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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 14 Apr 1899, p. 5

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'•gm ap 'Mmmm ..» 'fefe gag* I DIRECTORY. I BUSINESS CARDS. - * ' it'r 'J O. U GILLMORB. pr»t>*te work ATTOR >IKY Pn^wwotk i Office in K»n<t»U Biook. 1Voo4'took III. j. r. cash. ATtOBKBT and Ooun»elo» at L»w. OSm in Jo«lyn'a Blook, Woodstock, lit ftpM-Ul att«nt on given to trial mm*. C KNIGHT & BttOWK. TTORSKi AT LAW. ltd Wlrtllf OB L. street, Oaiogo. IU. ' FHAJiK JU. 8HKP ARD OUNSCIjIA-R AT LAW, salt* SS--IIS (JIMk e tievt, uncago, 11L 0. P BARNKS, ATTORNEY, Solicitor, »n4 CX»*»elor Oolitic U«ki * specialty. Woodstock, lit. DAVIO G. WELLS. M. D. PHYSICIAN AhD SUKGEON, Office and i-^fi ence in j&icbols. Hiocfc, over loo Plainuealer office. Mcttenry. Teieaftone *«• 8 o. 1ft riQIRt. tl. D. *.„iCi tN AND »UROSOM. MeHtft*7. JU. office at Residence. . R A. E. AITRINUER, PHYSICIAN AM) t>UliU BOM. Office in tbe Stroncr tHulilini, one dloor west of A. P. iter's store. W< si McHenry, 111. Reeideaeo, fa«nM formerly occulted by Dr. Oaboiae. All protts«ion»l cfche ptt-mpUy attended to. • A. e 8PURLING, M. O. ;.«/ vbtbhinaht suftaeoM* Special attention given to Dentistry. Call promptly attended. Office at Residence west of Purk Hotel. IPest McHenry, Illinois. W. A. CRISTY, Jnctloe of the PoMMk WEST McHKNRY, ILL. Spoolal Attention paid to Oolleetioae. Wtil be in my Off ce over E Vinson's 8tore, every 9a arday and Monday, until further notice. H. G. MEAD, /iiiMm of the Peace and General In~ HIHtance Agent, Including Aooident and Life Inmurancm. Wbbt MoHmnrr. IU. A. H. WATERMAN, Attorney-at-Law and Solicitor ht Chancery...... Real Estate, - Loans - and * Lolkcttom Office over Beetey'a drug Star*, We* McHenry, . . JUinoit A. M. CHURCH, Watohmaker and Jeweler No 126 State Street, Chicago. Special attention given to repairing Fine Watobea an > chronometers. «V A rill Assortment ol Goods In his lino. C. F. BO LEY, ProDrieior of HcHenry Briery, McHENRY, ILL. Always on Band with the Beet Beer Dr. Walter D Besley, DENTIST WEST MoHENRV. Office over Be'ley'e l Woort*f>ck Office Drug Store, I Kendall Dental Parlors. Will bo at McHenry office Mondays and Tu<es ;ays At Woodstock office Wednesdays, Thurs days, fridav*) and Saturdays. EXAMINATIONS FREE. SOCIETIES. MA90MI0. 1$ uuuu • , 1' I't At i . ajJU ».* AU-- " Regular Communications the second and fourth Monaays in each montb . GEO. M HANLY. W. M. FROM OUR CORRESPONDENTS Ntighboring Newe Gathered by our Able Corps pf Representatives,; s on W. O. O. F. St Patricia Coart, No. 187, W. O. O. F meet the First J-atuiclay and Third Wednoeday evenings of wiou month, at Forest Hall. Mr*. * art Cobb, Chief Banger. Cbxklotts Maddbn secretary. Second and Fonrth ch month, at their Colby, Consnl. Mead. Clerk. CHURCHES. yN IV ES8ALI9T. *. j. Walsh. Fies»de»t ' H. O Mea»l .^.Olerk James B. Perry Treasurer Bev. J. Stranb, D. D Pastor The Willing Workers (the ladles organ- aatlon.) Mrs. L H.Owen President Mrs. John I. Story Vice President Mrs. J- VsnSlyke. Secretary Mrs. W. A Oristy Treasurer Snpt, of Snnday Ssbotf.,,.. - A. E. Baechler Assistant, W. A. Oristy OT- rbe pastor's Ohleago Telegraph Address • Grand Crossing. Preaching services at 10:80 i. >• and atTill p. X. A oordlal Invitation to alL _____ METHODIST EPI930PAL, Bar. W L. Whipple.. Preach'ng Sunday, 10:80 A* *• School, 12 x. Dr. A, E. Aurlnger, Superintendent Prayer Meeting. Wed need ay, 7 JO T. v. Ladi-e- Aid Qo"lety each alternate week %fr«. Dr. A u ringer. Pastor Sunday Miss Cora President, Wilson, »ef'y. etr A Oordlal invitation is extended to all ST. M AXY'S CATHOLIC (GERMAS) Services will be held on Sunnays »• fMlowi: Hlah Mass *t 10 o'clock a m.; VespeT* at 3 o'clock p. m. REV. FATHER KIRBCH. Pastor. ST. PATRICK'S CATHOLIO Rrgalar Sunday services