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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 20 Dec 1893, p. 4

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a%$ mmm ..-VW-^R^ W?,%$?' H U P P PUBLISH SO WEDNESDAY. HM. Ot**ioa m tH« ,|ildHOi* 8i.OOK. Ilndependent in Politic®. STEAM PRINT--MAOHIN« FOLD. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: Otoe y«»r On advance) #1 50 If Wot Paid within Three Month*... ... 2 «•« Subscriptions receive for three or six tttntbt In the wane proportion. , ' RATES OF ADVERTISiriit We announce liberal rates for advertising ti the PLAINDKALBB, and endeavor to state them so plainly that they will be readily un d jrstood. They are »a follows: 1 Inch one year - • - # J® S Inchse one year - - ,»|® W| 8 Inches one year - «' , < * J^oo If Column one year - v- * -, * - k{®«" jtf Column one year- » " . <» * Column one year - • - - lww One inch means the meaiurentent of one tneh down the column, single column width. Yearly advertisers, at the above rates, have the privilege of changing as often a* they ehoose, without extra charge. Regular advertisers (meaning those having it* fitting cwrde) will be entitled to insertion Of local notices at the rate of 5 cents per line each week. All others will be charged 10 oents per line the flr«t week, and 5 cent* per line for eaoh subsequent week. Transient advertisements will be charg at the rate of 10 cents pe line, (nonparei type, same as this is set in) the first i^sue, and ft oents per HQ® for subsequent issues. Thus an inch advertisement will oost fl.ooforone week, $1.60 for two weeks, «*-00 for three weeks, and so on. The PLAINDRALBB will be liberal In giving editorial notioes, but, asi a business rule, it Mh require a suitable fee from everybody seeking the use of its columns tor pecuniary gain. tar Th«* valneof a newspaper a« an adver tiling medium is determined by the size of Hie newspaper's subscription list. Thecir- CBlatsen o? THS PJUA!S1>K«-1.-KS I« l*tgfr than that of any other paper in Mcnenry touniy. 556= *«> WEDNESDAY. DEC. 20, 1893. *flaF"PrtBideiit Cleveland's health AGAIN gives his friends concern. At New York recently another surgical operation was : performed. TIR Russia is making her competition with us felt in more ways than in the GRNJN ANRI MPFIT MARKET'S. HER cheaper kerosene has driven the Standard Oil Co. out of the eastern Mediterranean ports and taken away nearly one-half of its immense trade in Japan, China, Hin- . , tfftstaa and other places. ISPTHE people of Chicago Y^TSFAAY Cist their ballots for a mayor to com­ plete the unexpired term for which the late Carter H. Harrison was elected. The candidates were: George B. Swift, republican, and John P. Hopkins, dem­ ocrat. The dispatches this morning in­ dicate that Hopkins was elected by 1250 majority. I^THE PLAINDEALEB this week pre­ sents its LARGE family of readers with choice Christmas articles. The literature thus furnished has been prepared with great care auu baa iii vulved no little ex­ pense. We are indebted to the all home print policy of this paper for our ability to give our readers such excellent read­ ing matter. 1 1 . BP- V •"$&' Something is clearly wrong with tile parity between the market value of husbands and wives. A jury has award­ ed a wife $10,000 for her husband killed on the Pennsylvania railroad, and a Newton (Kan.) young man % estimated «L SUCH U liigh PRION THAT A women who did not get him has sued for $ 15,000 damages for breach of promise of mar­ riage. On the other hand a Tennessee nan has sold his wife for 50 cents. W*MW.0.8. Grant, kas purchased a magnificent residence iu San Diego, Cal. The building is said to have cost over #02,000, and is one of the finest in •southern California. The finest of woods •WERE used in its construction, and as the Guilder intended it for bis home the beet of material and workmanship were called for. The fireplaces are of Tennessee mar- T>leand Mexican onyx, and the rooms .