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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 7 Mar 1907, p. 4

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! K v , : Then your blood must be in a very bad condition. You certainly know what to take, then take it -- Ayer's Sarsa- parilla. If you doubt, then consult your doctor. We know what he will say about this grand old family medicine. Thi* is the firit question yon* doctor would -Ate your bowel* regular ?' He know» that dally action of the bowels is absolntely cssentua to recovery. Keep your liver fcctjve and yoar bowW^regnlar by taking laxative Kate toy *.<K iyarOm X.owell, *«n ilw anoflMnnri of yers HAIR VIGOR. AGUE CURE. CHERRY PECTORAL. We have »o secrets! We publish the formnlae of all our medloine*. MONTHLY SCHOOL REPORT. What Vwwlnip ud Vnpili Aw Delaf- Buket Ball Ounel. [lie McHeery PHiileiler PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY BY « ' F. Q. SCHREINER. Pino in Bank Building. Telephone, No. 27*. M 95 8 ^ .94 .6 »H.88.7 Wi ;,r^? TKftMS OF SUBSCRIFTIOHl - months, 75cts. . . .MM Three months. Mot*. Thursday, March 7,1907. #OR COMMISSIONER OF HIGHWAYS. I hereby annonnce myself a candidate for the office of highway commissioner for the town of McHenryl subject to the Republican primaries, and will be thankful for the rapport of the voters. Mar 14* JAMBS CONWAY. FOR TRUSTEE. JfSjt-I hereby annonnce myself a candidate for the office of member of the village v board, snbject to the decision of the ' Tillage primaries. Thanking the voters / |or any support they may extend, I am, „ , Respectfully yours, MAI F. J. HERBES. FOB SUPERVISOR. I hereby announce myself as a candi­ date for the office of supervisor for the town of McHenry, snbject to the deci- aon of the voters of the Bepnblican . primary. 3-7 St. J. C. LADD. f FOR COLLECTOR. ... I hereby announce myself a candidate lor the office of township collector, sub­ ject to the decision of the Republican town primary. Thanking my friends for the support tendered me last year and hoping that their support will be < jtgain given me, I am, > Respectfully youia, March 14. JOHN NIESSM. , ' FOR VILLAGK TRUSTEE. . After many urgent requests from my v friends, I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of village trus­ tee for the village of McHenry and will , be thankful for the support of the legal ;! v ^pters at the coming primary and elec­ tion. WM. SIMES. ,• Feb. 28 FOR VILLAGE TRUSTEE Thru the many requests of my friends * I hereby announce myself as a candi 4|ite for the office of village trustee subject to the decision of the village primary and will be very thankful for tfte support of the legal voters of Mc- '• lleniy. ^ y Respectfully, Mar. 7 -r A. M. BROWN. WftS business ^ Additional Personal. -• V' George R. Gilbert was a Visitor in Chicago Wednesday. Joe Wheeler returned home Tuesday s. morning from his trip thrn the South. - Jacob Schneider of Woodstock was 'V<,,*••.« • guest of McHenry friends last week. ^ Mr. and Mrs. Lester Thompson, Mrs. Clarence Draper, Mrs. Mason and son sited Mr. and Mrs. Merriman last Tuesday. * E. W. Howe left Tuesday morning for licago where in company with a party of prospective land buyers he started t' for Colorado in the evening. Mrs. J. H. Miller and Miss Lizzie .;. -burner left Wednesday morning for ; \ Ottawa, 111., where they will be guests * <|f Mrs. John Damgard for a week. Milo Howe of St. Charles was a visitor •* - here Sunday. He was accompanied to his home in the evening T>y his