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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 12 Sep 1888, p. 1

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Pledged but to Truth* to Liberty and Law; No Favors Win us and no Pear Shall Awe." 14. M'HENRY, ILLINOIS, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 1888. JHanfeakr. PHLtlBlO KVKKT WBDOTCSDAY BT - J . V A X * S L Y K E . - KOITOB iXO JPEtOP&IKTOft. * Office in Bishop's Block, -r-OrroaiTa Paaar k Owax's , r . flBW or SUB JORIPTIOH. A<X ranee) .11.90 If K*t Paul within Thru Months in Suoecripttons received for thraa or six aenihs ia the nae proportion. BUSINESS CARDS. wa. OSBOHHE, M. n. PHYIOtAM AXO U RGEOtf. Office at the Parker House. West McHenry, promp.ly attended to day and night. Calla PAUL BROWN, ATTORH1T AT LAW. U. 8. Express Oo/s Building, 87 and 89 Washington Bt. CHICAGO, ILL. H. r. ELLSWORTH, ATTORNEY at Law, and Solicitor ta Chan eery, Nunda, III. Bates of Advertising'. We announce liberal rates for ad vertialng m tha PLAIHDBALBB, and endeavor to atate then ao plainly that they will be reiulily an. lersteod. They are aa follolfSi 1 Iaoh ana year . . • «' . 5 00 finchesene year • . ' . . 1000 5 Inches one year - . , . . 1500 * C o l u m n a n e y e a r i . * • . 3 0 0 0 tf Ooiamn ane year. f - . . «o 00 Oolamn one year - . . * 100 00 > •ne Inch means tW'1lftii#iifwone ach dawn the column, single column width. ; Yearly advertisers, at the above rates, have \,the privilege of changing as often as they tboeae, without extra charge. • Regular advertisers (meaning those having 1 tanning cards) will be entitled to insertion of local notices at the rate of 5 cents per line •ach week. All others will be charged 10 jeents per 3ine the first week, and 5 cents per , line far each subsequent week. Transient advertisements will be charged at the rate of 10 cents pe line, (nonpareil type, same as this is set in) the tlrst Issue, and jtoeais per line for subsequent issue*. Thus, fcn inch advertisement will coat $1.00 for one week, $1.50 for two weeks, $2.00 for three *re«ks, and so on. The PLAINDRAUBB will be liberal in giving editorial notices, but, as a business rulo, it will require a suitable fee from everybody tee king the use of its columns for pecuniary f*in. BUSINESS CARDS. a. T. BROWK, M. D. AN AND 9URGK< Residence, McHenry, 111. pHY8IOIAN AND 8URGKON. Otioe at P a H. FEGER9, M. D- HTSIOIAN AND SURGEON, MeHenry, Ills. Offlce at Residence. . O. J. HOWARD, M. D. kHYHIOIAN AND SURGEON, McHenry, 111. Oflioe at Residence, one door Weat •f M. E. Church. BARBIAN BROS. iIGAR Manufacturers, McHenry, 111. Or- j dors solicited. Shop, in Old McHenry, n Kelter Block, third door west of Riverside loose. liivery Stable. «| E. WIGHTMAN, Proprietor, first Q, class ris«, with or without drUors roraished at reasonable ratel. Teaming of ill kinds done on short notice. . SCHIBSSLE, NEAR THE DEPOT, WEST MoHENRY, ILL. Keeps open for the accommodation of the public a First-Class Saloon and Restaurant, (There ha will at all times keep the best " Yds of Wines, Liquors and Cigars to bs found in the market. Also Agent For FRANZ FALK'S 1ILWAQEJE LiGKR BIER. Beer in Large or Small Kegs or Bottles al­ ways on hand, oheaper than any other, quali­ ty considered. Orders by mail promptly attended to. QOQD DTABUNU FOR H0R8K8, VOall and see as. Robert Sohlessle. <West NeBenry, I1L JL Saglea'a SALOON AND RESTAUR ANT. ||cHEN*V, ILLIWQiS. lino Kentucky Liquors, French Bitters, HcHsnry Lagar Seer, --AND-- J. Mlitz liliaotee Bottle Beer, In any quantity from a Saitz Glass to 5C0 barrels. AT WHO ELS ALE qb RETAIL ' Beer in bottles, kegs or case as eheap as the cheapest. Wo bay none bat the best and tell at Reasonable Prices. ' Call and see me and I will use you well. ANTONY ENGELN. McHenry, ILL, 1886. ASA W. SMITH, ATTORNEY AT Chancery, AT UW and Solicitors >ln --Woodstock, ITL JOSLYN ft CASEY, ^TTORNETS AT LAW, Woodstock tion. IIL All business will receive prompt atten MABT O. BARBIAN. HATR WORKER: All kinds of Hair Work done in first class style and at reasonable prices. Rooms at residence, north­ east corner of Public Square, McHenry, IiL DR8. a E. WILLIAMS A DAHLIX. DENTISTS Residence Dundee. Will be at McHenry, at Parker House, the 10th 11th 25th and 26th of each month. When dates occur Saturday or Sunday make my visits on the following Monday, and tho first day of such visit occurs on Friday, I will stay bat one day. United States far Claim Apcy OF WM- H- COWLIN, Woodstock, - - Illinois. Prosecutes all classss and kinds of claims against the United states for ex-Soldiers, their Widows, Dependent Relatives or Heirs. A specialty is made In prosecuting old and rejected claims. All communications promptly answered If Postage Stamps are enclosed for reply.. WM, HUdOWLlH Office at Resldenoe, Madison/#*;, Woods toe a, Illinois. ^ Attention Horsemen! MCHENRY, III., April 1st, 1888, I would respectfully invite the Public to Mil and examine m7 stock of Horses before making arrangement! elsewhere. No busl. nets done on Sunday. N. & COLBY H'HBNBY ILL E. R. AUSTIN, Liverj.Boardiii anil Sale Stable. At Parker House Barn. FIRST CLASS RIGS, with or without Drivers, Furnished at lteasonabte Rates. Bus and Hacks run to and frim all Trains.-- Orders for Baggage Promptly Attended to. West McHenry, III. CT. G. ANDREWS. GENERAL <iZap* SlNte 9 SPRING GROVE ILL. Sales ot Stock, Farming Tools and Goods of all kinds attended to on the most SRASOVABU TIBJIS. C. C. Andrews, * Spring Grove, 111 Spring Jrove, Sept. 8th, 1886. ll-ll-8m SMITH & Quintette Orchestra, BINO WOOD ILL. Are prepared to furnish First Class Mutic to the Danoing Public at Reasonable Rates. J, Smith, 1st Violin. M. Rogers, 2d Violin and Prompter, ttobt. Madden. Clarionet, C, Curtis, Cornet. E, Ingalls, Basso. Address all communications to Jerry Smith, Ring (rood, Illinois, or Mort Rogers, Lake Geneva, Wisconsin, 81 for 13 Weeks. The POLICE GAZETTE will be mailed, seeurely wrapped, to any address in the Uaitedstates for three mouths on receipt of ONE DOLLAR. Liberal discount allowed to postmasters agents and clubs. Sample copies mailed froe Address all orders to BICHABD X. FOX, FBAKKLIN SQUABE, New York • III -w-tgitf' ATTENTION 1 farwers and Dairy man. It will pay those looking for CHOICE COWS Fresh milkers or springers, to call at ory premises before purchasing. I can furnish saehfcy ib» ewr- load or single cow. PORTER EL WOLFRUM, CHBMtTBQ. Farm ahoutjfour mllee northwest of Harvard, Illinois. w , JOHN P. SMITH, Watchmaker & Jeweler, McHENRY. I'. NOIS. A FINE stock of Clocks, Watches and Jew. elry always on hand. Special attention gl«en to repairing line watches. Give me a fill. JOHN P. SMITH. 11. FISH, Painter 4XD DECOKATER. HEBRON, ILL. Daosratiiig, Paper-Hanging, CALCIMINING, Q&AINXNff. <*« Ossi on short notice and satisfaction guaraa- tood. Oall on or address,; JOHN KLEIFCEN. HOUSE Painter, Gralner, Calclminer and Paper Hanger. Residence oue Block West of Rivevside House. Work attended to promptly and on reasonable terms. > • , fiijiii liijjl.H A. M. CHURCH, Watchmaker and Jeweler NO. 112 SOUTH CLARK STREET, Chi­cago, ill. special attention given to re­ pairing Fine watches and Ohronothcters. 4VA Pull Assortment of Goods In his line Hon. T. D: Murphy, F. <S. LumUy MURPHY Jk LUMLEY. ATTORNEYS AT LAW, and solicitors in Chancers-, j WOODSTTTCK, N.L. Office In the rear of P^fk House, first floor. WESTCRft LANDS. G. McGregor A Co., of Elgin, fllllnols. J. G. McGregor have for sale in the Great Pipestone Co , Minn. 50.000 Acres of Land. Which they offer at Low Prices and Easy Terms. See bills giving date of our next Excursion, and for fail particulars apply to J. VAN SLYKE. Mi Henry, III. D. NKKDHAM'8 SONS 116-llf D^Tbora Street, omcAeo mmn Fvm HlKWiimini, DrqMM HeadMhe, Coiuupauon FOR SALE at H. V. Store, McHenry. SHBFARD'S Hardware Pomp Ripaliiagi CEMENTING, ETC. The undersigned is prepared to do all lobs in the line of Digging Wells, Repairing Pumps, Cementing Wells, or v\U put in XT sot Pumps On short notice and warrant satisfaction. Ia abort will do all work in this line. Can furnish you a new Pump, either wood or iron, warranted, as cheap as any other man. Good references