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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 30 Mar 1892, p. 8

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(ton abo*« hMia ladles of th» W. 0. T. U us no part or crsilH far Th« WMt« Ribbon. Aro«n<t ihe globe I* » girdle of light, y Arc and the world » ribbon of white. H'/.Z ?AKiund the e*rih m circle of pmyM, v -P S i«MM th« hmrnh new Wordings of CAT*. Ami UOUs« lore over *11. shall mr faith and oor pttlenre *W1» And jirayer be conned of "none avail," Ah*II rolccs persuasive hold their ppace, Awl etreful plan and endeavor cease? With God's love over all? Vol earnestly weave the ribbon of white. And fitard. guard ever the girdle of light; And the end of all Ie In God's own hand, And the answer to pr yer He can command And His love i« over all. fbrnetimes, somehow from theourseofrnm With God's good grace sballjdeliv'aeecome «r« look with f itb for that time sedear, Sss^s of whit" ribbon are drawing near. For God's love is over all. 111 1*5 • ^ Turned the Lavgh. i f , t l M b a b a r t e n d e r i n a c e r t a i n B o w - I5 «ry saloon, not two blocks from Grand ,,, street, who prides himself on the spon- f L . taaeous humor that he can evoke at all , TlwuSoS. Nothing go pleases him as to dis­ play his accomplishments before a big Shrewd, but he received a^setback the v other night from which he has not. jet '• jm ; tecovered. A little boy cith gcldss carls assd * , #weet face, who might hate been likened jt , -' to little Lord Fauntleroy had it not been •i* i for his ragged clothes and the "growler" i§5 ^ v ?|»e had, walked into the bar room and f° , *' .V ;.^skcd for a Dint of beer. The bartender W tiaw a chance to air his humor, and as he ^ihanded over the beer inquired: ^"How old are you, sonny?" , '* ' * [ >" **Jnst seven," said the little one. «ifan you pray?" continued the bar­ keeper with a wink at the crowd. "Oh, yes, sir," responded the child **'mamma taught me." "i ll bet you a drink you can't say'Our Father* without making a mistake." The child reached up, took up the tin from the counter and started out. at the door he stopped for a mo­ urned around and gravely said, not pray in lager beer saloons," «,nd the men who had been laughing at /; • !1Xhim bat a moment before became sndden- jy very quiet.--N. T. Commercial. !% • If* NEWSPAPERS ENDORSE. ; "Educators are certainly the greatest %p • benefactors of the race, and after reading •£. Dr. Franklin Miles' popular works, can- - Jiot help declaring him to be among the fF.., tnost entertaining and educating auth- & on."--New York Daily. * 'f * He is not a stranger to our readers as . ' tiis sdvertisements appear in our columns I*'In every issue, calling attention to the $ ' fact that his elegant work on Nervous * * . and Heart Diseases is distributed tree by •i / onr enterprising|druggist8. Trial Dotties mi,J of Dr. Miles' Nervine are given away, also if} book of Testimonials showing that it is t* ""V onequaled for Nervous Prostration, ' ,Head ache, Poor Memory, Dizziness, 4 " Sleeplessness, Neuralgia, Hysteria, Fits, if Epilepsy. § - \ : < # * CHEATING « 2" horse ! Blankets ^Nearly every pattern of Horsi ):}, Blanket is imitated in color and ^fpfjrtyle. In most cases the imitation f""y looks just as good as the genuine^ ; but it hasn't the warp threads, and \ } % so lacks strength, and while it sells ; ̂ ; • for only a little less than the genu- '-j':' jne it isn't worth one-half as much. The fact that & Horse Blanket* are copied is strong evidence that they ire THE STANDARD, and every buyer should see that , the 3k trade mark is sewed OB the inside of the Blanket. h .JZT/m b'ov.