*m mmmqmmimm 'MV JHH? WEDNESDAY. OCT. 12, 1898. Railway Time Table. Taking effect Sund-y, May 29, 1897, at six o'cl »ck A. M. Trains will pass McHenry Station a* follows: --* •• OOIKG 80TJTH. ; Lake Geneva Passenger....i*».w.7:S4 A, * WIMiains Bay Express ...... J® Will »ma Bay Passenger ....... ... 3:27F. Ltucelieneva freight jj;27 Lake Geneva Passenger »;i7 _;}Wiili«ni8 Bay Pass'ger.Clilonly...7:(H t Williams Bay Pass'ger via Elgin 7 :M GOING MOHTH, ! Williams ftay Passenger 10:,CO A. Mi Lake Geneva Freight ,,10.t» Williams Hay Passengejr ...* 10:a« Lake Geneva Passenger... .. 2:50 P. *, Wiiiiaun Bay Express . 4:45 •• l.akeoeneva Passenger 4&» " t Williams Bay Passenger....1. •:« M KXPLAHATIOH, ~ • -Dally. t--Daily except Sunday. " J--Sundays only. x This train rnns from June 86 to Sept. 4, j^nlmiva. J.jPr1*AB<i8 who has been living in the ^Jl.'Waite house in thin Tillage, has moved his family to Aurora, where they wil> re- Bide during the winter. Mr. Parks is one \o( Uncle Sam's Mail Agents. SIMON KTOFFEL has been making some 'excellent improvements in the arrange- B. BUSS, Agent, McHenry. 111. M. W. A. Regular Meetings every Second and Fourth .Wednesday evenings of each month, at their Hall, over Evansori & Co.'s store. ROUT, I* UOWAKD, COnSul. J. KIMBALL, Oierk. W. C. O. F. , St. Patricia Coart, No 187, W. O. O. F. meet the First baturday and Third Wednesday •vcnlngs of each month, at Forest Hall. IMBS. MABY Conn, Chief Banger. OHABLOTTB MADDEW. Secretary. MASONIC. MCH«H*Y"LODG®, NO. 158. A. F. and A. M.-- -Regular Communications the second and fourth Mondays in each montn. W. A. ORI9TY. W. M. Methodist Episcopal Church.) Bev. J. B. Clark... Pastor, Preaching Sunday, 10:30 A. M. and 7 ;30 p. M. Sunday School,^ 11:6 A. M. Dr. A, E. Auringer Superintendent Epworth League, 6:5 P, M., Rev. J. R. Olark, President. Prayer Meeting, Wednesday, 7:30 p. v. Ladies' Aid Sooiety each alternate week Mrs. J. R. Olark, President. 4VA Cordial invitation la extended to all Unlversallst Church Directory. JT. J. Walsh, President H. C. Mead... Clerk James B. Perry Treasurer Bev. J. Straab, D. D Pastor The Willing Workers (the ladlea organ, •atlon.) Mrs. Jas. B. Perry ... .......President Mrs. J. Van Slyke Secretary Mrs W. A.Cristy ...Treasurer Bupt, of Sunday School....... A. E. Baechler Assistant,. W. A. Cristy •TThe Pastor's Chicago Telegraph Address e Grand Crossing, f reaching services at 10:30 A. M. and at liSO F. M. A cordial Invitation to all. New Advertisements This Week. Qus Carlson, McHenry. ~ John Kvansbn & Co., West McHenry. Simon Stoffel, " " Inter Ocean, Chicago. Executors Notice of Final Settlement. Estate of Leonard Bonslett, deceased. ment of his public Hall, and we do not exagerate when we pay he has now the Jieatest and most convenient little Hall wibo found in the county. < /WE learn that at the second meeting tfi the County Judges, of 8th Senatorial district held at Woodstock on Tuesday, they were unamious in declaring in favor uf Hon. John Donelly, as entitled to be recognized as the regular minority ^candidate for ltepresetative. f W. A. CRISTV is now Executive Special Agent for the Royal Union Mutual Life Insurance Company of DPS Moine, la., which is said to be one of the beet a;nd most reliable life companies now in exis tence. Call on him and ha will fully ex plain it to you. 'THE McHenry Volunteer Fire Depart ment have decided to give another party on Thanksgiving evening, which will probably be November 24th. Good music will be furnished and a general good time may be expected. The danc ing public should bear this in mind. W, T BEST, Op*ician, is row stopping at the Riyerside House, and is prepared to test your eyes and tit you with glasses and guarantees satisfaction in every particular. Read his notice in another coluTiin and call and see him, as he will remain only a few days. THE arrangements for the social party, to be given by the ladies of St. Patrick's Church at Stoffel's Hall, on the evening of the 26th, are progressing favoiably,; and promises to be the Party of the sea son. As we said before the proceeds will be usrd to pay for the new Organ. We bespeak for them a good turn out. BARBIAN BKOS have just received by /(nail, from Mike Thelen, at Porto Rico, a simple of Tobacco grown on that far off Island. AlsoacoiiDle of cigars made from the same. Frank says aB a relic it is all right, but for smoking purposes, he had much rather have a cigar he makes himi-elf. • V ONE of our exchanges tells of a man who smuggled a quantity of whiskey into a Sunday school picnic assembly surrep titiously and emptied it into the lemon ade tank. If the paper is to be believed some of the pillars of t ie chnrch came up for a third glasf, with compliments for the manufacturer. O. N. OWEN is treating the outside of is residence to a coat of paint. WE