|IRO finished in cherry, mahogony, two 'kinds o oak, birdseye mapl^, etc. JOTBetore another Issue of th* PLAW- DRAL.BR will be perused by oor readers v&tiatinsia nail iaTs2052Saad guijS. Christmas holiday is by all odds the merriest of the year. It i* a day of gen­ eral enjoyment and universal festivity. The most pleasant memories of by-gone days which one entertains are those per­ taining to Christmas. That the Christ­ mas of 1893 will be a day of jollification is earnestly to be* hoped. The PLAIN- DEALER would like to see all its readers enjoy supreme happiness on that grand holiday. Nothing would please us bet­ ter than to know that the little ones in the various homes would be al' smibs amid their numerous PRINTS ; that the parents would be delighted to hear the laughter of their children; and that the aged would find enjoyment in the recol­ lections of the past. Without more words, the PLAINDEALEK wishes all its readers a merry Christmas. Books *nd Periodica'* In addition to theirgreat work entitled The Book of the Fair, the Bancroft Co. will soon publish the Resources and De­ velopments of Mexico, written by Hubert Howe Bancroft at the personal request of President Diaz, who issued a coin mis sion to gather fresh material from every quarter <<f the republic and aid Mr. Ban­ croft in every way in the prosecution of the work. The Bancroft Co. are progressing well with$heir Book of the Fair, which is pro­ nounced as the finest and mostimportant publication connected with the great Ex­ position. In fact it has no rival; there are art works, and works of descriptive history and catalogues and directories but there is no other publication which unites all in a complete and perfect his­ torical and descriptive work of art. Its text is by Hubert Howe Bancroft, and its pictures by the best artists America and Europe can procure. Next in importance to the Fair itself, is a faithful reproduc tionof the Fair in printer's ink for per­ manent preservation. Most of the buildings will soon be torn down and their contests removed, but The Book will remam to teach and preach the world's comp'etest civilization through­ out all time. In this respect the repre­ sentation IS better than THE ORIGINAL, be­ cause one is effervescent, the other im­ mortal. For an important work, se­ curely lodged in all the libraries of the world, cannot die. All around the year 1894. Designs in color by J. Pauline 3uuter. Printed on heavy cardboard, gilt edges, with chain, tassels and ring. Size, inches. Boxed. Price, 50 cents. "A delightful tale in its mixrure of love and childhood, birds and flowers. The dear, dainty lit­ tle figures, decked in smiling gowns, and with curiously expressive faces, turning the leaves of the year for us with child hood's mixture of nonchalance and se­ riousness. They are quaint little figures and very tasteful combinations, and no one but will find a special charm in find­ ing dates on such an attractive callender and so we finish our first look at one oi the prettiest attractions of the season." Lee & Shepard, Publishers, Boston. A publication entitled, "The Advent­ ures of Uncle Jeremiah and family at the Great Fair," by Laird & Lee, Chicago, has found its way to our table. It is a neat volume abounding in graphic de­ scriptions of the adventures of "Uncle Jeremiah" and his family while seeing the Fair, narrated in a witty and amus­ ing manner together with many illustra­ tions of the same. The ^VORK is interest­ ing and ainnsing, and should be in every home. Price, cloth, f 1.00; paper,50cts. How le^Thie! HA?"Mrs. CL< veland sends yearly all the FISDOGET that ARE sent to her as' presents to uncle, Col. Harmon, who lives at Jackson, Mich. So the colonel has all •sorts of jloga on his celery farm; in fact, more thai, he knows what to do with. The surplus he gives to people who en­ joy dogs and are kind to them. One dog Of fine German breed he gave to a friend in Germany who recently wrote that he WAS taking lots of prizes with the animal AT shows and gaining great repute as a FEEDER of dogs. MSTThe tales told by the Chicago pap- 4>T8 of the destitution and suffering in that city are simply awful. Over 1000 flaen and boys sleep, or try to sleep, each tright on the wet, muddy stone floor of TTHE city hall, with only a newspaper be- tweed them and the floor. The police stations and church basements are filled With homeless poor. While many of ttliese are professional tramps, yet it has . been proved by a number of investiga­ tions that a large majority of them are • lionest, bard working people who have )feeen thrown out of employment by the dosing of factories. It makes one's 'lieart ache to think of it. ed Dollars Reward h that cannot be H Cure. Props., Toledo, have known F. J. years, and believe )le in all business We offer One Han or any case of Catai cured by Hall's Cata F. S. CHENEY & Co We, the undersign?) Cheney for the last 15 him perfectly honora transactions AND FI tancially able to carry out any obligal ions made by their firm. | West & Truax, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo. O. \ W aiding, Kirinan & Marvin, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. \ Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mu­ cous serfaces of the system. Price 75c. L-'ER loftlw. Sold by ALL druggists. Tes- timonials free. J" • : r J1 R'< 4 „ i RSSI* < itel "Royal Ruby" Port Wine. If you are reduced in vitality or strength byil mess or any other ckuse, we recom­ mend the use of this Old Port Wine, the very blood of the grape. 