FF BR IS, 1886. a*y;r« JEkftitox*. MAVIS fv&r mm? WflfeV fr \ '• -, ****'•% -i-" -1 v T:?¥M ' < < ' . ' " * t » . v.C- I »«.T be found on .;̂ 's..' 'k f > ^ * f- """'" V-£?W$% . .. * TV* McHENRYi >1* at Q*o. F. •w«p*pcr Advertising w(Vjrh«ra advertising ~ YORK. tflifrMldanfi M esaag*. PrMldmt CleroUnd'i eeeond annual Message. which can bl found in full on tlwlaille p«g«« of tbla paper, Han •xtrapktif loaf and uninteresting doc- iraMat, tad the careful reader will be loprNMd by three prominent features In It. fo the first place it ta the pro duction of a tyro In national politics, for It givM equal prominence to the statement of attain of the merest rvnllM with that which It bo ttom on matters of the gravest Inc. portanoe; seoond, It discusses all topics in the tone of common place partisanship; and third, it indulges In a repetition of egotistic phrases, unu sual even In royal documents, and filtfl out of the practice of rulers of oar republic. Thus the details of our relations with petty foreign nations are recited with a complacecoe which indicates their novelty to the writer, and so as to almost overshadow the mention of the fisheries and oar trouble with Great Brltiau and Oar little controversies with Mexloo. In the same manner the President quotas from the reports of the depart ments figures which, standing apart. Signify not a great deal, and so ob* •Oarea the topics whlcb are really of tefS1* ooaoern. These topics are pre- •rated not with argument, bat with Imperial declarations that this sug- geetlofl or that ezageratlon has "my sanction," |u If that was the end of Ha law. The document nowhere ilses out of the dullest ped estrlan style. There Is aot a sentence which strikes the reader as pregnant with thought and ooavlctlon, not a line such as Lincoln, GraaS or Garfield was wont to use to •adiat Interest and win support. Only Hum points in the message calcu lated to fix any attention, These re- late to the revenue, intereatlng on ac- ooturt of the matter itself; to the Indians, where really the President aaaaaa to ahow some seat and vitality; aad to pensions, where the President *t gnat length makea a special plea fie extenuation of his ofieasiva vetoe* •f MBs granting beaefactions for pat- tfotte aervice. 11m Massage lacks some elements of Mwagtl whidi Mr. Cleveland's former pnktfiNttous have shown. He has evi- deaUy been taking council of party and theyhm taught him moat topics, and bare to advocate a tariff for ^nly. but have left him the of miad, the dullness or Height and of language which have teeoma known aacharacteristic of him. Aa a formal aummary of the reports of departments the (message has its vahm;as a statesman's recital of the condition of the nation and as a plea flsr great |measarea, it ia weak and empty, with many airs of aasumptioo fcnt not a word of power or command. ALcoHoum^j Editor Plaiiidxa.lcr At I. T. Beta's Auction t Sale of a carload of milch cows, on Tuesday of la«t week, oows sold on an average of #38,72 per bead. Cbas Wand rack shot a fine deer on Thursday of last week. It was a five year old buck, weighing 185 pounds. Louis Wenholts has a new clerk. It's a boy and welgha 10J pounds. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Chapell spent a part of last week with friends in the city. Wm. Keyes and wife, of Turner Junction, visited here with the family of Howard Pliillipa part of laat week. Riohard 3illilati lias taken up hla abode In town. He has rented a house in Shofeldt's addition to Canada. Mike Kenny, of Chicago, visited hla old Irienda here on Friday and Satur> day of laat week. It ia about 12 years since Mike made Gonquln a visit. The Ladles Aid Society, of the Congregational church, will 'meet at Mrs. Juliana on Wednesday of next week.' Mr. a:id Mrs. Wakefield, of Rldge- fiaid, visited hero last week, with their daughter, Mrs. W. H. Jenks. Several of our young folks, attended the Literary at Cary, on Friday even ing laat. By all reports there waa a big horse trade In town on Saturday evening laat. D. W. Thomaa Shipped a car load Of stock to Chicago on Monday of this we ek. C. E, Chapell started north'on Tues day of this week to buy milch oows. So look out for a choice lot about next week. Mrs. J. Peter is visiting with rela tives In Chicago. Remember the Literary on Friday evening of this week, as a fine pro gramme