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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 18 Apr 1907, p. 5

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Consisting SCARF PINS. HAT PINS, BROOCHES AND FOBS IS A DANDY ".t xf-j* \vf t t • gw- *y- •• =g4:: r.?'* Remember we haye everything in up- * Don't fail to call on us before buying to-date Jew^lryi | If you took yon jswtt Our prices are always the lowest. * ^ mr il Tk mti ihr ' iii.lV II [III lilfyfji "l E 'PHONE, 773- McHENRY, ILLINOIS. Red Dragon Tea CAN now be obtained at my store, having secur-* ed the agency for this celebrated brand. This tea is well and favorably knawn to most of the housewives in and atound McHenry on account of its pleasant aroma and excellent cup quality, and is just as good or of better ^quality than you can get from tea wagons or mail order houses for the same money. It is put up in hermetically se^lffd, packages, thus preserving its aroma and flavor* Iquote a few mail order house prices oxt ^ " mail order house terms. " Uneeda Biscuit. ........ .V 4$e Graham Crackereper . .9c Oatmeal Crackers per pkg 9e Select Sodas per pkg..... . T.. .9c San cured Japan Tea per lb.. .39c Combination Coffee, per lb 15c Postnm Cereal, per 30-oz pkg. .20c Choice Cal. Prunes, 2 lbs. 15c Evaporated Peaches, 2 lbs.... .82c Fancy Cal. Apricots, per can. .22c Cal. Yellow Crawford Peaches.22c Peerless Milk per 20-oz can.. 9^c Eagle Milk per canT 15c Standard Early Jnne peas, can lOo JOHN STOFFEL, Terms Cash. West McHenry, Illinois. We are alive to your interests. Why not? Your interests and ours are identical You need p^int this spring, we need your money Yfhyi*- >4'-. WE HAVE Bradley & Vrooman,i | "Crown Cottage Color" best paint made and can give value refceived for your money. Call and see. We have a stock of fine varnishes for all kinds of work and brushes to put them on with WEST SIDE HARDWARE % IS ILL IT WILL COST 7fcll 4 PENT •• • to write for our big FREE BICYCLE eaiao?t UIHH • showing the mos. complete line of high-rr.icit- • w™•• • BICYCLES, TIRHS and SUNDRIES at PRl'IKS H BELOW any other manufacturer or dealer in the world. JL DO NOT BUY A 'BICYCLE any kind of terms, until you have received our complete Free • illustrating and describin) old at any price, e Free Cula- _ llustrating and describing every kind of high-grade and low-gry Je bicycles, old patterns and latest models, and learn of our remarkable » V PRICKS ana wondarfal near offers made possible by selling irom iuctory direct to rider with no middlemen's profits. DC MHIP Oft APPROVAL without a cent deposit. Pay the Freight an allow lO Days Free ® rial and make other liberal terms which no C Iv • house in the world will do. You will learn everything and gfct touch vai •> able information by simply writing us a postal. We need a RMw AflWatf in every town and can offer an oppottor.it/ to make money to suitable young men who apply at once. 0 PUNCTURE-PROOF TIRES? N L Prloo $8*50 per , pur, & wftrsss You m Sm tm§B Pmh* fop fht&y (CASH WITH OROKH $4.6S) NO MORE TROUBLE FROM PUNCTURES. Result erf 15 years experience in tire making. No danger from THORNS. CAC- TVS. PINS. NAILS. TACKS or GLASS. Serious punctures, like intentional knife cuts, can be vulcanized like any other tire. Two Huidrad Thousand pairs now in actual H*. Over Notice the thick rubber trend "A" and puncture strips "AI" and "D," also rim strip " W to present rim cutting:. This tire will outlast any other make--SOFT, KLASTl'l u»«l EASY RIDING. Thousand pain Mid last year. «i* naiawgfff Made in all sixes. It is lively and easy riding, very durable and lined in- with asocial quality of rubber, which never becomes porous and which closes up small punctin CJ without allowing the air to escape. We have hundreds of letters from satisfied customers stai..-.-* is received^ We ship C.O.D. ca ; *>p ovi, vou s nd r.i' «1 or^ft^lLn^0overcora7by th"e patent "Sasket Weave"vtread which prevents all air froi:: ,.. ,r.g out between the tire and the road thus overcoming all suction. The regular rru-e .r, .esc tires is £ no oer pair, but for advertising purposes we are making a special factory price to t •!<* i.