1 A grand tonic for nursing mothers, and those reduced by wasting disease. It dreates strength ; improves the appetite; nature's own rem­ edy, much preferable to! drugs; guaran­ teed absolutely pure ana over five years of age. Younjj wine ordinarily sold is not fit to use. Insist on having this standard brand, it costs no more. $1 in quart bottles, pints 60 cts. Royal WinaCo. Fovsaleby U. W. BEKLEY. • Do NOT forget if you want a first class Auctioneer, to call on F. K. Granger McHenry. Or if more convenient we can fix dates for .vou at this office. If you can affort to be annoyed by sick headache and constipation don't use De Witt's Little $arly Risers for these little pills will cure them. Julia A. Story. All the talk in the world will not con­ vince you so quickly as one trial of De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve for scalds, burns, bruises, skin affections and piles. Julia A. Story, We could not improve the quality if paid double the price. DeWitts Witch Hazel Salve is the best salve that exper­ ience can produce or that money buy. Julia A. Story. pin fan- times caus goods, whi on us for Work Ma O Statio ttoslneu Loeata. we wast all tbe residente of this village to understand that we carry the largest stock of overcoats ia this section. We are the people. J. J. MILLER. Kote the many red iwti on* at Evanson'% Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder Most Perfect Made. Dress flannels, of good quality, 36 in. wide, 25 oents per yard, at Evanson's. Our remnants will never be worth more than now and are worth only what they will bring, and knowing this we shall put a price on them that will sell them. J. W. CKISTY & BON, Ringwood. DeWitfs Witch Hazel salve cures piles. DeWitt's Witch Hazel solve cures burn ft DeWitt's Witch Haz^l Salve cures sores DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve cures ulcers. Julia A. Story. Old stock will accumulate, but we shall put a price that will make them go. We have a great variety of goods and you can find something that you can use at a price that cannot be duplicated. J. W. CRISTV & ^ON, Ringwood. Over 200 new, stylish, cheap and finely fitting ladies, misses' and children's jack­ ets, capes, sjacques and cloaks at rock bottom prices at Simon Stoffel's. Ignorance of the merits of De WITTS Lit­ tle Early Risers is a misfortune. These little pi IS regulate the liver, cure head­ ache, dyspepsia, bad breath, constipa­ tion and biliousness. Julia A. Story. OCEAN TICKETS, To OR from any part of Europe at lowest possible rates, over the White Star and North German Lloyd Steamship Com­ panies. Money sent at trifling cost to any part of the world. SIMON STOFFBL. Odd sizes Evanson's. pants for sale eheap at New buckwheat flour, fancy patent white flour, graham, corn meal and rye flour at Evanson's Inspect our large new stock of stylish ove- coats and suits just received. Can fit anyone in body and purse. AT Simon Stoffel's. The most complete assortment of Men's shirts can B3 found at Evanson's. From a 50 cent cotton to a 4.50 silk shirt. _====_ "Bargains," "Bargains" is an old chesnut, but you will not say it after see­ ing the prices put upon our remnants after July 8. J. W. CBIBTY & SON, Ringwood. Little vegetable health producers: De Witts Little Early Risers cure malarious disorders and regulate the stomach and bowels, which prevents headache and diz­ ziness. J ulia A. Story. Piles of people have piles, but DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve will cure them. Julia A. Story. Call on Simon Stoffel for one o! those fine chamber sets and learn HOW. TO^ OWN one without paying for it. JT One word describes it--"perfection." We refer to DeWitts Witch Hazel Salve, cures obstinate sores, burns, skin dis­ eases and is a well known cure for piles. Julia A. 8tory. New underwear, flannels, blankets, shawls, robes, gloves, caps and yarns at Simon Stoffels. We are showing a nice line of gents slippers. • J. W. CRISTY & SON. Oyster and turkey raffle at the Man­ hattan billiard hall Saturday evening, Dec. 23. . We can snit you on gloves or mittens either fancy or heavy. J. W. CRIBTY & SON. Highest