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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 18 May 1892, p. 8

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; - r a'. rtk» w.o t. 0 lor credit for the The W.c/f.t'. will meet, with Mrs. W, A. OriBty, Thursday afternoon, May 19th Kfeafc half paat two o'clock P. M. MBS. L. E, BENNETT, President. Mm*. 1.1, WALSH, Secretary. J \ 1 . . The Cider Web. "V *V, .-iti i.fc"'• I know a dingy corner where a wicked spider clings: V V Where he spins his web round bottles, glnwwp, jugs, and other things. And I listened in the shadow, as one day I passed along, And I heard the wicked spider, as he sang hie cruel song: p' Will you take a little cider? Will you f V - call while passing by? ;|i^, Said the wicked, crafty spider to the buf- & •' , > cing little fly. * "Will you take a little lager? Sorely $ . you will not decline |u* Just to take a driuk for friendship; say, H * jost sip a little wine." f t , "He is coining for his ciderr' said the wicked,flruel spider: W\ " "He is coming for his wine, and my cord ^ ' shall round him twine; g&J . While he sits and sips his lager, I will whet my little dagger; when he has drunk his wine he will JTT, j<" 132iHC * Ha! toe little fool ie coming; I can hear O' < him buzzing,,humming. He who comes to visit me, yainly strutf- glee to be free.". , '"You are welcome to my parlor; I am sl' glad to see you come. W *' Do not stay outside the entrance; please ) to make yourself at home. ff"1 > Will you take a little iager while I sharp- <, v, • en up my dagger? j a Will you take a drop of wine? Then you "J* J* 4 » surely shall be mine. , I will bind you, I will grind you, though /A>4 * you struggle, weep and pray; «• ; I will tie your hands behind you;you f.V't; shall never get away; ijf /*> I will fight you, I will smite you, I will f - *' stab you, I will bite you; / I will make you poor and needy; I "will make you old and seedy; yi * * I will make you bleared and bloated, %•*{ with rp«rp and tattera coatod, ' And your hat will look so shocking that ^;% tie boys will all be mocking; - *, « \ I will haunt yon till you die, then I'll ||(|" hasg you up to dry." if:'- Si - , Oh, my boy! beware of tader, and of lager £ ? * \ a n d o f w i n e , & •, ' Then the wicked, cruel spider ne'er shall get a child of mine. Let ns storm his ugly castle, let us tear , , his web away: - Let us drive away , this spider. Heaven 'ui, .,,, in mercy speed the day! are too busy to ceiving Spring Good# re- iTt'ST And making tl»e same low, way down in price, which 1*9 the con­ trary to the goods which is "way up," Our styles of any and all goods now ariiving are strictly correct, while our assortment is the --.y, ̂ - "" * • Wi Bfedtum Priced and Fine Dress yoods, Dress Trlmnilofi^ Motions, linens, Hosiery. Furnishings* Domestics* Fabric a n d C o l o r i n g s c o r r e c t " : . ' ^ ^ - f V ffifopjfr Stylish Spring Wraps and Jackets now made up "to kill," in colors and black, lor ladies and misled* in all sizes, and at the lowest possible prices ' "W ?*]>*# large and and stylish clothing is yet n] n- f»*n <Tn 4a^ mjj/JJJ He Stood Rooted to the Spot On being told that we conld sell him such an elegant watch at fig­ ures so extremely low. By the way, have you seen our new line of ladies' and gents' gold chains, breast pins* rings, ear-rings. _ If not, why not. They are certain ly the finest of the kind in these parts. Wonderful hand­ some and shapely. *&" : • Our stock of serviceable . • l» **4 UA /vi i U A o»A A^l . - - fftmi mum, nut . tu n-Liiati. tiiio ^uvu viuvuiu^ we have just bought a new bill of clothidg of Kuk, Nathan and Fisher, the famous