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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 25 Nov 1891, p. 7

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$y - tz. ip PftrCh 111 mt JSbm boon voMtalad to tbe ahronle, ';|tfpiiiii. kmm. m** *#*«» start* Mm. <jf / <W>i - IIMHWM NM«Wor,i pnrflac kin. flto MMbMr allaqta wuHrm MU heartily, ha jfealw< hrrartofcly troutlad irttb dysraftaia. 'Ipilttl ihonU 1M do? Begin and pom* iy*- of Mosfcetter'a Btonwrti With jlHntlon fortified aad food as! |' - • atraagth return*, the nerrea po« tanftil and the Mat of life returns. A bleaeed K^" \v <--iimiMllna, indeed, and ntta |c';- Mt VbMuUy wrought by the Bettors. Bilious- r.^,v-: aats, malaria, rheumatism, kidney eewpialnt j?^ MM also prerented and cured by tbla sovereign '"C-f S Iflntlng medicine. Try it at once II you 0-]'\ *ami fere out of order, and If their -weakneaa la perpetuated by the existence of dlaeaaa. An* «?- * * perb appetizer and promoter of Bound repose. BOMB has churches. Beware of twenty-fivo Protestant THANKSGIVING DAY. The wkeat to in the bin, wife, The corn la is the shock. And er'rr day the steers afa fed • As stlday as a clock; There'a plenty for the team, wife, And plenty for the cows. With pumpkins piled upon the And hay we couldn't house. ^ There's not a pig or chick, wife, ['•» ' Hot has enough to eat; And aee that flock of teenty(btrdti$4•£>*•*« A feasting at ( ur feet! 1' ^; The cat is fat and sllc^ wife, .. The dog lies in the sun ^ Well fed, and rocking up hh ears' •* f To ketch a chance for fan. • Ointments for Catttih IkM CsatalB Merenry, !4v; A* mercury will surely deatroy the aenae of ><s, am ell and completely dnaage the whole aystea A, ; when enterlnglt through the mucous surf BOB a. • « Snsh article* ahonld never be used except on If • gteacrlptions from reputable phyaidanB, a* the flam age they will do M tenfold to the good you can poaaibly derive from them. Ball's Catarrh >y.C;-'V due, manufactured by F, J. Cheney & Co., To- & Xv lado, 0., containa no mercury, and is taken In- temally, and acta directly upon the blood and »VJ* muooua aurfacea of the system. In buying ;ki » Hall's Catarrh Cure be aura you get the genuine, ft " It is taken Internally, and made in Toledo, OMOL *«- by F, J, Cheney A Co. Sold by Drugglata, price 75c per bottle. • THERE is a newspaper In London - which is printed in scented ink. -- • - FOR BRONCHIAL, ASTHMATIC AND w : PULMONARY COMPLAINTS, "Brown'* Bronchial Troches"' have remarkable cura- £;-,lk '• tlve properties. Sold only in boxe». J, FITS.--Ail Fits stopped free by Dr.Kline's Great H JNerve Restorer. No Fife after first day's use. Mar- 'k ? ' Sellouts cure«. Treatise an<?: t.iM trial bottle free to IV - Vttcaaea. Send to Dr. fcJice. Stl Arcb St.. Phlla- Pa. The cellar's more than full, wife. The pantry's double-lined; And everything we'll need this yeif We're i retty sure to find. < ;§ There's apples round a id red. And some like yellow gotf; >;;; There's clover honey on the sbelf^ And cheese that wasn't sold, "y\i 'if ftiM * * * V %•. P:" SJFE:"; V'V' W. ji M k-1-* • If 8 a *ign tliat TOO IWED HELP, when pimples, blotches, and eruptions begin to ap­ pear. Your blood needs looking after. You'll have graver matters than pimples to deal with, if you neglect it. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery prevents and cares all diseases and disorders caused by impure blood. It invig­ orates tho liver, purifies the blood, and promotes all the bodily func­ tions. For all forms of scrofulous, •kin and scalp disease, and even Consumption (which is really lunjp- acrofula) in all its earlier stages, it is a certain remedy. It's the only one that's guaranteed, in every case, to benefit or care, or the money is refunded. It's a matter of confi­ dence in one's medicine. i It is the cheapest blood - purifier •old, through druggists, because you •nly pay tor the good you get, . ' Can you ask more? The M Discoveryv acts equally veil off the year round. The boys and girls will come, wtfijt