wife, - Who has been spending some time with 1 < ||er parents here. Mrs. H. Verbeek and Miss Lillian •J--- Kggert of Chicago spent Saturday and Sunday at the home of J. J. Hille. Mrs. Verveek was joined by her husband , , Saturday evening, who also spent Snn- Willie Ensign is back in school again, Allen Noon an has been seriously ill, but is getting on nicely now. Miss Jewett has about recovered from her fall of three weeks ago. Nellie Newman acted as substitute teacher for Miss Florenoe Howe on Tuesday. The basket ball games of last Friday night were very interesting. The ques­ tion as to whether we shall have mate­ rial for a team next year was answered when the second team beat the Wood­ stock boys by a score of 26 to 12. The girls' game was a tie. In -playing off the tie the Woodstock girls scored first. Following is the report of the Mo- Henry public school for the month eud- ing Warph 1,1907: " / \ CLASS BANK. 7 Grade XH. Lillian Wheeler. .... Anna Carey* ....... Myrtle Wattles....... Grade Xt Ray Page J.;. -92 Will Gallaher t.. \ L .89.4 Gertrude Neis-v... 89.4 Enrollment in room 6.1:.;.' .........10 Average attendance. ...... . .W Cases tardiness « WM. F. RICK, Teacher. Grade X, PearlClaxton. ...... 94.7 Maude Granger.......... .V.98.7 Lncile Byrd.. 1.,v.. .98 Grade lit, Clara Smith........ ..."...94.7 Julia StoffeL., .94.8 AnnaBelger .94.8 Enrollment in room 5. .V- .. .28 Average attendance.......j . ...24.5 Cases tardiness. 4 AGNES A. PERRY. Teacher. Grade Vllfc, Elfreida Berner. Emil Thomas ..... Frances Simpson Grade Haeel Thomas. ....... Ruby Claxton... i..... i.^ Arthur Wrede .. *.. Enrollment in room 4 . Average attendance Cases tardiness... MAME O. Grade VL E s t h e r S t o f i f e l . . . , . , . , . .94 Cecelia Aylward.^ 1.93.2 Alice Rice <*.* 92-8 Inez Bacon v; .92.6 Grade T. Corabell McOmber. ......., • .95 Frances Kimball, Syivla Hill|..... .92.4 Enrollment In room 3 .V... .44 Average attendance .35.3 Cases tardiness 6 ETHELWYN GRIER, Teacher. Grade IV. James Burke, Germer Pete«4».. ..... .91 Mary Bonslett .J .. .90 Ralph Van Natta. .89 Grade IIL Jennie Owen, Katie Long, Johnnie Hille ...?..^....,.f>v...90 Clara Frisby................ • • • 89 Edward Bonslett. 88 Enrollment in room 39 Average attendance 35.2 Oases tardiness « SOLI A BOYBR, Teacher. Grade II. Elsther Rice Agnes Frisby Leone Perkins. Karl f^ukske. ... ,». Grade L Edwin Lampbere •v.vvcr. Mary Zimmermann...... .•«-•>..**. > George Feltz ;.......... Lewis McOmber Enrollment in room 1 i,,.., Average attendance.. .>» .*. • Cases tardiness MILDREO R. STEVENS, Teacher. Total enrollment for fifth month 216 Boys 95 Girls ....... Av daily attendance, 5th month.. Cases of tardiness 5th month Number tuition pupils Cases corporal punishment '<• V ay at the Hille home. Bead The Plaindealer "want' • 1 . 9 4 . 9 8 ..92 .. .98 ...92 ...91 ..85 . .81 . . . 2 2 Teacher. .12 .94.2 .98.2 .i.2.8 ..95 98.8 . 98 . 51 47 4 . .12 121 191 .55 ..8 WM. F. RICE, Prin. RETURN VERDICT OF MURDER. Coroner'S Jury at Richmond SAYI Omm Warden Kldredge WM Mordered. A GOOD LUCK CHARM. vv J •[ The Swastika is the oldest symbol in the world. Since time began, it has been considered a sign of welfare by all prim­ itive tribes and ra­ ces, from the Norse­ men of Icela nd to the Brahmins of India, from the Ancients of China to the Abori­ gines of America. To the wearer of the * SWastilra will come from the four wind§ of Heaven, good luck long life and pros- perity. The Swas­ tika Cross as adapt­ ed to the Jewelry is , ^making the hit of the