t § DYES produce colors with teat work and 110 muss WISCONSIN STATESMAN TO DOFF MAY 1 NEXT. .If you have knowledge,, let others light their candle* at it--T. Poller. JEROME'S QUESTIONING OF EX PERT WEARIES JUDOS. Lewir Single Binder straight 5c Made of extra quality tobacco ' Factory, r siyrns Hi to Serve cigar. Peoria, 111. to Cannot Afford dealer or Lewis LUNACV PROBE POSSIBLE ;F.m.S>• dlatrlct Attorney Laying Foundation for Appointment of Comml«a&m --Dr.Evana Admits Signs of *v«.l • , - » • • 'fDsW^firi^-^rbo insanity if eence, paranoia and the eharacteris tics of "brain storms" occupied both sessions of the Thaw trial Friday, and when adjournment until Monday was ordered, Br. Britton B. Evans, one of the alienists for the; defense, was still under cross-examination. District Attorney Jerome's course In questioning the witness was somewhat baffling. During the greater part of the time he seemed desirous to have Dr. Evans unqualifiedly admit that Thaw suffered from paranoia, which is practically incurable. Again ho brought from the witness the opinion that when Thaw armed himself he well knew that fc revolver was an In strument for ' self-protection, and when Sred into a human body would produce death. Finally, the prosecut or wanted to know if the actions of a person suffering from a brain storm, or mental explosion, would be charac terized by the calm, deliberate manner which Thaw displayed the night *he shot Stanford White to doaath on the Madison Square roof garden. : f Jerome's Intention Evident. The net result of the day appeared to that Mr. Jerome is still laying the foundation upon which he may ask lor a commission in lunacy to judge of the present mental condition of the defendant. Even to the extent of greatly fatiguing the judge and jury, the district attorney dwelt upon the subject of adolescent insanity and paranoia, endeavoring to establish a relationship between the two and be- itig at last rewarded by Dr. Evans* admitting that the defendant's will and ccfJcil did to his mind a F.a.\ui.oi&c form ot adolescent insanity. Adolescent insanity, it has been ex plained, is common in persons during the development period of life--from 10 to 40 years--while paranoia is a fixed insanity upon one subject--mono mania. 1 . justice Fitzgerald Indicated his fa tigue, at the three days' cross-examin ation of the expert when Mr. Jerome began to question Dr. Evans about his knowledge of other instances of r.do- lescent insanity which had resulted in acts of homicide. The alienist said there was a woman la his hospital for the insane at Morris Plains, N. J., who, in the midst of a brain storm, or mental explosion, had kilted two of her children. "How long has she been in the aay- lum?" asked Mr. Jerome sharply. "One year." "Us she cured?" ft has been but eight months since Harry Thaw shot Stanford White, Dr. Evans said the woman had fehown improvement; that her delus ions were not so marked, but she was not cared. i Even the Judge Is Tired. Mr. Delmas objected to this line of Questioning. "But, your honor,' argued Mr. Jer ome, "wi&re just getting to the point of this thing." "Well, we have been a mighty long time getting there," wearily remarked the justice. Mr. Jerome disclaimed any respon sibility for the tedious length of the cross-examination, suggesting that the blame was with the evasive answers of the expert. , : "I am not saying whose fault it is," said Justice Fitzgerald, "but I repeat Wehave been a long time getting to 'put point." v Thaw Accuses Jerome. * • New York.--Harry K. Thaw enliv ened an extremely dull session of his trial in the supreme court Thursday •by giving out to newspaper men a brief statement in which he accused l^istrict Attorney Jerome of having made unprofessional remarks in court, asserted that his wife's testimony was absolute truth, and in conclusion de clared that Mrs. Thaw's "natural real goodness" was above the comprehen sion of the prosecuting officer. • Dr. Britton D. Evans, the alienist, .was in the witness chair all of Thurs day undergoing cross-examination at the hands of District Attorney Jer ome. Dr. Evans and Mr. Jerome spent the entire day in going over eight let ters written by Thaw and culling out of them excerpts pa which Dr. Evans based his expressed belief that they (w»er% written by a person of unsound mtud. Family Wiped Out by Dynamite. Carmi, 111.