°.m"* ' / JA ®0## >. f >; i tu, \ / m mBaker HORSE BLANKETS y s ARF. THE STRONGEST. ^ m STYLES pcioet t» mil everybody. If yoa can't etl $i:-V Aem from f#W dealer, write us. Ask n ttie Stl Book. Yoa ean get it withont charge WM. AYRB8 ̂ SONS, Philadelphia • *&is [ For Investment. ACME BLACKING i s cheape r i\ at 20 cents a bottle than any : other Dressing at 5 cents, \H LITTLE GOES A LONG WAYS ••'ibecsnwe shoes t-wx blackened with ft cm 4jbo kept c!oan by washing Uicm with w*t«r. il'eople in modenitc circumstances find it prcAtable to b«iy it at 20c. a bottle, because - what Uiev sp^id for Bfaekit g they save in fshrw leather. It is the elteapest blacking ramideriiw its quality, and yet w*> w&nt to sell u cheaper if it can be done. We will pay J 10,000 Reward for a recipe that will enable tis to mabe WOLFF'S ACME BLACKING at such a price that a retailer can profitably Bell it at 10c. a bottle. This offer is open until Jan. 1st, 1S9& CTQLFP ft BAITDOLPH, Philadelphia. Old furniture painted with PiK-RON (this is the name of the paint), looks like stained and varnished new furniture. One coat will do it A child can apply it. You can change a pine to a walnut, or a cherry to mahogany; there is no limit to your fancies. Aliretailetsaell it. ' It's just like a man a say that his wife can't make ; good bread as his Mother did. ' GILLETT'S ceiving con- L* THE RIPANS TABtJLES regulate tiirstomach, Hver and bowels, purify ^ r * the blood, are pleasant to take, safe and klwayfc efTectuaK - A reliable rem* ^ edy for Biliousness, Blotches on the Face, Bright'S Disease, Catarrh, Colic, Constipation, Chronic Diarrhoea, Chronic Liver Trouble, Diabetes, Disord dered Stomach, Dizziness, Dysentery, Dyspepsia, Eczema, Flatulence* Female Complaints, Foul Breath* Headache, Heartburn, Hives, Jaundice, Kidney C o m p l a i n t s , L i v e r - * *'f petite, Mental Depre.» J Rash, Painful Dir;c| Blood to the Head, Salt Rheum, $cald Headache, Skin Dis Tired Fcelmr;, Torp: i Brash and every other that results from im in the proper perform T roubles, Loss of Ap- sion, Nausea, Kettle tion, Pimples, Rush of fallow Complexion,a 'J Head, Scrofula, Sidf easesj Sour Stomachy Liver, Ulcers, Water symptom or disease pure blood or a failure ance of their functions by the stomach, liver and intestines. Persons given to over-eating are bene* fited by taking one tabule after each meal. A continued use of the Ripans Tabules is the surest cure for obstinate constipation. They contain nothing that can be injurious to the most delicate. 1 gross $2,# gross ^1.25, gross 75c., 1-24 gross 15 cents. Sent by liiail THE RIPANS CHEMICAL COMPANY. " qw York* And; «im© low, *ay which is trary to the goods which it "way up*M Oar styles of any and *11 ^ goods now arriving are strictly correct, while our assortment is the f?| G i v « . 4 , Medium Priced and Fine Dress Goods, Drens Tiimratoge, Worto^Swreofc*1^' Stylish Spring Wraps and Jackets now made up "to kill," in colors and black; for ladies an i mis lit jail sizes, and at tie lowest possible prices' ----mmm-- M 1 ' 1 "f--lf *' «V- I , ' V A "V if 5s> ; Will give you the great advantage Which his mother had, and besides, bread made with this yeast will help bring back his boyhood's < digestion, ensuring his enjoyment of the rest of your cocking also. Get Magic Yeast at TOOT Grocer's. It is always GOOD and always KBAOY. PATENTS J Caveats, and Trade-Mules obtained, and all Pat-i LENT bustoeas VUIIUUBICU FCF MODIKAH rCES. i < Oun Orncc IS Opik>»ITC U. S. PATENT Orn Jand we can secure patent in less time than th< Scientific Anerteae Agency for patent remote Irons Washington ^ m-sM Hr»winir or pllOtO.. VTlth deSCtlp- I' jtlon. We advise, if patentable or not, free of J > charge. Our fee not due till patent is secured. •' A PAMPHLET, "HOW to Obtain Patents," with J cost of same in the U. S. and foreign countries), , sent free. Address, C.A.SNOW&CO. OPP. PATENT OFFICE, WASHINGTON, D. C. JUMA A. STORY fr.., . -f I ' t -- DEALER IN CAVEATS, . TRADE MARKS, GESICN PATENTS COPYRIGHTS, etc. J?l5?rn?a;End i.es Handbook write to MONN x CO., 3Ki Lr.t>Ai)tt-.,Y, NEW YORK. tmlesi umroau for Becurlnst patents in America. . Every patent taken out by nc is brought before the public by a notice given free of charge in the J'f i i'nttfw Jtamrati liareest circulation of any scientific pa^r in the world. Splendidly illustrated. No intelligent man should be without it. Weekly, 93.00 a - year: fl.50 six months. Address MtTNN X CO~ PCTBUSUERS, 361 Broadway, Nevr York. HOW EARNED ISLAND. ISMcrprMa* Tome Mao t Tnte A Co. Instneted and lUned rac I work«d steadily snd