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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 17 Nov 1886, p. 4

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r < WBD1TC8DAT, NOV. 17, 1886, J.VAPCiLYKE, Editor. THIS PAPER iM r BWBLL A OO-'S Newspaper Advertising re*a (10 ̂ HSOt AtfMt), where advertising i_ YORK. MttHH m*y be for It la f6> OH At. •, VDMKR FOR flPBlKKR. Among tbe names mentioned for Speaker of the lower bona* of oar Mill leglalature, none at and out to day ao prominently before the people as that of Hoo. Cbaa. E. Fuller, of Boone, He la one of tbe beat pari Ia- meotarlana la the State, and by hi* long experience and ability, ia the ac­ knowledged leader ef the Republican aide of the HOQM 1B oar stats leglri*- tora, and DO nan woo'D fill the chfir with more honor to blmeelf and the partr he represents than |lr. Fafler His large acquaintance an 1 knowledge of the public men and measures of the State, his known ability and strict In­ tegrity lastly entitle him to this oon alderatlon, and we bat voice the sen­ timent of this senatorial diatrict when we a«k that Mr. Fuller be elected Speaker of the next Home. WBatter sold at Blgln Monday at cents, and aktm onaeae changed hands at 7} cents. The day's sales ag gregated 926.I7«,20. MTTh« Chicago Evening Journal sajs: -Why wouldn't Hon. Charles E Fuller, of Boone, be a good man for Speaker of the Illinois House of Rep- resentatlteaP He has had ample legls letlre experience, and knows all abou* parilnientary la w and , tV'Ai the yntes have been can' vaased, the New Jersey Leglslatun will stand 40 Democrat.c, 39 Republl was and ooe labor Democrat. On* district Is a tie between a Republican and labor Democrat. In several districts the pluralities are very small frMB two to Are votes. There will b< several contests tor seats. From ap feasances tbe Democrats will electa United States Senator In place o> Senator Seweli. IV The Bel vide re Northwestern, o*. lest week, says: **The number ot scheming politicians In this district who conspired together to brin about tbe defeat of Charles E. Fu.lei Is almost beyond belief. They failed and In their chagrin over their fallun let them not congratulate themaelve* that their plana and objects are no' folly known to Mr. Fuller and hi- friends. I'wo years from now the ob- jeet and purpose of 1MSt Tuesday^ *••*1117 "111 be apparent to all. iVHIsshld tb«t John G. Carlisle Issodwgriued at Ills near escape from defeat, being saved br a scratch b> the late returns from the back counties with the strong suspicion th-tt the) bare been doctored to save blm. tha- he threatens to leave the state and g- toJtansas, All sorts of reasons ar»- given for the small vote, among other that there were hundreds of Dem» emts who did not know that there ww to be an election. Mr. Carlisle is ver> sensitive, but will not probably r«fus« to accept a seat in the fiftieth C« n gre»8, even though the majority !• The solidity of Kentucky De •ooracy will be broken some time, aun It may as well come soon as late. Too •sob free trade. Lawrence M. Donovan, wb»> sometime ago j imped from tbe Brook ly« bridge, on Sunday last made« successful leap from tbe new auspen slon brid e, just below tbe falls oi Hlagara^a dixtauoe of 1M feet. TV deeent was made In four aeconds. H« struck the water feet foremost, but hi* body leaned slightly b«ck and side wise. He came to tbe surface sons* thirty feet down stream from where he struck and struck out for tbe boat which was lu waiting. He was bleed- '®i*t the mou h, but not seriously, •n examination showed that one or two ribs were slightly displaced, but Ills noi believed ibtt be Is lerloui'v