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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 1 Mar 1900, p. 3

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-Geo. Meyers- GENERAL • • .^TEAMING ^ v *» >. iQf ixW kinds< Excavating and Grading. McHenry, Illinois COMPLETE NOVEL IN EACH NUMBER •i 'i LIPPINCOTT'S ihONTHLYJVtfJAZINJE. j Subscribers mav bosrln with any month '- THK CHEAPEST AND /Kkst Family Magazine Published M A L I B R A R Y O F ' fits COMPLETE NOVELS YEARLY Besides Poetry and many Sl-ories of Dally Life. Travel, Anecdote, Humor, etc. REDUCED PRICE, $2 50 PER YEAH SINGLE COPY, 25 CENTS J. B. LIPPINCOTT COMPANY, Publishers PHIIiAllKl.PHIA, PA. SECRETS OF SUCCESS. GOOD ADVICE to business boys by nearly 100 of the most successful business men. Contains many helpfhl items from .those business men's own experience. An invaluable aid to every boy whether in school or em­ ployed in an ollice. A dainty volume < f about 50 pages, bound in cream pebble grain, stamped in green and silver and sent postpaid for only $0.25. Every boy should read this book. Send for our special illustrated book cata­ logue of books for young and old, FREE. Address all ord­ ers to THE WERNER COMPANY, Nb|lihwi ud M&nclactnreri. Akron, Ohio. (The Werner Comoany is thoroughly reliable.]--Editor. A GREAT NEWSPAPER. 1 It has always bo en claimd for The Chicago Tribune that it would, iu all probability, pass with the highest average in any competitive examination among the n wepapors of the United Btatos for excellence in ail department* of'journalism. " Under date of May 2, 1899, the " Omaha World-Herald, editorially an- " silvering a letter from ' Inquirer' " asking the names of the five best " newspapers in this country, points " out that a newspaper may excel in " one way and be Inferior in another. " The World-Herald gives lists under " five peneral headings of leading " American newspapers distinguished " especially for excellence, mentioning "In all some twenty. THE FOLLOWING ARE THE HEADINGS: Most and best news, foreign and domestic,.presented attractively.- possible presentation Of news hriefly. Typographical appearance. Classification of news by de­ partments. . Kditoriale. " The CiiicuKO Tribune is the " only newspaper in the United States " which the World-Herald considers " worthy of mention under four differ- " ent heads."--From the October Plain Talk. Practically all iiigh-clnss intelligent newspaper readers, comprising the best- iind middle classes in Chicago nrd vicin­ ity, read The Chicago Tribune. A grent majority of them road no other morning newspaper. The Chicago Tribune prints more advertising year in and year out than any newspaper in the West. " (1) " (2) " <3> •• u) <5) A Great Advertising Medium. A FREE PATTER her own * U ctiuuitii every «ubscril>er. K. autiful col 1 'an-J luil') traplii 'it pl.itcs a:iil iilu.-i, ,ittoi..< Oiifiual. f Ulcst. ttrUstio, exquisite ftinl atricuy up-to-date tietigua. MS CALL'S MAGAZINE Dfe««innlcfmr economies, fancy work, houoebolil hints, short nt current topics, etc 8uWr|l>e t<> day. Only 50c. y early. Lady agenta wanted, Beud tor term* N?CALL«ti ^ BAZAR f fATTONS Ea»ilv r.it tot'fthtr <>r>H m nml if. i hiali. • ,- ii.l iu • v«rv ciiv av.J i. ci i>y mail A«k lor tliein. Absolutely very latest up-to-date Mylaa THE I»IcC.\l,L COMPANY, «•«.«« 6 Wnt 14th Si.Mt, . ... H»w Tork fit,, I. * Werner's Dictionary of synonyms & Antonyms. Myttolooy and Familiar PHases. Ab,K)kthai should bcin thevest i»'> ket of every )«erson, beennsc it t. : is you the right vord to use. JVO Two Words in the English Language Have Exactly the •; Same slgnlfic j-fiC". To express ihe precise meaning tli*t one in tends to convey a dictionary of } Synonyms is needed to avoid fej«- [ tit ion. The stri ngent figure of ssi« ech is antithesis. In this die- uuiiary tile ap(«e.nled Alliirii ylftg' v. iil, therefore, be found extremely •.