furnished if desired. If you want a Well Dug, a Pump Repaired or a new Pump, give me a call. WOrders by mail promptly attended to. Post Ofloe, Jonnsburgh, III. L. BANTES. Johnsourgh, 111., May 85th, ttHS, / J. -BREEDERS OF- MORGAN HORSES, Short Bid Nisi And Jersey Cattle aUlside W«t MoHanry, lilt vUl Stock is all pure bred, and ariginated from the best Morgan stosk in the Our Morgan finated froi ted States. Old Gifford Morgan, who stands at the head 3four Stock, is one of the best bred Morgan horses in the country, and can show more and •tetter all purpose colts than any other horse in the West. We invite the Inspection of our «tock by hwsemen and all lovers ot fine animals, A few full blood Morgan Oolts and young norses for sale. Also one matched team, full iloods. In Cattle we have the full blood Short Horn #luch we are crossing with the Red Polled Angus and therefore instead of sawing offfthe tioms we are breeding them off and with food success, A few Heifers and Bulls, both pure bred 4hort Horns and the cross above mentioned for sal e. J. R. Saylor A Sons. Taut McHenry. III., Feb, 27th. 188& SIBLEY.'S ATESTEDA OEEDo SENO'T-Iliiistrateil Catalope Vegetable?, Flower, Field OffnQ Plimt.s, Jtnlb", ImpiemUe. w-- 4_i- C* C1 by mail on application, f I%CBCI Don't neglect writing for it. SIBAII SIBLEY & CO. Rochester, N. Y. Chicago, III. SS2-326 £• Main St. 18-14 H. Clark St ALESM1! WAINTED N To canvass for the sale of Nursery Stock. Steady employment guaranteed. Salary and nses paid. Apply at once stating age. this paper. SHELL A HOW LAND, _ Rochester. M. T. '"•CHII M0RT3 w Ponetrates Popular Illiiois, Iowa, insinj iG0*** RAILWAY. [iCenters of) .n Mrasta Its train service ta meet requirements of 1 to furnish the most through travel between fully arranged to I travel, as well as tive routes for portant Trade Centres. Its equipment of day aid parlor cars, dia. ing and phtce sleeping oars is without rival. its roair-bed is perfection, of stone ballast­ ed steel. The Northwestern is tte favorite route for the commercial tiaveler,ltic tourist and the seekers after new hofeies in the golden Northwest. ' Detailed information cheerfully furnished BERKAftD SUSS. Agent^ WHITMAN, Gen. McHenry* ir/c KR, TrafKo Mam er Aa«ML. Howe's Block, loHBIIRY, IXLIMOIS, CHAS. A BARBEE, Prop. W*,.t|to tie^re lniu|gg3|toei ens of wnnlwf a<td sfirrffaiidRi SOLDUBS' OIPABTXKRT to the cltl- iens of HSHilVf Mid sTTftiSBli(tiiti? country that we keep on hand at all times a full stock of all kinds of BAKER'S SUPPLIES, And hope by a close attention to business to merit the patronage of the Public. From a long experience in the business we are confi­ dent that we can please ail, 8B1AD, PIES, CAKES, And in short everything in the Hakcry taw will be ^ept on hand Fresh Every Day. A FULL STOCK OF Confectionery and Cigars, Canned Good*, E(e. All of the best quality and at the lowest priees. Call and &ee us. CHAS. A. BARBEE. McHenry. March 27th, 1888. #QCM!M GOLD WiH L#03k<>1<] lor |IO. | Rl LUly. tat • • IS "-TREE watch Inths world. Per-| feet time-keeper. Warmoted. Ueevy wild Gold Hunting C*sea> Ble^ent and magnificent. Both Isdice'anit ^eata'sUet wltb works and cases of •qualTalnft.O^E PKRSOai Ineseh locelltyoan ^ecareons FREE. Howia th1epoMlb|«Y We answer--we want one per* son in each Jollity, to keep in homea.amtuliow to thoeewbocall, acomplete llneofoor Vmlsabieand very useful HOOKEHOLlf KA.HPLES* ACM eampies.afi wet! as the tratch,we Rt?n*l free.aud after yon ftkftve kept than la your homo for ft months ami shown them lothoee who may have called ,they become your own property; ft Is possible to make tMs preat olTcr, sending the NOLIII SOLD watch and COSTY samples as tho showing of the samples in any locality, always results in a large trade for «s« after our samples have been iu alocetlty for a nionthortwo We usually get from $IOOO to $&000 la trade from the surroundings country. Thfs, tho most wonderful offer ever known,is medein order that our samples toay bv placed at once Where tbey can be seen, all over America, Write at once, and Bkake^sure of the chuDce. Readerlt will