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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 3 Jan 1907, p. 2

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in. ii i »n yi ] ^Mratary Taft. , lKlML-CrUlSer DC* M°ine" Ail*. 21--Uprising of Insurgent* la imt« em Cuba. t t - H t v o l u t l o n spreads /and gov­ ernment 4mMn to - rata* 10.000 man to fight rebel#; 7,000 insurgents under arma in Pinar del Rio province. H--Heavy fighting in Pinar del Rio province. 26--Band of 100 1n- •urgents loot Las Lajas, Santa Clara province. »--Government of­ fer* amnesty and man y leaders Sn Pnmiini of Ma- tansas: and: Santa Clara surrender. sails lor Ulors 2aa& from Cruiser Denver at Havana but Immediately ordered to re­ turn to venal; guard for American lega- waOft,-; • W»nt teridat to send Sec. of Wat. "" Sec. of State Bacon t« te< conditions and lend ..fe .peace,.,,.Extra sesT (50JIgrants Pres. fWrtf to carry on war fof hostilities, t Havana and lueni ins -snu peace. Rat A American lnter- necessary to restore occurs; Sec. creating him- . ^military governor; ma- ŝ&rjmss.̂ troops quietly landed at nwtly appointed pro- ' Cuba, arrivedmt Issues general am- 'Pnft, Assistant Sfec- , Gen. Funston ashlngton from tents thrown Into iSst 68 in favor «t lock for n wj.«arS"S£j Norway Pi*rc* »«»**»*•« supreme court sustains in- «oM bill bill by con- --Con- cans renominate A. HMor at Des Moines. renominated for con- vfli*, in. 17--J. I» Harlan of Chicago appointed » interstate commerce commla- tW'W+Coo,. C. IB. Llttl.B.M, R.pubilc- iisrw,s,i:t%..-hour «. ail public Work. ; 28-*H«strsta nominated for governor by OnM. B. Ha|h« nominated for gov­ ernor by New York Republicans at _ Saratoga.' • " Oct. t--Senator Beverldge opens Republlc- jan campaign at Des Moines, la. No* 8--Mectfon kiM throughout country; Quia. JES. Hughes defeats W. R. H«rat tlcketforgovsrnor of New York; Democrats elect rest of state ticket.... Republicans elect governor* and ma­ jority of state ticket in Iowa, Michigan, . WWcoBto,. Kansas, Nebraska, New \i Hampshire and Colorado; also elect state tickets in Illinois, Ohio, Connec­ ticut and Pennsylvania; Democrats win in Minnesota, Massachusetts, Oklahoma and tin* south; Republican majority In house cut dowit >0--John A. Mcllhenny appointed civil service commissioner. Dec. 8--Final session of Fifty-ninth eon- minister to Rou- and Bervia, named to succeed ^ lor Meyer at St. Petersburg. 11--President sends special message to congress urging full citizenship for Por­ to Rtcans. 17--President in special message praised work being done on Panama canal and flayed critics of enterprise Secretaries Strauss, Bonaparte and Metcalf sworn in as members of reorganized cabinet. 30--Congress adjourned over Christmas holidays. lAcks in violent eruption. .. create panic nd ensuing lire tnclsco; property for sue- con- tor relief SMtbority of relief citiseas, with troops to city. sort: mmstd*,. K- M-. h«dly dasoaged by sstfmstod at M80; Several in r«ar, rail- wn of Qulllota compiettly do- AMD POLITICAL Resolution I n t o house of rsprseentatives^ (Ind.) Judge decides that joo power to oust Sec. or requests U. S. to con- consulate; Bscretary Root lerson, Ohio, signs t-eent fare apprq" Jr. Alasr -- las ri river wli|. In Philadelphia alder- ivenor of Ohio defeated for extends civil all govorhm PaUersoj commls- sociallst •htire Moro killing «0p. Chicago . H . . . representative. ting Philippine Judgeship, itttor Shelrtck, Indiana, itemed as Ambassador ucceed Bel-to succ Philadelphia, forces to give up franchises appeal to president for .Chicago federal judge , _ from punishment pleas ,-jfltefeers.. ins arrgrted for grand tar­ ing N. Y. Life cash toRe- npalgti fund. )hio general assembly adjourns Kise passes national quarantine ivjd fiL Rose, Democrat, defeat- cker for mayor of Mll- to goes on record as op- r operation of street rail- . „ . - WWt declares new election la.w unconstitutional. .«t SCbhiS "Muck-Rakers" in Wsstiinftwi court sustains t* permitting women il^ matters. ie court declares Parks valid. JK<(eh renomlnatsd by to congress 2o. and officials Might to dls- inl. railroad rate. s decision sen- _to 6 months lm- flns «f »,M0. Iturs appropria- 1.000. and carrying 1 if 11 SPORTING Joe Gans. J«S.'U^ Jan. 11--Sir Thomas Lipton plans race against New York Yacht club for American cup. 12--Herrera knocks out Young Cor- bett, in fifth, at Los Angeles. 15-Willie Hoppe de­ f e a t e d M a u r i c e V i g n a u x f o r world's 18-1 n c h balk line billiard championship > at Paris.... Inter-col­ legiate football nut under ban at Har­ vard university. 1 8 -- " K i d " O o o g killed by Mow on heart. In bout In New York. 29--Demogeot at Or­ monde Beach. Fla.. drives auto I miles in it 4-5 seconds, breaking world's rec­ ord. Feb. K--Frankie Neil knocks out Harry Tenny at San Francisco; latter dies of Mar. M--Battling Nelson easily beats Mc- JOovfm in 6 rounds at Philadelphia. 