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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 14 Mar 1907, p. 9

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FEEDING SHEEP (N OPEN. Simple Ch^ap Shelter May Provided for Them. ' Sheep are unlike any other live la, that they do notrequlr® ttach protection from cold. There are ' • great many farmers who would like to. take up the business of sheep feed- teg, but feel unable to make the l»cessary expenditure to furnish them with barns or sheds. In such cases, where the sheep are bought in the (ate fall and fed during the winter months, an arrangement similar to jjfee Illustration win be found very satr fafactory, remarks Farmers' Review, This trough can be made of any rougH material at c moderate cost. Posts Bbould be set firmly in the ground about six feet apart, extending some len feet above the surface. It is a jUmple matter to put the rafters on A Good Rack for Outside Feeding. imd nail a few shingle lath across these sufficient t3 hold a straw or fod- ' der roof, Racks are built underneath a* shown in the illustration, and they lure provided with troughs for feeding roots or screenings. An arrangement of this sort can be put up in some place "convenient ,to the barn, and there are very few days in the winter When it will be too stormy for the ,s sheep to feed under It on one side or the other. These feeding sheds, should riot be over six feet long, as it would be difficult to get the bay in. them, but <t this length it can easily be poked ill from the ends with a long handled ft*rk. With racks of this sort sheep Will get along very well except In ae- tiere weather, and will need no other m except at such BACON HOG3. Estimata of Cost of Production by Prof. George E. Day. IA. very Important problem, which is attracted a good deal of attention froughout this discussion and which is worthy of careful research, is the average cost of producing hogs of suitable weight for bacon purposes. 8cme claim they can raise their hogs - at less than four cents a pound live weight, and others that it costs in the * neighborhood of six cents. As far as ojar information goes, if moderate market values are attached to the foods consumed, the cost may range all the way from a little over four cents to somewhere, in the neighbor­ hood of five cents. Methods of feed­ ing and the individuality of the pigs Influence results. HOGS AND THE HORSE. -- 'Tim slipshod, careless man always has a sick horse or one "out of older." •, Have plenty of help in handling the ; fctavy hogs. . *>Tbe small pigs should be well hous­ ed and fed until spring or warm Weather. Hogs should be hung until thor­ oughly cooled out, before handling or removing to the cellar. A pen for feeding and a pen for aleeping will be found to be more easily kept clean and comfortable. ' It costs much less to keep a team is fit and ready condition than it does to let it run down and then •/ bring it up. Rest and change of diet will do 1 the horses much good; but they should never be allowed to run down or lose flesh. Because the work is not so severe Of: so regular, the care and feedng of tike horse are apt to be irregular and careless. The matter of watering ia •till more careless and Irregular. Give the breeding mare liberal feed- lag and plenty of exercise. If driven <jarefully she is all right; otherwise fhe should be turned in a yard or field every pleasant day. -One of the best foods for young pigs is middlings. They will do well on it when mixed with water. If . mdxed "With skimmed milk it is better food, and whey is superior to water. Get the hogs to market when they are properly fitted. When they get heavy and do not oat so readily, they are fitted. When they are fat and tip to weight, grain or weight la put on at an increased cost. Feed More Oats, f " There is nothing like oats to give • 'V' Map to a horse. For this reason oats are almost the exclusive grain diet of driving horses. It is well-known that oats possess some property that excites as well as nourishes animals, says Indiana Farmer. The plow horse can be fed corn with some advantage, but the driving horses, the colts, and the brood mares should be given more whole oats and less