aeMnaiy or* bterani' whohMinw a*d aur- i were * food M of thftn afkloehoL '""" iaipires f tlMtt%l<»e fit IliiM^Sim *"**** f̂iitf :M* wireh/dt to tafter. *• h»« *her rteals to '•̂ •* of their i' ItaMia Petaluma, Mendo- •m* î t̂ l had just ««kI4 <i7'to ilts prey, bat CM only be who wif- pistol at and the named Lyon lms » _. ̂ ctateeV-hQMc MdMM. There tO BU^NI; dOt" the firet Inl ini*the$r <* *>• atfcrk, whM and others '% tine of the maMite ,... beltoiM ̂ lifc Br%ht is 7&, Priaoe Bi»- ̂̂ W.Oteyri.74. IE. are each 71, fc ft* Sir Ratherfocd MMMob ii 7* OfGeaerele iaT%Leboeuf n 78, and OUklini are etch 7€L Of imet* x<wt tehnyson is78, Mr. Brown- iagia 3fc «ad Dr. Oiitwr Wendell Brf»Meis7& OfmusidMs, It Verdi i» 7S. M engineers, Lord Armstrot ii 77, John Hawkshftw la 7 Of painters, MeiaBOuier is 72; and finally of showmen, Barnum is 77. p||» hapa»however,if.Chevreul, who Is fairly stertedupoa hia 102 jeer, ought mot |n Iwn rtiitHtoiT " THE AmeafcaihVaraafrv Coamai at ite lastmMtfnyprspared a WO-to be ItpretfdMfora newbureauia _ pwlawnt̂ the ĵ teî tpJb« uhderthe, control of a CoiamiasjanCTof who shall be kpp< officers are by the presi- to eoefinaatiM -hjf the ] The frffWl»fr(!*r*1 TT '•*? ' pul̂ ltaroats and la one froar̂ iar'fitehmeMlfM&f' - Mm& •mmiW§kii4M>ĵ *0 &* he cMtfefBip *ho dull be aftgj|p|vfc ̂ |n the wkmoi. qilttiBaltj.' umliMk MkAMk' SBOOWfl. pg f̂if pt covered by lil ' * «&•% for home- iteads and qaore valuftblo lor agricultural purposes than for timl*N^*itil third, mountainous (Mi: other wocHtiands,** which' for dfanatab economic or public reasons should be forest ofthefirstead appraised eepa*1 wtfely from ihe value of the lani ard to stump* as the department may direct from time to the, while the lands of thethfrd olaes shell constitute the per manent foreft reeerves, not open to sale orocoapetiM atall. peMaats weto one night drixfaag bow to Makad ircm market at Keeskemei The road leads over a wide paaata distriot, through Scent Mllrlos, and iaat ootodt the let- ter plaoe, .Mat the fatal hill fU whfeh aome yean mgf> a gallowsnsedto stand, it wa* twllî t, between dog and wolf, as the saying* Is £a Sou î Qermaa ĵ. The |«saM saw soon enough that &e hangman had been at wok lit flfipstrhan * dark »»»" of Filled witfi curiosity, tt»y left their vehicle and walked towatd tb gallows. The cul- iritwasagypsy. agaî st whoae being would hanlly have St they Jbutthat his heari wae ̂ 01 alowly'bMt- i& After htittig ftlittk oonforence the peasants cttt̂ the man down, put .hik into their ewt, and drove oft Be- fore long the gjw began, to rotucn to eouM^asneas, »ie eoior eame back into hktm of hii 09 %>ttl %&nrt$&sk fiwtliiir df AtthenSTp^Be Ws to tals . a drink after theur sueacaB in defag lu^ee out <if oB^of Waawrifleaa. ^ t̂nnkoaper, •ideof . ter aa the men < But the thick end « Hon for the Î Beaieoralle his of tithe native lonasr de- aiboutta tkoss who veiy well Hut but for and vlo voters have 3%e from the 8oilen« whose slavciy as eeentejr. «i|̂ iaaiast<ta etatie twgr w ttui WSl IftilMMi yearet whils ths amlBsw«w hostOe to ligiao sueesaaftU eon» daooef the war. The - Monill tarift, tiw flu wtihHihw »nt of ttpa NSional faHtis* emsnoiratien and lim eioesd aa wmmm* vemsatsineon The Dsmocrstk party teeaohand «v«y deaaandfte It WMMsdnolagfad^hMt. ~ haahssn- in itiMMiiMto that Is MpoMd b«ait and aeal to tta& iB ̂ oahdFof natfooal intatsrta'and VMlM hMnk ftian are pH '̂MISfe unii AmtrtMn Usawrvelef Oteie. a%h| ef> MSI jb StiitotdM mwm ftt ear yoang d{hm 1st let htm Md f wOi imw to be vsttlsd aet̂ rony abrt of eemnra> g to the strict demands hooesty, and of loyalty.