* 1 - \ HackAeHc? In oonatant pain when or fyourfeet! • Is that dragging, palling1 sensation with you from morn till night ? Why not put the medicine exactly on the disease ? Why tnot apply the cure right to ̂ [the spot itself ? ,:A You can do it with 1 Statistic* of tbe Cuban W«r. Prof. Arthur Codezo Vinageras, of the Havana Academy of Sciences, has compiled tbe vital statistics of the late war of Cuba with Spain. He does not, claim that it is absolutely accurate, but that it 1b approximately so. He estl-5 mates the mean population of the isl and in the years 1893-'9S as 1,540,000, of whom 532,000 were colored. Of this 'number 40 per cent, of whites and 72 per cent, of negroes were illiterate. The percentage of male to female was 54 to 4(E He estimates the number of the Spanish army sent to Cuba during this period as 234,000, and the number of Cubans fitted to take arms as 3112,- 000. Of this number he finds that 71,000 actually rose in arms, while 262,000 re mained irresolute. The remainder, al most 30,000, went into exile. The 'num ber of armed Cubans killed during the war was 10,300 whites and 6,600 ne groes; of unarmed fighting men 11,400 whites and 12,000 negroes. Weyler's order of reconcentration was responsi ble, Prof. Vinageras estimates, for the death by starvation and disease of 387,- 000 persons--:inen, women and chil dren. Of this number 202.000 were whites. The total loss of Cuban life by the revolution was 41S.300. The Cubans in arms at the end of the revo lution he estimates at 28,600. The total loss of the Spaniards was 22,00C In battle and 106,000 by disease. Immediately after th« gPlaster is applied, you feel* Jits warming, soothing in-J ffluence. Its healing remedies' ' quickly penetrate down deep into the inflamed tissues. Pain is quieted, soreness is re lieved and strength imparted. No plaster was ever made like It. No plaster ever acted so quickly sad thoroughly. No plaster ever had such complete control over all kinds of pais. Placed over the chest it is a powerful aid to Ayer's Cherry Pectoral; relieving congestion and drawing out all inflammation. TOR KAT.K PT ALL DRVOGIIIT*. J. C. AVER CO.. Lowell. Mm. Cough as tea Good in time. Sold by druggists. Brave Elephants. . No animal will face danger more readily, at man's bidding, than the ele phant. As an instance, take the fol lowing incident, which recently occur red in India. A small female elephant was charged by a buffalo in high grass, ftnd her rider, in the hurry of the mo ment, and perhaps owing to the sudden ttopping of the elephant, fired an ex plosive shell from his rifle, not into the buffalo, but into the elephant's shoul der. The wound was so severe that it had not healed a year later. Yet the elephant stood firm, although it was Sored by the buffalo, which was then killed by another gun. What is even more strange is that the elephant was not nervous of gun reports afterward. Bromus Inerraia Grasa I It's the greatest grass on earth--Salzer •ays so. This grass yields 4 to 7 tons 'lietter bay than timothy in dry, rainless Countries; yields even more than that in Ohio, Ind.. Mich., Wis., Iowa, III., Mo., Kaus., Nebr.. Mont., yes in every State of the Union! Snlzer warrants this! Pota toes $1.20 a Bbl. Send this notice to JOHN A. SALZER SEED CO.. LA CROSSE. WIS., and 10 cents postage and receive their great Seed Catalogue and sample of this grass seed and nirs other farm seed Rareties free. (c. n.) An Africaii Chief's (Jmbrel'a. As Africaii umbrella is o£ greater importance than many people suppose. Apart from its enormous size, its loss in battle more than equals the loss of a standard of a European com mander. Some of the umbrellas are of prodigious dimensions, being no less than 25 feet in diameter, with ribs 12 feet 6 inches long.