V * jy'CKp'ri-S/ IS$>? ibi"- lincimv Cicmar* e*r>*a* •» that! is better than made-to-order Suits and $5.00 cheaper. Why? Because the Cloth is uniformly shrunk by machinery and will not shrink or stretch, that is the why good ready-made Suits will keep their shape better than made-to-order Suits. JOS. W. FREUND, W E S T M r H E N R Y , I L L I N O I S . « ; ; tM <xi'„ 4 Our Motto: A .Square Deal to Everyone. SEWING MACHINES Our Motto: A .Square Deal to Everyone. We are agents "for the New Royal Sewing Machines, one of the best as well as most modern machines on the market today. A gilt-edged guarantee goes with each and every machine. :: :: "I1 V V 'I1 lil *V w A A A »^*« A t^l ITTly TTTTfl fWi IT J IT! 1^1 A A A i^i rf* tTi lV 'X1 lV lil lV 'v lV A A |T| tTl iTl We are agents "for the New Royal Sewing Machines, one of the best as well as most modern machines on the market today. A gilt-edged guarantee goes with each and every machine. :: :: Furniture A AA A A A V W iv + V 4» lV l4»* iT> A A tT» A A A w ^x1 *1* A> »T| /fa A* iT* »Tt A A A A A A A A A A ffnp "X* X gX A A A A A A *AAtu^ •i1 ll1 lV lV 'X1 lI' " Our stock of Furniture is always complete and ready for inspect ion and as to prices we stand ready at any time to meet any competition, Chicago included. Underta king and Embalm ing a specialty Our stock of Furniture is always complete and ready for inspect ion and as to prices we stand ready at any time to meet any competition, Chicago included. Underta king and Embalm ing a specialty JA(0B MEN Our line of Paints this year is the best we have ever been able to handle and we guarantee them to do the work properly Painter's Supplies! We also handle a com plete line of Painter's Supplies. Everything in the Painter's line can be found here. F. L.flcOriBER ..Summer.. Samples! Having received a full and complete line of Summer Samples, including four hundred different style cloths, we wish to call your attention to the fact that we are now prepared to fit you up in the latest of fashion, with the best quality of goods that money can buy. In particular we wish to call your attention to our workmanship. These garments are made up in single-breasted sacks and guaran tee them to be just as we represent them to you. We duplicate any and all Chicago prices, quality of goods, of course, considered. In ordering your Summer suit, we will be pleased to figure with you, as we know our work will please you. When once started to buy your cloth ing from us, we know you will come here ever afterwards. Hoping that we may this year have the pleasure of fitting* you out and guaranteeing you perfect satisfaction in every rospcet, we are Yours Very Truly, „ • John D. Lodtz /V M HtliffY LUUKY WINNER DEFEAT ELGIN IROQUOIS IN CLOSE ,, EXCITING GAME. V taltora Outbat Our Hoy* HutTh«lr Krr»r« t'rovW <In»lly--Both Pitcher* in Qeori form mid K«*«p Hattvr* OnfsiliiK, Lack played a very prominent part in last Sunday's game at the West Side ball i»rk when MeHenry succeeded in i.oossinir out a victory over the sturdy IClgin Iroquois team. We May luck, and this it certainly was, aa McHenry'» few scattered hits would never have won the s!ame had it not been for the costly errors of the visiting team, which came just when the Bluea were on bases. We do not mean to say here that McHenry WAS outclassed, no, never, but the two teams were so evenly matched that, -veil after the game, it was quite a dif ficult task for one to pick the better team. The pitchers, who figured a very prominent part in the afternoon's strag gle, were both there with the goods fcnd delivered 'em rn a manner which was inoat pleasing to the spectators. So well did these two twirlers keep their hists scattered that not one earned ran was credited to either side. Towers for McHenry was tbuchei up for eight hits, one of these being for three bases, while Klingebiel allowed bat five safe drivers, one of which was for an extra sack. .Each pitcher gave two bases on balls and one batter of each team was given free transportation^) the initial sack by being hit by pitched ball, thus one can easily see that the pitohing honors were quite evenly divided. The game was opened in a manner which looked most disastrous for the home team, the visitors registering two runs in the opening inning. Fairchilds of the visiting team was the first man to face Towers. He stood in the bat ter's box until four wide ones bad been called on him, which privleged him to the station held down by one, Jos. Heimer. Fairchiids, by good judgment and being a good sprinter stole second and went to third on a neat sacrifice by Mosiman, the latter being retired via Scully to Heimer. Freyer hit the ball a in