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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 18 Dec 1889, p. 8

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l*n "of ftioiu »r *PitK Ladtae o! th<> W. €. T. U. wil! me#t ; StrH.-F..'©, Mfl.vwi, Thnmlay at* :%«|§poat at 2:3»o^elodk. , f 4 / "" MKf", L K. HKK»».vr,' »*«*.See" ***' V % ^t' *-1 |A, Privileged Peopl#^ • < . the Sabbath laws not be wif<|S|»j|ilgainHt, the liqpor traffic t So Sunday law^ lequire the mm- jiensSon of business, moat of our people Kiway el»?erfaH,v obey. Our mechanics •jiaiwse ltt their work on that day, vast ttffttmfactiiring establishments are closed ftud qutet, and even our schools, our cnnrts, and our legislative bodies, bow­ 's hg to the majesty of law, close their doors and adjourn over ao to to leav* 4!ii« day unbroken. Why not th« rumsetlers? What is •tifcete so much more precious, or pressing, or pecnliar in the liquor traffic than in these other kinds of hottest business that it cannot stop as well as they ? Who in It thai haw constituted the whisky-sellers A soi-t of titled nobility among ns, who are not to be subject to such laws as we poor plebiaofi patiently obey? Is it not more disastrous to the public peace for the Irquor-fleller to dispense his poisons ©a the Sabbath day than for the manu iaetmrer to keep his establishment going <0® that day, or the butcher to keep open Ills stall ? What, I ask, is the rumseller's special claim on us to be allowed to do «o? On what ground shall the traffic in beer, with noisy and immoral accompa­ niments, claim a practical and recog­ nized exemption from the operation of these laws and a virtual monopoly of Sunday trade? Was it "for man," as an and a beer-drinker, that "the Sabbath was made?" Was it in the in­ terest of brewers, distillers, lager-beer dealers and whiskey sellers that the laws of tie Republic caused the wheels of com­ merce to cease rolling and all branches of human industry to suspend their ac­ tivities on&-seventh part of each week ? . "** aU Lnn{?s, no I certain as Am indispensable tmeSfo medicine. *"I find Ayer'i Cherry Pectoral an invaluable remedy fiat colds, coughs, and other ailments of the throat aad lungs."--M. S. Randall, 204 Broadway, Albany, N. Y. "I have used Ay«r*«Chatty Pectoral for bronchitis and Lung Diseases, tor which I believe it to be the greatest medicine In the world."--Jomo* Miller, Caraway, N. C, "My wife had a distressing cough, with pains in the side and breast. We tried various medicines, "but none did her any good until I got a bottle of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral which has cured her. A neighbor, Mrs. Glenn, had the measles, and the cough was relieved by the use of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. I have no hesitation in recommending this medicine.'8 --Robert Horton, Fore­ man Headlight, Morrill ton, Ark. "Ayer's Cherry Pectoral cured me of a severe cold which had settled on my longs. My wife says the Pectoral helps her more than any other medicine she ever nsed,"--Enos Clark, Mt. Liberty, Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, mriaio BY Dr. J, C. Ayer & Co., Lowad, Mats. fiUdkfali&nggMa. *ctesfl; sis bottle**. Bar baa J Bar^aaa Wholesale and Retail D1ALEBS I1T FINE CIGARS, Bunaway nigger who wants to jine le yunion." w Have you a gun?" • 'Deed, no." Well, come in** 'He rose up off the ground and Iked straight to my tree, holding one , black hand to the top of his head, bullet had cut through the wool it his left ear and drawn blood. I s soon satisfied that he was what be imed to be, and when the Corporal his guard came tip Zeb was sent to JP- lext morning I hunted him up, and turned out to be a genuine runaway [man about thirty years of age, and }f the most