corn. Don't he stingy when feeding oats to calves or colts. Some elaim that crushed oats are better to feed than the whole. They may be for hogs or dairy cows when oats are made only a part of the ration, but for horses, eolts and calves, feed them without crushing, and feed good oats. In the absence of oats barley a fine feed for colts or pigs. Tendency to - Degenerate. * In all pure breeds the original "scrub" blood at the foundation is ever seeking to reinstate itself. In short, there is a tendency In all pure­ bred animals to degenerate or retro­ gress toward original and less perfect typfes, and nothing will more surely and speedily stimulate this tendency than lack of nutritious food. In the absence of sufficient nutrition, the possibilities of perfection Inherited from pure-bred sires or dams but partially materialize or wholly fail tc assert themselves.--Wisconsin Ex- A MID-WlNTtfo VERDICT. "Bright Sunshine All Winter,* la What a Western Canada Lady Say*. -i ^ Maidstone, Sask., Canada, Feb. 4. l»W. C. J. Broughton, Esq,^ Canadian Government Agent, Chicago, III. Dear Sir: - * Being so well pleased with Canada We wish my father and brother to come here. Will you please send them reading matter on Canada. We have been here nearly a year and are delighted with this country. We have lived in Illinois, Iowa, and Michigan and we find Canada away ahead of any of them. We have had bright sunshine all winter so far, only two nice, easy snow stor-ns. If it was not all right you know I would not want my father and brother to come here, but we think it is grand. Yours truly, (Signed) MRS. ED. TROUWfe ' Obituaries of Noted Men. Interesting comparisons are sup­ plied by a clipping bureau regarding the articles printed in the newspapers about the deaths of prominent men. No other man in America had so much printed about his death in the newspapers as McKinley. Carl Schurz has received -thus far 12,000 obituary notices, more thah any other man since McKinley. John Hay and Jos­ eph Jefferson had 10*000 each Mark Hanna 8,000. $ r Clover A Grass Seeds. • Everybody loves lots and lots of Clover Grasses for hoga, cows, sheep and swine. We are known as the largest growers of Grasses, Clovers, Oats, Barley, Cora, Po­ tatoes and Farm Seeds in America. Oper­ ate over 5,000 acres. FREE Our mammoth 148-page catalog is mailed free to all intending buyers; or send 8o IK STAMPS and receive sample of "perfect balance ra­ tion grass seed," together with Fodder Plants, Clover, etc., etc., and big Plant and Seed Catalog free; * John A. Saber Seed ©>•» Box W, £» Crosse, Wis. t j Warned by Fieh. Many anglers have great faith fa fish as weather prophets. If a storm Is approaching, they say, the fish stop biting, and they won't bite again until the storm is past. They also foretell the near approach of cold weather. Hours before it comes fish leave the shallow waters ln-shore and seek deep­ er water, which, owing to its depth, will stay warm and keep an equable temperature after the shallower and Burface waters are cold. Catarrh Cannot Be Cured r! LOCAL APPLICATIONS, as they cannot seat of the disease. Catarrh In a blood or CouKtl- totloual disease, and tn order to cure It you mubt take Internal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken in­ ternally, and act* directly on the blood aud mucous •urface*. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is not a quack medi­ cine. It was prescribed by one of the best physicians tn this country for years and Is a regular prescription. It Is composed of the best tonics fcnown, combined with the best blood purifier*, acting directly on the mucous surfaces. The perfect combination of the two Ingrredlents Is what produces such wonderful re­ sults In curing catarrh. Send for textlmonlais, free. F. J. CHESTKY & CO., Props., Toledo, O. Bold br Druggists, price 7e" Take flail's Family Pills 1 ?5c. i for constipation. Modern Plays Puzzle Empreal. The empress of Japan has been reading some European plays and she does not like them. She consid­ ers that they d^al with forbidden sub­ jects and must lead to dangerous meditations. The freedom with which women ia them are represented as expressing their opinions in public, giving vent