pal Temperance Legion will i new Clly H»U on 8»tar~ i at four o'clock, instead heretofore, lladlea of the W. C. T U. will With Mrs. F. 6. Mayes on «t half-past two o'clock i\ M, earlier than usual on ao» ' Mist of Thanksgiving day. Una. J. B. rEBBT, Preside**. Haft. T. J. WiUB, Secretary,;! Ian requested to announce that th# contributions to the box whlob the W. O. T. U. are proposing to tend to the Anchorage Mission, mutt be left at the residence of Mrs. Julia Bishop on or before the 1st day of December, livery one, far and near, is klodly re located to contribute, to this great and good cause. "Not grudgingly or of necessity, for the Lord loveth a eheerfnl giver." For any Information you may desire oohcernlng the Anchorage Mission, Wad the work it is doing, call on Mrs. Julia Bishop or Mrs. L. E. Bennett's. Mi! '<* Executor's Notice* * *> ' C. i*. BARNES. ATTOKITBT. ESTATE or Wealthy Sherman, deceased. The undersigned having been appointed «xecntor of the last will and testament or Wealthy Sherman, deceased, late of the county of McHenry and State of Illinois, hereby give# notice that he will appear be fore the County Oourt of McHenry county, at the Court House In Woodstock, at the De cember term, on the first Monday in Decern- bar next, at which time til persons having claims again! t said estate are notified ana requested to attend for the purpose of having the same adjusted. All persons Indebted to •Aid estate are requested to make immediate pavment to the under -igned. i.coated this 21st day of September, A. D. 1888, SAMUEL. S. SHERMAN. Executor. Executor's Notice* INSTATE of William Watts deceased. Fj The undersigned having been appointed fexecutrixof the last Will and Testament of WaL Watts deceased, late of the countv of McHenry and State of Illinois, hereby gives notice that she will appear before the county eonrtof McHenry county, at the Court House In Woodstock, at the Dec. term on the first Monday In Dec. next, at which time all per sona having claims against said estate are no. tiled and requested to attend for the-purpose at having the same adjusted. Ail patterns in debtod to said estate are requested to make (•mediate payment to the undersigned. Bated, 8th day of Oct., A. D. 1888. ' v?. -. SALL. IE WATTS, Bxecutrix, Has made the surrounding country ._,™. Government has made out city happy. SEE OUR NEW IMPROVEMENTS I • ww- * **• •**" * j '• t.'.m Two new Fire Engines, a new Street Sprinkler, * new Park House, a new City Hall and a Cooler. Who says we are not rapid ly going to * And we %sk you to remember that we are putting in one of the largest new stocks of all kinds of Goods this Fall that has ev&r heen brought to McHenry. We have to close out a large line of-'7 * And cm sell them to you at Wholesale Prices. You cannot afford to buy until you have looked ours over. You know we keep ideiem iijifliiiwiliti And we wilh to say our new stock is the very finest we ever have opened and cheaper than you have ever bought before. Always on hawk • The best flre can possibly buy. and Caps, GOTOO tad lOttrai, IBOOT SHOES. We are leaders for good goods and low prices. W e hope to see you, sell you, and give you the worth of every cent ^ou leave with us. Oar place is the home of the celebrate^ , ~ Broadhead Dress Goods, And their output this Fall is larger than ever. Yours as Ever, STEVENS SODA Beat in the World. spFREE Ajuvd. - KBsoiUOoldHntlscOM WBwnt ai Beth tadtaa'aad |MM ^'vlth worka aad «ns kiMk locality can Hem OM nun. HowiauiupownM Waaaavar--vtvaat on p*. " locality, to kMB la " " atom lt«MMilhrKS i and (bowa tbMt ffiHiMHttaM* «*U aa Oa « ateh.