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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 7 Mar 1907, p. 10

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' . HH I fVK .*'• • - •»• 5«S '- i'V'V ?«K -v ;*?,. Haven't You Bought A ?7>-' - or • 4.^; ' • v.. •"> *• this season? We have a big assortment 0n hand at prices that would make a TAILOR WONDER that the quality is so good for the price. In fact, the jjrice he would charge you for the |arae quality and workmanship would Appear so he had to pay the price for lloth alone that we charge you for a S U I T O R O V E R C O A T . ist ncHenry, Illinois. OUR LINE OF HOUSE­ HOLD FURNITURE IS MORE COMPLETE THAN EVER BEFORE AND IS AT ALL TIHES READY FOR YOUR INSPECTION. LET US GIVE YOU OUR PRICES. THEY PLEASE. i*- • a.fci J, ̂ m i, >„>;•> 3acob3usten American Field '•if:; H > -• H < ;|V' . * & :i. • As an inducement for earl> fence building I will give a liberal discount for cash on all fencing purchased on before March 1st. I Surely Can Make floney For You you give me your fence JVEST SIDE HARDWARE (iroccfies tiought Here Are tiuar- dnteed Fresti and Mely Pure 5 pounds Whole Jap Rice for. FancyJEarly June^ Peas, can.... t * ' \ 1* Ohio Early June Peas, can. /« r. 10c Green, Wax or Lima Beans, can Full quart bottle Maple and Cane Syrup.%> .;• 35o 25-oz. can K. C. Baking Powder VVV-g^C Rumford Baking Powder, guaranteed equal to any 50c powder on the market, 1 pound can.. 25q Baking Powder, reg. 20c value, lb 15c Crown ^ , Fancy Evaporated Apples, lb. package. Celery Sal t in s i f ter bott le . . . . . . . . . Whole Wheat Flour, 10-lb. sack .. Pure Strained Honey, 1-lb. bottle.. *,50c Tea, ^4-pound package .. . • -13o * <* • 10c . 2 5 c 25c 20c Try German-American Coffee -- None Better. JOH Terms Cash West McHenry, Illinois. •I-- AnmKwmstmK. tally o^wn 6»« Clab SnMHl Day X« Camp. 4 . .150 95 68 188 80 Zit 40 61 48 1^150 80 59 ... 80 88 41 ...140 128 87 ..,180 84 72 ...100 87 67 ...140 115 80 .,,110 86 82* ,r .' 60 80 50 f vi? 60 3» 60i 70 47 67 ;v.. so 6 12 . 4 * 50 40 80 50. 19 88 80 24 80 JVr 10 1 10 ..̂ *40 & 60* ...10 7 70 10 5 50 . VT 10 9 20 \ The Bally O'Gregg Gun clab of Mo- Henry apent a day's outing on Thnra- day, Feb. 28. at their old camping grounds down the river. Anton En- geln and J, J. Bach were among the late; arrivals at the scene /of activity, bnt their appearance was hailed with the greatest delight, as it Was these two gentlemen who furnished the "Mex­ ican stew" for the occasion. Among other things a bine rock shoot was on the day's program, in which nearly all present took part. The following is the individual score as furnished t*y one who was present Shot Broke Pot. W. Riley .... Holts V .. A. Engeln. .... P Kother<s«i. Bechstein.... P, Engeln,... L. Lareoiu,.^.' ner&.v H. HeimerJ,, P. Weber., N. Bar J. Heiiuer..... Herbea... Jaeger. Boley .... . M. Thelen i C. Edwardlk.K i 3. .1. Buch. ...... M. Weber J. Leickem..,;.< R. Laughlin.... Deputy -- As will be seen by the above, J. J. Bach's score isn't one that would Win many medals, bat. nevertheless, be was there with the goods whein it came to serving the Mexican stew. The Bailey ©'Gregg Gun club is com- ]K>sed of a lot of jovial gentlemen, and when they go out for a little recreation and enjoyment they generally get it. On this occasion no one was disappoint­ ed, but all report a pleasant day's out­ ing. C. B. Bnrhans Teatlfles After Four Years. G. B. Burhans, of Carlisle Center, N. Y., writes: "About four years ago I wrote you stating that I had been entire­ ly cured of a severe kidney tronble by taking less than two bottles of Foley's Kidney Cure. It entirely stopped the brick dust sediment, and pain and symptoms of Kidney disease disappear­ ed. I am glad to say that I have never had a return of any of these symptoms during the four years that have elapsed and I am evidently cured to stay cured, and heartily recommend Foley's Kidney Cure to any one suffering from kidney and bladder trouble." G. W. Besley. v1 Council Proceedings. * ? .. Oouncil Room, March 4.1907. The board of trustees met in regular Present, Trustees Block, Bar- Weber; absent, Stoffel. President Evanson presiding. The min­ utes of the last regnlar meeting were read and approved. The following bills were read and approved by the committee: John Walsh, polic M. M Nieseh, ' Valvoline Oil Co., George Engeln, labor...... Wilbur Lumber Co., coal.... D. T. Smiley, ser Doherty cai Chicago Tel Co., messages.. McHenry Elec L H & P Co., light 88.00 On mQtion by Barbian, seconded by Simes, the bills were approved. There being no further business the board ad­ journed. JOHN STOFFEL, Clerk. Found at Last. J. A. Harmon, of Lizemor®, West Va., Bays: "At last I have found a perfect pill that never disappoints me; and for the benefit of others afflicted with torpid liver and chronic tion, will say: take Dr. King's New Life Pills." Guaranteed satisfactory. 