powerful men, black or |e, I ever saw. It was no trick at >r him to baok up to an army wagon ~ with a thousand pounds of hay lift the hind wheels clear off the |nd, although no two white men in mgade could do the same. He Itaken into the brigade commissary Irtment and when the battle of 3s' Mill began he was two or three away with a train of wagons. My lent was in the thick woods, slielt- Ibehind a temporary breastwork, Although we could hold the Coufed- on our front we knew from the is of battle that they were gradu- butflanking us on both wings. We ly got the order to withdraw. We te back sullenly and grudgingly, I the Confederates followed foot by e had just taken a new position, feesli troops had eomeup to protect flanks, when Zeb appeared. , I was ding behind a tree when he came up exclaimed: or' a-miglitv. but what eberybody " to do? Sr fins like da hull airth wine tosnrjici!" ou'd get back--you'll be 1 replied; bttt he raised himself p-toes, looked into the woods pm * the irrlftlt bnlMlng on* door South of the post office, we have opened retail store, where, at nil tiniee can be found flue clears of our own manufacture, together with emokiiig and chewing tobacco of the best brands. Pipes a Specialty. We have & very large assortment aad *ery Juuulsooie pattern?. CALL AXD HEE US, „ „ „ BARBIAM BBOa. Mc Henry, Kovember 13th, 1888. ; <•£</ For sale by Ceo. W. Bealey. Narsery stoek, o»R*l- I «kit •ucoMtfM one woo wiu work ana -xoliow mj In. eijiu* Will famish huidioine outfit i»ay voir siiarr or commissMMi«v«ry j Write for terms at once. |. O. GRAHAM, Nurseryman, * Rochester, If, i g for the mle of aran teeU Kawery iploymCgt guaranteed, 8, PBKHBS paid to sucaeMfal men Stoek. ALARY B§> Matin? age. nwffl B Mention this • OO. ,jr r. THIS ADVERTISEMENT B Wsnfflll f Towbom nsntmtlly WW WlSU i LfBUiL 1 to Introduce onr new book le Brilliants : fa?'s BIBLE STOBIES Batf* that amy thing in the One 0 greatest neeess of tbe year, and some gentirely new Sss the book line, lioyai rte;; finest of paper; large I miitatratione. tiS full page, two of printM m sine col >r«; retnil price only ThbUMUti will t>e for Heiida> eni«. Those first in the field wUV reap a ei»t. Aet qaink or you will iniss it Can bought S8HEB A MACMAKIN CHEAPER FOR / :rT - * Nf*' 1 M-rtnici 'A CRISTY*S •its' Than any other place in town. Afar Lois a tperr'aliy. Wurekouste at ike JPiekle Jfaetotjf in 11 reM Mnllenry. PL A CM 1IB-AEMBER « \>fy * "• ? m *<> HARMLESS M M , t o o / ' m - ' " V £lr • .:.vv,r ^ £.& "v, > > y • Mm . ^ as >t not a vr ^n«tfr that peopie will insure •heir liiiiditij?K*„ arainHt, tire, their ntock a^'Uust r>e!Ug S.J lied by and *till peraint in usioj; wi<-)ted t«rl> wive to turn their stock when ir hasaU-ewdy damaged their Block and ihetnael-vcfc mos» |thK.n lire and light ninx com - tilned. We now offer for sale for the next tbree month* in order lo get it Introduced, the Harujlus* Spur Wirt', doable painted, at the extreme low wrioe of 3 Cents per Pound twisteu w5cke(Fi>; wi< wfr^#anS*-wttfresell It wtIL t •even ro»is f.iriiier jerifcundred pounds SatiHfactton ku» nnteed or money refund* ed. For sale at B.Gilbert's, West McUenrj Illinois. MfLLEE wmmimsfpMW-JL J *r.:.vun*«7 v; -yv f •{ %, A "ipF f Tfji -mm Bat wo wrtnt come mm - ' • "Tilfc >i .4-: "'."