to their most intimate sentiments and putting their hand­ kerchiefs over their eyes and weep lng before people, is said to strike her as quite incomprehensible. Organizing Booth Revival. Marie Edwina Rosalie Booth, d&uglt ter of Junius Brutus and Harriet Mace Booth, a niece of Edwin Booth and a third cousin of the richest woman in the world, Hetty Green, is organizing lb- Boston a great Booth revival. Ed­ wina Booth was born in Sail Francisco and was christened there, Edwin For rest and his wife standing as her god­ parents. When a little tot she was sent to the Notre Dame convent in Philadelphia, where she remained until ahe waa 18. World's Dairy Interest^, I ftg, The importance of the world's dairy Industries is attested by the fact that they warrant the calling of interna­ tional congresses for discussion of the best methods of dairy conduct, the third of these having just been an­ nounced for convention at The Hague, during September of next year. The general secretary of the congress la Dr. •. J. Swaying, of The Hague. THE WHOLE FAMILY. mthur Finds a Food for Grown*Upt and Children aa WefJ. Food that "can be eaten with relish and benefit by the children as well as the older members of the family, makes a pleasant household commod­ ity. Such a food ia Grape-Nuts. It not only agrees with and builds up chil­ dren, but older persons who, from bad habits of eating, have become dyspep­ tic. A Phila. lady, after being benefited herself persuaded her husband to try Orape-Nuta for stomach trouble. She writes: "About eight years ago I had a se­ vere attack of congestion of stomach and bowels. From that time on, I had to be careful about eating, as nearly'every kind of food then known to me, seemed to cause pain. "Four years ago I commenced to use Grape-Nuts. I grew stronger and better, and from that time I seldom have been without it; have gained in health and strength and am now heav­ ier than I ever was. "My husband was also la a bad con­ dition--his stomach became so weak that he could eat hardly anything with comfort I got him to try Grape- nuts, and he soon found his stomach trouble had disappeared. "My girl and boy, 3 and 9 years old, do not want anything else for break­ fast but Grape-Nuts, and more healthy children cannot be found." Name giveU by Postutu Co., Battle Creek, Mich. Read the little booklet, "The Road to Well villa,"* ia Pkgs. "There's DOE8 YOUR BACK ACHE? Cure the Kidneys and the Pain Will Never Return. ; > Only one sure way to cure an aching back. Cure the cause, the kidneys. T Thousands tell of cures made by Doen's Kidney Pills. John C. Coleman, a promi- n e n t merchant of Swainsboro, Ga., says: "For several years my kidneys were affected, and my back ached day and night. I was languid, nervous and lame In the morning. Doan's Kidney Pills helped me right away, and the great relief that followed has been permanent." Sold by all dealers. 50 cents a box. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y.'--, - . ; w Judge Got His Answer. Jrdge Graham, of the San Francisco supreme court, gets as much fun as possible out of life, even extracting an occasional laugh from trials over which he presides. Not long ago he Indulged in his favorite propensity and came off second best. An appli­ cant for naturalization was before him, the French chef of a big hotel. Satisfied with the answers to the for­ mal questions. Judge Graham sudden­ ly and tmsrmilingly put a final poser: "You say you are a chef? What is the difference between a teal duck and a pheasant?" Just as quickly and fully as seriously came the answer: "Forty cents, your honor." v- • * - FEW KNOW THfS*i:fe Gives Simple Home Prescription and - Directions to Use. A well-known specialist is authority that KIdntey and Bladder Troubles of all kinds are in nearly every Instance readily relieved by taking a few doses of the following simple home-made mixture: Fluid Extract Dandelion, one-half ounce; Compound Kargon, one ounce; Compound Syrup Sarsaparllla, three ounces. The dose is a teaspoonful after meals and at bedtime. These ingredients can be obtained at any good pharmacy, and are mixed by shaking well in a bottle. Victims of Kidney, Bladder and Urinary diseases of any kind should