Pledged butto Truth, to Liberty and V«w; No Favors Win us and no Fear Shall Awe." VOL. 12. J£e|(eir; jfaiifoler. PBBMBHBD EVBBT WKD3TE8DAT BR -J. VAN S^rrKS^- EOITOR AND PROPRIETOR. Office im Bishop's Block, • -OiwosrrB Psmsr ft ' Own** \ TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. 3ne Tear (In Attvasce) |LW tf Not Paid within Three Months .. H®0 Subscriptions received for three or six Bonths in the same proportion. Bates of Advertising. We announce liberal rates for advertising tnthe PLATNDKAE.BR, and endeavor to state them so,plainly that ther will be readily an- lerstood. They are as follows: • 1 Inch one year 3 Inches one year 3 Inches one year • ¥ Column one year H Ooiumn one year. Column one year IN io no 1500 100 M One inch means the measurement of one ach down the column, single column width. Tiearly advertisers, at the above rates, have the privilege of changing as often as they •hoose, without extra charge. Regular advertisers (meaning those having standing curds) will be entitled to insertion »f local notices at the rate of 5 cents per line each week. All others will be charged 10 eents per !ine the fl'st week, and S cents per line for each subsequent week. I Transient advertisements will be charged at the rate of 1ft cents pe line, (nonpareil type, same as this is set in) the first issue, and ¥cents per line for subsequent issues. Th-s, an inch advertisement will cost $1.00 for one week, 11.60 for two weeks, J8.00 for three we<-ks, and so on. 1 he PLAINDKAXBK will be liberal in giving •d .torinl notices, but, as a business rule. It will require a suitable fee from everybody seeking the use of its columns for pecuniary gain. BUSINESS CARDS. H. T. BROWN, M. D. PHTSIOIAN AND SURGEON. OMee St Residence, McHenry, 111. O. H. FEOERS, M, D- DHTSIOtAN AND SURGEON, McHenry, I Ills. Offlce at Residence. O. J. HOWARD, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. McHenry, 111. Offlce at Residence, one door Weal of M. E. Church. BARBIAN BROS. CIGAR Manufacturers, McHenry, 111. Or. ders solicited. Shop, la Old McHenry, in Keiter Block, third door west of Riverside House.' -- Livery Stable. HE. WIGHTM AN, Proprietor. First claas rigs, with or without dmcri furnished at reasonable rates. Teaming of all kinds done on short notice. ROBT SCHIESSLE Having purchased the old s! of Joseph Wiedemann, NEAR THE DEPOT, McHENRY, ILLINOIS, Keeps open for the accommodation jof the Public a First-Class Saloon and Restaurant, Where he will r* all times keep the|best brands of, Liquors and ClifMg gtpf! to be found in the market. t. Also Agent For FRANZ FALK^ MILWAUKEE LAGER BEER. Beer in Large or Small Kegs er Bottles al- ways on hand, cheaper than any other* quali ty considered. Orders by mail promptly attended to. GOOD 8TABL1NO FOR HORStfL SWCall and see as. Robert SotilMSle* McHenry, X1L, May 15th, 1885. A, % LI m i v m i i i j SALOON and RESTAURANT Buck's Old Stand, -{ MoHENRY, ILLINOIS. Tine Kentucky Liquors, French Bitters, McHenry Lager Bear, ww inr BUSINESS CARDS. M F. ELLSWORTH, TTOBNEY at Law, and Solicitor la Chan* L eery, Wanda, III. ./ . ii i i AAA W. SMITH, LTTORNEY AT LAW and Solicitor] in Chancery.