mm JM 1 falflU every promise and •ever hot doti t false hopes. Dr. Logan of Chicago visits McHeriry„ 111., fat Riverside House) Prom 10:30 a. m . t o 4 : 0 0 p (MsalMiofi me. toe Ipge Hose (HAIH O* SHI**) ; ̂ J Tiki treatment of complicated, stub born, nervous, blood ana sH Ma been my exclusive sj skin diseases specialty for many *eut. Tbtcmds ot isiw P»- tfeafe wlil sladlFtestily to my soccess •kill and bottasty. J cart safely und peraaBeBtljr Trot ttototnre nHernia) In 5 days, False Bupture {enlarged wormy veins) In 4 days. Blood Poison, Nervous Debility In 30 to80 days; Kid ney, Bladder and Rectal affections, Efesema, Psoriasis, Scrofula and Skin maladies, Rheumatism, Catarrh and all allied resistive diseases peculiar to humanity. j3f~L actually cure ANY CASE of blind, bleeding or protruding Piles in from one to two painless anil bloodless treatments, no cutting, clamps, liga tures and no detention FROM WORK. I mean just what I say. HIRVOUS DtBIlITT! My cure for weak men removes all the tlfeffects of former f ienn folly and dissipat ion, stops every loss ana drain of vigor makes the nerves strong and steady, enriehes the blood, Invigorates the wafted pelvic organs, and most Impor tant of all, restores the wasted power of manhood. Avoid temporary stim ulants. Seek a lasting cure. I guar antee a permanent restoration In from 30 to 90 days. I also cure to stay cured Hydrocele, Rupture, Piles, Kidney, Bladder and Prostatic affections. Eczema, Psoriasis and all Chronic Diseases. Men, do not fail to consult DR. LO GAN at his regular visit to McHenry. Literally thousands are secretly suffer ing ana needing can give you. You consult u;e in ut-^ Just such help as I in ut-< I can most confidence and privacy, cureyou. Dr. Logan AT MCHENRY, ILL. C. A. LAMBERT .Onz of the moat successful specialists In the West Is nuking regular visits t# your city. Over thirty years' ex perience In active general practice and special medicine and surgery. A noted oculist and scrgeen, well and favora bly known la UHnols, Indiana, Mich igan and Wisconsin. Has perfected thousands of cures and refers to over 1800 alone In La 5alle, Bureau and Li vingstdacounties, Illinois. *--al--ancc= i --ic= SPECIALTIES Painless Eye Surgery- Cross-eyes cur ed in a few minutes, without knife or chloroform. I handle successful- , ly all the 500 diseases of the eye. Ear Diseases--Discharging ears, noises and all tbe 350 other diseases quickly . relieved. Catarrh cured In every case--No dif ference how long standing. Polypus and other nasal obstructions reliev ed. Enlarged tonsils reduced. Spectacle Lens ground to measure. Fit guaranteed, also Quality and frames. Cross-Eyes injure business chances blight Social prospects, mar happiness and place one at a disadvantage every day In tlip year. My treatment will in two minutes, and in a painless and biiK>dle8stnanner,transformfrom gloom to sunshine. All diseases. and deformities of thp Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat radically cured to stay cured. I attend person ally to all cases. See them every week ana hurry the cures and quickly rescue the deaf-and blind from their most de plorable condition. My operations are all painless and almost bloodless; 34 years of active practice and great ex perience has fitted me as an expert in these diseases. No one can afford to fail in consulting me at once. I abso lutely, cure Catarrh and all allied dis eases.' I guarantee. to cure every case of any disease ! will undertake. Remember date at head of this notice. Cut it out and send to your friends i i ADDReSS DR. C. A. LAMBERT, 6446 Harvard Avenue, BNQLEWOOD STA., CHICAOO, ILL. J. ' - •W* Jib i Wirgm'M. ' - THE LATEST ARRIVAL . v -r'. We berto announce die arrival of die INTERNATK)NAL» TAILORING CO.'S new line of Spring and Summer Samples. Pnmpmmg about 500 of the most attractive fabrics. None arew up-to-date--none are so comprehensive. The styles, too, are ̂me lafft Everything is new. The execution of your order wiu be perfect of course. The International system of Taibring is without a peer in all die world. Call and congratulate us on the latest mval h*s a bounccr. ; NEIGHBORING NEWS AS CHRONICLED BY OUR ABLE CORPS OF CORRESPONDENTS | a--ees*e<aee--*»eea»»e a«eaa»«»------ I?