-- that wants left of the le Bar; .sea raised. The DMaociatie naitijr i% asit has ever been, oppeeed to 1 tioabywbM netioaal eseartty, eoM....... iqM^y, and social a^peUUeal are praaiatsd. The A Definite bine. oievdnad has aaWsd ane tUng hy ht« messsge; he hasd«elaied vtutmllbe the issue to beMM bytie PwietitmiHal campaigaof JA8& It is to be the pcot»eU ive Mm«f the country whaftitit ia te bemaintataedortinrikMidowtt. We give laost hearty thanks to OePiert> deni taat he haseompslled the Dusearaoy to abeeden 'ttirir ebiffi', evasive n thetsriO,and thathe h«s boldly interfoitsd the tuigU, 4wiwf* millnij ills ill •eoMdie national platform et 1884 to Ba whoOaa of iTtaitff oMfttn whish wili break down hk pcoteotive featnma and render it a tarUT for rs venae onhr. The Deaooaratio party is te be eea* sistsat in its leosed. It istoeontiaueto be the tmmtf of the best interests of the peo ple and ol ear, nationality. Here is a clear-cat issue that most be met, and mat squarely, by the Bepnbliasa petty* There must beao evaskaof the real point. TheBepuhtoen patty Is planted aqusieiy on the urinoipie of preteeOMi to Aasatieaa industries, and can await die sheek of bettle next November in the serene conneieusaess thet (he swjerity of the peo ple ot the nation agree with it Thiaaetof the Prsstdeat renders possi ble a new alignment. It pals the principle of protection on its trial before a jury of the Aaaccieea people. AM ether ISSUM be* oonw enbordinate, and the campaign will be fso ît eat eaOa tariff. Theiriendso# pro*Mmon have nothing to fear, if they make good use of their time to enlighten the nuesas upea the qaasttea, and show dainty that Olevalaad's position ^baaght, theuagr in spite of oomfoBk." coemted theooat rowed tho. ̂ andsooathe be driven ., the iimf Altar a shurt ieaa* <*ee time hard at wood la ot smfly means to reduee the stipend ef eveiy maa who earnahis Own living by the won; ofhishaadaor of his brain; thsttt means i tedaetiea all along the one--to every body in the oooatty who woiks forwagss, forhirs,orfor salaiy. Thwe are dv î in every oommonity. a number of Maple who ere more or less diseontented with existing conditions. îMtever is. is wrong," seems to be the. motto on wnioh they ml They waî *Maeab"aitdan unmlndfal of As fitft that mere ehangs is not neoosarily pso* grese, bBttbatgmayberetrogresstvejurt as tpo. There are thoamnds of thsia peofde in the Uaited States to-day, who are loo young to have tc ailty experiwioed the evils nndecr which the* eounby labored la lew ̂ tariff times, who fsvor the Frs -̂ dat'i free hade polioy simply becaoM it is something new, something aifTerent. fjUfis Mi of ths foor dssses of peojne wbo wfil fsvoT the bieekiag down of the protoetive system. The other three are; ̂ Theimp r̂hM mkl jobbers of CaMign goods, whoee bnsinees win be endi and their proAts cow. y easarged--aud all others to whose «ih of imports would mean .. tesperieneeini . im ol̂ !SiM^st'e Rhom ef % hi days t gooe hy, pretaiay efatetta îiMad ths4> reqaiiud so- iMiî yednoworkmw.Ex- ad aaaott, '-'Wid ts. They aever e»- The mystlo op- grew ridi were I. loekadthe doors ottr dbewst w »« T v was on the wateh. ..... . lar oa Oroaa aa to be mm- ..the sooty A-fc «•Uaa ̂w owe w. Xw the fiua, mw W the myate r̂faMil̂ iMtitrie add. Xho A faw moatfi SSrS t̂he'prtoe of the article waa redrHMkl" The poor mitti' mi!