--Woodstock, 111. S. F. BENNETT, M. D. P>HTf»ICIAN AND SUUGEON. Also Unite. States Examining Surgeon. Richmond, Illinois. MAR* G. BARBIAN. HA IB WORKER. All klhds of Hair Work done in first class style and at reasonable prices. Rooms a t residence, north east corner of Public Square, McHenry, I1L DR. C. E. WILLIAMS. T*|ENTIST. Residence Dundee. Will be at p»rker House, the 10th 11th 88th and 26th of each mon th. When dates occur Saturday or Sunday I make my visits on the following Monday, and the first day of such visit occurs on Friday. I will stay but one day. Uiitd States War Claii Agency -OF- WM. H. COWLIX, Woodstock, Illinois Prosecutes all class as and kinds of claims affiinst the United; States tor ex-Soldiers, their Widows, Dependent Relatives or Heirs A specialty is made In prosecuting old and rejected claims All communications promptly answered If Postage Stamps are enclosed for reply. WM, If. COWLTX, Offlce at Residence, Madison St., Woodstoc*, Illinois. Attention Horsemen! I would call the attentfion of the public to my Stable ot Stock Horses, four in number: two Morgans, one 3-4Percherou, and one Imported Horse. They are all good representatives of their breed. Also a few Merino Sheep i r sale. The public are cordially invited to call and examine stock, get prices, ete. No business done on Sunday. N, S. COLBY. MOHKNRY, ILL tf« searee, TAT ASM who writs «S ntCo., Portland, Maine, will recclva full information about work which Iter «M do, and lira at home,that will pay to ftoa ii to per day. Some have over OftOin a day. Either Hei.jonng or old. Capital Ml repaired. Too are started Free. Thou* who dart at onca ass sbssisfctrsaissr snag bote fertaMs. AllUot*. C, G. ANDREWS, CENERAt AUCTIONEER, SPRING GB0VE ILL. Sales ot Stock, Farming Tools and Goods of all kinds attended to on tjie most BIA80IABLS TIB2IS, AND Satisfaction Guaranteed. (Jail on or Address C. G. Andrews, Spring Grove, 111. ;l>rlng 3rove, Sept. 30th, 1885. ll-ll-3m -Aim- j. By the Bottle or Case. We buy none but the best and sell at Reasonable Prices. Call and see me and J ||iU me you well. ANTONY EffGELN. McHenry. 111.. 1886. Agents Wanted! •OB THB GBKAT VBW BOOK, 'Th* World's Woridoro' By J. W. Buel The most successsnl snbscription book ever -ontdiahed Over half a million copies were told He past eight months, .and it is selling three times as last now as ever before. Regular canvassers clear from tlS to t!ft, MA and (M Kr da . Nothing like it was ever known in e historv of book publishing. Pre ft tent free on application. No experience needed ttft Insure success. We help persons without means to do a lar«e business; no capital need «d. Write for «partlottlars. Salaries ffwortm teed to permmt tcko do not wish to tanvats on eon* wUuion. We mean business, and want lire agents in every township. It will eost you Bothli "* " tlons < jive cii •s name! of book agents. Of free standaru books. HlSTOBtCAL PUBLISHING Co. «s»*4H M. Taura ^ureet. II-4V. Mthing to write for terms and full descrip ttons of our plans of doing business. We also mive atixiy standard book* it persons who send * irne J of book agents. Write for our list 1. DIGGING, PUMP REPAIRING, CEMENTING, ETC. The undersigned is prepared to do all jobs In the line of Digging Wells, Repairfef Pumps. Cementing Wells, or ,1 will put in New On short notice and warrant satisfaction. In abort will do all work in this line. Can furnish you a new Pump, either wood or Iron, warranted, as cheap as any other man. Qtod references furnished if desired. If you want a Well Dug. a Pump llepaired or a new Pump, give me a call. to. «TOrdcrs by mall promptly attended Post (Moe, Johnsburgh, 111. L. BANTE&. Johnsburgh, III., May 26th, W«S. . • I0B BABQAIHS 01 F«rCoa and -£-OA(X OK-- E M . H O W E Opposite Biifhop's Mill, ^ho haa a oomptete line of the best stovas in the market, as well as a large stock of Hardware, Ischanic's Tools, ON, COPPER & SHEET IRON I RE, And, in|fect, everythimg lx. the hardware «teve and tin lino. ME WILL NOT BS UNDERSOLD. O&li at his store before buying elsewhere lobbing and repairing promptly attended to iVRctnemlter, ext i good bargains can al- K. R. BKWNETT, M. t».. Late Rouse Snrgeon Cook County Hospital, R CHMOND, ILLINOIS, Special attention