; a fortnight in hrhi & : 1 fi-n I. : I hae painted , * greit improvement, now ridea in a new aor* Lake yak recently. > »ad Henry Smioklee from near yoyirw.hn., Wis., were callers here Sun day. A barn dance was given Thursday night at Wm. Harris', on the Lawson farm, Jaba Wiederman and family will mova into Court Hasting's houae No vember first. Frank Colby contemplates attending a school of telegraphy at Janeeville this winter. Mrs, Lizzie Neish visited her brother. Allen Peacock and family at Lake Geneva last week. Mr, Miller of McHenrv placed a fine stone in the English Prairie Cemetery Monday to the memory of Mrs. Irene Pierce. A party of young people from Johns- bonr r»nd vicinity enjoyed the hospitality of Mr. and Mrs. Nick Frennd last Fn- Anrimw hereon of Waterloo, la., is greeting old friends. He is employed in Hie car shops at that place and holds a gooAnoiition. Mr m Mrs. John Duffy of Wilmot are tfecelviMC congratulations from theii friends. Canse--that eleven ponnd son that arrived lately. S<awr>ten days ago one of Walter team became tangled t with its halter, and •"•if I"- iiisi Ohio. > * * tWB- V Sykea' fine driving np dmingtfce sigh choked to death. It was an excellent horse and is qnite a loss. While attending the fnneral of Wm. Motley a collision between the carriages of Thoa. Hodge and one in which Mr. Allen of Ringwood and Jonathan Imer- son were riding, was caused by some horse backing up while in line to the Cemetery. Though all were shaken np, no oil® was seriously hurt Spring Grove enjoyed a rather novel sensation last Friday morning when it was discovered that burglaa* visit** our |mrg daring the previous night. Andrew Neish-s store was visited and cash, probably amounting to dollars or over taken, beside several pair of the beat shoes and a number of other articles. Detective Benthusyen was called and it is safe to t it will not be long before ttteves are where they should be. evening, Mr. Edgar's meat at Wilmot, was entered by two discovered by him One to leave did not wait to go the door, but jumped through the window, cutting himself badly with Both then jumped into a rig had in waiting, and though Mr. immediately pursued, were lost of. At Trevor, a saloon owned by luxoaker. was entered and money taken from a till and a dot machine broken and rifled. WAUCONO4L Ufa. & A. Smith has moved to Wgtn. Charta Fossard was on our streets Saturday* Arthur Cooke was a labertyville caller Wednesday. MosesBeachofElginwasaWauoonda caller Friday. . F. L Our and wife were Lake Zurich cajkta Wednesday. John Gotdang and wife spent a few days ia Chicago last week. EL & lfamtan and L. C. Price axe serving as jurors in Waukegan. Mrs. Kef] tie McClain of Waukegan visited relatives here last week. Gelding Bros, have improved their store by putting in a new floor. A good number attended the dance in the Oakland Hall, Friday night. Louis Comstock of Barrington called on Wanconda friends Thursday. Misses Pricilla and Evelin Davilin were in Barrington, Wednesday. Mrs. Shumway and son. Boy, of Wau kegan are visiting relatives here. Mr. and MrsTll. C. Hill and Mrs. Bobt. Harrison visited In Waukegan last week. Mr. and Mrs. Underwood of Michigan visited their daughter, Mrs. W. Harris, last week. Wm. Brooks, Jr. shot a black eagle one day last week. Carl Erickson has mounted it Ed. Wynn and Harry Ladd of Aurora are tuning and repairing pianos and organs here. There was no service in the M. E. Church, Sunday. Rev. Dutton was at Conference. « Mrs. Dyer of