«a that la foartaM Ei m filaa» rti aaay law naHa*,C fcay baeo M S iibSIi to auha Mm at aflar, •••• watafcaad CSSI1 anq WMSlaih inlanlHr, ahw W(*a ii a«iii|iln towlaai taa tiMdbistaaliese til _ Mil mmmtrj. TU*.-th* meat voutarifel o*r (•MaJaaaaSalaaraartha* oaraaiplaa mar b. rl««.d at >tlii,tn mriaarte Wrlla at oaea, It will be hardly any tn SfSfwirt aandlactfaa sssu tr--, a* tbaabowiagaf Mta la a larsatrada fer ta a locality tor a month or t va to iMSa la trade tram tbrn osc*,an4 be hardly any troaMa lliim aim ni») mil at) »ai Imam < will he a >oat aatlafactory. A poatal aard * aiaaatabat lentaadaftaryoahwnraU.tfyo* *»Soh»thar, • why aoharai la dome. Butlf yaate " ®®aa. yoaeaaaecararmKKoaa aftha fcaa_» the world aad oar tat* ttaeaf BLAKE. - • 'fij Goods House OF M'HENRf COUNT Yi We have now In stock a complete line of Fall and Winter G«od». We buy nn<l sell more goods than any five stores in McHenry Co'tnty, and In baying ifa such large quantities it en allies ii8 to buy some gocxis tower th*n those iniyln)? in a simtll way. which gives the people a tHittor opportunity to select from our stock of New an i !*t«i8onai#le (ijoilw what thev want than buying from email concerns which carry a line of old and cheap goods. We have this tall bought a larger stock than ever, and tfill sell them at prices that will defy any compe tition. We are pleased to see the rich and poor, and wilt sell to them for money er Without money. We are the only house in the city whi^h carries a complete line of 7 Colored or Black Silk Velvets and Plushes, Serges, OTTOMANS^ DRAP D» ALMAS, CASHMEREK Henrietta Cloth, Ladies' Broulcloths, Tricots, and til other kinds of Dress Goods at astonishingly low prices White, Red and Gray Wool Blankets, Woolen Yarns. Table Linens, Gloves. Hoaierv, and a lieautifrt'l line of Motions of all kinds. Our etock of Laities' and Gents', Boy's and Men's UNDERWKAB. in white and all colore, is "the ost complete assortment in the city. We offer Children's Combination Suits reduced to 25and frl cents; former prices 50 cents and #1.00. CLOAKS! CLOAKS The larceststdek of these goods in the city at our store--!• Ladles' Seal Plush Hew. markets, 8eal Plush Sacquos, seal Plush Jackets, Oloth Netfintricate, Cloth Jackets, Clotli Modjeskas, and Misses' and Children's Cloaks. Also, we makV) to .order any style of <.loak wanted, at prices lower than any house in the city. CLOTHING!' CLOTH I we have the largest stock In the Conntv In Men.s and Boy's SUITS and OVERCOATS. In all sites and grades. About one hundred Coats for Hen, worth f 10, which we will sell for *2 andfSeath. Oat! eaily snd make your choice before they are all gone. TRUNKS CLOTHS. CARPETINGS, WINDOW FIXTURES. LACE CURTAINS, ALL PAPEBi ETC,, ETC. &M l»iednMB#fir stock of CARPETS we will offer our best Hartford and T>o*rell Carpets for 56c, 60c and 9flc; Hemp Carpot. 9c, 10c and 12c; Oil Oiotli one yard wide for 18c. These are the lowest prices ever made on these goods and the lowest that ever will be made. Call soon and buy what you want. NEW GROCERlEi And Lowest Prices in the City. 14 pounds A Sugar for $1,00 14 pounds extr* white O Sugar for .... ...1.00 I pounds G rami la ted Sugar for ....1,00 :{5 cent Tea for 26 cents 7 pounds Rio Coffee for #1.00 Best rousted Kio for'....... ,...........20cents Best Prunes for.... 3 cents Yeast Cakes ... ....4 cents Candles ft,; 9 cents Smoking Tobacco.../ .....20 cents Plug Tobacco.. go cents Fine Cut Tobacco..^!........ 32cents Best Snow White Kerosene 12X cents Choice Tea . . 