21--American bo«rtlng congrtMHi meets at LouisvUie, Ky.; R. H. Bryson elected president. 27--Hoppe defeats Slosson for world's balk lino bQilard championship at New York. Apr, a--National League baseball season 17<->Am*rican League baseball season Starts--Sutton averaged 100 and made ran of in fiOO-point billiard guns at Gotch defeats Tom Jenkins championship of America lity. -?'• - - ;~»» KramerL American bicycle Paris grand prise. annual congress American ,oU,h. '̂ •s-AKteft-ean Wrestling cham- 'ohnstone and Bmslie nnds, N. Y.; Nat. uled between N. Y. ted to latter. wins western handicap i' touroment at Denver wiaeUghtweight cham- ttllng Nelson In ttnd .Nov., on foal. . . of New York, lowers relMjrd tot 2M yard's Swim at n. Msw. mark, #:4S U Prad Tonhy announces he nas. of PhilMtetohla Na- have bought inter- „Na«onal league club. jgigflr American teague club won s ch#mpionshlp by defeating Na- la paw>«ea«6n Wrtes at CMcago. Hornn, world's champion con- pool player, formally surren- 17--Willle Hoppe defeats Jake Schaefer, of Chicago fit 11-inch balk line, one shot in, contest, at New York. Cornell wins inter-collegiate cross- wins welter-weight box­ ing -championship in 12-round contest aolh Joe wolcott at Chelsea, Mass. W--Abe Atte'.l wOn decision over Harry Baker In 20 rounds at Los Angoles, Cal. Nov. I--Steve 1/Hpmmodlsn, well-known bookmaker, ruled off turf for life by Jockly sclub. iper, 'noted bicycle racer, tutomoblle collision In Nsw brsSlls world's record In Pulllsm reelected pres- Bassball Xaalfue. - defeated' Willie Hoppo billiards In Now YorlJ, t f t a m p l d n s h l p . .'v, . c Jm CASVALTlKt , ,, K on privileges AssMm Roed Smoot not en- tm. ssnater from Utah, swporton coadiOon, at ng Asanas sent to con- it....O. N. Carter, Re- Justice of eupreme appointed senator A. Dupout defeats J. IE. Ad- rentes t for eeat In senate Tn Moptes statehood bill dad ind Urn tciritory as Jan. *--In Coaldale, W. Va., a in mlfve ez- S-?A?^Siverstr»ir, N. J., IS In landslide. 9--At Minneapolis, Minn., 11 in hotel lire. If--At Detroit, W. Va., 18 in mine ex­ plosion. 21--At Philadelphia, Pa., IS In church Are panic. 2t--Off Vancouver Island, In Pacific, 118 in wreck of steamer Valencia--At Sunny- side, Col.. 5 In snowslide. 2&--At Poteau, 1. T.. 14 In mine explosion. Feb. 4--Near La Salle, 111., 4 by drowning, 8-- In West Virganla, 28 in mine explosion. 12--At Portland, Ore., 4 In business section fife. *• IS--At Maitland, Col.,16 in mine dust ex­ plosion. 23--Gambler, O., 8 In college dormitory fire. Mar. 1--At Meridian, Miss., 24 in tornado which caused property loss of 81.SOO.OOO. 14--At Jamestown, Ind., 3 in collapse of building In Atlantic ocean, 27 by drowning on foundered steamer British King. 'IS--At Adobe, Col., about 46 in train col­ lision At Camden, N> J.» 8 In armory fire. • 18--Near Sllverton, Col., 18 In landslides. 22--In a West Virginia mine explosion, 28. In Win lie Id (Col.) mining district, • In landslide. JSSS85: Apr. 14--Explosion In fMjtprret of bat­ tleship Kearearge in C îlMux waters kills f. Injures 14. t2r-In mine near Trinidad, Col., 22 by dust «xploslon. 28--Tornado destroys BeUevue, Tax., II doad; other damage throughout state. May 4--Seven in train wrack hear Al- toona. Pa. 28--Five at Oolconda, Nov., by drowning as result of breaking of dam....At Louisville, » in train frrtclt Jan. 8--At East Providence, R. I., U in, trolley car wreck, 7--At Rocky Ford, Mont., 8 by white damp in mtaa»i.,8ix in storms In Minnesota and Wisconsin. _ ,6--At Lafayette, Ind., MriTB. Gobbau~ana 4 children burned to death...,at Sag­ inaw. Mich.. 7 by explosion of gasoline tank. 11--At Martinsville, N.*Y., & In wreck. 12--At Cedar Rapids, la.. 8 young gills by drowning while wading in river. tofhMota train wreck Jfelllco, T«an., by d: property damage* rail collision, qaar coast" urst at Mobile, AJa., causes . . ,800 damages. 4--Tii«aty-nin« fcnown dead and many moro eatotabad by explosion at..Poca- " (Va.) mine..."Five passengeni . actors Injured la rear-end e«- 4war Troy. N. Y. P^adel̂ , 8 by explosloti of IjlWntnatlWg gas In subway....Cyclonic dtttwrbiUicas In region about New Or* lsans caused loss of « lives. 8--Naar Tamaqua, Pa., 4 by powder ex- plMton, 17--At Ft. Recovery, O., S by gasoline ex­ plosion. if--Hurricane sweeps coast of Florida, Cuba and Central America, causing heavy loss of life and damage to prop­ erty. 21--Considerable property damaged by storm along eastern dope of Rockies from Wyoming to New Mexico. 22--Near Lowden, la., 4 at railway cross­ ing. . 