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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 10 Jan 1907, p. 4

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Y"* ™ * P»K!S«S^^iJpSs itp PARIS HI discussing the danger of Imperialism in America. For once French capital is behind the That form of bugbear went out of fash­ ion oTsr bere some y*»re »go. Professional. Society V and Bilsirvesss Cards 0 > f . r i - , HAVE DAVII) G. WELLS, M. D MOST over sixty years doctors [liave endorsed Ayer's Cherry ] Pectoral for coughs, colds, [weak lungs, bronchitis, con* sumption. You can trust a medicine the best doctors ap­ prove. Then trust this the next (time you have a hard cough. The best kind ot a testimonial-- "Sold lor over sixty years." (tyjt.O. iyw Co.. . yers •nnftatann of > SAKSAPAR! IMw PI LIS, HAIR VHHUti W» luJve BO secrets ! We publish tl, formula* of an our medioto*. HT's Pilla keep the bo l̂s regular. vegetable and gently laxative. Mdlenry Pliinieiler PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY BY F. O. SCHREINER. Oflee In Bank Building. Telephone, No. tit. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: 0.50 Three months. Mots. year Six months, 75cts. Thursday, January ,10 1907* W"; * % NOTICE OP DISSOLUTION. To ail whom it may concern: Please lake notice that at a special meeting of fhe stockholders of the McHenry Plain- dealer company, held on the 22nd day *of December, A. D. 1906, at the office of fv said company in McHenry, Illinois, it fe was voted by two-thirds of all the votes represented by the whole stock of said / '"Corporation that said company abandon «ie corporate enterprise it has engaged in, surrender its charter, franchises and corporate name and dissolve said cor­ poration. JAMES B. PERRY, Pres. 29-St. L. T. HOY, Sec. WHEN coal gets too high the editor can always tarn to his pile of utilised manuscripts. THREE negro convicts tei rortflci a whole train load of people^ in Missouri and then stole only a ride. Do not be too hard on the railroads •bont wrecks. How can they pay in­ creased dividends on watered stock if they have to spend a part of their hard- earned savings on trackage and equip­ ment? ______________ IF there is any truth attached to the statement that the north pole is moving southward at the rate of twenty miles a year, Peary and Wellinan can gain something by waiting a few jrears and meeting it half way. AFTER all that Jeff Davis of Arkan­ sas has said that he will do and will not do when he comes to the senate, the only safe bet is that he will draw the salary attached to the job. PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT'S message to congress, on his act discharging the negro soldiers for shooting up a town in Texas, shows many precedents for his action in this matter. Those colored soldiers who shielded the real murder­ ers are just as gnilty as the murderers themselves, and whether white or black they were a disgrace to the army and were properly dircharged without honor. A HILL has been introduced in con­ gress raising the salaries of congress men from $5,000 to $7,500, which we think ought to become a law. The small salaries we are paying to our con­ gressmen sabjects them to too great a temptation. Our congressmen are not only human, but very human, and if they are paid a respectable salary they would be more watchful of the interests of their country. A raise of salary would not make dishonest representa­ tives honest, but it would help keep honeet ones out of temptation. Nearly every new congressman who goes to Washington goes as an honest man, but after deducting from his salary the legitimate expenses of his election and the cost of living as a congressman is expected to live, he finds his pay lamen­ tably short. Pay them a fair snm and better results will be obtained from them, for they will not be so willing to get on the pay-rolls of corporations, for necessity almost forces some of them to it on the1 present salary they receive. PROBA TE NEWS NOWADAYS the papers are full of advice on how to cure a cold. But first you must catch your cold. ^ -STATISTICS fairly bulge andswfcll |*g£; everywhere. The South Dakota divorce croons even the largest on record. A SCIENTIST has discovered that the P blond type of man is fast becoming ex- ? j. , tinct, but among women it will neyer f|- 'dye out . ' I?!