season. The arms of the Swastika must turn to the right if good 1 uck is signified. Call in and see our handsome line. That*s what Mrs. Lion saw! when somebody asked h£r about the size of her family. "One--but a Lion!" Quality--that's the Mea! We'd rather have one SCHULZ PIANO a year to our credit than fifty of the ordinary kind. Why? Because the'Schutz has individual merit. The Schulz] name means something. Because the "SCHUL# tone" is a human voice tone. Because SCHULZ construction is reliable construc­ tion. We're safe in "backing it with a ten-ypr guaranty. Because, in a word. SCHULZ PIANOS SATISFY. Thut's why we handle them. Come in and let - us. further Explain the merits of this PIANO. i We Have Cut Deep into the Prices of all Winter Goodsi Jin Order to Clear them out Quickly., Come and See. ' , * V •* ; • • 1 Men's Best Wool Felt Boots with snag proof rolled edge overs, $8 quality...... .... . .8.60, Men's Russian Felts with combination overs now. ,2.10s Men's Heavy German Socks with two buckle overs now... :.i: 2.75 Boys' Heavy German Socks with two buckle overs now»'.. . ..v,.,.. 2.10 i B o y s ' W o o l F e l t s w i t h P e r f e c t i o n o v e r s n o w . . . . * . ' . 1 . 7 5 1 Boys' Storm Proof Coats, worth $1.25, only..' , i V»*."......98c s Men'sStorm Proof Coats, worth $1.50, only...- . 1.18' Men's Storm Proof Coats, worth $2, only... ... ...-V.. ;,...1.50 *. M e n ' s H e a v y F l e e c e d U n d e r w e a r , w o r t h 5 0 c . n o w , . " . . . 8 9 c M e n ' s H e a v y W o o l U n d e r w e a r , w o r t h $ 1 . 0 0 , n o w , . . . * . . . . . . 7 9 c Men's Heavy Wool Underwear, worth 1.25, now....,.."..4 Men's Heavy Wool Underwear, worth 1.75, now v. 1 Ladies' Fleeced Hose worth 15c and 25c now.... .... lttc H. Corsets in gray and black 50c now. .85 riannelettes 28 inches Wide worth 10 and 12c not. .. .ii., ...i** 8c ilanneiettes 36 inches wide worth 15 and 17c now... /. ........ .18|c len's Heavy Lined Gloves and mittens at Good Heavy Blankets, all grades, at cost. Ladies' Heavy Wool Underwear, worth 1.00, now/t.;."I:i. .79c Ladies' Heavy Rib Fleeced Underwear, worth 50c, now.,./.,...*, ,,^»39c Ladies' Heavy Rib Fleeced Underwear, worth 25c, now... .19c Boys' & Girls' Heavy Fleeced Underwear, worth 25 & 800, now 25c. Ladies' Fleeced Wrappers worth $1.40 now. ^. .1.10 Ladies' Fleeced Wrappers worth $1.00 now .* i ,. . .79c ^ Ladies' Percale Wrappers, size 32 and 34. worth 1.00 now ..50c Ladies' Percale Wrappers, sizes 36 to 42, worth 1.00 now 79c Ladies' Dress Skirts in tan, navy, gray and black at 25 per cent discount. f;|0-pound sack best Yellow Corn Meal ; ̂ 10-pound sack best Graham Flonr only ||l0-pound sack best Buck Wheat Flour only...-.. c|l0 pound sack Blue Cross Buckwheat Flour only,'< 1.00 ® packages Royal Blue Mince Meat only .5 1.38« ^ 45 cans Condensed Soup only f. 2»c y .{ .86c .« ..^ .....80c , ^ . V . . . . . - 2 5 c .1.80 I dozen cans Eagle Condensed Milk :.. ; jlv cans Hawthorn Corn only 25c 5 cans Baraboo Cora. .30c pkgs. Dunham's 10c Cocoaunt..l5c 2 pkgs. Queen 8c Cocoanut 10c ' packageof Postum or Grain-O, 25c siae, oBly^.**• .•-^.^.,.4^^....17c bottles Tomato Catsup, 10csize, only. $ jars Royal Blue Strained Honey only ; ||A. good Jap tea, 25c quality, 5'pounds for ...... .......... M- good Jap tea, 40c quality, 8 pounds for... §f} lbs. best Rolled Oats for 10 6 boxes Axle Greaee. 15c 15c .........1.00 ....