--By an explosion of dyna- mite Thursday Rev. J. B. Tittle, his lather, his wife and baby were killed, and two children of the family were fatally Injured. Mr/ Tittle had ob tained the dynamite to use in blowing up stumps. , 7 Steamer Vaderland Aground. {•> London.--The Red Star line steamer £•> J Vaderland, Capt. Ehoft, which sailed from Antwerp on Saturday for New ' York, is ashore on Goodwin sands. It ||| . believed the position at the steamer Iff * "i is not dangerous. . m:v. • •"!»' Ashore In the Bay of Tokio. ^.'•|jbko!»anM|.--The Great Northern steamship Dakota went ashore in the •Bay of Tokio Sunday night. All pas sengers, are safe and (he agents of the vessel are hopeful i of saving her. • Amor Smith Gets Cincinnati Place. <>' Washington.--The nomination Thurs day by the president of Amor Smith to be surveyor of customs at Cincinnati removes from the list one of the places to which the president had in mind the possible appointment of a nejro. /P' -"i jr. > " Furious Duel In Vienna, ' ; 'Vienna. --A furious sword duel was thePablic. Washington.--Senator Spooner has written a letter to Gov. Davidson of Wisconsin tendering his resignation as a senator of the United States to take effect May 1 next. The letter was dated Saturday, but the fact that such a letter had been written or that Mr. Spooner contem plated resigning did hot become known in the senate until late Sunday, when it created great surprise and the Wisconsin senator at once found himself the subject of many anxious inquiries. To all he replied that his mind was fully made up. He had here Thursday between Herr Jfcfckovsky, vice president of the lower kaoae bi the Hungarian parliament, and Herr Harvath, a journalist. Herr Karvath was severely woundeif. : Senator John C. Spooner. found, he said, that to continue In hia present position would require a sac rifice on his part that he could not justify himself In making. In reply to questions he said h« would resume the practice of the law, but declined to say whether he would be located in Wisconsin. He did say, however, that he would continue tc be a citizen of that state as long ac he lives. Milwaukee. The anonuncemeht from Washington that United States Senator John C. Spooner of Wlscon sin had sent his resignation to Gov. Davidson came as a surprise through out Wisconsin. Gov. Davidson, when communicated with over the long distance telephone Sunday afternoon, said he had not yet received the resignation and could hardly believe it to be true. As tc Senator Spooner's successor, Gov. Davidson said that it would be left tc the present legislature to elect a suo cessor to fill the unexpired term. Gov. Davidson would not talk for publica tion at this time as to Senator Spoon er's successor further than to say h« presumed that some of the Wisconsin congressmen, naming Cooper and Esch, who were candidates for the senatorship at the tims Senator La Foilette was elected to succeed Sena tor Quarles, would again enter th* field. "Most men," said the man of expert- ence, "think it must be awfully nice to have a wife who takes things as coolly as Dave Potter's wife takes them; but others, more discriminat ing, prefer a good honest row to her style of quiet cynicism. The way she behaved the other day when she found a letter in Dave's pocket from a girl is an example of her method. "'I don't see,' wrote this girl, 'how on earth I can ever live without you.' "Dave's wife read that gush, and a lot more just like it, without ever turn ing a hair. "'Well,' she said, quietly, that girl is a fool. If she knew you as well as I do she would be wondering how on earth she could ever live with you.' "And that, in the opinion of the die* criminating few, cuts a whole Lot deeper than a common, everyday ram- pas." , . PREPARE THIS YOURSELF. HECEIVER FOR MRS. EDDY. Son of Christian Science Founder Files Bill, Demanding Accounting. Concord, N. H.