/ - JOHNSBUR6H. John Alar drove to McHenry Tuesday, f J. C. Debrecht drove to McHenry Tuesday. , Mat Lay of Spring Grove was a caller here Sunday. Henry Meyers of McHenry was a call: er here Sunday. Peter Williams of Spring Grove spent On • # Monday in town! An agent for the Rockford was here Friday.' w-. Mips May me Weber ofYoJo wm seen in town Tuesday. Mr. Barnes front Woodstock naade^a call here Saturday. Johnny Earls of McHoary visited rel atives here Sanday. Miss Lizzie Lay ie visiting with Miss Mamie Weber at Volo, ^ Nick Nettof Zenda, Wis., spent San day at his parental home. Miss Maggie Schnriit Visited with Miss Susie Miller. Wednesday. The agent for the National Biscuit Co. made a call here Thursday. Miss Margaret Adam« transacted business in Chicago Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Willian Britz of Volo spent Tuesday with Mrs. Britz here. Misses Dena Pint and Anna Schoweer of McHenry were callers here Sunday. Miss Lena Pitzen of Volo spent a few days recently , with Miss Annie Oeff- ling. :>" Miss Dena Meyers wniertained Misses Emma Bugner and Lizzie Miller lafct Sanday. Mr. and Mrs. John Pitzen of Volo spent Sanday with Mr. and Mrs. Mike Schaefer. Misses Lena Michels and Susie Freund are spending a few days with Chicago relatives. * ' Mishee Margaret and Helen Adams spent last Suiiday afternoon with Miss Lizzie May. Mr. and Mrs. Althoff entertained a gentleman friend from New Munster, Wis , recently. Mrs. George Nell and children spent Sanday afternoon with her sister, Mrs. J. H.' Huetuahn. Mrs. Joseph Schaefer and children spent Tuesday with her mether, Mrs Stephen Freund Mrs. John Worts and Mrs. Lydia Leickem spent last week Friday with Mrs. George Nell. Mr. and Mrs. John Freund an<? family spent Sunday with Mr. Freund's moth er, Mrs. J. Fneund. Mrs. Frank Frennd and children spent Saturday afternoon with her sis ter, Mr?. Tony May. Mrs. Skifano of Chicago visited Snn- day and Monday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Theo. Meyers. Mrs. George Steinsdoerfer of Fox Lase B^ent Sanday with heir parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Freund. Mrs. Mike Bauer and son, Ben, spent Wednesday at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mr.v. Ben Tonion. Mr. and Mrs. Jake Miller spent Son- day afteruooh with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Michel*. Mrs. Fratrk Schumacher of Spring Grove is visiting her mother. Mrs. Anton Meyers, for a short, time. Miss Lena Pit sett of Volo and Miss Annie Oeffling spent Thursday with their friend, Mixs Eva Huemann. Mr. and Mr*. Win. Allhoff spent a few days the latter part of last week with Burlington friends and relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Miller of Volo spent Sanday at the home of tbe let ter's prrenta. Mr. and Mrs. Stephen F. Schmitt. "j. Anybody la need of " plows, corn- planters and cultivators can call on Joseph Huemann and look over his line of implements. J. Schmitt is now 'making Arrange ments for another entertainment to be given at St. Joseph's hall on the even ing of Easter Monday. Laat Sunday evening Mr. and Mrs. John &lein entertained Frennd, Mr. and Mr*. J«>hn Lay, Mr and Frank Miller. MiK>>e«< Lizzie and Miller The eyenimc Was ajwTK in pay Bee's Laxative Cough Symp cwstain ing Honey~aii'l Tar is especially appro priate for CL>.idren, no opiates or poi sonn of any character, conforms to the mmm*. /C\ conditions of the National Pure' Food and Drag Law, Jane SO, 1906. For Croup, Whooping Cough, etc. It expels the Coughs and Colds by gently moving the bowels. Guaranteed. Sc^ igg N B. Petesch, druggist. Biimpnfitiib ".i • Leroy Skinner was ih Nanda Satnr day. • . Mr. and Mrs. D. Kline were in Nnnda Saturday. F. W. Hartuian was in Woodstock Saturday. E E. Knilans wa ̂ a (Chicago visitor Thursday. / '• Miss Etfca-t^i^;: Woodatock Wednesday.' Clarence and Ralph Taayer were in Chicago Tuesday. y Mr. and Mrs. KHne were (n Wood stock Wednesday. ;% Miss Katheriue Steffenson is visiting friends in Chicago. A. F. Davis of Anst;n waa in thin vicinity Wednesday. Mrs. Wakefield is visiting her son tiud family at Harrington. Mr. Wille and daughter, Soplia, weie in. Woodstock Tuesday. ' - Mrs. Cameron of Nunda visited fjrteiids here Friday and Saturday, Miss Bessie Reed and brother, Sidney, were in Nnnda Wednesday. Lyman Levey of Chicago visited his parents the first of the week. Miss Mabel Skinner visited at Cherry Valley Thursday and Friday. Mrs. R. Goddard and daughter, Btta, were in Woodstock Thursday. Mrs. W. J. Garrison