>....1.00 .. .25c GOODS DELIVERED TELEPHONE No. 363 J. WALSH BARGAINS ALWAYS Riatrr IN PRICES Office _______ Qreenatre«ts, McHenry. AND oOULIiT corner JM Telephone No. U * FEGERS & FEGERS pHYBTOTANB A ND_ BURGEONS, McHenry Bl> Opceat fltgM^iice, corner Court Elm Tel D.T. SMILEY ATTORNEY AT LAW. Woodstock, . " AH business Intrusted to his care properly and promptly attended to. PARKER S. WEBSTER T AWYER. +4 roe stre 701.702 Rector building, 128 Mon- M roe street, Chicago. Telephone Central. > 4531. Jk -P W. STONE. D. ' ^ (Successor to Dr. F. C. Ross.) Office Hours from 9 a. m. until p. m. A1m> open evenings. McHENRY, - - ILLINOIS. Office and. Residence over Petesch'a Drag v 8tom. Telephone No. SH. x ]>R. R. G. CHAMBERLW I>KNTI8T. MHce and R«ASdMice ever l- Watoli's ftwe. Hours: 8:GO to 5:30. Wx>sa< MOILUMHV.XX.I« - u'l •M Game Warden Eidredge, whose b<idy was found near the creek on the George Harrison farm Tuesday morning of last week, was murdered, according to the verdict brought in by the coroner's jury at the inquest held at Richmond last Saturday morning. Since the verdict of murder has been reached the public seems quite anxious to know what further steps will be taken. Thns far the detectives and others who are working on the case have not found the least sign of a cMfcv to work on and it is tho general belief in this vicinity, that the case will be dropped unless a clew can be found to work on. Are yon tired, fagged out, nervous, sleepless, feel mean? Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea strengthens the nerves, aids digestion, brings refreshing sleep. 85 cents. Tea ot tablets. Ask yonr druggist. The Gambler's Hands. That man is a 'niglit worker,' prob­ ably a faro dealer," said a detective to n friend as the two stood on a street corner the other afternoon, while the person alluded to by the detective passed by. "Know'him?" asked the friend. "Not yety" replied the detec­ tive, "but 1 may later." "How do you know he's a faro dealer, then?" "I don't know it," was the reply, "but that he is in some such business is evident from the peculiar pallor of his face, which you may have noticed. You wouldn't get that particular shade if you worked in a bank or at a desk all day long. It's the artificial light and the bad ventilation that do it, I guess. Keeping in the noise of the rattling chips keeps out the air in most cases, and those dealers work as steadily and as regularly as ,anybody else. Perhaps you noticed, too, that his hands were smooth and clean, in far better condition than yours or mine or the average business man's. The professional gambler may not like Ms pallor, but he takes great pride in his hands."--Philadelphia Record. changes of temperature are lnii on the toughest constitution. ; The conductor passing from the heated inside of a trolley car to the icy temperature of the platform--the canvasser spending an hour or so in a heated building and then walking against a biting wind--know t|| difficulty of avoiding cold. Cowbirds Unnatural Parents. The cowbird ig the only bird that we have in this country which is unnatu­ ral in Its parentai duties. It never builds a nest for itself, but lays its eggs In other birds' nests, thus forcing the rightful owners to assume parental duties. It it sagacious enough to choose the nests of birds smaller than itself, so that its young, when it is hatched, being inevitably the largest of the brood, must necessarily receive the lion's share of the attention of its foster parents. The birds thus afflict­ ed resort to various means to rid themselves of this unwelcome addition to their litter. The most ingenious method Is that frequently used by the