i/. s.r- vm aWoodatock visit county teii ewYear'sday wm*<* te WBtttMN Visit- the heme o*-ber parents the put Ml Hn. John B. Young with. Spring Grove and Mrs. T. B. Bethke N«v Yew'* day with Dundee daje tkb Mamie Sailing at Fremont Boy Colby of Wood- Year'e dajr with. Mo- INber left liar Chicago for a visit with rela-vfaitdrin is apetodlng simer ud Curie SU dance at Woodstock of Dundee waa a ' oof her paranta, . John iear'aday r and son, Walter, agent a few days reoently visited Sfew of ft Ind., law vaoation at children of yf MeHenry - " * •r-" ••-•• • >. • . • ' -V--' , *5 y vyiiL" " ' < • j : ? , - - ' * of Evanston w Mends New •jeveral1 lilalea W-i and t wo IreseUeOmber returned to nsoniing after vacation with her iTnln Aitaw ainl ilsimlilwi Jnaniitiinn Prett of attheh^medf the Charlee G.. a few Geo Horllok of tifclfa- day at j&a Mm* Granger of McHettry * J* days thia Jfe.j|a»ll!B^Jf^nfkd»reiner of Blgia pentNewYear'aday at the home of pipmf* Mr «4 and Aai*^W|N| If Year s day wtthlhsh W »t«Ka the »apeata 8t iCeyaia, son, Victor, and .. spent New Year's ft. Glassier at Lena, ... s Who has been the |wMtft Itere the poet two WW»I. rotttraedto Sew York Wednes- 1. C. Anderson returned to Chi- WednaidMff morning after a two home of her parents Vfaii .̂ C ̂PMitsleft for Aa- 'gp$ they spent relatives. Mrs. will jremain for a three-weeks' EatU Behrelner and friend of the former's par- Peter Sehreiner, Mr. and |tris< looaa.A1»bama. m* *** LirtherBealof Apptetoa, Wia., who •pent bis hoHday vaoation at the home of his &***» returned to his morning, iaatroeter at the flMtpaaTathartrachool, retnrned Wed- from Merrill, Wis., miUPi u' he apeat the holidays with his fiweatB. Mr. ancl Mn. J. J. Blile spent New Yaar'a day with Chicago relatives. wgteaocompaaied Hone by their aoa aaddaagbter, who have been speed ing a week with Chicago relatives. TMMh«n' Ifsettetf at HAroi. -; 411 the teachers of sections one and to meet with the Mo- i$y Farmers' institute at Jaaaary 12. the following tig arranged for the day, the hagianiBg at 1:80, with the in- p*o- t adO be renflwwad. .Hebron School ,.Bev. Cla(iM(a» - - --- 8 oil Dift- Sdaea- er . .H. BL Turner • of the JR. G. Jones School HAPPENIN«ifH«»PNRY ANO Vl" . CINifV OOfWtiGS YEAR.. Xt«iBaT»k«M from the Fi*Iad«»»«r File, of leoe-pMUhft, Wto^Marrlas**, / Sports, Kita* Bpitay *oM- " l^-KaM|nma (M ̂of this village 1a0oawi&&£ wife oftfrederick Dttensii of Algo^*0|s..Wm.Pbaleo leasee the Harrison, after a ooafinement to the house by sick ness for several months, rides to town. 8,--Boy born to Mr. and Mrs. Frank iiof 3t Mary's cbnreh or- sfnetiae £Mvtttee ••• 1 rpnetor society. 5.--Caniung laroory for MeHenry is sored at a in«wting held in the village Ipttr .Eroeat Hetspl dies at the home of •ents in Chicago.. Ostend Sunday h^de faasA»t social at home of HAPPENINGS IN M'HENRY ADJACENT COUNTIE8. Meyers victim of sur prise party. ' : 7.--Miss Katie Freund entertains a company of young people in honor of Miss julisa Wagester. .Men's Catholic Order of Foresters of St. Mary's church elect new officers and hold banquet at &iikVhaJl. 8.--Gkfttlieb Lehmaii, having decid^i to move to Kansas, sells his property at pablie auction. .Geo. Meyers with gang of men commences the filling of the lo cal tee booses.. Borden company starts fHiit^Bg in season's supply of ice. .Boy idens home of Mr. and Mrs. John i),--Mrs. Susie Smith entertains at progiessife cinch.. Yolo 'gun ciub holds shoot. .Horses attached to hearse lively run. i 10.