given to difficult Surgical eases. DEUT&CU GR8PROCHBN. Offlce at Residence of Dr. S. P. Beiuett. SI for 13 Weeks. The POT.ICS GAZETTE will be mailed, eourely wrapped, to any address in the Jotted Stales for three months on receipt ofj| ONE DOLLAR. Uberai discount allowed to postmasters, agents and clubs. Sample copies mailed iroe Address all orders to ' V EICHARD I. FOX, TKAHKLM SQUARE, New York. i ii rr .MI i /ii*ni ^ I. M. CHURCH, Watohmakor and Jeweler NO. 55 FIFTH AVE., (Briggs House), Chi-cagor 111. Special attention given tore- pairing Fine watches and Chronorac ters. Full Assortment of Goods in his lino JOHN J. WINKLES, CARPENTER AND JOINER, Is prepared to do all work in his line on short notice and guar- entee sati faction. Will work by the job or day as desired, and do as good work as any man in the business. Orders left at his residence, Southeast corner opposite the Public School House, will receive prompt attention. Best of References given if de- Sired* JOHN J. WINKLES. McHENRY, ILL., March 99th, MM. | J. P. SMITH, WATCHMAKER § JEWELER, UcHenrft * Illinois. As Fine a 8tock of Walches, Clocks and Jewelry As can be found In the County, which I offtor at prices that can not us beat. A Fine Stock oi CHOICE CIGARS FANCY fOBACCO, STATIONERV, a l Box PAi'ER ical Instruction Books, tte. Call and examine goods and loam prioea. J. P. SMITH. McHonrv. III.. March 1st. 188R. SMITH'S BEANS /^fURE Bllievsness; Slek Hesdacheln Fosrhsnra. Vg) One tf<Me relieves_lle<ira2gla. „Jh?y_cJ,r? On* tfose relieves Naaralgla. They cure ana pmentClilHs> Fever, Sour Stomach + Bai ilh. Clear the Skin. Tone the Henres, ai*J alva #» Vigor to the system. DowiOlW BBAN. If* the« onca an4 yoe will never be fHtanlMa. Price, 25 cents per bottle. Sold b; OranMit a«l Medicine Dealers generally. Sent on receipt N price In ataaips, postpaid, to any addrsss, J. F. SMITH St CO., Waautoctofsw aadSelePfeoa.. ST. UNRt.MU JOHNSBURGH HENRY MILLER, Foffilfi 11 Awicar iarWe, Sootoh and American Granite MO&UMEITT8, TABLETS, HE A D8TOAE8 CEMETERY COP lit O, ETC. JOHNSBURGH, Ula Orders Solicited. Good Work Quanintee^. Pout Office Address McHENEY, IIcL. M'HENRY, ILLINOIS, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1886. AT THE OLD fTAND, JACOB BONSLKTT, ^AI.OON AND RKSTAUftANT, at the old j - stand, opposite BiehoiWfci.aaiil. McHenry. III. The choicest WinlW. " "" to be found in the OfCUl meals on short notic6<w PHIL BKST*3 MILW Bottle or Case, always GOOD STABLIIty* |Uers and Cigars Warm or cold tion. IE BBSS by the HORSES. VMS remedy has a ... utsspecillc. Atrial of a. the most scepycal that we SwS'T&'EUKS LCNNEY M pon the flnid« he tissues and « disease. Nc after a cure by ~ will convince Id half Its vir>> sale by all CO., iLMNOIt. .m iSBii %nM i Kfen flay iif^f LincolB. -BY--- THOSE WHO idlEW HIM From the obscurity of his date of his tragie death, A ne the grrent American Preside stand-point--accurate and ei and Incident, replete with an and elegant in illustration { from original designs illustratl anecdotes, persons, Ac., Inci Portraits.) Agents Wanted that «hi8 is th« * book published once for Canvassing BOOK, am state your choice of townships. Address H. D. TBOMF- SON PUBLISHING' OO., Pubs., Si* Louis, Mo„ or Now York (Jity. hood to the lograpliv of trim a new stive In fact profuse engravings incidents. ng|lC steel A GIFT send n cento postage and we will man you free a royal, valtnble, sample lioxot goodttbat will put you in the #iy of making more wmey jjk once, than anything else in America. Bo«| sexes of al 1 iges can live at home and work tttspare time, >r all the tuna. Uipit ii not rMmra i We ivill start you. Iinmenae pay tor tho^ who start at one*. STttnMfoACo . vi ^ nnWHQ' Pate>nt Self UUnnO Adjusting • [IBIPROVm^ U thoonly perfect it >nd health- preservi (Clastic Section ng>, truly comfortable orset inade. Has an and below a Corded Centerpiece. Entirely tlffereiu from any >tbcr. Kvery Cornet is Stamped and absolute' iv Guaranteed in every particular. Be sure u> gel. the Downs P*MBt. Manufactured onlv >y the Ghtge-Oownt uorset Co., Chicago, and fior sale bf tfrst-class dry-goods stores every- •here. Price 11 .SO. NO, 13. mmmmmm Beat in the WorlcL ;?r. m*m m:x<, \ Ewdintt, StovM, Tlavu* In short, we keep everything in the above mentioned lilies, which we are offe in# to the buy ing public as cheap 98 any other house in this section. Call an4 See J0BBNG ft REPAIBING, PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. ' JOHN HELM. HgeoqoiDi Feb. 18.1886. Holdlers* Department, OOHTBtBVTBD BT WM, H. OOWLIN. County CM A. R. Directory. BIOHKOKDfFOST MO M8. •JSTmonth.6 8e00ad FrW%» ,TOli« of D*. S.T, BKKWBTT, Com. WOODSTOCK rOST, HO W8. seetMBonlS!1 *nd thlrd *00(,ay srsBlBfs of OIOBOB BCKBKT, Com. „ BtmDA FOST. KO , Moots tbs second and fourth WMIMSIST •••alags of soch month. W*. BOTLBB, On. HABVABD|rOST, WO KB. Moots the aooond ana tourtn Monday OTOB logs otgeaoh month. DB. O. T. WOODBOn. Ooou MAKKNQOJPOST, Ma MB, »Meets evei*y Seoond and Fourtlt Vrtday evenings of each month. A. J. BornroTOv. Com. MAKE MONEY! We want Agents, both ladies a ad tgentle. men, to sell our Standard Works, Oift Books, Family Bibles and Albums. Previous exper ience unnecessary. Positions worth from •1S00 to *3000 pei year. Now is the lime to etMttuV nee. Do not delay, but ad-Jreutf^ 4MM, IP, JOB DAK ft OOi.81. Luuifc, > Comrades, why not organize a pris oners of War Association at, Honda. October the 90th ? Let It be ahown how many different Regiments, Batteries or other branches of the service can be repr *sented at Nuiiila, Wednesday, Ootober 30tb, who served In the lata War of the Babel- lion. At the tltae of the Grand Bey lew In Washington In May, 1865. an Immense placard on the north end of th< Capitol attracted much attention, Ii read: THE ONLY DEBT THB NATION CAN NEVER PAY IS TUB DEBT IT 0<VE3 ITS SOLDIER?. Poor veterans who have struggled rom two to ten years to get thelt claims allowed, think that that la about the only debt that the Nation is never going to make any effort to pay. Gen. Sherman's family will live li< New York for the future, and are'al* ready domiciled there. The General found«it too quiet in St. Louis, aud tin younger members of his family wert aye r se to returning there a few j ear- ago, when they broke up their home here. Mr., Thomas Swing Sherman, the Jesuit scholastic. Is missioned to Detroit this Fall. Mrs. Thackara. wb« was always her father's especial pet still resides In Philadelphia, and wll' be now comparatively near the faml» \y.--National fiibune. • Boodatoaos for Soldi era Orwttfe». , An additional appropriation wa? made' at the last session of Congress for st 11! continuing the work of supply Ing headstones for unmarked grave* for United Stares Soldiers or Sailors wherever burled, Any person wishing to secure a headstone to plaoe al tht bead of the graves of relatives oi frlerds who are buried iu this county- by writing to us, giving full name company and regiment of soldier* where and when died, wo will get eucb headstones for them, delivered «- the R. R. Depot nearest their post- offioe address, free ot any charges what- ever. . We urge upon every survivor of ant rebel prison pen, the necessity ot pr- ganlzlng a county association or club and at once. It Is not at all necessar* to hold meetings oftener than* fou times a year, every quarter, but bs having an organization we are propp ed at