little fellow wabbler, who will often build a substructure on top of her orig­ inal nest, thus burying the eggs of the cowbird and often some of her own with it. Nests have frequently been found with two of these substructures in cases where the wabbler has twice been visited by the cowbird. ' v Scott's Emulsion strengthens the Jy so that it can better withstand the sife! St danger of cold from changes of 'f It wiDMp yon t? •void <pldn« mltf. * AM. OMKMHSTBt 8M. XNO tt.06. " George Needed a Barrel. The old courthouse had been replac­ ed with a new one, though a very cred­ itable sentiment prompted the citizens of Spottsylvania to make It of the same architecture as the old. By a great effort the old county records were preserved and survived the war records, antedating the Revolution by 100 years or more. One. dated 1766, cites that: "Marye Scott and Clarissa Drury have thys daye been made to receive fortye and slxtye lashes, respectively, for stealing the clothes of one George Washington. Gentleman, whilst ^aid George Washington, Gentleman, was in washing in the Rapidan river." / . All who in youth sat at the hea'd of the parental table and confronted a steel engraving of the dignified Father of His Country may cry out in protest against sending the decorous Warning-. vania county has the records to prove it--Metropolitan Magazine. Rheumatic Pains Balked. Chamberlain's Pain Balm relieves rhematic pains and makes sleep and rest possible, which is alone worth many times its cost. B. F. Crocker, Esq., now 84 years of age, and for twenty years Justice of the Peace of Martinsbnrg, Iowa, says: "I am terribly afflicted with sciatic rheumatism in my left arm and right hip. I have used three bottles of Chamberlain's Pain Balm and it did me lots of good " Far sale by ail drag- gists. •"., -... .. • Kftrtlee! ; ' To insure publication in The Plain- dealer copy must be in the office no later than Wednesday noon of each week. Advertisers, especially, are asked to take particular notice to this effect. Why not get in line? Yes, it is a special--a very special--rate. $1.55 for this paper and The Weekly Inter Ocean for one full year. Don't let it get away from you. Improper action of the kidneys causes backache, lumbago, rheumatism. "Pine- ules" is a kidney remedy that will re­ lieve these diseases. Pleasant to take and guaranteed to give satisfaction or money refuuded. "Relief in every dose." Sold at Petesch a drug store. The Plaindealer will be sent to any address on trial three months for twenty- fiye cents, and will be discontinued at the expiration of that time nnlees other wise ordered. Trv it. Hurried meals, lack of exercise are the mainac uses of dyspepsia. A Ring's Dyspepsia Tablet after each meal aids digestion, improves the appetite. Sold at N. H. Petesch's Drug Btore. Have yon seen The Plaindealer's new line of 1908 calendars? If not, see them at onoa, Onr prices are the lowest ever. •••'• . . ./ The Golfer. Bertie (to caddie, searching for lost ball)--What are you looking there for? Why, I must have driven it fifty yards farther! Diplomatic Caddie--But some­ times they hit a stone, sir, and bounce back a terrible distance. - * wuitnar to «•». - ' Mrs. Enpeck--The pl^sopbers tell us that blessings oftetf^ome to us in disguise. Mr. Enpeck (with a sudden «how of spirit)--Maria, when are yon ltoing to unmask? 