--Jonas Sandberg of Plainville, Kansas, a|id Mrs. Calista Stebbins Are «lritedlft^i|̂ ^e at Dixon, 111. ! l8.rr|pSi^^ui)[ibaU received an ngly scalp wound While felling trees, being struck by a falling limb..Miss Irene Jl^lllaberentertainsyonng friends. .Ben S^Oj&itg holds annual target shoot.. Fill- ^li; |̂̂ iVioe'hqa#es oompleted.. d(»ial(i^teeat st(rffd'8 hall,.Mr, and Mrs. Andrew Johnson are happy par ents of baby boy. 15.---Dr. F. £ Boss sells out to Dr. W. F. Stone of Chicago. 17.--Baraoa ctasselectnew officers.. Nick BOOB sells out at public auction. Id.--Miss Zue Galllher entertains the Ghabfaetest Squawkers..High school basket ball team, after a six-weeks* idle- IMas, goes to Lake Genevaimd adminis ters defeat to the stnrdy liflre Geneva Y. M. C. A. team. ̂ 90.--Mrs. B. W. Starritt entertains in honor of her husband's birthday. 21.--Storm and sleet do much damage to telephone apd telegraph wires. 33. --Joe. Juietea's hired man narrowly escapes being killed at railroad crossing near McCollum's lake. The tirst real sleighing of the season.. Miss Lena Stoffel victim of sur mise. .Third and fourth cfaesee of M. E.:; Sunday school entertained at home p# #. GdUaher. .Young genfteinap ar rives at home of Mr. and Mrs. Jx». Bothermel. 34.--Nsarly one hundred oonples at* «d maafnetade dance givenat Bach'a hall by members of O wl Camp. 85.--Miss Susie Barbian entertains a company of ladies at "cards."" A sleigh- load of young people drive to the home of Mias Nettie Whiting and give her a geouinesnrpriae. a4.-^Yo«B( lady arrives to make home tad Mrs, If. X llUwda aqttd at Brenhan, Texas, show 8oath«rners how to shoot. .Willing Md book aodal. 27. -Miaa Lena Stoffel given her sec ond surprise. .St. Patrick's Court of Lady Foresters hold annual installation of officers. .Jos. Fisher of Spring Grove brooght Mne Jnstice Mead on charge <sl stealing robe, 99.--Mr.- and Mh. tus Paaske par ents of baby boy. 80.--Mrs. Peter B, Fretmd entertains atc^rds. 81.--Mrs. Geo. Nell holds target .. Martin A. Howell,and Miss Mar- Wiswell united in marriage in eleven rS.i :; V, ILLINOIS, THURSDAY, JANUARYS, 1907. 12.- Born to Mr. and Mrs. Jacob iHedrich, a baby boy.. Boy born to Mi', and Mrs, Andrew Miller..Mrs. J. H. Miller entertains in honor of Mrs. John Dauiecard. 18.--Mrs. James Inness passes away at the Riverside House. 14. --Miss Zue Gallaher entertains the G. F. S. club. 15.--John F. Powers' auction sale.. Boy born to Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Dalsiel of Fox Lake. 17.--J. J. Beser given a surprise. 20.--A. J. Raymond robbed on street in Chicago. SI. Explosion at canning factory site .Mm.' Jos. Schneider entertains..Ed win Qninn, a former MeHenry resident, passes away in Elgin. .Joseph Michels and Miss Mary Miller united in mar riage in Johnsburgh. 23. Masquerade ballat S toff el's hall. 24.--Ray O. Laiuphere passes away at home of G. W. Besley. 23.--Little daughter of Prof, aadt Mrs. . C. Fisher passes away. 36.--Bp worth league of M. £. church tenders Mrs. Wm. Garrison a farewell party. 27.--Unknown burglar attempts to enter the West Side fruit store bnt is repulsed by the instant sctioa ef tijw proprietor. MARCH. 2. Dr. and Mrs. H. H. Hanly rejoice over arrival of a baby girl.. Worts & Boley take possession of MeHenry brew ery. 7.--Michael Doherty passes away. 14,--Mrs. 8. O'Reilly, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Flusky, formerly of MeHenry, passes away in Chicago.. Death of Mrs. Rosaline A. C^ell at Portland, Oregon. 