- IF Senator Foraker. doesn't look out, there will be some more negro soldiers fc discharged before be can get the others •% . reinstated. . Two New York men had a duel with . pi? pitchforks recently. But wait nntil a IS. New York man and a South Carolina man get at it. PLUM pudding is now declared to be wholesome and digestible. After the §#ood revelation we have endured, noth- , ing is impossible. •- C THAT Pennsylvania prophet who pre- e"dicts that all the rivers will dry up, will to do so himself when his prophesy 't come true. [Furnished by McHenry County Abstract Company, Woodstock, Illinois.] REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. John P Mann et al to Joseph Thelen, e ltt acres of It 28, Johnsburgb 9655 00 A 8 Parks to John Grasser, ne^neM sec 5 Nunda & seMsett sec 32 McHenry.. .W00 00 MARRIAGE LICENSES. Fred Fenk, 25 Huntley Minnie Zimmermaan, 18. Union Wm. Watts, 53 (Spring Grove Rosaline Small, 80 Indianapolis, Ind. Clyde E. Thomas, 25 Union Martha Kamholts, 18 Union Herman Waller, 21.. ;...... Woodstock Hnlda Eckert, 20. Woodstock Ernest S. Brink, 24..... West McHenry Emma Matthews, 24... .West McHenry Fred Rosenthal, 88........ .Crystal Lake Minnie Rowar, 88. Nunda Matthew T. Riley, 28........ Woodstock Helena Rossman, 21. i,....... .Woodstock John J. Brown, 24.. Yolo Anna M. Stilling, 24j»..U... .McHenry John F. Hoef t, 51... .*r.T."'S .. Algonquin Sophie Petera, 41 ,. Dundee SECRETARY TAFT frankly says that is not attempting to lift the lid of presidential boom, but that he certainly will not sit npon it. SAN FRANCISCO will regard Washing­ ton as fortunate in the fact that its school controversies do not involve any treaty complications. SENATOR FORAKER will have to adopt the contention that it was really -daagexggsi-to 4he country to dismiss .."those negro soldiers from the army. ^ XHS interest Mr. Bryan takes in Ok­ lahoma indicates a belief that there is a chance to bring a state up properly if its training is started when ft is quite young. VOLTAIRE'S opinion was that the secret-of being tiresome is in telling everything, but we have our money up on the man who talks a great deal with, out telling anything. * SENATOR TILLMAN'S endorsement of Beaator Bailey's honesty is a good letter of recommendation, but it doesn't go so far as to say that the Texan didn't need watching on the rate bill. A Blander In Poets. {Tennyson is not the only poet lau­ reate whom Regent street has known. Sputhey relates a ludicrous scrape into which he and Campbell fell one day in the Quadrant. Campbell wished to relieve a poor woman and rushed into the nearest shop to change a sovereign. The shopkeeper was attending to cus­ tomers and delayed to oblige him, and the generous poet lost his temper. Thereupon the shopkeeper jumped to the conclusion that he had two rogues to deal with and rashly sent for the po­ lice. Campbell stood In helpless fury, but when Southey explained things to the constable that worthy, who happen­ ed to be a Glasgow man, at once ex­ claimed, "Guidness, mon, is that Mais- ter Camell, the lord rector o' Glaisgie? After that it was difficult to separate Campbell and the shopkeeper, so warmly were their hands interclasped in explanations and forgiveness. -- Westminster Gazette. A Thousand Dollar* Worth ef <|ee4li A. H. Thnrnes a well known coal operator of Buffalo, O., writes: "I have been afflicted with kidney and bladder trouble for years, passing gravel and stones with excruciat:ng pain. I get no relief from medicine until I be­ gan taking Foley's Kidney Cure, then the resnlt was surprising. A few doses started the brick dost like fine stones and now I have no pain across my kid­ neys and I feel like a new man. It has done me $1000 worth of good." Q. W. Besley. B E A U T I F U L LINES OF LA- DIES' & GENTS' WATCHES EVER SHOWN in