place where the left fielder was not, the hit scoring Elgin's first run. We will now endeavor to tell how the second tally came in. Bosworth, the man who keeps Towers posted on the doings around the circuit when men are on bases, gave the signal that Freyer was wandering too far from the pillow, and before all had fully realized what had happened Freyer had registered the second, which also proved the last score of the day for the visitors, the runner making the circuit on a wild throw over first by Towers. In the succeeding eight innings Towers fully redeemed himself by presenting his opponent with eight large ciphers. The Bines could not Btart anything in the opening round but in the second pushed their first tally over the rubber. Cant well opened the inning with a neat bingle, Erause struck out and Good was safe on the first baseman's error, Cant- well going to third on the deal. Towers was safe on first on Angsell's second error of the day and Cantwell trot ted home with the McHenry's first tally. Elgin was now all up in the air and to make matters still worse Klinge biel passed F. Thurlwell to first, filling the bags. There was an awful roar from the rooters, all hoping for Scully to make a hit but all the latter could do was a fly to first, who quickly doubled Thurlwell at that base, retiring the side. The second tally came in the succeeding inning, the third. Bosworth was hit by pitcher and went to first, Bending hit safe, advancing Fatty to third; Heimer came in with a timely single, scoring Bosworth. Krause and Good each took three vicions wallops at the ball, walked to the bench, while Towers ended the inning on a grounder to second, who easily retired the runner at the first bag. There was nothing doing from this time until the sixth when McHenry added two tallies to their side of the score sheet which also proved the winning two, the scores coming thru a sacrifice and two most costly errors. After the sixth in ning there was nothing that looked like a score to either side. The follow ing is the tabulated score: * THE SCORE ELGIN. Fairchilds. rf Mosiman. If .. Frover, 2nd b Walters, cf Abseil. 1st b Mann, ss (illlls. 3rd b,.., Walil.c Klingebiel, p Totals McHENBY. F Thurlwell. ard b. Scully, 2nd b .. Bosworth, c Bending, ss Heimer, lstb.. Cant well, cf Krause. rf J Thurlwell. rf Good, If Towers, p K H PO A 1 . . . 0 1 0 0 0 0 : t 8 24 8 6 B H PO A E .... . 1 . . . . 0 1 0 . . . . . . 0 1 .0 0 1 2 I 0 . 0 i i 0 8 0 a 0 11 0-2 if--4 Totals 45 27 9 t Stolen bases-Goal, Fairchilds, Mosiman, AitKselI, Walil. Double plays, Anjfsell, un assisted. Struck out-By Towers, 10: by « balls--OffK 11 naeblel, £; off 1 oyfers, 1. Hit by pitched ball-Bos worth, \\ alters. Two base lilt-Heimer. Three base hit Mosiman. Time of name--1 hour and 45 minutes. Umpires, Spurllng, DavlsVAttendauce. 300. SCORE BY INNINGS. Jnnlnf?* 1 2 3 4 6 8 7 fc1*'11 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 McHenry 0 1 10 0*0 NOTES FOB FANS. Des Plaines Stars next. * Scully and Bending put tip a gnat game at second and short*. The threatening weather kept many from attending the game. Richmond, Genoa Junction, Lake Geneva, Nnnda, Dundee and Harvard now have organized teams. Long benches are the latest addition to the grounds. It is said that a new score board will also be put up. A special car has been chartered the Des Plaines team and their rodters next Sunday. It is expected that about eighty rooters will accompany the team to McHenry. Heimer was robbed, of a three-base hit in the seventh, all oaused by one Blgin fan who blocked «£•, former'* by drive in the le{t garden. On request of the coacherw Heimer started to walk to third after the ball had been returned to the pitcher's box and Was tagged by ttUlis. ^ GAME NEXT SUNDAY. The Dea,Platnes Stars will be the {Hues opponent next Sund iy afternoon at the West Side ball park. The Des Plaines team comes to McHenry with th« repu tatiOn of being one of the best amateur teams outside of Chicago Daring last ason they have met and defeated quite a number of swift teau»s from Chicago and the surrounding towns. They will be in McHenry next Sunday with a team that will do all in their power to uphold their honor and will be faced by a team who will play ball all the time. A most interesting con tent may be ex pected, no matter which side wins out Remember the game will be called at 2 p. m. promptly. Everybody turn out. General admission, 25 cents; ladies and children, 10cents. . - H*Te Ton Dytpfpalit, JkdlgeatlMf If to-day you suffer from impaired! di-j gestion, sluggish liver or impure blood,«j and you were told of a preparation' which would cure you at small cost, would you try the