-illliable. Contains many other futures such as Mythology, Familiar Allusions and For­ eign Phrases, Prof. Loisette's Memory Syltem, 'The Art of Never Forgetting," etc., etc. This wonderful little book bound in a neat cloth binding and sent postpaid for $0.25. Full Leather, gilt edee, $0.40. postpaid. Order at once. Send for our large book catalogue, free. Address all orders to T H E W E R N E R COMPANY, MUtsberi m4 Haaofectartri, AX&OH, 0U0. SOMETHING NEIW. A «pl»ndM Hint For the Writer M Dialect Stories. » "Anything new, Scratchard?" Inquir­ ed tlie publisher as he toyed with his diamond studded seal. •> "Yes," said the author eagerly as he drew a bulky wad of manuscript from a much soiled newspaper. "I've got an original story here that is atanply great." "What's great about It!* , '"The dialect. It's Boer." ®Tlie publisher slightly started. , "That seems like a good thing," he laid. "Let's beu.r a little of it." The author moistened his lips, un­ folded the manuscript and began: " 'The bronzed young uitlander paus­ ed beside the spruit, which was now little niore than a dusty sluit. He had come through the krautz. and over the nek, and along the poort. and past the kopje, pnd straight across the level veldt, and he was tired, liaising his bottle of dop to his lips, he was disap­ pointed to find it was empty. He filled the flask at the fontein in the kloof, close to the drift, and, moistening a lit^ tie biltong, ate eagerly. "I wish I had some mealies," lie muttered, "but I can't expect it until I reach the next kraal. Even then I doubt the wisdom of showing myself. I feel pretty sure that the zarps were put on my track as soon as the voorlooper recognized me."'" The great publisher waved his hand. "Splendid!" he cried. "That's just what we've been looking for. We'll have it on the book stands in ten days. Can you fill a sequel with some more of the same rot?" And the happy author said he thought he could.--Cleveland Plain Dealer. Alai, Not Much! Chief Census Takej- Merriam com­ plains that the applicants for positions as enumerators can't spell and can't do ordinary arithmetic. "Our public schools teach botany and psychology and sewing and molding," he says, "but apparently they do not teach sim­ ple arithmetic and spelling." Every business man who has occasion to hire high school graduates found that out long ago.--Boston Globe. How much better are the average college graduates in spelling, arithme­ tic and bookkeeping?--Brockton Times. Side Lighta on History. "Dinner is ready," the messenger said to him. "Dinner be bio wed!" exclaimed Ben­ jamin Franklin--he used a stronger ex­ pression, but it has been thought best to soften the original word--as he fe­ verishly watched his kite in the clouds and drew another spark from the wire. "Dinner be bio wed! I want to get this Invention perfected before Nikola Tes- la can come out with a claim that he discovered th&principle before I did!" --Chicago Tribune. Saving Her Sensibilities. We both of us felt at once that she was a dangerous woman. "See!" I exclaimed. "She is half shot!" "And half powder!" faltered Pietro. shuddering. So we shrank away from the adven­ turess and avoided her as much as was possible without being positively rude. --Detroit Journal. A Person Named Grajr. K A very stout person named Gray Was asked why he stood In this way. "It is," he replied, "A matter of pride. For it makes me look taller, they aay!" --Typ*. For ladies, misses, jrtrla and little children. That e«f» tain stylish " ctac " effect not attained by the nst of «nf Other iiiitUTiis Have no equal tor style and perfect fit. Mystifying. "Marse Tom, what platform is you gwine ter run on dis year?" "Well, I haven't formulated It yet." The questioner was thoughtful. Then he looked up and said: --"Marse Tom, Is dat word Tormer- lated' a vote ketcher, a feel around or & campaign sockdolager?"--Atlanta Constitution. Incompatible. \ McJigger--For go<j>dnessv sake, look at Yallerby shoveling in his dinner! I understood he was a dyspeptic. Thingumbob--So he Is: the worst kind. He's burdened with an optimis­ tic appetite and a pessimistic digestion. --Philadelphia Press. Victim of His Constituents. "I've just, had a letter from our con­ gressman." "What does he want?" "He says he can't make a hit In pub­ lic life unless some of us start a lot of political rumors for him to deny."