not hesitate to make this pre­ scription up and try it. It comes high­ ly recommended and doesn't cost much to prepare. Took Sensible View of Life. Ltndley Murray, the grammarian, • native of Pennsylvania, who died la 1826, had views of life that were quite as correct as his principles of English grammar. He wrote: "I was persuaded that a truly sincere mind could be at no loss to discern the just limits between a safe and competent portion and a dangerous profusion of the good things of life. These views of the subject I reduced to practice, and terminated my mer­ cantile concerns when I had acquired a moderate competency.' CA8E OF ECZEMA SOUTH. Suffered Three Years--Hands and Eye Most Affected--New Well and is Grateful to Cuticura. "My wife was taken badly with, eo- cema for three years, and she em­ ployed a doctor with no effect at all until she employed Cuticura Soap and Ointment One of her hands and her left eye were badly affected, and when sho would stop using Cu­ ticura Soap and Ointment the eczema came back, but very slightly; but it did her a sight of good. Then we complied with the Instructions in us­ ing the entire set of Cuticura Reme- edies and my wife is entirely recov­ ered. She thanks- Cuticura very much and will recommend it highly in our locality and in every nook and cor­ ner of our parish. God bless you for the sake of suffering humanity. L M. Robert, Hydropolis, La., Jan. 6 lad Sept. 1, 1906." ; Centenarian Enjoys Life. ; Mrs. Mary Baraby, 103 years old, la spofen of as "the jolllest woman In Brockton." She is fend of fun, loves young people and likes to recall old corn-husking bees and other good times of her youth. She has had 20 children, 42 grandchildren and nine great-grandchildren. -- Springfield (Mass.) Republican. PUTNAM FADELESS DYES do not stain the hands or spot the kettle, except green and purple. 10c per package. Fault finding eventually results in a disposition toward selfishness. TOM CURED HOTOH DATS PAZO OIKTM ISN'T is guaranteed to ear* anr eai of Iustj nif, Blind. Bleeding or l'rotrudlnk Mm 1 o W14 days or money refunded. Wo. It is hard to form a correct opinion of others on what is said about them. Lewis* Single Binder cigar--richest, most satisfying smoke on the market. Your dealer or Lewis' Factory, Peoria, 111. No man ever asks a truthful woman what she thinks of him more than once. Garfield Tea has been famous for years as a remedy for constipation, liver and kidney diseases. Guaranteed under the Pure Food Law.- When doctors disagree it is well fot the patient to get up and see If any­ thing really ails him. It Cures While You W«fc Allen's Foot-Ease is a certain cure for hot, sweating, callous, and swollen, aching; feet. Sold by all druggists. Price 25c. Don't accept any substitute. Trial package FREE. Address Allen S. Olmsted, Le Roy, N. Y. Monastery to Be Author's Home. Maurice Maeterlinck, the Belgian author,' has bought Wandrinne abbey, the beautiful old monastery on the banks of the^Seine between Rouen and Caudebec. The building used to be the home of 400 monks and, though it is 1,300 years old, may be restored to a habitable condition. Worth Knowing About. ^ ou need a first-class laxative, there i3 nothing better nor safer than that old family remedy, Brandreth's Pills. Each pill contains one grain of solid extract of sarsaparllla, which, with other valuable vegetable prod­ ucts, make it a blood purifier of ex­ cellent character. If you are troubled with constipation, one pill at night will afford great relief. Brandreth's Pills are the same fine laxative tonic pill your grandparents used. They have been in use for over a century, and are for sale every­ where, either plain or sugar-coated. "She has a fine mind, hasn't she?" "Remarkable. One of those minds that, when you are with her, you can't decide which makes you the more happy--to listen, or to realise that you are not married to her."--Lifa OKLV OKR "BUOMO <JC IKXXE" rbnt is LAX ATI VIS BltuMO (^uirrri®. Similarly named remedies sometlnnfs dfeei.e. The first and original Cold Tablet Is a WHITE PACKAGE with blark and rtd i»it«riu*. sad Mara llw ii|uhiN of K. W.GBOVH. 