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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 6 Dec 1893, p. 1

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ft T - " • ' i t . i j i . - 'VJ. . - ' .?-1 » . HI --I • ••• • • • . - . . kut to Truth, to LIMrtr «i*d Uwi No Favors Win u» and no P«» Shall - '*• •* -"vJ iiifi tiii gg M'HENRY, ILLINOIS* WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 6. OASDS. P.O. COLBY, D. D.». odltock 111 *psAfftl atten- M$tf*l*tra«r c.kli-dren's *s»th Jttlt ttftf A dinanoe wontrtdo «r«t I* «miM| by mail. Otto*. Kendal btoek, eorner Main street and Pub11c«quar« O. J. HOW ART). M. D. flHYAIOlAK AND SURGEON. Offlr* ml I the erslifence of R. A, Howard, West sni MoHeiiry.lU. O.B. fSOSBSt M* #• .C&t' rjHrsioiAsr and Birassio*,' m«hwt K. Ills. OlBee at Retidenoe. CMftRUM Q. «MB*NKR. Boot and Shoe Maker, €>ver firman Br*m Jmmlry .Store op* _ posite Bishop's Mill, Ate Henry. _ Boots ami $h6»s manufactured of the boat material aad a iBt fori'auteed. \ REPAIR fNG Promptly attended 'o. Hw BntXtundSlmei a specialty. Gad ar.<l see me OflARi "8 G, BIR^BK, ^cPenry, 11"!., Aug, 15, 18"3. ' ' • ^itftnii4 •"»' DR. A. K. AURlNUSB, ^tAjTAsro^RWEcm »d»tHilld:iMe, W>tft MoHeury.Iil Eotidence.house for«i*rly occupied or Dr. Oabortl^AU professional es-lle promptly at­ tended to. _ ----T H. T. 6HEPASD. SHEPARD * 8MEPARD, * \ A TtOEN K Yb AT LAW. 8uite512, North- A ere attrt* Building, » u»3alle Street Ohieago, 111. ;r: a F. BOLEY, Proprielor of Mcfleiry Brewery, MCHENRY, ILL./ 'V* , ' Always m Pajtd with (h$ ] /Best. Beer, . • : i *N IUH1 & BROWN, BY8 AT LAW. U. 8. Expr»»» 0o.*» V 87 ana 90 Washington**. CHICAGO, ILJL. V. S. LUMLEY. AT LAW, and TTORSEY OtaoMn. -- t WOODSTOCK, ILL. ;«• te Park House, first floor* Solicitor Is JOSLYN * OA3EY, * TTORNET8 AT LAW. WoortstOOk IlL Jft. All business will receive proirpt iltm- twh. *•' •: -L, ' , O. P. BARNRft, «" A TTORNET, Solicitor, andl OMBMlof, A Oollecttons a specialty. ,t WOODSTOCK, lUiDron. . I |' 1 " 1 "B: •' n JOHN F. SMITH* Wi er HKNRY. Sc Jeweler ILLINOIS. riNB stock of (Jlooka, Watohes ana Jew •Ity always on hand. Special attention to repairtnf fine watehea. Give mo JUBX P- OMITS. Horsemen# ^oolc Here. I l«Te a line stock of H rses, among which are •• Y"img Green Mountain Morsran." ••Mor­ rill Oharies." ami others. Call and see ttieao Mori>e« boforo making amngementa oleo- where, JV. 8. COLB Y* MeHearf , 111 , May 10,1892. M. C. MEAD, Pjr Justiee of the Peace and General Jn~ uurance Agent, 'ncluding Accident and Life Insurance. OMTIOK WITH B. GILBRRT, WEAR 0EFOT, WBUT MCUBNKY. III. W. P. ST. CLAlNfl IH Justice* s% of the Peace Insurance Collecting Agency. and OVriCB OH RATLBOAD ST., *BA*,*. % NUN OA, »1K A. M. CHURCH, 'Wa.tela.tKieL'M.er tamcl^ Jeweler ro.On * HundredTwenty-Pive Stato St Oht- jfc"4 oMO, III. ttpooiai attention glvon to ra- pAlrlacr Ine watehes and Ohronometers. ' MTAPnll Asaortmont of Goods in his llao m F. «.FIi.CHEIl^ - Dental - Surgeon. (^ffletwUh Dr. Auringer, f«K Mc Henry, 1U. Tt>row», Plate and Bri.lge Work art stlcally , oseeuted at reasjnabie price*, bpeeiat aitea | tion given to the o*re of Ohilfiren^a Teeth. . _ CORBUCTATIOM fUK, , ,e MeHenrg House, Me HENRY. ILL, w^. • JOS HE 1 MRU. ProprietdftJ, 10c. 10c. .Does ari«)B Like i' ceuBti in tbo air? ^ , Or does ii only CAUNO a Hinudgo ; And make your neighbor swear ? Why WtH you stick to cabbng^ leaves And drive your fr iends afar , When yoo can purchase for a dioie "Our llonogram"cigiu,T toe 8ARBIAN BROS -V • lUIUO^O" Choice