To dinner here to-day, J ,' 1 And bring their children, big and imaA • To feast, and romp, and play; There'll be no vacaut chair, wife, VFe've never lost a one; . , ^ And la your eyes I see a light > 4"• That's warmer than the sua. %.. • ^ This Is the day wo turn, wife, And count our blessings o'er, J- And mebbe we've more than our ahar*,* With sejh a gen'rous store; < The love in your big heart, wife, For everything below That's suffering pain, or leas an' grtet» Crowns all the rest, I know. ; ^ Am so we'll try to help, wife, Our iellows as they need; _ <f;, And mebbe we can look, and Hi A critter we can fet'd; For Or*] will like it best, wife. If in our homely way, We mean to let the whole world ahar* In our Thanksgiving Day. MR. SPINNERS WARN IN-'. *•> ; "All1 she lacks of beauty ?t,.. $1 a little plumpness." ' - This is a frequent thought, jnd a wholesome one. All of a baby's beauty is due to fat, and nearly all of a ; woman's -- we knovvr 4^. as . curves and dimples. J/ What plumpness has t^ do ulth health is told in a little book on CAREFUL LIVING; sent free. Would you rather be healthy or beautiful? "M0th" Is the proper answer. SCOJT & BOWNE, Chemisti, 13a Sooth 5th AvaaiM^ Maw York. Your druggist keeps Scott's Emulsioe of caAJfoer aB >B druggists everywhere <io. $1, HErveTOH^ 'f- ^ ^ Perftetty Well. V VnxMORg, Dnbuqna Co., Ia, Sept., 1680. Hiss K. Flnnigan writea: ICy mother and •later used Paator Koenig'a Nerve Tonie for neuralgia. They are both perfectly well now and sever tire of praialng the Tonic. BOCK IBLAMD, 111.. Nov. as, 1SBS. I bad been a sufferer for eight long yeure, fbfk Sn. Hearmeiui, ef Davenport, Iowa. Oalfedmy aHmtioa to Keanig'a Herve iWo. I would know a law momenta beforehand tfcat I waa going to have a apaam. When ft would eoma on, my head would tarn ektewaya, my «m roll about, my handa olatoh sad hold tfcbtly avarythtog they atme in oontaot with; l wonld froth at the mouth. When I came out of the apaaaaa, I would look wildly about sad fan aaleM) a law minatee. Koeni^a Nerve Tonte had the moat baneOeial effect, end I am **--*v flal for tho boea the uedioine brought to ma. xnZui SIMOW. -- also obtala ef ahaiia FREttraa®- This remedy has been JL«HU«v . -"'tectlon bytfce I uodc- his diiectlon KOEMIG MED. CO., Ofiioap, Id. MhrDnigfiitiatllpwBottIa Barta tllia m Iff SBoUleafor»». AffMlnto FRUIT GKOWEBS' JUUBMAI. y »I11> i'obdtBi M'., <or free --inple copy. 1/ "V;" ; <y -r v M ; ! IYORY , !• " KSTfM EVOY ruiroct T was tho day be­ fore Thanksgiving Mr. Sp'nner's wife had sent him to the store early in the m o r n i n g a f t e r do; o;i eggs, but he had forgot'en to come back quickly, as she told him to do,lounged around, drank with the boys, aid it was afternoon when he s t a r t e d h o m e , h a n d k e r c h i e f f u l l , of eatgs in one hand, and a live turkey, Its legs fastened together by a cotton str ng. In the other. lie had run in debt for it, for satd In: "M'randy *11 be just as mad as hops 'cause she didn't get the eggs 'fore din­ ner, an' mebbe this'll keep peace in the family." Between the store and home was a large piece of newly cleared land that consisted mostly of stumps. As Mr. Spinner, in trying to miss one, tumbled headlong over another, he muttered: the half-ratsed box, where lay no tor* key, but a drabbled, sorry-looking opos­ sum "Who done that?* asked he in a chok- feff voice. fl'U tail you Abe Spinner," aaswered \i¥. "W //III'" "In this blamed field wherever there ain't one stump, there's two of 'em." In this fall the turkey flopped itself loose, and for the next hour played "hide and seek" with him. Once he thought he had it, but making a Ittely spring, he tripped and fell, catching a black-jack sapling instead of the turkey. "Well, if this don't beat my time," said he: "don't know what M randy *11 say, but it's the gospel truth, there's more stumps than turkeys in this 'ere field." He was nearly exhausted when he .neared home, and the turkey, now nearly "featherless. dodged in and out among the girdled trees by the house, with Mr. iSpiiMier hopelessly stumbling after it. But when the door opened he threw his bundle of eggs at the aggravating bird, and gasped, "M'randy, I've brought jou a Thanksgiving turkey." "You hev, hev you? 