$ » • i-TOwrMmi *»-, flwsr Jft301. bl t« 4 p. m. Atii T«fcyjlmry wwfc noiD it tie soe tout *Dr. Lambert, Chicago's leading specialist in all Bye, Ear, Nose and Throat diseases, and one of the most Correct of all opticians, has been located in Chicago, 111., ever since 1872. He has treated over 25,000 cases of special diseases in his line of work, including cases from Ohio to California and Manitoba to Florida. Positiyely you make no mistake when you go direct to Dr. Lambert for an opinion and give him your case. You* secure at once the best possible in the way of the most modern and up-to-date methods. His spectacle and eye-glass work is the very best extant. His painless and bloodless methods of eye surgery simply astonish all who are so fortunate as to engage his services. Dr. Lambert is a graduate of old Miami Medical College, Cincinnati, Ohio, and after his grad uation he took a private course on the eye and ear with the then famous specialist. Dr. E. Williams. He also was a student of old Rush Medical College, Chicago, and attended the Illinois Charitable Eye and Ear Hospital for over a year. Hence you notice readily that this doctor early enjoyed a training in these special lines-- no wonder then, that he always has been able to secure wonderful results, , ^ v // i t Wi-^ I am Completely Cured. is is ibe unanimous declaration of all afflicted, who are dlsm ed by DR. CURTIS A. LAMBERT, Chicago's scientific and successful Oculist, Aurist and Optician* . 1 v - r r'-V: % V- * t - - i-! •* rw-;t <- | Scum Over the Sight, e biseases^.;; \ . Deafness, Blindness and Catarrh. Wife! V'^W' Many, no donbt, hesitate coining to me on account of having been deceived by dishonest, unskilled specialist*!, and perhaps have become so skeptical as to think there is no care for them; but I wish an oppor tunity to'tveat jost snch people. There js no donbt at all about the case being curable by nay methods. Con sultations are free, confidential and invited. - Yon consult a master in his profession when you come to Dr. Lamlwi, yon secure work of the very highest oirde^ obtainable in this land. Wnen you want to buy something to eat or to wear it does not take you very long to decide which merchant to go to, because it is something yon are in contact with every day, bnt when yon need the services of an oculist arid aurist and optician, you are much more likely to be in donbt who to go to, because it is some thing that doesn't happen every day We certainly ask von to consider the* qualifications of Dr. Lambert, the genivis who discovered painless and nearly bloodless surgery. ' Dr. Lambert was positively the very first surgeon in this country to apply local anaesthetics and blood styptics to the human eye in operations. He commenced this work during the Ufe of the lamented General tJ. S. Grant, who was a great sufferer, as you remember, with cancer. ~ Dr. Lambert has been in active practice sine© the year 1873 and has treated and operated upon dwr 25,000 separate cases of eye, ear, nose and throat diseases. v , He cures cross eyes in a few moments without pairi, or loss of blood, or detention. OHt 1.Q00 cases etlred-^no knife or chloroform or ether used The same with all eyo operations--painless Be most positively guarantees to cure any case of nasal catarrh. No difference how severe the course of this foul disease, that surely >aps one's vitality, causes deafness, noises in the ears, throat and bronchial troubles, and ruins the constitution. His methods and'treatment are entirely new and discovered by hitn-- quick results promised everyone. EXTRAORDINARY! 