made money fester than I azpcctcd 1 became able to bay an isisndandbnild aimall aaramer hotel. If I don't succeed at thai. I will go to work anil! at the batines* in which I made my money. TraecCo.: Shall wotoatnsct and start yoa. reader? If wa do. and if yoa work indaitrUrasly. yon will is dne time be able IO bey an Island and baild B bftel. if yon wish to. Money can beaarnad at onr new line of work, rap­ idly and honorably, by thoaa of either <es. yoacg or and in their OW& locmlitlea. wherever they lire Any one can do the work. Easytolearn. We ftirnish everything. No risk. Ton can devote your Sparc moments, or all yonrtim* to the work. This entirely new lead brintrs wonderful eoc- C«ntoe^ery worker. Beginnersare earnin^frumStSa* •50 per week aru;"inwards, and more I" i n li lln«i|ia rience. Wa cat) fornish yonthaemftloyment--we teach yoa FREE. This is an afuf aiarv thiDfje. and here ia another peat, nsefal. waHh-givinc wonder. Great Raiaa will reward every indoatriona worker. Wherever yoa are, and whatever yon are doiar. yon want to know a boat this yon are doiar. yo wonderful work at Qtiem. Delay mear.smach money lost to ' all plal _ TKVEdt iU» Box Aoffamt, Mmlm* -T yon. No st»ce to explain here, bnt if ron will write to BC, we will make all plain to yon FREE. Address. The place to Hny goods is -where yon can get the best returns for your money. This being the case you are in duty bound to give us a call and be convinced that our etore is the place to do your trad ing. We carry the largest stock of. General HAtrDWAltE AND STOVES. The largest assortment of Steel Goods and House-furnishing goods. The finest line of Cutlery and Sporting goods. The best assortment of Fancy Agate Iron-ware, Granite Iron and Blue and white ware. W© Manufacture our own Tinware, Conner and Gal ran* izsd Iron Good. Carry a large stock of spur, baib, and Sand Plain Fence wire. Rope, Glass, etc. 8P^j^ttP you Dg2i Supplie8' &n<* .fcbbiag West McHenry, 111., Jan. 27,18^ STOKY & M'OMBER, GEO. W. BESLEY, &. i -v WEST MAYWOOD &•' V' (HU.KOSI Snnoii.) Si-'-*- I* directly west of the Chicago Court House oo the Gmlena Division of the Chicago and Northwestern Ry., and Is a manufacturing town In every eenee of tbe word ; it :a thoroughly establish­ ed and not an experiment,. In the his­ tory of manufacturing towns have you ever beard of one which did not show a rapid advance in real estate values, especially when well located, and hav­ ing excellent transportation facilities? Think of this when reading of the ad­ vantages and progress of this beautiful property. Our subdivision Is on the main business street (19tb). oue block north of tbe depot, and Is tbe highest point within a radius of tbree miles. There lots are all for sale oo easy mootbly payments, and Is an Invest ment that will more thas double itself Inside of two years, |Tor lurther partlciflars Inquire of John I Htory. at the Riverside House, of the Editor of this paper, or of s, n bloss & co. SffJ 33*nni©ojri) SI'i Ubicago. DEALER IN- OH* DOOR WIST OF R1VBRSIOB BUU8E, Xe&enry, HI, Drusrs-s Medicines Kifst." -A FULL LIMB I, Paints, Oili& prc l l l M l l l Constantly oo hard. Also a large line of -- Patent Medicines. Toilet Articles. AND A C MPLETE STOCK OF iSTATIONEfl,V ASD DRUGGISTS SUNDRIES *#* Fhysicians _ Prescriptions *:c k - ' ; Carefully and accuratey^compounded by a Registered Pharma­ cist. Tour patronage is respectfully solicited, JUIJtA A. ^TOU*i I w DRUGS AND MEDIO NE&, PAINTS, OIL8, Articles, Paper, Wall Paper, Buy it now. Buy it of us. The new styles are here They are exccdingly fine. The prices were never so low. Our assortment is larger than ever. , Ottrstfick of serviceable and stylish clothing yet !arg«^ complete, but, to attract the good clothing trade tor milee around, we have just bought a new bill of clothidg: of Kuk, Nathan and jfisher the famous ('bicago clothiers, amounting to $1200, which will arrive this Wednesday, and contains the finest and most com­ plete line of jftrir.ee Albert, frock sack, and square cut suits, of the latest cuts and honest makes. Special deals in fine odd pants, coats and vests. {^"Child's two piece suits and odd pants. Kuits lor boys and youthe#4kisl^5«|r^ Spring Overcoat* ; Give ns your cloth­ ing thoughts •. 