t»|nf*d. It la said he received $500 far tbe jump, but again It is said the parties agreeing to pay the monev went hade on him." And r^tt he made It Just oat of spite. Evldentlv Dono •aa does not attach much value to bis *°d u n>»7 not be worth much. Charley Starr, of Danbury, Ct «s rather skeptical about the power •f electricity, so he just touched hi* •ager to a well-charged wire, and wa- Instantly knocked dewn, and didn't re •ever for several hours. If he ba<1 frasped the wire he woult undoubted­ ly baye been killed. _ Richard Knowles. of Milton, MS In his garden a tree which he' B°ME F0UR YEAR8 AND WBICH to 1884 bore peats on one branch. Oravenstelna on another, and Bishop plplos on another. This year the branch that bore pears Is laden with MidUppies.--Liverpool {Novia Scotia) V The quickest time en wren!! JTOU'KII- &2Bl^ strange gaAannriUepeople will suffer with tins tanurie disease "When speedy relief can surely be found in Ibis simple safe 215 *"-«-»«««»» remedy. SBcenls. For sale at* and dealers m medi- tywhereon receipt of price itftsstaiaiora 4k Ivusos are retiring QWB business. fas LKQisisTivs noar, In speaking of the legislative fight in this district at the late election, tbe Beividere Northtoeatem makea tbe following remarks: "In legislative matters the final re­ sult Is satisfactory to all except the Haines men. though Haines carried this oounty over Wait; but the infidel­ ity of Lake county Republicans, to­ gether with the dishonorable tactica employed by the leaders iu that end of the district threatened at one time to result in the election of two Demo­ crats Instead of the two Republicans. In that case Chas. E. JTfiller would have been beaten bv Haines and the Republicans in the district made tbe laughing stock of the state. However the returns show that Fuller, Part rld<e and Walt are elected and Haines beaten. • * • * "From 'he ofReia! fl/ure* It will be «een that Mr. Fuller stands third on the list of members elect, and that ht has only 862 votes more than Haines, whereas ii the voters of Boone county had knowi that Lake cnuu'y would plump lor Partridge, Mr. Fuller would 'iave been given the guild vote of Boone county and stood first on the list. It hal been understood between Mr. Fuller and tbe Republican managers 'n Lake county including Mr. Partridge, hat the twu candidates--Fuller and Partridge--should voted f »r tog^th r and each given 1} votes. This Idea iad gone to tin voters of Boone coun »y. Tne Republican county countv •"nrawitiee had addressed them to that fleet, the papera had advocated and urged It, and every Republican ticket was printed, l% '•Charles E Fuller, 1J votes Ipkarlea A. Partridge, IJ votes." , md the voters expected to vote that way. We expected Lake County Re­ publicans to do the same. But thev •lid not. Their tickets were printed. "Charles A. Partridge 3 votes," the uanagers quietly urged ,Reoublicars to "plump" 'heir votes for Partridge, itid thus a scheme that if successful, vould have defeated Mr, Fuller was put In operation. i uesday morning about ten o'clock, ve received word that-the tickets in Lake county were printed 3 for Part­ ridge, that there were no Fuller votes m that part of the district, and that •workers were doing ail 'hey could for Partridge. This Information was glv- •n to Mr, Fuller, and by him and his friends sent to all parts of the couuty. md »he voter* of "Little Booie" began >o plump for Fuller. Other dispatches from Lake countv about noon con­ firmed the first report, bat It wou>d iave been too late, anJ Mr. Fuller -vould have lost a thousand votes. Phis would have beaten him. But 'iad we kn >wn of the scheme on