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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 21 Nov 1888, p. 1

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" Pledged but to Truth, to Liberty and Law; No Favors Win us and no Fear 8hall Awe." :$is it ̂ . 14. M'HENRY, ILLINOIS, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1888. JJ#"I fhWeilw. PKBIIIHID BVBBT WGDVBSDAT BT -J . V.AN SLTKE^l V V XDLTOK AND PROPRIETOR. 'voe in Bishop's Block,! •--OPPOSITE PBKBT ft OVIK'I TBBSW or StJB^ORIPTIOlI. a One Te.tr (In A<tv*Bce) *1.80 If Not Paid within Three Months loo Subscription* NMlrel for three or six months In the MOM proportion. Kates of Advertising. We announce liberal rates for advertising in tho PLAfvoKA.i.EK, ami endeavor to state them so plainly that they will be readily an. tevstood. Tliey are *s follows: 1 Inch one year . . 5 00 8 Inches one year ,10op S Inches one yettr - . ...» . 1 -< 15 00 :,4 Column one year > -• # » - SO 00 <Columnone year- . It * * .56000 ^ Ooiumn one year % **?%* • • • •; • • >^^a|go 00 Oae Inch means the measurement or one f nch dewn the column,single column width. > Yearly advertisers, at the above rates, have H tb* privilege of changing as often as they . shooie, without extra eharge. - Regular advertisers (meaning those having standing cards) will be entitled to insertion sf local notiees at the rate of 5 cents per line •acta week. All others will be charged 10 eents per Mne the Hist week, and 9 cents per line fsr eaeb subsequent week. ^ Transient advertisements will be charged .at the rate ef 10 cents pe line, (nonpareil type, same as this is set in) the first issue, and "• eents per line for subaequent issues. Thus, la inch advertisement will cost $1.00 for one week, 9LOO for two weeks, 12.00 for three weeks, and so on. The PLATWDKALBR will be liberal in giving editorial notices, but, as a business rule, it Will require a suitable fee from everybody seeking the use of Its columns for pecuniary gain. BUSINESS CARDS. H. T. BBOWX.M.D. IN" AND SITRG1M Residence, McHenry, 111. pHTSIOIAN AND SUROBON. ©«•• at O. H. FEGERS, M, D- »HVSIOlAN AND SURGEON, XcIIenry, ILLS. Office at Residencft. o. J. HOWARD, M. D. PHTSIOIAN AND StJRQBON, McHenry, III. Office at Residence, one door West *ef M. E. Church. BARBIAN BROS. DIGAB Manufacturers, McHenry, 111. Or­ders solicited. Shop, la Old McHenrv, ;• in Keiter Block, third door west of Riverside Bonae. Livery Stable. M1 E. WIGHT MAN, Proprietor. First H, class rigs, with or without drivers furnished at reasonable rates. Teaming of ' artaotloe. NEAR THE DEPOT, MoHENRY, ILL K Keeps open for the accommodation of the' S®1' Public a First-Olass Saloon and Restaurant, {There he will at all times keep the bast is of Wines, Liquors and Olgars to be found in the market. Also Agent For FRANZ FALK'S IHfAOKEE LAGER BEER. 1 Beer in Large or Small Kegs or Bottles al­ ways en hand, cheaper than any other, quali­ ty considered. Orders by mail promptly attended to. GOOD MTABLimt #0* HORJSJC&, MTOall and see aa. Robert Sohlessle. West McHenry, III. v - |E b ' . « \ - A. Saglen's SALOON AKD RESTAURANT. MfsHKMRV, ILLINOIS. Fine Eentoe y Liquors, French Bitters, ^ ... McHenry Lager .Beer, -AND- J. StMitz lilwaiita Bottle Beer, I«0 any quantity from a Snitz Glass to 500 barrels. K AT W^HOELSALE OB RETAIL Beer in bottles, kegs or oa?e as cheap as the cheapest. W"e buy none but the best and tell at ReasQQ*ble Prices. CSall and see me and I will use well. ANTONY ENGELN. Jltfleacy, IUH WW. . BUSINESS CARDS. Wl. OSBORNB, M. D. PnTSIClAN AND StTRGEOy. Of the Parker House. West McHeij promp.ly attended to day and nis e at Oalls PAUL TTOBNBT AT LAW. IT. 8. Express Co.'a L Building, 37 and 89 Washington St CHICAGO, ILL. M. F. ELLSWORTH, TTORNEY at La/, and Solicitor in Chan L eery, Nunda, II ASA W SMITH, TTOBNBT AT LAW and Solleltoi] (111 L Chancery.