• ...-V ;^; r •" ' ? v:; Thm Llnlm. hi «* Trarelers on business of bent on pleaa |. , ore, invariably visit one of the great j|ji cities of the West, if their journey is at ??•" all prolonged. Nowhere else can be seen trach centres of enterprise and American - 4 vim as in Chicago or Kansas City, and |€ few invite lovers of elegance and beauty %•' like St. Louis. In going further into the ~ "Great West" there are various routes 5s?«*? the tourist may select, but (supposing the lifgV start is made from Chicago the great j starting point of western travel, no line 4 • ' can be found more desirable than the Xj, Chicago & Alton, .the great "Three Link" route, and its unsurpassed connections. pC' , Elegant cars, courteous train men, a first K class track, and every convenience that modern railroading employs is here IS found for safety and comfort. The coun ty. try traversed is unexcelled for beauty of . scenery--the vertible garden of the conti- • nent. Be sure and secure tickets of the %W Chicago & Alton if you would have a |p pleasant journey. gL> ••, INTELLIGENT people, who are familiar jl with the respective advantages which are £ , offered by the several competing railroad ft , lines between Chicago, St. Louis and 4 Kansas City, and who desire to travel with the utmost speed, safety and com- '. fort, always take the popular and relia- ble Chicago & Alton Railroad between these points, and passengers going to or coming from the South, via St. Louis, or £}; *• when going to or coming from the West, %.. via Kansas City, should insist upon hav ing tickets that read over the Chicago & Alton. It is the only road with three complete and elegantly equipped trains between Chicago and each point named, and no railroad managers in America have a more intelligent appreciation of the wants of the traveling public than do those of the famous Chicago & Alton. 19tf SUDDEN DEATHS. Heart disease is by far the most fre quent cause of sudden death, which in three out of four cases is unsuspected. The symptoms are not generally under stood. These are: a habit of lying on the right side, short breath, pain or dis tress in side, back or shoulder, irregular pulse, asthma, weak and hungry spells, wind in stomach, swelling of ankles or dropsy, oppression, dry cough and smothering. Dr. Miles' illustrated book on heart disease free at Geo. W. Besley's, who sells and guarantees Dr. Miles' un- equaled New Heart Cure, and his Restor ative Nervine, which cures nervousness, headache, sleeplessness, effects of drink ing, etc. It contains no opiates. well satisfied fh&t . . . People who are desirous of making a running dividend on their capital will see that it requires but LIMITED BRAINS to comprehend that five per cent on one's spendings is better than a DUDE'S idea ot living on the interest ot his money, becausu the principal was longr ago squandered. We guarantee a saving of at least five per cent on all purchases made at our st >re. If you make four per cent on your savings, ana five per cent On your spend- inge you will soon get rich. 4 t3gf~l)ur stock of Seasonable Merchandise is tlje most complete to be found anywhere outside the large cities. STORY &:;McOMBER, - 1 Sealers in General Hardware, */> . ... i . •;*k- Is 4C BEST LAUNDRY SOAP iijllje vferM SJtdlu&e itiRftJli0Y&4i^&lxicle&nin$? -jjSt'oNLV^y ALLG J"1itnsibkW<Mb.h. lN.K.FAIRBANK&CO. ChicoSfo CERS KEEP |T" LOOK 00! FOB YOUSSELPI OB NOBODY ELSE WILL. SPECIAL SALE ?OF PARASOLS, Saturday, May 9, & Monday, May 11, We make one price for these two days only* FOR PARASOLS WORTH FROM $2 to $3. . / ' Tf'> MERIT WINS. We desire to say to onr citizens that for years we have been selling Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Dr. King's New Life Pills, Bucklen's Arnica Salve and Electric Bitters, and have never handled remedies that sell as well, or that have given such universal satis faction. We do not hesitate to guaran tee them every time, and we stand ready to refund the purchase price, if satisfac tory results do not follow their use. These remedies have won their great pop ularity purely on their