r;' v .fi*; i r>v^ y ,f: ® *v*v . *^i,'t .5 w rw-w " *f^y7r<^j:~ •* %a \ r̂ < + i ,r< \ \. w • ' 1 >r# JLfLB'BUftJH showing the most complete Kne of high-grade BICXOIJBS, TIKES and SUNDRIE! at FRXCES 1CENT • BKLOW any other manufacturer or dealer in theworld. * DO MOT BUT A BMSYGLE lV7„"T&. Cs I pai CKS and wonderful new offers made possible by selling from factory direct to nder with no middlemen "s profits. MPMmmL without a cent deposit. Fay the Freight and house in the world will do. You will learn everything lutd get much valu able lntormation by simply writing us a postal. ( We seed 5 nlititt*- Mpwm it» every town and can oner an opportunity to make money to suitable young men who apply at once. 50 PUNCTURE-PROOF TIRES 2 " £ £ NAILS. TACKS OR GLASS WONT LET OUT TH| MK M* Price t per pair, w introduce Witt Sell You » Sample Iwc f«w» Only (CASH WITH ORDER $4.55) 9§ MORE TROUBLE FROM PUNCTURES. • 'Result of 15 years experience in tire •making. No danger from THORNS, CAC TUS. PINS, NAILS. TACKS or GLASS. Serious puncture?, like intentional knife cuts, can be vulcanized like any ether tire. Two Hundred Thousand pairs now 4ft acta! Mjfc Over Seventy>five Thousand pairs sold last year. PER PAIR Notice the thick robber tiwd "A" and pnnotur® strips "B" and "D," also rim strip "H" to prevent rim costing. This tire will outlast any other make--SOFT, BU1STIC and EAS¥ RIDING* pFMGMPTitSMt Made tit all sizes. It la lively end easy riding, very durable and lined inside wth a special quality of rubber, which never becomes porous and which closes up small punctures Without aSknvsng the air to escape. We have hundreds of letters from satisfied customers stating |nBt their tires have on ly been pumped up once or twice m a whole season. They weigh no uaore ths n *a ordinary tire, the puncture resisting qualities being given by several layers of thia, speciaiiy prepared fabric on the ireuti. That" 'Holding Sack" sensation commonly felt when riding on asphalt OT soft roads is overcome by the patent "Basket weave" tread which prevents «!! air from being squeezed out bt-twucu the tire and tiie road thus overcoming all suction. The regular price of these Hies is ?8 50 per pair., but for advertising purposes we are makingp, soecirt factory price to the rider «T caly $*.8u per pair. A'.l orders shipped same day letter us received. We ship C.O.B. o« apiuovaL You do not pay a cent until you have examine..: and found them strictly as represented. We wit' allow a *swH dlecututt of 5 per ccat ('.hereby making the price 84.S3 oer pair) if yrm send WVl>t, CASH WITH OKl>Ktt and enclose this advertisement We will also send, one nickel stated l>ra S3 hand vurnp and two Sampson metal pnnctnrc closers on fall paid orders (these metal wiiicture closer.'- to be -tl i« rase of intentional femtecuts or heavy gaihes). Tiles to be returned at rttlR expens- it for any rea-wa they ".re not satisfactory oa ejrcr.n:iatton. W? are perfectly reliable and money sent to us is as safe as in a bank. Ask your Postmaster 'Banker, Express or Freight Agent or the Editor of this paper about us. If you order & pair of these tires, vou will find that they will tide easier, run faster, wear better, last longer and look fitter than any lire you have ever used or seen at any price. We know that you will be so well pleased that when you want a bicycle you vril I give us your order. We want you to send us a small trial Older at once, hence thi~> remarkable tire ofler. JIAS CntO Md'STf? bullt-np-wheels, saddles, pedals, parts and repairs, and W#10 M K.n^tPkKWXp everything in the bicycle line are sold bv us at half the usual prices Charged by dealers and repair men. Write for our big Sl'NUKV catalogue. m%g% amV %M4IfV but write us a Postal today. 