--A bill in equity to secure an accounting of the financial affairs of Mrs. Mary Baker Glover Eddy, head of the Christian Science ch<trch, was filed in the superior court for Merrimac county Friday by Mrs. Eddy's son George W. Glover, of Deadwood, S. D„ and his daughter, Miss Mary Baker Glover, and George W. Baker of Bangor, Me., nephew and "next friend" of Mrs. Eddy. The bill Is directed against Alfred Farlow and other trustees of the Christian Science church in Boston, and Calvin A. Frye, Mrs. Eddy's sec retary, Lewis O. Strang, her assistant secretary, and Herman S. Herring, first reader of the church In Concord. Besides demanding an accounting of all transactions in connection with Mrs. Eddy's affairs, the bill asks for restitution in case any wrong-doIn& appears, for an injunction during liti gation against interference with her property and business, and for a re ceiver. Mf. Glover says the bill Is In the Interests of his mother, as she is incompetent to transact or under stand business, and he more than inti mates she is being defrauded. Concord, N. H. >-- According to Gen. Frank S. Streeter, legal ad viser of Mr|. Mary Baker G. Eddy, the equity suit brought by her relatives is part of the recent persecution to which she has been subjected. ftead of the Foresters Dies. Ottawa, Ont -- Private telegram* from Augusta, Ga., announce the death of Dr. Oronhyatekha, head of the Independent Order of Foresters, there Sunday. Dr. Oronhyatekha was a native of Canada and a full blooded Mohawk Indian. He was the founder of the Foresters. -. : Actor Jump* to His Death. " Cloister, Pa.--In an effort to escape being burned to death John Conly, a comedian of the Vanity Fair company, was instantly killed Sunday by jump ing from f> window of the Areade ho tel. Coal Gas Overcomes Twenty-Five. Smithfield, R. I.--Twenty men and five women were overcome by coal gas In a boarding house in the village of Georgiaville, Sunday, and it is feared that if two cases fatal results mayiol- low. > Butte Strike is Serious. ? vJldtte, Mont.--The strike of the 'va- rious unions in this city spread rapid ly Friday. In maty cases the men have quit, and in others they are lock ed out It is estimated 3,700 .work ers are idle in this city. v Bad Sleet Stcrm In Des Moines. Des Moines, la.--A heavy sleet storm Friday plastered Des Moines with ice, tying up street car traffic, dapaging telephone and telegraph wires and seriously interrupting * tritfar „»ertJce out of the city. Mow to Make the Best Tonic at Home. jl For those who have any form of blood disorders; who want new, rich blood and plenty of it, try this: Fluid Extract Dandelion, one-half ounce; Compound Kargon, one ounce; Compound Syrup Sarsap&rilla, three ounces. _ Shake^weUut a bottle and take in teaspoonful doses after each meal and at bedtime. Any good pharmacy can supply the ingredients at small cost. This is the prescription which, when made up, is called "The Vegetable Treatment;" by others, the "Cyclone Blood Purifier." It acts gently and certainly does wonders for some peo ple who are sickly, weak and out of sorts, and is known to relieve serious, long-standing cases of rhei^%f.{gm and chronic backache quickly., r ,, Make some up and try it. * , Admired Statesman's Statura. A German journalist visiting In Washington, himself a man of stal wart proportions, was rather inclined to look with something like contempt on the many undersized statesmen he taw in the national legislature. But when Secretary Taft bore down upon him he gasped In wonder. They were introduced and after a short chat the secretary departed. Just as he disap peared from the German's admiring gaze the towering form of Congress man Sulloway hove into view. The German looked at the New Hampshire man long and earnestly. "He is big ger than any man in his imperial ma jesty's Uhlan guards," said the for eigner in a tone of chagrin, "and I shall write one whole letter about him." STJLTX or OHIO. CITY or TOL*D», I L«OAS COUTT. ( ' , Fbajtk J. CHKHCR mike* orth tint ha to partner of th« Arm of F. J. CH**«T * Co., doing boalneM in dM City ot Toledo. County and Siala •forwaJd, nd that aald firm will pay tha »um of ONJt HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and e»ory cam ot Catiiii that cannot be cared by the use ot HALL'S Cituu Csu. FRANK J. CHKKET. Sworn to before roe and eubecrlbed In my preaenoc, tbU 6th day of Oecembjr, A. D.. 188#. „ . ^ j A« We GLLAoujI, I NOTABT PtrSuo. HaTrTcattrrti Core to taken Internally and acts directly oo the blood aad mnoou* eurfacea of the artteui. Bend for teatlnurolals. free. F. J. CHKNE7 4k CO.,TDL*dO| Ot Sold by all Druggist*, 73c. Take Iioll'e Family Pi lie for cooatlpaUoa. The Mugger's Attendant* While clambering up I noticed what looked like the hulk of a ship, about 400 yards away, says a writer in' the London Field. It turned out to be a monster crocodile; it must, without exaggeration, have been 27 or 28 feet long, and in its close vicinity were five or six small muggers, looking like a bodyguard. 