remedy Y There is a medicine--Green's August Flower. Go to your druggist's and buy a test bottle for 25 cents, or a regular size for 75 cents. If you have used all dyspepsia remdies without satisfaction, or if yon haye never use any preparation for these distressing,affections; if you have head ache, bilioasness, loss of appetite, sleep lessness, nervousness, or any disorder of the stomach or liver, cure yourself quickly by using the infallible August Flower. It is not an alcoholic stim ulant, bat quite harmless for general use. Get a copy of Green's Prize Al manac. For sale by all druggists. A Jolly Time. One of the most enjoyable parties to take place at Stoffel's hall in many a day was that of last Saturday evening, when young people to the number of nearly sixty gathered at this popular dancing resort in response to invitations issued them by Miss Marie Wagester. The evening proved a most delightful one for the event and as a consequence nearly all who had received an invita tion responded. The main diversion for the evening, of course, was dancing, which was fully enjoyed by all present. Just ere the midnight honr had arrived refreshments on the goody order were served by the hostess to which all did ample justice. Upon departing fcr their various homes the jolly crowd ex pressed themselves as having been most royaljy entertained and many nice com pliments were handed the hostess. Win Waiting Away. '*1 had been troubled with kidney dis ease for the last five years," writes Robert R. Watts of Salem, Mo. "I lost flesh and never felt well and doctored with a leading physician and tried all remedies suggested without relief. Fin* ally I tried Foley's Kidney Cure and less than two bottles completely cured me and I am now sound and well." During the summer kidney irregularities are often caused by excessive drinking or b<£fng overheated. Attend to the kidneys at once by using Foley's Kidney cove. G. W. Besley. ' Tho difference between Hlttln* and Mining ii thedif- Herencebetween an A« rurate and an Inaccurate Arm. Choose w isely--discriminate J Get ft STEVENS ! f orty vears of expcrienceis behind our tried and proved line of RIFLES, PISTOIS, SHOTGUNS Rifle T«*l«gc»pen, Ktc. Ask your<iealerand insist on the STEVENS. If you < annot obtain, we ship di rect, txprtss prtfaidiOax receipt ofcata'.oqf pri' e. Scn i 4<; in stamps for 140 jKi^e cat;il<<K describing the entire S ihvkns line. Profusely 11 iustrated.ainl ' ontains points on Shoot ing, Ammunition, Etc. BeftitfiftsP three-color Aluminum Hanger will be for* warded for 10 t enta In stamps. J. aUVlNS ASMS AND TOOL CO., P. ( >. litJX 4096 CIII(*OI>HK I"\r.r.s, MASS., U.S.A. BRiGHTs DISEASE Many people who are neglecting symptoms of kidney trouble, hoping "it will wear away," are drifting towards Bright's Disease,' which is kidney trouble in one of its worst forms. FOLEY'S KIDNEV CURE stops irregularities* strengthens the urinary organs and builds up the worn-out tissues of the kid neys so they will perform their functions properly. Healthy kid neys strain out the impurities f r o m t h e b l o o d a s i t p a s s e s through them. Diseased kidneys do not, and the poisonous waste matter is carried by the circulation to every part of the body, causing d i z z i n e s s , b a c k a c h e , s t o m a c h trouble, sluggish liver, irregular heart action, etc. If you have any signs of Kidney or Bladder trouble commence tak ing FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE at once, as it will cure a slight dis order in a few days and prevent a fatal malady. It is pleasant to take and benefits the whole system. How to Find Out. You can easily determine if your kid neys are out of order by setting aside for 24 hours a bottle of the urine passed qpon arising. If upon examination it is cloudy or milky or has a brick-dust sediment or small particles^ float about in it, your kidneys are diseased, and FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE should be taken at once. fi, B. Burhans Testifies After Four Years. & V. SnftMS of Carlisle Center, N. Y* writes: "About four years ago I wrote you statin? that I had been entirely cured of a severe kidney trouble by taking less than two bottles ot Foley's Kidney Cure. It entirely stopped the brick- dust sediment and pain and symptoms of kidney disease disappeared. I am glad to say that I have never had a return of any of those symp toms during the four years that have elapsed, and I am evidently cured to stay cured, ana heartily recommend Foley's Kidney Cure to any one suffering from kidney or bladder trouble." Two Sizes, 50o and IOO. SOLDMDRECOMMEMDEDIV O. W BESLEY. W. M. HENRY Col. Lumpkin'* Political