~ Avoid the Night Air. Avoid the night air wheii damp and cold, and you will often avoid havltig neuralgia, but St. Jacobs Oil will cure it no matter what is the cause and no matter how long it has continued. The University of Oxford lias type and appliances for printing in 150 dif ferent languages. MANY REBELS SLAIN. FILIPINOS SUFFER GREAT LQ$S PEAR CALOOCA* . , " • ; ^ 1 /V. ?. >»•' American Lom Waa 1G Killed and l30 Wounded--Brilliant Victory Won by Pen. Mac Arthur'* Brigade--Plana to Quickly Crush Agninaldo'a Force*. An Electric Plant. A plant which grows in the forests oi India, called the Pbilotacea electrlca, has the power Of emitting electric sparks. The hand which breaks a leaf from this plant immediately receives a shock equal to that produced by an induction coil. At a distance of six yards a magnetic needle is affected, and will be deranged if brought near. The enefgy of this singular influence varies with the lrour of the day. All- powerful about 2 o'clock in the after noon, it is absolutely annulled during the night. During rain the plant seems to'succumb, and bends its head during a thunder shower. It then remains without force or virtue, even if shel tered by an umbrella. No shock is felt in breaking the leaves at that time, and the needle is unaffected beside it. Birds or insects never by any chance alight on the electric plant, an instinct seem ing to warn them that they will find certain death there. Where it grows none of the magnetic metals are found, neither iron, cobalt, nor nickel--an un deniable proof that the electric force belongs exclusively to the plant. What Do the Children Drink? Don't give them tea or coffee. Han you trieu tbe new food drink called GRAIN-O? It is delicious and nourish ing, and takes the place of coffee. The more Grain-0 you give the children the more health you distribute through their systems. Grain-0 is made of pure grains, and when properly prepared tastes like the choice grades or coffee, but coats about as much. Ail grocers sell it 15c. and 25c. Crime In Enicland. The British Home Office report for 1887 shows that while serious crimes tend to diminish in England, there is a great increase of minor offenses. By far the larger number of criminals con victed during the year have been con victed of some crime before--a fact that led the Home Office to conclude "that neither penal servitude nor Im prisonment serves to deter the habitual offender from reverting to crime, and it is the habitual offender who forms the bulk of the prison population." Shake Into Your Shoes Allen's Foot-Ease, a powder for the feet. It cures painiul. swollen, smarting, nervous feet and instantly takes the si ins out of corns and bunions. It's the greatest comfort dis covery of the age. Allen's Foot-Ease makes tight-fitting or new shoes feel easy. It is a certain cure for sweating, callous and hot. tired, aching teet Try it to-day. Sold by all druggists and shoe stores. By mail for 25c, in stamps. Trial package FREE. Address, Allen b. Olmsted, Le Roy, N. Y. Consumption kills nearly 12 per cent, of the people of the United States soon er or later. Pneumonia is the com plaint next most fatal, carrying off nearly 9 per cent. Lane'a Family Medicine Moves the boweU each day. In order to be healthy this is necessary. Acts gently on the liver and kidneys. Cure* sick headache. Price 25 and 50c. There are in India 200,000 widows aged between 9 and 14 years, and 80,- 000 less than 9 years old. We will forfeit $1,000 if any of our pub lished testimonials are proven to be not genuine. THE PISO CO., Warren, Pa. Wheat ripens in Chili and Argentine in January; in Peru fn November. SORROWS Of STER/UTY <*4 MOTHERHOOD is woman's natural destiny. Many women are denied the happiness of children through some derangement of the generative organs. Actual barrenness is rare. -Amoi£ the many triumphs of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound is the overcoming of cases of supposed barrenness. This great medicine is so well calculated to regu late every function of the generative or gans that its efficiency is .jouched for by multitudes of women. MRS. ED. WOLFORD, of Lone Tree, Iowa, writes: '* DEAR MRS. PINKHAM--Before taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound I had one child which lived only six hours. The doctor said it did not have the proper nourishment while I was carrying it. I did not feel at all well during preg nancy. In time I conceived again, and thought I would write to you for advice. Words cannot express the gratitude I feel towards yon for the help that your medi cine was to me during this time. I felt like a new person; did my work tip to the last, and was sick only a short time. My baby weighed ten pounds. He is a fine boy, the joy of our home. He is now six weeks old and weighs sixteen pounds. Your medicine is cer tainly a boon