353SSS •t ' About the lee Family, . Whenever a polar expedition is in progress we hear of ice floes, pack ice, sailing ice and other things of which the reader in a temperate climate has only a hazy idea, which makes him miss the interest 1>f the news.' An "ice field" is an area of frozen snow or wa­ ter sp large that the limits are Invisi­ ble and unknown. On the other hand, a "floe" is a mass of ice perhaps very large, but whose boundaries are seen by the explorer. When such floes be­ come broken and the pieces tire wedged together by the wind and the currents they form "pack ice," the terror of the arctic voyager. When a ship gets caught in a mass of pack ice there it remains fast until contrary winds or currents break up the pack, and then we have "sailing Ice.' :-'4J •- £ A Fatal Advertisement. Vestrls. the great dancing master, died at eighty-three, and it was said he would have lived till a hundred but for a sudden and mortal blow in the shape of an advertisement. One day he asked for a newspaper, probably for the first time in his life. Scarcely had he opened the sheet when his eyes lighted upon the following: "Wanted, a professor of dancing at Calcutta. Must be a skillful chiropodist at the same time." He took to his bed and never left it again alive. Long Legged Birds. Long legged birds have tails so short that they seem to be out of proportion to their bodies. But there is a reason for the short tails. Birds, while flying, and often while walking, use their tails for steerage purposes. When birds with long legs take to flight, they throw their legs behind In a manner that causes them to serve the same purpose as a tall. ^ 9'^ 8poka For Himself. \ it is told of Charles Lamb that one afternoon, returning from a dinner party, having taken a seat iu a crowd­ ed omnibus, a stout gentleman subse­ quently looked in and politely asked. "All full inside?" "I don't know how it may be with the other passengers," answered Lamb, "but that 1ea»t piece of %8terpie did the business for The Pale. Margie (reading)--What |a th# "pak> of civilization," Tommy? Small Tommy--Oh, some new brand of face powder, I suppose. The root of all discontent is self lorn Clarke. This paper and The Weekly Inter Ocean--$1.55 gets for both one year. <p«»oiftl deal. Every Day the Best. Write it in your hearts that every day is the best day in the year. No man lias learned anything rightly un­ til he knows that every day Is dooms­ day.--Emerson. Most Irritating. **1 am so annoyed! My servant has just been killed on the railway. Only half his body has been found, and with the other half are my keys,"--Bon VI- vant PHOTO STUDIO. Portrait*. All shapes and slsee. Sev­ eral proofs to select from. Each doz­ en finished in different styles. Price, •9.00 and upward. Outdoor Work. We have extensive apparatus for all kinds of outdoor work, such as group pictures, views * buildings, cattle, machinery, etc. CnlokVgomonte. Copied from any small picture. Likeness guaranteed in a very Instance. Finished In black and white or colors. Frame*. A variety of styles In stock to select from. Odd sins made up tor any slse picture, certificate, etc. , , Jgankegan St., near the Staadpipe. 1 „ WEST McHENRY, ILL. . * Telephone. 493 Chicago & North-Westera* Effective November 18,1906. > ' ^ WUK DAY TRAINS. Ohfcago. HOBTHBOIJHD McHenry. 7.00 a m Via Elgin 10.17 a m 9.00am Via Des Plaines 10.17am 3.25pm........Via DesPlalnes ..4Jh0pm 4.00pm . .. .ViaElgin .....6.40pm 4.57 p m Via Des Plalnes..^. ..6.40 p no 8.4ftam. .. 9.10am.... Littpm.... Leave McHenry. 