20 cents Medium Quality Tea 15 cents Calicoes 3 cents and 5 cents Blue Calico. Best Gingham Bedquilts Tnble Linen , Serge Dross Goods.;.. ., Men's Black Hats. Men's Gray Hats ........ Boy's Suits Boy's Hats Boy's Pants Men's Suits..... ...fEI.OP, Boy's Shoes Men's Boots A $5.00 Ladies Fine Shoe Ladies Goat >ho<is Ladies Kid Shoes 94.00, for.. . ...... 5X cents .......... 7 cents ..........63 cents ... .. .. 25 cents V2% cents 30 cents .. ..... 25 cents il«0 10 cents .30 cunts 18.00 up to $40 00 60 cents . ...$1.50 to #3 00 *4.00 $1 00, $1,50, $-2 00 .$1.25, $1.50, $1U0 '* - > Will open this week their new tine of ' * . i •> 1 ' / v f 3 "'4k f ^'r *' We-have Hi* bid and shell wora goodfe left over from show you. but gooUd parfoetJy new and the latest styled, 111 year JU*# ehare Henrietta aad Aram; Cloths, Trioat ui Dnn Ihaa^i, In all «hadc»v with frimmin»s to match. Plaide are a«ai[l to the front and wc have a tine assortment of them, also * " Have a now line bf Ladies' Fancy Goods, '."ollirs and Cuffs, Ruck* jngd, Veilings, etc. Now Ribbons^r. all the late shades, mahoganfe gobelin and aiuin thb, and the Gacia Marie Ribtous. %n 'i We have, a full stock ot Ladies', (ientfs and ChUdrea's WOOLEN UNDERWEAR. We also hnm Remnants, oilds arid ends of Summer we will sell yoii^ at cost in or ler to close them out; Goods stock o Tea, Coffoo, Spices and Canned Goods is the fioest, afford-. We also have a flrst-clasB Tailor,,and before placing your orrler call and seg^us and we will save you money. Ladies wishing Millinery Goods of any kind will And them in our Milli nery Department at prices lower than any house it the county. When you visit our city iqpnammoth Mil" * * ' ^ pay on mmoth Millinery and Oloak Departments a visit, C. A. MURPHY & WOoaSTOClt. Now have a full and complete line of Such as Men's Shoes, Slippers, Shoes, Ladies' Shoes, Children's Shoes, Baby's BASY'S m. • Mb* And in fact the finest, newest and most comple wear that money can buy. In SRES8 QOODd, When yoa desire % pleasanl phyaie ; fry St. Patrick^ Pills. FOB SALE. A fM of 80 acres of l&tfil, with good bouM, ^ood out-buildings, and good well of water. The above premises •re situated In the town of Antioch tatko Conoty. II1M three miles east of f Sprint Grove. Terms reasonable For forlber Information Inquire or t r D. F. Smiley. Woodstock, or John Hen : drlcks, Spring Grove, 111. 17tf Blood vs. Nerves. | Gnat mistakes have been made In V, the worid, by aapposlng many nervous troables were due to bad blood. This ;• betdiche, fits, dizziness, sleeplessness I' Otc. are always due to weakness or Irri ^ tatlon of the uerves of the brain: dys pepata, psln. wind, etc. to weakness of |f the nerves of the stomach: weak lungs is caused by weakness of the parts titllionsness, constipation, etc. to weak mm of the nerves of the liver >0wis: pains, Irregularity, sterility, to derangement of the uterine nerves. tf. For all weakness, Dr. Miles1 great i|v feirra and brain food surpasses all ^ Other remdies. Trial bottles free at Sk.' Ooo. Besley's Drugstore. "4 Tissue Papor. It to astonishing how much can be jABM In decorating a home by this itaipto means. Complete ouMlts for snltads of paper flowers kept con- Otantlyln stock at Julia A. drag store. WHAT ON EABTH Is the reason people will not, can aot,or do not see auy di fie re nee In flMtttp nostrums put up by Cheap John " - or irresponsible parties at rather than take a ., world wide reputation tfutt is giving universal eatis- f«e|ieiateqaal price? Ne medicine lath* world is giving such unpar- iled satisfaction for purifying the •a Bogg*' Blood Purifier & Xakor, aad every bottle that not do its work will cost you MMMhlng. For sale by