Ctg;afg. We can »»H yon one or a thousand--retail or wholesale. fSi^Samples nf f lotlis from all ^eapo^*. • f ^ K: * < * Splendid Fit or ne sale. i lot he s fi t ted ' and clfanedjp»| | ^hort oi>tice and uo huixibu^^ t Vtv E. LAWLUS. Tailor, Opposite Biyereide Hotel, MoHenry. JOHHT HA0PMSH-8 Steam Xisra&clxy MoHenry» III. Haviog just put in a new Ironing add Politthiug Machine, also STEAM APPLIANCES I aua now prepured to do all work I.aundr? line on short Police, and guarantee 3 s aatielaetloit. IS> All w<>rk left with me will be prom ptly done. aa t»ie »ew maehtnerv put In enables me to do my work much faster and better thau heretofore. All Laundry will be called for and delivered when done, If word Is *ebt me. . JOHN HAUPRISH: W '.~J: In and be Measured! Suit, Pant* or veat. m * x *' - 1ANYBODY ;; Who has been unfortunate enough nev* |er to have visited odr store should take the first opportunity to do so. Here he will find <0* He wants in the way of a watch, a eloefc or jewelry of all kinds. The great vari<" to select from stande in strong contr with our unvarying principle of seUu> everything at the bottom-most margin. In doing this there is scarcely ANY PROFIT On ono"article; bnt a little profit on each of many Bales suits us better than a big per cent on a few. In this way we have the pleasure both of success in business and of benefitting the many instead of the,few. Can we not benefit You? ,, J Repairing of all klndn V " > . • Fromptly Attondell lo. % J'1 J ,*OW 19 TBI TIMK TO BUY j| Sewing MachMel , Only $5 a month ubtil paid. jHEAMAN BROS. of a Bormet BEST IN THE • • • "i'-S,'V-.; * QRL.D. u. ' ^ ) V-Si •' -JV v^r v ' • • •. .? • » . . tS 'Im1 & Good bnpplyt »,v <€M - For Spot Cash Only. V " jt ' Prices Reduced Accordingly. I t fvi l l pay you to invest igate* • ' V ^ 04 Beittg Situated on' the uanks.of the Fox liver. In the Vill *ge of McHenry, special at It'ntton Will be given to the entertainment f' Mutiters, ITiahermea and Pleasure Seeker* If trerally lll^rttinen awppiied with Conn p'Sta Outfits- 5^ v •' v.-; ; M'- i WESr McHENRYfliL R I P A N-S IPl&BOLES! REGULATE THE If* STOMACH, UVER AND BOWEIS AND PURIFY THE BLOOD. KEPAXS TABCLKS are the bert M«4W ySftfatewii for UMawUm*, Bino--e^. . OMttlfMif*, BysjMspsla, CiroaSs Ur#fm«l«lHHlmWo*?lulw. iNmedterr, MtadrC Breath, aad all dto> •rdcre mT tin itwm^ Llwr and Bow«U. Hijiaas TIMN contain notbi&g' injurious to tbc eoMkttntioii. A,^S!e!SSef -- --tf««twL udrlraimv.it -- _. orbymaflT JteBpta firteby audi- Addnw THE RIMiil CHEMICAL CO. 10 SPRTXJ* STREET, KWW TOWC CXTT. raw 11 CO., • TTT. S i»MWa Administrator's Notice *8TATB of Jedi.liah Bibba-'*, deceased,;. , a The unde«*«ipned having been statoiiitea ^.H»ini»ti-atur < f the f-siu c of JedMiaiv Hib- Rid I'lrrr "" ' late of tee <ount y of M'eRenry [ml state or Illinois, hereby Rives noti-e that I*win appear i>efore the bounty <>hj; t ol IfetlMrv county, at the Court House. In ro9dsto<-k, the January term, OH "ho first onrtay in January next, at wh eh time all «M»M hav H g elatias againestate are Aland reqeest^t toatteruj lor the pur lmvina: the same adjn-ie.1. sli er- ?a Indebted'*0'®*W «*tate er© requested to •eimmeiBSte payment t<» ibe u«der8ign»d. ried thuSth day of November. A D. W9S, |#4 SF**EB B. PKBBT, Administrator. pure alcohol to WAKE WOLFF'S ACHE BLACKIMO. Alcohol is good lor leather; it is good fertile skin. Alcohol is the chief ingredient of Cologne, Florida Water, and Bay Kuin the well" known luce washes. We think there is nothing too costly to use in a good