'Pears to me the turkey's brought you: s'pose I've got to get it 'fore I hev it " And after a sud­ den bounce into the yard there jares-Nft terrible squawking and scattering of feathers, ending In a triumphant shov- A "Mirandy, I've brought Thanksgiving turkey." you a ing of the captured bird under a box by Ithe fence. "There! See what a woman can do!" And jerking her husband around by his collar, "Now I want to know Where's them eggs I sent after?" "Don't, M'randy, don't" begged the subdued man: "I didn't mean to, but I flung my handkerchief at that torment, a n ' t h e e g g s w a s i n I t " "Oh! you--you--I wish I knew some- thin' mean enough to call you--you old blizzardl Come 'Jong to yonr dinner; I've a good mind to let yon starve to death." Mr. Spinner followed her into the kitchen and sat down to the cold pota­ toes and molasses on the table, while she went out to view her prospect for Thanksgiving. A sudden piercing scream from her brought him quickly to her side. •Lordy Massy, M'randy, whatever is the matter?". «*aok! took!" she said, potnt nf under his wife, "nobody human done it You're Such a 'ornery la y, no'count numbskull that I b'lieve, 'pon my soul, U's a warnin'l" "In the meantime, o'd 'Bijah Bones the colored preacher, was slipping along outside the fence trying to hide the stolen turkey with the skirts of his min­ isterial coat "De Lord help dem what helps demselves," said he, with a chuck­ le. "Didn't seem las' night like I was gwine to find a turkey 'mong dese pore tri white trash, but 'pears like Providepcs Mr. Spinner Faints. allers keers for de shored sheep an' jlst chucked one right into my handa I b'lieves in Providence, I does " "Shall I pitch this varmint over the fence?" asked Mr. Spinner, as his wife Stood, arms akimbo, star ng at the box. "No, you won't, you big blunderhead; you kill it an' I'll dress it; 'possum oooked with sage an' onion ain't to be S n e e z e d a t " Mr. Spinner with his first blow laid the little animal on the ground, a limp and lifeless ball of fur. Laying it care­ fully on the bench, while his wife was hunting a knife, he stood thoughtfully waiting for her, when a rustling in the leaves disturbed him. He looked at the bench; it was empty; the oppossum was making tracks across the tield with re­ markable activity for anything that was dead. With a terrified groan Mr. Spinner fainted, rousing up only when his wife emptied the wash dish in his face, to gurgle, "I didn't mean to M'randy, bat 'twas too awful to watch that dead vi mint runnin' of, an' I b'lieve it a sure e n o u g h w a r n i n , ' a n ' I ' m g o i n ' t o q u i t drinkin' an, cut ail your stove-wood that's what I am." "Yes, you will," said Mrs. Spinner, as with her foot she helped him from the ground. "It s a good thing we've got a warnin' for Thanksgivin', for we ain't got nothin' e'se "--Texas Siftinga A DUEL. WITH CLAYMORES. The Kunona Rob Boy CttaUengeA to a Trial of Skill. The far-famed Rob Roy MacGregor was confessedly the best swordsman of his day, says the Scottish Ameri­ can. His celebrity for wielding the claymore excited McNeil of Barra to visit him for the express purpose ol trying his prowess. Barra was a gentleman possessing the qualities that endear a chief to his clan, with the accomplishments which confer acceptability in polished circles. On arriving at Rob Roy's house the Mac- Neil chieftain found he was at Buch­ anan attending a market, and thither he repaired. He met several gentle* men on horseback on their way home, and, accosting the nearest, begged to Jknow if Rob Roy was still at the fair. "Who inquires for Rob Roy?" in­ quired a voice more remote. "NacNeil of Barra," said the chief. Rob Roy approached, announcing himself, and, after exchanging salutes, iBarra said: "I have heard Rob Roy