are under obligation to Miss Ruby Claxton for a handsome bouquet that adorns our desk. (FRANK WARD is building a new house on a lot purchased of Mat. Englen, in the north part of this village. Dr. A. E. BAECHLER will lead the Y. P. J C. U., at the Universalist Church, on| Sunday evening next. Topic, ""Ouri Church. Its Belief and Duty." THE Northwestern road has issued a handsome little pamphlet describing the Hawaiian islands. It also contains accu rate maps of the group. MRS. J. H. SPAULDING and daughter have just received a complete stock of winter millinery and will receive a fresh" supply every week during the season. / Jos. BLAKE has moved into his house^ / lately vacated by Henry Poile, in the I north part of the village, having rented \ his farm to Michael Hoff. \ A fuft stock of Fall and Winter M llin- «ry, in all the latest creations, in shapes and colors. Trimmed hats a specialty, at Mrs. M. A. Searles. / L. D. LINCOLN had the misfortune to / slip and fall one day last week, bruising ( and spraining his shoulder quite badly, 1 so that be is obliged to carry his arm in sling. A SON of John Dowell, who lives near / alocum's Lake, ag$&about seven years, died on {Saturday last. His funeral was '*• held on Monday and his remaius laid rest in the Volo Cemetery. The Willing Workers Society connpcted with the UtiiversaHst Church will meet with Mrs. L. H. Owen on Thursday afternoon of this week, Oct. 13th, at 2 o'clock. Every member is earnestly requested to be present. MRS. J. B. PERRY, President MRS. J. VAN SLYKE, Secretary • PARTICULAR attention is called to the new advertisement of Simon St iffel, to be found on the eighth page of this pa per. Aside from the biggest stock of new and stylish Cloaks and Jackets ever brought to this county, he is this week offering a lot of holdovers and eff styles, which he'is offering at your own price to close them out. Among this lot can be found many garmsnts of the finest ma terial. Read the advertisement and call &nd see for yourself. that f A FAMILY GATHERING*. f There was quite a large and pleasant gathering of the Gage and Smith fami- li s at the residence of L H. Owen and S. S. Chapell, in West McHenry, on Fri day last, which was to commemorate several important events in their lives, which was the 8Jst birthday of Grandma Gage, 59th birthday.of Mrs. II.C. Smith, 40th anniversary of the marriage of H. C. Smith and wile, the 6th anniversary of the marriage of L. n. Owen and wife, and the 2d anniversary of the marriage of S. S. Chapell and wife. While these anniversaries did not all occur on the same day they were all observed together and a very pleasant social (time was the result. There were present only the im mediate families of those named, to gether with the family of Homer Clemens, who is also a son-in-law ^>f Mr. Gage. Such gatherings are not only pleaeant, but serve to keep bright the memories of both old And young. May they,one and all, live to eDjoy many more gatherings of the same kind. _ . New Brass Band* A new brass band has beett in this village, have received their instru ments, and after a short season of prac tice will be ready to furnish our citizens with first class music on short notice A part of the members are old musicians, while the balance is composed of young men who are musically inclined, and we predict that in a short time this band will take a stand among the best in the county. The following are the names of the members: Solo Cornet list Cornet 2d Cornet ..E b Clarionet Solo-Alto 2d Alto Tenor .Slide Trombone E b Basp Snare Drum Snare Drum Geo. Hanly.......... Geo. Howe I. Carl Mead Milo Howe Hen Smith Wm. Jaeger Warthen Kimball. Wm. Howe Wm. ^ehreiner Orten Gilbert Dick Walsh Geo. Slimpin ....Bass Drum / THERE is a rumor in circulation two parties were injured by shooting, /while at McCollum's Lake, on Sunday ' last, but for some cause it has been kepi very quiet, and we have been unable to learn particulars, only that one party got eighteen shot in the back and the other one a small bullet in the lace. Whether it wan an accident or something else or ,who the parties were, remains a mystery. But it is evident that in neither case was t^e injury of a serious nature. at / RBV. W. L W HIPPLE nas been ap. I pointed by the Rock River Conference to | O'.