26o. Never judge any man's worth by his size. A silver dollar is much lar­ ger than a $10 gold piece. Especially worthy of notice is Garfield Tea, Nature's remedy for constipation, tick-headache, liver and kidnev derange­ ments. It is made wholly of Herbs. Every day in thy life is a leaf in thy history.--Lycurgus. Lewis' Single Binder straight 5c cigar good quality ail the time. Ycn&£ dealer < Lewis Factory, Peoria, 111. Be fit for mora than yea are now doiag.--Garfield. Mrs. Wlulow*! For eUWrea teethlnp, tot lean U>« *ami, _ flamraatlnn. attay paia, car** wtadooliu. asealwutte. i*u, raduoaa i All thy vtrtns dtatuc*, Tone Up With Good Paint • It is good business to keep prop. erty 'Honed up." A coat of PureWhite Lead Paint not only m a k e s things look better and gives them a higher selling value, but it makes things wear better and gives them a higher value for long wear. Pure White Lead gives an opaque, durable coat that protects and pre­ serves from the ravages of time and weather. Prospective buyers of Pure White Lead have heretofore been subject to much attempted! fraud in adulteration and sub­ stitution. You are now pro-(^3EP tected by the Dutch Boy trade mark which is found on the side of kegs containing only Pure White Lead, made by the Old Dutch Process. Look for the boy. SEND FOR BOOK "A Talk on Paint," glm valuable Infor­mation on the paint aub}«ct. Sen! ill* npon request. NATIONAL LEAD COMPANY in v?hichm*+r ef IA# /allott­ ing citira it> y<>« : New York, Boston, HUSkIo, 01avt>! >I Cincinnati. Cfaioatso, b» LouU, l'hi phia (John T. lx'«ri» A Bros. Oo.J Pit* [National Lead a Oil Oo.J ITW WOMAN AND CONSIDER First, that almost every operation In our hospitals, performed upon women, becomes necessary because of neglect of such symptoms as Backache, Irregularities, Displace­ ments, Pain in the Side, Dragging Sensations, Dizziness and Sleepless­ ness. Second, that Lydia E. Pinkham'a * Vegetable Compound, made froi||^ native roots ana herbs, has cured more cases of female ills than any other one medicine known. It reg* ulates, strengthens and restores women's health and is invaluable In ^n£f women for child-birth and during the period of Change Third, the great volume of unsolicited and grateful testimonials on file at the Pinkham Laboratory at Lynn, Mass.. many of which are from time to time being published by special permission, give absolute evi­ dence of the value of Lydia £. Pinkham a Vegetable Compound and Mrs. Pinkham'a advice. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound For more than 30 years has been curing Female Complaints, such as Dragging Sensations, Weak Back, Falling and Displacements, In­ flammation and Ulceration, and. Organic Diseases, and it dissolvea an^ expels Tumors at an early stage. Mrs. Pinkham's Standing Invitation t^Women Women suffering* from any form of female weakness are invited to write Mrs. Pinkham, Lynn, Mass. for advice. She is the Mrs. Pinkham who has been advising sick women free of charge for more than twenty jpears, and before that she assisted her mother-in-law, Lydia E. Pink- ham in advising. Thus she is especially well qualified to guide sick women back to health. Write today, don't wait unt il too late. Two Crops per Year) r.us'culf Corn Eight Feet Tall) Coast Country , f*"' •" .... • "< *" , Two corn crops are raised eich year in this wonderful land ' and the richest, biggest, finest ears of corn you ever saw. The farmers of that section market from 40 to 70 bushels*per acre with very little irrigation. Why not take a trip down there and see this land wl " you can buy now for $25 an acre ? '. • • Talk to owners who clear from $360 to $500 per acre per year in vegetables--who net $90 per acre in alfalfa--who raise*-..* 24,000 pounds of Onions from one acre / and sell at 2 i-2 cents per pound. ' That is what is actually being done to day, now, in this " Winter Vegetable Garden of America." Double yield, because the soil is rich slid new and the climate right every month in the year. Perpetual Summer QgWirterVfetfeMMe dry, healthy--an ideal place to live--you A # can be out of doors the whole year around. ~ Right now, while your farm is Idle, drop me a postal for an 80-page book on the Texas Gulf Coast Country. Read u; on it. Write to those people whose ad dresses I will gladly give you on request. Then go and see it for yourself on S low-rate round-trip excursion ticket. Write me to-^av and I will give full particular*. JDNH SEBASTIAN, Paw'r Traffic Mr. Sbom 1, LaSalle Sta. I „ < Komb 1, Frisco Btif, CHICAGO. 