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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 7 Dec 1892, p. 8

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ARTF LM MTF HOMOSS A«4»R ATO STOVE BMRF 4 i r « f a r n l B t t e d * » y t h e t m m o t ^ O T i j nd (Ve editor OHUM# BO part or credit for (ho ««BI». „ - Chicago has six thousand saloons, one for every two hundred people. Chicago hM a church for about evwgr three thousand people. Linnnms ban truly said of alcohol that "Man Kinks gradually by this fell poi­ son ; first he favors it, then he warms to lit, then he burns for its, then he is con­ sumed by it." To live for one's principles at any cost tea dangerous speculation; and the fail* ure of an ideal, no matter how humane and noble, is harder for the world to for­ give and forget than bank robbery and the grand swindle of corrupt politicians. , --L, M. Aicott. s.$n i eminent surgeon gives thefollowing ion: "Few people outside the medi- . AD _ opinion: "Few people outside cal profession have any idea of the large 'number of deaths which occur every year and are certified according to the organ .or organs principally diseased, but which are in reality attributable to alcohol. ' The loss to the country of persons in the "prime of life irutn this source m-ms&plj enormous. "* . Cold Kerr® In * Robber. The bold thief who a few weeks ago tried to kill Charles Wonnell when the latter refused to quietly submit to see­ ing his house robbed returned to Won- n<*U's house about 4 o'clock yesterday ; morning, and knocking at Mr. Won- nell's window until he was aroused > made a proposition to sell the watch se­ cured upon the night of the burglary. Wonnell replied that he couldn't buy the watch then if he wanted to. as he had no money in the house, and added that he did not care to buy the watch back. "Well," replied the man outside the window, "you will surely give some­ thing for it. Will you give me ten dol­ lars for it?" Wonnell asked how he knew it was the stolen watch, and . was told that a brother knight in Wonnell's lodge, K. of H., had told him that it was, and that it had the proper initials engraved upon it. The man said he had bought the watch. J but refused to give his name, saying ' when asked, "Oh, you wouldn't know me if I told you my name." Wonnell finally told the man that if he would ^ leave the watch at Frank Hosbrook's grocery he (Wonnell) Would leave ten ' dallars at the same place. The man departed, but the watch was ; not left at the grocery. Mr. Wonnell thinks he recognized the voice of hi- last visitor as that of the burglar, and believes that the proposition to sell th»- , watch was 1 it a ruse to induce him 1o open the door, when he would be over­ powered and compelled to submit to an­ other robbery.--Indianapolis Journal. The Advance of Coeducation. Dr. Chaney, president of Bates col­ lege, illustrates the progress of coedu­ cation by telling the story of how a man in 1865, on being asked how man}* stu­ dents were attending the college, an­ swered, "Forty-three students and a nigger and a woman," and adds, "Now there are forty women in the classes." ' • ' . KoMie rancher's Ring. '"•"•afellie Fancher wears a pretty birth­ day ring. The setting is modern, but the gem itself is said to have been found at Pompeii. It is an orange red sar­ donyx, with a funeral urn cut in intaglio, ery simply i --New York Recorder. Not content with achieving success In literature, Mr. J. M. Barrie is said to have political ambitions and to desire esent his native place in Scotland ent. OU WANT TO ADOPT A BABY} Vr.ybe you Oiiiik this la a new business. uiK out babies on application; it has been <i«>ue before, however, but never have those f urnished been BO near the original samplea? lais one. Everyone will exclaim, " Well 1 that's the sweetest baby I ever saw!" This little black-and-white engraving' can jtive you buta faint idea of the exquisite original, I'M A DAISY.1 At HEAM4N BROS STORK, MoHENRY, ILL GOLD SPRINGFIELD WATCHES, Which the Springfield Watch Co will lew* four months. one who intends buying a newwatch in th<» near future should not. under any consideration, tail to look them over, for tbey are cer­ tainly the Fittest have ever be6n before the public. Baaida thaw wa t% t i t rt't have in stock a fine line of Ladies9 and Cents' l . * l ft liom an s Sucba&the Kockfo rd Qu ick T ra in , E lg in , and o t t e r ? , wh ich we can sell you at a very reasonable price; We have just received over 8400 worth of aung 3t Va si',; • * -Y • 't'-i " '• Y t'"" y ' AND * "•* - - . V •'* v\\*> MADE ONLY BY N.K. FAIR BANK & CO. CHICAGO Is complete, and we want V w SEE KT rt - - f *' ' .