84--At Johnstown, Pa., 7 by mine explo­ sion. 25--At Kansas City, Kan., 18 by fire which destroyed Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Oct. 2S--Train of three electric cars car­ rying 91 persons Jumped from trestle sear Atlantic City, N. J., carrying about GO persons to watery grave. Fif­ ty-four bodies recovered. 81--Near Vacherio, La., five scalded to death by escaping steam. Nov. 12-At Cleveland, O., six t>y boiler explosion. 14--Floods cause loss of S lives and heavy damage to property in Oregon. 18--Terrific wind and rainstorm in Ala­ bama, Mississippi and Tennessee, takes 8 lives and causes heavy damage to property and crops. 19--Forty-two lives lost by sinking of steamer Dlx in harbor at Seattle, wash. 20--Seven trackmen swept Into river by Slip of land on Norfolk A Western rail­ road. 28--E. D. Keeler, professional automobile driver, killed in collision of racing autos at Philadelphia. 29--Samuel Speiicer, president Southern Railway Co., and 6 others in 'rear end collision near Lynchburg. Va. 28--At St! Louis, 6 in fire in Salvation Army hotel. Dec. 4--Clifton, Ariz., partly-destroyed by flood caused by breaking of dam; sev­ eral persons arowned Four children burned to death in home near Westfield, N. J. 7--rAt Ithaca, N. Y., 7 perish in burning of fraternity house at Cornell university. ....Near Lewiston, Me., 4 in head-on collision. 19--Near Vlcksburg, Miss., 18 by explosion on river steamer. V . y 28--At Enderlin, N. D., 9 tn railroad wreck. BUSINESS FAILURES Jan. 14--Parsons, Snyder & Co.. Cleveland, O.; liabilities, 8150,COO. 18--G. S. McReynolds St Co., Chicago; lia­ bilities, $400,000. Feb. 8.--Bollver County Bank,. Cleveland. Miss, i liabilities, 8X10.000; assets, 8130,000. 15--Bank of America, Chicago, placed in receiver's hands. &--Cash Buyers' Union, Chicago, placed In receivers hands....Williamson Lib- bey Lumber Co.. Oshkosh, Wis.; liabili­ ties, $500,000. Mar. 1--Southern Bank & Trust Co., Ft. Smith, Ark., owing depositors (80,000. 2--Walsh, president defunct Chicago Na­ tional bank, arrested on charge of falsi­ fying reports. 27--National Business College, Qulncy, 111., assigns; liabilities, 830,000; assets, 8100,000. 29--North Freedom (Wis.) bank closed by examiner. Apr. 2--Te|s, Smith A Co., bankers, Pekln, lit: liabilities, 8100.000. * 24--First National bank, Attalla, Ala., closed by national bank examiner. May 2--Delmont national bank. Delmont, Pa., closed....Receiver for American Re­ serve Bond Co., St. Louis, appointed. 28--Joplin (Mo.) Savings bank closed by state officials. Jun. 18--Farmers* State bank of Clear­ field, la., dosed by state bank ex­ aminer. 80--White, Dunham Shoe Co., of Brockton and Boston, failed; liabilities, 8400,000. Aug. 8--Milwaukee Ave. State bank, Chi­ cago, closed by state bank examiner; liSillttML 14,000,000. 8--F. B* Coyne, ex-postmaster, Chicago, failed In bakery and luncheon business. 18--Garflsld Park bank of Chicago closed as result of collapss of Milwaukee Ave. State bank. 28--Real Estate Trust Co., of Philadelphia, suspends business; liabilities, 87,006,000. Sep.. 20--Bates National bank, of Butler, _Mo., closed by directors. 2#--Private bank at Middleport, o., closed. Nearly all deposits of $115,000 gone. Nov. 16--Bank of Beckwlth A Co., at Ev- anston, Wyo., closed owing to financial troubles. 80--Three bank* conducted by C. V. Chandler at Macomb, Colchester and Bardolph, III., closed for lack of ready oash. Dec. 1--Bank of Kiowa, I. T., closed on account of slow collections and inability to realise on assets. 12--Farmers' and Drovers* National bank of Waynesburg, Pa., closed by comp­ troller of currency. 18--Cummlngs Commission Co.. one of largest brokerage houses In northwest, Suspends. 17--Lincoln bank of Morton Park, suburb of Chicago, fails. CKIMK Paul O. Stensland' Jan. 1 -- E x-G o v. Stennenberg, o f Idaho, murdered by bomb at Boise. 2--Clarence Bar num. near Rochester, Mich., kills wife, son and daughter with ax and slays self with gun Mathew S t y e r, Caledonia, Minn., kills sweetheart, her mother, sister and sslf. 11-Nels Nelson. Walkason, Wash., murders mother, attempts to kill wife and children; Chen slays self. » -- 8 x-A u d 11 o r Sherrick, Indiana, arrested at In­ dianapolis, charge embegslement and conspiracy 17--Ex-State Treasurer Wulft, of Illinois, sentenced to 2 years In Jail for alleged lottery swindle--New Hatnpshire fa­ ther kills wife, 6 children and self after burning heme. „ , t 81--Henry Nenuembaumer, Boise, Idaho, kin* 6, including his mother and sweet­ heart, and slays self. 28--Captain of Gen. Slocum, which burned with loss of 1.000 lives, sentenced to prison for 10 years. , . Feb 4--J. A. Linn, Chicago circuit court clerk, Indicted 28 times for forgery, em­ bezzlement and larceny. 