TOWN *pHE largest and best line of jewehycsii ahrtijrs be" found at this store. Our goods are all purchased from old established houses, and we can and will give a gilt-edged guarantee with every piece of Jewelry that goes out of the place. Again we wish to call your attention to the fact that we receive all the latest records, which can beheard played at our store. We also wish to impress upon the minds of those who con­ template the purchase of a piano to GET OUR PRICES • A WE5T McHENRY. * ILLINOIS til OUR PRICES OUR STOCK OF L A D I E S ' A N D GENTS' RINGS IS THE TALK OF THE TOWN. IT N E V E R W A S More COrtPLETE A Brld*e Kept In Repair by Mnssels. The byssus, or silky beard, by which the mussel moors itself to the stone, is a familiar object of our sea rocks. It is in its nature like the silk of the silk­ worm and exudes in a glutinous thread from an organ at the base of the foot. The following Is an instance in which the mooring of the mussel was useful to effect a purpose which human skill could not accomplish: A large bridge, with twenty arches, in the town of Blddeford, in Devonshire, crosses the Torridge river near the spot of its junction with the Taw. The tide flows so very rapidly here that it was found impossible to keep the bridge in repair by means of mortar. The corporation therefore keeps boats employed in bringing mussels to It, and the inter­ stices of the bridges are filled by baad with these mussels. It is supported from being driven away by the tide entirely by the strong threads which these mussels fix to the stonework, and by an act or grant it is a crime liable to transportation for any person to re­ move the mussels unless in the pres­ ence and by the consent of the cor­ porative trustees.--Scottish Nights. Th.e Marvels of Seieaee. When we hear of rays of light capa­ ble of achieving photography through • foot thickness of solid iron, of the Charting of the sky Itself on such a scale that a thousand million members of the firmament can be recorded each in its appointed place, of the tltscov- ery of something like the sense organs of human knowledge on the roots, stems and leaves of plants; of the tracking of diseases which decimate humanity to their obscure source in the parasite of a parasite and of the proc­ ess by which two patient and humble scientists working upon a few grains of an element in a mere secondary fqrm managed to revolutionize our whole conception of the most stupen­ dous forces of the physical world it seems indeed a mystery that the ap­ petite for surprise and sensation should turn aside from what the pursuit of truth can offer and pre£er to regale itself with the petty products of trump­ ery, invention and ingenuity. -- Pall Mall Gazette. The Haling Passloa. No eelf respecting actor will admit that Mi show is not drawing full houses every night. One of the profes­ sion who plays juvenile parts recently met a leading man on the Rialto. The leading man was dressed in deep black. There was a wide band of crape on his hat, and he had discarded the patent leather shoes an actor loves for others of a subdued polish that spoke of grief. "What's the matter?" asked the ju­ venile. "My father is dead," answered the leading man in a heartbroken voice. The juvenile expressed his sympathy. "When did he die?" he asked. "Last week. We buried him today-- a nice funeral," answered the heart­ broken one. »"Large attendance?" asked the ju­ venile. A smile of enthusiastic delight flash­ ed over the mourner's face. "Large attendance!" he cried. "My boy, we turned 'em away."--New York News. Beanty of dead*. It is not of first sight easy to say why people so rarely give more than a passing glance to the realm of air above them. Is it because we cannot have a finger in this department of the wonders of nature, cannot net and label anything la those blue fields, pin it down on cork or fatten it in Canada balsam; cannot here annihilate dis­ tance with our Ingenious Instruments, that we neglect the phenomena of the Bky? There above us, always ours for a lift of the eyes, is beauty landless change for the contented mind and for the restless one the challenge of the ceaseless thaumaturgy which seems little nearer being found out than when the world began, and yet in com­ parison with such lines of research as are offered by cuckooes eggs or the "protective devices" of caterpillars the region of the clouds may be said to be unexplored.