is expected. if J. Van S[jlte. of the PlaindeJlLKR made Algonquin a short call on Satur day laat. Frank Pendergast. of Elgin, spent Saturday and Sunday here, with Harry Morton. fine line of Good suitable for H O L I D A Y local exchange says Messrs. and Trench Intend to introduoe in the next Legislature a measure looking toward fewer elections in the State. We now have general elections noes la two years, besides municipal and school elections. Brown and Treaeh bad better consider carefully this matter before cutting down general elections to one every four years. Do they desire to destroy the "independent press f" Just think of It. There would be mere victims When the elections rolled around, but how could the independeuta live three tad a half years at a stretch with no victim worth bleeding during all of that time ? It Is not to be thought of, and should such bill be introduced it wauld meet the solid opposition ilia *Personal orgaas and in dependent!* iVTbeodore S. Mlze, confidential took-keeper of Miner T. Ames, a Millionaire coal merchant of Chicago, •nd cashier aad secretary of the Chica go and Minoak coal and coke company, was last week discovered to be the perpetrator of alayotematic robbery ol hi^smpleyers that has been continued for tan or twelve years, and is estima ted at #l08.000|or more, in the aggre gate. From what reports say of hia extravagant living at hla home and of his lavishing money on unworthy ob jects, it appears that he ought to have I^Mn suspected and' detected ia bis jobberies years §go. fiSTThe Cincinnati Commercial Qa» tttte aays: "it may be. that Providence op Cleveland to break the solid ^®th,w and that **the republican party Is not near so unpopular at the south' aelt was prior to Cleveland' a failure Th* great reformer may not fulfill the lipase of breaking up aoutbern aolid- lljrilmt when Virginia goes more than republican It looka aa if one efraer was cracking a little, to any the In North Carolina and Kentucky alio there were alsmic disturbances that loosened the plastering some. It my mean nothing, but i* j^k. •minions. • • MP*There la work for the fori fcffier I In Fayette county. West Virginia. A (teaser in that section was told by a ' that if he would plaoe 895 In an stamp and leave it over night it1 [flpMtNi doubled by morning. The r ttled the experiment and got Hie gypsy then induced him 19700 in the same spot; but on 'letMs 81,400 next morning the Mr discovered that both Ml gypsy had vanished. " HEBROK- Editor Plaindkalkr:--Hiv Jack Ehle was in town one day las t week. Seventy couples attended the club dance Friday night. Miss Ida Holmes Is quite sick at the home of her sister, Mrs John Reynolds. Mel Merry went to Chicago Friday, returning at night. The next dub dance will he held on Thursday evening, Dec. 30. Music Anderson's Orchestra. Mr. Vincelette has on hand an ele gant atock of silver ware, watches and jewelry, a fine assortment from hicb, to make a selection of a Christmas present. Give him a call at the Furniture store. There Is music In the air." Occa- sionally faint sounds issue from a re mote corner, and when we ask what It means, some one better informed answers, **It is the ladles orchestra." Doubtless we will know more about tt when they appear In public, a full fledged band, and give us a grand en tertainment. Hebron Is growing too fast. We have too many Halls. Thia fact waa illuatrated the other evening, when three of our friendly Richmond neigh- bora came ov«r to attend the Modern Woodman Lodge. As the Baptist revival meeting was in full session at Union Hail, cautious footstepa were heard coming up the atalrs and the In- matea were startled by a gentle signal rap at the door. The aurpriae waa ao great, at first this failed to elicit any response and the signal was repeated with double force which resounded as we imagine George Washington's llttk hatchet must have done against the cherry tree. Immediately the surprise changed hands for the open ing of the door, revealed to the astonished visitors, not a Modern Woodman with his axe and wedge, but a good, old, honest baptist, who Informed them, they were in the wrong pew. N. B. The Modern Woodman Asso ciation meet In the new Hall, above the Drug Store, on the corner of Main Street and the railroad, '"Following the report that the president is suffering from