6--Yaqui Indian band murders 8 Ameri­ cans at San Miguel, Mex. 6--Mrs. Annie Dixon, Boston, asphyxiates' 4 children and self. 11--John, Witt, Detroit, kills child, severe­ ly Vounds 2 others, and kills self. 2ft--Mrs. J. W. Watters, drowned 3 chil­ dren and self from Fall River (Mass.) steamsr....Leaders of Western Federa­ tion of Miners accused of 80 murders fT>jy assassination of ex-Gov. Steunen- JS^o^nnIdKUwh, convicted wife mur­ derer, hanged at Chicago. 27--Springfield (O.) mob in race riot burn ""^gs. wreck saloon and Injure of- in^klng it necessary to call out more homes burned in race Hot- Jury finds Dr, O. C. iugli vuUty of murder of mother, fa- tlchard Ivens. confessed slayer of "Mrs. Bessie HolHster; found gukty of Shsd at Chicago and sentenced tf death. 26-5Hx Italians murdered at Minneapolis, Mmn- . ̂ 28--D. E. Shsrrick, ex-Indiana auditor, convicted of embewUlng 8120,000 state funds, denied new trial. AS^k~Co.A'lll.. pwSuf g^lt^'of^con1! sptracy to defraud county; given in­ definite prison tsrm. _ 12--Contractors Green and Gaynor con­ victed of fraud against government in connection with harbor work at Savan- fifth. Go. 18--Greene and Gaynor fined 8575.749 each ard sentenced to 4 years' imprisonment. 14--Three negroes hanged and burned by mob at Springfield, Mo. lft--Nine men killed in riot In Phillips 28^Ex^Asslstant Cashier H. O. Gtoll, of First National Bank of Milwaukee, found guilty of breaking banking laws. May #-aoll wntenced 10 years' impris­ onment at Ft. Leavenworth, Kan. 24--Six large business firms of .Kansas city admit receiving rebates from N. Y. freight broker. cli Jul. £ W« gir «~C. A nent widow ex-a UlHbis, at In first it» of Milwa atMihraukee. h E. Gary, oldest »• .* /•> bench. n Rockwood Hoar, ̂ son Hits Senator ter. Shafter. retired, at years' lm- C., for par- negroea. Said . - hanged I. T„ by Tangier, - .. railroad and S former o found guilty at Chicago of gran bates. |0--J. A. Cook, lob-elrcult court i„r» Auj? -̂Mob at Salisbury, N. C., taSsi # 8-^sS!nSrt^ W^S??<lh2t cXlgo for receiving rebatas. 10--Geo. Hall sen' -- prlsonment at S< tlcipating in lynchi to be first Instance __ Sep. 8--stensland arrestod Morocco. 6--A. Segal, Philadelphia promoter, ar­ rested for causing failure ftsal Estate Trust. 8--Mrs. H. Knlppen decapitates her X children. 22--Eighteen negroes and 1 white man killed In race war at Atlanta, Ga. 28--Stensland pleads guilty; given In­ determinate penltecitTary sentence. Oct 18--Standard Oil Co., Indiana, Indlct- od by federal grand Jury at Jackson, Tenn. Nov. 2--Federal grand jury at Atlanta, Ga., indicts S well-known manufactur­ ers for peonage. 5--H. W. Hering, former cashier of Mil­ waukee Avenue'State bank of Chicago, pleads guilty to forgory and embezzle­ ment; given Indeterminate penitentiary sentence. v, 16--Mayor Schmlts, of San Franciseo, and Abram Ruef, Indicted by grand jury- on charge of extortion. 88--Enrico Caruso, famous Italian tenor, found guilty and fined 810 In New York for insulting women....Joseph F. Smith, president Mormon church, pleaded guilty to charge of unlawful cohabita­ tion and fined 1300 at fait Lake City. 29--Mayor Schmltz, of San Francisco, ar­ rested on charge of extortioft Federal grand jury at Salt Lake City votes sev­ eral Indictments in coal: land fraud cases. Dec. 4--Chester Gillette convicted of mur­ der of sweetheart, Grace Brown, at Big Moose Lake, N. Y., on July 11, at Herk­ imer, N. Y. FIRBS Jan. 5--At Kahsas City, Mo., i buildings destroyed; loss, toOO.OOO. Feb. 9--Littleton, W. Va., nearly wiped out, 1,500 rendered homeless. 16--NIverton, Pa., almost entirely Wiped out. 18--Business section Rutland, Vt., partly destroyed--Grain elevator at Duluth, Minn., burned; loss, $1,000,000. 21--Hitchcock, Okla., business section practically destroyed. 22--Business section of Dawson, Wis., wiped out. Mar. 4--Last half of Standhope, la., busi­ ness section burns; other half destroyed some time before. 18--White Pigeon, Mich., business section nearly wiped out--Business portion, Rustln, Mfch., completely destroyed. 28--Johnstown, Pa., swept by flames; loss, 8500,000. Apr. 3--Buffalo (N. Y.) Evening Times building: loss, $200,000. May 17--Boone (la.). Boons Cereal Co.; loss, $105,000. 18--Hundred residences and dozen busi­ ness buildings wiped out, at Stanley. Wis.; loss, $200,000..,.Town of Cobalt. New Ontario, Can., completely de­ stroyed; several killed by explosion. Jun. 1--South Boston, Va.; loss, 8800,000. 7--Duck Hill, Miss., almost completely .destroyed. Over 800 homeless. 11--Fire in Armour packing plant at South Omaha, Neb.; loss, 8100.000. 17~Ryan building annex at St. Paul; loss, $500,000. 20--Santa Crus, Cal., main building of T Casino at resort; loss, 8144,000. Jul* 17--Went^vllle, Mo., practically entire business section destroyed. Sep. 13--Tlburon, Cal., entire business dis­ trict, 200 people homeless. Oct. 18--At Bilrmlngnam, Ala., business houses; loss 8800.000. 