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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 16 Jun 1899, p. 5

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•mmmi -< -JI'. DIRECTORY. BU31NBSB CARDS, O. rt GiliLMDlU, >R < EY. P * ••' *te «Ork specialty. Offl e m Kandall B oct. Woo-t lock 111. J. <t. OA3B1, ATTOfcHICY and Oun.eloi atLa». la Jo.iyu'a Block, Woodstock, LI hintWot on given to trial f«e» Ofltoe Spec FROM, 9UR CORRESPONDENTS ^ Neighboring News Clatherecl by our Able Corps of RepreaentativeJs, i^SEtfSSSSSSJ! KNIQaT * BttOWS. 1 TORN El at LAW, HO WashlBgiofc . tlrau, Oaicago, In. FKA.MV JB. SHKPAUO /^\OUNSttt.L.v-U AT LAW, suite V Ulklk e lIMJt, ULkMgO, lit. -IS* O. P- BARNES, ArroUNET, tolijitor, and Ooui se Opueotiuits A 8poo.aUy. WOOUSTOCFC, 111, DAVID G. WELLS. LBYSIUIAKI AM) M. D. PBYsiuIAm AF»I> stJtoiKOJS, office AN<t r«M eiiee m IUCUUU iituuk, over tb« £lain<i«kl«( utto«, Mcueury. T wiounono O- 2 o. M. jrfcuem, *. ». OKTSICI IN AND aUKUKOM, MeHsury, I ill. Udice at KTSULCNO**. . E. A. E. AUttlNUBR, ItSTClAN AMt^UhU ICO*. OBlce In tbe SiTouer Ouiidiug, one door went of A. P. i»er's store, W.s. MoJtieury, ill. uenidenoe, house lorin.rl> iccu M by Dr. Oauoine. Ali p»otti».uu«l oahB iitvuipily biitnuvd to. A. C 8PURLING, M. D. V. VaTSftlNAftY SUftttBON. Speciai attention given to Dentistry. . Call promptly attended. OfBce at lie8i(Wi>ce west of Park Hotel. M est Me Henry, lHiuois. W. A. CRISTY, Juctiee ot tiie Peace. WJSnT McHkNfcf. ILL.. Speoial Attention pata to Oolleotions. Will L>« in my O" ce over; fcvunsoVi Store, every ga urday and Honda), until further notice. H. C. MEAD, Justice of the Peace and (General Jn- mtrance Agent, including Accident and Life lmurunce. W»BT MOHBHXT, ILL. Your Card Would Look Well Here. A. M. CHURCH, Watohmaker and Jeweler No 126 State Street, Chicago. Special attention given to repairing Fine Watches an * Chronometers. «V A Phil Assortment ot tj^oods in his line. C. F. BOLEY, Pmurielor of McHenry Briery, BtcUKNEV, ILL. Ahoaj/t on Band with the Beat Beer Dr. Walter C Besley, DEINTI8T WEST.-MeHEKBV, OSes over BeMev'a I Woomt ck office Drug Store, I Kendall Dental Parlors. Will bo at McHenry office Mondays and 1'utB iays At Wooitstock office Wednesdays, Thurs dftjs, Filitayo ai d siturdays, EXAMINATIONS FREE. SOCIETIES. MA'ONIO. MnRHBT LODGF, No} 158, A. F. ai>d A Regular Con mu mention a the second fourth Mondays in each month GEO H HANLY, M.- and W. M. w. o. o. r. St Fair'ci* Court, >.«> 1S7, W. C. O. T -meet The First i-aiuiday and Ttnriv Wednesday evenings of puru nonth.Ht cornst II•«'I MK> » ART COBB , Chief Ranger. OBABLOTTK MAOUKM feerotary. M. W. A. gnlar Meetings every Second and Fourth Ifitsdav «ven'ugs nf each month, at their Wedn Ball, in btoffel'a Blink. II. C. MBAD, Olerk. O. 0, COLBY, Consul. CHURCHES. ONIVENSALI3T. * J Walsh, President H.O Mea«1. Olerk James B. Perry Treasurer Rev. J. Straab, D, D..... Pastor Phe Willing Workers, (the ladles organ satlon.) Mrs. L. H. Owen President Mrs. John I. Story Vice President Mrs, J Van Sly ke... Secretary Mrs.,W. A. Oristy _...... .Treasurer Bapt, of Sunday School.,... . A. E. Baeehler Assistant, W. A. Oristy MTThe Pastor's Chicago Telegraph Address • Grand Grossing, r, M. A cordial Invitation to tIL VOLO, John Boeing, who haa been quite eick, in improving slowly. Jobn Myer went to Chicago Monday to purchase a bicyclei The Mesdames Riught were Wqucon- da visitors Saturday afternoon. Walter Evanson and wife, of McHenry, were Volo callers Wednesday evening. Mies Mary >Ra^moud is visitiug rela- ivee aud friends in Evanston this wvek. S J. Raeeeil, wife andchildien, visited relative* in Chicago Saturday and Sun­ day. (i lite a' number from here attended tbe graduating exercised at McHenry Friday night. Chester Sow les and Or ton Hubbard, of Waucvnda, attended churca here Sun­ day afternoon. Mrti, John S tod t field and eon/ Jack, were Waukegan visitors St tar- day and Sunday. Jamee