Mon- lay, Partridge would not have receiv­ ed one hundred votes in this county ind woul'i likely have been defeated We doubt not ii will be interesting to 'earn Mr. Partridge'? explanation of vhy he attempted (we will call if that) to defeat Mr. Fuller. Our explanation of this unprecedent •d freak of the Republicans in r.hn dis rict is that they considered Mr. Fuller •ate in any event. Be«l lea this manv Republicans were anxious to defea< lalnes and therefore voted for Walt. \galn while Fuller was considered «nfe. Mr. Partridge and his friend* *ere anx>ous and fearful that the di­ vided vote might result unfavorably o Partr'dije.i We may; wrong I«-J »ur sunni-es, and if so, would be glad ro know It: but it must have been a trong influence that would Induce "artridge and the Republican manag­ ers in Lake county to commit such a •lumping fraud. From tbe above it will be seen that here was a large-sized colored man •inder that pile of rails and if the -chetce had worked aa in undoubtedly was intended, one of the ab>st men •hit ever represented this district ii the state legislature would have bee• left at home. Such treachery should receive Its reward, no matter by whom instigated. HirFollowing l« the vote on Repre­ sentatives In this this district, the hree highest being elected. The "rohibitionlsts have lost ground Avery's vote two years ago was 3 760|. Lake Bv»ne McHcnry Tn'al Fuller mi 3573.* 27 (MX 7H3 Partridge 44I3V 13#> tmx 8617 Waite 3B37 574 27JW 7f07fc 'laine# 2423 793^ 3215# 6432 Lawsbe 3fi2X 892 6«3a IMS See the new stovk of black dress goods at Perry & Owen's. EVERYBODY KNOWS That Henderson's Boou and Shoes are the best. We sell lots of tliem.-- Perrv & Owen's, Sole Agents. Administrator's Noticc. ESTATU of John Kartres, dereaseil, Tlie un<ler8tgne<t havinl>e«n api^Mn'eil a-l inmistrator of the estate of John Karee«. de. »-ea8e<l, late Ol tho county of Mcllenry ami *taie of Illinois, hereby gives notice that he will appear before the roun v <*ourt of Mc Henry County at the court house in Wood. Mock, at the December term on tbe third Monday in December next, at which time all persons having claims against sai.l tslute. ^re notified ami requested to attend for tbe |iurpo8e o. having the same adjusted. All persons indebted to said estate are requested io make immediate payment to the under* signed OAUMJ, 4th day of October, A D. 1886. JOH* HO KM AH. Administrator. UPPINOOTT'S - LiPPIKCOTTT)--UPHNC01T8 I*eads all other Magazines ™ la Taies ° f Fiction A Mew Departure • Poems of Interest Pleasing Short Stories Interesting Miscellany - M«es of Progress HKAM.Y B()hoice Selections 26 eta. MS rAGKS IN EACH ISSKI Original Com Topics of -fcersel Contribtttions of the Times -- Gems A Complete New Novel •«» Superiative Merit Bj tome {iroriU aatkor i n Mck So. -- Giving a library of 12 new and valuable works, worth from $t5.00 to {18.00 annually, at the nominal sum oi 25 cents per month Subscription, S3.C0 yearly. Stories by John Habberton, Frances Hodgson Bur- n®|'> Julian Hawthorne, Lucy C. Lillie, etc., etc.. will appear in early issues Circulars, giving details, etc., mailed on application | J. B. LIPPINCOTT COMPANY 7*5 «>d 717 Market St., Philadelphia CTOP nBUBBINB UoME I I DOLLAR w one mm DOLLAR We will send you the Formula for making the famous Compound OXYGBH HOME "BEATKEMT, a positive cure for Con­ sumption, Bronchitas, Asthma, Catarrh, Hay Fever and all Blood Diseases of either •ex, from whatever cause, or we will send you the Formula and a two pionths treat­ ment With Inhaler for $3.00. Send in letter at our risk. Address, 0XYQEH HOKE fHBAMQEMT C0„ 1M Dearbera M, OMIOAM W O N D E R F U L SUCCESS. s