extolled as the best swordsman of our times, and have come a long journey to prove whether he or I deserve that com­ mendation." "Chieftain of Barra," said Rob Roy, "I never sought a quarrel with any man; and if it please you to think yourself the better swordsman I have no objection to your opinion." •This is the language of fear," said Barra. "Who dares to speak of fear to Rob Roy MacGregor?" said MacGregor. •Dismount, sir, and see if I'm afraid." The chivalrous encounter immedi­ ately commenced, and Rob Roy found Barra nearly his match, but after much dexterous play he wounded the chieftain in the sword arm, so that he was several months confined at Buch- anan. • Drvmatlelu. CULTS"Airr TAXIDERMY--Stuffing a tw­ in;.--New Hampshire. THERE is just now an over-cultivation of the turkey crop.--Rah way Advocate. THE rattle of the turkey is heard la the land--Dan >ville Breeze. WHOEVER undertakes to devour poul­ try without thoroughly plucking It is apt to feel down in the mouth.--White­ hall Times FIRST TCBKEY--Why didn't you ask to be spared? Second Turkey--Oh, I was too excited. I quite lost my head, in fact. Caitae for Thnnkagrlvlng. Sunday-school Teacher--Willie, have you had anything during the week to be especially thankful for? Willie -- Yes'm. Johnny Podgers sprained his wrist, and I licked him for the first time yesterday.--Burlington "And She Never* Went Beefc." Their only daughter had been at­ tending a private seminary for young ladies during the two months of the tail term and had come homo to spend her birthday. Arriving on the late train she was too sleepy to talk much and hurried to bed and rest. In the morning- her loving old father picked out the finest pear he could "find in the fririt cellar and carried it up to her room with a bunch of flow­ ers to begin the happy day. Tap­ ping gently on the door he handed in his little offering. "Oh, mon pure, mon pure!" she cried, in delight. •'No," said he, "it* isn't a mong pear. It is a Bartlett, Sallie; I thought you knew all the kinds we have." < - * I. "Oh, you funny papa! Tha^ is Trench for 'father,' y' know!" she tittered. 4Oh, it is, is it?", he asked, dubi­ ously, backing off. He was standing in the dining- room, looking out the window into the stock yard, when she came sail­ ing in and embraced her mother with an ecstastic "Ma mere, ma mere!" "No, it ain't," said he, "it's the old blue roan and her filly. I sent your mare over to Davis' last week for a sore hoof." "Oh, you funny papa! That is French for 'mother,' y' know!" laughed Sallie, in a gale of academic laughter. "Oh, it is, is It?* he grumbled, frowning a little. Then the breakfast went on mer­ rily. ;; ' J, "Why, I declare, I have forgotten your fork, daughter, "said the mother. "Shall I give you one?" "Silvous plait, mamma!" lisped Sallie. "No," interjected her father, se­ verely, "we have no silver-olatcd ones in the house, and you know it, Sallie. Common, every day steel forks with bone handles have been good enough for your mother and me for thirty years, and they'll be good enough for you, I guess. Will you take a piece of this steak?" "Est c£bon?" hesitated the dainty Sallie. "No, it isn't bon*v I asked you to nave steak, and when I say steak 1 mean steak, hot tone!" "Oh, but papa, that is French for 'is it good?"' pouted Sallie. "Humph!" sniffed her father, with an ominous frown, " 'Pears' means me, and 'mares' means your ma, 'sil­ ver plates' means please and "bones' stands for breakfast, hey? Well, then, what is your French gibberish for *go up stairs?"' " 'Allez en haut,' papa," proudly announced Sallie, ' "Humph! And what's 'shut the door?'" " 'Fermez la porte,' papa,'* beamed Sallie. "Well, then you will just silver- pi a tes-if-you-please, ollyong up the back stairs, go into your room, and fummy-le-pork immediately, and don't you show your head down here again until you remenil*er that your mother and I are running a home for our enjoyment, and not in humble imitation of a 15-cent French restau­ rant. And more, too, you can