--Woodstook, I1L J03LTN * 04.3ET", ATTORNEYS AT LAW, WOODSTOCK M. All business will receive prompt atten­ tion. MAHY O. BARBIAN. HAIR WORKER. All kita<i« of Hair Work done in flrst class style and at reasonable prices. Rooms st residence, north­ east corner of Publia3quare, McHenry, I1L DRS. C. E. WILLIAMS ft DAHLIN. DENTISTS Residence Dundee. Will be at McHenry, at Parker House, the 10th Mth 25th and astta of each month. When dates occur Saturday or Sunday I make my visits on the following Monday, and the first day of such visit ooeurs on Friday, I will stay bat one day. Uiitei States ffar Claim Apocy OF WM. H- COWLIN, Woodstock, - Illinois. Prosecutes all classss and kinds of claims against the United States tor ex-Soldiers, their Widows, Dependent Relatives or Heirs. A specialty ts made in prosecmiag old and rejected claims. Ait communications promptly answered If Postage Stamps are enolosed for reply. WM, H. COW 1*4IS Office at Residence, Madison St., Woodatocc, Illinois. Attention Horsemen! MOHKNRY, III , April 1st, 1888, I would respectfully invite the Public to call and examine a» j stock of Horses before making arrangements elsewhere. No bust* nees dene on Sunday. N. 8. COLBY M'HBMtT ILL E. Ik AUSTIN, Livery,B]ar4iai and Sale Stable. At Parker House Barn. FIRST CLASS BIGS, with or witnont Drivers, Furnished at Reasonable Rates. Bus and Hacks run ti< and fr tu all Trains.-- Orders for Baggage Promptly Attended to. West MoHenry, III. GENERAL I SPRING GROVE ILL. Sales ot Stock, Farming Tools and Goods of all kinds attended to on the most mSOVABLS TSBXS. G. Andrews, Spring Ctve, 111 . Sept. 8th, 1885, 11-11-Sm Quintette Orchestra, McHENRY, ILL. Are prepared to furnish First Class Music to the Dancing Public at Reasonable Bates. J, Smith, 1st Violin. Robt. Madden. Clarionet, C. Curtis, Cornet. L, Owen, Trombone, E, Ingatls, Basso and Prompter, Address all communications to Jerry Smith, McHenry. sffbr 13 Weeks. The POL.ICE GAZETTE will be mailed, teutfeiy wrapped, to any address In the tales for three months on receipt of Uni ONE DOLLAIl. Liberal discount allowed to postmasters agents and clubs. Sample copies mailed tree Address all orders to 7 ̂ BICHABD K. POX, JFBAHKLIM SQUARE, New York ATTENTION! Farmers and Dairymsn. It|wlH pay those looking.for CHOICE COWS Fresh milkers or springers, to call at wy premises before purchasing. I can furnish sudh i»y the ear load or single cow. PORTEB H. WOLFBUM, T CBBMCHO. Farm aboutafour miles northwest of Harvard, Illinois. JOHN P. SMITH, Watchmaker & Jeweler, MoHENRY. ILLINOIS. A TINE stock of Clocks, Watches and Jew- J\. elry always on hand. Special attention given to repairing fine watches. Give me a call. JOHN P. SMITH. Hon. T.'D. Murphy. F. & Lumley MURPHY A LUMLBT. ATTORNEYS ATI LAW, and Solicitors M Chancers, WOODSTOOK, |ILL. Office In the rear of Park House, flrst floor. A. M. CHURCH, Watchmaker and Jeweler NO. 112 SOUTH CLARK STREET, Chi-c.ago. 111. Special attention given to re* pairing Fine watches and Chronometers. W4 Full Assortment of Goods in hla line WESTERN LANDS. J. G. McGregor ft Co., of'Elgin, {Illinois, have for sale in the Great Pipestone Co., Minn. 60.G00 Acres ef Land. Whieh they offer ut Low Prices and |Rsay Terms. See bills giving date of onr neat Etturiiss, and tar «U portion la ra apply to|, '• J. VAN SLYKK. f MiHenry, III, D. NKIDHAMf •OWI lie-llf DeaibomSlrat FOR sale at 11. V, IbhtaWs"Hardware 8tore, McHenry. W [IBIBII, Puap Rcpthiag, CEMENTING, ETC. The undersigned is prepared to do all jobs to the line of Digging Wells, Repairing Pumpa, Cementing Welle, or vill put in ITe-nr Pumps On short notice and warrant satisfaction. Ia abort will do alt work in ibis line. Oan furnish you a new Pump, either wood or iron, warranted, as cheap as