in pregnancy." MRS. FLORA COOPER, of Doyle, S. Dak., writes: " DEAR MRS, PINKHAM-- Ever^ince my last child I suffered with inflammation of the womb, pains in back, left side, abdomen and groins. My head ached all the time. I could not walk across the floor1 withoutsuffering intense pain. I kept getting worse, until two years ago I wrote to yon for advice, and began taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. I had not finished the first bottle before I felt better. I took four bottles, and have been strong and perfectly healthy ever since, and now have two of the nicest little girls." Manila advices Saturday reported a ter rible battle near Caloocan. TJie Ameri cans won a splendid victory. Five hun dred rebels were killed and wounded and as many more were taken prisoners. American losses were conservatively es timated at sixteen killed and about 130 wounded. The insurgent losses are great er than during any previous engagement. Gen. MacArthur's division is to be cred ited with the splendid work of the day, including the capture of several villages and complete demoralization of Aguinal do's forces. The capture of Malabon, the rout of the insurgents, the making pris oner of Aguinaldo and the complete occu pation of his so-called capital, Malolos, is the campaign mapped out by Gen. Otis. Elaborate preparations were made. Gen. Whfcaton's brigade was placed in the rear and Gen. Harrison Gray Otis' and Gen. Hall's were massed behind Gen. Hale's. Under the cover of the darkness Gen. Otis' and Gen. Hale's brigades left their trenches and advanced close tip on the enemy's line without being detected, Gen. Wheaton's and Gen. Hall's brigades oc cupying the vacated positions. At day light Gen. Otis' and Gen. Hall's brigades advanced from La Loma church straight through the rebel lines, cutting the ene my's force in two. Upon this occasion the rebels adopted the American tactics of holding their fire until the attackers were about 1,000 yards distant. The rebels also fired lower than usual. The Ameri cans fired volleys with terrible effect and then rushed forward, cheering and carry ing everything before them. Once through, Gen. MacArthur's division was swung to the left, driving the rebels away on all sides. The natives stood until the Americans were within 200 yards of their position and then broke and ran for the woods. Thirty of them were killed in the out skirts and seventy on the roads. The Mon tana and Kansas troops met the hottest resistance. Smoke from the burning huts marked the lino of the American advance. Ambulances and horse litters, led by Chin ese, brought in the wounded, among whom were a few Filipinos. The Americans who were wounded endured their injuries bravely. WILL MARRY BOB BURDETTE. Tbe Bride-Elect of the Humorist la Wealthy and Gifted. Two recent events in the career of Bob Burdette will interest the admirers of the great Aiherican humorist. One is that he has turned preacher and will fill the pulpit of the First Presbyterian Church of Pasa dena, Cal., and the other is that he will soon take anto himself another wife. The bride-elect is Mrs. Clara Baker of Pasa dena. Her remarkable beauty and gra- ciousness would distinguish her id any company, and to make matters all the more pleasant she is possessed of no little share of the world's wealth. Her home is one of the prettiest among Pasadena's famous homes and its social atmosphere is delightful. She is the founder and a former president of the Ebell Club of Los Angeles, and is a writer of force and reputation. The friendship between these .two brilliant persons began twenty years ago when they met on the lecture plat form in a Wisconsin town, she as the president of a literary organization! and he as the lecturer of the evening. Any old whistle would answer as well, Col. Aguinaldo, when a man wants to whistle to keep up his courage.--Cleveland Plain Dealer. We hasten to assure the groundhog that he has been vindicated. Now let us have something like good weather.--Omaha World-Herald. Probably Mr. Molinetu would . have been happier had he employed a type writer to address bis bromo'seltEer pack ages.--Boston Herald. i«-•• Mr. Roosevelt's last magazine contribu tion treats of a bullet that 'ttil&sed him. Yet Mr. Iteosevelt has never prided him self on his dodging ability.