leather preservative. Acme Blacking retails at 20c. and at that price sella readily. Many people are so accustomed to buying a dress­ ing or blacking at 5c. and. 10c. a bottle that they cannot understand that a black* i rig can be/Cheap at 20c. We wan t to meet them with cheapness if we can, and to ac­ complish this we offer a reward of DRESSMAKING WEST McHENRY. ILL J T: for a recipe which will enable ns to make WOLFF'S ACM«: BLACKING at sucli a price that a retailer can profitably sell it at 10c. a bottle. We hold this offer open until Jan. 1st, 1893. WOLFF A RINBOIIPH, Phlladslphl*. Men's, ladies' and misses' overshoes, warm shoes and rubbers in every style aad quality at surprisingly 16w prices at Party & Owen's. ' I Ifbere he will at all times keep brands of Wines, Liquors and Oil to he found In gars I ' Is frequently the caSae of a «aaml In the family. Ours ar« notts Mpeaslve as to cause one We. have .. Noveltitffe in Style Surprises In Prices 1 combined onezhibitiOB, • Alao.rsmember that we are prepared te do. In all the latest styles, we aim to p eace. We will in a few days receive a large supply of JSTANDAKD PATTERNS. Mrs. C. W. BESLEY J NEAR TUM DEPOT, WES&T MoHENRY, JUL. Keeps open for the aeoommodatlon of the Publlo a Flrst-Olasa Saloon sad Restaurant, times keep the best quors and O: the market* PAB6T'» Mllirsskw Lam BNT. At Wholeaal* and Retail. Beer in Large or Small Kefs or Bottles al­ ways on hand, oheaper than any other, qnali* ty oonaidered. CMers by mail -promptly attended t*. GOOD BTABJ li ft WOMHOasijfa/ .seeas. Jtobeit@ohle8sle. -HISTOEY OF A WiiHL ^•diMfdsr, Km. II. The police of Barcelona, Spain, now have 118 aaarehists in custody charged with being concerned \u various; dynamite ontr> ragea committed iu Spain. Captain Horace Bixby, who taught Mark Twain what he kuows about steam- boating. Is at present pilot oo the steamer T. G. Sparka, rnnuing south from Mem­ phis. Mitis Will* Dick, of Indianapolis, Ind.. aiec-e ot Arch bishop Purceli, of Cintiu- nati, has been quietly married to LHW- rence Kip, a weli-known attorney of San Fiancisco, and grandson of the late Bishop Kip. Henry Deforge, a young man of New Orleans who had spent the evening with convivial friends, fell iu the gutter and was drbwued. One Leon M. Carrier wis serving ont a sentence of six months at Denver, Colo , when identified as a mau Wanted at Que­ bec for stealing thirty carloads of flour from the Canadiau Pacific railway. He was delivered up for extradition. Tile latest i-eporrs from Rio Janeiro say that Peixoto is .."•ins? public Savor iu Brazil aud Mello i:;«ining. Thorndajr, Nor. 30. Judge McAdaiu, of the NeW Torit su­ perior court, has granted a decree of di­ vorcee to Helen Dauvray Ward, the actreas, from John M. Ward, the base ball player. An express train between Milan and Vruioe, tlaly, collided with a freight aad turty-three people were killed. Mortey, chief secretary for Ireland, and Gardner, president of the board of agri­ culture, in Gladstone's cabinet, are ill with la grippe, and so are Balfour and other right honorablea Mm. Agnes Chapman, who lost her life In her burning house near Milan, Om lived a miser. From vthe ruins 12,000 iu. silver and gold have bsen recovered, and she had a deposit of $l,600»in an eastern bank. It is believed a considerable amount iu paper money was burned up. w Tramps met Mr. Schedell, of Ligonier, Ind., on the road aud took all his clothes. It was a bitter cold night aud he was half a mile from the nearest house of refuge. * Friday, Dee. 1. Max Meyer, a