any other man. Good references furnished if desired. If you want a Well l)ag, a Pump Repaired era new Pump, give me a call. earOrders by mail promptly Post office, Jonnsburgh, 111. attended to. V, L. BANTES. Johnsburgh, 111., May 25th, 18*5. TKE CHICAGO A"D MORTK-WQSTERN W® I i 1 I Penetrates Popul 111* Iewa, RAILWAY. Center* efi • MORGAN HORSES, Short locn. Bad Fol«d Aogui, And Jersey Cattle. Hillside Farm, West McHenry, III. Our Morgan Stock is Eal I pure bred, and xlginated from the best Morgan stojk in the United States. Old Gifford Morgan, who stands at the bead •four Stock, is one ot the best bred Morgan horses in the country, and can show more and letter all purpoie colts than any other horse in the West. We invite the inspection of onr stoek by Inrsemen and all lovers of line animals. A few full blood Morgan Colts and young torses for sale. Also one matched team, full 'floods. In Cattle we have the full blood Short Horn whic.h we are crossing with the Red Polled &ngtis and therefore instead of sawing offfthe narns we are btoeding them off and with food suoeesa. A few Heifers and Bulla, both pure bred ihort Horns and the cross above mentioned Cor sale. J. II. taylor A Sons. W«at McHenry, DU. Feb. «7th. IMfc SIBLE Y?S lfor our Illustrated Catalope SEND'n.w Vegetable, Flower, Field Plants, Bnlb«, Implem'ts. by mail on application. Don't neglect writing for it. BZBA1C SIBLIT & CO. Rscbesier, N. Y. Chicago, III. SS2-326 £. Ma n St. 12-14 N. Clark 8t s WA.ISTJED I 1 11 He I"**- i3tii i [Painter DECORATER. ILL. Decorating, Paper-Hanging, CALCIMININQ, GRAINING. Ac Done en short notice and satisfaction guaran­ tee CMl ea or address,^ H. FISH. f 'To canvass for the sale of Nursery Stock, teady employment guaranteed. Salary and expenses paid. Apply at once stating age. Refer to this paper. SNKLL ft HOWLAND, Rochester. K. Y. SPAVIN CURE nmmivALED as as application to horn fer the cure of Spavin, Rhen- •aitm, Splint* Ravbslsr JsiiU, and all severe lame­ ness, also for track ass wbsa MdQOed. -* ar . Price Boldby drnggiata. RnaitnS ana,l,R Trade soppUed by/AAX.Oiavli ftOoi, Detroit, mob.; Wst Van Hsiissnk * Sona, t>lon» m.1 Mem * OowM, LMda, MA HeMa 3 Ra train 'eerrtce la meet requirementsotr to furnish the roost j through travel bet irefully arranged to :xi travel, as well as ittrantlve routes tor important Trade Centres. Ita equipment of ingand place sleepl Its road-bed is ed steel. The Northwestern the commercial tiav seekers after new Northwest. Detailed informs bT BERNARD BUSS, Agent, McHenry, 111. t. M. WHITMAN, j '-•••-••'fc (Jen. Manager. A C. WtCK R , Ti-affUs ManOfftr. nd parlor cars, din- rs is without rival, on. of stone ballast- tlie favorite route for the tourist and the In the golden cheerfully furnished 0m*ml p. Wilson, /Vulmgi «r AaetiU TA A \TC FARM LAND AND LUAN a borrowers. J. w. •>AiSs3e&: en Blk, Elgin. 111. O. J. BRILL, t ILLINOIS. A fuli line of cloths, of the tkteat Afylei and patterns always on (hand. SINGLE. GARMENTS, oil PULL auiTS, llade on short notice a»d a fl| guaranteed, From our experience and practical knowl­ edge of 'be bnsiness we are confident we can please the most fastidious, and respectfully invite all In want«f Oiething ot «ur kind to givemeacalL Prices as low as the same quality of goods can be purchased anywhere. O. J. BBIIJL, HalMa^Mwr isth, IBM. L. W. NICHOLS, JR., EVe tin V^cqai. JEWELER AND ENGRAVER, RICHMOND ILLINOIS. All work in my line neatly and promptly done. Fine watch repairing a specialty. PATENTS Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained, and all Patent bnsiness conducted for Moderate Fees. Oar Ottos Is Op posit* V. 8. Patent Of­ fice. We have no sub-agencies, all business direct, hence dm transact patent business in less time and at less cost toan those remote from Washington. Bend model, drawing, or pnoto., with descrip­ tion. We advise if patentable or not, free of Chaise. Our fee not one till patent is second. • nook, "How to Obtain Patents," with refsr. ences to actual clients in your State, county, ot town, sent free. Address, C. A. SNOW & CO. . 