Chicago clothiers, amounting to $1200, which will arrive this Wednesday, and contains the finest and most com* plete line of Prince Albert, frock sack, and squaro cut fcuits. of the latest cuts and honest makes. {Special deals in fine odd pants, coats and vests. f^PChiltl's two piece suits and odd pants. Suits for boys and youths, all sizes, ing Overcoate ; <Sive uayour cloth* ing thoughts '• r-1^ • 4 ;/o r^,;g,»fw;r; '* "-'l \ % ,'i '4%4:" *} 1 ; "<&y\ K% 'V - , : o 9 ' y ̂ % 4 i'*' i • tii&W- & , s V'y 1. - •' > ; - s,\ ^ , « . --v-? ;>J, , i. -. " . ^ : fV ; " -• "• . < '.lit-;. Y . . W*" •M: * 1 tv. ^ > >' * ' *!• Kit* , » 1 s * U* • ' i Ki "i •':v. . . -yg.-y-. Wonder of the Age I * h f \ . '%> •, >??. 1 4 " t < v * - j • . i . " > • /4, , - V ' V,' "js ^>s v - , - / f"s,_ -y V • ^ L \ \ A < k e i -. ' i , <r t v * - ^ Uf J; , \ ' J- * t * \ u / ; I11 1 % 'IS t: ,*:% i>' v' i, * s. * * =\-f" We are located for J|S: it has neither Elevated of Because it lights instantaneously.' because it- will burn any grade of gasoline, heavy or light. because it will do otie-lhird more fork than any olher Vapoi because it has no equal for Baking, Broiling, Boasting or Ironing, because it is the most Economical, Simple and Convenient Vapor Cook Stove ever put on the market. - - , ̂ ^ j v ̂ ̂ ̂ ; r ; ^ ^ Don't fail to tToolerful, Labor-saving Stove before baying, or you will surely regret it Bear in mind that the "Dang- ^ ler H gwr^rke wjd Umi&g to ev^ ISF^Now is the time to •'howl" about Carpets, Oil Cloths, Wall Paper, Borders, window Shades, Lace Curtains, Poles, etc. 150 patterns of choice wall Paper, with borders and ceilings to match* Our prices low, acd all paper is trimmed free and rolls full length. Give us your Trunk and Traveling Bag Trade, as we carry a good stock, Our new spring stock stock of the warranted Beloit Overalls, Pants, Jackets, Shirts and < 'oats is the largest and most carefully selected in the county, and well deserves your careful in* vestigation, as years oft successful test fully warrant us in their recommendation* Again we bought a good stock of the well known C, -H; Farg 1 anp Bassett & Hill's custom made and tully warranted Bftots and Shoes. All sizes carried, and as many styles as our trade de­ mands, and at prices the lowest, quality considered, A specialt made of the famons **box tip" school shoes, and are exclusive agents here for the famous Candee Rubber Goods. pgfHats and Caps; we do not follow but lead in styles, variety and low prices. * f^rCrockerv and Glassware. We only sell standard Groceries and Provisions, pure Spices. Unadulterated Teas. FLOUR. {Special orders every Thursday. Re«p< ctfully yours. West McHenry. I1L, 1891, We wish to announce that we are now ready to show the public a larger and a new stock PIP::-":v? • pr jEWEimy| : icelets, Necklaceg, roochea. Hairpins, * Luce pins. Rings. iSb&rf pins, Cnfi pins, s Cuff buttons, Earrings, Cantors. Pickle and celery dlabeB, Knives and Forks. 1847, Boget Bros. Spoons. Napkin rings. v Albums. iScrap books, Optical goods. 6cbool books. "^Crayons, Pencils, ' , 1- < ' Tablets. * plates. ! - Wa'ches, Clocks, < , V If you think of buying a new sewing machine be eure and call and examine the new Wheeler & Wilson No. 9, the standard Machiae of to-day. Be sides that, we have the American.Domestic. Household, New White, and several leading machines, on which we save you from five to ten dollars. Yours truly, '•) Heaman Bros. HoHecry, 1UM A^fil. 1892. STOP. READER! Qive Us a Moment of Tour Time Think over this and come and see our Goods. 