25c at N. H. Petesch's, Frank Masquelet's, McHenry, G. W. Besley's, West #c- Henry, druggists. New 1111 pro Worts & Boley, tors of the McHenry brewery, have gain made a few improvements in their plant. During the past week a racking apparatus used for filling bar­ rels and a power keg washing machine have been installed. Both are valuable additions to the already quite complete >riner apparatus will do away with the waste formerly exper- 1 in filling the kegs and will serve to keep the beer from dust and dirt. The power keg washer dues the work it is designed for just four times than the old way of washing by be saving of mucl and hard manual labor. ^ . Worked Like a Charm. ^ Mr. D. N. Walker, editor of spicy journal, the Enterprise, Louisa, Va., says: "I ran a nail in my foot last week and at once applied Bucklen's Ar- Salve. No inflammation followed; the salve simply healed the 1 Heals every sore, burn and skin Guaranteed at N. H. Petesch's, Frank Masquelet's, McHenry, G. W. Besley's, West McHenry, druggists. 25c. Rlnrwood Universalis* Church. Regular preaching at the Universalist church next Sunday at 2:80 p. m. You will miss something good if you are not there. Readers of this notice hunt up the notice of McHenry Universalist church and read that. All4«ordialb Orino Laxative Fruit Syrup stimulates the liver and thoroughly cleanses the system and cleans the complexion of pimpleb and blotches. It is the b laxative for women and children as it is mild and pleasant, and does not gripe or sicken. Orino is much superior to pills, aperient waters and all ordinary cathartics as it does not irritate the stomach a^d bowels. G. W. Besley. The Ladies' Aid society of the Ring- wood J4. E. church will serve a dinner atthelM. W. A. hall in^Ring wood on Thursday. March 14. The charges will be 15 cents for the children and 25 Frank Barbbut, a Nephew of Bros., Beavr Loser By m re. 4;,.#50.00 ........ 50.00 - 15.00 employ Barbian tiros, have just received word from their nephew, Frank Barbian, to the effect that he has loser by fire at Rochester, New Hamp­ shire where he located. The fire occurred on the morning of February 21 and before the blaze could be checked Barbian & Andrews suffer­ ed a loss of $6,500 with an insurance of $4,000. Mr. Barbian was at one ed by Barbian Bros, of made friends hero who regret to of his misfortune. The following clipping concerning the loss to Barbian & Andrews is from a Rochester paper: J "The Elkhorn Cigar Manufacturing Co. was among the heaviest their tools, stock and other fi totally destroyed and they had a amount on hand, having jnst received a large invoice a few days agoT The loss will be $6,500, and they have $4,000 insurance. The proprietors are Messrs. Barbian & Andrews. They had a large number of orders on hand and h»ve not yet decided what they will do. It is hoped by all that they will eosttinue business." Dangers of Pneumonia. A cold at this time if neglected is liable to cause pneumonia which is so often fatal, and even when the patient has recovered the lungs are weakened, making them peculiarly susceptible to the development of consumption. Fo- lep's Honey and Tar will stop the cough, heal and strengthen the lungs and pre­ vent pneumonia. Lft Grippe coughs yield quickly to the wonderful curative qualities of Foley's Honey and Tar. There is nothing else "just as good." G. W. Besley. |§ 5 nurse all.wheat bread will fcave the suae effect. e iwoedy to L to man, if jphisietsas i\ray to health. And thisia N. H. PETESCH, 5*3. UnlyerMUtst Chsrah. Rev. Arthur Roberts, pastes v^e hei*e make notice that we are* having regular services at the above named church every Sunday, preaching at 10:30 a, m, and Sunday school at 11:45. Now, we infer that many have forgotten that we have been having