0g»tdH Pateal Olw, WMfclngteij P. C» , doable their money selling onr BRA88 finished corrugated AGENTS IEFLECTK UFETTLiMP. Can be sold in every family. Gives more light than three ordinary lamps. •«sSlMrty-«Te ssatsfer eraa* aide bump sad he ssavtassi. We manufacture a large Une of S0L9BB8' mhsaam Edited by WM. H. COWLIN, •WOODSTOCK, ILU "7b care for htm who hnx borne the battle, and for hi» widow and orphans."--LINCOLN, *'fYiend»hip, Charity. Loyally-- Worthy sons of Patriot FYUhers." Meets eaoh month. ft A. Re Directory. V'HSITOT POST NO. 643. .Meets the First and Third Saturday evening* -- month. L. E. BBNKBTT, Oott. BIOMOMD POST MO 288. the Meond Friday evening of WM, PBAOOOK, Com. WOODSTOOK POST, HO 106. Meets 11 rat and third Monday evenings of each month. WK. A VIBT, Oom. KCHDL POST, MO 826, Meets the sooond and fonrth iTaesday evenings of eaoh month. WM. Bonn, Oom. H4.KTAKD POST, NO 258. Meets the second and tour t A Monday even lags of eaoh month. K. J. WHITTLSTOK, Oom. MABBHOO POST, NO. 168, Meets every Second and Fourth Friday evenings of eaoh month. JOHN W. Gun, Oom. WACCONDA P08T, NO. 368. Post meets every second and fourth Satur­ day evening In G. A. R. Hall, Main Bt.| WASKBN E. POWBBS, Oom, Along the Skirmish Line- The veterans are happy. There are 479 blind soldiers In New Tork city who are pensioners. The flrst volunteers In 1861 were paid the msgaifioent sum of 911 per month. There will be no more pension ve toes after Comrade Ben takes his seat as President. Who says the soldier Is played out? If there are any such he had better read up and become posted. "Old Glory," the Stars and Stripes, I again triumphant. The stars and bars and the bandana nose rag are relega­ ted to the rear. The Woman's Relief Coips of Kansas has presented the Soldiers Home In that State with a beautiful communion service. There were 270,000 railroad tickets sold to Columbus. Next year over 500,000 will be sold to the people who go to Milwaukee. •t a recent Kansas reunion of veter­ ans Fort L'illow Post Coolored) of To- peka, Kans.. took. thiuL priae tor the best appearing Post in the parade. The total number of members on the rolls of the National Soldiers5 Home at Leavenworth, Kan„ at the present time Is 2,034. Of this number 1,425 are present and 672 absent on leave ol absence. General Logan's prediction proved correct. The Sons of Veterans are solid and true to the principles for which their fathers fought. And^so long as we are confronted by a Bolid south, the boys will be solid. f Iu the south, srhile the bo.vs were puttlug the chickens down, the chick­ ens were strengthening the soldiers to enable them to put tlie rebellion down. So the chicken, we believe, is a 6. A.B, Institution. The little village of Gettysburg, D. T„ is a soldier town, as its name would Indicate. It has about 300 population. The leading society is a Grand Army post,of forty-five members. The town is Republican In politics. The First Maine Heavy Artillery lost in less than twenty minutes on June 8th, 1864,604 in killed and wound­ ed, out of 900 men engaged. This was at Petersburg, During tbe war this regiment lost423 killed,and 1,283 killed and wounded out of 2,202 men enrolled. Governor Rusk, of Wisconsin, wears a sliver ring irregular in size. It was pounded out of a half dollar by a pri­ vate In Company F, Twenty-flth Wis­ consin Volunteers, when the Governor was Lieut. Colonel. It was presented to Lieut. Col. Rusk on the morning ol the day on whloh tbe maker was killed. Tbe standing of the Department of Rhede Island ror the quarter ending September 30th, 1888, is shown in the following figures: Number in good standing June 30 1888, 2,684; received by muster. 