9701. Record 2s2 ef- ch s had But ipus" entcd, Are you on the list? 1 range for one of the If so. don't wait £>r better B r Sa le by i^c'r .'t of Months, West McHenry, e Want Your Trade l R. SAT ^ ̂ X r*- &0U CALL IN: S. & SON, ILL. L . BBBEDEBS OP-H MorganHorses, Embracing th«> celebrated General Gifiord, Green Mountain and Morrill blood. 8TOCK FOR SALE. Stallions and Fillies. grees Besex and Registered Poland China >& sendfor pedl- =SWINE.= Choice Merino Sheep, Mammoth Bronze Turk WH High Grade Jersey Cattle. Come and Inspect stock, MMAiAMM For sale. •r address J. B. BAYLOR & SON • 1 i. i' W1TH A FULL LINE OB Sat morning I did not go to until the Daily Mugwump was the street. I grabbed for a copy, on the first page with a 'scare' d I saw the story just as it had n telephoned, in all its harrowing [tails. The plan had worked and trernc agitation of the groom, a little man, who kept hopping from one foot to the other as if practicing x an In­ dian dance. The minister uttered the words that made the couple one, and then proceeded to pronounce the benedic- telephone girl must go. The tion, assuming an attitude more com-i papers in league sent cach a rep- entative to the manager of the hange with the story, the night was called up, and of course she to-confess. When'that great piece of news went over the wire she knew it would not do to let her sweetheart be 'scooped,' so she had taken careful notes and immediately sent the mat­ ter in to the Mugwump. There was no way by which they could tele­ graph to .obtain either a denial or a confirmation, so they had to risk it. The telephone girl was dismissed, two morning and two evening dailies de­ voted themself to making life miser­ able for their mugwump contempo­ rary, and the wires leaked no more when messages went back and forth between us and our friends, the snemv. "lsa't that journalism?" Whlbt TrBTetlng, Although much of the forma ity attending ordinary intercourse may be relaxed when one is traveling, it is weH to maintain a judicious^&mount of reserve. Girls, particularly, should never converse with strangers; it may while away an hour or so to chat with the well-dressed man who is so of­ ficiously kind that he cannot be wholly repelled, but the experiment TERMS. $75. « bail payable In Cash, balance by Vote six months from service without Interest, irest after flue at 8 per cent, "GeorgeO." was sireu by Lakeland AMallah lie foumter of our trotting wonders, ykes Hambletoman, 10. 'George O is by Autocrat, a son of M, Patchen, 30, record 2:28j^. She . »ix years ol 1 a half mile in l:0BXi r years a full mile in 2:27. ••George O." has had ve>y limited ad van tages in the stud, nevei having bred a stan dud bied mare, but h' speedy and sell tor long He sired a two-year-* SslS. trial X mile in 1:22 v - And Check Bow'era the simplest Check Rower and best Planter on earth. £ -a' "5-ir- 3VOT • HARNESS I . %/ 7 stts of tna\r; own make second-hand double harness, must be go! Will trade for old o JJUBB • JJ.&iStA, all very cdrd of ness DISC H ARBOWS. We have in stock the Budlon? Rotary Disc Harrows, also the Bradley Rotary Disc Harrow, and you make no mistake when you purchase either of the above harrows lurnished with three-horse equipment, complete. How are you riding? If for business or pleasure, comfort or safety, buj the celebrated Abbott Buggies and Road Wasrons. in all styles. Timpkin and side springs. BUGGIES You will find the celebrated Abbott Buggy on our floor, in anv style you might want, and would be pleased to show you goods and name prices. We thank you for past favors and hope for a share of your patronage, believing that we can do you good in anything you ipj^ht *ant in our iine, Very respectfully, s, RICHARD mon perhaps then than now--the hands outstretched with upraised! palms. The solemn words were halftf uttered when he heard the clink and! felt the descent of two silver half, dollars Which the groom had droppetf into the hollow of his hand. "Amen!" said the minister in con elusion. "Everythingall righunow, parson?' inquired the groom. Assured that it was, he threw hi arms around the bride and begaf / kissing her in the most exuberant) fashion. 