-eupy the pulpits in the M. E. Church in \ this village and at Ringwood for the vqming year. f Mns. F. K. GRANGER and Mrs, H. A. / Smith, with a party of children, had a I picnic in R. Brown's woods, southwest of . ! -this village, on Saturday last, and report \ a very pleasant and ei joy able time. ' THE members of St. Patricia's Court, C. O. F., ho'.d a reception at Stoffel's Hall this Wednesday evening. We be- i lieve ic is confined strictly to members \ the Court and their ladies. O. T. ELIIREDUE has just built a con- venient barn and roomy yard for thr Trotting StiUlipn, "George O ," which horse he has recently purchased. ThiB horse is entitied to and will reoeire the . best of care while in his hands. ' A. L. HOWE purchased last week a nfew Chicago Gasoline Engine, seven horse power, with which he will run his hay press, feed cutter and grinder. These \gasoline engines are the handsomest and Wost economical engines, for any pur pose, now in use, as they require no shoveling of coal, handling of wood or high-priced engineers, and are always ready for use on five minutes notice. No farmer who has to use power should be without one. THE Great Northern Theatre is rec >g- nized as the only fashionable vaudeville house in Chicago and has easily earned tbe reputation it bears of having the best programme of any theatre in this line. The bill for tbe National Peace Jubilee week, commencing Oct. 16tb, is without exception the strongest as a whole that has ever been presented in any Chicago theatre, including such widely and emi nently known artists as Mr. and Mrs Sidney Drew, who makt the r first ap pearance in this city since their return from Europe; George Thatcher, tl;e fa mous minstrel, and Ed. Marble, widely known as an author-comedian, in a new one act comedy; Sadi, the renowned Russian Equilibrist; Willard Simms, comedian; Miss Maud Courtney, who sings "the old songs;' the marvelous Seymours, astonishing ' acrobats; the Highloys, m isical artists; John Mc- Wade, the popular balladist; Mile. Ar- munti, distinguished Sand and Smoke Painter; Cusiro Comedy Four, Comedy yocal Quartete, and several others. F CHAS. NOHDQUEST has left on our desk a twig cut from a pear tree in his father's yard, on which is a cluster of seven large handsome pears. The tree itself is so heavily loaded that it has to be propped to keep it from breaking down, and still the limbs are bent over so as to al most touch the ground it is so heavily loaded. It presents a very handsome appe&rancd. FRANK SEXTON was in town one day last weak with a load of the finest pump kins we have seen this. year. From the one left at our residence we are now en joying some very excellent pumpkin pies. He aleo had some very fine winter apples Of which be left os a liberal sample. THE Nunda Herald came out last week enlarged to a seven column quarto. The editor says, in speakiDg of the enlarge ment, that, "owing to thegreat demands on the advertising columns, we have en larged the Herald to a seven column quarto. This gives our readers their full allowance of reading matter, and also does away with the troublesome supple ment. If. in the dull season, business does not warrant th° continuance o' so la*ge a paper, we will return to a six column." We congratulate Brother Beatty on this evidence o {prosperity. PROF VT. T. BEST, One of Chicago's expert and oldest Opticians, is now at the Riverside Houee for a few days, where he can be se<»n from 9 to 12 M , and at Dr. Auringer's Office from 1 to 4 P. M , each day. He will be pleased to meet anyone needing GlasseR or having inflamed eyes, dimness of vis ion or black, floating spots before the eyes. If your eyes become fatigued easi ly, or if your eyes become inflamed and ache when reading, you should see him while you have, the opportunity. He will examine your eyes at your home and correct all errors of refracture as well a<» though you went to any large city.-- If you wish Prof. Best to call and see you leave word at the Hotel. THE whereabouts of C () Armstrong who has been missing for some time, is still a mystery, and every effort is tuing made to locate lirn. The M W. A. have sent out the following notice: C. O. Arm strong is 42 years of age; about five feet eight inches in height, and when he lefl home weighed about 150 pounds. Ht has dark brown hajr, full sandy beard and mustache, blue eyes and wears glasses. He was dressed in his work clothes, dark brown cost and vest, gray pan's, soft black hat, and carritd a mackintosh. He is out of his mind, and aimlessly wandering. He might be taken for a tramp. Any one seeing a man answering to this description, write at once to Mrs. C. O. Armstrong, 104 Lo cust street, Janesvilie, Wisconsin. The best ladies Mackintosh in thecoun- ty for f3 50. All wool cashmere, double cape, velvet collar, etc. Call and get one before they are all gone. Owen & Chapell. An Interesting Booklet. Another of those little gems of typo graphic art characteristic of the North western Railroad company has just been issued, in the shape of a beautiful and artistically gotten up booklet, the sul - j-'ct matter of which is a description of the Hawaiian Islands and their resources, which is presented together with an ex cellent map of this interesting recent ad dition to the United States. Of course t' e booklet has an especial object, the calling of