1 was afterward told by an old Cawnpore resident that they actually act as such, and give warn ing of any approaching danger to their overlord: • Crisis Averts#/ The two men met, stopped and glared at each other. Then one of them spoke. "Rivers," he said, "you are wrong! It'8 a lie! I haven't the grip!" "Brooks," impulsively exclaimed the other, "it's an infamous falsehood! It's a base slander! I don't know of any cure for the grip, and I wouldn't tell you of it if I did!" Then they solemnly shook hands and passed on. Keep Your Face to the Sunlight. I know an old man who has had a good deal of trouble and many losses and misfortunes, but he started out in life with a firm determination to ex tract just as much real enjoyment from it, as he went along, as possible --not in dissipation, but in wholesome recreation and fun. He has always tried to see the humorous side and the duty of happiness.--O. 8. Marden in Success Magazine. . COFFtfc THKfcttHED HCBt n- ^ Long Yea|*- ^ ; ____ -iM "For over fifteen years," writes a patient, hopeful little Ills, woman, "while a coffee drinker, I suffered from Spinal Irritation and Nervous trouble. I was treated by good physi cians, but did not get much relief. "I never suspected that coffee might toe aggravating my condition. I was downhearted and discouraged, but prayed daily that I might find some thing to help me. "Several years ago while at a friend's house, I drank a cup of Post- um and thought I had never tasted anything more delicious. "From that time on I used Postum instead of coffee, and soon began to improve in health, so that now I can walk half a dozen blocks or more with ease, and do many other things that I never thought I would be able to do again in this world. "My appetite is good, I sleep well, and find life worth living, indeecf A lady of my acquaintance said she did not like Postum, it was so weak and tasteless. "I explained to her the difference when it is made right--boiled accord Ing to directions. She was glad to know this because coffee did not agree with her. Now her folks say they ex pect to use Postum the rest of their lives." Name given by Postum Co., Battle Creek, Mich. Head the little hook, "The Road to Wellvilie,M tn skg». "Thare's a: reason."* ABtg JNtgalafor The year of MOT was one of prodBgd seed farms. Never before d farm seeds return such enc ~ Now we" wish to efcln $00,000 new tomers this year ana hei ~ postpaid i pkg. Garden City Beet lOe 1 " Earliest Ripe Cabbage lOe 1 " Earliest Emerald Cucumber.... 15c 1 " La Cresee Market Lettuce..15c 1 '* 13 Dav Radish.... .............. 10c i " Blue &lood Tomato............ 15c 1 " Juicy Turnip 10c lOQO kernels gloriously beautiful flow er seeds-:.. 15c Total .....;...........,..iT00 All for 12c postpaid in order to intro duce our warranted seeds, and if you will send 16c we will add one package of Berliner Earliest Cauliflower, together with our mammoth plant, nursery stock, vegetable and farm seed and tool catalog. This catalog is mailed free to all Some men outlive tnetr usefulness and some others are born without any. < , You have missed the best if Garfield Tea, Nature's laxative, has been over, looked; take it to regulate the liver and to overcome constipation. • £ It Isn't always policy to believe the man who tells you what hevwould do if he were in your place. J lor nfrats aad Children to ffc OfirTWrtjYWB Thi Kind YOB Han Ahnp H " - V" /j Write to-day. John A. Salzer Seed Co., Box W, {s Crospe, Wis. tending purchasers, THE CERTMIM OOBWIW. TV ,v •-rnscr.Mni How to Sleep in a Blanket. There are a great many very com petent treatises telling you how to build your fire, pitch your tent and all the rest of it. I have never seen des cribed the Woodman's method of using a blanket, however. Lie flat on your back. Spread the blanket over you. Now raise your legs rigid from the hips, the blanket, of course, draping over them. In two swift motions tuck first one edge under your legs from right to left, then the second edge un- :er from left to right, and over the t edge. Lower your legs, wrap up your shoulders and go to sleep. If you roll over one edge will unwind but the other will tighten.