mmmz* vr >• * "4f i pw :•"• • f- •:: w 'Y'~rw*i{ r^TFs!^i...^?-r; ^TTiVVM* ,T \ p - .W t- *1 *' fw. e. T, y. OlMRTMKNt. Antd" rflVt Nnti^M BWlT the »h"T« bead fami^-hrd ?>v U>« ladles of the W O T. U ftnrt lb* Alitor elftiaM to part or pradU for ttta tune. wk- • : m •• THE Ladi«s o! the W. C. T. U. will meet with Mrs T. J.'Walsh, Thursday after- noon, February llt.h, at 2:30 o'clock, ill L B. flKNNKTT, President* Mta. T. J. Wilhh, Secretary. A Fast Yonnp Han. A fast young man decided to make a formal offer of his haud and heart--all. he was wan worth. He cautiously prefaced hie declarations with a few questions. Did ahe love him w«i enough to live in a cottage with him? Was she a good cook ? Did she think it a wife's duty to ^nake home happy? Would she consult hif tastes and wishes concerning her as sociates and pursuits in life? £ould she make her own clothes? etc, The young lady said that before she answered his, - questions, she would tell him of some f; of the negative virtues she possessed. She never drank, smoked or chewed; never owed a bill to laundress or tailor; never staid out all night playing billiards; ; never lounged on the street corners and ogled giddy girls; never "stood in" with the boys for cigars and wine suppers. "Now," said she, rising indignantly, "I Am assured that you do all these things, and yet you expect all the virtue® in uie, while you do not possess any yourself. I can never be your wife." And she -bowed him out and left him on the door- "" step a wiser man.--Health Journal. • Quaker's Temperance Lecture. Several persons, among them a Quaker . were crossing the Alleghany mountains in a stage. A lively discussion arose on the subject of temperance; and the liqtior business and those engaged in it were handled without giovee. One of the company remained silent. After enduring it as long as he could he said; - "Gentlemen, I want you to'understand that I am a liquor dealer. I keep a pub lic house of ; but I would have you know that I have a license, and keep a decent house. "I don't keep loafers and loungers J about my pl»ce, and when a man has enough he can get no more at my bar. "I sell it to decent people and do a re spectable business." tie thought he had put a quietus on the subject, and that no answer could be ~ given. Not so. The Quaker said: "Friend, that is the most damningpart of thy business. If thee would only sell to drunkards and loafers, thee would help to kill off the race, and society. would be rid of them. "But thee takes the young, the poor, the Innocent and the unsuspecting, and make drunkards and loafers of them. "When their character and money are gone, thee kicks them out, and turns them over to the other shops to be finish- el off; and thee ensnares others and * sands them on the same road to ruin." S.V' - PILLSBUEY --AWD WASHBURN Flour Mills Co. -i. HPHE RIPANS TABULES regulate the stomach, liver and bowels, purify i * the blood, are pleasant to take, Igfe and always effectual. A reliable rem edy for Biliousness, Blotches on the Face, Bright's Disease, Catarrh, Colic, Constipation, Chronic Diarrhoea, Chronic Liver Trouble, Diabetes, Disor dered Stomach, Dizziness, Dysentery, Dyspepsia, Eczema, Flatulence, Female Complaints, Foul Breath, Headache, Heartburn, Hives, Jaundice, Kidney - C o m p l a i n t s , L i v e r petite, Mental DeprH Rash, Painful Dl.;? * Blood to the Troubles, Loss of Ap- sion, Nausea, Nettle tion, Pimples, Rush of S a 11 o w Complexion, ^ Head, Scrofula, Sick eases, Sour Stomach, Liver, Ulcers, Water s y m p t o m O i ' d i s e a s e pure blood or a failure ance of their functions Salt Rheum, f>ca.V. Headache, Skin -Vh Tired Feeling, T^rpii Brash and every other that results from im in the proper perform by the stomach, liver and intestines. Persons given to over-eating are bene fited by taking one tabule after each meal. A continued use of the Ripans Tabules is the surest cure for obstinate constipation. They contain nothing that can be injurious to the most delicate. I gross $2, l£ gross $1.25, gross 75c., 1-24 gross 15 cents. Sent by mail postage paid. Address THE RIPANS CHEMICAL COMPANY, ^ew York. h * a' A HOW11 IAE1TED AN ISLAND. Hi SITING Enterprising Youa* Man i True * Co. tnitrnetad And«tartA(i me I worked steadily and made money fatter than I expected to I bftrnmo able to buy an island and bnftft, • small summer hotel. If I don'tsncreedat that, I will go *> to work ft|:ain at the business in which 1 made my money. True Co.: Shall we instruct and start yon. reader? If we do. and if you work Industriously, you will in due lime be able jo buy an island and build t*. bote!, if yon wish ( to AEoney can be earned at our new line of work. rap- Idly and honorably, by those of either sex, young or old, and in their own localities, wherever they live Anyone can do !he «rork. Easy ;o loam. We furnish everything. No risk. Ion can devote your spare moments, or all your time to the work. Tins entirely new lead brings wonderful ernn to every worker. Beginners are earning from H.