-- Chicago Record. WOMEN The Wrong Line. "It's too bad." said the condoling friend. "I thought you were right In line of promotion." "No." mournfully replied the man who-had lost his job. "1 was right- i» the firing line."--Chicago Tribune. MILANESE RICE. Put two tables poonfuls of batter in a stewpan, and when hot cook in it, with­ out browning, a slice of onion chopped. Add half a cup of rice thoroughly washed, and about a quart of hot water. Cook until the rice is t«-nder and the water is absorbed; then add two table- spoonfuls of grated cheese and a little salt. Stir gently with a fork, turn into a serving dish, and sprinkle with a little more of the grated cheese. RICE FOR DESSERT. Pick over and wash, half a cupful of rice, pour over it a pint of boiling wat­ er, add half a^teaspoonful of salt, and let it boil very fast until the water is absorbed; add a cup of milk and steam over hot water until the rise ia tender, adding more milk if necessary. . YELLOW SAUCE. f Beat the yolk of an egg until light, and the white until foamy; add half a cupful of sugar to the yolk, then beat in the white lightly ; add half a teaapoon- ful of vanilla and a cupful of scalded milk; mix thoroughly and serve. MAPLE SYRUP SAUCE. Another nice sauce for rice is made by boiling together for five or six minutes •me cupful of maple syrup and the juice of one lemon. Take from the fire and add two teaspoonfuls of bntter. BAKED EGGS. - The cook heard of a new way to bake eggs the other day. A man told her about it, and he said they were ' 'aus ges- eiten," from which it may be correctly inferred that he was of German extrac­ tion. Butter a gem pan, and break the egg into it. Pour over it a tablespoonful of milk, and fill the pan with rolled crack­ er crumbs, seasoned with butter, pepper and salt. The time required for bak­ ing it will vary of course to the heat of the oven, and can only be determined by individual experiments, but the result was a most delicious morsel. Doe* Your Stomach lilstrem You ? Do you haVe pain in the side, nausea, sometimes vomiting, distress after eat­ ing, belching, constipation, loss of appe­ tite, dizziness, flatulence, moth patches, sluggish looks, pimples and a repulsive complexion? If you have any of these symptoms, you have dyspepsia or stom­ ach disorder. The new discovery, Bail­ ey's Dyspepsia Tablets, brings quick relief, followed by a permanent cure; pleasant to take. W. J. Bailey, written on each package. Price 25 cents, post­ paid. Made by Lakeside Medicine Co., Chicago. Sample free. Well informed doctors prescribe them. Sold by Miss J. A. Story. 1 y-Feb. l5-'«> Our Army and Navy. * Not until the close of the Spanish- American war, which proved such a brilliant success for our Army and Na­ vy, did foreign powers appreciate the strength and stability of our engines of war. Not only did foreign countries watch the movements of our troops and ships with amusement, but our own people, right here at home, were sur­ prised to find that the United States possessed an army and navy of such strength and proportions. In one of the latest books to appear, entitled "The United States Army and Navy, 1776-1899," a grapic description of the operations of both branches of the service, from their inception to the close of the late war, is to be found. It is a beautiful art edition, and no book so complete, both from a literary and ar­ tistic point of view, has ever been pub­ lished. The text is by eminent authorities in both branches, and was compiled after a careful research of all! government re­ cords. The illustrations and there are 43 of them, full-page size, are the finest specimens of art ever placed in a book. The volume is published by the Wer­ ner Company, of Akron, Ohio, who are making a special offer to introduce it to the reading public. In another part of this issue will be found a more detailed description of the book and how it can be secured. tf. Free Complexion Beauttfler. We want every lady reader of the McHenry Plaindealer, to