1 ^ 23F"Now is the time to •'howl" about Carpets, OU Clottw, Will Paper, Rorders, window Shades, Lace Curtains, Poles, etc. 150 ' r-R j atteriis of choice wall Paper, with borders and ceilings to match, -A Our prices low, and all paper is trimmed free and ^j|ils tull length. tSir'Give us your Trunk and Traveling Btg Trade as we carry good stock. Our new spring stock-stock ot the warranted Beloit Overalls, Pants, Jackets, Shirts and ' 'oats is the* largest and most ?"J careful ly selected in tbe county, and wel l deserves your careful in- | ' vestigatioh, as years ot successful test fully warrant us in their recommendation, > f5gT° Again we bought a »ood -stock tb« Well known <j» Farg i anp Bassett & Hill's custom made and fully warranted Boots and Shoes. All sizes carried, and as many styles as our trade de- minds, and at prices the lowest, quality considered, A specialty made of the.famons **box tip" school shoes, and are exclusive agents here for the famous Candee Rubber Goods. ' t^"*Hats andCaps; we do not follow and low prices. ' .. ,. V gcg^Crockery and Glassware. We only sell standard Groceries and Provisions, pure Spices. Unadulterated Teas, i!LOUte#iejial orders every Thursday^ Besjectfully yours/ West Blcllenry. 111., 1F92, HERE TO STAY, /O -------- / ' --) -We, I ,-.j- And, ISo Mki <B A hVLL LIKE QM ^ Clean, Fresh Stock of DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, Mm HATS;CAPS BOOTS. SHOES, GROCERIES, Etc. It is no use to make a noise about what you are going t®do, un­ less you are prepared to do it when thd time comes. _ Our Greeting for the Fall. ̂ ReaLBargwnsjnf great valu« io every one of our c ustomers. " .., My stock is complete in every department and comprisis . • "Sr..' H ' Call and look us over, whether you wish to Respectfully, or net* • > * *"* 4, ' I ,-i} % McHenry, Sept. 22d, 1891. TORY. JiiM The West Side Boot, Shoe an# Caothing!Sto ̂ . , 7 ft -Vw I® * w " • SPRING ANNOUNCEMENT. 1*92 WestUeHenry, Ell. / PURE IMS AND L FOB MEDICAL USX, s ' •VALSO. BOTTLED AUC Ai» PORTKR FOR MEDICAL USE fbe best b rands of Cigars and smc always on hand. and chewi pr* ; •' Physicians'Prescriptions Tobacco Carafully compounded. Give me a call. • W«* MeHeory. lllM 1893. mm* Every line in our stock is complete o £»:. and worthy your attention. \-ieT-f t- X * 7$' BUCfliWOQi* J : • ' / • • ' , , $# f*iXi ; :* J v- MmmMm gfffiT'V':yd m~To the people of VTcHenry and Lake Counties^ we would say, that this spring we are better prepared than ever before to figure with the buying public in the following lines of new and well bought merchandise. If you stop and think for a moment you can not help but see that our expenses are less than our competitors, and consequently we can and will give you lower prices than yon get elsewhere, Our ' Boot, Shoe and Rubber Stock was nevfer more complete. We are showing a line of ladies' fine shoes at $1.50, $1.7.% $2 25, $3, $3.25 and $3.50 per pai^ Qnr lines ot men's and children's shoes are equally as well filled *. /' " CLOTHING I CLOTHING ! ' Our spring and summer clothing is here, ready for your insilil» s tion. " e put into our store this spring tbe largest and finest lot of new Clothing that wp have ever shown at one time, Our assort­ ment in this liAe is very complete, quality durable and stylish. You can not afford to buy anything in this line without first looking our stock over, as it compiises everything from a four-year old knee pant up to a man's best full suit. A full spring stock ot new and stylish hats just in, call and see them. VVe still have the largest assortment of Rock ford overalls, jackets and shirts, in town, all fully warranted not to rip. Trunfcta and traveling bags, rubber and oil cloth coats. pBT'Choioe fresh em eries €verv two weeks. Flour by the sack or barrel at"pricfes to m^et any arid all competi­ tion, quality considered Yours as-ever for business. # r *fj JOHN J, "West JnLoHeuy. ' -*tx s... ft.:* (&>>£ ^ My* .« j yd r.»v.

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