22--Second disastrous conflagration at Brlstow, la., wiped out practically all of remaining businsss section of town. 81--At Leipslc, O., entire opera house block burned. Nov. 13--Richland, O., practically wiped out by gas sxploslon; 2 children burnsd to death. 27--At Belmont, O., most of business sss- tlon. Dec. 1--At Princston, O., mob, of 800 masked men burned 2 big tobacco stem- merles owned by tobacco trust. 8--At Lynn, Mass., boiler explosion in shoe factory caused damage of 8820,000. 8--At Chicago, fire in wholesale business district caused loss of $400,000; 2 lives lost. e, Chica- opist, at uslcal dl- NCCMOLOGT D. B. Henderson. Jan. 9--W. R. Har­ per, president Uni­ versity of Chicago, at Clueago. 1*--Col. R. G. Lowe, Galveston, Tsx., newspaper p u b- lisher. 18--Marshall Field, Chicago merchant prince, of pneu­ monia, in N s>w York. 20--H. B. Hurd, no­ ted lawyer and Il­ linois citizen, at Evanston. Feb. 28--Ex-Speaker D. B. Henderson, of national houss of representatives, at DubUQUs, la. 27--S. P. Langiey, secretary Smith­ sonian institution, at Aiken, S. C. Mar. 4--Ex-Gov. Hogg,, Texas, at Hous­ ton. 11--Gen. J. S. Gags, distinguished soldier, at San Jose, Cal. 12--Susan at St. great lakes. In Superior, Wis.; aged 80. 18--Johann Most,, noted anarchist leader, at Cincinnati. 19--Gen, J. M. Thayer, ex-U. S. senator and governor, Nebraska, at Lincoln. 26--ExnMayor S. M. Ashbrldge, at Phlla- i Ban jose, uai. •Susan B. Anthony, suffragist leader. t age pf 86, in Rochester, n. Y John t. John, first whits Settlor at head of at Chicago™"' Cook county, I1L, Apr. 4--Former Gov. Gen. Blanco, Cuba, at Madrid....C. A. Warwick, publisher Constitution Democrat, Keokuk, la. 80--J. E. Boyd, ex-Gov. of Nebraska, at Omaha....Mrs. Mary McKlttredge, be­ lieved oldest woman In America, at Uniootown, Pa.; ago 108, suicids. May 7--Max Judd, noted chess player, at St. Louis. 23--Henrlk Ibsen, noted Norwegian dra­ matist and poet, at Chrtstianla. J tin. 1--Congressman Robert Adams, Phil­ adelphia, committed suicide at Wash­ ington,. 4--Senator A. P. Gorman, Maryland, at Washington. 14--Robsrt B. Roosevelt, uncle of presi- deift, at Sayville, L. I. 15--Congressman R. E. Lester, Georgia, 17--H. N. Pillsbury, noted chess mas­ ter. at Phlla.... Gen. H. L. Porter, leading shoe man­ ufacturer, at How- oil, Mass. 19--Gov. 3. M. Pat- tison, of Ohio, at Mllford....E. Hig- glns, ex-a c 11 n g Gov. Utah, at Washington. „ 27--Jerre Dunn, at Elisabeth, N. J. 2 9 -- R e v . D r . J . Smith, noted Con­ gregational minis­ ter. at Roxbury, Mass. Jul. 3--G. Y. Wiener, noted consulting josser- sasrr' *• u- 8--Congressman H. C. Adams, of Wiscon­ sin, at Chicago....Judgs G. P. Wanty, or Michigan, at LondonT 18--Alfred Beit, mlUionairr South African financisr, at London. 22--RusssU Sage, at Lawrence, X* I.; age 8i. Aug. 2--E. A. Gage, son of former secre­ tary, at Seattle, Wash.; suicide. 4--Rear Admiral Train, at Chefoo, China. lK^L.^Morrleon, noted actor, at Yonkers, Aug. si--E. Rosewator, proprietor Omaha Bee, at Omaha. Sep. 8--H. Oelrichs, prominent Nsw York clubman, on board ocean llw^r. , 18--Ex-Gov. A. T. Bliss, of Michigan, at Milwaukse. 26-- Ex-Congressman Clarke', of Alabama, at St. Louis. v • Oct. 1--Albert J. Adams, noted Doltoy king, by suicids, at Nsw York* ^ w result of acclaen,t . raultl-mllllonaire dls- conomowoc. Wis. v F. A. Trittle, of Arizona, at L. Cronkrite, of, Free- ^port. Hunt, of Idaho, a* HiT» tultl-ml .ii pl Dec.- f--Mark Hassler, n< IJMMtton. >i -» - • Asmron, at Brooklyn. , G. E. Seymour, Of Episcopal ln- Bt Spring- ®v* A; QSdFcelon, of Maine, at Lewiston. 9--Dr. S*. HSnrotln, leading Chicago physi­ cian, at Chicago....Capt. "Btllv" Wii- liams, famous turfman, at New Or­ leans. 10--J. J. Kinneally, eoclalist^labor candi­ date for m|ur«r of N<*r York in 1805, drowned in Long Island Sound. 12-Kx-Senator Brown, of Utah, at Wash­ ington from bullet wounds Inflicted by Mrs. Annie Bradley. 19^-Bishop C. C. McCabe. of M. B. church, at New York, of apoplexy. rORCIGN Jan. 8 - Rodrigues a t t a c k s P u e r t a Plata, San Domin­ go, killing 25. 4 -- 8 a n Domingo rebels defeated; 3 Morales generals and 120 men killed. 6--San Domingo rev­ olution ended With defeat of President Morales and kill­ ing of Gen. Rod­ riguez. 12--France bre a k s off diplomatic rela­ tions with Vene­ zuela. 14--Ex-Premier Bal­ four beaten f o r election to parlia- m e n ; l i b e r a l s Pres. Fallleriss, of „8We®P B^t?,1,n- . _ .,.a 17 -- M. Fallierles, ' t Republican, elect­ ed to succeed' M. Loubet, as president of Franco. 21--Brazilian cruiser Aqyidaban destroyed by explosion; 212 lives lost. 25--Venezuela expels all French consuls. 29--King Christian of Denmark dies at Copenhagen. 