behardlyauy trouble for yon to show tbe samples to those who may call at your home and yoor reward will be most satisfactory. A postal card on Which to write us costs but 1 cent and after you know all,if you do not ears to go further, why tio barm is done. But if you do •end your sddreBB at once, you can sccure FREE oue of the best solid gold watches fn the world and our laree line of COSTLY SAMPLES. We pay all express, freight, etc. Ad*«aQMfc 6113SUH Jk CO., Box 61$, f01£TL.tKJ>» expenses Refer to I SPAVIN CURE is nvEaviiiED . as aa application to hones fee the cure of Spavin, Bits* •atlaas, Billal, Kavlcalar Joints, and aU ssrsee Lama- MM, also tat track aas whaa tednoed. Prlee Sl.ee»e*»Bttlo?s monlals oa appUsatfoo. •«. w. BAEKKA;^ •olsFnvrtstor. r Aran^ It ia MtinniusdtrMaiMi *Oa, Detroit, Xloh. i Fetar Tea •ahsseir ft Bona, Chicago m.t Msm Bio's a oo, st, urn* PATENTS Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained, sod all Patent business conducted for Moderate Fees. Oar Ofllee U Op poalte IT. S. Patent Of­ fice. We hare no sub-sgendes, all business direct, hence can transact patent business in leas time snd at less cost than those remote from Washington. Send model, drawing, or pnoto., with descrip­ tion. We adrisa if patentable or not, free of Chaise. Our fee not aue till patent is secured. A nook, " How to Obtain Patents,'* with refer­ ences to sctual clients in your fitsts, county, oc town, sent bee. Address, C, A. SNOW & CO. ^ OfMStte Psteal OSes, WaAlastoa, B> C. , Edited by WM. H, COWLIN, WOODSTOCK, ILU "Tb care for him mho ha* borne the battle, and for his widow and orphans."--LINCOLN, "friendship. Charity. Loyalty- Worthy sons of Patriot Withers." &A.R, Directory. M'HBMRT POST NO. 64S. Meets the First and Third Sat urdav evehltifti of each month. L. E. BBNITSTT, Com. KIOHKOMD FOST HO 2S8. Meets tha second Friday evening of each month. W*. PIAOOCK, Com. WOODSTOCK POST, Ho 108. Meets first and third Monday evenings of eaoh month. Wit. Avasr, Com. NUNDA POST, HO 236, Meets the second and fourth Tuesday •Twines of eaoh month. WM. BUTLBB, Com. lUlTilD POST, HO SSSw Meets the second and toartn Monday-even injfs ot eaoh month. &. J. WutTTLST6N, Com. MAKBNOO POST, NO. 168, Meets every Second and Fourth Friday evenings of each month. JOHN W. GREEN, Oom. WAOOONDA POST, NO. 368. Post meets every second and fourth Satur­ day evening In G. A. It. Hall, Main St. WARBBN E. POWERS, Oom, Along the Skirmish Lin*. The W. R. C. at B&rrington Initiat­ ed one new member at lift last meet­ ing. The National Soldiers Home, at Leavenworth, Kantas, hat 1,947 on the rolls. Major General Schofield succeeds General Sheridan as Commander of the United Slates Army. The Soldier's Rome Hospital plotute fund, being raised In Kansas, amounts to #308,96, Swarms of old soldiers, fully a quarter of a million, are reported as being In Columbus, Ohio, Tuesday. George W. Delong Post, at Honolula Is the only recognized G, A. R, Post out side of the Uulted States* Mem­ orial Day is always observed. £ GENTS WANTED! To canvas for one of the largest, oldest established. BEST KVOWH NUBSEBIES »n the country. Most liberal terms Un- equaled facilities. GENEVA HUBS KEY, FataUliehed 1846- „ W. & T. SMITH, Geneva* N. Y. COCKLE'SiSSiPIUS This old English Family Jledicine in use for 86 years, all ever the worlds for Bile, Indigestion, Lirer, fte. Attention 17th Illinois Cavalry, The Seventeenth Illlols Cavalry reunion at the Sherman House, Chlca* go, Sept. 14, wJU be an interesting a&ftir. Essays will be read by three titirflftraffies. There wtll be a bostnen meeting, a banquet, aud, as usual on such oocaslons, lots of fun. Beunion of The 95 th, Illinois Volunteers Not being able to be present at the Reunion of the 95th Illinois Volun­ teers, which took place at Harvard, Tuesday, Sept. 4, 1888, we take the liberty of clipping the following from the Sentinel The twenty-third annual reunion ef the 95th Regiment Illinois Vol. Inft., which occured, at Harvard, Tuesday last, was one of the best, most enjoy­ able aud satisfactory In the history of the organization. The