at 9:80 o'eloek a. • aa«l IS o'clock evev thlr HuniUy Ri v. r athss O'NaiL. Pastor« ST. JOSEPH'S CATHOLIO (GERMA*) St. J"«e|,h'# Oatiollr Chnrch, lohnalturar. have s^rvire* on Sunday as f Mow*: H'gh Masiatiu o' liKk a, m end Vewpere at V 0'oiock p m. Kbv t athkr Nbhrimw, Pastor TO THE LADIES: The Plaindealer Co. wishes to Minoanoe to the Indies of Mc­ Henry and vicinity that they have all the facilities for turn­ ing out up-to-da te calling cards. We use nothing but the best of material and jrnarantaj that our work will give entfre satis­ faction. Call and inspect oar stock and get prices P&AI&IS OMOVB Albert Frank was a Gary •Idtor Friday. Charlie Babeoek drov* to McHenrj Monday. John Oibbs Called on R. Btesie one day last week. Wm. McWhorter is now the }anitor at 8ilver Lake eammer resort. Fred Mortenson visited his sister, llrs. M. Wyant, Sunday evening. Will Jetrne was very busy the early part of this week cleaning oats. N. Peterson was down to his fairm, but returned to Elgin on Thursday. George Kirkpatrick, of Elgin, is visit­ ing friends in this neighborhood. F. D. Johnstone returned to Irving Park on Wednesday of last week. Frankie Haskin and sister, Annie, were vis;tor* at Evergreen Farm Sunday. B. Biglow enjoyed a walk to Tary Sunday and thinks it is a great town. Ernest and Eddie Christianson were mew pupils in the schoolroom Monday^ Charles Huffman and Win. Radke woe Chicago visitors last week Wednesday. Eckert kfortsnfeon was here from Bull Valley Sunday to visit his brother, Fred. ^ Mr. McCabe, of Barton's Bridge, is busy drawing oorn to R. Steele's this week. Wm. Jesse aad family spent a very pleasant evening Sunday at Mr. Eick- hoH'a. C. B. Warner, of Chicago, expects to attend oar school election next Saturday evening. Grandma Johnstone spent Saturday morning with her daughter, Mrs, Jonh McWhorter. A. V. Adriancecontinnee to crow bet­ ter. He was able to take a short drive Sunday last. Fred Bryant and wife spent last week Wednesday evening visiting C. P. Huff­ man and wife. Mr. Tomisky, of Gary, made a business call on a number of his friends in Prairie Grove Saturday. Master Earl Huffman was the only scholar who was nsither absent nor tardy last month. Fred Palmer and Dr. James Smith, from town, were Evergreen Farm caltars last week Thursday. Last Sunday quite a number of oar people attended the funeral of Mrs. A. J. Severns in Nunda. Lawrence McCue and John Haskin were doing business in Cary daring the fore part of last week. John Haskin and wife, of Ross Cot- tage, attended to business affairs last week Wednesday in Cary. Ralph Dickinson and Paul Barton, of Nunda, drove down to Evergreen Villa Saturday on business. Richard Steele was in the vicinity of McHenry Monday morning and called on Adam and Bill Mosgrove Miss Grace Huffman spent the latter part of last week in Nunda with her cousin, Miss Maude Dickinson Little Elsie Frank returned to school Monday, having been kept away for some time by the cold weather. Master Earl Huffman was a visitor in Nunda school Friday. He spent the 9abbath day in Cary at Mr. KOBS'. It is nearly time for oar young folks to start their bicycles. A number of wheel­ men were seen on our streets Sunday. Wm. Parsley want over to the Pichen place Monday to bring home some farm­ ing tools wiiich he purchased at the sale. Jerome Thompson and wife were down from Woodstock and spent Friday abd Saturday at Mr. Babcock's, of Four Corners. Miss Laura Smith returned to her home at Silver Lake, after spending Sat­ urday and Sunday with her sister, Mrs. H. Melahn. Mrs. Andrew Hnnter came over from Silver Lake last week Tnesday and spent the day, visiting her friend, Mrs. Marga­ ret Johnstone. Our pupiis enjoyed a vacation Fri­ day, Miss Warner, the teacher, having spent the day in visiting the Union school in Nunda. G. F. Baldwin and brother-in-law. Eddie De