rheuma tism comes a report that Gen. Logan la down with the same disease. In view of the fact that the General may be called on pretty soon to make race with Mr. Cleveland, It seems to as & very decent thing for him tbua to show that be intends to take oe undue advantage of his opponent. =t_ And iuvite those who wish a Desirable and Substantial Pres ent, to utll and examine their stock. They are no w showing on e of the finest Stocks of CLOTHING, ar, Ever Shown in McBenry. Ttoy Sara Mads a Success Tn Knocking 4W*I - ffh and are now showing their cus tomers that it is for their interest to trade with them* GROCERIES. , A Full Line of Choice Family Groceries always on hand. Call and see us and learn priees before purchasing elsewheie. ALTH0FF BROS. MeUenry, Dec. 15th, 1888. THE INTER OF* CHICAGO • t* Circulation ud Political imitawao* ta UM Leading Republican Newspaper XH TH> NORTHWB8T. TK> OOBAN h»a from th* bafinnbic bMa Ok* defender of bom* Institution* ud American Mm. It la the advocate of equal rlghta tor all be fore the lew, of protection to American labor, aad of the Idea that America la for Americana--not nee- eea&rlly Americana by birth, bat true cltlsena of the Republic, it believes in the Wert and Wee tern men, holds to the Idea that the future eeat of em pire will be In the Mississippi Valley, and ia bold and aggressive In its opposition to the unholy alli ance between the money-changers of New Tork City and the States lately In rebellion. THBINTHR OOBAN Is earnestly In fhTor of the Republican party because It believes the principles of that party are correct, and that, honestly car- tied out, they will best protect the rights aad ad vance the Interests of the whole people. It Is not, however, a blind follower, but Is always ready to denounce Republican wrong-doing, either In high or low places. THB INTER OOBAN has always maintained that the Nation Is under an obligation to the soldiers of the late war, who Jeopardised their lives to protect it from armed treason, which It can never repay, has advocated the establlah-and, conaequently, ment of Soldiers' Homes and the enaotment of snch pension laws as would leave no disabled vet eran In want As a Newspaper THB INTER OOBAN Is not ex celled In the United States. Aside from the aervice of the Associated Press, in which it holds a mem bership, it keeps a large body of Special Corre spondents, both In this country and In the Old World, and has SPECIAL LBASBD TBUSORAPHIO WIRB8 connecting Its Chicago office with WASH INGTON and NBW TORK, in both of which cities It has SPBCIAZ. NBWB BUREAUS and maintains StoNMb Offioee. DaHy Inter Qocan Is published every day In th* year. hieL exclusive of Sondar, - - $ 8:00 per Tear " Snndij included," - • 10.00 " " Tbe gemi*V0eeI^ljf Iftter 0o«on la published on MONDAYS and THURSDAYS, aad contains the News condensed from the Dally. Among other features, THB SEMI-W kKKI/T prints the Sermons of Prof. Swing and other lead ing Ministers ot Chicago. Price, QfS.BO per Year, fbe Inter Qoean ^An advance of 2 eenta tn butter was recorded MenJay at Elgin, 111,, 22,260 pounds Bulling regularly at 31} eenta. Private aalei of 86,107 pounds of batter end 1,494 boxes of cheeaq were reported. J. r. OASET, A TTOKNEY and Counselor at Law. Office Jrl. over Zimpleman'a Mtore. All business 1 to ray care will receive prompt at- Woodstock, III. entrusted to ra tention LIPPINC0TT8 • • LIPP1NC0TT8 XfCads all other Magazines ™ In "Laics of Fiction m Poems of interest LIPHNCMTS AJIewDegsrter* • Pleasing Short Storic* * Im£?!ting Miscellany 38 OtS. Ifotw of Progress OHgintl CoatrlbutieAS IN EAtH »»sui -- Topics of the Tims A Complete New • MEup^tetive llsk ly wrne fsToriu satkor i b sack lo. frm"*!*1™ new an<?valuab,e works,worth of « t0 *l8 °? snnually, at the nominal sum cenu JKr month SuUcription, <3.00 yearly. MtMulI/H Habberton, Prances HodgsoaBttr* aetj, Julian Hawthorne, Lucy C, LUlie etc etc will appear in early issues ' clc*» Circulars, giving details, etc., mailed on aiyit--.t«p J* LIPrtNCOTT COMPANY 715 and 717 Market St., PhlU4elphia LARGEST CIROULATlOlt of any paper West of New Tork. In 1S84, before the reduction of postage, It paid for POSTAOB OK CIRCULATION aloi $35,OOO. Price, # l.OO per Year. •very effort Is used to make THB WIIUT INTER OOBAN a MODEL FAMILY NBWSPAPBR, one that can be taken Into any fomlly with profit to each of Its members. The stories and other liter ary features .r. from tbo peas of the ablest asd most approved writers. Among them are MBS. BURNETT. MISS PHELPS, MISS JKWBTT, and MESSRS. STOCKTON, TROWBRIDGE, LATHROP, BOTBSBN, SIDNBT LUSKA, and B. P. ROB. All the leading features of the paper, which have made it BO POPULAR IN THB HOME CIRCLB will be continued and Improved, u>d nothing will be left undone to keep it in the fro WBOLBSOMB NBWSPAPBR. 