attention to the Northwestern Railroad's famous trains, "The Over land Limited" and "The Pacific Express," which furnish such admirable transporta tion to San Faancisco, the gateway of the Hawaiian group. Lawyer Casey enters Suit Lawyer J. F. Casey last week began suit against the C. & N-W. R. R. Co., for the killing of Mrs. Carpenter. The amount si:ed for is $5,000, being the limit ofthe law in such cases. The trial of tbn case will be an interesting one, no doubt, as Mr. Casey is one the ablest and best trial lawyers in our court--a fighter every inch of him. Casey says the company is liable without doubt, and the company says it is not, so a battle roy al is coming--Democrat School of Pftarmacy. The formal opening of the School of Pharmacy of the State University took place in Chicago. Tuesday, October 4. Short addresses were made by the Presi dent of the University, the Dean of the School of Pharmacy, Mr. H. H. Rogers, of the advisory board, and Mr. A. E Sbert, one of the best known pharma cists of the west. (g^Geo D. Saxton, a brother of Mrs. McKinley, was murdered at Canton Ohio, one day last week. He #as shot down in th^ street, and a woman by tbe name of Mrs. George is under arrest, charged with the crime. President and Mrs McKinley arrived at Canton on Monday to attend the funeral. As no one saw the shooting the evidence against Mrs. George is purely circum stantial, but the 'relation existing be tween Ibis woman and the murdered man lends an air of probability as to her guilt. PERSONAL. ISAAC WENT WORTH and wife were visit ing friends at Wauconda on Surfday lasl- DB. C. H. FEGERS was a Chicago visi. tor 4a ̂ Tuesday. Miss DEBORAH COOPKR spent 8und »y with her mother, at Palatine. III. W. C. EVAN80N and wife entertained the latters sister the first of the week. BRN AND Jos. STILLINO were Elgin visi tor on Tuesday. 8. H. CHAPELL and wife were Chicago visitors on Monday and Tuesday. A. P. BAER made his regular business trip to Chicago on Tuesday. J. D. SMITH was transacting business in the city on Tuesday. MRS. M. NEISEN and daughter were Chicago visitors Tuesday. BEN SMITH wasV Chicago visitor on Tuesday. - Miss JULIA A* STORY was attending to business in Chicago on Tuesday. MRS J. J. BISHOP was a Chicago visi tor the first cf the week. O. N. OWEN was an Elgin visitor on Tuesday. Miss HATTIE HOWARD is reported quite sick, at her home in this village. SIMON ^TOFFEL was attending to busi ness in Chicago on Tuesday last. HARRY ELD RE no E, of Carpenterville, spent Sunday with friends, in this village. FRED ELDREDOE spent Sunday with A. Q. Eldredge and wife, at Algonquin. C. C. CHAPELL spent Sunday wit** friends in this village. MRS. LINCOLN LUSK, of Lake county, was the guest of David Parker and fam - ly a few days this week. JonN BICKLER, of Algonquin, was visit ing with his parents, in this village, on Sunday. MRS. Jos. SWADISH went to Lake Gene va on Saturday to attend the funeral of her daughter's child. REV. FATHER MEIIRINO, of Johnsburgh, was a Chicago visitor the first of the week. HON. F. K. GRANGER was attending'to business in the big city on Tuesday of this week. . JOHN LYE, of Johnsburgh passed through here for Chicago oa Tuesday morning. LYLE HOWE, of Chicago, is spending a short vacation with his parents, in tbis village. J. D.SMITH, of Smiths' corners, was attending to business at Carpenterville, on Friday last. MISS ELSIE HOWE was reported quife sick again on Monday, but at? this writ ing is much better. H. ERICKSON, of the Mineral Springs Hotel, Pistaqua Bay, was a Chicago vis itor on Thursday last. E. W. OWEN and wife went to Chicago, OD Thursday last, where they will sjpend a week or ten days with friends. MRS. GEO. SCHREINEH went to Elgio on Saturday where she will visit a few days with friends in that city. O. J. HOLRROOK, Special Agent of the Chicago Telephone Company, made our sanctum a call on Monday. DR. O. J. HOWARD, who we have re ported quite sick the past few weeks, is slowly convalescing, and his friends hope to see him around again soon. PROF. ANGEVINE, of McHenry, and Prof. Mills, of Richmond, attended the Principals meeting at Woodstock, on Saturday last. ALEX TWEED, of Fox Lake, was calling on friends in this village on Saturday last and did not forget to make our sanctum a pleasant caiL MRS. E. LAMPHKRE and daughter Hat- tie. and Mies Mamie Granger, visited with friends in Elgin on Saturday and Sunday last. ROHT. FCOTT and wife, of Cincinnati, are the guests of the formers parents, R. D. Scott and wife, in this village, this week. They arrived here on Monday evening. RAY LAMPNERE, Jjon Howarl, Geo. Slimpin, Warthen Kimball, Wm. Schrein- er and Orten Gilbert, attended the Ball Game at Lake Zurich the first of the week. JACOB BONSLETT started on Monday for Ashton, Iowa, where he will visit with his daughter, Mrs. Frank