1M» NOT THINK. OF BCYHTO a W MWw m if#if K bicycle or a pair of tires from anyone until you know the new H wonderful oilers we are making. It only Costs a postal to learn everything. Write It NOW. % BEAD CYCLE COMPANY, Dept. "JL" CMICIB8, ILL. An error commonly made by home owners is in underestimating the necessity of .proper sanitary equipment for the kitchen. Kitchen Troubles and the Remedy Only a few ̂ ears ago it was considered good form to encase the sink in wood thereby concealing the tra^ making it inac cessible arnd offering a place far the collection of filth and vermin. If this condition exists in your household, examine into it and learn the true state of affairs. Do not lose sight of the fact that your food is prepared in the kitchen and the utensils in which it is prepared depend on the sanitary ar rangements for cleanliness, there fore safeguard against contamination of either food or atexwils. The most certain Way to do this is to employ us to install a snowy white, spotlessly clean, ^Standard* Porcelain Enameled Kitchen Sink. You will find it a retnedy fur kitchcn troubles. Herbes Bros., McHenry. •jtr&slPtfZM'h Clearing Sale at the Pans millinery Being overstocked on Sum. mer Hats I have decided to close out my entire summer line at the following extreme ly low prices: AliUntfimmed Hits, 50t Trimmed Hats, SI ta 12 Children's Hats, 25(--il Special Sale begins August 2 and continues until entire summer stock has been closed out. Come early and get first choice. :: :: :: :: :: Mrs. S. S. Torrance Orchard Beach Sanatorium McHenry. Illinois For the treatment of curable Chronic Diseases (nervous afflic tions, diseases of stomach, bowels and liver, rheumatism, gont, obes ity, catarrh, aneuiia, general de bility. etc. Only Natural Meth o d s E m p l o y e d . - - - - - Dr. Cirl Strueh, Prep. ioo State Street, Suite 1409. CHICAGO, ILL. n NEIGHBORING NEIVS AS CHRONICLED B V OUR ABLE CORPS OF CORRESPONDENTS MtfM OUH ADS SMRRALO PARK AUGUST I. 8. Romano la entertaining bis friend, S Larocco, this week. --- ; -- Mr. and Mr*. J. B. Smith A peat Snn day nr. the former's houic. Miks May tne Knox spent Friday last at Elgin and Algonquin. Mrs. Wm Carey of McBenry was the gnest of R Knox Wednewiav. Miss Alice Sntton visited relatives and friends iu Elgin last week. Chas. Beck of Rjver Forest is 'the gnest of Geo. Armstrong this week. R. O. Rohm of Chicago spent Sunday with hi* family on the Qivunn farm. Mian LaNette V* hiting and brother, Lonnie, railed in this vicinity Monday S. Rouiano, S. Larocco and H. Ber- kircher went to Petite lake Wednesday. Rev. P. Boarke and Mim Nellie Daley of Roi-kford visited in this vicinity San- day. ' a Mr. and Mni. E. J. Cohan spent a few days with their son, Cbas. A , the past week. E. E. Satton and M. C. Lamm of Chicago spent Sunday at the former's home. M im Alice McManaiuan spent Tues day and Wedoeaday with Ringwood friends. Mrs. J. Griffin and children of Whea- ton are occupying the J as. Armstrong cottage. G. T. Schrivner of Chicago spent last Snnday with his family at L. Hack's oottage. . J. McNamara and Miss O'Neil of Chi cago visited at the Maboney cottage Snnday. J. B. Kelter of.Chicago spent Sunday and Monday wiUa Ida father at Lake Defiance. Messrs. Clarence Whiting and Wm. Howard of Woodstock visited at E. Knox's Snnday. The Prairie White Sox defeated the Park boys iaNffc very exciting game by a score of 9 to 5. Mies Mary (iibbe returned to her home Friday last after spending several weeks at the Park. Win. E. Heaney