•iCall in and ]<ml£ tlicut. ovo bfocii of • •r, v " IIHUH ears #oo<la|oiTtt]i V It il > Why, I'ze Zeblj rWho is Zeb?" r >3 <' .vilwv1 . JUCHMOND. ILLINOIS. .J\ "f V-'ha. Of the lat««t »fi»t |wtternR Hlw\Vaon hiind. OR Fobl suits, ttTarie on short ttoMrL^i a lit triuiranle rrom ourja»• tMtmaw'"iKjnii Jirurtirai kno« Bdpni. we e M*.gof q'n Sa»e«r C. J. itiehnMMiil, Oetober Mih. oi flml T**n _ week. It was stated that although tne deceased, who was 72 years of age, was in possession of upwards of fifty thou­ sand dollars, producing an income 'of nearly three thousand, four hundred a year, she never associated with any one; and a search through the house resulted in the sum of two hundred and fifty dollars in gold and silver being found secreted in little bags between the mat­ tresses of the bed. For many years sho had been leading a miserly exist­ ence. It was stated that she left no will, and had only two cousins living in Scotland. But perhaps the most ex­ traordinary instance of good fortune in latter days is that of a young man who, being in great need, answered an adver­ tisement for a messenger in a law office, giving his name as a matter of course. The next mail brought him the won­ derful news that the advertiser had been in search of him for months, as through the death of half a dozen peo­ ple he had fallen heir to an iuuueose fortune. A Rural Vlstrieter. "T"" The average New Yorker is likely to think of his- friends in smaller cities as hardly equal to himself in keen business sagacity, but now and then somebody from a small town or even from the country shows himself in this quality quite worthy of the metropolis. A New Englander, who may be called Mr. Higgius, a man who stands six feeb two in his stockings and is well proportioned, landed from a Sound steamer the other morning and was greeted with the familiar,-- "Good morning, Mr. Higginst So glad to see you here! But I m afraid you don't remember me." * The usual introduction and explana­ tions followed, and then Mr. Higgins started with the stranger to "call on some friends." After walking a few blocks they came into a small side street, and here Mr. Miggins interrupted the flow of reminiscences by settin Jafl grl Suni Or tram] iian< "I view i my P| Cliicii but last yl FIu:h and Leather Albania, Hwsh Albuni^t witb oxujized and ivorv trimmings; Plush 'i'oi^ let. fcihiivinjy. Odor and Maiiieu're Sets j Jfumpr iluvo, and jewelry FANCY WALL POCKETS, , In plush, with horn ard motal decorations, D-jster Hokfcnto, Broom Nol«?eit*. <hiff and (.%»11 ir Muxes. EW-jrant 8tnokin<? Sets, Fancy I'ipeK. ^Elegant Towel Kin<ra,. leather jjoeket Toilet cases 75c to $4," Funey M:rror*, ' i^ar Hat and Cap Hpillory jt®aj>er Jiacks Bush and Raw Silk; | Stands, Dro.«sin^ Oases, Tattle Covers and bwart's, heauti- pslully embroidered y# ' frilk, tinsel and v v uiilie. iPerfumed Pillows Seaeial Blacksmith V, I WA60N-MAKER. SHOP, NCAR TJ cHenry ..! Kf i 1 a new "hop. I aw now nr with llrst class workqren, huU sooa lud to<lo ah kiudsof ^ agon-MaJr, On short awl nt ie .oonable . Wilt (|i» yo;if w ork in thf of Dliil with the lt4i>t possl)it« tlclay. - j Horse Shoeing ASpfMjH v. Repairing of all liin<(8 nr.. ^iJill ana see for joareoif. HENKY SIH£l VTeet H' ttfnry, III , Nov «n, [Stto. 1 A, ItLlNOiS. w better than r pre[)ir«d tp oflfer youp 'i&y-l ! . CrRE A-T BARGAIN In all itids of Goods. H'emean lmsiness and will J ^ before offered in Lae County. ^ m mini Ureitl i>ar<fains in 2C0 new bilk ? tandketchief's. ere'tttf-^ I s at 17c, .30% $3«w ' Tbe above decided drlvos elegant all diff- to lire WtioiamlSillc Wufflar«, K ̂ JAI" * as never more complete than now. Call and «ret otir Prieew before pnrehasinfr elsewhere. {Sptcint iadueemeuts lor ( ash Bim ers in vnms from $lup. COLOllMG Farm ProduOtt. In tfefHy fewest styles and of tb© fu'^t <]uaVuies, raniymg' in JEWEE.RY, Wljicb we fully v^ Vrant as to wearf to be^tbc/ ^ry Latest designs and low in pf Scitrf Birit?, CnfF and Cojjnf &utlons. etc. Uoid Fena \Pencils, Wtilch < haina. «\c. N<*vy' wajv. knives orfe^ etc. jk \ow. Is «ti.ya.'k^5's htyks JiHii prices, jtrom chairs, bu- re'ifeiub, MMos .