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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 7 Mar 1907, p. 7

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1,500 Samples to Select From POSITIVELY NO TWO SUITS FROM ONE SAMPLBi ^flCVERT 80TJR tWf E-rf imnrovre unon the makinc j£y #• " >r.v. 'yy7# #* enc!eaiN>^ tt» improve upon the making of our garments. In a great measure our enormous and growing trade is the result of this liberal and intelligent policy. The last year was the most successful in our history. The display of novelties and staples is so com<- plete that it is utterly impossible for anyone to took over our samples and not leave an order. Sterling quality, thorough goodness and characterr in gar­ ments at reasonable pricey is. now; most sought by people in every section >n the country. Our tailoring, by sheer force of. merit, has won, the confidence of hundreds of people in McHenry and vicinity--it is rightly placed confidence, for we are as particular about giving the best quality of ma­ terial and workmanship as we would be about sign­ ing a valuabledocument. •- .\y '•Bvery gatm e n f m a k e f o r o u r customers tvfll be&# otir > indorsement and must give satisfaction to the wearer. iver in our many years of successful tailoring have we so well merited your patronage afe this season. There is no question about our leadership in quality and values. Our line shows every new and desirable pattern, color. combination and effect that has lately been created. Only the finest wool felt is used for padding because it has firmness and body. All of our linens, duck canvas and interlinings are thoroughly shrunk. Only genuine high-grade hair cloth is used because it gives a stiff backbone to the coat and at the same timers both firm and flexible. No mat­ ter under what unfavorable weather conditions our garments are worn they retain their original shape. < Our established policy offers a guarantee of complete satisfaction on every garment or money refunded, yet at the same time - our tailoring really doesn't require the backing up of a guarantee be­ cause we make garments that stay solid and the customers in eveny case prefer our tailoring to the money. ' * ^ Quality after all is the real foundatien of success. &r business has been built on quality of workmanship and material. It is in great thing to have an established reputation and it has taken great deal of tailoring and incessant striving to gain it. Tkert will be a reputation back of every garment you buy from us. AJ1 the tailoring, will be the highest standard of quality for price asp will be honestly sold to* you at the lowest margain of profit. WE WANT YOUR PATRONAGE AND YOUR CONFIDENCE^ Pants Pressed Free of Charge. J. D. LODTZ, McHENRY. Telephone Number, 351, ^•1 4 CLOCKS! CLOCKS! CLOCKS! CLOCKS! Now is the lime um Here is tfte Plate To buy an eight-day, half-hour strike, kitchen clock, in walnut or oak finish. To reduce our stock we will sell all of our above mentioned clocks at $2.50 each* Regular ...... , values $3.50. to $4.00. ' 5 our reSu^ar $6.00 and $7,00 Par- lor mantel clocks we will allow ten per cent reduction. : ' .' '* Do not miss this opportunity to provide yourself with alfirie clock at this low price. C. Jacob & Company, 'PHONE, 773- McHENRY, ILLINOIS. . -:c. PHILIPS JAEGER: GENERAL COflMISSION MERCHANT ilffStilSIf - - " .?! • .• < V * »SPEC1AX« ATTENTIOH GIVXN TO THK 8AUB O* Dressed Beef, rtutton, Hogs, Veal, Poultry Hides, Etc., Butter and Ess* •>*- This is the oldest house on the stseet. Tags And price lists furnished on .ppllortlon. ^ STORAGE FREE CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. Stall it), Pdtea sk' ' WMdtle Market. AH ar= Jos. H. Huemann Johnsburgb Illinois. sells the McViker Gasoline Engine, Duplex Grinding Mills, , Bock Island Pluvs, Wagons, Carriages, Buggitt., Wind Mills, Well Supplies. Harness Oil, * Paint Oil and Machine 0*1 it Specialty. UHOBiBt M Wirks! i. am agent for tbe above. We A put the Rods on your Bttlld- , less and should they be straclt by lightning we pay damages If no more than ISOQL CW1 *at : get full particulars. * / (Hem BiKksaitttig Prices ifwiys ReisaaiMe ^ * Dnigist K AmtKfy Dealer in Drugs, Medicio«*, Chemicals, line toilet soaps, fancy hair and tooth brush­ es, perfumery, fancy toilet articles, trusses and shoul­ der braces, pure wines and liquors for medical' pur­ poses, paints, oils, varnish- es, dye-stuffs, letter paper, pens, ink, envelopes, glass, putty, carbon oil, lamps and chimneyg. Ply*!