1 Dr Lambert does more* work in oue year than :uiy dozen specialists in the whole west. It's nothing unusual to have as many cases as 75 in one day. Just think what an advantage this affords him over any and all his competitors. He meets every day with all the different phases of disease--no two just alike. Cannot you readilyjnnderstand why he should be, and is an expert in his line? Dr. Lambert was tor four years pension expert examiner for the Pension Department at Washington, Dl C . in cases of eye and ear diseases and his opinions were accepted as final in granting increase, original or reinstatement of all classes of such pensioners. * Notwithstanding many physicians , Will tell yon that catarrh cannot be enred, simply tfecauee they don't kno^ how to cure it themselves, it is a f»ct. • that with Dr. Lambert's new and ad vanced treatment the disease is curable. Dr. Lambert will and does core every case of catarrh he has undertaken and he refuses no case, no difference of bow long standing or how complicated. The» patient is cured to stay cured in any climate. Hundred* of references j^per- ; ed for investigation. Consultation free * at iiis parlors r THE SYMPTONS OF TROUBLES. f- lifeafness and ear troubles result from catarrh passing along the Eustachian tube, that lc*ds from the thru# to Oie, I* yon? hearing failing! ? f !**. y Do your ears discharge Y Are the ears dry and scaly1 $ % Do the ears itch and biirn? ' ; *"/•* • % * la the wax dry in the ears* ^ ... ** Is there a throbbing in ears If sj^ r' " Are yon gradually gettttag deaf? Have yon pain behind ears? < la there a buzzing sound heardT Do you have ringing in the ears? Are ther» cracking sounds heard? la yonrhearing bad cloudy days? Do you have earache occasionally? Are there sounds like steam escaping? Do you constantcy hear noises in the e a r s ? . . . your earspainwhenyoublowtlre nose? % - Is there a roaring like a waterfall in head? Do you hear bettor some days thau others? Do the noises in your ears keep yon awake? When you blow your noeedo yonr ears serack? v li your bearing wote$ when you have a cold? !•"/'"'• .7i^ * SYMPTOMS OF CATARRH. Catarrh of thefflead and Threat. The head and throat become diseased from negfected colds, causing catarrh when the comliti poses to this condition Is the breath foal? |b the voice husky? Do yon ache-all over? ^ Is the nose stopped up CROSS-BYES CURED by a new aud painless method, without the knife or chloroform. There is . no excuse whatever for'crooked eyes, as young and old alike can be cared. Bead elsewhere in this paper the date when the doctor will visit your city. Over 150 cure? per year for past ten years by hip new methods Write for particulars, DR. C. A. LAMBERT, 6*46 Harvard Ave. CKHfftewaod Station.) CHICAGO, ILL. \ IS den. 111., says: "My crooked eyes were operated on by Dr. Lambart, who did the work quickly and painlessly. It ia a great pleasure to know that my eyes are now straight." NELS AKERSON, retired farmer, living at Princeton, 111, says: "For fifty-five years I cai ried a pair of badly crossed eyes, bnt when I heard of the arrival in our city of Dr. Lambert, the celebrated oculist, I went to him and he performed the .operation w^lch. -made my eyes perfectly straight." •' ' , i,Never Disappoint fl> Patient, I Fu ••'I Promise and Never Hold Out False Hope .̂ " : r Honest Treatment. "You Pay for Results On I Consult Dr. Logan Free At Riverside House McHenry, Illinois, Next Tuesday, And at same ptftceevery Tuesday of every week 1 Longest IstHHisfert, Most Successful iod RtHMe in (fikigo in d toes of No. ritiou of > • - 5' VP ^ 11 § LUCKY MENDOTA BOY, S And the Reason Why. ' ; On Tuesday last Dr. Lambert oper ated successfully and painlessly on the eyes of Johnnie Gross--curing him of strabismus or cross eyes, with which he has been troubled since birth. This case was a most peculiar one, as the right eye is practically blind. It re* qnired the greatest surgical skill to ef fect a successful operation. Today the eye is straight as a string and Johnnie states that $5,000 would not induce hin to have his eyes in the condition they were before the operation. > Gross is a most worthy young man and is employ ed in Adam Kliyla's barber shop--over Mendota National liank.