Secret*. Col. Lnmpkin comes back to us in an other of John McAuley Palmer's keen political satires in the May McClare's. Col Lnmpkin has a way of confiding to you the rottenness of civic government in the United States, in a matter of fact way, that makes $ou want to get out and do somethiqg to put the Lurnpkins where they belong. The sketches are brimful of human nature, and the lesson of "Martyrdom a la Mode" is doubled-edged and calculated to make you stand on your toes with righteous indignation. Protect Proprietary Me<licin«s Did it ever occur to you that propria* tary medicines are a blessing to man kind generally? The good ones have long continued sale; the poor ones have short life and soon leave the market. If we had to depend entirely upon phy sicians and druggists it would be expen sive and very inconvenient at times, es pecially in the country and at night when neither could be conveniently reached. For nearly forty years Bo- schee's German Syrup has been used in many families, and thousands of lives of adults and children have been saved by its use, when it was impossible to reach a physician. German Syrup is the best household remedy for coughs, colds, throat and lung trouble. It quickly re lieves the hacking cough, loosens the phlegm, and brings sonnd and refresh ing sleep. Twenty-five and seventy-five cents. Get a copy of Green's Prize Al manac. For sale by all druggists. Read The Plaindealer. SPRING & SUMME gWjtfr DAY GOODS, WAiSTINGS,SUITINGS, SKIRTS s SHOES AND OXFOKDS. OURSH! * ARE FULL OF NEW GOODS OF AL JlNDg^jsCOME AND LOOK THE/1 OVERS - U . • W. ' < £ «.T 1$ VliMili Irii* I F. A. Boh lander, §. •> .'RJmmi# /IcHeury; -ttfe-V-H 1 j f . 1 A v v ' V 0 . * ' 8 \ Why Doesn't jtffowJf- promptly. ORDER stop and pocket some of it instead of trying to avoid it?. Ho man can afford tri turn his back on the COAL QUEST ION, its the burning question of the day. We sound a timely warning that a rise in coal is near , and any orders that are .kit with us will be filled We carry a full lme"^LumbeiV.^ijiih, Shingles, Brick, Lime, Cement, Ulilbur Cumber go. Summer Goods! A new line of Ladies' Skirts made up in the latest styles and newest fabrics just ar rived. We invite your careful inspection. Ladies' Muslin Under wear. Night Gowns, Cor set Covers, Drawers and C h i l d r e n ' s D r a w e r s . Sninrner Underwear-- ganze and jersey, in all sizes and ages. Fancy and Neglitiee Shirts, full line of popular Collars and Neck TieB. Shoes, Oxfords and Slippers. Come and look them over the store is fall of good bargains. Groceries, Flour, Etc., of the purest and best quality. Goods delivered. 'Phone 86£ M. J; WALSH, Lace Curtain Offerings! Ladies' Waists, „ made of a fine Sbeer- swiss material, handsomely trimmed front with l«ce and embroidery, all the latest cut sleeve, at your inspection now, only. .49C» 9®Ct i.*9. «-39. >.49 Yes we sell Gold Medal Flour.--a-None better. Spring Jackets! We still have a fair assortment of ladies' and children's Spring Jackets at these astonishing prices $a.oo, a.69, 3.98 $4.50 and (5.50. Men's Summer Underwear, a dandy at > . - i 4 9 c People having purchased Lace Curtains of us in past years were very much satiHfied with quality and price but never be fore have we shown such rich styles and patterns as we are showing this season. An hour spent in looking over our Lace Curtain Stock will Help you decide whether you ought to wash those old ones or bay new--that's all--NOW LOOK! Fine Nottingham Lace Curtains, full &i yards long, spider* web center design, fancy imitation drawn work border with lace chain and wreath design, special value per pair $1.98 A special Nottingham Lace Curtain, full yards long by 60 inches wide, plain net center with drawn work rosettes, fancy wide scroll and floral design border, a very special nntuber, per pair, only $>>75 Here is, the finest ever shown, special 3 yards long by 45 irich es wide, color eczeru, with fine imitation Battenburg lace center, 13 inches wide imitation Battenburjg and drawn work border to match center, very special, only . .$1.69 Ruffled net and muslin Curtains at, per pair... ...75c, $1.00, $•.39 and $1.75. Other Lace Curtains, at per pair $1.00. 1.39. l'39»>49- DRESS MODS.VALUES! See the new shade* in the famonu Soie- sette Cloth, especially new and attract ive for this spring wear, per yard.. Yes we sell Groceries and at ||ght prices. H05B VALUES! Heavy ribbed Boys' Hose, 25c value, special purchase, while they last., pet- pair I......,.....7.,«*C Ladies' f.ull Mocha Tarn Hose, fast b l a c k , p e r p a i r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ̂ D. M. Ferry's and Rice's Seeds will grow and yield, 7?* «"!.na ..... /