--Washington Post. That mothers' convention in Washing ton i« in favor of looser corsets. This is in line with the claim of other women that they're too much held in.--Philadelphia Times. Admitting the appropriations of Con gress are something stupendous, some may say the size of the American eagle presupposes a big bill.--Philadelphia Times. Billion dollar Congresses are no longer a novelty. The late one exceeded that limit to such an extent that it looks like a very modest sum for the national expenses of a year.--Boston Globe. Apropos of our new holiday, the Boston Transcript rises to remark that "the 1st of May is more likely to be frosty than dewey." But not in tbe vicinity of Ma nila.--Philadelphia Ledger. Chicago is about to spend m«ire than $10,000,000 in street improvements. And yet there are contractors who, elect to re main in Philadelphia. -- Philadelphia Ledger. . • , Nevertheless and notwithstanding, the gentlemen of tbe investigating committee are not subsisting exclusively on canned roast licef at the present time.--Pittsburg Telegraph. Only about 45,000 chances for tfflica un der the Merriam census regime. -D^^ou wonder that every day is his busy day?-- Boston Globe. Aguinaldo should not be expected to is- siie any more proclamations until he has stopped running--Pittsburg Telegraph. HANNIBAL HAMLIN. And How He Won the Name of **Th« Carthaginian of Maine." Among the many stories of Hamlin's early experiences in the Maine Legisla ture none is more animated than his tilt with John Holmes, interesting, be sides, because it gives the origin of "The Carthaginian of Maine," a name that Btuck to Hamlin through life. Holmes had been in the United States Senate, and at this particular time writes General Hamlin, a member of the State House of Representatives was endeavoring to domineer over it. "Hamlin disputed the leadership with him, and Holmes attempted to crush his young opponent by coarsely ridicul ing his swarthy complexion. Instantly Hamlin jumped to his feet, and point ing his finger at Holmes retorted^ 'If the gentleman chooses to find fault with me for my complexion, what has he to say about .himself ? I take my complexion from nature; he gets his from the brandy bottle. Which is more honorable?'" This retort was greeted with great applause and cries of "Go on!" Hamlin then continued pointing his finger at Holmes: "I will also tell the member from Alfred that he is more conspicuous for trying to run dry shod over yofmg men than for trying to encourage them. • • But as long as they are true to them selves and to nature, and as long as the member from Alfred sticks to the brandy bottle, they need not fear him As soon as the cheers of the House could be sufficiently silenced, Holmes retracted bis words and made a manly apology. "The young Carthaginian routed the old Roman," was one hu morous comment on the incident, and from that time Hamlin was thus fre quently characterized. The Parson Was in a Harry. Here is a faithful report of a unique wedding ceremony in the wilds of Ken tucky: "George Washington Columbus, do you take this woman to be--hush! What was that?" Deep silence, for a few secondsf fol lowed by another section of the ser vice. Then raising his hand, the preach er said solemnly: ,.-t "As a minister of the gospel--Ustenr I think I hear a wild cat!" Deep silence for ten seconds. "I pronounce you--listen, that's a wild cat sure--husband and wife." And down the hill the pnrty raced, with the preacher three lengths in the lead and running easy.--Atlanta Con stitution. TABAKS KOLLEQIUM. Belgian Bruges Poaaeaaca a Hi-rat to Friedt-ich Wiih'elm'a Clnb. Quaint old Bruges, immortalized by Longfellow, possesses one of the quee^* est institutions extant. It is nothing other than a modern imitation of the Tabaks Kollegium, famous throughout the history-reading world. The Prus sian Smoking College, as originally initiated by the stout old King, was rather for serious business than mere pleasure, matters of gravest import ance to church and state being dis cussed between the long, solemn puffs. Brugshce Rookersclub, on the contrary, is continued for the sake of sport. A smoking contest is carried on each evening, not, as might be supposed, to see who can smoke the most tobacco in the least time, but who can smoke the least tobacco