any t'me for whatever may arise and can aid better the National Asao elation, should there be any call frou them, than we can at the present time, without hardly being acquainted with one another, or knowing the exact num. ber who were prisoners who reside it this county. Nunda will be the plao* to talk this matter up, and Oct. 20t* the time. So come to the Old Soldier Meetiog to be held there oo that date. Wo received a pleasant 6all from Comrade S. F. Bennett, of Richmond one day last week, and as usual th? loyal-hearted and patriotic doctor wa looklog after the interest of the ex Union soldier, so he came to us partly on business. Comrade Bennett sug gested to us, and we heartily agreed with him and accepted his suggestion, as follows, which will explain Itself via: That as there Is a meeting called of all the old soldiers in the county, a* Nunda on Wednesdava0ct.20th to form a Soldiers Veteran Association for all McHenry County ex>Union Soldiers, that at the same time and plaoe would be a most appropriate occasloo to or ganize. or make arrangemonts to or ganize, a Prisoners of War Associa tion, which should embraoe all survt vors of any Confederate Prison who are now resideucs of McHenry County That if there are not enough ex-Prla- oners present on the day referred to, to accomplish what Is sought, that those interested or concerned >re re quested to meet on the following Sat urday, October the 23d, at 3 o'clock P M., at the offlce of Win. H. Cowlln, In Woodstock, 111., to take such steps as Is necessary Co perfect an organisa tion that every county In the State should possess. Attention Oonantfoo. Comrades George Walt, of Lake County haa been nominated by the regular Democratic Convention called for such purpose, for Representative in the General Assembly, Eighth Sen atorial District. Mr. Walt served three years at the front while K. M. Haines was at homo boarding the wealth that nov aeoesa to be spent aa «ree *» water, especially in this "neck of the woods," R. R. panes thrown In, for what purpoee we 1 »ave our readers to judge. Wo oannot conceive !h«w any soldier, be he a Democrat or Repnblioan, can east his vote next November for E. M. Haines aa against comrade Walt, that la If he la at all posted with the past reoord of the man Haines. We mean politically. Comrades be careful, don't be deceived Vote for each man placed In nomina tion for Representative that are friendly to the cause of the soldier. We know that the Hon. Charlea K. Puller Is, for his past reoord speaks for Itself. Mr. Chas. A Partridge. If we mistake not, wore the blue, and has an excellent army reoord. Also Mr. George Walt who served In Co. B. 06th Is.tnois Volunteers. These three gentlemen are the regular nominees of their respective parties. Messrs, Fuller and Partridge being Republi cans and Mr. Walt a War Democrat. They can each bo elected If the ex* Union soldiers of McHenry County •lo their duty at the polls In November and wo opine they will, •Rally Round the ria«flagrs.M Comrades should not fall to attend the meeting called for Wednesday. Oct, 90th, at Nnnda. to organise a McHenry Connty Soldiers Association, fee G. A R. Post of Nnnda wll1 make the- oooasloo a pleasant one, for the old Vets, In that locality never do tny thing by halves. Comrade M. P. Ellsworth has taken the matter 1« •and to get as many present as poesl ble veo* has spared no palas, aod •pent much time to make the prelimi nary meetiog a sueoeet. It now re- •nalns for every oomrade that can •osslbly attend to pat In an appear* Mice and help to organise aa Assoc!a- ion that will take In every ex-Unloo •oldler residing in MoHonry Connty. rrespective or polities or any thing <ise, only that he