prices paid for hides, pelts and tallow by Burke & Co. Oyster and turkey raffle at tbe Man­ hattan billiard hall Saturday evening, Dec. 23. Dried fruits are not high. We would like ts show yon a few samples mid quote ypu prices. J. W. CRISTY & SON. All kinds of fresh and salt meats, fish and oysters at rock bottom prices at Burke & Co's. Oyster and turkey raffle at the Man­ hattan billiard hall Saturday evening, Dec. 23. World's FairSouveniHsatJ.A.Story's. For Fnr Coats call on Simon Stoffel. Books cheap, nice bound only 20 and 25 cents AT J. A. Story's. We are having A big i-OFA on those heavy shrunk flannels skills, misses school DRPSSES and men's shirts. None will wear better. Conie in and see thenii, PERRY & OWEN A beautiful story is a lovely large book bound iulenther, only $2.25, at J. A. Story's, Call and examine. ' SPECIMEN CASE®. 8. H. Clifford, New Cassel, Wis., was troubled with neuralgia and rheumatism, his stomach was disordered, his liver was affected to an alarming degree, ap­ petite fell away and he was terribly re­ duced in flesh and strength. Three bot­ tles of Electric Bitters cured him. Edward Shepard, Harrisburg, 111., had a running sore on hia leg of eight years standing. Used three bottles of Electric Bitters and seven boxes of Bucklen's Ar­ nica Salve, and his leg is sound and well. John Speaker, Catawba, O. bad five large fever sores on his leg, doctors said b« was incurable. One bottle of Electrie Bitters and one box of Bucklen's Arnica Salve cured him entirely. Sold at TT. W. Besley'S drug store. ii ; v.. When Baby was sick, we gave her CastorUk When she was a Child, she cried for Castorte. When she became Miss, she clung to Castorte. When ibe had Children^ she gave tbem Castorte. ' '^"^1 m , iV - , •'*' J- "As old as the hills" and never excell­ ed. "Tried and proven" is the verdict o £ millions. S i lii o n ii Liver Regu­ lator is the only Liver and Kidney medicine to w h i c h y o u can pin your faith for a c u r e . A mild laxa­ tive, purely efcable, ing directly oh the Liver a n d Kid­ neys. Try it. Sold by all Druggists irr Liquid, or in Powder to be taken dry or made into a tea. The King of XJver Medicines, " 1 have used your Simmons Liver Regu­ lator and can conscientiously say it is the king of all liver medicines, I consider it a. ^ medSeiae chest In JtseJf.--GEO. W. SON, Tacoma. Washington. REVERT PACKAGE"®* "«• the Z Stamp In red on wrapper. DR. FRUTHI -WELL. BE­ AT WOODSTOCK, 10. umoe Friday, Jan. Hours from 894. i. M. to 5 P.M. j$T BOT^h '^ODSfoCK DR. D. O. FKUTH, i isHS ft MRS mm rell selected variety. The continued irchase a large line of common sense holiday it practical worth as well as new in design, ideas ic iToilet Sets, elegant Albums Fases. Glove JaL JjM* Burffton «n the Provident Medical Di*p*n~ sarv of P/*w Yor know President of the Jhruth M»d*oal InsliltUe, charitrtd Bis long experience fn tbe largest hoapltala in the WMTII! enables him to treat all CHBOKTO NBKVOTTS, 3KTH AWI> BLO >n diseases upon the latest seientillc pritic>pie«. Oil FBliTH hi® no superior in diagnosing anri tr*-atfrg diseases and deformitier. He will give ##0 for any case he cannot tell the disease and where located in live minute j Medical ttn'i surgical diseases, ecu e and chronic Oatnrrah. diseases of the Bye, Ksr. JNosr, Th • at and Lungs, Dy»j>"p«ia, Bright'* Disease, Diato» es, Kidney, Liver, Bladder, Chronic Female and Sexual Diseases #|;oertl!y c red by treatment that his never 'tiled in thounnnds of catee that tad been pronounced beyond hope. Many people meet deatn every ye»r who might have been restored to perfect h*alth had they placed their cases in the bands of experts. DH, FR'JTH has attained the most wonder­ ful success in the treatment of oases to which he devotes special atienti n, and after years of experience, l as perfected the most infalll bie method of curing Organic Weakuess, Ner­ vous Debility, Premature Deoiineof the Man- »y Power. Involuntary Vital Losses, Impair- ed Memory Mental Anxiety. Absence«.f Will Power, Melancholy, Weak Back and kidney effertiors if consulted before Idiocy. Innsn uy Jallmir Fitsor Total l«npotency result from YOUTH!' U L ERRORS, the awful effect which blight the most radiant hopes, unfiling patl> entfor basiues , study, society or marriage, a n »weepi> g to an untimely grave thousand* of younsr men rt ex*lt-d talent and brilliant Intellect. PILES CUBED with­ out pain, Kilfecutery, E I'11. K "s Y positive. It oure'l by our new *»d never failinx hoapl tal treatment, FKEF. EXAMINATIONS of the urine, ciiemical