*- •km and trick W whidi he had Imm» viethaia^L Like Miss Tabith* Bramble when in formed tiut the thunder had apoiled two barrela of bear ia hat cellar, be ad£kt l»ve said, "How the thinder should set there, whfn ^M eellar waa doahlamAwd, I aaa t̂ owaprehend." The maaulactare of tiaware in E»« glafid originated hi a stofen secret Pew taadavlMad t6be informed tKait tin ware is simply thin iron, plated with tin by beink d^>ped lato the aa l̂tea metdL ... la theory H la aa mm > iMttwr to it into a bath , of boOing tin, aad remove it, aamioped Wie the eilveiy metal, to m plaee nf'M îam - In pracSjeTlSweter, the process is oM c ̂tita aioat ̂ ttOonlfc of the arts. It with the ' tnedta vain to,_::L JanM' : 8h§tmaMk 'a '- 'Ocraidi' oiowad the ChaQaor, iastansMd him nun of the oiBoe of a ; f e lN iJK CtrrmOu 1 AKevelef theYatarc ̂ Augustos de of tha' evening in month 3," A. it 20, he strode tuHia Gogulaa, the teH ̂ iftiriijii flniffMp*'.m ut r̂igbt an# he sought the drawioK-roora, .. , w«a| Angelica Ooggtee waa de- i mt >nnd i tha haad ODSQ ipsigh and "SweMaga&i tbit you love me," sha " with tab ..#L if*® " Aajlhh extMdod hia iras to ftha M her arms, s e gave a atart as he entered. h«r ;e!itack to 4Ulat«oiBii AH WM silent; loet in rapture, tMr; folded each Other in their afMl. Sud- denly Mrj Goggiee Mtered. . "Theboesllha boas 1* she îriakedi wildly throwiag up her arms to th* "Speak to SM bat a momeat, daT* M * he cried; "m ha insured?" ileaa with agony, she aptWadte !% made hia willt" he wavt oa InatMt the' young man had JUi shoeing irca aad laid Mr. iMrfeitiMi ' _! oh, fly r ho reamrked, turaiag to his beloved, ' Cold aad insensible ^byMthhMC* lament to pin up her :]ier limp, ̂ gnu ui hia k imsW® BoomymI' ered iiin* lb. VUm#* ThaPe&yarit. the debate ca toafoealpoiat J& .̂cMiKfiid m thedagr of to buum that IVeasory. Oon- ofthe OebW. Mr. <9evahMfls peiecaal foliowiwriaCM" giMsdslayed^<MUsieaqrbiIl, eSh its sp- piofxisthm ef̂ OOMo»r beyond the hour 5 tsgislatii» MW... JBnt for tiheJhMi Mieaal cotatfe the Mxptaii would have .1. 000.̂ Kcrls this ell; his own £eec*ta<y of the Iniertor oempUins that that d^ait- s»»t has heMfMda^ed with direst lew of money to thele»*iaMsat and ~ time aadmeMjFto (rfniggsrdUy. apm fikeimil tBhSmWmm at,. The tori irtftiwy sc|MH9t>e for the estteg a lMthms snr usedasamsansof iMt miMt «fc^Koris fiMnehas eea which to exette eeattasintal tateslaoik Ifnststifrn wf da^arfRM odef the ithaSffiVe îluL aMu! Stirplae. It has _ a oiit̂ at sssta- bnt hs» also *nf!|ri> te Me Mrtf is ineaneble ef mektng * safe sa«l sorere- duotiMof ef&Msvties or revsaae. /' Ha fietMtous pZu*k «® 6«talh5rtopoT- wtshthe eeMtry, atfd probably WmS in- " " senatoaaf rsvenne.. Thwe w no hi the wî r of e euick sad re- ot it.--CMeago Inter -»• _ *mPPM» ftfltTnin ' tka €4M is eonve*l£d iftto the othar by being he*ted for a considerable time in con- tect with powdered oharooal ia an iron l̂ hM PWU How, steel tl«M made The middleoftfae barii ized tibaa the ea ,̂ aad the Mrfhoe more thM tiie cMter. It ia, theifefore, unrelmblek Nevertheleea, tefore the h •entioa of oae| steel thare Was nothing better. Ih 1730 there lived at Atteroliffe,near 8he|Bleld, a watchmaker named Hunta< man. He became diaaatisfied with the wateh springs ia m* eadMt himself to the tssk ttf milling them heiaogMOtts. "If," thought hie, "I cm make apieoe of stMl wad oast it Into aa ingot it* oom- iiositioa should be* the imme through out. He succeeded, {tie steel Booa became fomoua. Huntaman'singota