks lor ladies, and childrens nnd Misses garments in proportion. We agents in McHenry tor the Patent- Flat Sean Garments, Manufactuied by Jaa. Peifeld A Co., the largest Cloak House west of New York. Having up­ stairs a well lighted private room off from the store sepecially for cloak trade, with patent hangers tind table for displaying, we are >ure £iir patrons will much pre­ fer to i nspect garments privately We are bound to offer the • Largest and Best STOCK OP Ever carried in thif town be­ fore, and make prices Lov m tks Lowut. ' .n w CD B O CD CD B a SO- SO REMEMBER ( ' mailto:94.00@94.65 mailto:93.60@94.I5 mailto:93.40@3.90 mailto:9BJ5@94.35

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