Waukegan visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Harri son last week. it J. C. Price is expected here He will make his home in Wau- oonda in the future. Mr. and Mrs. Geo; Wragg iwJ family accompanied by, Nina Pratt, will attend the Fail Festival in Chicago. ftrie Harrison,,,Albert Reynolds, Fred Wynfeoop, ChattarSowles, ElmerGold ing,Beary and Will Dillon spent Sundftjr lit Wanconda. S. W. Brooks, M. Clark, Will Mona- han, C. R. Wells, J. S. Haas and Will Wragg transacted business m G&ioago, • last • '̂ WOCIE. BAHKKrlUE. Dr. Wataon made a call in our village Monday. Miss Inga Stanson of Cary spent Sun day at home. Kanack and family spent Huntley. nerson and L Eastmanwere Sunday. *. «« a,_t.f â'̂ onBa--rd and James How-cil Bpeat ouuuajr ill iM unda. C&wlev Kwler of Nundais visiting his friend, Walter Shepard. ^vMr. Bremer entertained a gentleman friend from Chicago Saturday. Fred Peeler of Crystal Lake was seen our streets Saturday evening. C. Dixon and his mother of Wancon da were seen on our streets Sunday. Mra. L. Eastman and Mrs. C. Baird ifcre in Cary on business Friday last. Misa Dora Granthnn of Nunda spent Saturday and Sunday with her aunt. KM BOM Robinson. Charley Wagner and Ernest mil speî Stmday and Monday sight seeing Joe Deffner, who has spent the last month in the city, returned home last Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mm. John McHorter and son, John, of Prarie Grove were Sunday visitors at Mrs. Colin Baird'a. l|jj! Stanson, wife, and children of the State of Maine arrived here last TharsdSy. Mr. dtanson expects to make thlsUhrnome. Mr. and Mrs. Will and and so pip*0| exc of mmm* awar^dwghfo îfc MfAlition to the thirty-five I^Howiiig is a hstof those who the examinations and with Free Scholarships. PIANO DEPARTMENT. Arthur Rech, Chicago. Miss Imogens Medsfier, Mancie, Irfd. Arthur Granqnist, Chicago. Miss Nettie Helen McDougall, Jackson ville 111. Miss Marchie Kelley, HydePark* Miss Estelle Reese, Miss Virginia Schwarta, Cal. Mrs. Fannie Fox Cooper, Chicago, rx Miss Eleanor Harris, Herman Ostheimer, Gjree® Mrs. Helen Copel Miss Hazel Cowlea, Stanley L. Cole, Chi Miss Beatrice Mack, Miss Mable L. Higby, Miss Alice HuMmI, Chicago." Miss Edna Mu»fterl»<£Chicago. Miss Carrie J. Millar, Chkago. Miss Marie Kleinminger. Chicago. Miss Belle Hollanger, Chicaga Victor R. Siitig, Chicago. Miss Jessie B. Campbell, Chicago. Miss Anna Hataer, Chicago, Miss Maud Neefcmann, Chicago. VOCAL DEPARTEENT. Miss Hattie Lydia Wyllie, Hinsdale, Rollin Pease, High wood, 111. Mrs. Lillian Parsal, Aurora, 111 Miss Beatrix E. Miaer, Bed Cloud. Miss Vine Warner, Coldwater, Mich. Amon Cain, West Pullman, HI. Miss Roa Eaton, Chicago. Miss Lura Shoupe, Chicago. Edmund Basse, Chicago. Miss Margaret Longacre, Portland. Vio Katsutoki Sakai, Tokyo, Japan. Miss Amanda Anderson, Chicago. Miss Anna Harken, Peotone, HI. Miss Blanche K. Stewart, Keota. Ia. Miss Clara Louise Gibaon, Marion, Iowa. Miss May De Sousa, Chicaga . •<' Miss Hulda Peterson, Chic îr % t VIOLIN DEPARTMENT. 