--Mendota Re porter, October 1, 1898. +,My personal acquaintance with Dr. Lambert has extended over a period of. 2? years, during which time I have re ferred many cases to him. "Dr. Lambert possesses much more than ordinary abilities as a specialist." (Signed) P. H. HARDING, M. D. ^ ,/s# ' > Bit-Mayor of Goshen, Ind. (Now of Evanston, 111,) limit to talk to every sufferer from .Varicocele, Rupture, Blood Potefcra, Narva* •jfesukl Debility and all diseases pecnliar tb men. The tmeb tfcrtjWMWtmill imf-' where without Ixmefit and are skeptical does not discourage me fa the leut; nearly all my patients tell of the same experience. I am enriuK tfaese men mmer a»A ieel sure 1 can do the same for you. I especially solicit tJiesseStubborn, chronic, paanll ' incurable cases. Men who realize the seriousness and gravity of ti»ir condttioa, •rill appreciate lM?i»efit« conferred and the lasting cure I give. Coue tfr *6e Wf ftee consultation. I will then explain how different., better and <vds of treatment t liaii t tiusi' possessed by otliers. My special trainingaiulloi^jrearsof experience in treatin;: all Chronic. Nervous. Blood, Pelvic id|ii' .aad weakness of men. Rive me many advantages over the ordinary pbyilcian. I f «aieted, It is well worth your while to come thousands of miles to COOSQlt ate ntbtt than to subject yourself to daugerous.exoerimental treatment«.at IliahatHWof HUMaallal;*lad specialist, in some nearer small town. These false specialists have never tMNtvai special knowledse, possess no curative power, and are not Itaie Specialist*to If er sense of the word. Men come to me from every suite in tbe ajlloa, and 1 •ever had cause for regret. My sympathy is-enlisted with pv and buildlug- up of weak, broken down men is my life work. my patients is roy only thought. My independent, private fortune secondary consideration: In this I differ wldeiy froir only of his fee and cares nothing of his fellow men. Investigii ideiy from the grasping doCfeor, How men. Investigate hefoce tl where. It may save you many years of sufferiuR and may be the means i 5" 3 your whole future. If afflicted, do not delay, call or write today.. *jr more fully commented upon below, and are well worth the careful * weak man. Cast aside your modesty, your dealings with me are i VARICOCELE. URETHRAL, OBSTRUCTIONS. % T, V : Do you snore at night? Does your nose discharge? Does the nose bleed e aslly? Is there tickling in throat? Is the nose sore and tender V Do you sneeze a great deal ? Is this worse toward night? Does your nose itch and buratv. ^ ^ *> 1 Is there pain in front of head If "* ' ' Is there pain across the eyes? , i4k .,, Is there pain in back of head?£ ' Is your sense of smell leaving?" Is there a dropping in the throat.' •.*: «'• Is the throat dry in the mornings? Are you losing your sense of tasto?^"®-^ Do yon sleep with your mouth opent Does your nose stop hp toward night? INCURABLE CASES. nfulus the duty is, it is neverthe less ir duty to tell those afflicted with in curable maladies the truth. Dr. Lam bert has but oue invariable rule. "No incurable cases taken or prescribed for.'* To all such cases, after diagnosis, the doctor states the. facts plainly, and by his extended hospital practice and mod ern methods and appliances he never pronounces upon a patient nntil he knows jnst what the ailment is. Its cause and its remedy if any there it. Neglected Varicocele undermines the physical strength, deranges - he mental faculties, racks the nervous system and ' produces a complete loss of the sexual power. I guarantee to cure the most ag gravated case of Varicocele in four days, without pain, suffering or inconvenience. Not only do 1 give you internal constitu tional remedies, but I also employ a local treatment direct to the weakened parts; a healthy circulation of blood is quickly re-established, the wasted glands are en larged, and waVmth vigor and vitality are restored. Every trace of weakness disappears; the spermatic cords resume their normal size; losses