--Saturday Review. < J SINGLE AND ? * ( piked together. sion i provides powerful It is A food tftuht builds And keeps up p girTs strength. %***, DRU00I8T8I BOc. AND •1.00 "Hall Columbia's" First Rendition, "Hall Columbia" was written in 1798 by Joseph Hopkinson when congress, in session at Philadelphia, was debat­ ing what attitude to assume in the struggle between France and England. Party feeling ran high, and the air was surcharged with patriotic enthusi­ asm. A young actor in the city who was about to have a benefit came to Hopkinson in despair and said that twenty boxes remained unsold, and it looked as if the. proposed benefit would prove a failure. If Hopkinson would write him a patriotic song adapted to the tone of "The President's March," then popular, it would save the day. The following afternoon the song was ready. It was duly advertised, the house was packed, and in wild enthusi­ asm the song was encored and re-en­ cored. • One Bide of the Month. Did you ever meet a stranger who talked from one side of his mouth, usually in an undertone and w;ith his eyes wandering while talking*? The man's manner is not an indication that he is weighing his words or has some­ thing important to tell. It is almost a sure sign that he has spent years in jail. This manner of talking is ac­ quired in prison, where conversation among prisoners is prohibited and where the men have to talk out of one side of their mouths In order to prevent the keeper from noticing that conversa­ tion is going on. The habit sticks to the convicts for years after they get out.--New York Press. Stilt Mark* on ChlaU. Hunting for stilt marks on eld china is often good fun in itself. Almost ev ery old piece of flatware--1. e,, plates, platters, saucers, etc.--shows three lit­ tle rough spots more or -less clearly marked on both sides, usually on the margin. These spots were made in the firing by the cockspur of stilts, the lit­ tle tripods used between the plates in piling them up in the kiln. The three points where the cockspur touched the plate caused a defect in the glaze. Un­ fortunately stilt marks are not as sure a guarantee' of authenticity as some collectors have supposed, for they are not only easy to imitate, but they are sometimes imperceptible on the old Staffordshire. Furthermore, they ap­ pear very frequently on modern table­ ware of the cheaper sort and so are no sign of antiquity.--Country Life In America. Welghlag Common Air. The weight of air has often been tested by compressing it in receptacles by the air pump. That it really has weight when so compressed is shown by the fact that the weight of the ves­ sels is increased slightly by filling them with compressed air and that such vessels become specifically "light­ er" as soon as the air contained In them Is exhausted. Many elaborate experiments on the weight of air have proved that the cubic, foot weighs S36 grains, or something less than one and a quarter ounces. The above experi­ ment on the weight of air is supposed to be made at the surface Of the earth with the temperature at 50 degrees F. Heated air or air at high Is much lighter. One nt a Time. Women do not mass as well as men do. They lose by aggregation. A street car full of women makes walking seem attractive. A regiment of men is pleas­ ing. A regiment of women would be disturbing. So there are some flowers that, although individually charming, do not bunch well. Taken in large groups, women are objectionable. It is as Individuals or In small squads that they are so incomparably Interesting.