possesses, an honor* ole discharge from the United States Vrmy or Navy. Nunda Post propotfft* to give a free Camp Fire In the evening, and a oordlal Invitation Is xtended to every soldier iu the •ounty to oome early and remain so as o take in the Camp Fire. The follow* • g Is the programme as published .leewhere In PLAIMDBALBB last week , The •*Assembly," by the Martial 1a-d at 7:80 P. M. Welcome to our Camp fire. Poet Commander Wm. Butler.! ^ ^ Song and Chorus. "*Ve are Tenting o-night on the old Camp Ground." Our Camp Fire. M. F. Ellsworth. Song and Chorus "Yes we'll Ball) -«und the Flag Boys.* jk Our Relief Corps. F. * Cox, "Bay Blily." Miss Annie M. Andrus. Martial Music. The Grand Army. Rev. O. H. Cessna Song aod Chorus. - The Girls a* lotne." Poem, by S. Fillmore Bennett.-- - The Grand Army of the Republto ** Song and Chorus. "The Army Bean*' Union Prisoners of War. A. W Jutuln*. Comrades on otll so stag a song, tell • story, or pay a forfeit cf ton eents (for expenses.) No oomrade to be ex tfjsed. Nunda being at the Junction of the tain line of theC. A N W. and Fox Hirer Branches, oomrades can oom* .nd go at ail hours of the day or night Ui any direction. sue iMJivto rssT. . - A flteejr et Oea. enat While Beid^ PetorslMurgfc, BT B. a. 0. JUDSON, ("USD BUVTMirB,") It was a driszly day only a shori Ime before Gen. Grant drove the*«»ne- ny from Petersbnrgh and moved 'oward Five Forks and Appomattox K chll< northeast gale made overooats •omfortable eyon there, and mor* nen who nould wore them than lefi i hem oil. A sentinel down toward the rlvfr tear some storehouses shivered as be ttrode to aod fro on his post, bis gnn <ock uuder his arm »o keep oil the wet. lie was a new recruit from 'down East' ««nt out to aelp fill the ranks of a reg iment which bad lost one-halflts men «lnoe that campaign began. ^ He saw a uian In a regulation over coat aod a slouch bat, but with the <teady carriage of a veteran, passin« along a few rods away, and ho called rat to him' *8ay, friend, have yon any terbaooo in yer clothesf*. The passer-by was «moktng a cigar, •No,' be replied; 'I can give yon a olgar, but I don't chew.' ' Aod I dou't i moke, but I'm atarvlo* for a chew,' replied the sentinel, as he looked over to the other wistfully. 'An' I chaw an' dasn't smoke oo poet. Say. couldn't you stand post for me a minute till I run the suttler's yonder P' I could,1 said the other, with a grim, smile on his face, and then he added I will. Give me your gun and or lers.' 'There Isn't any orders, only to bail anybody going a-nlgh them stores, and to stop 'em as has no business there .'C* So the sentinel, relieved oo his post, hurried to the sntler*a for the desired tooacco. Returning promptly, Ilh took his guu and quaintly said: 'If I fit a cha-K"* I II ila aa mncti for you, friend. What i*(im*nt are vnu X ¥ V * 3 \ > % if' ] ' ..h \ 'None; I oommand the whdMii My name Is Grant,* wis the ply, as a great cloud of sm ike out of the mouth of the speaker. 'Great Jeraetlemt' gasped «fetti|sntI-> nel;Tve been relieved bf 64ii*%raht himself, and I din't kno>v htm.' How could he when not a markof the General's rank was In I the poor fellow yet too •ervlce to know what a fault!* committed^ln yielding poet and ( any 4but his regular relief.