and drains of vigor cease; the weakened seminal ducts are strong! hened; you become stronger and better in every way, and will soon possess the sense of well -being which ac companies good health and robust man hood. Don't, experiment. This is a deli cate disease. I have cured thousands of the worst cases without a failure or re currence. What you want is the quickest, safest and surest cure obtainable, and t his I am prepared to glv# you. NERVOUS DEBILITY. KxCesses and dissipation have wrecked many men. Is vour wrecked system cry ing out for helpV You are nervous, irri table and despondent; you are growing weaker; your manhood is on the decline and wili soon be last unless yon do some thing for yourself. My long experience has rendered me thoroughly familiar with all the causes and effects of Nervous De bility, and I have lifted up enough fallen men to make an army. My treatment will remove all the ill effeets of your former folly, check every drain on your Vitality, invigorate the wasted pelvic organs, clean up the clouded brain and quickly restore My cure for Prostatitis is sate. and permanent, and free ~ any form. Every ofe urethra is forever remo' soon cease, intiammaMo allayed, the prostate gta are healed and tlM entire quickly restored to condition. Avoid c _ operations: they leave yon condition than Itefore. " ten to twenty days. BLOOD POISON. 1 If you have sore throat, moooaspatches, pimples, copper colored spots, KM and ulcers, bone pains, falling hair or any symptoms of this disease, fit eltttirttrtiB- ary. secondary or tertiary stagw,C-- me and be forever rid of it, Wf I cure ment quick1 y destroys the virus, the skin, purities the blood, andtbOMMgfe* ly cleanses and eradicates til Mm of poison from the system. Alt danger of transmission or recurrence Is removed. Don't relv on patent medicines or intrust your health to Incompetent druggists or physicians. Why take mercury and pot ash for years when I guarantee you a permanent cure in from thirty to ninety days without the use of these lofcHnft remedies? Consult me at once. RUPTURE. Sufferers from this annoying and dan gerous disease will be srlad to know that they can be cured without resorting to the surtreon's deadly knife. My treatment entails uo pain or loss of time from teg ular work. I turnish the patient «nt perfeet-tltting truss, to be worn dajHeg the period of treatment, aad eatDfeV special curative and penetratle applied direct to the false <' which the bowels protrude. or openlning. is soon firmly closed, and in from live to thirty days you can discard the truss without fear of recurrence. you to what nature intended--a healthy and happy man. with physical, ment<u and vital power complete. Avoid free grescriptions and temporary stimulants. eek a lasting cure. I guarantee a per manent restoration in from thirty to ninety days. I also cure to stay cured, Hydrocele, Kidney, Bladder and Prostatic Troubles, Pi tea, Fistula and Rectal Afflictions, Rheumatism, Catarrh, Eczema. Scrofula and til atab- born, chronic maladies, which resist the treatment ofcordinary doctors. (Address) prs. Lambert & Logan, r>; Harvard Ave., ̂ EXPERT SPECIALISTS. ̂ 7< Chicago, III ' - V We have but one gjstde --the : est. We look after while they are in si they are reliable. When they are to compounded the 'work is done by scientific metfa* ods~we know -how. ^ When you pa^forthem you are always pleaded with the price--it is ia» variably right* ' , N. H. Petesch, Mctlenry, Illinois PHOTO STUPlQi '^ Oyejr-Work Weakens * Your Kidneys. Unhealthy Kidneys Ma!ke Impure Blood. All the biood in your Body passes through your kidneys ^'ice every three minutes. The kidneys are your; blood purifiers, they fil ter out the waste or impurities in the blood.. If they are sick or out of order, they fail to do iheir work. Pains, achesandrhqu- mattsm come from ex cess of uric acid in the ftlood, due to npgl^cted kidney trouble. \ t 1 Kidney trouble causes