**' Prescrfpdus Acgwttiy e m St., NcHwy, ul Ttkptae W NEIGHBORING NEWS AS CHRONICLED BY OUR ABLE CORPS OR CORRESPONDENTS The Plaiadealer and Chicago Daily ne year for timon? thia RIDUETlKUk N, J. Garrison spent Monday at Wood: stock. Mr«. EL Goddard visited in Woodstock Sunday. Mr*. 8. Thayer spent Wednesday at Nutxla. N. J. Garrison wasatChicago visitor Tuesday. J. Merchant was a Woodstock visitor lust Friday Mr*. D. L . <Gibson was a Nnnda caller )*»t Friday. W. H. M nuroe wwa a oonnty sent vis i tor Monday. v Mm. A. O. Levey was a Nnnda\isitor J««t SMtnrday Mr. and Mr^. D. Kline spent Thursday lust in Chicago. " ' W. W» iUnd «nd E. Annera were El S?n visitors Monday. ' R. Skinnfer was a business victor at Eltciii ln«-t Saturday.' K Mr. Miid Mrs. li. fk. Dnfi«l<i w«w_io XnintH la»r Saturday.' U.J. Uibsoa of Chicago visited his parents here Sadday. „ Mrx. Petersou watt a Woodstock visit­ or the first of the week. Miss Sopha Wille visited her sister at Woodstock Wednesday. MHS Harriet Babcock of Nunda vis­ ited at S. Thayer's Sunday. H. Wille was a business vitftor at the county scat last Thursday. / S. Thayer hss moved from the Hilt place to the Btakeslee farm. Miss Clara Eiclikoff of Woodstock cal­ led on friends here Tuesday. Mrs. Wayne spent Thursday and Fri day last with Nnnda friends. W. Jayne and brother were Wood­ stock visitors last Saturday. Theo. Hamer was down from Wood­ stock on business last Wednesday. Mm Tyrell of Woodstock visited her sister, Mrs. Hanghawont, Monday. G. Clayton Ross spent Saturday and Sunday with his parents at McHenry. Mrs. Kiuiball and daughter of Nunda visited at Mrs. F. French's last Satnr- day. Miss Edith Hobart spent Saturday and Sunday with her parents at Rich­ mond. M. Jayne of Chicago visited with his brother and* family here Saturday and Sunday. Wm. Smith and fiancee of Elgin spent Sundajr with the former's mother, Mrs. Nettie Smith. H. Reed left Tuesday morning for Blackstone, Va., to visit his daughter. Mrs. J. Johnson. Mesdames W. H. Munroe and F. R. Jackman were Woodstock visitors the first of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Barney Terwillager vis­ ited old neighbors and friends in tir.8 vi­ cinity the past week. Mrs. S. Wakefield returned home Fri day from a t*vo weeks' visit at tbe home of her son at Barriugton. Miss Audrie Quinn of Woodstock vis­ ited with tier aunt. Mrs. F. Hart man. the latter jtart of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cooper have moved here from Woodstock »nd are now occupying one of the WUle resi­ dences. "Preventics" will promptly check a cold or the Grippe when taken early or at the * 'sneeze stage." Preventics cure seated colds as well. Preventics are little candy cold cure tablets, and Dr. Shoop, Racine, Wis., will gladly mail you samples and a book on Colds free, if yon will write tiitn. The samples prove their merit. Ch«^k«i . early Colds with Preventics and stop Pneumonia. Sold in 9c and 25c boxes by N. H. Petesch. . At the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Reed on Monday, March 4, occurred the marriage of their daughter, Bessie, to Mr. Roy Waterman. As the clock chimed tbe hour of twelve the yonng couple responded to the sacred marriage vows spoken by Rev. H.. J. Cockerill of Nnnda. Tbe bride was neatly attired in a beautiful suit of gray. After the ceremony the guests repaired to the din­ ing room where a delicious wedding din­ ner awaited them. Tbe table was very prettily decor§te<l with ferns and pink and white carnations. The happy brid-- al pair left for Chicago on the 2:20 train amid a shower of rice. After a few,days' visit with the bride's brother in Chicago they will lie at home to their many friends on tbe C. Hoy farm west of Ridgefield. "" y-r"T^M HOLCOHRVHIE ' Fred Powers spent Monday In C^UBag^ W. Zenk was a business caller at El«j gin Monday. A. P. Bertschy spent one day tat week at F. Bertschy's. Mrs. Jatues Powers called on Mrs. B F. Peck one day recently. Mr. and Mrs. P. Hcnt spent the latter part of last week at Elgin. Miss Iva Hoffman of Spring Grova visited Mrs. B. F. Peck Sunday. Miw Minnie Knox of McHenry spenti} last Thursday at Jay Doherty's. Mrs. T. Flanders and children visited at L. Lock wood's last Thursday. Miss Etta and David Powers called 01^ Mr. and Mrs Jaines Powers Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. F. Bertschy and children were Woodstock callers last