attendance of surviving members was larger than It has been before In years there being about one|hundred| and fifty present and the citizens were there en masse. The people of Harvard, are both patri­ otic and hospitable, received the ' boys who wore the blue" most cordially, put fourth every effort to make It pleasant and succeeded most admirably. At 12 in. the lines were formed in front of the Grand Army Hall, commanded by Captain Schellenger, marched to the Rink where a free dinner was served--aid such a dinner--one that could not help but satisfy the most fastidious epicurean and it was much enjoyed. BUSIKKSS. President Avery not being present the meeting was called to order by Captain Schellenger. Minutes of last meeting read and approved. Treasurer's report read and approv­ ed showing a balance of 943.89 In the Treasurer's bands. Moved and carried that a vote of thanks be tendered the ladies of Har­ vard for the bountiful repast, and that Chaplain Satterfield make the an­ nouncement at the Rink when the pub­ lic speaking took place.; The following officers were eieoted for the ensuing year: President Captain A, Schellenger Vice President. Lieut, w m. Huffman Secretary.. B. F. Parker Treasurer Thoma* Uilkinson EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. Company A NO, 9, O. D.. ........ S........ .. F .......... G H I K........... John Kennedy Bobert Ridge J. N. llevnolils Win. hutlcr E. K Morris .. ...M. F. Ellsworth .... ..Robert Horan Henry Freeman ....G. S. Southwortli .. Henry lliil Moved that the next reunion be held on the banks of Crystal Lake. Septem­ ber 4tb, 1889. After some discussion the motion was adopted and the meet­ ing adjourned. The lines were reformed and the boys marobed bade to the Rink and listened to speeches from Rev. Clark, of Harvard, Chaplain Satterfield;M. F. Ellsworth and Captain Domlny. all being good, to the point, and appro­ priate. The Harvard Band, a Martial Band irons Capron, and the Glee C7ub of Harvard, furnished music which added much to the enjoyment of the oocasion. The members of the organi­ zation appreciate what the Harvard people dM aad aie Inly thankful. Editor Soldiers Department McHenry Plaindealer OLD COMRADE:--My attention was called to a short notice of the second Annual Reunion of McHenry County Soldiers and Sailors Association, of Veterans, held at Crystal Lake. Aug 23. Inst., in a back corner of the Mc­ Henry County Democrat of recent date, which appears without the name of its writer, that needs many correc­ tions. At first I thou {bt it was from the pen of a disgruntled Hack driver of a neighboring town, but when I read the diatribe in regard to worthy comrade Chase, I came to the conclu­ sion that some good Democratic com­ rade did not like the pioture given by Mr. Chase of the Great (Hvii Service Reformat now a resident or the White House. Now in reference to the means of conveyance from the Depot at Crystal Lake to the enoampment grounds, (something oyer one mile,) we had at least three conveyances (that were not taxed two and a half dollars per day for the privelage of carying passengers to the Camp ground. Not one cent even, by the Hon. Corporation of Nuada, and Crystal Lake,) and proved to be abundantly able to accommodate all that sought that means of reaohing the camp ground. No Mr. Somebody, the authorities of these corporations sim­ ply put in practice the great principles of Protection, and levied a tax on Foreign Imported Busses," to shield or protect suoh Industries built up at home, that help pay eur taxes, that held support our soheols, and beautify and adorn these prosperous villages. No. friend Cowlin, the weather was very fine, the camp ground beautifully located in Mr.] James Crow's Grove, free of charge, on the banks of Crystal Lake. The platform, the dining ball, and other arrangements were con­ venient and ample, and the dinner provided by the W. R. C. was univer­ sally pronounced a success, and every­ body appeared happy and well pleased with the provisions made for this meeting, and we have yet to learn of the pet8on that will drive here nekt year