quick or unsteady heart beats, and makes one feel as though they had heart trouble, because the heart is over-working in pumping thick, kidney- poisoned blood through veins and arteries. it uaed to be considered that only urinary troubles were to be traced to the kidneys, but now mo«ern science proves that, nearly ail constitutional diseases have their begin ning in kidney trouble. If you are sick yoy can make no mistake by first doctoring your kidneys. The'mild and the extraordinary effect of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Rbot, the great kidney remedy is coon reaiized. It stands the highest for its wonderful cures of the most distressing cases and ir, sola on its merits by all druggists in fifty- cent and one-dollar siz es. Y.ou may have a sample bottle by mail Home of swaenp-Root. free, also pamphlet telling you how to find out if you have kidney or bladder trouble. Mention this papt.r when writing Dr. Kilmer y. Co., Binghaniton, N. Y. Don't make any mistake, bat remem ber the name, Swamp Root, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the address, Bingham- ton, N. Y.. on every bottle. • NEIGHBORING NEWS AS CHRONICLED BY j OUR ABLE CORPS OF CORRESPONDENTS j Portraits. All shapes awl sizes. Sev eral proofs to select from. Each doz- ti»» tiuSshed in different styles. Price, £5.M v n<l upward. Outdoor Work. We have extensive apparatus for sill kinds of outdoor work, such as jrroup pictures, views •- buildings, cattle, machinery, etc. £iii&rjemervti>. Copied from any small picture. Likeness guaranteed in every instance. Finished in black and white or colors. Frames. A variety of styles in stock to select from. Odd sizes made up fop any size picture, certificate, «tc. . ffaukegan St., near the Stand pipe. WEST McHENKY, ILL. • TelepKone, 495 f •.r Chicago & North-Western. "*"• #®ectlve November 18,190(1 WKKK DAT TRAr*8. teago, ; y "OBwrooTO* - Elgin........ --10.17 a oi .mdik^Vla Des Plaints . . . . , . . 10 .1TaDi kp m.........Via Des Plainto.... 4.50 p m • p mai.»»,-••• Via Elgin.. .. ..8.40pm 1.57 p mi...,--'.Via Des i'lairwg . .6.40 p m jgcnSnAY THAIffS. t » 5 . V i a E l g i n . ; . . . . . . . 1 1 . 1 4 a m »m&..> i^ViajrJesj'lainal........11.11 am \ m i'Sssffr ,V)a i>es L-.^ia Elgin.. #REK DAY THAI**. SOUTHBOUNO."* avo •. .Via Kigin.U a l)«s Plainm.*... o m,.k vV.i-Via Dew Plaitvdft.. .^ ,J? pm Via Elgin ^ FCNDAY TRAIIW. ^ ' a i n . . 4 . . . . . V i a E l g i n . .' •- ,4.00 p m via Des Plaint » -....riaKWn. . 4.55 pm Arrive Chicago. .16.10 am .9.5S am ^.6.15 p m J. 7.10 pm 10.35 a n* ....... .(S.ao p bc ...7.501» nr The Plalndealer and CWcago Daily |phronicle, both papers one year for *8.50. Order at once as the time of thia Neighbors Qot Fooled. "I was literally coughing myself to death, and >ad become too weak to leave my bed, and neighbors predicted that I would never leave it alive: bnt- they got fooled, for thanks be to God, I was induced to try Dr. King's New Dis covery. It took just four one dollar bottles to completely core the coagh and restore me to good sound health," writes Mrs. Eva Uncapber of Grover- town. Stark Co., Ind. This King of cough and cotd euro* and healer of throat and inngs, ia guaranteed by N. H. Petesch, McSenry. G. W. Besley, West McBenry, ^dragftisto.;. »n4 $1 0ft. Trial bottle freB; f --; : tr " Notice! To insure publication in The Plain- dealer copy must be in the office oo later than Wednesday jooon of each week. Advertisers, especially, are asked to tak« particrtlar notice to Aw effwtt, It *s the highest standard of quality, a natural tonic, cleanses your system, reddens your cheeks, brightens the eyes, gives flavor to all you eat. Hol- lister's Rocky Mountain Tea will <4° all this for yon 35 cents, Tea or Tablets. Ask your druggist. The Plaindealer will be sent to »ny address on trial three months for twenty-' flye cents, and will be discontinued at the expiration of that time unless other wise orftored. Try if 