KCONOMV IS WBAlita, AH the PATTERNS yon wish tonne during the vt-Af for nothing (a saving of from $3-00 to $4.00) by . .tOecrlbing for THE PLAINDEALER --AND-- Qemorest's lHontbly TVtaga^ine With Twelve Orders for Cut Paper Patterns ef yoar own selection and of any Site. BOTH PUBLICATIONS, ONE YEAR, --FOR -- $3.00 (THREE DOLLARS). D EMORESTS * THE BBS Or nil tho Maeazlnea. CONTAIMNG STORIES, POKMS, AND OTHER LITKHABT ATTItACTIONS, lOJIBtNINO ARTISTIC, SCIEN­ TIFIC, AND liOCSKHOU) MATTKKS. ITtrntf ntr<l uriih Original Steel Engrav- intjs, ]*hf>tot/rnruri>K, tHl Pictures and fine H'ooilnit*, making it the Model JUaga- *ine of A UH'rica, Each M tjpi/.ine contains a coupon order entitling tiip holder 10 the .-elfciion i>f aiiy pattern illustrated in the fashion di-purtnu-nr in that number, and in any of the si/.os inanufuctnred, makii g patterns dnrins the v ;ir of the value of over three dollars. DEMOItftST'S MONTHLY is justly entitled the World's Model Magazine. The Largest in Form, the Largest MI Circulation, and the he»t TWO Dollar K.'imily Magazine issned. 1887 will be the Twenty- third year of its publication. It is continually im­ proved Mnd po extensively hs to place it at the head of Faniiiv Periodicals. It contains 72 pages, large auarto, 8 ii xliW inciies, elepintly printed and fully illustrated. Published by W. Jennings Demorest, New York, AND BY SPECIAL AGREEMENT COMBINED WITH Tie PMMealer at $3.80 Per Tear. •a 70* E. LAWLUS, Warrants a Fit of tie makes Suits to order of the nest Cloths, Foreign or Domes­ tic. 4T THE mm TRICES i ktt good Goods can fee aold HE ALSO Cleans and Repairs Clothes Neatly and on short notice. 4 iive Me a Ca]l 1 E. LAWLUS. MeffWy, Jan. 19tb, 1«86. SMITH'S BEANS /T^URE Bllloainm; Sick Headache In Four heart. v9 One doc* relieves Neuralgia. Thay cure and prevent Chill* > Fever, Sour Stomach / Bad Breath. Clear tho Skin, Tone the Nerve*, and olve Lift Vigor to tho system. OOMIONKBUN. Try them once and you will never be without them. Price, 2B cents per bottle. Sold by Druggists and Medicine Dealers generally. Sent on receipt of price In stamps, postpaid, to any address, J. F. SMITH * CO., Manufacturers and Sole ProD*.- ST. LOUTS. MQu After Forty yeaef cparinc* la tbe preparation of men than One Hundred .plication* for patent* La the United State* and Foreija eoaa- trie*, tbe publisher* of the BeieattSe American eoatinne to act aa aolioitor* for patent*, eaveata, trade-mark*, eopr- risbta, *to., for the United State*, aad to obtaia patente ia Canada, Eaglaad. Frauiee, Germany, and all other oountiie* Their expert, •nee ia aneqoaled and their faeilitiee are «MV> passed. Drawing* and *peeifioatien* prepared and lied Sn the Patent Offloe oa short notice. Terms run reasonable. No eharse for examinatioa of modeU or drawings Ad rice by mail free Patent* obtained through Mann AOo.areaotieed Inthe SCI EUTOPIC AMKIUCA*. which bee the iargeat oiroulation and i* the moat laflaeatial newspaper of ite kind published ia the world. Tbe advantage* of snob a notioe every pateatee understand*. admitted to be the beet paper devoted te eeieaoe. mechanics, inreatioas, engineeriag works, and other departmeai* of indostrial pingiee*. pnb- lis ied in any eountry. It eoataia* the aaiae* of ail patentee* aad title of every iaveation pateated each week. Try it four months for oae dollar. Bold by all newsdealer*. If yoa hare aa invention te patent write to unn A Co., j^ubliriier* of SeieatiAe Ameriea% E^^o^abmt patewta Mailed fkea, PATENT8 Obtained, and all other bnsineaa la the U. S. Patent Office attended to for MODERATE FEEH Our office is opposite the U. S. Patent Office, and we can ebtain