--Stewart Edward White in Outing. OH1TONE "BSOKO QtnXlTrr THAT i a LAXATLVB BKOMO Qainine. n*HMd remedies sometimes decelvei- The first oriflnal Cold Tablet la a WHITE PACK AUK with black and red lettering, and bear* tbe signature ot JS.W.QB0YE. »5O. SimUartj Some men are like some horses; they will stand without hitching, bui tie them to a post and they will pr<> ceed to kick over the tracea. FITS, St. Vitus Pance and a!! Nerroilsr' Diseases piermanently cured by Dr. Kline's Great Nerve Restorer. Send for Free $2.00 ,»rial bottle and treatise. Dr. R. H. FQiee. Ld., 981 Arch St.. Philadelphia, Pa. * rs Proof of Merit. The proof of the merits of a plaster Is the cures it effects, and the volun tary testimonials of those who have used Allcock's Plasters during the 'past Bixty years is unimpeachable evidence of their superiority and should convince the most skeptical. Self-praise is no recommendation, but certificates from those who have used them are. Allcock's are the original and gen uine porous plasters and have never been equaled by those who have sought to trade upon their reputation by making plasters with holes In them. Avoid substitutes as you w< counterfeit money. f! Wages In Germany Advanced. Wages in the machine factories of Germany advanced last year 10 to 15 per cent ^ - It Cures While You Walk. Allen's Foot-Fapp is a certain cure hot. pwenting. o.illous. and swollen, aching feet. Sold by all druggists. Price 25c. Don't acceptanv substitute. Trial racVage FREE. Address Allen S. Olmsted, Le Roy, N. Y. Runabout--"Reggy's new automo bile blew up with him on the first trip, and he sued the firm that sold him the machine." Speeder--"Did he recover anything?" Runabout-- "Everything, I believe, but one finger and part of an ear."--Judge. RHEUMtfIS CURED f" <Ja t" * * ' The Circulation Stimulated f and th® Muscles and Joirfc Jybricated by using Price 25cr 50c 6$1.00 Sold by All Dealers loan's Treatise On The Horse""5ef»t fne Address Dr. Earl S.Slo&n,Boston, ••.I •„ , a . : <iiP V V P J «*:•>.»: Inducement to Undertakers! The following advertisement ap peared in a paper of a small town la Colorado: "For Sale--An old established, well" paying undertaker's establishment.. The city is In a very unhealthy loca tion, where the mortality is very great. There is only one doctor in the whole town. The deaths from fever alone pay the expenses, and the rest is clear profit There is no competi tion."--Judge. The General Condemnation of So-Called.Patent or Secret Medicines of £a injurious character/ which indulge in extravagant and unfounded pretensions to cure all manner of ills, and the t fi' 'r,\ j • m Special--Plenty of Work at Jotlet, III.- If you anticipate coming to Joliet and looking for employment here, you, can obtain all the information regard ing conditions here and prospects for remunerative work free of charge by addressing P. O. box 1523. Do ao. It will be to your advantage. Notwithstanding the existence of switches, pads, drug store complex* ions, belladonna and pneumatic con trivances such as are described in the advertising pages of magazines, you never have heard of a self-made woman. The foundation of pride is the wiBb to respect one's self, whatever others-: may think; the mainspring of vanity; is the craving for the admiration of others, no matter at what cost to one's self-respect.--F. Marion Crawford. Garfield Tea, an absolutely pure and ef fective laxative! Made of Herbs. Take it to purify the blood, to overcome constipa-* tion and to eradicate rheumatism and; chronic diseases. Building Up Manila. ^Manila is issuing building permits at the rate of from 10 to 25 a day, large and small. National Legislation Enacted to Restrict Their Sale have established more clearly than could have been accomplished in any other way The Value and Importance of Ethical Remedies. >%' Remedies which physicians sanction for family use, as they act most beneficially and 'iiilgptle yet prompt in effect, and called ethical, because they are of Known Excellence and Quality and of Known Component Parts*. ) To gain the