62; reinstated, 7; total 1,766- loss by death, 17; by transfer, 3; dishonorable discharge, 1; suspended. 37; total loss.SS; remaining in good standing, 2,696. Comrade D, T. Van Vechten, War­ ren, Pa., is the latest claimant to the honor of being the oldest soldier and member of the Grand Army. He is now in his 90th year. > He flrst enlisted in the Tenth Pennsylvania Volunteers, April, 1861. being at that time 64 years of age. He served two years and was discharged on account of disability. He re-enlisted in tbe 151st Pennsylva­ nia Volunteers and served until the close of the war. Private pension bills passed by con­ gress and action taken thereon from March 4,1869, to last of August, 1888 are as follows: U.S.Grant, term of service eight years; bills passed by congress, 583; approved, 575; disap­ proved, 8. R. B. Hayes, foar years; 307 bills passed by congress; all ap proved. Chester Arthur, term three years and eight months; bills passed by congress. 736; all approved, Grover Cleveland, three years and six months In ofBosi vetoed 419 oat of 1,094bPli passed by congress, approving 668. Mr. Cleveland has vetoed fifty-times as many pensions as General Grant did, and the end is not yet. The superintendent of tha Bolster's Home at Chelsea, Mass., reports 803 nee admitted siuce the opening of tbe hOibe, 145 during tlie past year. There were in the home July 25, 140 men, 51 of them being in tbe hospital. Deaths during the year numbered twenty. The balance on hand Ii the home treasury July 25,1887, was *62,826.52. Receipts from various sources during the y' r ending July 25, '88. was #25,091- 94, making a total of *87,918.46. There was expended during the year §27,- 903.02. leaving a balance on hand July 25,1888, 960,015.44. The funds are safe­ ly Invested and are earning 6 per cent. «. ---------- . , • "Hall" That is Unprecedented. two the MoHenry Co. Democrat since eleotion. The Democrat rejoices that In the campaign just closed it endeavored to be fair and clean, and if we ^ell short of our purpose, it was a sin of the flesh and not of the heart. From the same paper daring tbe campaign. Two Soldiers. General Palmer was a soldier In war and Joe Fifer was a soldier in peace. There !s a great deal of difference between a soldier in time of peace and In war. The soldier in time of war fills a Ion* felt want. The peace warrior is noisy aud useless. When fighting was to be done the name of Palmer was a household word in the West. He was in the fight and his deeds of vaior were recited by every tongue. Flfer's deeds of vaior have all been heard of since 1884, when he moved on the pension office. These tw<> soldiers are fairly repre­ sentative. The people of Illinois will have an opportunity to demonstrate which type they like best. What we said at the time and which Toung Bayonet* Points dared not reply to, and had not the manhood to correct. "God pity the thing who concocted or bad printed the above base and despicaple falsehood as far|as concerns one of the parties referred to. Tbe swell head who does the old veteran business for the Democrat and designates some pension shrieking or mlsstatment of facts article which he prints about once or twice a month a soldier's department, although quite young in years, seems too old to learn anything. It Is generally considered and usualy allowed that any person should not be blamed tor what they do not know, but In a case like the one trpen parade ground, and a in question it is a hard matter to de­ termine between the knave and the fool, and in our private opinion pub­ licly expressed we think it 18 a combi­ nation of the t *o. Comrade J. W. Flfor enlisted in the U. 8. service August 15th, 