4 ; ( Miss Ebba Hjertstedt, ChicaflOu Mrs. R. H. That * ~ * •ehool itcher, Chicago.' Master Baphael Groff, Chicago. Walter Schulxe, Chicago. Master Leon Striker, Chicago. Miss Merle Kirkman, Kokomo, Ward Baker, Chicago. Miss Florence Miller, ̂ Chicago. SCHOOL OF ACTING. | Miss Ethel Hathaway, Chicago. W. L. Wyers, Chicago. „ . intareat ln this "Doas the Sunday subject of the \ Miller, state phase of work was ably result" more fai The countv work Township conventions held, IB; banner townships, 8;; Sundny schools in the county, 57; number open all the year, 54; Sun- al Army plan, 8; home departments, l«i normal classes for tiw training of futurt teachers, 8; teachers' meetmgs, 10. There are rm ojfioers and teachers and 8998 scholars, an average attendance of 2835. The traearer's report shows $149. raised to carry on the state and Sund< school work. The convention voted to hold a sen Of one day Bible institutes througho the county the coming year. Countor officers were elected as fol lows; President, Dr. C. C. Miller, Mar- Geo. W. Conn, Jr., treasurer, Mrs. Harrison, Woodstock; record ing secretary, Mrs. W. T. Muuiford; superintendent of primary work, Mra Gertrude Shipton, Woodstock; superin tendent of home department, Miss JSm- ma Wilson, Marengo. ̂ Old BMldmt of Palatine Dies. John BL Allard, an old and well- known citizen of Palatine, died suddenly Monday afternoon of heart disease. He was 80 years old. For years ha had held official positions in Palatine and was well known in the village and the surrounding country. s Rev. W. L Wfci p pie to Return. At tiie appointment recently made by the M. E. Conference, at Rockford, Bev. W. L. Whipple will be in charge of the Me Henry and Ringwood churches •another year. During the past year' Mr. ̂ "hippie has made a host of friends who will be glad to learn he is to return. Elgin Butter Market. The butter market was steady at 23} cents; offerings, eighteen tubs, which were withdrawn on bids of 28 cents; butter one year ago, 20 cents; last week, 28} cents. bttigta A earth he can Tim ingatthei at seven " is mtion. iv. l̂etf ai praise, morning Just as A defect! building loss wai *)WB; RTBBIUEUT, JUT. *J, enao; vice president, G« Hebron; secretary and Nettie C. Harrison, Wo Simon Stoifel. on street railvmy uch. 's Devotional Meet- t Church, holding rind® g last Sabbath eveu ̂ ina Reynolds, WM fine spirit Much given the ringing at tile Were going to press last startlwl l>y the flry gong, '""•î lTOed by Mm. Geo ̂ doenpied by Ed. I^ong to be cm fire. The reeiu- the town responded " it waterworla under was tha contents were satisfactorily "I wish to exprws my thanks to the manufactures of Chaanbariain's Colic, cholera and Diarrh««a Remedy, for hav ing put on the market such a wonderfnl uiedicine," says W. W. Massingill, of Beatunont, Texas. There are many thousands of mothers whose children have been saved from attacks of dysen tery and cholera infantum who must also fell thankful.--For sale by Julia A. Story. Half Bate* to Portland, Ore., Seattle and Tacoma, Wa»h.t Via the North-Western Line. Excursion tickets will be sold at one fare for round trip from all stations, October 12 to 15, inclusive, limited tn November IB, 1899, account of W. C. T. U. Convention, at Seattle. Variable routes, delightful scemery. Apply to agents Chicago < North-Western R'y. , 2t ||g MMM mamiy •etotw, Ctdcuo. On the 10th of Deocmber, B. W, Ym„ ; % violent ocughinc. ' to a number of so- . . . lally lept in tha which acted nke a charm. I moat cheer fully recommend it to tha public, "--f or sale by Julia A. Story. Half Rates *• 1. Q. O. V. Onutd iodgc Bay City, Mlelu, Via the North-Western LI^h). Excursion tickets will be sold at one fare for the round trip, October 15 and 16, limited to October 2& Apply to agenta Chi cago ft North-Westwrn ~ " A- South, Pi a'severe CASTOR IA TO Infants and Children. Die Kind Yov Haw Ahfqt In|M Bearslhe )Bignature of BaOway. • ,r- - |4 OAIST Beua th» - A>W Bigastus of For Sale | Several Heating Wood and Coal Stoves JOHN I. STOUT, - The Riverside. io Millions of Homes] \ Accept no substitute) Insist on LION COFFEE, in 1 lb. pkgs. ^ ' r : i ? V J: viV? Best Coffee for the Money 1 Try LION COFFEE and you will never use any other. It is absolutely pure : Coffee and nothing but Coffee. These articles mailed FREE in exchange for lion heads cut from front of i lb. LION COFFEE pkgs. SUk Umbrella (either Lady's or Gents). vmii), ter 170 • vwy fine wntodla, madsof union illk-ulbts; K-iach frame with seven ribs; steel rod and silTsr Would oost 12.00 at ti>« tton. fp ; wm: (M Fancy Gold Ring. Parts MM hmA* ttaautaa RabySatUaa CoM Bias. P«r 2Slt« 2-cent stamp. These rings are genuine rolled appeanuiee and qualities of sol tfie makers to last two yean patterns ami very popular. with ordin harlng the exact and guaranteed by ordinary uasgs. Mew Dress-Pin Set. vwnp* a um pins in tbeKt(lsiger than shown), com posed of flne rolled- gold, with handsome ruby-colored set- tines. Suitable for waut-phM, cufl-pim, •ssa#a;w•*r•,, Sash-Belt and Buckle. Meatioa yonr waist-measure when sending. . .M*lJ*>tfr** *BT «• HM hmdB art tnm fashionable. Silver Napkin-Ring. For IS DM beads and m 2-cent Btmmp. Meat and substantial. Made of dur able metal, heavily silver- plated. Two different patterns. • :v'-\ we#> fa Marengtf TUu»flayaoc»mi>aniwi by his nephew, Ernest Hilt Mr. Eastman returned With a new threahing engine. , Coin-Purse. . Par 15 Hen heads and i 2-cent stamp. Color, 'dark brown. Made of fine kid ieather; cham ois lining; nickeled frame, with Krone snao- fastening. Ladies' Pen-Knife. • f°VL"°" cut froag ^'""Coawwrapoeca and a 2c. stamp. Large slae; good mS teriaf; handles nicely decorated and assorted colors. [snam, HWTY MI» fuvos! J i l l l l J l l l i J J T* Mtwatfaa tte Ms*. " Knickerbocker1 (Hvn lor I7S Haa beads aad a 3-ca«t •tamp. Meat appear* ing and an excellent time-keeper. Solid nickel-silver case, with ornamental back. Nickel movements, escapement fully Jeweled. *he famous "Knickerbocker" watch. Ladies* Watch Chain. A double strand of best silk cord, united at intervals with colored beads; neat and substantia! For 18 Ilea heads aad a 2>caat stamp. • desti p; Watch. -* flailed frsa far 00 vISoa beads and a 3-cairt ataasp. The celebrated " Inger- soll" watch; stem- wound and stem- set ; durable nlckel- plated case; each watch acownpan- ied fay guarantee of the maker. Are- liable timekeeper. Ladles' Pocket-Book. Large die aad latest shape. Black seal grain leather, with Ave separate divisions,incrading a tuck-pocket with flap to bold visitiug cards secure. Oivea ler 25 Ilea beads froai L4aa Coffee wisppws aad a 2c. stamp. Cut a strip of thick paper so that the ends will exactly meet when drawn tightly around second Joint of the finger. Lay one end on this diagram at the 0. and order the number the other end indicates. Handkerchiefs. Pair of Lac Two extra fine cambric hand* kerchiefs, witU| beautiful i m ported lace mef aalllon insert tions in the cor ners. H^f-inpiL hem, machine 1 hemstitched; stylish and dur able. A pair Oil tbese bandkaw* chiefs given far i8 Hon head* cat frsi Lion Coffee wrappers and a 3c. stamp. Children's Picture Book. •» W\ (Hven for f 0 Hon beads and a 2-cent stamp. Sixteen large puges of Mo ther Goose Melodies illustrated and with nicely lithographed cover. We have different books, so you can get an as sortment. Century Cook-Book. including frsa far Table Cover. colored material that will stand, washing. 