just silver-plate unpack your trunk. If two months affect, you this bad, you'll, be incurable ia ten. 1 guess you are accomplished enough for Mud bank society!" • ' Tka I^erroC* Nam*. It is often convenient for a man to have a "middle initial" in his name, but not always so convenient to a bird or an animal to be thus provided. A certain dog, for instance, whose name was George B. McClellan, de­ clined to be known by it, resolutely refusing to answer to any other name than the alias "Gyp." This has not been the case, how­ ever, with a green parrot who at this day lives in the city of Chelsea, Mass., and who actually rejoices in the name of John W. Clarksou. This parrot is a very good talker indeed. Visitors to the house where he resides are frequently astonished very soon after their arrival to hear a harsh and somewhat husky, but per­ fectly comprehensible voice, call out: "John W. Clarkson wants a cracker!" Another of his accustomed speeches, which sounds somewhat strange, is this: "Pretty John W. Clarkson! Pretty, pretty John W. Clarkson. On one occasion, when some boy visitors were engaged to poking sticks between the wiresof this accomplished bird's cage, they were startled to hear him call to his mistress: "Jennie! They're plaguing John W. Clarkson!" Hew ta Seleet Kupe. A German paper, in an article on the present methods of rope mahu- facture from hemp, and the determi­ nation of the different qualities and the probable strength simply from appearance, lays down the following rules: A good hemp rope is hard but pliant, yellowish or greenish gray in color, with a certain silvery or pearly luster. A dark or blackish color indi­ cates that the hemp has suffered from fermentation in the process of curing, and brown spots show that the rope was spun while the fibres were damp, and is consequently weak and soft in those places. Again, sometimes a rope is made with inferior hemp on the inside, covered with yarns of good material--fraud, however, which may be detected by dissecting a portion of the rope, or in practical hands, by its behavior in use; other inferior ropes are made with short fibres, or with strands of unequal strength or un­ evenly spun--the rope in the first case appearing woolly, on account of the number of ends of fibres projecting, and, in the latter case, the irregu­ larity of manufacture is evident on inspection by any good judge. •> ' An Klephent That Wanted « Orl||. One of the elephants in Sells' cir­ cus-train got thirsty en route the other day. He was in a car next to the engine, and smelling the water in the tender tried to get at it. There fcas a hole in the front of his car, and thrusting his trunk through this he began pulling the firewood out of the tender and dropping it piece by piece down between the tank and the car. Luckily the engineer discovered the animal and stopped the train or a smash-up would soon have resulted.-- A Pleating Sense Of health and strength renewed and ef tm and eomfo.t follow* the nee ot Byrdp of figs, as tt Mti in harmony with nature to effectually cleanae the system when costive or bilious. For sale in BOe asd Si bottle* by an leading druggists. A WEALTHY man in California has re­ cently torn down several costly houses In order to convert his lands into wheat fields. . The Only One. The Chicago, Milwaukee and St Paol Railway ta tbe only line running ao\id ves- tlTraled, electric lighted, and ateam heated trains between Chicago, Milwaukee. St. Paul, and Minneapolis. The Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Xatkray is the only line running solid ve«.