full confidence of the Well-Informed of the world and the approval of the most eminent physicians, it is essential that the component parts be known to and approved by them, and, therefore, the California Fig Syrup Compdny has published for many years past in its advertisements and upon every package a full statement thereof. The per- feet purity and uniformity of product which they demand in a laxative remedy of an ethical character are assured by the California Fig Syrup Company's original method of manufacture, known to the Company only. There are other ethical remedies approved by physicians, but the product of tlH California Fig Syrup Company possesses the advantage over all other family laxatives that it cleanses, sweetens and relieves the internal organs on which it acts, without . disturbing the natural functions or any debilitating after effects and without having to increase the quantity from time to time. This valuable remedy has been long and favorably known under the name of Syrup of Figs, and has attained to world-wide acceptance as the most excellent of family laxatives, and as its pure laxative principles, obtained from Senna, are well known to physicians and the. Well-informed of the world to be the best of natural laxatives, we have adopted the more elaborate name of Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna, as more fully descriptive of the remedy, but doubtlessly it will always be called for by the shorter name of Syrup of Figs; and to get its beneficial effects, always note, when purchasing, the full name of the Company--California Fig Syrup Co.-- plainly printed On the front of every package, whether you simply call for Syrup of Figs, or by the full name, Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna, as Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna is the one laxative remedy manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Company, and the same heretofore known by the name, Syrup of Figs, which has given satisfaction to millions. The genuine is for sale by all leading druggists throughout the United States in original packages of one sire only, the regular price of which is fifty cents per bottle. # Every bottle is sold under the general guarantee of the Company, filed with the Secretary of Agriculture, at Washington, D. C., the remedy is not adulterated or nat*. hr.ruW within the meaning of the Food and Drugs Act, June 30th, 1906. , - - * J M -I *'4 ^ > 'v ^ r. vSk* ^ .".#'45 ' * yr *- •iil mm. Sit.. «\35* • No "Dead Ones" Wanted. We need hustlers who can sell land.. Northern Land ft Inv. Co., St. Paul, Minn., Luxury in this world makee ua flor- get another.--Bartholomew. CALIFORNIA FI6 '#1 San Francisco, CaL U. S. A. London, England. X * I New Yot*, W. Y. % . f": You always get full value in LewiV Single Binder straight 0c cigar. Your ' dealer or Lewis' Factory, Peoria, HI. Minds of too many men are filled with useless knowledge. riLSS CURED I.K • TO 14 BATS. PAZO OINTMKNT la icnaranMrd >o ear* aajr M nir. Blind. Bieedinic or Protruding PilM la • tol4dar«ormou«r refuDited. fiOo. PERFECTION POULTRYand 0. K. Poultry and Rabbit Fence A toast--May the beat you be the worst you get. Mrs. Wlnilow't SooftMnir Sjruu. • tldree teeth 1M, softena tbe gura«, r»avoM t»> tiisyipun.curM wlndooiiu. ascaboMa. Soft people occasionally wordA bard Tka nana ftaclf dmcrlbee all. Setvl for catslogaa fraa. which give* description r>f all our fences and Iron gate ft. tWttSMS *»E FENCE CO.. MSEMM. INS. nViVf iinw Unexcelled torgeneral farm- Ufiur liAfln iriur, rtock, dairying, frnlta, Iraok, etc :~ooaT«in«ntw> the rtrf bwt market* ud «r*Mpor> Utlon fadlltle" Write nearest ofBee for llHtaand pub-ficatlons. M. V. Rlohard*. Land end In<H«»trlal Airent, Southern Rr. and MoMle*OhloR.H. WMhlnatori D.^C. U. fl. ChMe. WmI A8fc.,634CbemioBl Bldtf.. St. Louie, Mo. A. N. K.