Lumm, of Cary, called on Mrs. Maggie Matthews at Silver Lake S'immer resort Friday last. Leo Olson and Robert Stanley, of Chi­ cago, were entertained at Brier Crest Saturday and Sunday. They returned to the city that evening. Wm. Johnstone spent a couple of days at the home of his brother. Samuel A. .lohnxton*, who resides in Eaat Plato. He letarned home Monday night. Mrs. J. Johnstone, Miss Phoebe Warner and little Andrew returned from the city of Chicacro Sunday night, where they had spent acouple of days at the home ot their parents, C. B. Warner and wife. Next Saturday evening the board of directors, of Prairie Grove, will hold a meeting i«i the sehbol house for the "pur­ pose of electing two new director*; two in place of Clarence Warner and Albert Frank, whose term of office expires this spring. Everybody should be present at this meeting, The members of St. Philip's Protes­ tant Episcopal Mission. Brighton Park, Chicago, had a prosperous Easter. The chruch offering amounted to $20 and the Sunday School pyramids brought in •52. That is fl7 mors than "last Easter." The above is a part of a letter which Miss Emma McWhorter received from her brother, John Kocurek. Mr. Koenrek is superintendent of St. Philip's Suodaj School. BIDOBFIBL.D Mrs. T. P. Jacks was ia Chicago on Friday. Mrs. E. Lstsler was a Nunda caller Friday. Mrs. R. Reed wit in Woodstock on Friday. A. P. Peck was in Chicago Monday on' businemu Mrs. L. A. Walkap was in Nunda on Saturday. Mrs. J. G. Hartmaa was in Woodstock Saturday. Clark Jacobs was ia Ridgefield on Saturday. Mrs. J. H. Wood will in Woodstock Thursday. Mr. R. L. Dafleld was ia Koada on Saturday. B. R. Moras was in Chicago Tharaday on business. James Mair was ia Nunda tbe latter part of the week. L. B. Randolph and wife weie Dundee callers Thursday. Mrs. J. G. Parks and son wsve ia Woodstock Thursday. Roy and Madelene Lynch and Hugh Parks are on the sick list. F. R. Jack man and wife spent Sunday with W. H. Munroe and wife. Mr. Richmond, of Palatine, visfced Ridgefield friends the last of tbe week. Ira Goyner, wife and daughter visited with Mr. and Mrs. Munroe on Sunday. Elmer Letsler, William Pearson and and Floyd Reed were in Nanda on Thursday. Mrs. J. B. Lynch t and daughter, Mabel, were in Harvard on business Saturday. Mrs. S. F. Baldwin, of Nunda, was in Ridgefield Thursday attending to busi­ ness affairs. Fireman W. N. Anderson, while taking water at Ridgefield, fell from the engine tank and wets quite seriously injured. Mrs. Norman Jacobs, who had been very ill the past two wssks, passed away from earth last week Monday morning, Her remains were laid to rest in the Ridgefield cemetery on Wednesday morn­ ing. She leaves, besides many relatives, friends and neighbors who mourn her death. 3he will be greatly missed amid her large circle of friends. Her work on earth is oe'r. The good Shep- pard calleth his sheep. Thsy know His voice and follow on, WOODSTOCK. Oscar Olson drove to McHenry Ban day to spend tbe day. George Burke, of McHenry, made this place a brief call Sunday. Rev. S. C. Brown will spsak at ths M E. chnrch next Sunday evening. . , A. Stone acd wife were visitom; at McHenry ths early part of the week. Jay T. Pratt is now stationed behind tbe counter in C. F. Thome's store. Judge Donnellv was at Sprinfield the latter part of the week to witness the adjourning of the 41st general assembly. Tne McHenry County Principal's asso- eiRiif" hc-?c Saturday. They decided on May 27 as ths date and Wood­ stock as the place for holding ths next athletic meet. Woodstock people will enjoy a treat in the Cuban Ladies Minstrels, who are to appear at the city hall, Friday evening, April 14. This will doss the library lec­ ture course. It will be a nice progra-n and a large audience should greet them. Next Tuesday is the city election and there is no opposition to tbe