Thursday Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Peck and Mrs. A»i P. Peck were Nnnda visitors last Satnr* day. - '% Mr and Mrs. Henry McMillan an^ children called on Mrs. B. F. Peck Tues­ day. Mrs. T. L Flanders and Mts. W. Gil£ bert called on Mrs, A. Colby at Nundf^ Wednesday. Spring Winds chap, tan and oansf freckles to appear. Pinesalve Carbolic ed applied at night will relieve that burning sensation. Nature's own rem­ edy. Acts like a poultice and draws out inflammation. Sold at N. H. Petesch's Women as Well as Men Are Made Miserable by 3 Kidney Trouble JOHKSBDBGH. ' Miss Lizzie Lay spent Sunday with Rose Lay. Mrs. Geo. Wlrfs spent Sqnday with home folks. \ , Wm; Althoff drove to McHenry Tues­ day morning. Mat Lay of Spring Grove was seen in town Tuesday. . > C. M. Admus transacted business in Chicago Tnfyday. John Lay of Chicago is spending the week with home folks " Miss M M Adaui* made a business trip to Chicago Mopday. Miss Kati.- Srhaefer ot Spring Grove was a ••Htifr here Sunday:. Mi-ses Martha and Delia Niesen spent one day l*st week at. McHenry. Mr. ami Mrs Win. Engels of Mc- Heni v wo«fc»rHlierii$«M Snndny. Frank SchuiMcher of Spriug Grove sjtent Snrtday with his wile here. . Wm. Brits of Volo was a caller'»n Johu^nrgh and vicinity Monday. Mrs. Peter St^haefer is spending a few weeks with her son, Ben, in Chicago. Misses Delia Niesen and Lena Michels spent last Thursday at Spring Grove. John P. Lay and daughters, Clara and Josephine, spent Saturday at McHenry. Iva Hoffman of Spring Grove droye thru here to Holcombville on < Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Rothermel of Mc­ Henry were pleasant callers here last Sunday. Miss Emma Nye of Ohio will spend a few weeks with her brother. Dr. N. J. Nye, here. v Misses Margaret and Helen Adams entertained Miss Emma Nye of Ohio Monday evening. Misses Mamie Heimer and Eva Stoffel of McHenry spent Sunday with Miss Lena Smith here. Mr Snd Mrs. Peter Miller and daugh­ ter spent Suuday with Mr. and Mrs. Stephen F Schmitt. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Heimer of Mc­ Henry spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. John Mertes. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Rothermel of Springfield. 111., are Spending a few weeks with relatives here. Misses Katie and Lizxie Thiel boarded the train for Chicago last Thursday morning where they intend to spend a few weeks with their sister, Mrs. Sam Skifano. Messrs. and Mesdamet C. M. Adams, Jos. H. Huemann. Jacob Hnemann were at McHenry last Thursday afternoon to help Mrs. John Huemanh celebrate her 75th'birthday anniversary. \Me8dames Jos. J. Michels, Maggie Freund, Susan Frenud. Miss Dora Roth­ ermel, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Rothermel, Peter Rothermel spent Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Freund. Joseph Thelen is now occupying the John Mertes house, having moved there Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Pepping of Spring Grove have moved into the honse vacated by Mr. Thelen. In using a cough syrup, why not get the best? One tbat comes highly recom­ mended is Bee's Laxative Cotigh Syrup, contains Honey and Tar and is superior toother cough syrups in many ways. Children always like it because it eon- tains no opiates, is a laxative aud is guaranteed to give satisfaction or yonr money refunded. Try it. Sold at. If*. H. Petesch's drug store. A Former Reaiddnt llMd, Albert Colby, quite well and favor­ ably known to many of onr readers and who at one time was a resident of this place, passed away at his home in Crys­ tal Lake on Tuesday, February 26, after a several weeks' illness. The fnneral services were held last Thursday after- Kidney trouble preys upon the mind, dis­ courages and lessens ambition; beauty, vigor and cheerfulness soon disappear when the kid­ neys are out of order or diseased. Kidney trouble has become so prevalent that it is not uncommon for a child to be born afflicted with weak kid­ neys. If the child urin­ ates too often, if the urine scalds the flesh or if, when the child reaches an age when it should be able t® control the passage, it is yet afflicted with bed-wetting, depenc^ upon it. the cause of the difficulty is kidney trouble, and the first step should be towards the treatment of these important organs. This unpleasant trouble is due to a diseased condition of the kidneys and bladder and not to a habit as most people suppose. Women as well as men are made mis­ erable