Mnd microscopical, in all casts of Kidney Diseases, Bright's Disease, Diabetes and dpermntorrba Bring speci­ men*. WoNDRRFUL CUKMS perfected In all cases that have been negleoted or unskill- fully trsateii. No experiments or failures We undertake no t»curabte ci»»es, hut cure thouoanus given up to die Remember tbe date an 1 eome early as his rooms are always CROWDED Oases and oonrespondenee esnfldential, and treatment sent by express with full direct­ ions tor nee, bat personal consultation pre- ,err® '• 0R| p. O. FAUTH. SB39 like Avenue/Chieise. Publication Notice. m M STATE OF ILLINOIS, Mchenry Oonnty. . CIRCUIT Court • f Mftltenry cefinty, Janu­ary term, K. D 1K9». " Joseph J. liowen. Hubert Fowen, Helena Rowce. Barbara Rowen and Kate i owen, vs. Oatharine Friend, Joh»> H. Friend, Mary Friend, Joseph Ffi'nd. Kate Friend, Martin H Friend, Peter Friend, Nicholas f riend, Rosa Schumacher. Emma Frlen<t, James H. Mo*se, Mary A Lester, Carrie A Harris, Sadie Morse, Carrie Morse and Ruby Morse in cha- eery. .» . . . _ Affidavit of the eon residence of Joseph Fr rnfl, Rosa Schumacher, sadie Morse, C»r- rle V"r»c and Rubv Morne, r>f the defendants above jianifli), hiving been fl ed in the office <>f the Clork of said Circuit to irt of McHenry County, notice is hereby given to the said non resident lelendant '. that the complain ants tiled their bill or complaint in said Court on the Chancery siUe thereof n the 27th day of November, A. D. WiM.^and that a summons thereupon issued out of said Oourt aga<osi ei'd det>» dants^We.urnable on the 8th day of Januarv, A. D. 18!)4.as is by law required. Sow,"therefore, unless you the said Joseph Friend, Rosa«<*huinacher, Sadie Morse, Carrie Morse and Ruby Morse shall personally be anJ appear before stirt Circuit Court of McHenry County on the first day of tne next term thereof, io i.e h^loen at the Oourt House in the city of Woodstock, in »ald County, on the Bih day of January. A. D. l^i, and plead, a-bwer or demur to the >aid complainant's bill of complaint, tne tame and the waiters and things therein charged and Atated will be taken as confessed, jamf a (i<|cre9 entered against you according to the prayer of said bill. In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of saiu Court, at my office in Woodstock this 271* day of No­ vember, A. D. 1893. w. P. MOBSB Olerk. JMlTl ft OASBT, OoAplatn'ts Siblicliors.. j boxes, Jewelry cases, ̂ sollar boxes, Mirrors, f;I baskets and Trays, worsted handkerchiefs Mufflers. Music Rolls, ble and Stand Fancy imp' Choice Crocki Patent de Engraved Lustre ha Fancy pla TUMBLERS^ ens. wel«, pcarfs, rapkins, table covcrs, covers. mps and Glassware. anting, stand, hall and n%Iitlam||lc re, decorated tea and dinner eels *, m* • chamber sets, children's toy sets, ! and saucers, cu&pidores, engraved goblets* '4 '1 From 15 to 20 per ce. Very large and co; " CLOA In colors and blacks. newest patterns. Jackets very cheap, as we an discount will now be made on our y ;k of Ladies1 Misses' and Children's D JACKETS, the most perfect fitting cut from opportunity to buy Cloaks and close out the stock. Great Redu< Our large stock of Men's, Youth's A' in Prices. s' Medium and Heavy i ?, . SUITS •< f I*-* \ Will be at once offered at prices that will move the whole stock from store to the back of satisfied patron®, Come early as We mean busi­ ness. Low Prices. flip" •HP " I A Shawls, Flannels, Skirts, Dress Goods and Trimmings, Hosiery and Mittens. in a Full Line of Underwear* For all sizes and ages required. Eadzer State warranted COATS, Overalls! Shirts and Jackets. Large stock, all sizes, correct ^ . styles, prices right. Have sold them ten years. PREVENT SICKNESS by buying the custom made C. H. Fargo & Co. Booes and Shoes. They are all warranted and the best in tho market. We are headquarteealpjCr.pl^.|9ffiai^.Jp^^ manufactured by L. Candee. - f-^g~We are sole agents here lor the famous 1 warranted shoes for men and w;omen. All sizes, Sole Shoes. r. L. Douglas futty best styles. Cork- Patterns. WWilir#^Shades, Curtains. Horse Blankets, Robes, Whips, #1# Groceries, Provisions, flour. Only pure Teas,. Coffees and Spices kept in stodk* ' ' AMMMLsmA "" insurance is Very Important Agent for the following sound and honorable companies; Liberal Policies, Low RATES. ? Phenix of Brooklyn. Rockf ord of Rockford. of HafffSf^ German of Freeport. -ma Also agent for the White Star and North German Lloyd Oceja Steamship Lines. u'J M'r >£ 'i'i v#. ikk J "4-'^ f^ **> , ..AYVK.'; ' * * WW

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