15.--Royal Neighbors organiae, 18. -Mr. and Mia. Chas. J. Carrie rt- joice over the arrival of a baby boy. 28. --Boys' and girls' basket ball teams play at Dundee. .Housewife's sale and social. 94.-- Lake Geneva basket ball teams are defeated by the locals. --Fire destroys West Side business block. .Death of Robt. PhWi. APRIL. 1.--Remodeling of the Rlvwaide House begins. 10.--Rey. P. M. O'Neill expiree quite suddenly. * 11.--Bo/"bora to Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bacon of Chicago, > IS.--Little Lonise <^tmeaa pasaes away. 18.--Philip Sutton struck by freight train at crossing. - 19.--Dr. Willium Osborne dies at his Chicago home. 20.--Pnpils of MeHenry public school give entertainment at Central opera house. .Mr. and Mrs. Joe. J. Frett cele brate silver wedding anniversary in Chicago. .Canning, company is organ ised. $2.--MeHenry Bluee win first game of season. 35.--Jay N. Gilbert and Mi* Susie Bartian are wed, 96.--Mr. and Mrs. George Meyers ogfebrate silver wedding anniversary. #TS-George Allen passes away at his Ring wood home. ' 80.--Emery Wheeler surpriaad by company^f young friends. . Vu.;vt- 8.--% G. Sherman passes I«rliy. 5. --Berden employes get raise in wage* -By the close score of 2 to 1 the Bluee defeat the fast DesPlainee team. 7.--Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Freund and children in bad accident. 11.--Mrs. Peter Wagner passes away. 13. --Volo gun club holds target shoot MeHenry Blues defeat Elgin White Hot. - T'tf" 14.--Philip Sutton passee** ̂ ̂ 18,--A. C. Matthews is gt^n ple«aftilt birthday snrpriaa. SO.̂ Blues defeat the Chicago Pas times. --Miss Susanna Weber aod Will iam A. Bishop married at St Mary's. 34 --Elliott Wheeler, a former resi dent, pttpsae a ways in Elgin.. Youtg gentleman srri vea at home of Mr and Mrs. Jos. Schneider. .Junior class of MeHenry higii school . banquet seniors. 25.--Mr. and Mrs. Paul Wooster of Woodstock are happy parents of baby girl. 26.--Carle D. Roes entertains aeoior Hang of the MeHenry high school.. Lightning strikes residence of Wm. Yan Natta. 27. --Four men narrowly escape drown ing in Pistakee Bay. --Miss Carrie Bothermel is tea* dercd a kitchen shower. 80.--Miss Anna Weingart is weddedto Williajp Etten in Yolo Catholic church Riverside House ia to the pnblia Tovnt. 2.--Eighty couples a Stoffel's hall. Elgin White Sox defeat Bluea in loosely played game. 5. --Graduation exercises ..W. G. Sehreiner is united in the holy booda of matrimony with Miss Carrie Bother mel . • Death of Arleen Agnes, Went- worth.. jnkoob Bonslett in auto accident . .Deathlof Mrs. Alice Thompeoa. 8.--Miss Julia A. Story sells out. 7.--Frank Neben of Bine as sumes management of 8.--Death of George C, Thomfth. 8.--Field meet al Woodstock. " \ - » ^ ^ ^ • •' * ' ̂ r_V --•••64" "C;i -?<:>> •"t "'•fjj'j" oake her Walsh,, - FEBRUARY. 1.-r-Bus load of local Maaons drive to Wanconda where they are guests of Wauconda lodge. ' 2.--H^hfohool baaket ball teams go to Richmoad and play Richmond fives, the k)0§! fimt team winning by the spore of 81 to 18, while the second team lost by thesotte of lff to 10. .A young gen- tleman arrivee at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Nordstrom. 8.-- Ladies' Aid society of M. E. church gives mnaiQfcle. 4.--Death of Jacob Barbian at San Frandsob. - 6.--Mrs. Peter J. Freund hostess at card party--Ten yonng ladies organise club to beeaUe$ tih9""M. M. M.'a." 8.