Jackiey, for the next few weeks. Mrs. Bonslett went there two or three weeks ago. LINUS NEWMAN received a dispatch on Saturday forenoon, that his mother was at the point of death, at her home, at North Hyde Park, Vt., and left on the afttrnoon train for that place. Grand Ball. Yourself and Lady are cordially invited to attend a Grand Ball, to be given at Rinffwoort. III., on Friday evening. Oct. 14th. Good music will be furnished. Jerry Smith, violinist. Floor Managers. N ate Stevens, Chas. Stevenson. Tickets 50 cents. We Know the Man. A western paoer says that in the be ginning God created the heavens and the earth ; then he made the editor, the li beral advertiser and the prompt paying subscriber, and it was good. The next day a blizzard sot in and be created the man who didn't believe in advertising and another who didn't take his home paper; then he rested. Then the devil got into the moulding room and he created the iellow who takes the paper for year8 and then fails to pay for it. After completing that sorry jqb and hav ing a few lumps of mouldy, pigsty mud left, he made the excuse for a man who settles his subscription by instructing the postmaster to mark his paper "refused" and he felt so mean about it that be has been kicking himself ever since.--/2x. Don't be deceived. The "Snag Proof' 'lubber Goods can only be bought at Owen & Chapell's. They are sole agents for this town. All other Snag goods are imitations. OBI ruARY. Died, at his home north of Wanconda, on Thursday, Sept. 20,1898,- Mr. James Monahan, aged 84 years. The history of Lake County says in an autobiography of Mr. Monahan that he was one of the largest laud owners and most sncoeseful farmers ip the county. He was born in the connty Sligo, Ire land, in 1814, and began life for himsell at the age of sixteen. In two years he earned and saved money enough to pay passage to America and came to Lock- port, N. Y., where he went to work on the Erie canal and had earned almost \ flOO, wh< n during tbe excitement caused by the cry of fire he forgot its safety, and when he return id to his work he found that his money had been taken. He was not discouraged and continued to work and save and soon had the coveted $100 which he used to purchase his brother's discharge from the British army. Thus his first earnings were used for the good of others, and all his long life he was ever ready to assist those in need. His first wife was Eliza Lane, who was born in Tipparary, Ireland, and a family of seven children was the result of their marriage. Mrs. Lane was a sister of "Indian Fighter" Jim Lane. She died at the age of forty years, and her children are among the most respectable people of the country. In 1863 Mr. Monahan married Miss Bradley, who has been a most devoted wife and mother, both to the former family and her own family of twelve sons and daughters. These, too, except the youngest boy, *are grown up men and women, and now this noble woman who has done so u.uch good in the world must feel the cruel pang of loneliness in her declining years. The funeral was conducted by the Knight Templarp, of which Mr. Mon ahan was a member for over thirty years, interment being in the cemetery at Wauconda. So one by one those who have made our history pass to the wide beyond, and their deeds live after them. I O S GRAVES, Janesvilie, Wis., is selling land for only $10 per acre, on long time and easy pay ments. There is no better chance offered for the young farmer to buy good land cheap and secure the benefit of the in crease in valuation. See advertisement in this paper and write him if yon want a farm in a good country. Real Estate Transfers- For t *o week ending Oot. 10, inclusive. Herbert RaMwin to O P Bsrnes lot 8 bik 4 Hobart's add WcoJstock S1.2C0 09 Frank Downie and wife to Wseden ' Cotiklin lot 12 b'k 2 Park's adil Ma rengo 60 W Levi McNott to C A X W By Oo pt 8% nw.lt'see 17 Algonquin 7,760 00 Henry Kemietieck and w to Lens Kriocson lot 3 of Lakesiilu and anoliier piece in neX sec 2<> McHenry 830 00 Trustses M. K. churcn to K. K. Mead lot 1!) Smith's re-plot Woodstock .... S50 CO Tr etees M. K. Church to Bart and Haiti* Young lot 17 Mniih's re-plat Wo (i«lock 250 00 IvAte Stewart psr Adcnr to Alex O Stewart w>4 swJt seo 13 w)t sec p.n.t pt n-vlt ri\v\ sec 25 Marengo..9,300 00 Geo H Perkins to Uen J Perkins e)< ot sej» sec If. Kile? 4,200 00 Henry Mead per K\r« to Henry Til>- i ita « pt of iota 1 and 3 blk 5 Mead's 4tli add Hebron 150 00 Frank 11 Jackman and w to Gustav kusack £4» It swii noii seo 7 and 55* in nwlt see 18 Dorr 4,5<0 00 John UIoBson ai.il w to Anna Karls pt n«Ji sec 26 McIieiry 3,<W 00 MathisK Kngeln and w to Joanna Ward pt nsj* *ec2fi McHenry 100 00 I>r <} 11 lTeger» »nd w to John Glrsson lot 1 and 18 bia 1 Feger's add Me- Henry 116 Oo Jonathan Moorland w to Wm