to save from 5 to 10 cents bus faro. No, o,ur corporation are com­ mended for their prompt action in this respect. It Is very evident that Mr. Somebody did not relieh the plain facts as stated by Mr. Chase, the same as has again and again been presented in the SolcfTers Departfaeut OTtifll PLAINDKALER. Mr, Chase made no attempt at oratorical flourish, but bis speech was plain, lorceable, truthful and to the point, as was evldenoed by the hearty response given by his ap preciatire audience. No, Mr. Some­ body, Ihe was not "loaded for bear" but for Civil Service Reformers, and the charge hit the game square and fair. The contemptous and sarcastic remarks found in some of his vetoe Messages, (recently found In Soldiers column of PLAINDKALBB,) were ex­ hibited ln"fast colors", and bis patri otism as displayed in rumaging the streets of Buffalo for a "Substitute," was shown In its true light. With reference to having respect for the offlce and not the man, was made plain by Mr, Chase that no one need to be at a loss bow to seperate them. He said In so many plain words that if President Cleveland should by any contingency, need the assistance of our people to maintain the laws ef the Republic and protect American inter­ ests, our people would respond t<» bis call with the same alacrity as tbey did to Father Abraham's call for Three Hundred Thousand More." It is very evident that the shoe pinched some other corn, but comrade Chase will long be remembered for tho man­ ly and truthful vindication of the jnst rights of "The old Veterans" then and there assembled, by all that listened to his speech and the sons of Indiana may well feel proud to honor her adopted eon by placing suob trusts in his keeping as requires a just and honest execution, and her laws and interests will be guarded and fostered with the same fidelity and care as right and justice demand. No, Mr. Somebody, the position a man occu­ pies does not Becure him respect, but a just and truthful fulfillment of his utterances and an honest execution of the law. Note his letter of acceptance four years ago. J. E. BECKXBY* Pure Vegetable Kerosene, the teal 4uaUt#t #tatOG|'| Drag store, :,y~, V;A Harveet Excursiona Will be run by the Chicago & North- Western Railway to poiats In Iowa, Minnesota, Dakota (Including the Black Hills;, Nebraska, Wyoming and Colorado, tor which tickets will be sold August 21*t, eptember 11th and 25tti, October 9th and 23d, at half the usual rates, one fare (or the round trip These Excursions will enable those desirous of locating on free govern­ ment land or ot purchasing cheap rail­ road lands to look the ground over carefully and judge for themselves of the wonderful fertility of the soil, which Is fully demonstrated by the bounteous harvest of the present pea- son. For full information regarding rates, tijkets.etc., apply to anv Agent ot the ohloago A North-Western Railway. aug 418-sept 1-15 Bucklen'e Arnlea Salve. The best Salve in the world for outs oruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fevei sores, tetter, chapped bands,chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptians, and poe- tively cures piles, or no pay required- kt is guaranteed to give perfect satis­ faction, or money refunded. Price SB oerts per box. For sale by G. W Enailage and ALGONQUIN, III, A«£ ; EDITOR PLAINDEALER >--Seme 1 ago In your locals, in,speaklngef 1 silage and Silos, yon wlsbed having used Ensilage for feed up their ideas as to the proper filling and preserving it. Mr. the gentleman I am working fer# 1 large Silo, 20x48, which be year with large Southern corn, i it In whole, which worked very we! having fed up till July SMh.aad last we took ont was as good as it was last winter. As I have had hat little experience in putting in Ensilage I do not want yoor readers to place my suggestions as correct bat will toy asd , explain my plan of filling this fall. We already know that any kind ef green crops can be preserved in a Silo. But why does It keep? Is It baeaaift of having pressure? No; because it keeps good without pressure. Is it be­ cause it has beeu