1 the front rank s . BOUND, • SPECIAL OFFERS. • J®"FOR SALE.' A New Double Haj Preaa. for S100 Coat $300. Also the Fine Thorough bred Registered Bull mSib Paula." uolatelo, four years old, for «40. Coat tV: L»k® Hotel, Leke ytlle. Lake County* 111* Prior to our January Inventory, to obtain many goods at LESS THAI THEY COST THZ MAHUFACTUBIR. We also wish to reduce stock in all departments, and very liberal concessions will be made to Cash Buyers, We have an elegant ine'lpPf •• And many other articles both useful and ornamental which you are invited to examine when in search of your Holiday Presents. * HENRY COLBY. Is a great demand from all parts of the country for t correct but cheap History of the United States. Most of such books are so large aad expensive* as to be out of the reach of most temllles. Tet every boy end girl ought to be ftwnll- lar with the hletory of their country. It can hard ly toll to make them better cltlsena. THB INTBR OCEAN has made special arrangemente by which Brown's History of the United States Oas be offered with THE WEEKLY INTER 0< one year, at the very low rate of ONE DOLLAR AND FIFTY CENTS For both the history and paper. BROWN'S HISTORY is a well-written story of Our country, from the earliest settlement to f" present day. It is well printed In clear type, good white paper, and bound in cloth. It contains more than SIXTY ILLUSTRATIONS and over SIX HUNDRED PAOES. REMEMBER, ONE DOLLAR AND FIFTY GENTS pain/or tAe paper Oru Vtar emd Uu Bittory, Ml M M Mntpo*taff4peUtt. A PREMIUM TO AGENTS. The price of THB WBBKLY INTBR OOBAN la fl.OO per year, and any person sending tour yearly subscriptions tor that edition, accompanied mr the fttll subscription price--POUR DOLLARS--we will send them A OOPY OF THB HISTORY FRBB most any boy or girl oaa secure four subscribers, and in this way obtain aoopy of this valuable book. TheprtomfTBE SEMI-WEEKLY INTER OCEAM and BRO WJTB BISTOR Y OF THE UNITED STATES tt TWO DOLLARS AND NINETY CENTS. Sample copies of any edition of THB OCBAH wUl be sent on application. Remlttanoss may be made *t our risk, either by draft, syprsss, postofllcs order, express orders, postal notes, or registered letter. Money seat Is any other way is at the risk of the pecs on ssMUag THE INTER OOKAN. tiiiiiii.i'i / j > EDUCTIONS On all lines that are now incomplete in assortment. and V v* Advertised fot Thttfsdi this week has BEEN in opportunity is now offered Arrived Where he has on Exhibition everything in the Holiday Present line, from a China Doll to a fine Camp Kocker, or a lull Parlor Set. There is nothing in the Holiday Goods line but what can be found here. It would be inpossible to enumerate, but ene muist see for themselves to appreciate what I am offering to the buying public* Also Remember the Reliable --PLAGE TO- BUY r I JOHN B. BLAKE mmmmp* SMi CUM TOT HBI Sauta Claus has surely arrived, and will'make his headquarters as usual at ore. further notice, ow ing to prospective stormy weather and rough roads. In the meantime we will at - m ever you may „ much below cost ot manu tacturing, ia order Very Respectfully^ oas "'M TOFFEL. General Merchants, Weet McHenry, •! ||. i $UR LAROE STOCK 00 -~AND-- At Reduced Prices, Also a large variety of OVERCOATS -AND- - ;•" Underwear. HOLIDAY 6OOD81 For all now to be shown and more to arrive, _ - , - . Hf'-i thmiffiuFtestnts, KtwYMrsPresfnU, Birthday Ptwnts f? lee him. I atiftlaily picking up in the city aid Useful HOLIDAY PRESENTS, For all sexes, ages and conditions, and I invite you to come and inspect them. I refer with pride to my past efforts to supply you with Christmas Goods, and assure you tnat I shall endeavor to better than ever this year, both in quality and price. Q m {ft g & El! P9 •=3 * s. • -.41f-: I tsr* •fi B n s p I X P» g W CO • ft 1 tr? n St. S et s, c» o s=z S Fancy Work 3Doni» & Ml STOFFBIm BON8LETT p'