- ttbuTed, electric lighted, and steam heated trains between Chicago, Omaha, and Sioux City. The Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Railway Company now operates over sixty- one hundred miles of thoroughly equipped road In Illinois, Wisconsin, Northern Michi­ gan, Minnesota, Iowa, Missouri, South and North Dakota On all its through lines of travel the Chi­ cago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Railway rum the most perfectly equipped trains of sleeping, parlor, and dining cars and coaches. Tbe through trains on all Its lines are systematically heated by steam. No effort is spared to furnish the 6est accom­ modations for the least money, and, in addition, patrons of the road are sure of courteous treatment from its employes. It Pays to Read the Papen, Especially your county paper, for often through this medium business chances and opportunities are presented that might otherwise entirely escape your attention. For instance, B. F. Johnson & Co. Rich­ mond. Va.. have an advertisement in this paper that will prove ot especial interest and value to a large number of people hereabouts. THE Only One Em l°rliit«d--Can TOM Had the Wordf There is a 3-inch display advertisement tn this paper this week which has no two words alike except one word. The same la true of each new one appearing each week frotu The Dr. Harter Medicine Co. This house places a "Crescent" on everything they make and publish. Look for it, send them the name of the word, and they will return you BOOK, BUOTUVI LITHOGRAPHS, OR SAMPLES FREB. A TIMKI.Y £UOOKSTION.--Some folks seem to think that dyspepsia means piety, and others imagine themselves good simply because they have a bad liver. If these Suggestions apply to you, gentle reader, we | would advise you to get Dr. White's Dande­ lion Alterative at once. It cures dyspepsia, regulates the liver and overcomes that feel­ ing of weariness end lassitude. Very large bottle for a dollar, and every bottle war­ ranted. IF afflicted with Sore Eyes, nee Dr. Isa to Thompson's Eye Water. Druggists sell it 'i ie Mmrtmpmr lUm* B*f«gr m Com*Htu- N*aai JtMMedy, JKMNUI* ffeaetav •ltd Cures it. "A sou* of frstlttide »nd a desin to t)«a>St •aittrf prompts m > to rrconimeaft Hood's I parllls to all who htn catarrh. For jn*ny years I wa* troubled with catarrh and tallfNtigj udam* oral dahllitr. 1 KOt mo low 1 could not «et a-.oand the house. I tried about mntkiaj I svw IMO» mended for catarrh; but Catliai la ini;lsstaaea of being relieved, 1 became Very Much Discouraged At last I drcidrd to take Hood'# Bar apart la and began to get, relief. I have no« oatd. within two year*, tea or twelve bottle a. aid 1 fed batter ihao I have for rears. I attribute my improvame it wholly* to the use ot HoQd*9 Sarsaparllla Mas. CHAS. itxxNS. corner York and Ple&saat Bte.. Hanover. Penn. Hood's Pills--FOr the liver end bowela, act easily ret feomptly and efficiently. Price lie. SHILOH'S CURE. r The success ef this Great Cough Cnre Is Without a parallel in the history of medicine. All druggists are authorized to sell it on a pos­ itive guarantee, a test that no other cure can suc­ cessfully stand. That it may become known, the Proprietors, at an enormous expense, are placing a Sample Bottle Free into every home in the United States and Canada. If you have a Cough, Sore Throat, or Bronchitis, use it, for it will cure you. If your child has the Croup, or Whooping Cough, use it promptly, and relief is sure. If you dread that insidious disease Consumption, use it. Ask your Druggist for SHILOH'S CURE, Price lo cts., so cts. and fi.oo. If your Lungs are sore or Back lame, use ShHoh's Porous Plaster, Price 25 cts. Perhaps yon do not believe statements concerning Green's gust Flower. Well, we can't '" ** you. We can't force con ' v to your head or Doubtfitt ' / icine into y®«i® throat. We^swH Thomai^lft want to. The nsonef- is yours, and the misery Is ydws; and until yon mm, willing to believe, and spend theoot for the relief of the other, they stay so. John H. Foster, Brown Street, Philadelp hia* " My wife is a little Scotch w thirty years of age and of a natu delicate disposition. For five car years post she has been- from Dyspepsia. Vomit became so bad at that she could Every Meal, down to a meal she had to vomit as soon as she had eaten it. bottles of your August Flower have- cured her, after many doctors failed., She can now eat anything, and enjoy, it; and as for Dyspepsia, she does not, know that she ever had it.'