services, or they have become indifferent about the church and think the world does not need it. It may be that yon have fonnd something better to attend on the Sab­ bath. If so, please let ns know, and if your reasoning is correct and sufficient, we will gladly go with yon. God has made us to live together and for one another. We shall expect all who are able to attend, unless detained at home on account of siokness, to be at church next Sunday, or a written exouse. Think what "is your duty. Everybody cordially invited. Carbolic Acid Causes Death. Thru taking a dose of carbolic acid, a bottle of which she had mistaken for another vial standing on the same shelf, Mi3s Frances Emily Sutfin, resid ing a half mile west of Dundee, acci dentally caused her own death, shortly after 3 o'clock Monday morning. Miss Sutfin had been ailing for some time, and very recently suffered a severe at­ tack of the grip. She arose about 8 o'clock Monday morning, and without arousing any other occupants of the house, went to a shelf which contained a number of medicine bottles. It is presumed that on account of the dark ness she made the mistake which sud­ denly ended her life. Hearing a noise in his sister's room, Miss Sutfin's broth­ er went to the bedroom and found her in agonising pain. He immediately sent for Dr. Haggerty, but when that physician arrived -Miss Sutfin was be yond human aid, and she died shortly afterward. Coroner Norton impaneled a jury to bold the inqnest and a verdict was returned of accidental poisoning, self-adminiftered, in accordance with the testimony heard. Rh eumatic sufferers can have a free sample of Dr. Shoop's Remedy with book on Rheumatism by simply writing Dr. Shoop, Racine, Wis. This book will explain how Dr. Shoop's Rheumat­ ic Renedy successfully drives Rheumat­ ism out of the blood. This remedy is not a relief only. It aims to clear the blood entirely of Rheumatic poisions, and then Rheumatism must die a nat­ ural death. Sold by N. H. Petesch. r This is PLACE o buy your drugs. During our ience in the business we have und that it is the house: that W:h the old and reliable goods at meets with success and that the kind of goods '71V ' ' - 1 Q.W. BESLEY. Art You >-• ' "I; •/ are now ready for your inspecti ^ line is the largest in town. In dr _ ^jlain colors, plaids and checks in wool Stton, fancy waisting, gleams, '••vi cales. Our laces and embroideries *erj fine. Call and look us over guying. Prices are the lowest. A FEW SNAPS^mfcETlfBV XXXX Coffee.. , Blimitation Fruit Jfellies, 10c mz^iovi . 44 " 44 25c " "v ...*.r ' ;Wigor , 10c s ize fore . . . . mmm imimm IF. A, Telephone 201 ^IMI % OF WEST McHENRY, ILLINOIS. Capital Stock, $25,000. •Wi SOFFICERS: *> *• ' u %:$y < h ..J.' EDWIN h. WAGNER, President. , .• PARKER S. WEBSTER, Vice-President. ' SIMON STOFFEL, Vice-President. ' ' , CARL W. STENGER, Castieii CHECKING ACCOUNTS. SAVINGS AC­ COUNTS, CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT, DOriESTlC AND FOREIGN.EXCHANGE, COLLECTIONS, NOTARY PUBLIC. : : 3 percent paid on Savings Ac counts and Time C e r tificates of Deposit. How would you like to aelect -UnUi- ntuh HUmU ' and have Ed. V. Price fc> Co., our Chicago chant Tailors make a suit expressly for yvu like any one of the above desitfnf--osr pp Fashion Plate ahows twenty others* > They will be made right up to date |uat like they wear them in bid cities. They have some beautiful garments for some of our lmt dressers this season. numbers 3220, 3262, 3280, 3297 simolet #f Shirt Values We have bought all three styles of the Elgin Shirt company's shirts and everyone knows that the Elgin j shirt is a better shirt for the money than any other brandy made, full cut in body, fits better, and in workmanship^ excels all. The line consists of Mohairs in blue, grey and I tan, with and without collars, sold^ nowhere for less than | $2.50. Our price while they last is choice of 4|| ^ lot-* • •• ..«•••*••••• ...u Wall Paper We already have a large and complete line and quality and jj&ttern& are sure to please. See the line we are J bieTon8.31^.^' 10, 15, 18, and 20c Tlen's Furnishings Our stock in this line is very complete. We are showing all the new shapes and shades in men's hats and at prices we guarantee you can't find elsewhere, We bound to please you.

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