well tramped? No; Is it because the Silo is air tight? Not; that alone (although that is essential.) But it Is simply because the silage haa been allowed to heat up to the tea*- perature of 125 degrees, and thereafter remains in air tight, non-con ducting enclosure. This can be most eeonwa- Ically provided for, by filling In one' portion of the Stle a day, say fifteen or twenty tons. When It has bran warmed to the temperature of 1SS degrees, before filling more, take from the warm center of the pile, and put part of It into the cold earners and al.mg the c*ld sides. Repeat>the ope- ration until the Silo Is hill. Ensilage is either a cheap.'or an ex^ pensive food for stock, according t$ the amount of money Invested in the,; construction of the building and the amount of labor spent in prodnelng the crop, in filling the Silo anatftr^ getting It to the cattle when feeding J as they stand in their stall*. , /;« The tbedrles are abundant that the essentially perfeot Silo Is made ofi; wood and paper, all above graced*" with auy kind of earth for a botcooit and that bottom raised sufficAeiM^ above the outside land so no water ens ' soak In from the outside, and saturate /";fj the bottom; with no drain, unless U ^ may be to conduct the water away .Tl on the outside, the silage coveted^ with any kind of cut straw^or saw­ dust four inches deep; just to keep; out the air on the top. The < built like the above with no drain, and wllljholdjabout 200 tons,. will be one more the same sixe $r larger built this fall, and as eaqptll* ence has shown those that have pnt in partitions that they are only a bother in filling and a needless expense. A Silo constructed as desoribed can be more conveniently filled without par-^ tUlons;and also more easily empted. Two doors, one above the other, aevea . feet wide, in one end of the Silo, viB admit car or trucks to the plaoe ef ' ;, loading. Always taking the Ulage out on~tba.lnolIned surface. It leaves no more surface expoeed than on a single pit 16 feet sqaare. We have in this year about 65 aorea <Mf ' Sourthern corn which we will cut np and fill the Silo as I have herein de- ' scribed, cutting It all with a feed < cutter using a carrier te throw it Into r the building. There are three reasons that I think j% the Silo is a grand thing fer the far­ mer. 1st, The good quality ef the milk. 2nd, The healthy condition of the cows. 3d Their eager desire to eat in prefer* ence to any other coarse feed, is a standing recommendation for its ope Tours Trnly. CHAS. B. HUBBAW. ' * i fainter Expected to Pardon jfl* Anarchists. M- JOLIET, III., Aug, 30.--The Anarchist Sam Fielden was visited teday by hia / wife. The scene was affecting, the big f Anarchist being moved to tears andv j laughter alternately. He is still in x the stone department. Sohwab ia ia & the library and is aome-what fretful. ^ Oscar Neebe is In the harness shop and Is the most despondent of the let. Hie brother Loui3, of Chicago, visits hlea once a month. Mrs. Schwab also visits her husband monthly, Tbey have little hope of a pardon, they say, ee»* less Gov. Palmer be elected Goveoattt Tbey seem to place high hopes Bpe* ;ali­ bis sympathy and express the belief that the labor of their friends in the ,, campaign will have the desired result If he be successful. " : 0% * Young Men's Chrlettasi Associatlone. The Sixteenth Annual State vention of the Young Men'a ChrlatlaH Associations of this State, will coavene at Rock island, September 18 to 23. Rev. F. W. Gunsau'.us, D. D., of Chica­ go; Rev. J. H. Brookes, D. D., of St. Louis, and L. D. Wishard. College Secretary of the world'* central Com­ mittee. have promised to be present and assist. • male chorus from Gales- burg will lead the singing. They hope to have 400 delegates in attendaaoa. Rednoed rates on the railroads and entertainment provided. All Chris­ tian young men expecting to attend should write at once for pregresaNK* and fall particulars to W. F. Lavwoa, Office Secretary, 148 Madison Street, Chicago, Ills.. Call for the 350 ladles fine HMMt H Hk

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