--St. Patricia conrt entertains at cards and Isoktt iodsi at Central opera house. 9.--MeHenry high school basket ball team defeats the &Qadtt highs in a fast and intonating game by the score of 45 told.-Mn. John Heimer entortains in kmorof tweatr ftmrth waddlhg anni versary . T win girta arrive at the home of Mr. and Mra. Chas. diwiu, one of them passing away soon rftar its Jrfrth Wock eompa»oaej*the*aing of the s lake. r . . . dance at "" ss"; • .%/*: j ' Atthe homa of the brtde's at high noon on New . « » UlgU iiUUU UU HOW numwIImmou* A»#rUM#t »«ws curred the marriage of lfiaa Form Tor Cfo«i«M»> tn 1C* ***** Matthews to Mr.Btarr itegwitlHMBed by (•Mw^lllMlyS'aople. nmrinT St Qiarles (Ill.} is to have a Cartiagie e3e. library. -- Dan Dewar ̂Marengo waa killed by a North-Western train at (honey's crossing near Marengo one evening last week. Forty-two cases of scarlet fever are reported at DeKalb, HI. All the schools, churches, theaters and othe» fcublSc places are cloaed. Mra. Ed ward Miller of Lake gave birth to triplet/on Christmas The triplets are all girls and their Com bined weight is sixteen pounds. - One of our youngsters told Ids' the other day that his sister had a beau and that he .'mm. Ma name, all H ••George, Don't." The kid says1 he heard his sister call him that a dbsen times the other night Martin Norton, a former W< resident, died at hiB home in Ch last Friday, after drinking carbolic itfld. He had ̂ aced the poisonous liquid ia a cup and a few minutes later drank water from it, not thinking that it Was the same eup which he had used foif the acid. i Piles get quick relief from Dr. Sh&p^i Magic Ointment. Remember it's made alone for piles--and it works certainty and satisfaction. Itching, painful, protruding, or blind piles Mis- appear like magic by its use. Try it 1 N. H.Peteaoh. The Wieland Dairy Co. of Spring Grove has purchased a number of acres of land near their bottling plant there and use it for the making of an ice {fond in winter. There is a creek running thru the land which when dasnmetf up becomes the pond. In the summer' the water is drained off and the land is ased for a pasture. " Croup can positively he atopped in twenty minntea. No vomiting--•afelh* ing to sicken or diatafayonr ehUd.' A sweet, pleasant, and safe Syrap, cuffed Dr. hSoop's CronptSure, does the W«A and does it quickly. Dr. Shoop's Croup Cure is for Croup alone, ramentlMr. It does not claim to cure a dosen allmehta. It's for Cronp, that's alL Sold by N, H. Petesch. • Down in Texas a woman had brodght suit for a divorce from her husband. On the day of the trial the husband sent a postcard to the judge stating that he had promised to give her everything she should desire before marriage, and in order to keep his word asked the court for heaven's sake not to refuse the divorce. She got what she wanted. It's a pleasure to toll onr readers about a Cough Cure like Dr. Shoop's. For years Dr. Shbop has fought against the use of Opium, Chloroform, or other unsafe ingredients commonly found in Cough remedies. Dr. Shoop, it seena ̂ bas welcomed the Pure Food and Drug Law recently enacted, fo%he has work ed along similar lines many years. Wot nearly twenty years Dr. Shoop's Cough Cure containers have had a warning printed on them against Opium and other narcotic poisons. . He has time made it possible for mothers to protect their children by simply insisting on having Dr. Shoop's Cough Cure. Sold by N. H. Petesch. Box rent