Fltzar ne?ii .seit sec S Duuham 1,400 00 Isaac Connors anil wife to Geo Newman 1 h -2 blk 12 Hart's add Harvard 960 00 lid ward Puffy and w to J E Barber 8ft m lot 33 assrs plat Marengo 400 00 Marriage Lioensss. John Ktjlers .. Matilua Pollard Chas. Hoitfretor. Minnie York ..Marengo .. ..Union Alden Alden Probate Business. Estate Win. Maher. Petition to probate will. Estate Alice O'Toole.' Pinal report, 'Proof of heirship Admr. discharged. In re Lewis Charles et al minors. Intentory Estate Kate Stewart, Report of sale of reil estate. f Estate John Welch, Inventory, appiaise- ment mil and widow's T?linquisbment and sel'ctions. Estate l,arinda 1. aw ton, Petition to pro bate will. Estate Martin Walsh. Final report. Widow's relinquishment snd selections. Estate Lucretia Macon. Exhibition of re ceipts. I statu Harriet ratine. Following claims allowed: H. T. Woodruff fl2; Kmerson & Saunders, $4 50; Lake & Burke #21.50. RIDGEFIELD. Mrs. L. A. Walkup was in Chicago on Thursday. Mrs. La Fore was in Woodstock on business Saturday. . Mr. and Mrs. Miller, of Crystal Lake, called at J. E. Robinson's Sunday. O. Hall, wifo and daughter, Pearl, were in Woodstock Saturday. Earle Ormsby was in Chicago on Thursday. Geo. Parks, of McHenry, visited with his son here ponday. Mrs. Anna Hunt, of Elgin, has been spending a few days with friends here. Clark Jacobs, of Nunda. was here one day last week. Rev. J. A. Wood spent Wednesday at Harvard. Mr. Parks was in Chicago on business one day last week. Mr. H. Munroe spent Sonday at Woodstock. Misses Blanche and Lolo Lynch called on friends at Harvard and Chemung on Saturday. Miss Anna Morse spent Saturday and Sunday at her home here. Claud Jacobs, of Nunda, visited with his grandmother, Mrs. N, Jacobs on Sunday. Mrs. W. H. Munroe visited with her daughter. Mrs. F. R. Jackman. at Woodstock Sunday and Monday. A. D. Barden and daughter, of Wood stock, visited with Geo. Whieton and family Sunday. Mr. i lansen was in Chicago Monday. Mrs. Terwiliager visited with Mrs. N. Jacobs Saturday. * NATIONAL PEACE JUBILEE, CHI CAGO, OCTOBER 18-19. On account of the above, tickets to Chicago, via the Northwestern Line, from all points within 250 miles of Chi cago, will be sold October 17 and 18, and for all trains arriving in Chicago before noon October 19, good until October 22, at one fare for the round trip. Apply to pgents for full particulars. There are plenty of marked down gar ments everywhere, down because they don't sell, but we offer nothing but new est things to be found in the market See our Ad. J. E. CRISTY. Remember in buying your clothing at Miller's the price is made to fit the goods you select. JOHN J. MILLEB. We ure now showing the largest line of clothing ever shown in McHeury at one time, this is not in your mind, or on papar. If you call we will show you the goods to prove assertion correct. JOHN J. &LLEB, W. McHenry THE HAWAIIAN ISLANDS. The Chicago & Northwestern Railway has issued a booklet with the above title, giving a brief description of these is lands, their topography, climate, natur al resources, railways, schools, popula tion eta. It contains a folding map and mentions the various steamships lines plying between the Pacific ports and the islands. Attention is also called to the unparalled facilities offered by the North western Line, "the Pioneer Line west and northwest of Chicago," for reaching San- Francisco, Los Angeles, Portland and other western points. The booklets will be sent to any address upon receipt of four cents in stamps by W. B. Knis- kern. 23fifth Avenue, Chicago. 15-lw HOME SEEKERS' CHEAP EXCUR SIONS. On October 18, No /ember 1, 15, De cember 6 to 20, the Northwestern Line will sell home seekers' excursion tickets, with favorable time limits, to numerous points in the west and South at excep tionally low rates. For tickets and infor mation apply to agents Chicago & Northwestern R'y. 15-eow-6w Some nice new Dress Patterns at Owen & Chapell's. ________ Giving value for va ue iB the secret of good business and our clothing sale will be a fair example of the above motto. See our Ad. J. E. CRISTY. CLOTHING, CLOTHING, CLOTHING. Buy yonr Suits and Overcoats where the stock is largest, clean and new. You can suit yourself best. JOHN J. MITXER, \V. McHenry. Some extra good values in all wool sanitary underwear at Owen & Chapell's. New Prints just received. Latest Paterae, and at prices lower than ever before. Simon Stoffel. Call and leave your measure for a suit of clothes or overcoat only a' moderate profit charged and perfect fit guaran teed at M. J. Walsh's QeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve Cures Piles, Scalds, Barns. New stock of Ladies Wrappers, Flan nelettes, Percales and Calicoes. Just received at M. J. Walsh's. A fresh supply of the finest candies received every week at