merits. G. W. BEBLEY, Druggist. ifte B* F. K. GRANGER, General Auctioneer. Sales of Real Estate, Stock, Fanning Tools, Household Furniture, and Goods of all kinds attended to on the most reas onable terms. Orders by mail will receive prompt at- tentaoa. Addiiw, - • I". K OKAXGRA ~ Wut MoQeuj Fail not to improve the chance. Many other things wc Wiffe to dispose of quick that will be of advantage for you to examine* Ladltt' Fine Walking: Shoes JtMrt In Make your dollar reach ss far as possible. Look around before you buy and you can save money. Money is your friend and il your friend goes see that you have something to show for it. Why do you pay $3 for a Ladies' Kid same thing for from $1.50 to $1.75. Shoe it you can get the P F f M M M - . . ' Why do you pay $3.25 for Men's Hubber Boots when yon can get ] them for $1 less. W hy pay $4 for Men's fino Shoes when you can get them for $1.25 HENDERSON *QO LEBRATEO RED .SCHOOL Why don't you try to save money by coming and seeing me. .-I' will guarantee you will save money on Footwear, and everything else kept in stock by me. All Footwear guaranteed aolidjrfather. will save you money in GROCERIES, | Plenty of good Red School House O EE B espectfnllyt H* C. MEAD, CFeWal Auctin eer. Sales of Stock, Farming Tools and Goods of all kinds attendeded to on the most reasonable terms. A share of pat ronage solicited. P. O. Address, West McHenry, 111. fpUY YOUR GLASSWARE, OH IN AWARE. • Hear the Iron Bridge. GRAIN, Where you can This means of Qristy Factory, WMt McHenry, lit. 8rain of all kinds bought and sold. B see me. pay yon to. call, and WW? CRI8TY. Brown Stallion, 16 Hands r, JOHN EVANSON&CO Granite-Iron. Tinware, Sporting Goods, Cutlery* JBAIlBEpyiiriRE, ETC. .. . .. ^ W* ARK *QW OFFERING IOTHK PUBLIC THE New Proeess/ The OriginalJ Evaporating ;'4 , 1 The only Genuine"New Process"1 on the Market. All others are Frauds, * A siove that lights like gu! stove t hut makes no Biaoka or smell! ^5^.: /• A safe stove! Ain «conoml«- al stove! •$l Btove that never 2«t|0Ut ^ of ord»r! A stove that requires no skill to operate It! A stove that pleases the user, satisfies tbe dealer and alwavs etays sold. TlMl stove that has revolutionized the vapor stove business. Call at oar store and see It betore buying, GLASS OF ALL 8IZE3 CONSTANTLY ON HAND. We make a specialty of Dairy Supplies, and Jobbing in Tin, Copper and Sheet-Iron. Your patronage is respectfully so licited, STORY & M'O] W««t McHenry, 111,, A [Til 38, 1801. 1 * M West McHenry. Hardware and Tinware, - - Every description! You will ask how I can do this. Why, I have no rent to pay. I have no clerks to pay. - I discount all my bills. I smoke 18c. smoking tobacco in place of Havana Cigars, and I give the baying | public the benefit ofrall this. In all cases we wish to sell at Prices. Come and sse for yourself. Prices in plain figures. . o o w T S- A N D 11 s m © Yours Respectfully* M. EJSQLSiN. GEO. W. BESLEY, Grades, Prices, Marked Low, \Sold as Marked, Rinsrwood, Illinois. II At J. W. X IS To th© Patrons of LEeSe&xy and Lake Counties. WEST McHENBY, ILL, y |Q|- Weighs 1210 Pounds, Bred by Ci KAWAOAMMT, he BY RHODE TBLAND who also sired Governor Sprairue with M trotters and 2 pacers in the 2:30 list. l#t dam by Swigert, who has 27 with records of^8D( or better, among thorn being Moody, *d dam by OoUsmith'a Abdallah, with 4 in the 2:30 list. , fA dam Big Ellen, record 2:32. , **TTFHOOBT" poaaesaea all the reaaititea ofa Brat-class etock and race horse, having size flnlah, great subetanee anil speed, Heoota ni* •d his record of 2:31% at Janesvllle. Wis. Sept. 12, ItwO, iu a biiiiuing wind and rain storm,"in a field of B starters, and would have gone much faster but for an accident. He will be driven for a record at the close of the stud Maeon, and we predict will surely enter the Sdp list. *TYVHOOH" will make the aeaaon of 19B1 at th* Richmond (IU.) Orlvlng Park. Terms, £5 to tnaure providing be entera tha tduliat this fall. If he does sot enter the llat the service fee will be only flft. ADDRESS 8 AM EARING, Manager. --DEALER ~ -- DRUGS & MEDICINES, PAINTS. OILS, oilstArticlas, -PURE