noted Berlin student who, though blind from birth, has kept the head of the class iu every school he at­ tended, received the degree of doctor of philosophy in that city a short time ago. "Chinese" Gordon's letters, journal, and other relics have now been placed on public view in the manuscript depart­ ment of the British museum in London. A statue of Sir William Wallace, at Baltimore,was unveiled Thanksgiving day by a great grandchild of W. W. Spence, who ga*e the statue to the city. Miss Gertrude Mitchell, of Liverpool, 18 ; years of age, has achieved the first place in all England and Wales in the ex a mi na­ tions for the queen's scholarship. Her position was gained over 4,750 competitors. William R. Smith, who for many years has been the superintendent of the Botan­ ical gardens in Washington, has, it is said, personally directed the planting of more 6,000,000 trees iu different parts of the United States. Bufus Williams, who died a few days ago in Rhode Island at the age of #6) was a direct descendant oi Roger Williams, in the sixth generation. Five generations of his family were present at hie XuaeraL Saturday, DM.1. Two noted anarchists, man and woman, have been arrested at Valladolld, Spain, because they had their lodgings fail of the "roaonrces of civilisation" aad ttred"« literature, A party of men and women going home from a sociable at East Liverpool, O., were overtaken ou a t re*tie by an electric car and Mrs. Miller Harsha killed. A dosen others were badly hurt, William A. Phillips, ex-Congressman of Kansas, disd suddenly at Fort Gibson, IT. The town of Kuchan, Persia, which was recently visited by an earthquake, Is a total wreck--nothing but a heap of ruins, Fre broke out in the upper part of the Hayuiarket Theatre building on West Madiaon street, Chicago, destroying the top stories of the structure and burning out the foyer of the threatn, causing a total loss of #75,0S0. Monday, Dee. 4. There was an increase in the tirculation of 8 cents per capita on Dec. 1 over that of Nov. 1, the cirulation in December be­ ing $25.57 per capita. An attempt was made to wreck a pas­ senger train on the L. and N.. near Nep- ton, Ky.; no clue to the miscreants. Snow has fallen heavily ail over Michi­ gan, Illinois, southern Wisconsin, Iowa, Missouri and eastern Kansas. At Chica^ go the streets were almost impassable. William Dunbar, of Portland, OrM hps been convicted of smuggling opium. L. G. Stevenson, the recently married son of the vice-president, has sailed from New York with his bride for Havre, France, on a tour o? Europe. Tramps have created a reign of terror in F, Crinkelair & Co.'s stock of oils and varnishes at Green Bay, Wis., was destroyed by fire. Loss, $3,000; insurance, fci,50a A Cincinnati man has been fined #50 and costs for abusing another over the tele­ phone. James Day,1 a Fountain Green (Ilia.}: farmer,has been notified that he has Inileu heir to over $1,C(j0,000 wo,rtu of aroperty in the heart of Boston. Engineer Scongall hasfsigned cohtfwcts at the City of Mexico and Ntteva Laredo, Mexiwv for building the largest irrigation works iu the country. Professor John Tyndall died at Basle* mete, Surrey, England, last eveuiug. NEWS NOTE3 WHICH WILL BE REAC WITH INTEREST. Appointment by Governor All SPRINOFI£U>, Dec. I--Oo geld has appointed Mary State factory inspector, vice Burke, resigned. TOl**ls a "Line" of Railway? WASHXSOTOK, Dec. 5.