and daughter. Hazel, spent Sanday in Elgin. The W. C. T. U. will meet, with Mre. Ella Parks Tuesday, February 36. Mrs. Cecil Jayneof Detroit, Michigan, visited at W. H. Monroe's Friday. Mrs. J. B. Lynch, daughter, Lolo, and son were Chicago visitors Monday. Mrs. J. G. Hartman arid Mrs. Wsyne visited friends at Nnnda Thursday. Mr. Shales and family of Nnnda spent Sunday with W. Jayne and family. Mrs. Mamie Jackuian of Woodstock spent Sunday with her parents here. Mrs. James of Nnnda visited friends here from Wednesday antil Saturday. „R. Waterman and Miss Bessie Reed were in Chicago Thursday and Friday. Mrs. R. L. Dafield and brother. E. Cadwallader, were in Nunda Saturday. Born, to Mr. and Mrs.^ T. Corkill, Wednesday, February 18. 1907, a daugh ter. Mks Florence Reed came home from Woodstock to spend Sanday ̂ with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Wilson of Rock- ford visited Sunday and Monday at F. French's. Mrs. W. H. Munroe visited her daugh ter at Woods took from Monday to Wednesday. Rev. Hall of Nanda' visited at J. C. Button's and George Wheeler's the first of the week. Gordon Webster left here Tuesday for Texas, with a party of land seekers from different cities iu the county Mr. and Mrs. H.Cooper of Woodstock visited Thursday *nd Friday with thn latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. I. Wille. Those who attended the Oliver quar tette entertainment last Friday evening were more than pleased and we hope we may have the pleasure of beiag entertained by them agaiQ ,te the near future. Mr. Morall and assistant Of Chicago will give a lecture and entert;<iument in the church Saturday evening, Feb ruary 33. The entertainment will be 1.500 Samples to select from POSITIVELY NO TWO' SUITS FROM ONE SAMPLE. These are the very same fabrics you will find displayed in the shops of exclusive metropolitan tailors. We cordially invite every ; one to call at our establishment and examine our 1500 new clotlj. • : ~ ---- , ^ ̂ _ which are the best of the several thousands offered to the|g! J ~ • .* ; ; ^3-- ie this season. They are all beautiful cloths. Each onJtl? * . " • - > ' y ^ »sj ; ^ --• 1AJ" 1 Would attract the attention of a New York Broadway Beau ; -- -- :--r-- :-r-- ^ -- 1 =-- ^ > Brummel. They do not present any gaudy grandeur, still the > " • ' ' l j ~ 1 --1 --~---- :-- *r • beautiful combination of colors, superb weave and finish, create- as effect that will captivate anyone Who sees them. fi % •4 vi We stand squa rely back of the GARMENTS we make to order f r o m t h e s e cloths with our u ' n q u a l i f i e d G U A R A N T E E s. 5»lC ' S - You cannot buy better Tailoring: than we sell. Come early and get first choice of the most handsome 1500 S A n P L E S • 'y ̂ ft* te"^d!flywhere an^ rice you pay--there is none better 1 certainly there is no place in town or state where garments like ours can be secured at the low prices we sell them. Our garments are leading by a good margin* in the tailoring world, in comfort, appearance and quality and we do not expect you to accept them unless they please you in every way. You can spend from $12.50 to $36.00 for a suit--you cannot make a.mistake at any price, as we guarantee every feature of all ottr garments. \y ^ ̂ fNCE YOUR TAILOR--AL^ ; - -i » Pants Pressed Free of Charge. ^ J. D. LODTZ^ Telephone timber, :"nv. McHENRY, 251. stereoscopic views of Europe, consisting of ninety different pictures. Mr. Mor all has a very pleasant and painstaking way of illustrating his lecture and this will be mor« than interesting, as he has visited nearly if not all of these places. As this entertainment is to be given in behalf of the society'« kitchen it is Mr. Morales earnest desire that all who can from our own vicinity as well as the nearby villages will taku advantage of this grand opportunity and help along a good cause. Admission 25c, children \ ACard. I'J-j,* s*' This is to certify that all are authorized to refund your money if Foley's Honey and Tar fails to cure your coughs or colds. It stops the cougs, heals the lungs and prevents serious results from colds. Cures la grippe cough and prevents pneumonia and consumption. Contains no opiates The genuine is in a yellow package. G. W. Besley. Refuse substitutes. Tjv- T>lRinrV»al«i' •w*T»t" »d« 'I M. Ji r P H I L I P J A E Q E R GENERAL COflMlSSION MERCHANT > i.,- «ypn*r. ATTENTION GIVEN ^K> *HB