J. A. Story, Slcfienry and John Humphrey, Wau oonda, Druggist's. e of foot* We carry a large line of Jamestown Cashmere, Worsteds, Sateen, Ginghams, Prints, and everything pertaining to Dress Goods de partment. CLOTHING, CLOTHING, We seU by sample. Thus we are enabled to sell from a wholesale stuck and we can show a larger line &nd sell cheaper, for we have no mony invested and yet a much larger stock to sell from than all the houses in town combined. Our stock of GROCERIES. Always complete and prices th® lowest. Give ns a call. 8T0FFEL & BLAKE. W» P. STBVBNS West McHenry, Ifgt DEALER IN--- SHELF AND PERRY & OWEN argains. To dose out sffrrtftllTie8 of Ladies fine Shtfes and make room for our extra large tatt stock, we have marked down prices as lollows: ladies' $4.25 Fine Kid Shoe, marked down to $3,50. " . 4.00 Fine mat. Kid " 3.50, '* 3.50 Fine Kid " *' 3,00. " 3.00 « <( «« «• 2.50. *' 3.25 straight grain Kid '4 " 2.75. Misses "2.00 Fine Goat " «« 1.50. AboAe goods are all warranted and ate special bargains. Call early and secure u fit. Four cents> beautiful patterns for comfortables, unbleached Sheet ing, 5 cents, good Cotton Flannel, 6 cents Rnrj Twllid Bid Ila&ul 21 Cmts, all Wool. Large white Bed Blankets $1.00, great value Lhe leading shades in fine, all wool CROCKERY, - GLASSWARE, We will sell you a decorated Tea Set, 56*p ecest $3.98* us a call. - * FITZSIMMONS & HEIWERSOii. Opposite Post Office, West McHenry, June 26th, 1888V =5S=r=== ist WIST HENBYi -DEALER- IN- Drugs and Medicine PAINTS, OILS. Toilet Artidea* "PURE Wllf BJS AND LIQIFOBS) Poll MEDICAL USE. ChfoarUtg Tjbioe^ Also Bottled Ale and Porter for Medical U9e. Thebest brands ot Cigars ai*l Sm3icing and alwaysou hand. PHYSICIAN'S PRESCRIPTIONS, Carefully Compounded* Give me a call. McHenry, December 28th, 1887. C. W- BESLEll! Thirty-six inches wide, at 35 cents per yard, the greatest bargain in the world Largest stock of Stoves, Tin, Copper And Sheet-Iron Wane STOVES, The Peninsular and Reliable, The best Stove on the Market and cheap. . Come and see our Galvanized Iron Kerosene Tanks, (bat we make ourMftvet, that Will hold a barrel. The Church Swivel Hay Carrier, with Tr arks. Hangings. Floor Hooka and Pulleys, tie best in the market. Call and see it. Screen thing. Doors. The celebrated floatilg Minnow Haish's Barb Wire, ATC BOTTOM PRICES. new Extra AND REPAIRING Will be done on short notice and Satisfaction Guaranteed. A I specialty of Butter Factory work. |p»liftre of public patronage •ottottA •v.ii m M iVftaaQO1*, . We In town, Men's heavy Underwear at 29 cents; a big bargains Swits Cdude^s femous . C. 1 Underwear at $1.20. Othei^^|l selling for more. Considered cheap at $1,50 Af§ You Going to Build If so do not fail to get an estimate on your Lumber from | CLOTHING. } ,C00' We are offering a Men's heavy Cassimire Suit for $4.50, worth iOO. We " Try us once Ladies and Misses Cloa And more comiog in every w6ek ; we can beat them all in price* this year. Look at above bargains and 3*11 on m ibefore buying, as we will save you lots of money, 3\ear the Depot. West McHenry, Illinois. Our stock of Lumber, of kinds, is the most complete of any and we are prepared to offer to the public . v Tho Boat Quality of nmm? ' 'ri' •jianiS.,- LOWEST LIVING --at the--- PRICES, Sfl/- iiis * IaA .J * . - v . ' Windows, Doors. Blinds, Casing, Boor anil f Mow Frames-Ready Mafle-always Also the Best Brands of Barb Wire. We shall keep our stock complete at all times and spare no paimi to accommodate all wh > mav favor us with their patronages ^ > WILBUR LUMBER CQMFAN^ GRANGER, SEaua^^ t v> ..<« . ' S I . A .*.