--i " Tribune. Tho Song Frlon##",:'^1 This bright ani sparkling musieal monthly for October, is before as. As OMUL it Is Ailed with lntei matter for musical people. Xttn I Fay has lo this number, an interesting article describing her' with Franz Liszt, a 4hort tlm* bei0#i^il the great pianist's death. The editor •urnlshes an article on uTraleing Chornses." Other instructive useful articles together with news, etc., constitute the reading ter, while the music Includes a beauti* ful, descriptive concert solo, "The Wanderer's Chime Bells,.' by S. W. Straub. Also, "Down among the Daises" Song and Chorus and a four hand piano arrangement of the famous weddiog march from Lohengrin, both gems. The Song Friend oontainiNI^I large pages, subscription •1.00. New subscrib <rs reoelve fifteen : months with a premium of tto|^f pieces of new music. Sample eo|f 10a Canvassers are offers*! gtofl in* •hioemeots.--Sheet Musis, Music Books Organs and Pianos, The Soag Frtenl is published by S. W. Straub, 34S Stat* it,Qhloago. III. Wky the Toothm-- ^Charley** said a fond slstor, 4| a batch of white powdoroa yoorooat ollar. How did It get thereF" ••White powder, where t™ "Why there, and here's some mo^f •»n your sleeve." "Oh yes, I know. I Just came from 'he barber shop, and he must have •lone It." ' **But here's a long yellow h%ir. barbers have such long hair aa that Oharleyf •Ps i aw, no, of eourae they fdon't Probably so<ae young lady had been (etting her banga clipped, and sat iu he same oh tlr I did." ~W*lt, but Charley, oMthMed Me ormeotor, "there's the corner of f landk* rchtef sticking , out of yoor pocket and some writing on it. Let •nesee It says, 'Ella 5-m-." HOh get out. yon pest, that's only one Jim Floyd gave me to carry back to the owner." '•There's a hairpin sticking out of vour vest pocket, Charley; does that I " teiong to Jim Floyd or the barber? %nd there's--" But theenemv had retreated. sj&vis! HOMO Induatrjr. Liquor dealers pav on an average OS iter gallon for whisky. One gallon dontalna sin average of sixty-flvo •Irlnks, and at ten oeots a drink the tHior man pays i6,50 por gallon for his vhisky. In other word-*, he pays fl ror tho » hlsky and <460 to the man for handing it over the bar, to say »othing about the water added. Now it you must drink, make your wlfo vour barkeeper. Lend her 13 to buy a gallon of whisky for a beginning, and every time you want a drink go to her nd pay her ten cents for it. If she waters It twenty-five per cent., which *111 be none the worse f?r you. by tho 'tme you have drunk a. gallon she will tave 07.18, or enough to reload the It borrowed and have a ballance of 05,13. She will be able to conduct farther operations on her own capital, tnd when vou become an inebriate, unable to support yourself, and shannod by respectable persons, your wife will have money enough to keep vou until vou get ready to fill a drunkartTa grave.--.Ffarm and fireaUh* l V5% Ho ssvsd ata SsaQ, I talked tho other evening with aa old timer. He has beei through tho history of mining In California, so far is San Franotsoo has had to dtftwith It. Ho grew axoltod over the roaknoes of olden times. The owner of tw Eagle block made his success or saved himself through Ralston's recklessness. Ho was a porter, I believe, aod fkvlog his money, put it all In Gould 4 Curry. 1'bat was twenty yeara ago. He gi*w rich with the bonanza and determined oo a trip to Europe. He left his stock with Ralston, to deal with as he would with bis own. The steamer that bore him had not left the bay before Ral ston bad sold out his Gould & Curry, The news reached him a steamer later in Paris. Mat giving Ralston a long time the use of the proooods. At first he was angry but seeing that prices had begun to fall he felt a little bit re lieved, and wrote to RaUtoo to invest the cash in bonds aod good seourltiea and collect, tho interest. On his return to San Francisco ho found the Goald A Curry boom oyer, aod ho was So thank ful for what ho had escaped by aton's supposed unserupulonsnoss the* he tamed his ntfeaoMfp to property*; ho has shown that a sun gin very hombty in life and ail-tho brains to maelpoUt* when ho g»ta wm