--The most import aht subject discussed in the report of the interstate commerce commission , is that referring to: the question: "What la a "line" of railway? The courts have de­ cided'that. a "line" is one railway, while the commissioner has decided uniformity that a "line" is the whole route over ^ which goods are billed--from point of '* 'A, shipment to ultimate destination. The commisfeioner asks congress to decide this point aud makes a number of other reccok- meudattons. •vents * Whtek HaVfe Happened la tlM Prairie Stat* During the Week Received by Telegraph--H osae News Gathered tor the Perusal«*f Oar People. ALTON, I.'la., Dec. 4.--The tiff ray between United States Consul John W. Coppingei and Colonel A. L. Rodgers is greatly de {tlored by the friends of each. Coppinger's statement has been obtained and is to th« effect that he did not. come hers by ap pointment with Congressman Foruikan on business concerning the poetoittce caudi dates, but to attend to some private af­ fairs. He did not even know Forman was coming until he beard he was in the city, and when he went Into Dorae's salooe the idea of a conference being in progress there had not eutered his head. Though his argument with Colonel Rodger* was heated he bad no idea of trouble until Colonel Rodgers struck him with bis cane and attempted to strike ths second blow. With the blood streaming down and blinding him and dased irorn the force of the blow received he with the natural instinct of self-preservation drew his revolver and fired in self-defense. Cop- pinger slept none that night and suffered much from the wound on his head. Rodgers rested easily and is about his home. New* has been received from Rodgers to the effect that he wiii not pros- scuts Coppinger. CAUSED BY A POOR TRACK. -Dismissal Dae to Mrs. Lease.: - OLATHE, Kas., Dec. 5.- Warfare that has i been going on among the head officers of the deaf and dumb institution of this city for two months, has resulted in the dis­ charge by the board of charities of Stew­ ard T. L. Dixon and his wife, the matroa. Judge Dixon denounce* Mrs. Leaae in sonuection with his dismisaal and In an Interview said be would soon "expeise her doings." "When I get through aagCSing her," he vehemently declared, "M Mroksl '..r party will claim her." Dixoa is high iu { the councils of the Populist party, ^ s __ ^ ------^ ^ • £ . A BepiwentatiT* Cbleago WesMa J,» V' 5^4' Mrs. M. F. Tuley is one of the «|pr©- senfeative women of Chicago. Fw the last five years she has been the tion of the School Children's Aid A KaUway Wraok Illinois la Whteh Foar Persons Are Hart. NEWTON, Ills., Dec. L--The eastbound passenger train on the Indiana and Illi­ nois Southern, leaving here at 7:80 in the morning, was derailed a mile east of this City, two cars composing the train rolling down an embankmeut. , The following were injured: Mis. Helen Herron, Odin, l|ls., and two children; J. R. Gouley.Terre Haute, Ind., and E. T- Je^u, Mount Yer* qpn. Ilia The accident was the result ed a poor track. Tu« road was notified some time ago by the state railway commission thai, if it did not make csrtain repairs the road would be closed. Murdered aad Plaeed op the Balls, COLLINSVILLK, Ills., Dec. St.--The horri­ bly maugled remaius of a man found by the side of the Yatidalia tracks near the station here have been identified as those of Mike Wasches, a Russian tniuer, and he is generally irelieved to have been the victim of foul play. Twenty yards from where the body was first found was picked up a big butcher knife with a long, well' Worn blade. A close examination of the body showed deep knife-wounds in the body aud head, neck and arm. The knife Itted them all. Trial of Bt»«llosfaad Daughter. ; LINCOLN, Ilia, Dec. 1.