1- HINfiWOOD. J JANUARY 81. Manqn«rade ball at 3toffel"&&*U nest Monday evening. Feb. M. Miss Agneti Carey spent several days recently with Chicago relatives. W. S. Smith was a passenger for the windy city Wednesday of last week. The Ringwood Butter Co. is filling its ice houses with ioe from Beatty's pondf„ Miss Eleano*. Hawley at Elgin spent Saturday and Snnday with her parents in Ringwood. Amos Smith arrived in Ringwood Thursday morning with A. carload, of Minnesota cows. While unloading ice at the icq bouse at the factory. George Brefeld's team became frightened and ran up Main street at a lively gait withont a driver, doing considerable damage to the wag on. The Spring Grove Telephone Co. is pntting in a number or new phones in this vicinity this week. These phones are giving satisfactory resnltx and those who contemplate pntting in a phone should pnt in one of theso. It's a good old world after all; If you hive no friends or money Into the river you can fall; ,• Marriages are qnite common and . ' More people there would be, Provided yon ta»e Rocky Mountain Tea. Ask your druggist. Clarence Tnttle and Miss Nellie Noo- nan went to Chicago Jan. 3ft and were married. The contracting parties are well known by many of onr readers. Mr. Tnttle is the only son of Mr. and Mrs. C. E H Tattle and has made his home in this village for the past three years, while the bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ned Noonan and has always made this ^icinity her home. She is a charming young lady and will make a go^d wife for the man of her choice. After a short honeymoon they began housekeeping in the Rutherford house, where they will be at home to receive their friends. Congratultaions. FEBRUARY 5. The Greenwood Butter Co. is filling its ice boose* with ion from Beatty's pond. Ed Keefe was a passenger for Chicago Tuesday morning, where he remained several days. Mr. and Mrs. James Conway enter tained company from the windy city the last of the week, A tin shower was given to llr. apd Mrs. Clarcnoe Tnttle Wednesday even ing. All present report a most enjoy able time. Quarterly meeting services will be held in the Ringwood Methodist church next Sunday afternoon, conducted by the presiding elder, Rev. S. Earngey, D. D. The service will be followed by the sacrament of the Lord's sapper.. , .lames Conway received n souvenir postal eard froui Geo M. Tingen, who i* now in. bis native bind, Germany. Mr. tiagen it wali known t» many of our readers, having rnn a blacksmith shop in tbi* vilbtge several yenrs ago. Dade's Little Liver Pilln tho <>ui;h)y clean the system, good for lazy livers, makes clear romplexions, bright, eyes, happy thoughts. Sold by N! H. Pet esch, druggist. The most enjoyable event in a long time occurred at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hnrsh last Tuesday, when about thirty friends aud neighbors entered their home and reminded them that it was the forty-fifth anniversary of their marriage. Mr. aud Mr»- Harsh were thoroly surprised, but soon recovered and entertained their friends in a royal manner. After a bountiful dinner served by the ladies a few, hours were spent in pleasant conversation. The guests departed for their homes, wish ing Mr. and Mrs -Hnrsh many returns of the day. Those present w<;re Messrs and Mesdames Alonzo Bishop J. D. Smith. W. E Smith. E A. Smith Wm. Coates, Jacob Adams, George Har rison, C. C. Hnrrison, C. T. Hall. Ber Merchant.fOrrin Wheoler, D A. Whit ing; Mesdames Julia Bishop, M. V. B. Spanlding. David Hall; Misses Katu Keefe, Lena Harrison, Laura Smith, Elsie Smith. Emily Smith; Masters Howard Smith atid Frank Fay. Rising From the Grave. A prominent manufacturer. Wtu. A. Fertwell. of Lucama, N. C-, relates a most remarkable experience. He says: "After taking less than three bottles of Electric Bitters I feel like one ris'ng from the grave. My trouble is Bright's disease, in the Diabetes stage. I fully believe Electric Bitters will cure me permanently, for it ha* already stopped the liver and bladder complications which bavl troubled me for years " Guaranteed at N. H. Petesch's, McHen- ry, ,G. W. Be9ley's, West McHenry, drug stores- Price only 50c. . 