1 "Parson," he said, as soon as h^j could recover Himself, "that's the best dollar's worth in the old Bay State!" Ills Opiulon. Civil Engineer (in search of data)-- Is it not the opinion of many people in this locality that the excessive overflow of these bottom lands is due to the lock and dam system? Native (of Illinois River* bottom)-- I reckon. "Hased on the fact that dams re­ tard the velocity of the current and increase the deposit of sediment in river bottom, thus gradually elevat­ ing its bed?" "I guess that's about hit," "Ydu have resided in this vicinity ||§Rt^tiiiiiHiitm«tiitiiiiiiitiuummBntitiBHiiBtmtniiijijniiniiBmntttini!ntffflatttmttinnnti!timm 1 Clean, Fresh Stock of DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, 1 IHAT8, CAPS BOOTS. SHOES, GROCERIES. Etc. §• M \ S' ?! It is no use to make a noise about w hat you are sroing less you are prepared to do it when the time comes. Our Greeting for theFall. one of our customers. Real Bargains of great My stock is complete In every department and comprises SvjryttognsTjaUy Kept iaa Ge^Stpra ̂ Calland Look us over, whether yon wish to buy or nol. Respectfully, JOHM I. STORY. McHenry, Sept. 22d, 1891. The West Side Boot, Shoe and Clothing Store. anany years, have you not?" -HT JUXtIA A* BT0BT, WUH DEALER INI OMB DOOR WK8TOF BIVEBSIDB HOUSK, KeBi&rj.Ill, Dru ̂I Medicines •A FULL LINE OF- Drill!, Meals. Die Still, Pants, Oflsft Colors Constantly on hard. Also a large line of Patent Medicines. Toilet Articles. AVD A COMPLETE TTOOK OF F R ^STATIONERY ASD DRUGGISTS' SUNDlffls Fliy«ioia.iifli Carefully and accuratey compounded cist. You patro^tge is respectfully sol 1892 SPRING ANNOUNCEMENT. 1892' atfr o the people of McHenry and Lake Counties, we would say, that this spring' we are better prepared _ than^ ever beforeto figure with the buying' public in the following1 lines of new and well bought merchandise. If you atop and think for a moment you can not help but see that our expenses are less than our competitors, and consequently we c||ti|i>,^.|K|ll give you lower prices than yoa get elsewhere, Our ^ v JBoot, Shoe and Rubber Stock ̂ #&s t^ler more complete. We are showing a line of ladies" llie shoes at $1.50, $1.75, $2 25, $3, $3.25 and $3.50 per pair. Our linos men's and children's shoes are equally as well filled. CLOTHING I CLOTHING! , Our spring and aiimtfier clothing is here, ready for your inspec­ tion. * e put into our btore this spring tbe largest and finest lot of new Clothing that we have ever .shown at one time, Our assort­ ment in this line is very complete, quality durable and stylish. You can not afford to buy anything in this line vithout first looking our stock over, as it comptises everything from a four-year old knee ; y pant up to a man's best full suit. A full spring stock ot sew and ' stylish hats just in, call and see them. v We still have the largest I; assortment of Rockford overalls, jackets and shirts, in town all f tully warranted not to rip. Trunks and traveling bags, rubber and : oil cloth coats. " 15®T"Choice, fresh groceries everv two weeks, our by the sack or barrel at prices to meet any and all competi- n, quality considered. Yours as ever for business. * HN J. MILLER, West McHenry. •«:

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