<n> per week and nnwards, and more after a lit-tieexpe- 1 rience: \> eenn furnish you the employment--we teach you FllWi. Thisis an acre of marvelous things, and here ie another great, useful, wealth-giving wonder. Groat game will reward every industrious worker. Wherever yoa are, and whatever you are doing, yon want to know about this wonderful work at ones. Delay means much money lost to yoa. No snace to explain here, bnt if you will write to ns. w« wiJJ make all plain to yon FKJEK. Address. TKUt <k CO., Bos 4VO, Auguita, Halite. c;ori;i)iG Amencaa pjPt As8acy ^cr • c;;/? y* % p n § P», OAVBAT8 EATS,' PATCWTS . CCP7r^'C;HV8, Otc. For ftvrt *,!.; ,i :x>., j* >'i write to «}«•• -v-i •»( i-o.. . c. r, Yott'S. Ok, fw8<>ra3 jint-'-r.ti in AmrTtea.. Every V,-.r vp (s haioro tec niolic a Uvh '.o? *.«o or cliiirso in tbo h * - -«V cnaa X»areest crct;!at:on r.f any pa,,»-r in the worlil. Si ll v.ciialy i.liiwt raiou. Ko iiuoilicfcnt mr.:i sho-jld be without it. Weekly, OO a yeir; «l.i=!) y:x montbs. AiSdiws Mi'lNN & CO., PPMUSHFn«. n i" **• • JCUA A. DEALER IN Drugs l> Medicines We take this way to tell you that we have •* Sueciai I*' to offer this month. They are all marked in plain figures, and the EXTREME LOW PRICES will sell them. Carefully and accuratey compounded by a Registered Pharma cist. Your patronage is respectfully solicited. JULIA A. STOitY: ^ysfo Better tban ever before, though always the best. We head the list with 'a Be-tat $1.35 per aack Iiily of the Valley, 1.25 •* ANo. 1 family flour, 1 15 •' 25 lbs. strictly pure Buckwheat Flour, 60 cents. 95 Ihe, granulat. d Corn Meal, 50 cants. 12 1-2 lbs granulated Corn Meal, 25 cents. 25 lbs. winter wheat Graham Flour, 70 cents. 12 1-2 lbs, winter wheat Graham Flour. 35 cents. tj. r. I5F" All flour guaranteed or ^ ?|iftouey refunded. v fS" Flour delivered to any part cl Hie village free of charge, J. W. CR1STY & SON, BINGWOOD, ILL. GEO, W. BESLEY, Give us your orders and we Will try and please you in quality and price in any flour you might want. Remember the place. Fox River Valley Roller Mills. DEALER IN- ONE DOOR WEST OF R1VKR8IUK BOUSE XcHeuy.IU, -A PULL LINE OP- H i l l ! Dries, Chemicals. Die Stuffs, Paints, Oils& Colors Constantly on bard. Also a large line of Patent Medicines, Toilet Articles. AMD A CUirLBTI STOCK OV STATIONERY AND DRUGGI3T6' SUNDRIES Physicians Prescriptions BLANKETS Nearly every pattern of HonS3 Blanket is imitated in color and style. In most cases the imitation looks just as good as the genuine, but it hasn't the warp threads, and V> lacks strength, and while it sells for only a little less than the genu ine it isn't worth one-half as much. The fact that 5k Horse Blankets are copied - is strong evidence that they are THE STANDARD, and every buyer should see that the ^ trade mark is sewed ©3} 'the inside of the Blanket. Flva Mlis Be S3 ESectrio Extra Teoft ^ Wi E>ffik©p '•TIETS AntfWfrWam It. lu fact we want evtrjbody to er joy It, " We bave ap^iud iLe kiilfe and Ctit prices all to pieeca. We want the caeb^ and cash ma^en. tti> mare go and .tjifc wLeeia go round and never faile. ; We can underefll ainbody. tecaure we do our o^n wcrk. pay no we make no unn< cf>f>Bary expfnues. l uy for ppot cash, attend to our own .bual- npsfl and nobody elae>,- and give the buying public ihe ben- fit of Quick Sales and Small Profits, H61IE a 3rr~ THE STROPSC CST, \ AO e.A STYLES *1 prices t3 suit everybody. If yoa dan't gef tbftift from yoi;x dealer, vrke Us. Ask fct theS/i Book. Yott -an get it without charge WM. AYRES" SONS. Philadelphia Headquarters -FOR-mmmei JUSTEN BROS. - - McLlKNRY, ILL JOHN J. MILLER, WEST MeHENRY, To the People of NlcHenry ard Lake Counties: Owinar to the continued rai!d weather