1861, when he was only 15 years of age, and was present with his regiment on all Its marches. In all its engagements, till when at Jackson, Miss., after the memorable charges on, and tbe siege of Vicksburg, together with tbe battles of Grand Gulf, Fort Gibson and Champion Hill, while charging the rebel entreuchment", be fell pierced by a mlnnie ball through one lung, and at tbe time and for weeks thereafter was supposed to be mortally wonnded by bis comrades who had learned to love him like a brother. His strong and robust con­ stitution carried him through however, and the moment lie was able be re­ turned to his regiment and served nearly to the close of the war or for some months after his term of enlist­ ment had expired. The records show that comrade Fifer did good service, was ever faithful, and ready to per­ form all duties assigned him and he never "sulked in bis tent1' nor left his post of duty in tbe faoe of the enemy, and in tbe midst of one of the greatest oampalgns of the war as did General Palmer. This we would haye never mentioned bad not this Yonng Bayonet Points been so anxious to draw the comparison be either wrote or copied. From the size of it we believe such emanated from his classic brain, for it sounds and reads similar to his foolish and unpatrlotio utter­ ances." Will the great war paper now admit that ' the people of Illinois" have demonstrated which type they like best,n notwithstanding General Pal­ mer slobbered allover the anarchists and made them every promise imag­ inable, should he succeed, and was supported by all tbe thugs, thieves and vagabonds of Chicago whom he fawned upon and whose help be courted. Every soldier knows what the bi­ monthly muster and pay-roll of the company or battery is. It has tbe name of every member of the organ­ ization, when last paid, whether pres­ ent or absent, and all tbe data and particulars necessary to guide the pay­ master in discharging tbe indebted­ ness of the United States to its soldiers. They were made on ponder­ ous ruled and printed blanks; each of which was large enough when spread, to cover the table at which I write. Tbe Confederates adopted the same system, very naturally, for their Adju­ tant General, Samuel Cooper, was for­ merly in tbe United States army, in tbe same department. Near the end of the blank there ^as a large 6pace headed, "Record of events that may be necessary or useful for future refer- •uoe at the War [Department, or lot present information." Sueb a of course, was intended to bei official; but on one occasion a1 Captain made this "Recortplt vehicle for expressing bis gust with the service. The among the property captured army at Cedar Creek, October IB. I obtained a copy of this '"record** i time, and present It here verbatim. "The l«t July found us near stock, Va.; 4th of Julv at Ferry; 9th of July at Frederick Md.; 11th and 12th ot July near ington City D. C.; 19th of July ol Snicker's Ferry. ^ "We have marched up and *deptf this valiey so much that I am unable to record the property; - company and regimental books and prtvjpfte clothing. Am unable to keep * " rect and full date of all events' awllti oiten compelled to suffer froftt -iH presence of a body guard knows bodj-lice. A remedy--plenty < soap, but our money can't pui i t h e r e . N e w c l o t h e s -- t h e y m e I , . be had. Transportation--alas, thatl cannot be obtained. yours, V : J. A. WHiTsaro*. Captain 0»<a man ding Co. B., l*t§|p|| Georgia regiment. Brave Captain Whiteside! T6e£-~ "record" made fun enough among ui thst winter. The griefs* yon com­ plained of were common among as i during that stirring campaign; boip we never dared to speak out quite s<N plainly as you did, I trust that Confederate Adjutant General il Richmond received a copy of tlie imp that you forwarded to him; thai fetf; carefully