-- Life. _____ Two Points of View. (Hi one occasion, at a party given by Sir John Millals, Lady Halle rose to play the violin, when to her Intense amusement the heard Landseer ex­ claim: "Good gracious! A woman playing the fiddle!" On the other hand, an old fashioned nobleman when he saw a gentleman sit down to the piano contemptuously remarked, "I wonder Jf thetueature can sew." . Read The Plaindi A Deferred Call. ' ̂ In a certain town in the county 6t Wexford there is a house the door of which must be raised a little to be opened, and f6r this purpose the hatchet is generally used. One night lately a knock came to the door, and a youngster was sent to see who was there. "Who is there?" he InquirfjjjyK. "Me," said ja voice outside.' •, * x 'file youngster, knowing the voice, shouted back (in such a tone that the person outside could hear him): "It's Mrs. Murphy. Get the hatchet!" Needless to say Mrs. Murphy didn't wait.--Pearson's Weekly. We want young men and women to learn telegraphy at our school. Unpre­ cedented demand for operators. Good positions guaranteed. Expenses very low. Catalogue explaining all free. DodgeInstitute, Monroe St, Valpa­ raiso. Ind. 7eb 7 • Something special 1 The Weekly In­ ter Ocean and this paper for$1.55for one year. Ask us what it means. \ Give us your order for J that new single or driv- ? ing Harness. Our work \ is the 1 J right. * line of Dusters and Lap Robes. :: :: :: :: : CARRIAGE TRIMMING A SPECIALTY M. A.THELE}N McHENRY, ILLINOIS, v^y is the best and prices are A See our elegant J T .on T ; Did Vou Say IHeats? ! * 0in first-class style with the finest merits ! that money can buy. ! We sell beef by the ; quarter. Do you I want one? • v.JI.' !. speak up. ; ! Fresh • Pbh - Friday 1 I E. F. NAMWS. in. I ' y I Want Column. All advertisement* inserted under this head at the following rates: lire lines or eau, 25 cents for first Insertion; 16 centa for each subsequent insertion. More than ilve linea, 5 centa a line for first insertion, and 3 cento a line (or additions Insertions. •f^ARM FOR SALE--H. C. Mead offers bis -1 farm, consisting of 125 acres, model farm house, two good barns, poultry house, spring house; within one mile ot depot at McHenry, condensing factory, batter factory and grist mill. Terms reasonable and made known on application. H. C. MEAD. West McHenry, 111. T7*OR SALE-Rich, dark, level prairie land, 1 16.50 to $7.00 an acre, on easy terms. TltU s perfect. Splendid climate. All make money on land I sold. SIMON STORFKI,. 28-«t T7VOR HALE--One stack conteinlnR elRht J tons of hay. Inquire of F. O. Felts, the drayman. U*OB BALE -A nearly new milk wagon, one JT bony in good condition, and narness. For further Information apply to 3. Reynolds ... enry, "" " " at electric light plant, Mc 111. 88-tf TjVJR SALE--Dakota and jColorado lauds. r Homesteads located. For further Infor­ mation apply to or address E. W. Howe, Mc­ Henry, 111. rn*OR SALE--The Henry Colby building near r iron bridge. McHenry. Apply to K. W. 'Howe, McHenry, III. SMt. Re Waaltel Wake. One evening last week Mr. Poindex- ter, a traveling man, had a remarkable dream. He seemed to be exploring an old and un as tied attic in his dwelling house. Presently he uncovered an an­ cient chest. He opened it and found it full of gold and silver. Bo strong was the ktt|nsduti upon him that he realised at once the utter folly of waking up. Thereupon he slept on and continued to dreaak--Chi­ cago Tribune. Hot water bottles and fountain syr­ inges--quality guaranteed at Petesch's. "I 1 -T .'V «- jP Bank of McHenry JL This Bank receives, deposits, buys and sells Foreign and Domestic Exchange, and does a " ; 4EXERAL BARKIM BUHIIES* We endeavor to do all business intrusted to our care in a manner and upon terms entirely satisfact­ ory to our customers and respect­ fully solicit the public patronage. Honey to Loan on real estate and other first class security. Special attention (given to collections. INSURANCE in First Class Companies, at th? lowest rates. Yours Respectfully Perry & Owen, Notary Public. - Bankers. ' FEGERS &FEGERS - PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS, McHenry, ' * 111. Office at Residence, eorriW Courtsaic « Elm streeta Telephone 333. D. T. SMILEY ATTORNEY AT LAW, Woodstxxfli, Illinois' « J AU business