Republican ticket. The Republican ticket is as fol­ lows; E. C. Jewett, mayor; Gso. W Lemmers, city clsrk; John M. Hoy. city treasurer; Geo. W. Field, city attorney and Fred A. Walters, Benedict Sluftel and Frank M. Buell, aldermen. Chas. and Edgar Parker attended a party at Fremont" Center, Monday evening. (Seorge HUBOU and wife visited Mrs. Himon'8 parents. Mr. and Mrs. Burnett, Sunday. Dr. Spurling, veterinary surgeon of W. McHenry, made a business trip to Volo Tuesday. Mrs. M. Wirtz and her mother, Mrs. Boley, of McHenry, called at T. Wirtc's Wednesday. Mabel and Alice Ford and Jennie Wal­ ton attended the teachers' meeting at Wauconda Saturday. The young ladles, of Volo, have lately organized a club. The name of the dab we believe is^Ths Rebels." Sylvester Wagner and wi'e, ol Fre mont Center, visited the latter'eparents, C. Sabel and wife, Monday last. Oa Friday sad' tidings were received at Volo of the death of Mrs. Anna Smith, of Libertyville. Mrs. Smith lived here years ago and was loved by all who knew her. She was seventy years old. 8he leaves one daughter, Mrs. Hiram Lask, to mourn her loss. Those from Volo, who attended the party on George Husen, near the Fort Hill churchy Thursday evening were: Misses Mabel Ford, Alice Ford, Jennie Walton and Roeie Huson: Messrs Vernie Torrence, Oh as. Parker, Edgar Parker and Joe Baidwin. About fifty yonng people were present. They amused themselves by dancing and playing games until after midnight, when they departed to their homes, declaring they had spent a most pleasant evening. The maple syrup supper given by the ladies last Friday right netted the neat sum of nearly $21. Mrs. Wee term an and Hazel are at Ridgefield, caring for Mrs. N J. Garri­ son, who is reported quite sick. Our Woodmen had a great log rolling last Wednesday night, when four new members were taken into the order. The Ringwood team of Forresters did the work in a very satisfactory manner. After the work was finished refreshments were served and the boys made their own coffee. B. B. Marble had a narrow escape from serious injury one day last week, when hisclothing was caught by a shaft in the mill. The shaft ran close to a beam and Brod caught this and by a great effort held on until his clothing was nearly all torn off from his body. Had he not been able to catch the beam ths result would have been very serious, m he was alone in the mill at the time. XUNDA |Clalr was in Chicago on TOLO. Nick Kretchmsr is planning to baild a new house. Wm. Lusk, of Fort HHI. was a Volo caller Saturday. Mrs. S. W. Torrence returned from the horspital Tuesday. C*>as. Eld red ge, of McHenry, vflss oa our streets Friday. Mrs. James Kirwin visited at Wau­ conda Wednesday. ^ Johnie Richardson spent Monday aad Tuesday in the city. Mary Raymond visited with friends near Fort Hill, Tuesday. George Rosing and his sister Gelia. were Fremont visitors Sunday. Several from here attended the social at Wauconda Friday night. J. W. Torrance went to Waakegsn with a load i f eggs Monday. Mrs. t:. G. Husen ahd Lee were McHenry callers Wednesday. August Hin'z and wif*, of "Gray'* Lake, visited in Volo Sunday. e Miss Lena Wirti, of McHenry, visited her parents on Thursday last. L>. aad B Geary have gone to Ken­ osha to work in a livery stable. August Kirts is moving to John Her- tle'e house near Fremont Center. J. W. Torrence and Mr. Miller mads a baslness trip to Waukegan Saturday. Paul Vogt fell and dislocated bis wrist, Dr. Rosedeutcher put it back in placs. Joe Vogt, who works at Bert Pad­ dock's, spent Sunday with his parents. Miss Avis Cook, of Wauconda, visited rslativss in Volo Saturday and Sunday. Mrs. J. Rosing, accompanied by her son, George and Miss Clara Dorflsr, of Ivanhoe, spent Tuesday in Chicago. Justice St Wednesday. Tbe G. A. R. Post held a camp tire here Tuesday evening. A nice program was rendered