M. J, Walsh's. New line of Fall Hats and Shoes, "jost received, at Owen & Chapell's. We save all cash discounts in buyinir our clothing. Those getting their Over coats or Suits of us will get tbe cash benefits. JOHN J. MILLEB. SILVER DRAGON TEA. The best Tea in the market, and bongh before the Tax. Sold now at 50 cents per pound. At Simon Stoffel's. Win your battles against disease by acting promptly. One Mintnte Cough Cure produces immediate results. When taken early it prevents consumption. And in later stages it furnishes prompt relief. BY J. A. Story. Sweet, Orr Overalls and Jackets, at Owen & Chapell's. WANTED--SEVERAL TRUSTWOBTBY persons in this state t> manage our business in their own and nearby count'es It is iuainlv ofllce work conducted at home. Salary straight #900 a year snd expen-es-- dell rite, bonstide, no more, no less salary Monthly, |75, Beferences. Enclose self- addressed stamped envelope, Herbert E Hess, Prest, Dept., M, t hinago. 10 4in Bob Moore, of LaFayette, Ind., says that for constipation he has found De Witt's Little Early Risers to be perfect. They never gripe. Try them for stomach and liver troubles. By J. A. Story. A large assortment of Floor Oil Cloths at Owen & Chapell's. It is now an undisputed fact that we carry the Clothing Stock of McHenry. When in want of anything in that line give us a look. JOHN J. MILLEB. Thousands of persons have been cured of piles by using DeWitt's Witch Bsze Salve. It heals promptly and cures eoze ma and all skin diseases. It gives im 1 mediate relief. By J. A. Story. Fine Apron Ginghams 5c per yard, at Owen & Chapell's. Good pantaloons overalls 50c. 75c, 90c and fl.00. Duck coats, fl.00, $1.25, f 1.50, $2 00, $2.25 and $2 50 at M. J. Walsh's. W'ANTED--SEVERAL TRUSTWORTHY person* in this stste to manage our :>ubine8° in their own and nearb/ counties; It is mainly office wo k conductei st home. Sab ry straight #900 a year and expenses-- definite, b>nailde, no more, no 'CBS salary. Monthly, #75, References Enclose self, addressed stamped envelope, Herbert E Hess, Prest,, Dept. M, Chicago. )0 'n. We have the power to make the price a power. The better the grade the better trade. We can prove the above asser tion during the week October 8 to 15 inclusive. See our Ad. J. E. CRISTY. SDR. CALDWELL'S B| Y R U P P E P S ] f i CURES CONSTIPATiOklf The celebrated Pillsbury Flour can be onnd at Simon Stoffel's. ft is un luestionably the moBt popular Flour •ver sold here. $1 00 FOR 10c. A gentleman from Farmer City, writes: "I have used your remedy, Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin, and find it an excellent medicine. My whole family use it. Our baby is only 6 months old and takes it freely. I would not be without it if the 10c size cost me$l 00--Lincoln8. Payne. In 10c, 50c and $1.00 siaes at J. A. Story's. Get your husking Gloves, at Simon Stoffel's. Prices way down. r*TAN TED-SEVERAL TRUSTWORTHY TV persons in this state to manage our nustness in the'r o»n and nearby counties, t: is mainly office work conducted at home, ialnry straight #900 a yesr and expenses-- iefinlte, bonallde, no mot no less salary. Monthly, #75 References Enclose se f tddressed *t«mpe<1 envelope, Herbert E lies*. Pres., Dept. M, Ohicago. 10 4m The editor of the Evans City, Pa., i/ofte, writes. "One minute Cough Cure is rightly named. It cured my children after all other remedies failed." It cures c«.ughs, colds, and all throat and lung troubles. By J. A. Story. Clothing and Shoes are onr specialties, hence it is easy to see that we can do you more good on those lines than you get elsewhere. JOHN J. MILLER. SCHOOL SHOES. The finest stock of Children's School Shoes ever brought to this town, can be foand at Simon Stoffel's. mm Baal Old fashions in dress may be received but no old-fashioned medicine vt place Chamberlain 's Colic, I botera as Diarrhoea Remedy^ For sale by J. A Story. One Minute Cough Cure, cm t That '• what it was mde far. • A PROMINENT LAWYER, « ^ Of Greenville, 111., Mr. C. E. Cook, writes, "I have been troubled with billiotisneas, sick headache, sour stomach, constipa tion, etc., for several years. I sought long and tried many lemedies, but was disappointed until I tried Syrup Pepsin. I can cheerfully recommend it to any aol* fering from above complaints." J. A. Story, McHenry. IT LEADS. ^3 Wherever it has been introduced, Dr» t aldwell s Syrup Pepsin leads all other remedies in curing Constipation, Indi gestion and Sickheadache. It only costs 10c for trial size (10 doses for 10 cents). Large size 50c and $1.00. At J, A. Story's. • DeWitt's Little Early Risers* \* The famous little pills. For Sale. Feed warehouse and Coal sheds, stta- nted at West McHenry, 111., together with a well established Feed and Coal trade. For further particulars apply at once to W. A. Cristy, West McHenry, ei? J. E. cristy, Ringwood, III. 33tf How to Prevent Croup. We have two children who are subject to attacks of croup. Whenever an at tack is coming on my wife gives tbem Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and it al ways prevents the attack. It is a house hold necessity in this county and BO matter what else we run out of, it wonld not do to be without Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. More of it is sold here than of all other cough medicines com bined.