30--Frederick VIII. proclaimed king of Denmark. Feb. 5--CountSss Bonl de Castallane, for­ merly Anna Gould of Nstor York, en­ ters plea for divorce in Parte. IS--New British parliament opens; J. W. Lowther elected sgMaker. 18--Remains of lats Xing Christian of Denmark laid to rest Fallieres as­ sumes presidency of France, i 25-- In Colombia tidal wave, 2,000 drowned. Mar. 4--Tavernola, Italy, swallowed up by Lake Iseo. 5-- Fucecchlo, Italy, dance hall panic re­ sults in 18 deaths. 7--French cabinst resigns....Three would- be assassins of Gen. Reyes, president of1 Colombia, shot to death. 11--M. Sarrisn accepts task of forming new French ministry....mine explosion and Are kills 1,198 In France. 13--In Arabian rebellion, Turkish troops massacre GO,000 natives at Sana, Arabia. 18--Earthquake at. Kagi. Formosa, kills hundreds and destroying 1,000 homes. 18--Pal ma elected president of Cuba. Mar. 81--Moroccan conference reaches agreement. Apr. 5--Fifty-flve killed by collapss Of hotel tn Black Forest, Germany. 8--German troops win victory over natives In German, East Africa; natives loss 205 msn. 10 Fourteen killed, over 908 injured by collapss Market place, at Ntuples. Apr. 18--Father Louis Martin, "Black Pope" of Jesuits, dies at Rome. 20--Town of Pasil, P. I., dsstroyed by fire. May 1--Considerable May day rioting In Paris. Ovsr 1,000 arrests made. 2-^C«ar accepts resignation of Premier 19--Raima Inaugurated president of Cuba .at Havana. 1--Wedding of King Alfonso XIII. Of Spain and Itin-fssm. Couple narrowly escape - assassina­ tion by b o m b which kilts If and Injures many. Jtfh, P --P« la Janes kill 5 policemen on j^land of Leyte, 21--Haakon VII. and Q u e e n M a u d crowned rulers of Norway. 80--88 persons killed in train wreck near London. Jul. 4--Son born to King Haakon, of crown princess of Norway. Germany. * 6--Spanish cabinet resign a 8--Natal troops defeat rebels, killing 547. 12---MaJ. Dreyfus restored to position In French army. M--F!r« at NiJI Novgorod, Russia, de­ stroys 27S houses; over 8,000 homeless. It--Lady Curson diss tn London. SO--Fire at Yokohama, Japan, destroys 1,080 houses. ' 23--Band of PulaJanes on Island of Leyt#, P. I., killed 18 soldiers and 1 civilian. Aug. 6--Italian steamer Strio wrecked off Hormlgas Island: 800 drowned. Sep. 8--Father Werns elected head of Jesuits at Rome. 18--Hurricane In harbor of Hong-Kong. China, caused over 1,000 deaths and Oct. 14--Twenty-five minsrs killed by ex­ plosion In colliery near Durham, Eng. 20--M. Clemenceau, French minister of Interior, tendsred task of forming new ministry....Over W .persons drowned at Coatepeque, Salvador. 88--Heavy loss of life and property by hurricane which swept over southwest­ ern Japan. Nov. tf--Anna Gould (Countess ds Cas­ tellans) granted dlvofce from Count Bonl by French tribunal at Paris. Count's plea for alimony denied. 17--Bomb exploded in St. Peter's chureh. Rome, creates panic. 20-- Attempt of French government offi­ cials to take Inventories in Catholic churches results In riots; troops and peasants wounded in clashes. 21--Thirteen persons killed and both ves­ sels damaged by collision of steamers Kaiser Wflhelm der Grosse and Orin­ oco, off Cherbourg, France. 28--Troops called out at Hamilton, Ont., to preserve order In riot of street car strikers. 88--Twenty-four persons killed, hundreds seriously wounded and several hundred slightly injured by explosion in factory near Annen, Germany. Dec. 8--Spanish cabinet resigns; action followed by hostils demonstration tn chamber of deputies. 7--Dr. Lapponl, physician to pope, died at Rome. 11--France expelled secretary of papal nuncio as result of church-state war. 18--German emperor dissolved relchstag and ordered new elections following de­ feat of government on African bill. St--James Bryce selected to succeed Durand as British ambassador to Washington. lNPVStKIAL Feb. 1--Operators reject demands of mlns workers for wase Increase; miners in­ crease defease rand. 18--F. A. Heine setts Montana copper In­ terests to Amalgamated company for 888,000.000. ending 7-year industrial war. Mar. 19--Staneara Oil officials agree to answsr questions of Missouri attsfney general. 29--United Mine Workers, after second unsuccessful conference with operators, decide on strike April 1, involving both anthracite and bituminous fields; opera­ tors appeal to Roosevelt for aid. Apr. 18--Strike of 2.000 brick layers at St. Louis practically brings building to standstill. May «--Anthracite miners vote to accept original proposition of operators and re­ turn to wont. Jun. 7--Wages trouble of southwest min- srs*and operators settled by John Mitch­ ell at Kansas City; 1808 scale agree­ ment renewed. - . •-•OX' at Mln- % C&eago •fusal .ft i#T8 mSiBl* •• • """* 111 "IIJIf'IMl pi ni l Ill>11 waft **voi-uirioif i* ikvm*** - Stolyplh. aw rpv- n 1 s t s •Ortits'^i s factS? v „ .. Riga; troops fcafS t#r down aoors, kl.ling many and capturing 1,«00. 