5 "r 1 «*. LOUIS. ROCK ISLAND-FRISCO LINES. cHicAao * uatuur zixnon a. a. Gardjea Don't Push The horse can draw the load without help, if you reduce friction to almost nothing by applying IWicaAxh [recuse to the wheels. No other lubri­ cant ever made wears so long and saves so much horsepower. Next time try Mica Axle Grease. otl Co, I SICK HEADACHE Positively eared fry these Little Pills. They also relieve Dls* tress from Dyspepsia, la* digMtlon aad ®oo Hearty E&ttng. A perfect res* t*y for Dizziness. KaasBe, DrowBlnesa. BaA Toate in the jfwrtft. Costs* Itaagua. Peta la tteSM* TORPID LIVES. regulate tbe Bowtts. forty Vegetal** SMALL WLL SMALL IPSE. SMALL PAKE. CARTERS CARTERS Must Bear FaoSimilo Signature REFUSE SUBSTITUTES. A Positive CUBE FOR CATARRH Ely's Cream Balm is quickly absorbed. Gives Rsiisf at Oace. It cleanses, soothes, heals and protects the diseased membrane. It cures Catarrh and drives away a Cold in the Head quickly. Restores the Senses of Taste and SmeLL Full size 50 cts. at Druggist! or by mail; Trial size 10 cts. by mail. Ely Brothers, 66 Warren Street. New York. PROTECT™"" DON'T DC LAY TO APPLY FOR PATENT Send for FREB BOOKLET and learn why. MUX) B. STEVENS A CO., 9(W Htb Bt.. Wash* v«lut 1IH. NO PATENT. NO FEE FOR OUR SERVICES Dwiggins UfstfaM «u&y Fences arc bnflttojplMw yoo. " Low priMH 040 ACRE HOMESTEADS * i n - r ; NEBRASKA V WIT PAY KIT, HIEI YOU CM SET A FARM OF Y0H1OWIT Sixteen counties in Western Nebraska, along the lines of the Burlington Route contain free homestead lands that may be ^3- entered under the provisions of the Kinkaid 640 acre Home­ stead Law. Personally conducted excursions tft see these lands the.&lftt and third Tuesdays of each month. NEW FOLDER FREE* Write today for o^r nfw folder, with large map, describing the homestead lands along % the Burlington Route. I § CLEM DEAVBR, General Agent; * landseekers -Information Bureau, 1004A Farnam Street, Omaha, Nebraska. Si.JI L . D O U G L A S $3.00 AND $3.50 SHOES «. L DOUGLAS $4.00 6R.T EDfiE SHOES CANNOT BE EQUALLED AT ANY PRICE. SHOES fOR EVERYBODY AT AUL PR1QES* Men's Shoes, «5 to •!.SO. Boya* Shoes, «3 to 91.95. Women's Shoes, 94 to Sl.SO. Misses' & Children's Sliws, W2,!i5 to 61.00. W. L Douglas shoes are recognized by expert judges of footwear to be the best in stylo, fit and wear produced in this country. Each part of the shoe and every detail of the making is looked after and watched over by skilled shoemakers, without regard to ..time or cost. If I could tako you into my largo factories atl Brockton, Mass., ard show you how carefully W. L. Douglas] shoes are made, ym would then rmlcrstand why they hold •rear longer, am! are of greater value thftii any other makes. W. I- PonHla* ntmf mid prt<* l» stamped »n tli# bottom, which protect! the wenrvr «prvin»t hiRh awl inferior i'ukf pt * hold liy the best »hoe everywhere. Fatt Cvlur Kytltlt uted exclusively. Catalog mailed f ree. W. 1.. DOIiOLA!*, Urocklou.Ma their shape, fit better. 34 YEARS SELLING DIRECT km bmm sold dliect from oar factory to user W« flUp for examination and Approval aad « for a third of a TMM Mt •fhtag tf ttot Mflaitrt 2 Mtnaf to tb* mmm wcWnlr. W«Mk*10S«*ta>at «tyf 11H--«. S«n4 he Ivp, im cataiocw BU0.CO, Decorating Improve the interior appearance e# your house by applying to the wood. work<--doors, wainscoting, window* frames, baseboards, etc.,--a good coat of Decorao Interior Enamel* the new up-to-date^ja ish, Blade in sixteen Decorao InteiWr specially made for interior work, can be washed with soap watMf. They wear like glazed tile, retain their handsome lustre, pie vent b* resistance to dirt, dust and grease. Decorao Interior Enamels give you a hard, glossy, tile-like finish, and are used in place of wall-paper and other absorbent wall finishes in halls, bedrooms, bathrooms and kit­ chens in the best dwellings, hotels and other public buildings. The sanl> tary feature alone can hardly be om> estimated. Decorao Interior Enamels an prepared ready