Warner and wife, of Chicago, are visitors at U. Dillon's this week. Mrs. Warner is Mrs. Dillon's aunt. Mise I ertha Davis and M iss Jennie Walton attended t ie high school ban­ quet in McHenry Saturday evening. Barney Behn and wife, Geo. Wagner and wife, and S.f lveeter Vaguer aud wife were visitors at U. Sabel's Suuday. Albert Etten had a fainting spell which came very near being fatal, wLile at church Suuday nioruiug. It was cau^d by some heart trouble. J. W . Torrauce aud faimlv, A. J. Ray- tuoud aud family, aud C. Sabel and wife, 'attended thesoldiere' reception at Arthur Cook's in Waucouda Saturday evening John Rosing and wife celebrated tbe tvetuty hfih anniversary of their mar­ riage Mouday., A few of their friends were iuv.tid in to help them celebrate in the eveniug. Misses Alice and Mabel Ford held their school picuic in E^ten's grove, near Fish Lake, Fridey atternoon. About eiguty-flve were in attendance and all re­ port a ffrie time. Miss Mabel Ford clo-ed her school in Volo on Thursday last. Miss Ford has taught here for two years and has giveu the best satisfaction. She bae won many friends in this vicinity, all of whom will be very sorry to have her leave. RIDQBFIBLD. - Will Henning was in Woodstock Mon- day. -- " ^ Miss Edith Eahl ppent Sunday at home. Mrs. W. J. Garrison was in Woodstock Friday. ' Miss Mildred Morse was in,Wo( dstock Saturday. Miss Laura, Davis of Austin, is here for tbe summer Will Kald is visiting relatives at Ft. Atkinson, Wis Mrs J. B. Lynch was in Harvard on business Friday, Mips Myrtle Robinson is visiting rela­ tives in May wood. * Mr. W ille shipped a carload of stock to Chicago last week. Guv Martin, of.Woodstock, called on friends here Suuday. Lawrence Pearson was in Woodstock on budiuetiS Fiitiay. Mrs. R L. DufHdand Ed. Cadwallader were in Nunda Sunday. Bertha Henning and Myrtle Robinson w ere in * oodstock Friday. Aunt Lucretia Green and Grandma tadnailader are on the sick list. Mr. and Mrs Geo. Skinuer and child­ ren, of Nnnda, visited here Sunday. Mies Jocie Hunt ard gentleman friend, of Elgin, visit*d friends here Sunday. Mr. Hubbsrd, ot California, visited at L. A. Walkup's Saturday and Sunday. Mrs. A. 8, Wakefield returned from her visit nith her son at Janetvilie Saturday. Mits Mary Cooper returned tj her home in Cooperviile, N. Y , Tuesday after the close of her school. Vacation is here ut an early date this year. School closed Monday and the METIIODIST EPISDOPAU gar W. L. Whipple Pastor Pres. Mng Sunday, 10:30 A. m. Sundai School. i2 u. Or. A, If. Auringer,.... Superintendent Prayer llf^tliiKi Wednesday, 7:80 p. •, Lad'*#* \id *«ooiety each alternate week Wr«. Dr. Auringer, President, Miss Cora Wilson, ^ee'y. «TA Oordial Invitation fk extended to all ST. MAiVS CATHOLIC (GERMAN) Aervlres will be held on Sun. ays •« ̂ ilows- High Maes*tin o'clock a. m.; Vespers at 3 o*elook p. m. RKV. FATHB% KIBSCH, Pastor ST. PATRICK'S CATHOLIC Regular Sunday services at 9:80 o'elock a. a. and IS o'clo-k eve-v thlr Sundsy RfcV. FATHBBO 'NKIL, Pastor.. ST. JOSEPUM CATHOLIC (UERMAN) St. Joseph's Catiollc Church, Johnsburir have services on Sunday as f ilow»: H gli MiS't at 10 o'clock a, m *nd Vespers at o'oiockpm. UBV (AIHKBNSHBINU, Pas or TO THE LADIES: The Plaindealer To. WMMW to announce to the Indies of Mc­ Henry aud vicinity that they have all t.be facilities lor turn­ ing out up-to-drtte calling cards We u«« nothing but the beet, cf material and Kuarantee that onr work will *ive entfre satis­ faction Call and inspect onr ptock and get prices children as well as a gre it many of the parents er joyed a very pleasant day at the picnic given by the school Tuesday. Sunday was Cbildrens' Day and . we were very much pleased in the progrnm tbe children rendered. Although only twenty children the exercises were very beautiful. We wish to thank Mrs. W. H. Munroe who spent so much of her time in training tbe children. V«iy Lew Rati s to Milwaukee, Via tbe North-Western Line. Excursion tickets * ill be sold from statio s in Wis­ consin, Illinois and Michigan at very low rate» for the round tiip. account of Milwaukee Carnival, to be held .lane 27 30. For dates of sale, limits of tickets, etc , apply to egents Chicago £ North­ western Railway. 