read the record; and theeSte waited on the Secretary of War aftlf the President of the Southern Confedif eracy, aud that the three togethefevi were able to understand the mysterie s oug alluaioui to tbe body guard. , .' . • , i ' Eight at Last. writer witnessed a scetie at wi" Columbus encampment that may neter be witnessed again. Two comrades the same company met for the time since they were mustered They were both Christian men, and ter talking for some little time I conversation turned on politics. of them, noticing tbe other's white plug hat and a Cleveland bad|*£ said, "Bill, are you going to vote i * ticket? "Yes," said Bill, "I thought I would.H " Well,1' said other comrade, who thought bis re| ion called for something better that, "Let us get down and prfgH It. And down tbeygH right went up fori tbe conversion ol such as he had not heard for day. They got up from their knee^|m and Bill, taking off his plug Cleveian|||||| hat, crushed it with his foot to " ^ earth and said, "God being my helpe%~^ comrade. I ll never vote lor the^'patt^f" that caused us so much misery as w4§i endured aud witnessed In the prison at ' Andersonville." The scene was wit- ^ neesed by hundreds, and a hearty cheer .1 went up for Bill and his good roaoij*-- ^ tlon." . .. y ^ «===«===!= "What's the Matter With You are not "ail right." Yon feel tired, your back aches, you feel shaky ' in the knees, you are subject to doll headaches, are nervous, cross, and alt things don't seem to go just ri'IfiHti: Is short, you are full of malaria, and you will continue to feel won*, anttt y.c you get something to kill and eaop^: 3 the poison. We reccomend Elee Bitters, because it will just lit yew case. So coufident are we. tba& VO i will guarantee it, which means that • '?1 your tnoney will be refunded II yon are not benefitted. No fairer oiler -:,i can be made. You have a sure thine - M Try It. Price 50c. and 91.00 at G. W ^ Besiey's Drug Store. " M A GIFT FOR ALL. In order to give all a chance to tost . it. and be couvinced of its wonderful . curative powers, Dr. King's New Die- ^ covery for Consumption. Coughs a ad ,% Colds, will be, for a limited time* 'V< 4 given away. This offer is not only liberal, but shows unbounded faith la ;?4 this great remedy. AH who suffer •n„ M asthma, bronchitis or any affection of , ^ throat, chest or lungs, are especially invited to call at G. W". Besiey's Dre^. ;;j¥- Store and get a trial bottle tree. Larger bottles §1.00. ^ Their Business Probably no one thing has sucb a general revival of business G . W . B e s i e y ' s d r u g s t o r e a s t h e i r s lng away to their customers ef^ sop many free trial bottles of Dr. Ktn$*p^ NewDiseovery'for Consumption. Thfelf trade is simply enormous in this very valuable article from the fact that n" cures and never fails. Coughs, colds* asthma, bronchitis, croup and all throat and lung diseases quickly cured. You can test Its merits before buying by getting a trial bottle free, large size 91. Every bottle warranted. Cigars and Tobacco, all the popnlaf; brands are found in our stock. J. A. Story's. Call on Mrs. fi, Confectionarles. Lawlos for ehotae Geo. W. Besley. the druggist, desires to inform his patrons that he Is agent for Chamberlain's < tough Remedy, the best aud most reliable medicine IW coughs, colds and croup. No one sn feriug from a throat or lun^ trouble an u^e it without benefit. It win cure a severe cold in less time tiMua. ^1 any other medicine or treatment; lilt j tbe only known remedy that will pre-'; vent croup. | Boy's knee pant* at 95a. Boy's gooiR suits, #2.00. Wool, double kuit oag%:,,; 35c. Scotch, knit fancy gtoveS' 3#S^4 Overalls 45c. Socks, from 3 cents * 40c. Men's fine shoes, tl.Sft, shoes. #1.00. B)y's doable •• • . , V. . .

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