7.20 am 8.29 am 4.23 pm 4.23 pm 7. so am. 5.00 pm. 5.00 pm. SUNDAY CHAINS Via Elgin. . .. .Via Des Pfai nes... ....Via Elgin DAY TKAINtfc SOUTHBOUND. ..Via Elgin Des Plalnes.. Des Plalnes.. _ Elgin .......7.10p ri. COTTOAT TRAI1II. ... Via Elgin... Via "Des Plalnes. . ...VlaKlrln. .via VlaDji Via De Via : Arrive Chicago. ...10,10 a m' .9.55 am .'...6.15 p m Bmbagzara prlntt F,c« F o r t W O M E N " Offers* flrxt-class Private Houie for Ladles la delicate health wiaklag skill fal Medical er Marglcal. treataeat er qaiet home MC eeauaedatleas darlaf eeafiaeaieat. Teidet care bestowed mi ttt patleats latrmited to as jjjr etherpayslelaas. Clrealart ap. gleetlea. f7»W. Adasi* Snreet, ChleafO. BUto Lleease, Velephsae Meaiee 8148. Want Column. , All la--md untr this k«d attb* followtaf rMM: flTcUaM or lata, m owls tor Sn* initerUoa; It Mb for ewk rabaeqaeat lawrtlna Mora than UaM, S eanta a liae for lint iaaerttoa, »ad Scent* a line for addition* Insertion*. TpARM FOR SALE-H. C. Mead offers his , farm, consisting of 125 acres, model, farm nouse, two good barns, poultry house, spring house; wttliin one mile of depot at McHenry, condensing factory, butter factory and grm mill. Terms reasonable and made known on application. H. C. MKAD. West McHenry, 111. A GOOD all around grey mare for sale; sla- gle or double or heavy work. 84 H. C. MEAD, west McHenry, HI. i d The Plaindealer. Sweet to Eat txjrANTED--Good married couple to 1 ** fine farm and do the work. Good For Catarrh, let me send yon, jnst to prove merit, a Trial size Box of Dr. Shoop's Catarrh Remedy. It is a snow white, creamy, healing antiseptic balm that gives instant relief to Catarrh of the nose and throat. Make the free test and see. Address Dr. Shoop, Ra­ cine, Wis. Large jars 50 cents. Soj|d TjV)B SALE--Fresh eggs; also eggs for hatch- 1 ing, from Single Comb White Leghorn and Rose Comb Black Mlnorcas; also about twenty White Plymouth Bock bens and pul­ lets. BIO OAK Poo war FAKH. •- McHenry, III. Halt mile north German Catholic Ohuicn, 84-41* "CM3R BENT--8 to 10 acres on south side of 1 mill pond, near the stand pipe. Good for canning products. O. N. Ow*». 36 Bank of McHenry, 111. Tslsphaae .No, 999, , • SIMON STOFFEi* / Insurance Agent for all classes of property in the best Companies West McHenry, ttthMiit 1C FRANK BUHR PRACTICAL PA1KTKR f ' AND PA ER HANGER CARRIAGE PAIRTIIK.tfJOalUPWARD - House and sign Painting and all Interior Dec- • .,v, orating. Residence north town line one block : of river. Telephone No.2M. wes MCHENRY, ILLINOIS J o h n J . V y c i t a l DEALER IN ] ^ Genertvl Hardw&rei; iBtoves, Paints and Oils. Tin and ma­ chine repairing of all kinds. 'Phone 548 McHENRYj > - „ - ILLINOIS. Telephone, No. SM. "• Office in Helm- er bldg., Centervtlle D A . W I L L E Y , M . D . ( , VETERINARY SURGEON ' /' ANP omjm. McHENRY, - • * ILLINOIS* 1 'PlxmeSBS. WeK-drilllng a specially. W M . Dealer in Windmills, Pipes, Pumps, Well Supplies. First-class work guaranteed at all times. McHENRY, ILL. ifSii Mett do people of Mi Henry, Lake an other counti drop in at Lambert 9. Seng's «8 Fifth Ave., ' CHICAGO? Because it fS 4e home like. KILL the AND CURE THE K . U N O 8 w™ Dr. King's New Discovery FOR Q 0NSUMPTI0N Price 0U6H8 and 50e At 1.00 LDS Free Trial. frnreet and quickest Pure foriffl" THBOAT and LONO T&OUB- 1MB, or MONEY SACK. PATENTS HOLLISTER'S Rocky Mountain Tea A Buy Msdiolae for Buy Psopls. >la(S OoUsa fleaitk sad Bmawsd Vigor. >?ciflo for Constipation, Indigestion, Live ~ • .Hi ' ~ lugi »okv . torm, IS oents a bo*. Genuine made lu .:jarraB SAM COMPANY, Madison, Wis. S»l NUeOETS FOR SALLOW PEOPLfi 'N' TAlNiN C, • -si .. id:S

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