rates have been changed ia many postofflces, according to order No. 1888, which is effective Jan. 1, 1907, and which reads as follows: "Box I^pt. part of . rates have been fixed heretofore agio* oftbeinetltate no established basis, with the result]oounty to avail that at certain large offices rates are lower than at many small offices, and that at postofflces of like class in the same ylcinity, equipped with similar boxes, rents are collected at widely dif ferent rates. In order to remedy theee conditions and to provide a definite ^nd The one, therlag sit. . Hankas. , The MM attended 1 ̂two 'ttttie iIownbt fusd opttafaa W'tka:hpl8|i . Rev. A. large display ot naefnl atfta were tecaivad xlay nenly aaact al^tha llMMtft railway Mr. aadltie. Wdy. iritka ofoar won for The iuoom is the Mrs. BH Hnd and capacity of boxes and the gross receipts of the office haa been adopted and will be strictly adhered to by the department," ** -4 Waukegan Gasette: Antiooh ia stir red ovef" a sensation and the little bnrgh is having more discussion over it than one can well imagine. Some weeks ago occurred the death of Mrs. Charles Hoge and shortly after that her care of the Hoge children. It ia then said that Hoge started drinking and theu sister-in-law waa much vend to think that be wonld do ao after she had vol* nnteered to look after the children. Hoge had been on the black list for aofDie time, bnt he managed to get drink a p d w a e . o n a " t o o t " M o n d a y n i g h t . ^ _ The aiataf went into the village barber their fHenda shop whare Hoge waa and she found prills, IlL drunk. behind a stove, asleep and to him and ia him from the some able- to bny emt RociftEiJbfiw. Anole of special intereat in Joins the hoet of la extaattag eon- iN8TITUTE AT HEBRON. » W«SM FamuM*' 6*th*Ha( ' mm JTaawury 11 a«4 It. The o«oars of the B _ Farmera' inatitato daafia to ggH tenthm ̂ of oonnty to the aaxt atftaoRl County Faracn* taatit|«to^h»:|iM flQtilrvBf and 13, and pnjgrMt bena pseparad tot -MtS' M^tiN id instractiea of a£t wtw.rjpay di4lli8«; In _ _ has been made IftKlijtfl secure anch of tbe opportnnity ttf _ dlraotor ot fanaan _ !. Pi iaatUatkm of tlH _ , Praf. O. E Center, abo of the alibanity. .' " No farmer can afford to mlaa imr- thia a profitable and tnfca. The leading dtiaeaa of Heh assured w of a most oordial a and of their williagaaii to dMUfk satisfactory rule for the collection of their power to atfce thia a OMl pwfit- box rents, a schedule baaed upon the aole ai^auooeaafuliaatitute. fpa. f*o- • gram ia now being printed, aad wiH be diatributod as soon as possible. M. LOWG, President MeHenry County Farmera* Inatitute. " Marrtod la OMsafa. • Last Saturday evening at 8 JO o 'clock, three «t 8t Gragortna <^n|oh, eqnier Clark sister came ont from Chicago to take phine Wtiajart to Mr. Sylveater Ma- aaed to* . . . ~ . . . s ' f . 1- 11 I t f« it. ....IBM.. .AM AM iple ati 1. Falts. The tefde iC.weU |»ns, Hvelty haakat fa^EI The HP Cluweie1 • One #1 ̂* chair gtipation ia hi daagar of ,,,,1 .... several good blowe orino Laxative Vnttt Bynqgr cident prodnced in- uu.m )Nmsl hulk ill and rib , 1 . incident t in the village. new in heoome iminnne aad yo« ...... JCmxative fratt 8y*mp doaa ao4 If yoq disease, . ..̂ successive oold wsahonn the tion and readers infectious more "liable. Cbamhsrlain's yoar eeld , Vf " T i m 1 Yaar'a k ltoday <' paidto aay ef will biteg ' Atttt Side will meet the ThetaMMiiook eveip ̂ iavttattaa Je and gewtlMaan to oiU.9&