50 2 "Exceptionally L»w Bates to Lorn Angles Gal., Via the North-Western Line. Excur­ sion tickets will he sold at grettl.v re­ duced rate* from all stations. June 25 to Inlv 8. inclusive, limited to September 4, 1899. iticlusive. on nccount of Aniunl Meeting National E lucsnonal Associa­ tion. Variable routes, d^li^htful scenery. Side trips' at low rates to points of interest Apply to agents < bicag^ & North-Weetern R'y. 50 3 P&AIRIK OBOVE. Mr. Steele accompanied Wo. Jesse to Cary Suuday last. Louis Ei-enmen^er, Jr., is working in the "Windy City." . • W. Wilbur and lady, of Nnnda, were seen on our streets Sunday. Mott Wyant and w ifu spent Sunday at 8wau Hauson's in Barreville. R. S. Johnstone spent a few day* the forepart of this week in Chicago., C. Babcock and wife attended to busi­ ness matters in Algouquin Saturday. B H. Terwilliger was out from Ridge- field last week, repailng' fences on bi' farm. Jobn McWhorter and wife dined wi h the family at Andrew Hunter's Sunday noon. Vernon J ones and Victor Babcock vis­ ited Sunday with the children at Albert Frank's., ' Master Verou Jones, of uary, is epetd- ing a week visiting friends at "Four Corners". R Stet le and .Tohny McWhorter called on the miller at Barreville one evening last week. Chas. Babcock, wife and daughters, Mabel, Jeauie and Florence were Sunday visitors in Cary. Mies Grace Dike, of I'ary, and a lady friend ei j >yed wheehug on onr roads Sunday evening. F. L Colby recently sold a new pump to R Steele. The latter placed it in his cistern on Friday Last. Eckeit aud Fred Mortenson wheeled to Elgin Saturday f jr a visit at their uncle's, Nick Peteison. Miss Bessie Babcock made a business trip to the dental office in Nunda la<it week Thursday morning. Carl Wolck, Walter aud Paal Eickhoff, of "Shady Nook," spent an evening re­ cently at Mr. Babcock's. A. V. Adriance and wife spent Friday in Munshawville, visiting the latter's sister, Mrs. B. K Sparawk. Isabel le, Myrtle and Claude Matthews, of Barreville, were pleasant callers among friends here Friday. Phoebe Waruer and mother called on the "Ladies of tbe Lake," Mrs, and Miss Matthews, Sunday afternoon. Miss Freeman, from the Crabtree dis­ trict, made a plsasaut call Friday on Mrs. Hunter, cf "Silver Creek." Lightning struck one of the windmills at Adriance's last week Tuesday night, and shattered one of the posts. Will Pitt and wife, F. Siegmeier and wife, i,f Nunda, were recent visitors with the family at Strawberry Lane. There are eight cornfields at Evergreen Farm. Saturday three cultivators were set in motiou in cornfield No. 1. Mr. Shaefer, a milk dealer from Chica­ go, called on several farmers in this Vi-' ciuity on Thursday of last week. Wm. Rtdke aud Warren Morey brought home thirteen fish Suuday fore­ noon, having caught them in Fox river. Mrs. J. Buebler returned to Crystal Lake Sunday evening aiter spending tbe day wi'h her daughter at Strawberry Lane. Detective T>- Renthusen w»w» here for part of last week bunting for tbe horse thief that he captured latter in Wood­ stock. Mrs. Wm. Radkc >md' little brother, Paul, drove home to Crystal Lake Fri­ day to visit their parents, Jobn Buehler and wife. On Sunday next the infaut child of Mr. Melabn will be christened ia Cary at tbe bgpie of her great grand-father, George Smith. Mr Hunter and Frank Soukup, both from "Siiver Oreek," in Trouble Hollow," attended to business at Evergreen Farm last week Wednesday. Miss Sidie Andrews and Miss Ethalyn Covalt rode their wheels from town and called on Mrs. Emma Johnstone at Brier Crest, Friday morning. Herman Melahn, wife and baby daughter enjoyed a drive over the river Suuday when they yisited tbe former's sister, Mrs. Berkley. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. Th« Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the S7& Siguature of Dexter Brown, of Silver Lake, was on our stirets recently. We are pleased to see bim out again after his long illness with iLfi iiumatory rheumatism. Last Friday evening the mistress of "Raspberry Hill," Mrs. Louis Eisen- menger, entertained her neighbor, Mrs. C. Babcock, from "Four Corners." C. B. Warner and wife were out from Chicago Sunday to visit their daughters, Mrs. Emma Johnstone and Phoebe. Tbey returned home in the evening. Arthur Eisenmenger, president of the Prairie Grove dancing club, took the train for Chicago Saturday, where he purchased for himself a new carriage. Haven't we some good fishers? Last Friday Mr. Wyant, Bennie Pingry and Ernest Christianson went to Barreville and caught eighty flsb in 'the mill pond. Mesdames H. B. Wilcox, H. blender- son. Wm. M. Huffman, C. P. Huffman, and uncle Phil. Huffman, all from town, weie recent callers on tbe family at Four t'orners. Mr. French, of Griswold Like, took in the daoce at Rose Cottage Friday night He c>tme on hi* new AJHX wheel, which be recently won in TUB PLAINDEALEK bicj |e coutest. All of our bicvclistw and teannters should s*y: 'Hurrah f »r W B Huffman, the busioess man from Nunda!" It is Mr. Huff.nan *ho is removiog the stones from East Main street to Burton's Bridge, Richard Bremer, of Chicago, and h:s father from Barreville, accompanied by two men, hauled a eouple load * of Ifgs from ht-ele'a wo wis last week Thursday to use iu repairiug their mill-dam, which w,r" * out the previous dav. & 1 er Lake ae» m* q b m re fo tnnate that* its sinter, Ptairie Grove. The f>rmer has a new correspondent for Nunda Herald during the absence of Miss Bennett. She is spending her va­ cation at home in Richmond. Wm. McWhorter, janitor of Silver Lake summer resort, called at A. Hunter's Sunday morning. Mrs. John Munte and son, Robin, accompanied him to W. Desell's, where all bad the pleasure of examining the new houte. Saturday night Mrs. Mil s Grosvenor received a dispatch from her husband in Indiano, stating he would spend Sunday in Chicago. Mrs. G. and daughter, MUo, left for the city that morning. Tbey will return to Cary some day this week. Miss Warner closed her school last Friday. The teacher gave presents, con­ sisting of books, to six pupils. The priz^ winners were: Bessie and Jeanin Babcock, Grace Huffman, Ella Jesse, Hilda Frank and Master John R. Mc­ Whorter. All appreciate their gifts very m< c'l. Louis Christianson, .of Chicago, spent the'Sabbath at Raspberry Hill. That gentleman accompanied by his friend, Mr. Eisenmenger, went to the r ver to try their luck in fishing. Both returned home empty handed and said ths fish wouldn't bite. A dance was held at Mr. Haskin's Fri­ day night. It was not known to our correspondent until the next day. Ed McGue, secretary of Prairie Grove dancing club, had charge of it and was assisted by James Hask in. Fifty people were present fr m " McHenry, Cary, Nunda and few came from different places. H. Bebau, <>f "Riverside," and brother, James, of "Hez^l Dill," were the musicians. A supper was served to the merry crowd aud all those who were present report a good time. Miss Emma K. McWhorter wheeled down to Algonquin Sunday afternoon. She attended the Baptismal services in 8t. John's Protestant Episcopal church. Rev. E. F C leveland rector of St. James' Parish in Dundee, conducted theservices, Three little childien who received tbe rite of Baptism in that church were: Henry Ellis Morton, Earl Allen Morton and Arthur Harvey Seymour. Mies E McW. also enjoyed a short visit with Mrs. Mary K«yes. We are surprised and pleased to hear a large number of people say, "The Prairie Grove correspondent is a good one." Recently our correspondent was advised to quit this community, reside iu Huntley, and start a newspaper there. Some tripnds wish sue lived iu Iviugwood Another