in the most time. At the signal to begin, attendants light simultaneously the pipes of all the con testants, who are seated around a great table. Each man smokes a com mon kind of pipe, filled with exactly two and a half grammes of the finest tobacco. A referee watches carefully to see that no one allows his fire to die dotvn, the rule being that a spark must be kept constantly burning. Each man drops out as his pipeful Is consumed, while the two who remain the longest share the money in portions of two and three fifths, the winner taking the larger portion. Many members of the Rookersclub have become expert at the game, puffing constantly away at one pipeful for as long as two hours. The club is a very exclusive affair, the heavy dues keeping out all but the up per class. The First News Sheets. The first news sheets at all answer ing1 to our modern newspaper were Is sued by order of the Venetian govern ment, about 153G. At first they were simply written out, and exhibited to public inspection on payment of a small coin called a "gazetta," whence the modern term "Gazette." Afterward the demand made it necessary to print them. The first English newspaper of which we have positive evidence was the Weekly News, published by Na thaniel Butler in 1032. The English Mercurle of 1583 is a forgery. It was really printed about the middle of the eighteenth century.--Boston Traveler. f MRS. CLARA BAKER. A Good Idea. "What do you think of a poet's club?" asked the versifier, brushing the hair. Out of his eyes. "Every newspaper office should be provided with one," replied the editor; "hickory, with iron tips, and kept close at hand for all emergencies."--Philadel phia North American. ^ •lOO Kaward. SIOO. The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there Is at least one dreaded disease that science lias been able to cure In all Its stacks, and that Is catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cur» Is the only positive cure now known to the med ical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional disease, requires a constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the svstem, thereby .destroying the foundation of the disease, and plving the patient strength by institution and assisting nature Bridge Made of Bamboo. A recent British consular report from the far east describes a suspension bridge of 300 feet span made of bam boo. The cane is split up into fibers and twisted together to form the cables. Considering its span, the material of the structure is quite remarkable. The old tradition that almost anything can be made out of bamboo receives here a good illustration in the field of engi neering. St. Jacoba Oil cares St. Jacoba Oil " St. Jacoba Oil " St. Jacoba Oil M St. Jacoba Oil ** St. Jacoba Oil M St, Jacoba Oil ** St. Jacoba Oil M St. Jacoba Oil ** St. Jacoba Oil " Rheumstista. Neuralgia. Lumbaga Sciattos. Spralna. Bruises. 8oreneii Stiffness. Baokaoha Muscular Aohsa TWO IDUIIAILE Of Twd Prominent and WcU-Xunrm „v. • ACMairh Cn» tbat Cam. Seasonable Spring Sayings. Springtime hap come at last, and now Is the tiaie,for,all catarrh,sufferers to begin a systejnatic course of treatment for this disease. The greatest difficulty In the way of treating chronic catarrh is that tbe patient is so liable to catch cold during the treatment and thus de lay the cure. This.iia^ility at this sea son of the year is, in a great measure, removed, and no one should neglect tbe opportunity to begin treatment. Miss Dade Stegeman, superintendent of the Chicago North ,Sicte Woman's Club, of Chicago, in a regent letter to Dr. Hartman, speaks of Pe-ru-na as follows: Chicago.'Jan. 23, 1899. Pe-ru-na Drug MTg'Co., Columbus, O.: Gentlemen--Pe-ru-na has often been used by the mem bers of our club In cases of stomach trouble and general CiSl d debility--also recent l y l y l n c a s e s o f l a V-v jtff grippe, hnd always with the most bene- fi c l a r y results. I think a great deal of Pe-ru-na--often , rec ommend it to my DADE STKOKMAN. friends, and am glad to say all who have tried it speak a good word for it. Yours truly, DADE STEGEMAN. Send for free catarrh book. Address Pe-ru-na Drug Manufacturing Co., Co lumbus, Ohio. GENERAL 8. 