We wish to say that for the spring and summer of 1891 we have placed in our store a very complete stock of GENERAL MERCHANDISE, - - • Boots and Shoes. WINES AND LIQUORS, FOR MIEDICAL USE. A lso Bottled Aleand Porter for Medical use. The best brands of Cigars and Smoking And Chewing Tobacco always on hand. Consisting In part of a very complete line of Boots and Shoes. We are showing you this season eight lines of Plow ^ --f-"=v-- • ®k°e8, 'tartlng in with the cheapest and up to the very beat ™adilr ll? efiT'tlren's we always have Selz, Schwab & Company's ABC School Shoes which are acknowledge d hy shoe dealers and wearers to be the best made for the money. Ladles wear in g«od common sense every dav shoes, up to *bs very best hand-turned shoe in New York or city lasts. We Bever showed a more complete line men's fine shots than this season, in Congress, button or lace. Call and see them, CLOTHINQ-ln this we want to say bu| little to you and that to the point. We have tbe newest and cleanest stock of *ng« clothing in town, and sell cheaper than our ormpetitors, as Clothing, our expenses are lower., When in need of a JiT-diV'S OR BOY'S SUIT, odd PR0!j® °r vests, call In and we will convince you that what we say is true. Of tbe Hockiord Overalls Jackets and Shtrts} we never bad larger stock to select from, to call and see tbem means to buy. ^Physician's Prescriptions Carefully Compounded* Qi' re me a call. West McHenry, IU„ De< ^LfcV. 'JLa' G. BE8LEY- Soft or Stiff I HATS. I Men's or Boys' soft or stiff hats. In black or colors, also.a cleaa aew stock of STRA W HATSot all kinds. Laundried or unlaundried dhirts and Collars in every style, and a good stock ot Neakties to select from. Sugar by the pound or by the barrel, at prices guaranteed right Remember our Flour cannot be equalled at the price' it is sold. Respectfully solipiting yout patronage we remain yours as ever. West McHenry, IIL JOHN J. MILLER. \ "Her© I Ami" ssya She." " Oh Ye% I See You Are, My Darling," And I am ready to stay by and with you and any of my bowling would-be competitors, in any kind of plowing they may select, WET OR DRY, HARD OR SOFT, UP OR DOWN, And along stony side hills and ditches, grub and root^ land , not excepted. For Fan, Money or Satisfaction, guaranteeing You will go SAFELY THEOUGH, without breaking your tongue off. Knowing you cannot speak for yourself, (being tongueless,) I wish to say to my leg-weary and foot-sore brother farmers to profit by adopting you as ao assistant on their farms, as I am quite sure you will be of great help and com fort,, and won't talk back when set at work, like some other assistants on their farms. You are too well known to need any special mention, being sold in great numbers, and in GANGS, that can be set to turn any desired width of farrows with the same plows, using any number of horses, one in furrow, tbe rest on land, all abreast, and operated by one boy. AL80. WILL SAT, that I am prepared to take all kinds of fatm stock, horses, cows, sbeep, &c, and trade new tools for old tbat are practical, and almost even up in some cases. CORN AND HUNGARIAN SEED. A lot of nice clean Hungarian Seed for sale. Walking Plows and Harrows Almost Given Away. Together with those needed articles^ such as Binding Twine and IS. Wire, away down where It will make you smile to bear the figure. Why Not ? Write or call and see as betore buying, as we are bound to sell you good goods, save you money, and guarantee you satisfaction. A large stock always on hand, and anything not kept in stock will be ordered at about cost. Yours Truly, VEDDER SLOOTJM. WAUCONDA, ILL. V .1 lTl.il A A. STORY, (One Door West of Riverside Hotise,) MeHENIiY, . .^LMNOIS. -DEALER IN- © DRUGS, MEDICINES, -A FULL LINE OP- Drugs, Cbnietb, SJI Stofis, Paints, Oils and Coins. Constantly on hand. Also a large line ot Patent Medicines, Toilet Articles, -AND COMPLETE STOCK OF- STATIONERY & DRUGGISTS SUNDRIES, iRhyeiicianii Prescriptions Carefully and accuratey compounded by a Registered cist. Yyir patronage is respectfully solicited. Fharma- yk,.... M 'MM JULIA A. (TORY.