party wishes to secure for ber a position in one of the p%[ ers in Chicago as a newspaper reporter. Next question is, "Who will become the new corre­ spondent for Preirie Grove?" The German's Antelope. A North Dakoita ranchman tells an amusing story of a hunting feat per­ formed by a Germau settler. One day he came around among the boys all puffed up over the fact that he had killed an antelope. As he was known to be no stalker, and hadn't had any fresh meat about his place for weeks, some doubt was expressed about his having really baggenl auy big game, whereupon he explained: "The odder day I see dree andelopee, undt I sehne'nked up so glose esT could get perhindt a tree, undt I dakes von schott uudt dey all runs avay. Undt yesterday I sees dose same dree ande- -lopes undt der was only two of him. I get dot odder feller schure, budt I not liaf find him already yet." Electric Cars Slaughter Egyptian*. Iu the first four weeks after the opening of the electric railroad at Cairo, Egypt,, it is said that'no less than eighty persons were killed, and siifce that time the weekly average of vic­ tims has been seven or eight. This very high rate of casualties is supposed to bo due iu part to the Imperfect sight of many native^ In consequence of the prevalent eye diseases, but fully as much to the fact that they were unfa­ miliar with such swiftly moving ve- W. C. T. r. Notes. The 1'iiiit of Ale I once heard John R iss Dix relate an ancedote illustrative of the elements of ease aud comfort which the working men are so apt to cast thoughtlessly away, and of the many helps to independence which tbey neglect. A Manchester calico printer was, on his wedding day, asked by his wife to alio* her two half-piuts of ale a day as her share of "extra com­ forts." * He made the bargain, but not cheerfully, fqr, though a drinker himself (fancying, uo uuu'ul, Cuu'.u ant well do without.) he would have pre­ ferred a perfectly sobir wife. They b <th worked bard. John loved his wife, but he could not break away from the old associations of the alehouse, and when not in tbe factory or at h;s meals, he was with his boon companions. His wife made a small allowance meet hur housekeeping expenses, keeping her cot neat and tidy; and he could not com­ plain that she insisted upon her daily pint of ale, while he very likely, drank two or three quarts. Once in a while the wife succeeded, by gentle loving artifice, in drawing her husband home an h>>ur or two earlier than usnal, and very rare­ ly she persuaded him to spend a whole eveniug in her company. They had been married a year, and on the morning of their weddincr anniversary John looked with real pride upon the neat and come­ ly person of his wile, and with a touch of remorse in his look and tone he said: "Mar. Eureka Harness Oil is the best preservative of new leather aud the best renovator of old leather. It oils, softens, black- ens and protects. Use Eureka Harness Oil on your best harness, your old har­ ness. and your carriage top, and they will not only look better but wear longer. Sold everywhere in cans--all sizes from half pints to live gallons. Mull' t.v STAMIAHU OIL CO. Crash! For Summer Wear, M Hi n ITI There is nothing more comfortable and cooler for this hot weather than C RASH suit. sizes for men and boys. *1 V •' ¥i V1 : wm We have them in alibv ** Do not weai* ^ & 1 ^ that heavy suit of clothes this kind of weatfier. Let us sell you a linen suit", f ^ at. and then you will feel better natured Ai and get &ome pleasure out < of thes# * * «, - ^ red hot days. Call and inspect octf ^ ^ I line before buying elsewhere. * ^ n ^ may look well, but it is not al­ ways made well, I GUARANTEE satisfaction in the making and repairing of ^Harness. I have also a complete lin«i of SUMMER GOODS in the harness line that I am selling at at Bargains. Call and inspect my goods. McHenry, 111 WM. MERZ TALK IS CHEAP. A Talking Machine, a Singing Machine and a Musical Instrument, Goliirqbia Grapljaplio^e for $10 This is the most perfect Talking Machine oh the market. Come and see for yourself at MILO HOWE'S, miUER 'b<\ WW ••• ?'