< ' •" 'S'X *'""""" 1>VALBB IX And receiving more almosr every week. ' We honestly believe that we have the finest line of Jewelry, - Watches, - Clocks, - and Si MACW That has ever been brought to this part of the county We invite everybody, young and old. even it they do not intend to buy, to come in before the Holidays and look over our stock, learn prices and secure a Handsome Calendar for 1893, Free. HE A MAN BROS. It consists of Presents for the youngest as well as the oldest. We never were in position to do you as much good in this line as we are JUST NOW, Women are Slow oftentimes to adopt a good thing, bat Men are Quick to try and to use anythinc that will helptlttnl, Liearn a letaou from Uie men, ladies. The Responsibility for many a poor batch of Bread is charged to the flour, when it really belongs to poor yeast. CILLETT'S MLY.'AYS GOOD and always toady. •^SutG: Try the Curl and Moon brand, and tMip 76vij*:r es a man would. ini Grocer'*. which we propose to eend to you, transpor­ tation paid. The little darling1 reste against ^pillow, and is in the act of drawing off iu u. , auu is iu iue act ot arawinff on itf pink sock, the mate of which has been pulled off and flung aside with a triumphant coo The tiesh tints are perfect, and the eyee follow you. no matter where you stand. Theexqui- Piter.-productions of this greatest painting of Ida V\ augh (the most celebrated of modern painters of baby life) are to be given to those Who subscribe to Demorest's Family Ma»a- ane for 1893. The reproductions cannot be told from the original, which cost 8400, and are the same size <17x2:1 inches). The baby is lire size, and absolutely lifelike. We havi- aleo in preparation, to present to our sub­ scribers during 1893, other great pictures b\ such artists as Percy Moran, Maud Humphrey wuis Deschamps, and others of worid-widt renown. Take only two examples of what we did during the past year, " A Yard of Pan- sim, and "A White House Orchid" by the w|i© of President Harrison, &Dd you will 8©€ what our promises meun. Those who subscribe foi Demorpst's Familj Masrazirie for 18S3 will pogseKS a gallery oi ex­ quisite works of art ot great value, besides a Magazine that cannot be equaled by any in the world for its beautiful illustrations and subject matter, that will keep everyone post- Jd ">r" all the topics of the day, and all the laa-s and different items of interest about the household, besides furnishing interesting reading matter, both grave and gay, for the *5°"?! family ; and while Demorct-t's Is not a fashion Magazine, its fashion jiagcp areper- reot.and we give you, free of cox?, all the pat- -.VICE TO UUC durinti the year, and in any size you choose. Send in your sub­ scription at once, only $2, and you will really rot over $35 in value. Address the publisher. W. Jennings Demorest, 15 East 14th St.. New York. If you are unacquainted with the tfajrazine. send 10 cents for a specimen copy PATENTS ! Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained, and all Fat- ? • ent business conducted for MODERATE FEES. IOUR OFFICE IS OPPOSITE U. S. PATENT OFFICE t and we can secure patent in less lime than those • remote from Washington. | _ Send model, drawing or photo., with descrip­ tion. We advise, if patentable or not, free of J charge. Our fee not due till patent is secured. , A PAMPHLET, "How to Obtain Patents," with I cost of same in the U. S. and foreign countries • sent free. Address, C.A.SN0W&C04 ©pp. PATENT OFFICE, WASHINGTON, D. C. MRS. J. W. TORRENCE, VOLO.ILL. Has just returned from Chicago with a full line of the Latest Styles in MILLINERY AND LADIES' Furnishing Goods! Consisting in part of Ladies' Un­ derwear, Corsets, ladies' and children's Hose, Mittens, Gloves and Ti»»8 which she offers to the ladies of Yolo and vicinity at the LOWEST LIVING PRICES. ('all and see our goods before purchasing* as we are confident we can pl^a^e you. MRS. J. W, TORRENCE. Yolo, 111., (Kt. 24, 1892, J. R. SA7L0R & SONS, TOR SALE OR RENT. A Rood house, situated in the village , ol Riagwood, containing seven room?, well, cistern and a small garden. Also hQtise containing ten rooms. A barn, well and cistern on the