--The trial of Will­ iam Shelles and his daughter Ida on a charge of concealing and receiving stoleu goods developed new testimony against Van Meter, Woodward and Howe, now in jail awaiting the action of the grand jury for attacking the railway train on the Peoria, Decatur aod Evansville railway. Shelles was held to bail in the sum of $400 and his daughter's price ot liberty was fixed at $800, which neither could give. Was a Bad Tim* to Sti ike, BLOOMIKGTON, "Ilis., Dec. 1.--The Ms- Lean County Coal company shaft, oper­ ated by a company of which Vice Presi­ dent Stevenson is president, and which was idle on account of the strike of fifty mule drivers and outside help, has re­ sumed with full force. There were hun­ dreds of applications for the places va­ cated by the strikers. ^ Sltnatloa ia the Lehigh Strifes. v-' Another Building Association Opiftilon. SPRINGFIELD, Ills., ;Dec. 5.---Attorney General Moiouey has given an opin io that the by-law providing for non partici­ pation in the profits, of loan and building associations by members who ..withdraw before being members a year is kitfat, but very unreasonable. Vandalism by College Boys. MONMOUTH, Ills., Dec. 1.--Freshmen of the college broke into the college- chapel and smeared red paint over every chair in the room. Chapel services were not held in consequence for the first time in years. The faculty is trying to flhd the perpetrat- the vicinity of Alliance, O., along the line , ors» who will be summarily dealt with if of the Fort Wayne road, Stephen Love joy, a millionaire real •»» tate dealer of Newf York city, was found dying in the basement of his residence, where he bad gone to attend the furnace. The board of education of New York city will begin war on the cigarette by starting an auti-cigarette league in the public schools. ; Near Pine City, Mian., Mrs. Russell and her daughter of IS years were frozen to death in the woods, and a search party which found the bodies nearly suffered the same fate. Tuesday, Dee. ft. Zansrdelli has succeeded in organising a cabinet for Italy. John Dunlap, of 8&> West Lake street, Chicago, shot and killed bis wife. Danlap i then blew his own brains out. , j A special to the New York Herald saya ! another small- uprising is to be expected in Cuba. It will probably take place on or soon after Dec. ao. * caught. Tried-to Assassinate a Farmer. * JACKSONVILLE, Ills., Dec. 1.--As John Corriugton, a wealthy farmer living near here, was going to bed lour shots vera fired at him through the window by some unknown miscreant. Corriugton was not hit. : . Viking Ship at Cairo. CAIBO; Ilia, Dec. 4.--The Viking ship has arrived here and was saluted by the blowing of whistles and firing of cannon from the craft in the harbor. The Viking fras visited by many people. . JEx-Leglslator Of Illiuols Is Doatl. MINONK, Ills., Dec. l.--Hon. J.- D. Web­ ber died yesterday,aged 68. He was a mem­ ber oft he Illinois legislature from 1872 to 1874, from the Twentieth district. We are having a big run o< heavy stout;* school oref i < w\\\ wearbt.