•% are more popular than ever this yearr , and the fact is very gratifying to theM ladies, for there is nothing more com- , „ fortable nor prettier for summer wear. ; v \ We have them in great variety and » at prices to please the most economical .» '• buyers. ' ' • X&Sl' ; West McHenry. SIMON West McHenry Illinois DEALER IN The artistic standard, the favorite "Ludwig" agnificrfnt Piaio at a rea­ sonable prjee. The world renown "Lyon & Healy" Parlor and Church Organ. The cremona tone "Washburn" i nd o- lin, Guitar and Zither, tiie standard of the world. Tbeworld-wide famed "Do­ mestic" Sewing Machine without an equa 1 for simplicity, durability, light running and cheapness. <•/<$«$><•><§><•><£> 1 Deliand's VI u Gap Sheaf wed, and only that I havn't a penny i' tb' world we'd take a j tuut to th' vil­ lage to see the mitber." "Would'st like to go, John?" she asked. There was a tear with her smile, for it touched her heart to bear him sp^ak t mderly as in the old times. "If thee would like to go, John, I'll stand treat" "Thou stand treat, Marj ? Hast got a fortune left t!iee?" "Nay," said she, "but I'm gotten tbe piut o' ale, ' "'Go ten what, wife." "The pint 'o ale," she repeated. And tbereupoa she went to the hearth, and from beneath one of tbe stone flags drew forth a stock­ ing from which she oobred upon tbe table tbe sum of three hundred and sixty-five threepences--£t lis. 31, ex­ claiming, "See, John, the can have the holiday." "What is this?" he asked, in amaz°. "It's my daily pinto'ale, John." H° was co iscience-stricken as well as charmed. "\farr, hasn't thee had thy shar. ? Then I'll have no more fro' this day." And he *a« as good as his werd Tbey bad their Holiday with their old mother; and Mary's lit lecapitall saved from t » "pints o' aU\" was the seed from which as the veare rolled on, grew sho; , fnc»f y, warehouse, county seat and cai ritd with it heulth, happiness, peace, honor aud renown --[^elected. PUPT T O R I A . • The Kind You Have Always Bought THE IN THE WflRLHi !|FS .LOLISHSO •JAVICNAL FLAGS. ^ Se'. of thirty cards showing the nation « al 111* ;s of the principal nations of thH work'. One of these cards is packed inl each large package of CAP SHEAF SODA. « ^If a complete is desired, we will mail ̂ ^^ame on leceipt of five one pound Cap ^ ySh-<af tirappett, Give your name and< office plainly written. % StUKU ft CO., Faliport, M. 7. THE BEST OF THEM ALLH LIPPINCOTT'S I nONTHLY>TVAGAZIN£ i Bsars the oignatare Goatalns a complete novel In eveiy num­ ber, in addition to a large quantity or useful and entertaining reading matter. So vonttnumH mtoriea, wMeh «r« m objmctionablm to most readers. It should be in every household. Bub- scriptlon, §3.00 per year. Agents wunted In every town, to whom the most liberal Inducements will be offered. 4, B. UFflHCOTT COMPANY, PuUlllMrS. L„ * PMiUUKtPHlA. mm THE A J AX : ,00 BICYCLE. Call and see it. . I_. McOMBER, - WEST MCHENRY, ILL. 'jooooooooooooooooooBoooeoeooooooeooooeooooaoss* Are You Cleaning House? I i! > k During house cleaning time you aliftijn# wish for a few new pieces of furniture, or would like to replace an old piece with some­ thing new and up to date. e have a fine stock of hit) enameled, brass mounted Iron Beds, and can make prices to fiit any pocket. Center tables, Dining tables, Dm-" ing room chairs, rockers and Upholstered Furniture in grert variety. J Carpets and Mattings ri n A W # i A McHenry, Illinois Are articles that come into promi this time of the year. We carry a line that you should inspect before going els®e» where, and anyone can make a selection from our line of sailiples. Place your ord* er with us for carpets and mattings and wt will guarantee that you will be pleased in both price and quality. 0 :5f| JACOB jySTEN j •

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