-> a Si only M-8o per pair. All orders shipped same day letter is received. V You do not | We will al •VX.I. CASH •>"" - ,, ., , ... , ttUted brass pump and two Sampson metal puncture closers on full paid order* lt;icse » .f.il nncture closers to be used in case of intentional knife cuts or heavy gashes). Tires to be returned at OUB ex Dense if for any'reason they are not satisfactory on examination. We are perfectly reliable and money sent to us is as safe as in a bank. Ask your Postmaster. Banker Express or Freight Agent or the Editor of this paper about us. If you order a pair of athese tires. vouwiU fipd that they will nde easier, run faster, wear better, last longer ai.d U.ok finer thsnany tir* you have ever used or seen at any price. We know that you will be so well pleased that when you want a bicycle you will give u» your order. We want you to send us a small tnal ftt once, hence this remarkable tire offer. , . mmm+m buUt-up-wheels, wddlw, pedals, parts and repairs, and DQJtef M everythmg in the bicycle line are sold by us at half the usual prices charred bv dealers and repair men. Write for our big SCNDRV catalogue pncwcwggttoyo«i. ^^1^ , p^ul today. DO NOT THlNk OF BUYING a BO HOT WAIT bicycle or a pair of tires from anyone until youJcnow thenew and wonderful offers we are making. It only coaU a postal to learn everything. Write it NOW. fEID 6Y6LE SWMIV, Dtft. "41" 6NICAS0, ILL X . \: . t v» -W.> ' >' f, r ? i ' V; (F mrs ^HP>» J*"*t That's the place to buy your drugs. Everything new and up-to-date. No stale or shop-worn goods in the building. Our motto is 4 'Satisfaction,' * that's why our custom­ ers" are always pleased. Call and see. Frank Masquelet Dnittist ud ApstkHiry IE Elm St., McHenry, III. HOLCOMBVH.I.K. „ Mrs. E. Gilbert of Chicago is visiting relatives here. W. Zen k was a business caller in Elgin Tuesday. L. Walmsley and Kd Sutton wore call­ ers here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. P. Honfc were McHenry callers Thnrsday. Mrs. C. Hadson called on relatives in Ridgefield Friday. Earl Peck of Minnesota is spending his vacation at his home here. Mr. and Mrs. J. Powers and daugh­ ter visited W. Powers Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Sanders of Elgin spent Sunday at the home of P. Hunt. Mr. and Mrs. Bertchey and children were Woodstock visitors Sunday. Mrs. T. L. Flanders and Mrs. Doran of St. Paul called on Mrs. B. F. Peck Friday. Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Flanders and children visited with C. Colby in Barre- ville Sunday. Miss Iva Hoffman of Spring drove spent Friday with her grandmother, Mrs. B. F. Peck. ftfr. and Mrs. P. Flanders of Ring- wood were callers at U ^L Flanders' Thursday afternoon. ^ Mr. and Mrs. H. McMillan and chil­ dren of Terra Cotta visited relatives here Sunday afternoon. ^ roLa Frank Honey of Lake Zorlch Was in town Tuesday. Mrs. James Kirwan Is visiting rela­ tives at Peoria, 111. Jim Kirwan made a business tup to Chicago last Thursday. Mrs. Charity Ranght is visiting rela­ tives in Waukegan this week. Miss Bessie Dunnill of Chiciigp spent Sunday with her parents here. Miss Maude Walton of Libertyville was at home Saturday nigbt and Sun­ day. Holland Townsend of Sutherland, Is., visited old friends in ami aronud Yolo recently. Mrs. George Huson and Miss Mary Ranght were McHenry callers one day last week. Mrs. William Dillpn and Miss. Rose Huson of Evauston*we«ii11*^ ;RlcHe»r^ last Thursday. Master John Effinger, who has been confined to the honfe for soaie time, is again able to be out of doors. The infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Zuelsdorf is seriously ill. Dr. Fuller has charge of the case. Miss Anna Miller is enjoying a week's vacation. Ed Mills of Waueonda is filling her place at Fuller's store. Mrs. Jennie Cossman and daughter, Muriel, of Round Lake spent Sunday with the former's mother, Mrs. Richard Compton. Mr. and Mrs. Win. Dillon entertained a number of young people at their home near Volo last Wednesday evening in honor of Miss Rose Huson, of Evanston. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. ChtfS. Parker, Mr. and Mrs. George Walton; Misses lrma Huson, Catherine Do well, Mary Ranght and Elsie Walton; Messrs. L. V. Lusk, Holland Townsend, A. B. Coombs, Ray Paddock, Robert Vasey. J ^ C Sweet to Eat WIA%W O A f--# >wi L--an, SI'RIKO (JROVK. F. a i>rvi4; w*8 a>ox Lake vlrflor Tuesday. N. N. Weber was a Clrt^go visitor the first of the Mrs. James Westlake spent sev< days last week at Silver Lake. Jesse B. Richardson attemled to bisi- ness at the county seat Tuesday. Miss Ada James and Ree«1 Cnrt the Sabbath with Antioch relatives. Miss In* James is Hpeuding several weeks at Ronnd Lake with Mrs. E. R. Orvis. Miss Gila day and Thursday with Mrs. Warren Pierce. - Jauies Oxtoby and family of Mills spent th« Sabbath here with R. A. Oxtoby. Mrs. Frank James, of Ontario, Wis . is visiting her parents here. Mrs. Ed Carey and Mrs Bern Bell were guests of Mrs Warren Pierce one day recently. Mrs. Will Stevens of Solon Mills wa the guest of her sister, Mrs. Robert Esb, one day recently. Mies Ad* Westlak* went to the cify Tuesday morning to visit a few days with her brother, John, and family. Mrs John Bell is at Ringwood this week helping care for her mother-in- law, Mrs. J B. Bell, who hsa l**en rery sick for some weeks. Joseph James and family have moved to the James farm enst of English Prai­ rie, where Joseph will try his hand at farming. Success. Joe. There are many tonics in the As by the papers you can se? But none of theui CM n equal Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea. Ask your druggist. At the village election held here Tues­ day the following were elects: John Wagner, president: H. O. SOPH*. R Oxtoby and Otto Hasse. trustees. Thousands have pronounced Hollls- ter'« RsK-ky Mountain Ten the grentest healing power on earth. When medi­ cal science fails, it xncoeed? Makes you well and keeps yon well. Ask yonr druggist. Mr. and Mrs. William Ranen are re­ joicing over the arrival of n bouncing bal>y eirl. who cam* to trlndden their home Monday, April 1ft If in nt*ed!e«s to add thiit, Will is the happiest tuam.in all creation. "£; John Tressmer has sold his farm east of town to parties from Chicago John intends to invest in Texas lands soon, having just returned from a lengthy visit to that country and i» very well plesaed with the soil, etc Spring Winds chap, tan and cause freckles to appear. Pinesalve Car boll z- ed* applied at night will relieve that burning sensation. Nature's own rem­ edy. Acts like a poultice and draws out inflammation. Sold at N. H. Petesch's drug store. a The Spring Grove Telephone Co; is now building another new line to Wil- mot This will give all its patrons direct communication to Kenosha, Ra­ cine, Bristol, Pleasant Prairie and all other southern Wisconsin cities. This line is certainly the coming line as it is giving the very best of sat isfaction and is steadily increasing its subscribers: The Rev. Father Dnerr has reanmed his work here aftt r a vacation of about a year, which was mostly spent in trav­ eling. Father King will now take a much needed rest. Most of the time will be spent with his mother in Ger­ many and in other foreign countries. The very best wishes of the whole com­ munity will go with him in his jonrney across the deep, 'Preventics" will promptly check a cold or the Grippe when taken early or at the "sneeze stage." PreventicB cure seated colds as well. Preventics are little candy cold cure tablets, and Dr. Shoop, Racine, Wis., will gladly mail you samples and a book on Colds free, if yon will write him. The samples prove their merit. Checks early Colds with Preventics and stop Pnetimonia. Sold in 5o and 20c boxes by N. H. Peteech. Fri Grove was JOH\>BURGH. Miss Margaret In Chicago. Miss Lizzie Miller visited Miss Martha Sunday. Dr. N. J. Nve drove to McHenry last Thursday. Joe Miller of Sunday visitor here. Mr. and Mrs. .Tohh Mertee k«« Bay callers Sunday. Frank Mathieu of Chicago day with Theo. Meyers. Miss Katie May of Spring Grove visit­ ed friends here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Schaefar visited the former's mother Sunday. Charles Frett and family of McHenry were callers here Sunday. Nick Huemann of McHenry was Johnsbnrgh caller Sunday. Stephen Jung of Spring seen on the streets Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Klein and baby visited her parents Sunday. Mrs. Phil Scbaefer spent last Sunday at the home of Thomas Lay. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Jcttten Spring Grove callers Friday. Mr. and Mrs! Jake R. Justen and were McHenry visitors Sunday. Clareuce Carrol of Racine, Wis,, was a pleanint caller here Wednesdays A number of young folks enjoyed the ball game here Sunday afternoon. Arthur Fitzpatrick of Chicago Snnday at Stilling'*, PiStakee Bay. Miss Addie Schumacher "visited Emma Smith a few days last week. Misses Lenzon and Katie Miller of 8primt Grove made a call here Sunday. Mrs. Joe Huemann and children visit­ ed her sfster. Mr*. George Nell. Sonday. Mr* N. Barbian and Mrs. H. Kenne beck of McHtnry were callers here Sun day. Charley Michel* is spending' a few A. days of this week with frfends in Mc­ Henry. Mr. Swinley of Chicago Wa* a gnest at the home of John S. Frennd last Snnday. Miss Lizzie Weber visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Weber, of Volo Sunday. Quite a number of onr ded ^he dance at Heimer's Wednesday evening. Cvet ready for the Mav party which is to take place at Smith'M liall, Fnll particulars later on. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Pepping tained the former's two biothers of Chi­ cago Saturday and Sunday Mrs. John Dehrecht, son, Ed,ward, and daughter, Nettie, spent Tnesday and Wednesday in ( hicago. Mrs. Barbara Scbuiitt moved into Hetteruisn'* place Monday, where she rented the rooms in the rear. •Mr. and Mr*. Joseph Mertee enteftain ed the families of John Mertes, John Miller and Jay Gilbert last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Mike Freund and chil dren of McHenry visited the former's mother, Mrs. Peter Freund, Sunday Have you seen The Plaindealer's new line of 1908 calendars? If not, see them at once. Onr prices are the lowest ever. Misses Margaret, Liuie and Lena Adams and Lena Michels spent last Sunday at the home of Mrs. John S. Freund. . Mike Thiel and William Hergott are at present employed by John Mertes at carpenter work, their former employ­ er, Mr. Hubert Klappericb, having broken his left foot by a fence post tell iug on it. Miss Lizzie May celebrated her twen­ tieth birthday on Thursday afternoon and evening. Progressive cinch and various other games were the main fea­ tures of the event, while a most bonnti- ful supper was served by the hostess at the proper hour. The following were present: Misses Lena Smith, Eva King, Anna Justen, Rose Justen, Helen Klein, Eva Huemann, Dena Meyers Lizzie Adams, Lena Adams, Rose Lay, Lena Michels. Margaret Adams, Delia Niesen, Susie Meyers, Marta Niesen, Katie Lay, Clara Cay, Kate Scbaefer, Gertrnde Scbaefer, Ada Schumacher. IF you have use for drugs at all you need the- ^ kind tbajt will have the desired effect {My pure drugs of standard strength will meet the re­ quirements. You can be sure of such here, knowledge Of drugs and our extreme care m select-; ing injures right results from anything you buy • L,et us supply your Roots, Barks, Herbs, etfc, for your home-made spring medicines. We especially low prices on quanl N. H; Druggist, McHenry, Illinois ;• "II Dr. r»»am Baking Powdet is so perfect fciftsmake, so * simple in use, that begin-N|- ners in cooking may work with it' successfully. It makes home baking 4 easy, and makes nicer, better food than the baker's. Nothing can be substituted for It in making, quickly - and perfectly, delicate hot biscuit, hot brjeads, muffins, cake and pastiyw ̂ e-"f ̂ '• 1 ̂ "I . V " fMI\AUMM FOWOtH Ohm GNIMM IfMi WS NOW o|»en and dow^ * business and we will be pleased to have the ladies of McHenry and the surround­ ing country call and look over our elegant display. Thru years of experience in the business we believe we can please you. f us quote you extremely low BONNETS AND STYLISH LACfiS^ lime. S. i Trace SpNtMint BlKk, West Ncfleiry That's the time when every house wife finds that her carpets have become badly worn during the winter months and must be replaced. We have a fine line of Rich-. ardson's superlative carpets which can­ not be beaten. :: :: :: ::,V RUGS, LINOLEUM, AND LACE CURTAINS ^ One line of rugs is the finest we have been able to show in many years. Linoleum inf any grade and width. We want to fill your lace curtain wants to. For the low- : est prices and best goods give us a call. Jacob justen flcHenry's Furniture flan. 't • ' .S v • s •-«? A ' ' 12> The celebrated Art Wall Paper Mills* comptafe* line of sampleft to seleayour paper frpw>.r gQinplete £ line si". '-: Of Warren Paints *'•' " v X v f"K<: 'd ' C KALKAMO :'-i- «V- A samtary durable calcimine.' The correct wall finish in all coiors. Otll-NAMEL J In all shades, the finest varnish for making old furniture arid wood- ^ work look like new. A complete line of paint brushes and eve^i filling required in house cleaning time* ., . s. w. BROWN. < r, t * •* i. igff% f * -V .. *. ? ,4tk i <-r ' ^

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