4 MPKJNO OROVK. PM* Or^is-Vogel lawatiii i»ap;U®st- poned until Friday of this week. Several from here attended the mask ball at Solon last Friday evening. Miss Martha Stevens visited Wauke- gan relatives the first of the week. E. V. Orris of Waukegan visited his parents here the first of the week. John V. Freund filled his ice house "Satuaday with ice from Lake Wieland. Misses Iva Hoffman and Ada West- lake were Richmond visitors one day last week. Mrs. Jos. James and children spent the last of the week visiting relatives east of town. Mna James Bell and little daughter of Ringwood visited relatives here one v/y; -r •'Masquerade ball at Stoffel's hall nex> Mou.Ihv evening. F»>b. 11. Mr. and Mrs. E R. Orvis and friend)- of Round Lake attended Hal Colby> sale last Wednesday. t Mrs. W. Wilson and sister, *Miss Hunter, are spending several days visit ing Richmond relatives. Mrs. ,T. AV. Sitiborn has bsen enter taining i#er brother, Sam Patterson, of Chicuao for several days.' A sleighing party from English Prai rie passed thru this place Tuesday night. Could they yell V Well, yes Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Norton of Wan* kegan spent the Sabbath with the lat ter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Stevens. * ' Mrs. Cora Johnson and children of Harvard spent the last of the week here with her ^rrents. Mr. and Mrs. J. At. Westlake. A fair sized attended J. Oxto- by'ssate Tuesday aud everything sold well. J. Ladd of Ringwood purchased the farm at )$8<j.50 per acre. The patrons of the English Prairie creamery filled their ice house with ice from the Wieland pond. Mr, Wieland lias his large house filled and is now 4hippibg ice to the city. Hunting For Trouble. "I've lived in California 20 years and <m still hunting for trouble in the way if burns, sores, wounds, boils, ctfts, <prains, or a case of piles that Bucklen's Arnica S*lve won't quickly cure," A'rites Charles Walters, of Alleghany, die'tta Co. No use hunting, Mr. Wal ters, it cures every case. Guaranteed atN. H. Petesch's, McHenry, G. W. Besley's,. West McHenry, drfag stores. 25c. . ^ JOHSSBUBGH. Mrs. Joseph Thelen is quite ill at this writing.' ' * ' Miss Lena A^danis spent Tuesday at McHenry. •-, ' Peter NiesW;.w^;<#-|lcHenry oilier last Friday. ^ r Wm. Brits otydcaller here last Friday. Miss Margaret Schaefer was a Mc Henry visitor Tuesday. Miss Mary Degen of McHenry was a caller here last Sunday. Masquerade ball at Stpffel 's hall next Monday evening, Feb., 11. ^ Frank Schumacher of Vofo, was awl- er hew one day last week Mark Hoffuiau of Spring Gr^We drove thru here one day recently. Peter M. Freund and family of Mc Henry vvere in town Tuesday. % Mrs, John Schaffer visited Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Alichels last Sunday. Mrs^Pgter Freund spent one day last week with Mrs. Jacob Freund. Misses Lena Michels and Eva King drove to McHenry last Friday. Miss Celia Nett visited Misses Ella and Maggie Hncmann last Sunday. Mrs. Mathias May of Spring Grove was a caller here < ne day last week. Jos. H. Huemann was a business transactor in Chicago last Saturday. ^iss Lixaie May spent the la£fcar ?«ri of last week with Mrs. Jacob Justen. Henry Schaefer left Tuesday for Iowa where he intends to stay until spring. Miss Mayrae Altfioff of Chicago is spending a few days with home folks. Misses Anna, Lizzie and Katie Kenne beck of McHenry were callers be re Sun day. Miss Lizzi«» Miller spent the latter part of last week with. Mr. and Mrs Mat Miller. Mr. and Mrs. John Brown of Wan- conda spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stilling. 