try Dwight's Complexion Beautiner, the most ex­ quisite toilet preparation. It is pure and harmless, makes the face smooth as vel­ vet and fair as alabaster. To induce a fair trial of it we will for SHORT TIME ONLY SEND FREE a full size, Fifty Cent box to every lady who will send us her post office address and SILVER DIME to pay for packing and postage. Only one FREE box to each address, but ladies may order for her friends. Each box mailed separately. Send this no­ tice and your order AT ONCE to D. W. CUSTER & Co., Huntington, W. Va. Feb. 22, 1 y. Explanations In Order. "I shall make no apology for speak­ ing to you thus at length," said Sena> tor Wordy. "W-.ll. why not?" demanded one of the opposition. -- Philadelphia North American. Great opportunity offered to go >;1 reliable men. Salary of $15 per week and expenses for man with rig to in­ troduce our Poultry Mixture arid Insect Destroyer in the country. Send stamp, American Mfg. Co:; Terre Haute, Ind. 82-ly * W hat's Your - Fact; Woriii? - Sometimes a fortune, but never, if you have a sallow complexion, a jaun­ diced look, moth patches and blotches on the skin, --all signs of Liver Trouble. But Dr. King's New Life Pills give Clear Skin, Rosy Cheeks, Rich Complexion. Only 26 cents at Julia A. Story's Drug Store. OSTRICHES ARE CURIOUS BIROS. IIJ(treating Points About the Ungainly iLevlathana of the Feathered Trlka. Ostrich farming has grown in import­ ance both in the United States and south Africa of late years, and the experiences of the raisers are quite interesting. There are tales without number of the strange antics of the curious birds. Naturally the first thought on seeing an ostrich is. How fast can it run! * When feeding the stride is only twenty to twenty-two inches; when walking, but not feeding, the stride is twenty-six inches, but when terrified the bird possesses wonderful sprinting qualities and takes steps .'varying from eleven and one-half to fourteen feet. Taking twelve feet as the average, they would cover about twenty-five miles an hour, but the stories of birds traveling a mile a minute are open to question. Other traits of which we are always hearing is their lack of both suspicion and intelligence. Bushmen clothe them­ selves in one of their skins aqd under cover of this go near enough to kill them with poisoned arrows. When the bird considers that he has distanced his pursuer he often puts his head in the sand, thinking he has there­ by made himself invisible. Sometimes when hotly pursued he turns upon his enemies and gives severe wounds With his feet. The habits of ostriches are not particularly attractive. They eat fruits, game, vegetables, leaves, tender shoots insects, snails and any other food that can be picked up, including all kinds of indigestible substances, which they swallow from stupid voracity. , They are equally foolish about laying their oggs. They often begin before the spot has been fixed upon for the nest and the solitary eggs are often found lying forsaken all over the district fre­ quented by the ostrich. The nests are simply holes in the sand and vary from three to six feet in diameter. In these are laid by a single bird or many in a company from twelve to fifty or sixty eggs. They are incubated by night and left to the heat of the sun during the day. The males assist in the incubation and also in taking care of the young until they can provide for themselves. When the ostrich chicks are as big as a common fowl they ran with great ra­ pidity. Why She Stopped the Paper. She came down the street three steps at a time, and sailed into our printing office like a whirlwind. She waited for no ceremony, but wildly asked: "Is this the paper printing office?" "Yes, madam." "I want to stop my paper." "All right, madam." "Stop it right away, too." "It's stopped," the fore­ man said, as he drew a blue pencil line across her husband's name on the sub­ scription list. "There, now," she said, "maybe that will learn you some hoss sense and how to do the square thing next time, and not slight people just be­ cause they are poor. If some„ rich, stuck-up folks happen to have a bald headed, knock kneed, cross eyed, and toothless brat born to them you're in an awful hurry to put it in the paper and make it out an angel, but when poor people have a baby you can't say a word about it, even if it is the purtiest baby borned. That's a lesson tojevery paper in Cass County," and she went out as mad as an old wet hen. --Cass County (Kas.) Democrat. Another Fine Volume. Standard books are ever welcome when they come to us in the forms and bindings representing all the embellishments of the art of bookmak- ing. Such a book is The Life of Dewey published by the Dominion Company, Chicago, a copy of which has just come to our desk. The contents are well ar­ ranged, the illustrations are fine, the print is clear and neat and the binding is superb. The Dominion Company is forging ahead as the leading western publishing house making a specialty of fine subscription books. Having sales­ people in nearly every nook of the coun­ try, the company enjoys a large and growing trade. As this company has a known reputation for liberality towards its agents and fair treatment of them, an agency in this vicinity for the above book, or some ojther published by this company, would be a source of consider­ able profit to the one fortunate to secure it. Interested readers should write the company for full particulars. Floating Chips. No truth was ever converted into a truism without its martyrs. No graven image ever worshiped has done so much harm as false ideals of duty. No one can forgive seven times who has not needed forgiveness 70 times seven. We say we have outgrown our illu­ sions, but Is not that the greatest one of all? The woman who has not learned to wear a smile over an aching heart has not attained her majority. We would stand more chance of be­ ing happy if there were fewer people to insist on our being so in their way. Cynicism is called cheap, bnt those who have bought it in the mart of ex­ perience have paid a deSr enough price. --Margaret Wentworth, in Judge. O Bean the Signature Of • F O R I The Kind You Have Boug* m i Here is a Rare Opportunity for | The Clothing ^Wearer! | We have always advocated the/ best, way to buy Clothing, to have the garment laid before you, 3(4 still stick to that opinion. We still have fair assortment of Overcoats, and a goodly v number of winter weight Suits on ouff^ counters, that will beisold Regardless V>; of Cost for the next thirty days, in . = order to make room for our large „ spring stock we are now coty. traeting for with the manufacturers. . your ai-V* A V," R5« For the economical Grocery Buyer we have s made up the following list to be sold in $5.00 lots only. SO lbs best white Granulated Sugar , . . ,$1.00 90 lbs good Rice. 1.00 4 lbs good bulk Coffee iiOO lbs Uncolored Japan Tea ........ . . 1.00 90 bars good Soap.. .............. . .50 8 pkgs "Blossom Brand" Mince Meat.. .50 Yours for business, % JOHN J; MILLER, - West McHenry, III. § 4 r A Fish Story 1 M We wish to remind the people of this vicinity that we constantly keep on hand a complete stock of the best brancis of dried, smoked or salted fish, including White Fish,* Mackerel, H&rring, etc,--You will also find here a nice line of canned fish. 1 "? GILBERT, BROS. McHenry, Illinois •I HUSICAL INSTRUriENTS Watch Repairing. The Latest In Sheet Music Instrumental and Vocal. N. A. HUEMANN West McHenry, Illinois. 4- WE SELL THEM! Pure Drugs and Medicines Finest Perfumes Toilet Articles Paints and Oils West McHenry, 111. Notions galore School Supplies, Etc. GEO. W. BESLEY DAILY EXCURSIONS TO CALIFORNIA; Through first-class and Tourist Sleeping Cars to points in California and Oregon | every day in the year • J •••Si .--.PEftSONALLY (ONDUOED EXCURSIONS.. Every Thursday LOWEST RATES SHORTEST TIME ON THE ROAD FINEST SCENERY Only route by which you can leave home any day in the week and travel in . . tourist cars on fast trains all the way. For descriptive pamphlets and full in- f formation inquire of nearest agent. , . 1 oikago &"--""""--

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