intrusted to,his care will he ^ . properly and promptly attended to. - . • < W. F. STOim I>. D. s f&uccessor to Dr. F. €. Ross.) Office Hours from 9 ». inf. until &30 p. m. Also open evenings. McHENRY, - - ILLINOIS. J Office and Residence over Petesch's Drug"" Store. Telephone NO. 274. CENTERVILLE Market We handle everything th&fcline of fresh and sa MEATS and Sausages. We also handle Johns- burgh Creamery Butter. Q. Frett, McHenry, 111. l»HOTO STUDIO. Portraits. All shapes au'l sizes. Sev­ eral prortfs to select from. Each doz­ en finished in different styles. Price, 13.00 and upward. Outdoor Work. We have extensive apparatus for all kinds of outdoor work, such as group pictures, views buildings, cattle, machinery, etc. JCttl n.rsem»f\ts. Copied from any smsi! picture. Likeness guaranteed in evety instance. Finished in black and white or colors. frames. A variety of styles In stock to select from. Odd sizes npade up for any size picture, certificate, etc. Waukegan St., near the Stand pipe. WEST McHENRY, ILL. Tele p Hone, 495 Chicago & North-Western. Effective November IS, wm PAY TBAiaS. Chicago/ SOUTHBOUND 7.00 am Via Elgin -- 0.00am wVla Des Plalnes ... inm........Via Des l'laines... -mm..... . .. • • Via Elgin.. ...Via Des Plalnef?,. 100S. 8.45 a m. S.lOam IvSp m.. McHenry atTNDAY THAIN^ ..Vi Via Elgin. Plainest..,. ..VlaDjBs i Via Elgin.. WSIEK DAY TRALLM. BOtTTHBODND. 7JtOamT......... Via Elgin.. .... gjam.........»ia Des Plaint*... 4.3tpm... .....Via Des Plainee,. 4.23 pm Via Elgtn....... SUNDAY TBAIMS. 7.S0am Via Elgin...... 5.00p m........Via Des PlaineS.... K.00 p m Vi*Elgin. . .. Arrive Mclleury. ,...10.17 a m ,...10.17 a m .... 4.50 p m . . 6.40 p in . . .B.40p m ...11.14 a m ...11.14 am ... 4.55 pID Arrive Chicago. ...10.10a m . .9.55 am ....0.15 p ui ....7.10 p in ...10.35 a m ,...0.S0p a 7.50 p ir I av.j>tc C C Sweet to Eat LUA'VI J V A Catty lewd Uuthr* /,». ,.s< A. _J..thifi ijjjL DR. H. O. CHAMBERLIN ' DENTIST. ' •- 'cvT 5 Office snd Re.sidence over rt. J. Walsh's Mere;\ , Hours: 8:00 to 5:30. '• J • ' ' i L . • J ' r , WBST MOHknky, III* General Teaming ofall kinds. Excavating and Grading* ricHENRY - - * ILLINOIS u .I *" Telephone No. 393, SIMON Insurance Agent for all classesof property in the best Companies. . West McHenry, Illinois , , FRANK BUHR PRACTICAL PAINTER AND PAPER HANGER (ARRIAfit PAINTINfi, $5.00 and BPTOU' . House and Sign Painting and all Interior Dec*f, orating. Residence north town line one blocn".', west of river. Telephone N0.8M. MCHENRY. - - ILLINOIS vJoHfS -.J.- Vycital DEALER IN Genera.1 Hardware Stoves, Paints and Oils. Tin and ma* chine repairing of all kinds. 'Phone 548 McHENRY, .- - ILLINOIS. -j Telephobe, No. 694. * Office in Heim- er bldg., Centervllle D. A. WIUEY, M. D. VETERINARY SURGEON McHENRY, ILLINOIS* Wel'.-drilling a specialty. 'Phone 253. WM. BACON Dealer in Windmills, Pipes, Pumps, Fittings, Well Supplies. First-class work j. guaranteed at all times. M c H E N R Y , ^ I L L . Tel. Main 1714. ;; W H Y • do people of Mc Henry, Lake an other countl drop in at Lambert Q. Seat's '.)2 Fifth Ave., CHICAOOP liccause It is SO home like. K I L L T H E C O U G H A N D C U R E T H E L U N C 8 WTH Dr. King's New Discovery FOR £ 0NSUMPTI0N Pries OUGHSand 60c & $1.00 OLDS Free Trial. Surest and Quickest Cure for all THROAT and LUNG TROUB­ LES, or MONEY BACK. &%:• if:- 0 l$E*' ':>• "' W ' l J PATENTS Promjptly obtained, or FCC ttCTURNCO. SO VKARS"CXPSRIEWCS. OurOHMOSSMMI THE LOWS ST. Send model, photo or aluttktor expert search and free report on patantMMUtjr. INPRINGKMSNT suits conducted beftwe_M courts. P&tents obtained through m, TISEO and SOUt, free. T«AOS**«KS, »-MJ- ft IONS and COPYRIGHTS quickly obtained. Opposite U. 8. Patent Offloe* WASHIWOTOM, P. Q. DSWIFT&0 "f. v aefrSf- JmX. T H E O R I G I N A L LAXATIVE COUGH SYRUP Best for Coughs Colds, Croup, Whooping Cough, Etc. The red letter B"ison every bottle. l'*., CUcan CONTAINING HONEMAR N. H. PETESCH, • '* u * • . *.'1 ».. 1- ni- * • • r' Vi-;.' v' .... 1". .v .i 'k Ml c. / ? *

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