^ a private organization, i tributions for the relief of ragged Chil­ dren. Last year Mm. Tuley oollcelil $8,000, which enabled 1,468 poor little boys and girls to dress up and go to school. The society has no expenses, ifb salaries axe paid, sad office rent *• never due. The clothing boreattsi ate la the rooms of the board of education. There are women on the board, and when a teacher hears of a pnpil who is Itept from school because his parents cannot afford to dress him properly she sends ths little chap to Superintendent Lane's office with a note of introduction, and he returns to school not only de­ cently, but comfortably <and oftettfash* ionably dressed. No discrimination .is made in the distribution of favors. Any poor child, from any school ornouehool, of either sex, and any nativity or cyeed, can be shod and dressed for 1 New York World, * Women tn'Russta.* " It is a trifle surprising to read that there are 700 women practicing medicine in the Russian empire, that others oc­ cupy important positions in hospitals and workhouses, in educational estab­ lishments, factories and government in­ stitutions, while others hold appoint­ ments in the service of municipal bodies. The remuneration is from $1,000 a year downward. In private practice thsre is one woman who makes about |9,0OO a year, but the average income is $1,600. . •;« -- . Bridal Gown Offerings. There is a curious custom among the daughters of the house of HapSbnrg, whose bridal trains, instead of finishing an honorable career in the ballroom, are bestowed after the ceremony on the church whose sacred floor they havev swept. Only the other day during the centenary celebration at Rennewej?, the altar floor was covered with a sheen of satin and silver, mellowed toythe breath. of age, that had once formed part of JlarieAntoinettc'a wedding gaacawafSg"; r '•i,}vV i' fltStl in ^ "a . .> ". kv, •>«, * Jvii :A'1 i'%' ;V ,/n * m , .1 % .A- •' - • -H V . '»• A Woman's Iaventloa. - The patent "car step and barrier", la a woman's invention, and so far as known or seen the universal expression is that it must be a success. It is for the com­ fort and life saving of both sexes. The New York state railroad commissioners examined the model and patent a few years ago and said that no improve­ ment was more needed, and that they would be glad of its adoption for its con­ venience and safety.--Woman's Journal Correspondence, ' <f*V^ Brooklyn Pushing Philadelphia. * " ' ̂ * Brooklyn has now the same number Of ... 3 Women lawyers as Philadelphia has. In that city Miss Catherine Hogan recently passed the second highest examination in t a class of 50 law students and will open a law office in New York, where she hopes to work up a practice among vfro- men who need assistance in managing, their property. She is the second wom­ an to be admitted to the bar in Brook-, lyn and is a graduate of the New York public schools. v . ri,;\ ;§m Glve tlie Girls a Chane*. The Town Improvement society "of Riverside, N". Y., has purchased a quan­ tity of broken stone for maendamising the roads of the village, and has appoint­ ed women as road inspectors to se^that the work Bhall be done properly. The question whether inspectors inspect, would soon be determined affirmatively if the Riverside example should befol- lowed by other communities.--Philadel^ phia Record. - •'^|3 • 4 ' v Texas Woman'* Congr*M> A Woman's congress was hel^ 'i the Texas state fair at Dallas recently. Women from all the leading cities of the Lone Star State gave addresses and read papers upon the great social questions of the day. Among the speakers were two from Toledo--Mrs. Fannie Segur Fos­ ter upon "Women la Business Life1* and Mrs. S. Isadore Miner upon "The i Vocations Onen to Women." ^ . v flannels skirtn, mi %m* rnd men's shirts. Non e Dr. Price's Cream Baking Pow4«r ^pome in and see the oi Meet Perfect Made, ' ' AY*'"', .Li

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