patent* in leaa time than those lemote from WASHINGTON, ben<l Model or Drawing We advise as to patentability free ot charge; and we make no Charge unites we Obtain Patent, We refer he«e, to the I'osiutniHer, the Kupt, of Money Or ter Div . an.i to officials of the U. .. en® office. For circular, advice, .ertns, ®nn references to actual clients is your own state «r County, write to C. A. SNOW & CO. Opposite Patent Office, Washington. D. 0. Administrator's Notice. EST \TK of John Claxton, deceased, nmlereigneil having been appolntei _ ininistrators of the Estate of Jonn niaxtoii Tho ited Ad. . „„„„ niaxton. Deceused, late ol the County of McHenrv, and State ot Illinois, hereby give notice that they will appear before the Count v Court of Mcli»„ry County, at the Court House, in Wooilstock, at the Januaiy term on the third Monday in January next, at which time all persons having claims against said Estate, are notifled and requeieed to attend for the purpose ot having the same adjusted. All persona indebted to said Estate are request ed to make immediate payment to the under, signed. Dated tbe 5th day of Nov. A. D. 1H86. : J O H W F . C l - A X T O W . , . JEMMA I>. MVDOKTT, ^ Administrators. Desolution Notice The Co-Partnership heretofore existing between the undersigned, under the Ann name of Hatiieman it Neigh, is this day die- olved by mutual consent. The business of tbe Arm will be continued at the old stand by Andrew Netsh, by whom ail indebtedness of the late Arm will be paid. ,%ll persons know, ing them selves indebted to the late Arm are requested to .call and make immediate My. ment. D. HILDCHIK ANDREW NBISH. Spring Gxore, UL. Oetober 1st. MS. is»' % v * THE tABf J J /PO NOT FAIL TO VISIT. f, '!V'S a .v,'-1" 'V* v*f ^ ' A. ̂ 'T Fitzsimmons Sc Evanson's e most complete stock of Goods in this Count must be disposed of jregar less of consequences.^ in on or before November 20th, and must be raised in Lake or McHenry Counties til! Vi .1." i\. in ' 1 m T E V E N S , SlcHenrv, Illinois, Th ill be announced throueh this Daner next week. Fitaaimmons A Evansofiu ' .%3. '....» OFFEL, West McHenry, I||. f We have now in btock CUldreos & Kisses -- IN THE -- LATEST STYL1S, Largest Variety, s --AND AT THE -- Would say to tne buying public if you wish to see a fine new stock of Goods, he has them. '*V : A Wolf Robe worth $20f br Silk Dress Pattern, as winner may choose. - v *********** A BEAUTIFUL LINE OP i '̂ 34 ia thkt gjmaty Large up te $20. -FOR A L- rtment, all new Styles, and at price* from $4 --OUR FALL AND WINTER STOCK Ot - L 0 T H I N 6 . CHEAP AN? «OCD. SAT - S"..L " A pair of Blankets, worth $5 IX lbs. Good Coffee $1.00. 5 " Good Tea, 1.00 50 " Good Flour 1.00 \ • i, • r ' ... i ' " ii, T HIRD PBEtoUM ON CORN. One pair Selz & Schwab's best Shoes or bolt of Cotton Cloth worth $3.00. Mi A I & k i ; . " Ia i Of all Graded Ladies, Misses and childrens Underwear in White, -scarlet and Camels. Hair. Lap Kobe* and Horse JUankets iu great variety and from the cheapest to the best. Menasba Woolen Milla Flannels and Tricots. Appleton Yarns and Zephyrs, and in short every thing usually found in a General Store. OR33EKIE Y OROCERIE8! Oa»M4 Oeerts, Srst class and %1 wars fresh, 17pennfs Rice for tl.00, whole and clean - Pin* or Pine Cut Tehgteee tor M eents. Pl.oqa, 8\LT, OIL MCAL, PUO.^lOlltMis. fiwl Baefcwbeet oaly 8# cents. Keg Strap 00I7 91.15 " * BOXSLETT ft STOFFEU 'jl ' ",J '!•* .. \-l.A <L' t . .J, . ... . 1.. . ... * ,-.i ,.*r1tixsK . > The above Premiums are for the five largest ears of Corn, the test being their weight when seasoned, p WEST M '!,u»

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