8. YODKK. Notwithstanding that a great of people have been cured of catarrh by taking Pe-ru-na during past cold season, yet it cannot nied that the cold, wet, stormy has retarded many cures, and in BMW cases actually prevented a cure. General S. S. Yoder, ex-Member Congress from Ohio, in a recent letter to Dr. Hartman, speaks of Pe-ra-aaa0 follows: Washington, D. GL Pe-ru-na Drag M'f'g Co., Col urn boa, (h Gentlemen--I desire to say that K have found Pe-ru-na to be a woodedM remedy. I only used it for a short ttaaa and am thoroughly satisfied as to Ha merits. I cannot find words to expreaa my gratification for the results ob tained. As a catarrh cure I shall ghi- ly recommend it to all sufferers. T-- truly, S. S. YODH*. if A R E Y O U G O I N G T O B U I L D ? »! ^LUMBER We will sell you Lumber, Doors, Windows and MM Work at Chicago Wholesale Prices. Send for Catalogue and Price List FREE. We are NOT in the TRUST. RITTENHOUSE & EMBREE GO. 3500 Center Avenue, Chicago, IVL HTATK YOUR. OCCUPATION The Finest and Most Durable ...ARE THE.... NOXALL Pure Mixed Paints. -COLORS ALWAY8 UNIFORM AND GUARANTEED- ONE GOOD DEALER WANTED iaevery town where not rcprcscBtod* ENTERPRISE PAINT MFG. CO., Makers, Chicago, «- i ,! „ . . . . . i l l t i f f L in doing its work. The proprietors have so much faith tn its curative powers that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that It (aUs tc cure. Send for list of Testimonials. Address. F. J. CHKX 1£Y & CO.. Toledo, O by Druggists. 75e. Honest Folks in Sweden. In certain parts of Sweden, where the most absolute confidence is reposed in the honesty of the people, a very in formal postal system Is in vogue. As the mail steamer reaches a landing- place a man goes ashore witli the let ters, which he places in an unlocked box on the pier. Then the passer-by who expects a letter opens the box, turns over the letters and selects his own, unquestioned by any one. m; Ups and Downs. In Germany it is considered neces sary that a child should "go up" be fore it goes down in the world, so it Is carried upstairs as soon as born. In case there is no upstairs, the nurse mounts a table or chair with the infants Oh, That Delicious Coffee l Costs but lc. per lb. to grow. Salzer has the seed. German Coffee Berry, pkg. 15c.; Java Coffee pkg. 15c. Salzer's New American Chicory 15c. Cut this out and send 15c. for any of above packages or send 30c. and get all 3 pkgs. and great Catalogue free to JOHN A. SALZER SEED CO., La Crosse. Wis. (C. n.) Railway Progress. We are so familiar with ^ the ever- present railroad that we forget how comparatively young the institution is. Only seventy years have elapsed since the first railway in tbe world was fin ished. During that comparative brief period 400,000 miles have been con structed. The Making of a Piano. There are forty-eight different ma terials used in constructing a piano, from no fewer than sixteen different countries, employing forty-five differ ent hands. Have It Handy. He cried out in agony, and they ran to the neighbors for help. Sciatica was torturing him. Better run for St. Jacobs Oil, or have It handy. It is known to cure the worst cases. The export of apples from Canada last year was 430,236 barrels, as com pared with 174.580 in 1897. 721,012 in 1896. and 155,005 in 1895. A Remarkable Offer. Tbe special offer made elsewhere in our adver tising columns by theT. M. Roberts Supply Home, Minneiipolis, Minn., should be carcfuliy read bjr every reader of tbl* paper. It is made la good faith, by a reliable Ann. aad consist* at remark able values. It has been estimated that steamers are 20 per cent, safer than sailing ves sels. The total wealth of the United States --that is, the value of the property of the people and the government, was $7,180,000,000 in 1850. Since then it has Increased to $65,037,000,000. The wealth per capita was $308 in I860. It is now $1,036. Try Grain-O! Try Grain-O! Ask your Grocer to-day to show you a package of GIIAIN-O, the new food drink that takes the place of coffee. The chil dren may drink it without injury as well aa tbe adult. All who try it, like it GRAIN-O has that rich seal brown of Mocha or Java, but it is made from pure i grains, and the most delicate stomach re- i ceives it without distress. % the price of coffee. 