and a general good time enjoyed. There was a post mortem examination held over the remains of Mrs. Arthur Severn* Saturday. Tbe examination was conducted by Drs. Hull, Lowell and Ballon. They decided that her death was caused from tueberculosis and is the first case of the kind that has been dis­ covered here. Nunda is row in the middle of an excit­ ing school election and two tickets are in the field. One ticket is headed by Dr, Watson for president of the board and C. W. Coral, Frank Genung and Geo L. Bryant for trustees. On ths opposition ticket are the names of C. F. Dike for president and A. M. Cort, P. Ford and l'rank Genung for trustess. Mrs. Irthur Severns died at her home here Friday night after an illness of sev­ eral months. She was the wife of Arthur Severns, the druggist of this village, and was a woman who was greatly admired by alt her acquaintances. The funeral was held Sunday, +he burial service was conducted by the Rev. Johuson, of Pop­ lar Grove, at the M. E. Church in this place. ' OBBBNWOOD School meeting Saturday night. Mrs. H. Murphy is numbered among the sick. G. L. Coudry transacted businsss in Ringwood one day last week. E. W. Robbins attended the principals' meeting at Woodstock last Saturday. Merritt Crnikshank and E. G. Wester* man were Chicago visitors one day last week. C. N. Thompson and C. V. Goddard were Ringwood visitors last Saturday night. Jas. Green, of Ringwood, and a lady friend were seen on our streets oae day last week. Miss Veda Woodford commenced ber duties as clerk for G. A. Lumley Monday morning. G. A. Lumley attended the funeral services of Mrs. Wm. Nickle at Ringwood last Thursday. Qn ite a number of tbe horses in our vicinity are suffering with a severe form of d istemper. Tbe Ladies' Cemetery Aid Society will meet with > rs. Hotchkiss Friday after­ noon, April 21. The Ladies' Baptist Aid Society will meet with Miss Orvilla Clark Wednesday ufternoon, April 19. ^ Tbe families of N. J. Garrison, Frank Barber and Claus Anderson each mourn the death of a little child, and their many friends mourn with them. SPXtIN<| OBOVB. Turner is visiting Hebron in Mollis friends. Robsrt Esh attended to basin McHenry Monday. , John Wagner returned SEaturday from a Visit to Fondulac, Wis. Wm. Hunter and wife, of Loon Raks. visited friends here Sunday. Mrs. Jennie Moss and son, Ray, spent Friday with .Antioch friends. Wm. Campbell and family left Monday for their new home at Sheldon, Iowa. Our school was photographed Monday morning by an artist from Salem, Wis. Mrs. Sarah Wils .n and Mrs. Jennie Oxtoby were Richmod visitors Satur­ day. James Jackson and family, from near Hebron, are visiting islatives here this week. Jas. T. Walsh, editor of the MCHENRY PLAINDEALER, was a caller in town Sat­ urday. Freddie Piece is not as well as he has been and is under the doctor's care again. Mrs. Howard Howarth and three children are visiting her sister, Mrs. H. Churchill. R. Wiederman, who formely worked Archie May's place has returned from a trip to California. Howard Westlake made a trip to Elgin Thursday, returning with his brother, John, Friday. Harry Osmond, Wm. Hoffman aad Fred Wilson and their families spent Snnday at Wm. James.' John Lawson is to build an immense barn on his f Arm here. The lumber has already arrived at Richmond. The Stjvens farm, now occupied by Jos. Norton, consists of 320 acres, is to be sold at a very reasonable prios. Six candidates were taken into the Spring Grove Camp of M. W. A. at special met ting last Saturday evening. All are invited to meet with Rev, Cross at the M. E. church next Sundsy afternoon, before the usual service, to organize a Sunday School. We understand there is soon to be a change in the English Prairie post office. Mr. Mead's health is so poorly that he feels unable to attend to it any longer. NEW SPRING MERCHANDISE e k * J. Carefully Selected--only Correct Styles and Price*. New Dresa Goods and Suitings Stylish Trimmings, Notions / Ladies' W aists and Capes mm Muslin Underwear Domestics New Hats and Cap 3aLi. v'; , § ri - of Newest Styles, in Large Variety an<! Si«es* Suits and odd Garments to fit anyone. Head­ quarters for the famous Dutchess Trousers, which are all fully warranted, Beloit Ore*- alls and Shirts. NEW WALL PAPER " /;#ff 1 with perfectly matched ceilings and borders "*i ' Large variety in Mounted Window Shades if plain, decorated and fringed. New Lace Curtains, Portiere, Table Covert and Curtain Poles. r ^ .. - New Style Carpets in stock and by sampiS* •- THE PLAINDEALER, WEEKLY INTER OCEAN and PRAIRIE f^RMER, -- ONE YEAR FOR *2.50-- SORE LUNGS Sore lungs, pain in the chest and pain- " )ved and fill breathing are quickly relie cured by the old reliable speci Bull's Cough Syrup. This remark- jific. Dr. able remedy breaks up a cold in one night and is, without doubt, the very best medicine for all affections of the throat and lungs. It has cared thou­ sands and will cure yon. It never dis­ appoints. Try it at once. Dr. Ball's Cough Syrup Will quickly heal Sore Lungs, Doses are small and pleasant to take. Doctors recommend it. Price 25 cents. At all drug-gists. It AGENCY FOR THE MERICAN st*," WOVEN WIRE FENCE Made of buiPi Strong Wires, Heavily Galvanized. 34 INCH mint* ELEGANT STYLES IN Manufactured by W. L. Douglas, Wiendt and The Mayer Shoe Co. and Grades are IN IT. Our Stock are Correct. Anchor Plow Shoes Sidwell De Our Styles and Price* and Boots are the best and can be had at our store. m For the Nobbiest Gents' Furnishingsk in town you must see our new Shirts, Collars, Cuffs, Ties, Hats, etc. Big stock of the Black Cat Brand Hosieiry received for Spring trade." Ladies1 and Gents' Mackintoshes, Duck Coats, Rubber Boots, etc. Headquarters for PILLSBURY'S BEST Flour. All kinds of Gard­ en and Field Seeds. West McHenry. Complete stock of No. 1 Groccriei. ¥ SIMON GEORGE W. BESLEY, Druist aid Apotlei WEST MCHENRY, ILL., DEALER IN-- DRUGS, MEDICINES, PAINTS TOILET ARTICLES. wrsnmsi Pure Wines and Liquors for Medical Pur­ poses, also Bottled Ale and Porter. The best brands of Cigars and Smoking and Chewing .Tobacco always on hand. Physician*' Prescriptions Carefully Compounded. C. W. BESL IV West McHenry, Jan. 6, 1899. r,jvs: r JACOB The Reliable JIJSTEN, Furniture Dealer Amply provides for expansion and contrac­ tion. Only Best Bessemer steel wires used. Always of uniform quality Never goes wrong no matter how great a Strain is put upon it. Does not muti- _ late, but does _ efficiently turn- cattles horses, - bogs and pigs. EVERY ROD OF AMERICAN FENCE GUARANTEEP BY THE MANUFACTURERS. Call and See It. Can show you how it will save you money. You can fencc your fence so they will stay fenced. SOLD BY ; Albert Paddock, Gray's Lake. James Green, Ringwood. D. Huntington, Gilmer. Can still be found at his old stand, four doors north of the Bank of McHenry, with a full stock of furniture of all kinds, to which he invites the attention of the buying public. Parlor and Bed Room Se J. D. Donovan, Woodstock. F. L. McOmber, W. McHenry, R. J. Wingate, Nunda. Lower than the same goods can be bought anywhere in the county. In short, I WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD on any class of Furniture, quality of goods considered. Call and see me when in want of anything is my line. WE CABRT A FULL LINE Prices Low Ha ring bought 8 carloads of American Fencing before the recent advance in prices. Also handle a full line of Steel Gates and Lawn and Poultry Fencing. 1. H. THOMPSON, Apt, Woodstock. HL Caskets, Coffins, Burial Robes, Eto* Call and see me before purchasing. JACOB McHeuft, IU., Sept. T, 1898. m We guarantee first class work ia every respect.

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