--J. M. NICKLE, of Nickle Bros., merchants, Nickleville, Pa. For sale J. A. Story. Sick headaches, biliousnees, constfpa tion and all liver and stomach troubles can be quickly cured by using those famous little pills known as DeWitt's Little Early Risers. They are pleasant to take and never gripe. By J. A. Story. Be; sure to leave your orders for Pills- bury's or Washburn's l>est at Stoffel's Delivered promptly to any part of town. Wanted-An Idea Who can think of some simple thing to ptteatf Protect your Ideas: thpv may bring you wealth. Write JOHN WET>DERBtJRN St CO . Patent Attar. Devi, Washington, D. C , for their $1,800 prtae OUK «nd list of two hundred Inventions wanted. "I think DeWitt's Witch Hszel Salve is the fl nest preparation on the market to piles." So writes John C. Dunn of Wheeling, W. Va., Try it and vou will think the same. It also cures eczema and all skin diseases. By J. A. Story I have made a specialty 01 the proM» cution of all kinds of damage oaasa against RAILROADS. other Corporations, and Estates, lor fifteen years and make no charge vahMW uccessfnl. Call or write me. / - . U P. BARNES, ATTOlW*T. Woodstock 0 LITTLE MAID O' DREAMS Never dreamed of anything so pood for the human race as Dr. Caldwell's Syrap Pepsin. So pleasant to take and so po tent as a cure for Constipation, Indiges tion and Sickheadache, three of the greatest troubles that flesh is heir to. la 10c, 50c and $1.00 sizes of J. A. Story. Cotton Bats, the best At Simon Stoffel's. Three Doctors in Consultation. From Benjamin Franklin. "When you are eick. what yon best is to be chosen for a medicine in the first place; what experience tells you is best, to be chosen in the second place; what reason (i. e., Theory) says is best is to be chosen in the last place. Bnt it you can got Dr. Inclination, Dr. Experi ence and Dr. Reason to hold a consulta tion together, they will give yon the beat advice that can be taken." When you have had a bad cold Dr. Inclination would recommend Chamber lain's Cough remedy because it iB pka- sant and safe to take. Dr. Experience would recommend it because it never fails to effect a speedy and permanent cure. Dr. Reason would reommend it because it is prepared on scientific princi pals, and acts on nature's plan in reliev ing the lungs, opening the secretions and restoring the system to a natural and healthy condition. For Bale by J. A. Stcry. GRAND GIFT DISTRIBUTION A Fall |Set of Six War Memorial Absolutaly Free to Every Family United states. For sixty days we'll give absolutely without cost a full set of six war Memo rial Spoons to every family sending va a cash order for Household Knrnitiirw se lected from our catalogue, no matter whether the order be for $1 or $1,000. This means that we're going to add fifty thousand names to our list of per manent customers. We're going to de monstrate that it pays to Bend direct to the factory for furniture. This dis tribution will cost us thousand of dollars --and make us thousand of friends. Each spoon is of a different Four U. S. Battleships, including "Maine," Soldiers in Camp ia Cuba, and Morro Castle. These spoons are not the cheap kind advertised extensively at $1.00 to $1.50 a set. They are warranted beet coin silver plate on a base of pure nickel sihrsr (not low grade brass). They will wear for years and become a priceless heir loom for future generations. Send for a copy of our catalogue today. You should enclose a stamp or two to help pay postage. QUAKER VALLEY MFG. CO., 353,355 & 357 W. Harrison St., Chicago. 94a I Do yon know that E. Lawlus, Tailor. has taken measures for six, seven ana eight suits a week. Good goods low. Prices from $4.80 to $12. Keep jour hand oo your pocket book until yon see E. Lawlus. _____ 49«t Tbe chief Burgess, of Milesburg, Pa., says DeWitt's Little Early Risers are the best pills he ever used in his family dur ing forty years of house keeping. They cure constipation, sick headache and stomach and liver troubles. Small in siM but great in result. By J. A, Story. E. C. Blanks, of Lewisville, Texaa, writes that one box of DeWitt's Wittb Hazel Salve was worth $">0.00 to him. It cumi his piles of ten years standing. He advises others to try it. It a»0 cures eczema, skin diseases andohstiaata sores. By J. A. Story. Buy your fall and winter I uderaafc and dock coats at M. J Walsh'su T'it'