*,Ka «.,<i fruifWii, *i ̂ fl|o, •R.wrv SCO thoMi »ar*, -tt-- JUlilA B. MINCEH -THE- EM KENT OPTIdi OF DETROIT, Olaime thit instrunxMits for trfntin^ ti howi'ver gc «i 111 ih^ hanus Of one ej th«-ir use, in the httiuia of the ian»* worse ihMti uHdeBS a man must in the irentment of the Kyeniut the Hon oi instruments in ori'ter to r«<< I'Ciioli l, Ifhe is proneriy yklllcd hi most. oHBonlt oye without, instil 'S titled wilh acourucj- so as 10 j •isight--the ilclir-aie construct i'kosK neoea ftry to use (?rc ting apectaciea. has mntie the hii later yearn ban p»«f tire attention lottftUTj/.1 ])tion oij' the same. Having aTiTTfrStfjfRf.x ueri, inHtiinxMnfi Hdnc'iiig Si^eciacJrs to th4-m»w ho t» eral)loii to lit in'curatolv in evcrv cate abnormal vision known a \ presayopia, hy»»ermatr< MYOPi.% As well n® vtak -»ight. reouiring ... tinted gl&8R. His improvett AptcUiuleftftr a perfect construction, which aes'iot »*uii nerve the sight, reiiitering frequent mmL quite unneceftsary. They cuiiior a dcbs ainl distinctness oi ciiseanfl corofoiri ptericially enjoyeil by persons UPlng 0 •8 ,,, 8 Ittnsea "re ground on the i»i fc'ienliilc pr uriplea, rti^icrincf the eve clear as when in the full etiength of \uxti B, Mincer has seme highly flaiierioff momals of »ome of the lea'iing oculisi^ of tl sUteaa to his ability n. liuiug SpecNei-les. ItEMEMUWlii He uses no instruments; * Wo lita the eye the lirst timp; e 'he eye -a study for oitt tw« He t.ses pure Crystal lenses. He guar4»tees sa isfaction; He tret<fl weak e.ves «accea»fiiil#t He saves eyes injured by using into glasaCH. ' ® fect1vfle8glaLhei8da0fgltt880* require(l ^ He i.akeo every vartcty of glasses. «*Or.lers <•«» be If ft at postoflc* and M rt«wlre prompt attention No charges examinations or visiting natients *t ta] FOR OORPORAL It beats them ail. No book like it. Everybody wants it, 200 illustrations. Humorous, Pathetic.Fas- tinating. Hundreds of dollars to hustlers. Old •nd young' buy: also thousands of G A. R. and Sons of Veterans. One agent has ordered over 700 books. Anothre made #83 In 4 days, an­ other took 15 orders in 30 mm. in 1 G A. R. Post. Choose territory at once. 21 attractive illustrations "lli .Tfetne^ DRUGS u, ' world for lo# prioea l-MaXOCBAPH AiSgfig- «on cats 'p, ho pivt res, sent m Ja^an. ose Ho of tbi. »h(,ve and fdt'N'ES, (»fo»- Itap^lfa", '-tlA t impi, 11win io 5">', O'tf't rmt<! i',ha»jihorse* ft *3 to iW fn'try tit*! or, Uitji* an»i Hisii :!T«y ^.<5 with circulars and terms. Write *2 Superior <£ 0o«» ̂ Wi«««ea^ *B|NTSS«SM, WCIDSSlFEniAMP.J FORSHEEtMc"""" "fKaBHn ~ y**-' M.wj«s 'A FULL LINE OF ^np, Cbimî ls, Bys Stofis, Paintsj s ^ < •onstant y on hand Also a lar, Medicines, Toilet --AND COMPLETE STtTCK OF STATIONARY & DRUGGISTS 1*5.' - Fhy^ioiaius JPre«o*-iptio OureiuUy and aocuratey compounded t>y a Ro cist.^HW patronage is r««pecifttUy sotfeRe^ 74, Wat.fr Sef#'. f, «c.v Cwtorn, (!ti in» - iat><1«. <f 1 •»>•• • • etfi; 5,. * Toy W;»NhiiiCS> t», Urofffs> Dolls, t':nikw, I'ojm. •""ratlli s,. Twl Cht ut*, at i>ri«i«>8 within reit.'h of a!' {; *11 It Mittens, fancv i?jf^ Il()(iil8, Ncrkwciir l.hftt bin. SOi 'tast- jpo <»f "iir tine and che«p <'l«th «• plush , <>y 'a l!ni*, cheap mil wKrtn Uv#-«< <t A am* rtj "" ' would not inakf hts tint! t^Je inns or New Voars f*i«xin =, «s v *y ^cea will lie ii:xti<*ort.RU Over. Iutli'us, Blankets liiHier 'es» (•'jHMOit), M'.ftOH". Vnros, etiit, i, •e^tes ol aa ki'io, To. for our «v eel £<iar&ntee<l - employment . . ti ue>io naino. Our *1 stoi'k lor the .Horth mmiirrn li-- •v:*' •>* ' V (h 4JL# ^ ^ , -•-'ML' Phurma West MjcHen #to< 1 asocial tv is, V«r!h^,V»(. WfiL t«T7„..,Vr .lnf s,)rth *#•»£ tafeen, HtHti„z ,.({W tciiua before territory !ASK UR'V,»K^8' Compahv, Chicago, HI . WAIT1D. MBKBALPA* Went work. *tQCK WAttRAN fED. •IUM A A. 4ITORV. ?,<Saia Tt A'ursaryuwn, Rochester, &

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