6--One t h o u s a n d killed and 3,0aS wounded lu Mos« cow riots. 9--Near Hazenpot, dragoons surround revolutionist^ kill. Ing Mittre band. . 12--C ossa^&S blow .tip A r m e n i a n s e m i nary in Tiflis »rfll ing S3 and wound Ing, ,,200. Neirly PremiSr 850 killed as refult of attack. 15--Russian rebels asSassinate majors gen­ eral and 3 polios officials. Feb. 21--Gen. Orloff In quelling Balt'.e .province outbreaks shoots more than 700 revolutionists. Mar. 20--Mutiny among sailors at Sebas- topol results in massacre. , , Apr. 6--Fourteen Russian soldiers butch­ ered for refttsing to fire on Sevastopol mutineers. 8--Governor of Tver killed by bomb in streets of <jity. May 6--Governor general assase^iated at Ekaterinoslav Gov. Gen. murdered at Elizabethpo)--Attempt made to as­ sassinate Vice Admiral Doubasoff at Moscow. 10--Czar delivers spcech to douma; no mention of amnesty made. 13--Body of Father Gapon found hanging ln deserted house in Finland town. 15--Imperative demand for reforms mado in douma's reply to czar's speech. 21--W. H. Stuart, American vice consul, British subject, killed at Batum. Jun. 14--Hundreds killed In massacre of Jews by Christians at Bialystok.... Anti-Jewish lights throughout country. Jul. 11--Attempt made to assassinate Vice Admiral Chuknin at Sevastopol. 19--Port Arthur commission .recommends ' death for Gen. Stoessel for Surrendering port. 81--Imperial ukase dissolves pArllsment. 28--Troops at fortress at Vlborg. Finland, mutiny, Aug. 2--Mutiny at Sveaborg ended. 3--Governor of Samra killed by bomb. 25-- Bomb intended Ao slay Freaaier Stoly- pin wrecks his //ilia on Aptekarsky is* land; 82 persons killed. Premier es« caped....Gen. MIn assassinated by young woman at Peterhof. Sep. 10--At least 300 Jews klllsd and slaughter at Siedlce; l.noo wounded. 12--Massacre of Jews at Siedlce ceases. mm. 19--Gen. MkW* Oct. 9--Commission finds causes Nicoiaieff assassinated at War* by csaf appointed of Svtanorg and Cron« stadt mutinies largely attributable to negligence* and inefficiency of officers. ; 80--Nine soldiers convicted of plot to blow up building whsre court marshal trying Cronstadt mutineers Is sitting executed. Nov. 8--Seven natlonalist workmen shot down by socialists at Lodes. Dec. 1--Chief of Police Chopote of Kasa& assassinated. SI--Ten terrorists executed at Rigs.. 22--Count Alexis Ignatleff, member of •' council of empire and ex-governor-gen­ eral of Kiev. Volhynla and Podolla, as> sassinated at Tver. ited year Tie rallrti -m- flPWNfc pamtp- '*•* sptitoid of IWtal *f W*m WWFKI ssnx reQiiire ' ally. At least 2,C immedlats employr any W'."' J®!P|* . of is no mbiiif Sm^tSs may be aod the gr cago are only 40 mt passenger trails between the two eit line gives a h&lf-bc Eighteen thousand' lar wage earners !& , and no one is idle wfco^ meat Machinists aa<J especially wanted. Hi can learn to run stead/ demand. ployment ln factories the work is suited to,J By reason of tte' mile extension of thai age and Ship Cabal largest vessels of tl|| discharge and receltel wharves In the l&ttera will be added 30,000 fording cheap power future industries. will add immeasui wide prestige of Jc dustrial center. Thta become a part of Ship Canal to the Ml Joliet affords every cities much larger iia free public library costj school system ranks wl the high school is without exception the3 the United States. portant to a workli portunity to educate There are numerous plenty of churches, pat some streets and all thfe! far a life of whoH e city is free from ts are from $8 a m| i !^there is no better and saving than Joliet. Citizens' Alliance, Joliet,J information. MISCELLAlftOthl Jan. 2--C. T. Yerkes. deceased traction magnate, fives 8780,000 to Chicago uni­ versity lAna making ampl<i prMpon for v .' coui^^nwirtial of charge of hazing at Ah* 21--H^TtnsvUle (Ky.k mob takes negro sit-ensed of mssault, from jail and hangs t#~WHJof Mftrghatt FleMi, dfMated Chl- esg0 4nercaaht'prnica. opimd, showing estate of 8M.N0.W0; }8.000,000 left to museum. 28---Mrs. C. T. Yerkes weds Wilson Mlsnsr of San Francisco. Feb. t-- President pardons Midshipman Miller, convicted of hazing at Annap« oils. «--Dr. G. H. Simmons, Peoria, 111., mlnis<> ter, bank president and politician, kills •etf, when facing exposure of financial methods and private conduct. 16--Pat Crowe found not guilty of rob- bery In connection with Cudahy case at 17--Mi«» Alice Roosevelt married to Cong, Nicholas Longworth at White House. Mar, (--Prairie fires sweep Texas causing loss of ».<W.800. U-r-Nlns hundred Moros slain in 4 days? fighting with Americans, in Philippines. 