* •: MI „ /# i Vif 3 'I THE SIMULLteT PILL IN THE WORLD I z TUTT'S 2 •TINY LIVER PILLS* A have all th« virtues of the larger ones; A 1 equally effective; purely vegetable. Exact atae shown In this border. A NAKKSIS gives instant relict, «nd 1b an 1NFAI.U- BLE i UKK for PI LIS. Price. ; at drufBiste or by mall. 8a >'ple« free. Address "ANAKKSIS." «ox «!«. NEW YORK CMT. PATEHT8 Quickie' _ui.taiiif«t, No at y'« Advice .v Bock free. tee until pate-it is allowed, till! PATENT ,6C* Wash.. D.O. DO YOU " 'F .'V' !>!»!*? jKSS It Cttres ColiK Conjlts. I Influenza, Wlinoping ( onrt, I Asthma. A certain cure t, rCon*t a'axes, and a i-OT.' in adtunwd *taac*A at in •«>> Yon will nee the exrel'o»t wiela takinK tlie Mrnt iloae. 8oui by uc bolt ( Large I i Mints and IIJO. The Fall Prospectus of Notable Features Tor 1893 and Specimen Copies will he ties* Free. Brilliant Contributors. Aftlelea have beet written expressly for the coming volume by a host of eminent nea and women, UIOB| wheae are He Right Hon. W. E. Gladstone. -- Count Ferdinand de Lesseps. -- Andrew Carnegie. -- Cyrus W. Mi. The Marquis of Lorne. - Justin McCarthy, M. P. -- Sir Lyon Playfair. -- Prank R. Stockton. Hsery Clews. -- Vasili Verestchagin. -- W. Clark Russell. -- The Earl of Meath. -- Dr. Lyman Abbott. Camilla Urso. -- Mrs. Henry M. Stanley, and One Hundred Others. > " 'y' The Volume for 189a will Contain Mine Illustrated Serial StorieCj* Articles of Practical Advice. ' Ciiimpses of Royalty. JIfcaUway Ufe and Adventure. JLarge Pages. Five Double Holiday fttimbers ;soo Stories of Adventutikv .̂ Sketches of Travel, t&puiar Science Artlclel'i Charming Children's Page. w Illustrated Weekly , ; V . . . v , . * * i Best Short Stories.̂ ints on Self-Edocatlo!^ ousehold Articles. Natural History Papers. eats. Nearly 1000 Illuw \$h FREE TO JAN. I, 1892. Ta R«w Nafeacrlliers whs will cut eat aa4 eei4 as this slip with nana* and address and Si.75 we will send The Caaaanlen Free ta Jaa., I8W1 aad far a Fall Tear fteaa that Date. This eflfcr Inelades the THANKS­ GIVING. CHRISTMAS aad K1W YEAR'S Deahle Holiday Namhera. We will also eead a etar or a heaatlfhl palatine, eaeltled "A YARD OF ROSE!*." Its areductloa has cert TWENTY THOUSAND DOLLARS. fiend Cfceefc, Order, or RevUtevd, Letter a* cmr ri»k. Jddrfa, a THE YOUTH'S COMPANION, Sooton, Maes. "A Yard of Roses." This Slip indjlji J "l o . »• 3^1 UHMUI KENNEOT Of Rudtaij, Mass, says Kennedy's Medical Discovery cures Horrid Old Sores, Deep Seated Ulcers of 40 years' standing, Inward Tumors, and every disease of the skin, ex­ cept Thunder Humor, and Cancer that has taken root. Price $i.5o. bold by every Druggist in the U." S. and Canada. > V THAT FTUSSTATF PETITION. ' Half a million American citizens have petitioned the Czar to infuse a little more of the milk of human kindness into his treatment of his people. There was no difficulty In getting people to sign them. Sidney Smith once defined English charity to be as follows: "A seeing B in dis­ tress, feels a strong impulse to make C go to his assistance." It was easy, therefore, to get the signers; now the question is, who will deliver it. It Is not quite as easy to get audience with the head of the Holy Greek Church and the Czar of all the Rus- sias as it is to walk up to the Presi­ dent of these United States and slap him on the back. Still if the bearers of the petition would begin by say­ ing that, in view of the awful desti­ tution that now prevails throughout the empire and the prevalence of "the grippe," it would be well for the gov­ ernment to send a supply of RKID'S GERMAN COUGH AND KIDNEY CUBE to the provinces, this might secure the committee a respectful hearing, Jor it would show that they were ac­ tuated by a sincere desire to help that suffering people. For sale by #11 druggists. SYLVAN REMEDY Oof, Peoria, I1L Elf i Cream Bali QUICKLY CUBES CflLfl IN HEAD. Apply Balm into each nostril. KITY BROS. G6 Warren St.. N. Y. P*TAR*:V, m LITTLE LIVER PILLS bd ldf GBIPK HOB SICE 15. Ian ear* for