with kidney and bladder trouble, and both need the same great remedy. The mild and the immediate effect of Swamp-Root is soon realized. It is sold by druggists, in fifty- cent and one dollar sizes. You may have a sample bottle by mail free, also pamphlet tell- Home ot smnp-Root ing all about it, including many of the thousands of tes^ionial letters received from sufferers cured. In writing Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamion, N. Y.., be sure and mention this paper. Don't make any mistake, but remem­ ber the name, Swamp Root, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and tM^«ddress, Bingham- ton, N. Y., on evffy bottle. f< Everyone knows tbat Spring is the season of they year when the system needs cleansing--Dade's Little Liver Pills are highly recommended. Try them. Sold at N. H. Petesch's drag store. EMERALD PARK. Mrs. P. Cleary visited at Ed. Knox's Sunday. Thomas Walsh spent Sunday with his parents. John Gibbs, Jr., spent Sunday at R. J. Sutton'8. John Walsh and family spent Sunday at E. Knox's. W. P. Hinns has moved to the Ayl- ward farm. Mrs. E. Comiskey is spending the week in Chicago. James Hughes has moved to the Giv- ens' farm south of here. Miss Alice Smith is visiting friends at Terra Cotta since last Friday. Miss Mamie Knox and Dick Aylward were callers in this vicinity last Thurs­ day afternoon. Messrs. H. Felmeton and B. Berkir- cher went to Chicago Snnday evening to spend a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sohns, who have been enjoying their new home at the park, are in Chicago for a few days. Messrs. L. E. Waluisley and M. A. Sutton where among those to leave Chi­ cago Tuesday evening on thehorae-seek- ers' excursion to Colorado. Coughs and colds contracted at this season of the year should have immedi­ ate attention. Bee's Laxative Cough Syrup contains Honey and Tar and is unequalled for hoarseness, croup and coughs. Pleasant to take; mothers en­ dorse it; children like to take it. Con­ tains no opiates. Moves tbe bowels. Sold at N. H. Petesch's drug store. Taxest I will be at the West McHenry State bank to receive the taxes for Nnnda township on Wednesdays of each week, commencing Feb, 30 and at Beu Throop's store, Nnnda, on Mondays and Satur­ days. 84 J. D. FLEMING. In the treatment of piles it becomes neoessarv to have the remedy pnt up in such a form that it can be applied to the parts affected. Man Zan Pile remedy is encased in A collapsible tube with nozzle attached. It cannot help bdt reach the spot. Relieves blind, bleeding, itching and protruding piles. 50 cents with noazle guaranteed. Try it Sold at N. H. Petesch's drug store. We give yon tne news of town and connty, and give it to yon right, while Tbe Weekly Inter Ocean prints the tele­ graphic news of America and tbe cabled news of all the world. $1.56 for both papers one year Opera House McHenry. Illinois. ; - OSCAR HIMET • ' -J I Pitsob .-Y"* Plot, Huinor.Sti# Pictures And Odd (harKtersf: or d Big City The memorable scenes of this play Include tbe celebrated pro* duotion of Chicago's . j :* famous "i%\ JKk Knife Dnw RrMfe Two great comic character hits and a remarkable cast by a strong company. Tbe New Pure Food tnd l>rng Lav. -"fi We are pleased to announce that Fo- * ley's Honey and Tar for coughs, Cokt and lung troubles is not affected by the National Pore Food and Drug law as It 5 contains no opiates or harmful drugs, ^ and we recommend it as a safe n for children and adn'fa. G. W. F. O. Oans dof • auctioneering. yon contemplat • holding an anctic sale this fall? if so, consult him. Te ephoue calls will be paid for by him. > Call up Nunda or address F. O. Gang, -J Nunda, 111. ________ 10*^ There are many kidney remedies but few that accomplish the result. "Pines ules" is a kidney remedy that contain# no alcohol or opiates of any kind, oom* - plies with the National Pure Food ant Drag Law, guaranteed to give satisDso- tion. Thirty day treatment for f 1*0% •?- Inquire about ' 'Pineules," Sold at N, Petesch's drug store. •llfS ±ok{ TheLabdontMsCajiSa>S PURL f r , ijSV, ; > t ' / y i j, 4 . ̂ t • * JT.v The New Pure Food la* Q $ »*» « protects you---' •* • ̂ M ̂TARTAR ' ' * L w you yourself- } Sr* ?• by examining the label to see that it says » PURE • : * r> 'j For Pure Food--* DR. PRICE'S Cream Baking Pmvder / V* " • ; * •A*-? ^ llil A PURE, CREAM OF TARTAR POWDEJ* MADE FROM GRAPES < «• * " • ; : v . v j ? t j i - • L

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