wo will make you some extra low prices on the following warm goods. Overcoats, for Men and Boys, Heavy woolen Suits, Underwear, Hush Caps, Gloves aud Mittens, Woolen Hosiery, men's, ladies and children's Felt Boots and Overshoef, also Lap Kobes, Horse Hlankets, aud ail other goods in the winter line. We call your special attention to our line of ladies' Fine Shoes, Can show you the finest a8*«>rtm*nt in the county, also a full line of men's shoes that we are selling at way dowa prices. A. large stock of Overalls, Jackets and Shirts alw ays on hand. Fresh Groceries every two weeks. The best brands of Fl >ur. Buckwheat, (,orn Meal and Graham alwa\s fouud here at most reasonable prices. Yours as ever, for business, JOHN J. MILLER. West McHenry, Illinois. iMi With Two Stores, / Ore on the W^st and one on the East aide, tbey present to tbe buying public A X*arg«r Stock OF ALL KINDS OF FURNITURE Tlil» Fall than ever before, which wf are offering at greatly EEDUGE3 FBIC1S, NOW IS IHE TIME TO BUY. You will find our stock of Boots and "Shoes complete in every way and in sizes from the smallest in-? fant to 'he largest man. BATS & OAFS In Great Variety."* GLOVES and~' MITTENSI A new line, but they will have to go at the lowest possible prides. Underwear, We also krep in stock a full ilne of samples of CARPETS, And can give yon anything from th*5 cheapest to the finest Brussels at lower prices than any other house In* the county. We havo taken grt at pains in seleot log our U3DESTAKISS SUPFLIIS COFFINS: CASKETS & TRIMMINGS. Of the latent designs. Everything new and elegant, We keep nchlnjr but th< brat. Do not fail to call and nne us when in want of anything in our lin*>. TIP If E TO STAY, O No Mistake, WITH A FULL LIKE OB DRUQS AND 1CEDIC NES, POINTS, OILS, Toilet Articles, We*t McHenry, 111* / IDRE 11NKS AND L1QU0BS FOR MEDICAL USE, «»* ALSO. BOTTLED ALE AND PORTER FOR MEDICAL USE. JK» The best brands of Cigars .and smokng and chewing Tobacco always on hand. =Physicians' Prescriptions- Carefully compounded. Give me a call. W«st McHenry. 111., 1892. GXX>. W, Bf 8LET. 1 Clean, Fresh Stock of DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, = u g | HATS, CAPS 00TS. SHOES, GROCERIES, Etc. | HsiTfimnsinmt 11111111 umtwntii 11 u»««n 11 mi 11 »§¥! .. V . ^ It is no u«e to make a noi»e about wHat you are going to do, un less you are prepared to do it when thi time comes. Our Greeting for the Fall. value to every one of our < us tome rs. My stock ia complete in every department and comprises Everything Usually Kept in a General Store. Call and look us over, whether you wish tobuv or not. Respectfully, JOHN I. STORY. McHtitry, Sept. 22d, 1891. r j&BjgWSOto-jSSTsk A splendid New Hearse In eonnecMnn, wh'ch will bo furnished at R eaeonahle Katrs. JUSTEN BROS. McHenry, 111., September. 1691. O. * ^ No. 9701. Record 2i2 I 1-2 Will be for service at the barua of George W. OweD, Mollenry. Illinois. TERMS. S75. One haif payable in Cash, balance by Note due aiv months from service without interest, Interest after due at 8 per cent "GeorfreO "wassirea by Lakeland Abdallah 851. hy the founder of our trotting wonders, old Kys'tyfees Hambletonian, 10 Dstii of Georste O h by Autocrat, a #on of George M. Patchen, 3(), record She paced at six years ol ; a half mile in 1:06^, and at 17 years a full milo»i*i 2:27. "Georfre <) " has had v > limiteii advan tages in the stud, nevei having bred a Stan dan! bicd mare, but his colts are all very speedy and sell tor long prices. He t»ired a two-year-old with a record Of 2:49. trial % mile in 1:22 to Boad Oart fe*r 3i --fc. Jf M$ .rv, Illinois, *x eioaoi OWE* Uotions. At Prices that will astonish you. Groceries, < Canned Fruits, China-ware, Glass-ware, Crockery, Lamps, CONFECTIONERY, Tobacco, Cigars and Smok ers' Article# In great Variety. T R U N K S And "Valises Almost given away. HlEBWllEt ID our hardware department you will find $ complete stock of Shelf Hardware, Tinware, Car penters' Tools, Cutlery, Harness *nd Wagon Goods, also Fishing Tackle, Wool and Seine Twine, Rope, Ac., at prices to suit. Month Organs, Violin Striip, And Violin Repairs, The largest assortment to be lound in the country. School Books, Stationery, Breviaries and C hurcb Goods. Come and see me and you will not go away ditsatisfied as to prices and quality of goods. M. ENGELN Near the I; on Bridge, McHenry, lil.