SALS Olfi M :v| dressed Beef, Jlutton, Hogs,-V««lp Poultlf, [ides, Etc., Butter and Eggs This is the oldest house on t̂ e street. Sags and price liate furnkteed on application. COLD STORAGE FREE ^ CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. WmliVrit J Jos. H. Huemann Johnsburgb Illinois. Bells the McVi.'ker Gasoline .. ̂ iQesine, Duple* Grinding Mills, t; ^^w'ySS/ot̂ t Island Plows, W*gon% - ' h ^CavHages, Buggi» «^ Wind *01% .i: WeU Supplies, Harness OiJ,, ^ Oil and . ivi--" Machine Oil a Specialty. man pti M wmcsi i am agent for the above. We jwt the Kods on your Build ings and should they be struck by lightning we pay damages . if no more thau $500. Call and get full particulars. _ aneni Micfcsaittfeg , Prices ilwiys ReisMikK fMi ^ • i enough for FOOD mfflKES CR£AM %AOE PROM GRAPES w:y: TO1A C. G. Hnson was in town reoently. Mrs. Henry EHinger of Wauconda was in town Sunday. Miss Maude Walton of Round Lake spent Sunday at home. E. Richardson of Bound Lake made a business trip here recently. Joe Rosing and sister, Kate, of Round Lake were at home Sunday. Messrs. Mills and Wheelock of Wen conda were recent Volo visitors. P. L. Stadfeld and John Effiuger were MoHenry callers Friday afternoon. Mrs. Chas. Raught of Waukegan was at Raught Bros.' several days re cently. Misses Elsie Walton, Kate Frost and Hellen Raymond were McHenry callers last Friday. John Walton has been working for Converse Marble at Fox Lake during the last week. Mrs. Math. Steffes of Johnsburgh visited her sister, Mrs. Ben Rosing, one day this week. Mm. Mary Hertel and children ot Fremont are visiting the former's mother, Mrs. John Rosing. Miss Millie Rossdeutcher has resigned her position with Amann Bros, at Round Lake and is now at her home in Volo, Your mpney refunded if after u&ing ihree fourths (?) of a tube of ManZan you are dissatisfied. Return the bal ance of tbe tube to your druggist, and yoar money will be cheerfully returned. Take advantage of this offer. Sold by N. H. Peteach, druggist. On Wednesday, Feb. 13, at Wauke gan, occurred the marriage of Amanda Hanson and Earl Townsend. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs Peter HanHon of this place, and the aroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Rich ard Townsend of Round Lake. They both have many friends iu this vicinity, all of whom wi-h theui every happiness. Cor UillnaitfwMi mid Sick Hemtnch*. TakeOiino Laxative FrnivSjrnp. It sweeten** the stomach, aids 'iige.-iiou and acts as a gentle stimulant on the liver and bowels without irritating these organs. Orino Laxative Fruit Syrup cures bilioupuess and habitrtal constipation. Does rot nauseate or aripe and is mild and pleasant to take Remember the name Orino and refnue to accept any substitute. G. W. Besley. -- ~ : " Taxes! I will be at the West McHenry State bank to receive the taxes for Nunda township on Wednesday* of each week, commencing Feb. SiOand at Beu Tbroop's store, Nanda, on' Mondays and Satur days. 84 - J. D. FLEMING. ' ; |̂»r ShMtiuilla Saffortr*. ^ The quick relief from pain afforded by applying Chamberlain's Pain Balm makes it a favorite with sufferers from sciatica, lame back, lumbago and deep seated and muscular pains For sale by G. W. Besley. Basket ball tomorrow nighk r Piles get quick relief from Dr. Shoop's Magic Ointment. Remember it's made alone for piles--and it works with cer tainty and satisfaction. Itching, pein- ful, protruding or blind (riles disappear tike magic by its use. Try it and see! &, fl. Peteach. . *• * .x • IBank of This Bank receives, deposits, buys and sells Foreign and Domestic Exchange, and does a GENERAL BANKING We endeftTor to do ell intrusted to our care in a : and upon terms entirely i ory to our customers and respect fully solicit the public patronage. floney to Loan on real estate and other first class security. Special attention given to collections INSURANCE 4 in First Class Companies, at the lowest rates. Yours Respectfully Perry & Owen, Notary Public. - Bankers. Did ¥ou Say Mleats? We can supply you in first-class style with the finest meats * that money caft bfty. We sell beef by the q u a r t e r . D o y o u want one? If speak'up, Fresh - Fish E. f. MAIlUfWS, Jft. We give you tne news of town «Mi county, and give it to you The Weekly Inter Ocean printe tkatSl^ graphic newsof Accerioa and fbe oablsd news of all the world. foe one vear v-'jii'.r;