'The Prince of Liars" at the Central opera house Friday and Saturday even ings of this week. Mrs. Mathias Schmitt and children of Zend a, Wis., spent Saturday and Sun day at the home of John Miller. Mrs. Math. Steffes and little dangh ter, Lauretta, and Miss Katie Pitxen vis ited relatives and friends at MeHenry last Friday. Quite a number of our young people .attended "The King of Tramps" at th» Central opera house, MeHenry, last Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. John S. Freund and children and Mr. and Mrs John Mertes spent Saturday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Thelen. . * « Johh Miller, Mrs. Susan Frennd of lohnsburgh, Mr. and Mrs. Huber' Freund'ot' Spring Grove visited at Jobt Frennd"s near McHenry one day last week. The marriage of Miss Snsie B; Frenn» and Mr, George Steinsdoerfer of Vol* took place at St. John's Catholic churci here Wednesday. Both young peoph have a wide circle of friends here who extend congratulation^. Men Past Sixty In Danger. More than half mankind ovet sixtj years of age suffer from kidney and bladder disorder, usually enlargement of prostate glanfl. This is l>oth painful and dangerous, and Foley's Kidney Cure should be taken at the first sign of danger, as it corrects irregularities aud has cured many old men of this disease. Mr. Rodney Burnett, Rock Port, Mo., writes: "I suffered with enlarged pros tate gland and kidney trouble for years and after taking two bottles of Foley's Kidney Cure I feel better than I have for twenty years altho I am uq.w ^aiaty- ,onip years old." G. W. Besley^ KWEBALD PARK. L. fipek spent a few days recently at the Park. R. El Sutton spent Sunday at his home here. Mi -sMayme Knox visited friends at Ringwood Sunday. Jas. Hughes went to Chicago Satur day for a short visit. Buffet luncheon at Stoffel'sv masquer ade next Monday night. Miss Edith Whiting of Ringwood vis ited the Misses Knox Saturday; Miss Ethel Harbaugh spent Saturday and Snnday at her home in Chicago. Mi sses Margaret Walsh and Mae 8ttt> (<>n visited at Barreville Thursday ImI, <nd Clarence Martin visited at K Knott* Sunday. Geo. Walmsley returned evening from a short visit relatives. "The Prince of Oars" at tfee Central opera house Friday and Saturday even-' »ngs of this week. F. Romano and two friends returned to Chicago Friday, after enjoying the hunting a few days. Messrs. E. Sutton John QiM> left Tuesday for Colorado, where they * expect to take up a claim. Mr. and Mrs. Wu Robtnsoi to their home in Chicago ing, the former baving spent few weeks at Berkircher's Messrs. Chas. and H. Berkircher n* tamed Saturday from Iowa, where they attended th# of the former's wife on Thursday. Miss Mae Sutton left Satur&ay SWen- ing for Elgin, from which plaM ahe will leave for her home in Sioux Falls, S. D., after a pleasant visit of two tteeks with her many relatta* aadL friends here. HOLOlllBniXB. A. P. Peck is spending a fins dayrtajt •lis home here. Miss Leu* Olson visited it Mrs. Bi & Peck's Wednesday. Albert Folly of Oh'o is visiting hit iunt, Mrs Fred Powers. Mr. and Mrs A. P. Pack called eft Mrs. B. F. Peck Monday. Masquerade ball at Stoffel's hall vtonday evening, Feb. II. Miss Mae Sutton of South •i si ted at Wm Doherty's last The one big attraction of the season, 'The Prince o Liars," at the Central opera honse Friday and Saturday epMKi ings of this week. Mr. and Mrs. Jay Dohsrty wem. .vic tims of a surprise party last W« evening when about twenty fii friends came to remind then' seventeenth anniversary of riage. Games furnished till amusement of the evening. About thirty of the friends of Mtv and Mrs. Hutson responded lip|tar> tions to attend a card pi home Saturday evening. cinch was played and all most pleasapt evening. Mrs. won the honors on the _ winntng the most gaiiMr.iNii- IM'ssdi 'Clinton Martin von -0sm" honors.' Refreshments wete «Mpi| at" alatehonr. A Cm4. Tferit ia to oertî r that i| are authorised to Foley's Honey and your oongfes or iMftls the -liagi m nwilto from onlda. and preve»«i and ooiMWBiptkm The geavdna It: w a a ContrtBil