for fine work were in universal demand. He did not call them oast steeL That was hia aecret. About 1770 a large manufactory of IhispeMUar steel was eetabiidied at Atteroliffe. The proeaM wai then wru>ped in secrecy by eve: within reach--true a&d feitmui men hired, the work divided and subdivided, large wagee paid sad stringent oaths administered. It did not answer. One mid-winter aight, ae the taU ehhanafs of the AttexolifFe steel works beldied forth their smoke, a traveler knooked at the gate. It was bitterly cold, the snow fell fast, and the wind how|ed across the moat The stranger, apparently a plowman or agricultural laborer, aeeUng ahelter from the etorm. awakeaed no aospietoa. vfleaaaiag the Wayfarer eloaely, and moved by motivea pf humanity, the foreman granted his Moaestaad tethiifi la Feigning to be worn oat with cold ud fatigue, the poor fellow rank upon the fioor, aad eeea appaaMd to be aalMpw That, however, was far from his iBtMnaa, He oloeed hia cyM ap- parently only. He saw workmM eat bui ̂ iteelinto lata, ptaM them ht orudUea, aad thru ̂the oru«(Uee into • furnaee.' lite lira was - idgaA. to ita extreme power until the steel wm melted. Clothed ih wet rage to pm- tad themselvea from tiie heat, tho workmen drew out the glowing crati* blesand poured their coattaafe iato a mould. Sir. Huatsmaa'a faetory had nothing more to disoloea TtM secret of making cast steel had been discov ered. ; • A Dakota Wedding Md Î raddag; "The wedding which we aimoonced last weds woola take plaof) 1st the resi- donce cHf JFttd^Ftemket," says MTdatio '« trluma fiainfr tarr by an awkwarAvMr* near being , mri&ms-.yM bride, XiM Six tbsy ahwt allowed on huitfto thev were alia#, they iBtatued; ijtejLm II some of' muaeeis), 'Of mk famous aker, Daniel' H6#e ̂ some of these •*» * & Co*, f«r unioe were ea,,.irM the mussel. very Sm Ireighed andwould 1 of r. took: sfneethea s (Muo. At >laCM on th# ne pearhi he reoetotly fine onealmva Kentucky, TeHaeasaa, tad single firm has pnrBhiaal MM worth of peMls found eaat el The pearls ar« tarahr flat on the beak, aad j conceivable form, aaohaa bird wiag% Md .oflM I feature aasistsd ia He enamel udgold. aftMtha Dinglingcr pearla at the ilea Green Vhu}ta white, often irideeoent The^nacre ia< if an.ything,than and they are often ma«e heautifi&; sin gle pearla hare heea Bold |M OVM Imp' '..v.' ^Oaly ̂ ejjjearl̂ of kfa ĵi fou ̂ ftfiayydae,, M,tiMBt'-'̂ r 'hi evMtustiy laailto tiufr: ThegreOeatdaetroyen the _ ie low ̂ tide. Pearia hf tHi eoauBBoa hi with pa»le, M ahaost fiehed the Floc»a coast for tikh ao-called pink ttiegr are not true _ have acid at $1,000 each, oyster pearls have neither value beah^w -- George F. Kunt, in Harpy** Magasine. THE British armr. as now conati- aellat nee Britwk army, as now to have originated of Charles !!** *n <50n~ extinction of fendal The first five regimenta ef flkfMtry were established he- " I»dl68a , Day began at snariseumoî inort 13)0 Kort|eii xmtitma, at sMset ~ ' Md J<BW8, m mm and the naar for St8i<iiaay' inalM] MFCttM at all «»• moat m folly noon. Thwe have stated ' - . . . „ OlOBCj thatsaflonim ..; the natives, and they i theM AmertoaM' who .. cmo r̂y we leaM>tket dom steal aaythteg: ftttaM poeta.--Alatku UtU*r- ̂| The That mahiiwft launched at Two towed to Kow YvtKi feet wide, »7 feet * draws lSileetof1 to tell you Wftt *" tons, all otf aolUl̂ had seven mm Unglaad. Mlv wasbuSt. A| -' 7i oMt« P0i the Chi" " " on tliet notqujte i _ rictt' 1 W jK.Pvia.jt !•»? Mr. m