15c. and 25 cts. per package. Sold I by all grocers. Vegetarians. I A queer exhibition has been opened In Berlin--that of the' Vegetarian So ciety--In which sixty children were shown who have never touched other nutriment than vegetables. The Prince of Wales has a r.weet tooth, and so have most of the male members of the royal family. The Frincess of Wales seldom touches sweets of any kind, but she has a lik ing for apples, which are invariably a conspicuous feature of her breakfast tablet. SAPOLIO s® •s IS LIKE. A GOOD TEMPER, "IT '|$HEDS A BRIGHTNESS " ^ EVERYWHERE." ' T ffSH SLICKER WILL KEEP YOU DRY. m Or Don't be fooled with a mackintosh or rubber coat. If you want a coat that will keep you dry In the hard est storm buy the Fish Brand Sticker. If not for salt In your town, write for catalogue to A. J. TOWER, Boston. Mgss. I Ml Coughing Leads to Consumption. Kemp's Balsam will stop the cough at once. Go to your druggist to-day and get a sample bottle free. Sold in 25 and 50 cent bottles. Go at once; delays are dan gerous. For' the past two years each convict in the Missouri State prison has earned three cents a day more than the cost of keeping him. To Cure a Cold in One Day Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it fails tocure. 25c. The genuine has L. B- Q. on each tablet. Chinese streets are not often more than eight feet wide. France makes 8,000,000 wooden shoes yearly. Mrs. Wlnnlow'n Sooraino Bracp for Chlldrra teething; aottena " allayn pain, ennw r"» SOOTHIHO Bracr for Chlldran i tbe auras, reancea inflanmaUon. I wtnd oolic. S cents a bottlo. WANTED.--Case of bad health that RIP-AN"S will Itot bfoeflt. Send S cents to Rl pans Chemical Oow Sew York, for 10 sample* *o4 1.000 testimonials. 8000 BICYCLES Orwritocfc; Hnt IK Claw* UaU BTAKIMRU '@8 MODU^ guaranteed, 99.75 to •18, Shopworn A seo ond hand wheels, good aa new, aS to aiO; Unit tkeWrj ehwii| w. >hlp to U^H m >pnml 'A trifcl wfttoot ft cat 1 n advaM* BUtKmBlOrOLE l s _ by ua MtotiN s.r tnperb Um «r *»•. OM Rider A (tat la a.«h ton FRKE USl llnafli «Ih1 tot atiaducc efetm, VMi M «N te w ifMiu K. C. Mead Cycle Company, Chicago, Ills. ASTHMA POPHAM'S ASTHMA SPECIFIC OWes relief in FITS mlnntes. 8end for aFKES trial package. Sold ii* Druggists. One Box sent postpaid on receipt of <1.0®. GUx boua U.M. Address TlUS. FOPUB, MDU., FA. DYSPEPSIA, CONSTIPATION AND other diseases permanently cored In two months without medicine or dieting. Write, tncloging 25 cents for ull directions. Have nothing to sell. Satis, taction guaranteed. Write st once and take no mora drilgS. MASK A. HAYIOX, Kaberta, Wis. PENSIONS 6ef Yssr DOUBLE QUICK I Writ# Out. OTAUXLL. ftariim AjratWiifelagm U nilTTIT FREE tot 15 names and an il 111 • 11 drostee of people of means who might want Sewing Macoloes. Cameras, B4- atches Diamond)) or Uu< cal Instruments, -ftui stop cjrclesTWat tor catalog. AfTi«JCgy*Cf~ 45 A<wEa».gl4|.,C*lq»» FVMV Kilns FM! TFATFSS0" Morthana Grown Bmi» willat idwiiMBMit ana Mod m WKorVlota. ifToavtnlkL ffnH'TCtr srrrr-.f? Vr' irxtt nf (retail prioc ic om <, thoi aatfiw n paakata and the knife FBO^sSi B*id. Oeia Watenaeloa Graa^Ottron) E I b&Z ham. V S! • SSI fkNk piiiuta tfcta--no b*tt pk|MQtow MIFE FREE. '! At 77 eeate the No. M, 4r blade Ooaaraaa bock horsl The No. 77sbTlcnifB t what every wiser • have. Extra weight, polished ends, t&ree steel blades, including Made. WegWei peraon ordering 1 tloaatVTcts. thr<-__ ttassn--t,orwe wilTiuraMitb* lets of gardac sesds to .anyone . thronghthle ad lis- we wiliiarniah tbaSI in rone pe d at any m col I wet ioweennot be broken or any yarlstlsei Seeelal.--In order to test this mwapaoer as aa 1 vertislng medium. To everyone wh > wig «h^s! •ureriiMHoeot with their order we will s«aS better seeds gro-era or sold at agea (Talnefl)free. making 67 packages of ffca •eeds and the knife No. 7»b for 77 oeats.ee 77ib aad 87 pact ages for 97 rents, A remark T. M. Roberts Supply Hoas*. Mianeapella, THE SCHOOLS Of Greater New York, Boston, ad| many other places use Carter's Idk exclusively and won't use any That speaks we H for CARTER'S INK and gives you food far J ,nit1 -Vi '7 4^9^ IAXATIVE BROHO-QUININE TAILET TUt Signature <S tier) box of LAXATIVE BROHO (UIIIIE TABLETS. Acupt to sikstitste A GRIP CURE that DOES CURE! N. U. SOLO BY ALL DRUGGISTS IH TIE UNITED STATES AMD CANADA. 'It?IIO %lMM ti It "J«st as !••<.* Broffists refold tit m , fiiils t« cm. - NHOI28 • ^ >•"*> *!;. <v« i «... ..