premises. Also a boildings 12x32, containing two rooms. Can lie used for dwelling or shop. Pos- ion given at once. Apply to ,* WBSI*Y LAWH, .17*1898. MARK Wonderful Bkck Liaimtnt. CURES Sow Shoulder*, Cuts, Kicks, Sore Backs, Scratches, llarbed Wire Cuts, Barns and (lope Burn», Quarter Cracks, Grease Heel. Quittor, Thrush, and Canker. foa fc5A.I.,K BY CU8 CARLSON, --DEALER IK-- Harness Supplies of all kinds McnEMBY. ILL. Mm BREEDSUS 09 Morgan:: Horses, Embracing th* celelra'ed Geners. Glfiord, Green Mountain and Morrill blood. STOCK FOR 8ALE. Bialllont and Fillies, dendfor pedl grees. Ee»ex and Registered Poland Chin* ==«wiNE.iz= Choice Merino Sheep* Wannnioth Bronze turkeys High Grade Jersey Cattle Forsatn. 0« tn<? and iosp»c stock or address. J. R. BAYLOR ^ SONS WestMeRenry, ill Watch for noticrs of Christmas goods which will appear soon, as J. A. Story is in th** city selecting the finest assortment ever brought to this villoge. Cnfitom*>rs are^ipiiased with the appear- ance of Evanston's ntore. Plenty of merchandise, every corner is full. The flour house is full of best Washburn's superlative Gold Medal, at fl.30 per ack. J. W. CRISTY & SON. Ringwood, HI. THE FARMERS' STO: I am now prepared to furnish you with a full line of And the Finest and rawest At sortment of JjJJJllJ Decorated CI3BZB SITS Tea Sets, CHAMBER SET?. Ever shown iu McHeiu v. in whl e Uranite Crockery, iVIy stock is complete. I have n »111iusr }>ut the best Imported Crockery and w.Virant them no, to craze. Lamps at AnyPrice you may want, FROM 16c. UP TO 818, IN ENDLESS VARIETY. m- P'ease call and what I have to offer you before buying. I will make prices to suit you. A. P: BAER. West McHenry, I 1., Oct., 1892. GEO. W. BESLEY, DEALER IN Drugs, Medicines. Paints. Oils, Varnishes, TOILET ARTICLES. , {THE FINES1 LINE OF LAMPS In the county, as prices trom West McHenri, III. J 60 cents up. Pure Wines and Liquors, and Bottled Ale and Porter far Medical Use. The best brands ot Cigars and Smoking and ( hewing Tobacco always on hand. - Physicians's Prescriptions - Carefully crmpounded. Give me . call* West McHenry, ID., 1892. GEO. W. BESLEY. With two sto f-8, one on the West Bide aod one on the ' side, (Mct^c y), the JEL eeent u» the buying r> nlic SC £ ' Of all kinds ot Furnituri^ than ever before which offering at greatly .REDUCED PKICES / ow s THE TIME TO BUY. We also kfcp in Mrek a full line mmmmr UJpies of CARPETS, ar d we can^lve ' you ;it)ii)g from the i-lieaptst lo tbe finest Brussels at low.f r pHroa ih*n other i.uuse Id tbeJcouDty. * ' We have taken great pains In selecting our mmB.nmm stippuss, Cofflr&Catkets »nd 'J ' iuim'nr* of tne lat­ est designs. Ev*1!'.? i-linjf uev/ and ele­ gant, We keep not'.i'ng but i je best. Do not fail to ctil anil $ee us w'aen iu want of anytbiog ia our lice, A Splendid Nevr Beanif» in conoectioo. which will be furnlthed al Hessoaoble Bates. McHenry, III., 1892. JUSTEN STOVES WE ARE HEADQUARTERS l O B 8 T O T & 8 . j * * * ' 4 - < v ^ r Our Fall Stork ill Here«^ largest i. ud 6«eat; *Rsortcnent of CoaI and Wood Heaters. Cook stoves aud Kange^ * ver seen in town. The wo !d re« owned Howe Ve lilf ors» wsorted by tbe bighe i;, : u» polities to be * 'ie on) v con* VennU aiina: stove^ constructed for e proi >> ion f>' health by-perte< *. vPuiilatioD, and iv: greatest tomy in the uae o :i .t A m e line of the famous Peninsula Stcff|»r the ii)08tr ,-)alar stove in the marketer IpwnWSli guai ui.c? i th every stove. A full e of Go'd (]!o" Hesters lor wood and eotl. The best ve Icr the pi ta yet produced. W e w i l l i k e y o u * * o l < ] s t o v e s i u exchange for netr ones, a.no ow ? o • lull p? • f o >t. $p yoflr. »taM4 I?' O.U. .'if '. "/CH* ; •; \\ O V ' ir'vM't I c. I^WSee our of stoves, tfc will pay yip. -'A:;! STORY & McOMBER. rw -mr ^^ West McHenry. IU. 1892. ^ x dr OHS X. £ ivei'Nito iftoekt McHenry, o ON HAND WITH A CLEAN, FBKSH STOCK OF •k ' -,«. «s i- ""iff" ' 1 Dry Goods, Notions, Hats» Caps, Boots and Shoes, t It is no use to make s noise about what you are going to do. «B-j': less you are prepared to do it when the time comes. Real Bargains of great value to every one of our customers; stock is complete in every department and comprise! . Everything Usually Kept in a Genera) Itorfc /"C5lI and look us over, whether you wish to MoHen^;lll.| 1892, HN I. STORY, ' } ' . - ' A ' " i - h l k

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