92 inches iqugre, fancy fringed border. Mailed I ttaa beads aad a 2c. ataaqp- 368 pages of valu- able cooking re- ceipts, also treatise on the labor of tl>e kitchen, dining- room,laundry, sick room. and remt'iiios for the more com mon (iinease8. (iiven for 15 lion heads and a 2-cent [H=3 Boys' Pocket-Knife. The "Basy- Opener": strong, sharp blade; re<1-wood handle. Ar i 2 lion beads and a 2c. stamp. Art Picture, Qreeting" Oivea tor • Ilea beads cat fraaliMM. US.'aTSS staif' A highly artistic picture, that wilt grace the finest draw* ing-room. lite background of royal dark-blue furnishes a n a p p r o p r i a t e Mtutrnst to the little girl and her white Knst- IIJIAS, 8iaa. 14x28 inches. ror to lien heads and t cents wa will sand it United mady for I Baster Flower Picture. per SMea baada Arncricau Beauty e-Valley. Biae, 11 awl artistic coloring. •"•{•{fflUi. and 1x34 inches. Bright The Dancing Lesson.*9 The green grass aad trees, the little brown kitten and the girl's snow-white dress form a pleasing combination of col ors. Size, in x 21 Inches, flailed free far • Has beads aad a S^eat stwap 1 T"E ABOVE ARB ONLY A PEW OP THE U0NC0FPE8 PREMIUMS. Aaother lUt will shortly appear in this paper I Doa't aria* It I Tbe graadsetlUta* praatfaiae ever offered t ^'y! UON COFFEE by tba wrapper, tt Is a seated pack# ace, with the lion's bead ia treat. It is abastatsly para H tba package la aabreben. LION COFFEE is roasted tbe day It leaves tbe factery. IMPORTANT MOTIOE. Wheai i writing far premhWas send year letter la the aaaM «m package with thsllsa hsais. If asore tba» 15 Moa baads ataaaat.j ffls^ss?ysasreir,̂ ua,3sai-""•nm'* WOOtSOM SPIOC OO., 0 Pure Drugs r..L.' .'ti" . k I rf • *: ft« «ssetitm!i«t the _ pure foods, and more so. We guar*1' ; antee our drugs and saedicines to be 1 | the best. We always airry a com plete stock of Perfumes, Toilet ar% * y' * * \ { iqmi m+ UBVS WA icf t fAind tm ihatt winter iatjppnjacliliig and that it is necessary that you look about you for a suitable place to buy your winter wearables. If quality and price concern you, we feel satisfied that f§ our store is the place you are looking § for. links are complete, v,;ly •• .. •* , «< -Joi' jr*> . Shoes,'Rubbere,̂ ;.;^;!;;"';,# f ® and Overshoes lb|bfe eU8iylea, qnalitiee and prices, for men, women and childraib jm-s--- ?ms Jewelry , 'akrnam'iL •• *- * -- --A.-- ^4-. •*-*- I n • . ̂ i ,• jjifaa'A 'it CEETJT EEW VTOOK U3L •WBP'OFIRTUI--HBK V F^OWQ Cloaks, Coats, Capes and Qi>lf Capes and Children. A com - f r Fur Collarette elegant stock of CoUaiettea wiH arrive this week. Wait for them Shirts HQold" and "Silver" brand*, In dainty and decided ookni, ; ,1" Ladles' Flannel Shirt Waists X#Hli embroidered yokes, something decidedly new. See thein. 11?* • :?*1 *1 «•" * * •Hl-if-V"* * lii,: Suits and ft Overcaats A foil stock in the lateat styles and poeitivdy the loweat Intfoec. I Men's Hats, Caps, Gloves and Mittens yvi'trc <* Winter' underwear for men» ^ boys, girls-^everybody. Outing Flannel--Dainty colors* Jamestown Dress Goods Men' and Boys A Lyconing Pants Ifhey beat anything for wear. It will pay yon to bny a pek, We are agents for the "Black Cat** brand Hosiery. Fall and winter stock jpt arrived. ttii '»r W i K r , f ' 1 ' -i t / » » . » * / - ^ ' - " • * f V 1 J f % .ir 1 Xv: SIHON STOFFEL, West ncHcmy Family Paint nee get i nnilfli i lilce aaw When you THE SHERWIN-WIUJ, PAINTS aaby the label ea your parpoae. pofiu*/' WriK'H 10 "*»»<«** TH* 8Na*ww-mujMm oo.. *AI*T AMO COLO* MMtmtm. ncHenry, III