SICK HEAD* ACHE, Impaired di(ntloa, oonrti> Milan,torpid glands. Tfceyaieiue vital ernca, remove new***. di»> zineM. Magical effect Kid- «TI and Oladdar. Oonouer biliona aerroai dia- ardeva. Ertabllifc oat* ural DiUT ACTIOM. Beautify eoapleiloa by purityin* blood. PITBXLY VSOKTAMLE The n*«r io'iivorttoiie."ftlwti eaiter"than aunar. M4«Wt> wtt«re. All geaatoegooda bear "Creeeent." fitnd 9-eeat itamp. T«u get 31 pece book vtth eaa^la M. NMTM MEDICINE CO.. St. Loala. M* THIS IS THE ONLY SCALE 5 TON. RELIABLE, ACCURATE, DURABLE1. BEAMBOX-BKASS-BEAM-IRON-LEVERS.' ADDRESS,J0NES.1t wrs fHE FREIGHT "FOR TERMS. BINGHAMTON, N.Ys Ladles can make BIG CASH I Proft* by aerurlng enb ertberc or tUe leading, ol*» eat aad beat Ladlea' Hnm«> a id Faab on Mac .x.oe ia Aaoartaa. Ap ofliable and pleat rit neenpation. tbat fay tad« ean eustga in, and uiaint ilu ber dixnity. 'or tell particular* .-eLd us your aafue aad addmi "If yoii want a full outfit ml a jpo*tal o.ri. nple copy copy, .end 15 vent*, or we will wend tot three inonths for Sft i-eut*, tliat yon may know and appreciate it < vx^el.eucies. Alw. ya addreaa QOOETS LADY'S BOOK. Box W )3fi5. Philadelphia.!* Onr improved Kiabruiderlair Mai china makebiliKs »• ill yarn orra a Fine Kmbroicor.nt: wi htiilkoraaph> C.rculsrs and :tuiu?to Aatv.frtia, i book, nw ten pattern, sauiplea of wor^, cat.. ;>rice 1 ata, dlno> Huh in plea bine, colorw'i paturn ttona, etc., . teed or monev lefanded. E. RO^S O . Tol are the OideA Moat KIBcieat GRATEFUL--COMFORT1NO» I EPPSSCOCOA BREAKFAST. "By a thorough knowtadi* of the natanft which go Tern the operaUm of digestion aa tltn, and by a careful appUoattou ot tbe One tie* of wel.-e?lecteti Coooa, Ur. Epna haa with a delicately our braakfaat tabtoa' arage whieh may ear* aa many aaary doetoi It la oy the iudiolotia uae ot anoh i that aooiutitaUoa may be gr daally mil _ ... umdeaey atrong enough to reaiat erery Bandredi of subtle maladtae are floattag ready to attaok wherarer thara la a wai We may eacape many a fatal ahtft by kaai aeirea well fortified with para blood a d a nouriahed frame."--"dtoit Herviot Oamtti.' Made simply with bolllag water or only lu ii&lf-pouad tins. »y Oroeer*. iabfite.l JAMKts KPPH Sc CO., Homoeopath!;; ~ Umkm. buua VffET ISO Adama It., CHICAGO, IUL Cures for Lite all Chronic. Xervoca gaiuc Weaknetw. BA^htuluess, Vn itn' aa to loo Frequent Evacuation* of th - Bladder. 1 ne»- Book "LIFE'S SECRET Git HOBS, wit tton List, lor 4-ceut stamp. ll50t<S200 We want a wide-awaft^l lioneat man or WOMU every connty in the I •wliwiy wSll •ait. Adapted to town «r coautry. No l medicine or cheap jewelry. Splendid oaeafi tbe right pereon. deed Jet* are aad daa't wmlt leag far taken. yon can ipare but a few houre a wrrk. w» once to B. W. JOHNSON A CO.. Richmond, for information about the MaE--* thlat earth--something that will opau roar eymi FIT FOLKS Rl Mra. i WAITED! STOKE * C. N. U. WHEN WRITING TO A TT PI RACE aar ?aa aaw the la tfcfe paper. MEN TO TRAVEL. Wa to SIOO a month and >1V"-' Northern Pacific R. R ' UlnntratcHl 1'ub'toutionK, witli MAPS deKenMug Minnesota, North Dakota, Mo. tana. Idaho, . VTaahinirton and uratrnn^tbe Free ' Government mid CHEAP Pll r II r >1 wppo^tory.KumvHAiun>ritm*AUdre« I IfaleV J.finEiBVIh&a«Mia#iUiewYerketu^i,Y & <• •%& w. . . . . . . " if! ' '"l; ttaattaa. 'tetoe. Baft Agricultural, Qraainit - open to aettlerx. Ma MIS. 1. Ufiilll. Laad Com. KJP.tt.R.. Bt. Paul. Min* tied FBEE. Addresa now o w ru eur jTt OW TO KKKf rrt tiily etplnineil ia tne U&0E. ft ">• * *»" V We are happy because ol oar *lorMM» health; (or Health, my boy, to Happi tfDME.PINKHM%£S£S; possesses those hetllb^riBi pnmettla# » Impoitant to both mother aad child. It ak the outv Legitimate Kenedy aad Fwf tlve Cure for those pecaliar waakae«Ma«M| ailments incident to wotnea. Every I" aist sells it as a standard aHkK*f OT mail, in form of I'll la or receipt of SL.OO. Mrs. Piakbaaa freely Masw«n inquiry. Escloee ataaap lornyly, .•ia.Wetl--%1

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