--A (1907---10) 2108. W. L. DOUGLAS $3.00 AND $3.50 SHOES V. L OOOBUS 94J0IU.T OfiE SHOES CMWOT BE EQUAUiO AT MV PfllCE. SHOES mt EVERYBODY AT AIL PRICESr Men's Shoes, tStotljn. Boy.' SUo««, S3 to SI.XB. Woraert " \to S1.SO. MImm' * Children * Shoe., fX.x'S to «1.00. Shoe*, «4toSl W. In Douglas i obc the best in i I shoee are recognized by expert judges of footwear to be the best in style,fit and wear produced in this country. Each part of the shoe and every detail of the making is looked after and watched over by skilled shoemakers, without regard to time or cost. If I ooald take you into my larjro factories at Brockton, Mass., and show you how carefully \V. L. Douglas shoes are made, you would then understand why they hold t wear loneer, and are of greater value than any other makes. W. 1- Dontrlan 'uutie *nd pri<*e I* stamped on t he hottom, whioli prot»*<*ts tlie wei prloet and inter or iboe*. Take t»«lntl.ole. Hold l>y the be«i Phoe di J J 's ehTrT MUlWt htJSI TIRED AND SICK YET MUST WORK "Man may work from sun to son bat woman's work is never done," In order to keep the home neat and pretty, the children well dressed and tidy, women overdo and often suffer in silence, drifting along from bad to worse, knowing well that they ought to have help to overcome the pains and aches which daily make life a burden. It is to these women that Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, made from native rdots and herbs, comes as a blessing. When the spir- ai,«* i u a m its are depressed, the head and back MHw » v/ aches, there are dragging-down pains, nervousness, sleeplessness, and reluctance to go anywhere, these are only symptoms which unless heeded, are soon followed by the worst forms of Female Complaints. Lydia 8. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound keeps the feminine organism ina strong and healthy condition. Itcures Inflammation, Ulceration, displacements, and organic troubles. In preparing for child-birth and to carry women safely through the Change of Life it is most efficient. Mrs. Augustus Lyon, of East Earl, Pa., writes:-- Dear Mrs. Pink- ham:--"For a long time I suffered from female troubles and had all kinds of aches and pains in the lower part of back and sides, I could not sleep and had no appetite. Since taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and following the advice which you gave me I feel like a woman and I cannot praise your medicine too highly." Mrs. Pinkham's Invitation to Women s;. Women suffering from any form of female weakness are invited #® write Mrs Pinkham, at Lynn, Mass. Out of her vast volume of ex perience she probably has the verv knowledge that will help yon* case. Her advice is free and always helpful. MORE MUSTARD PLASTERS TO BLISTER. B SCIENTIFIC AND MODERN EXTERNAL COUNTER-UUttTAllVir ; CAPISICUM, „ | • V A S E L I N E . EXTRACT OF THE CAYENNE PEPPER PLANT A QUICK SURE. SAFE AND ALWAYS READY CURE FOR PAIN.--PR1CB 15C -IN COLLAPSIBLE TUBES--AT ALL DRUGGISTS AND DEALERS. OR BY MAIL ON RECEIPT OF 15c. IN POSTAGE STAMPS. DON'T WAIT T I L L T H E P A I N C O M E S - K £ £ P A T U B E H A N D Y . A substitute for and superior to mustard or any other plaster, and'will not blister the most delicate skin. The pain-ailaying and curative qualities of the article are wonderful. It will stop the toothache at once, and relieve Headache and Sciatica. We recommend it as the best and safest external counter-irritant known, also as an external remedy for pains in the chest and stomach and ail Rheumatic, Neuralgic and Gouty complaints, A trial will prove what we claim for It, and it will be found to be invaluable in the household and for chi ldren. Once used no family will be without it. Many people say "it is the .best of all your preparations." Accept no preparation of vaseline unless the same carries our label, as otherwise It is not genuine. SEND YOUR ADDRESS AND tfE WILL MAIL Otf|t VASE LINE PAMPHLET WHICH WILL INTEREST YOU. GHESEBROUGH MFG. CO* - ~ ' .n 17 STATE STREET. HEW YORK CITT MUiMi-HHSMMMnsriaiiiiii •f * »<5 PH1LLIPSBURG, PI»Iiip» Co., Ka«a» nung Boudileaionce fur beautifullytliost (s:ie 11 x l(il "Souvenir Bdilioa of our County" and lOo for niustr*te«l booklet. Quail iind 1'rairieChicken In Phillips Co. fw*p«roiiifrro*iiw(Hi;-INUH>ni>*> tttrirkbut- BMS ltor«. now bnUdlntf--W«nw NOW Manufacturer*, horn* Ntkin. wortlat nt«a> aaa women--One of b*«t eorn, boaf. Mttleand horw connticajn tW 8t*tg. m prove It. IHB a tosifTW. tilt H» v •. - -. 4 m Hlxbtand Pyfc IUM lag a artaxlon w Mattkmllukwi. bias and r>shU«. .,r»li wnlejl laponaBplleatlo*. WllXttX • I*. • BBIM^HI tic* pro ' DEST VALUE IN MESIIKI CHUM O L»u4«. West Kaui«aajr, frHtok UMuaabt*. fj.--• IruU Ivnii Ona-thniwiyi Mlin i W i *>^ J \ f ' * „ r *