14--Andrew Hamilton scores New Torlc Life trustees before insurance commit* tee at Albany,.N. Y. 18--Steamer Atlanta burns off Sheboygan. Wis., on Lake Michigan... .Showsllde aear^Ouray. Cal., causes damage of »--Andrew. Hamilton shows receipt for 875,000, donated to Republican campaign , funds, by New Tone Life Insurance com* 20^3ivlng of political contributions do* Glared non-criminal, by District itttor* nay Jerome. Apr. 1--John Alexander Dowle deposed as leader of Zlon City, 111.: Overseer' Vollva elevated to leadership. ,7--Kansas Sui reme court rules that Kan­ sas City live stock exchange is tllegat trust. t&-Application for receiver for Zlon City, linr«iad* by Dowie. JUL 8--Secretary of State Root • sails for 1 months' tour of South America I Aug. 8--Wisconsin railway commissioners render opinion reducing grain rates for state l cent per bushel. 18--Gem R. B. Brown, of Zanesvtlle, O.. elected commander-ln-chlef of G. A. R. at Mlnneaiyalls. Aug. 80--W. J. Bryan welcomed at New York by big gathering of Democrats oa return rron* mp around world. Sep. 80-Secretary of State Root returns from tour of 8outh America. Oct. i--President WW ̂ Great Northern . railway sold 760,800,000 tone of ore to United States Steel corporation for 8400,000,000. 28-Staadard Oil company fined 85,000 at Findlay, O., for carrying on business combine in violation of state taws. Oct 18--Triennial convention of World's Christian Temperance Unton begun at Boston. 18--Troop of cavalry sent to Wyoming to to round up dissatisfied Ute Indians. 88--Federal grand Jury at Cincinnati up­ holds federal 8-hour law in first test of statute... Thirty-third annual con van. - tlon of National Christian Temperance v Union opened at Hartford. Conn. Nov. 1--Band of 100 Ute Indians capture wagon load of army rations intended for troops in Wyoming. 8--Supreme court of United States af­ firms decision of court of claims la "white man's case;" cases Involved long pending claims of thousands of white persons to participate in distribution of lands and funds of Cherokee natton be­ cause of marriage with members of tribe. Decision favorable to Indians. •--Three companies of negro troops in Texas ordered dismissed fropi army for failure to disclose Identity of comrades guilty of rioting at Brownsville, Tex. 7--J. T. Harahan elected to succeed Stuy- vesant Fish as president of Illinois Cen­ tral railroad. 8--President and Mrs. Roosevelt and party left Washington on trip of In­ spection of Panama canal, on battleshlo Louisiana. 84--President and party return to Wash. y*gton from trip to Panama and Porto Dee. 8--F. W. Flnley, second vice presi­ dent of Southern railroad, elected to succeed late president. Sampei Spencer. 8--John D. Rockefeller and i associates > tylonarehs «* £.ln| Ifoufcfchs must know language. King eled so much, speakr than some Frenchmen, man. The czar of Rui French as well as his and knows the numeroii Emperor William of Ger French and English also „ well. vers$it;: in •'la f̂ctî of Spain, the youngegt of German with ease and and English. Because of lit he now practices the latter*- of Portugal speaks Frenc&J German and Spanish. Thftl Italy is a master of French-] man and is also well versed rious Italian dialects. v Father's Good Advic A yoong man from Pitt to New York to "make goodj chosen profession, says a4 letter. The other night bo the lobby of a hotel and a frien| him what he thought of Nje "I have only been here two replied, "so I have not seen t| very thoroughly. My father's words to me when I left bos 'My son, yon are going to a There is much gqod and much be found in New' York. Keep straight and narrow path as as possible, avoid Wall street I above all, beware of the house.'" ' ^ Lecturer on Hysteria. Marie Pierre Feliux Janet, sor of experimental psychology University of Paris, who is noi veling and lecturing in the States, figures in the public a hypnotist. As <8 matter of is only incidentally, but he is to demonstrate that the victim teria Is at the same time two dil persons. CRIED EASILY. Nervous Woman 8ta Quit Other, who control Standard Oil Co., served ar before federal with subpoenas to ai circuit court In at. touts, January f."Z KanMS grain inspection and weighing law declared void. used to estabUih mission. against Standard OU Con»- pwiy at Findlay, O., thrown out ln com* won pies* court. wifi ft No better practî j Is a drug can be how the nerveij wemen who hal The stomact continually drl tea--they hoi caffeine. Ai An la. thus; "I had us« was trouble ness and upon risingj fluid reguli "Often H able I wc son, and gettiag "After served the the belct ter bradi cidedly vinced tl coffee and see better "A Pogtmft b«t,i like it s^il it all rig|t^ Co., Battel Postum well Read the Ht) W«Utille" to ..'4 a

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