for the brash, are easily applied, and cost no more than good oil paint. iSTTo every person who a»> templates interior refinishing or dec­ orating, and sends us name and ad­ dress, we will send a handsome oxi­ dized silver Buffalo-heed stick* pin or hat-pin. Also our Color Chart of Decorao Interior Enameii with information of great vafrie to yen. Buffalo Oil Paint fk Varnish C*. Bsflklo Chkag* v -..5siK <%> -*w i cS 1MB ForPreservln&P and Beau Scalp, Hair, and Hands.ln Cuticura f>o«p rombbMl _ llent |Hopertie* dtriml Iron CWtan, tht Cure, w 1th t he purest of eepenseeeee' most rejreahirtg cf flower odurt. i _ . _ world. Jicpo-i: London, 27 Chlrtntaw 84. £ Rue de I* Pals: Auiirtlli, H. To " ~ liwHT., r.ji.A., 13?Columbia*Ay*., ' nitnkm &4.1 Z'SStibiSB; 6JU.I KSSS L-ST0NE CURE. "CrMmer'i Calculus Cure" • ™ • wlwfc WWIlMl |a a Certain Ramedy FOR GALL. STONES, intbsXIdBt mtuMUos aad aa jrs, StonM in tb« UrlDfti-7 lllkdd«ror Ur»*el. Mlliousnm*. Sallow Complexion. ftomach TrootilM rMultln«r from Btlimi«ne«h Write hr WH. Cia M1MKB, 4MO K«r«l> firwd Avenue, ST. MIIIS. MO. Eastern Washington Farm Lands Offer the best advantages for a home or investment. Climate unsurpassed. No destructive wind or bail storms. No peste. Crops sure. We offer the best raw and improved lands at low prices and easy terms, near good towns and markets. Railroad fare refunded to pur­ chasers. Low excursion rates. Write at once for illustrated pamphlet and map. THE BIG BEND LAND COMPANY, 3 Washington Street, Spekane, Washington. STOPS =THEJ TICKLE DR. DYSON S RES0LE1N TABLETS will stop that cough anil gire yon Bleep. A remedy that has stood tile test for 30 yeari, aa unfailing cure for Coughs, Bronchitis, Sore Throat, Lungs, Stom- l acta or Bowels. Sold by druggists, or by mall aa receipt of 50 cent* per box. (70 tablets.) DYSON MKiJlClNBCO., Bloomingtoa. Illinois •or motto. Invttigat*, look orar oar dasl|U, a*a Write for eatalaiae, fKEE. mwn wm rua co., w p«ih*m iw., *• m-a,iai, mm m aa a COB SALK tn Soiitbura Mlnne-L • BV ^ sola. h.aiti<u-a .Nebraska and rARBv ^ 01 EASYTEIKS llCLflSlXs low*. • reason. .k& •zmM' flMH To convince any M lie • woman that Fax- L IV b k tine Antlxcptic will improve her health • • • ami do all we claim • It. We will send her absolutely free a lar box of Paxtiiio with book of •nulne testimonials. Send rge trial Instruo- tions and genuine testimonials. Send your name ami address on a postal PAXTINE cleanses ana heals mucous m e m • brand af­ fections, such as nasal catarrh, pelvio catarrh and inflammation caused by femi­ nine ills; sore eyes, sore throat and mouth, by direct local treatment Its cur­ ative power over these troubles is extra­ ordinary and gives immediate relief. Thousands of 'women are using and rec­ ommend iug it every day. 60 cents at druggists or by mail. Remember, however, IT COSTS YOU NOTHIJf<i TO TRY IT. XH£ 1U l>AXT02i CO., Boa ton, Mail, MOXON'S LINIMENT The Best on Earth For Man or Beast Trial bottle lOo by m«H. MOXON LINIMENT CO.. » CLEHEIIS, MtCM Fertile Farming L A N D S Cheap m Euy T< In the Best Sedioa of the Soath : i Unexcelled for General Fanning* Stock Raising, Berries, Fruit and Vegetables. CMtaloupes, Strawberries, Feacjt^ffc Apples, Grapes, etc., give ? ^ handsome returns. * . Cattle need bat little wiatef fetjlk HEALTHY CLIMATE. GOOD WATER. LONG GROWING SEASON* Mfress 6. A. PARK. fien. Lwitfillc ft NMhrilh It. R. Bo. •* j LOUISVILLE, KYf> ^ > > v; :- NEW WHEIT LANDS IR THE CIHMIM WEST 5,801) SfjSSL ear have opened 1 of tail? ave opened ft largely increased tcnHU tory to the Pftiaii--Uji farmers of W««4<jr<| Canada anil tM Ow» erumeut of the Dl ion continues to ONE tttmiMtKD j SIXTY ACRES FREB to every aettfei. THE G0UNTRYJAS NO SUPERim Coal, wood and water in abundance; ctautlM# and schools convenient; markets easy of araMf taxes low; climate the best m the tioithara perate noue. I^w and order prer»iU« For advice and in format io« « SUPKR1NTENDENT OF IMMlt Ottawa. Caaada, or any author teed Government A|tnt. C. J. HtOUGHTON, Rmb 4M Qdtatr IU| Ckicage. V. U. KOGEKS. AM Am TraetiM Mil Mr< T. 0. CUKUE, Kmm 12 B. CaBahaa MmI Mih.' iakee. Wm. 2199. I '"k h'%'1 • • 'Fi-N > %

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