and friend, Thomas Franey, of Chicago spent Sunday at the Heaney cottage. W. K. Bnrns and son, Wm.. D. W Bill and Jas. Haxton spent Snnday with their families. Mr*. Halverson. Mim Ericson and Mr. Clond spent Saturday and Snnday at the Romano oottage. Mrs. J. Pierce of Chicago and sister, Miss Nelhe Cleary, of Elgin were visit- brs in this vicinity the past week. Mi s Irene Frisby of Chicago and Misses Anna Frisby and Mary Gibhe and friends called in tbiB vicinity Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. Schiewle, Mrs. Weber and children and Mrs. Harry Bending, Jr , spent Sunday afternoon at L. Hack's cottage. v Six young ladies enjoyed a very pleas ant picnic party in the^ Park Wednes day and had a ride in Beading's fine new laqnch, "Lncille." AUGUST 8. Mrs. F. Romano and son, Sullivan, went to Chicago Saturday last. Mr. and Mrs. C. Colby of Barreville visited at J. R. Smith's Snnday. v Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Armstrong of May- wood spefit Sunday at their oottage. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Fitspatrick of Chicago are guests of E. Knox and fam ily- Misses Ada Kane and Vera Bolger visited their aunt, Mrs. Reliban, Thurs day. Miss Alice Smith and brother, Leo, visited at Tom Wright's near Waucon- da Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. E. Knox and daughters spent Sunday with M. Knox and family at Terra Cotta. Misses Alice McManaman and Lucy Sutton visited the Misses Frisby at Mc Henry Friday last. M. Kelter turned to Chicago Mon day after spending several weeks at his Lake Defiance home. Miss Ethel Harbaagh and sister, Clara, of Chicago are guests of J. R. Smith and family this week. Misses Margaret Mid K&thryn Walsh of Chicago are spending a conple of weeks at the Mahoney cottage. Misses Anna and Irene Frisby and Mesa re. John Gibbe and W Walsh were at R. J. Sutton's Monday evening. W. K. Burns and son, Wm., D. W. Hill, J. and P. Armstrong and J. Grif fin spent Sunday twith their families. Misses Ada and Lucie Carey of Mc Henry and Nellie Carey of Wilrnot. vis ited the Misses Knox Wednesday last. Mrs. O'Neil and son. Tom, and Mr«. N. Biggy of Chicago visited the latter's daughter, Airs. W. Mahoney, a few days this week. Messrs. John Gibbe, Jr., and Ed Sot- ton left Tuesday for their fntnre Colo rado home. On Snnday evening a num ber of their friends gathered at the for mer's home to bid them farewell. Re freshments were served and a pleasant time was enjoyed by ail. B1NOWOOD. Ed Bell was a Richmond caller Satur day. - Mr. and Mrs. Jamse were county seat visitors Saturday. Geo. Ooates was a business caller at Woodstock Friday. * Earl Bacon of Gi ant. lowa, is visiting friends in.this vicinity. Miss Frankie Ingles of Elgin was a Ringwood caller recently. Mr. and Mrs. Ewing Herb«rt called on Richmond friends Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Bacon ware Woodstock visitors Saturday. Miss Ethel Watson is entertaining friends from White Water, Wis. Mrs. Laura Thompson of McHenry called on Mrs. E. Simpson last Friday. Mrs. Jennie Bacon visited her mother, Mm Beatty at Richmond last Thursday. Roy Harrison of Elgin visited his par ents, Mr. «nd Mrs. Wm. Harrison, Snn day. > Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Shales .and son, Duftue, spent Sunday«with Nuada rela tives.; Mrs Kewmerling and children of Harvard visited relatives here pari of lust wwk ^ Mr, and Mrs. Will McCannon spent Suuday with James Carr and family at Greenwood. Mr and Mrs. Frank Belt and Miss Mary Bell took in the sights at Geneva Lake Saturday. The Ladies' Aid society of the M. E. church will serve ice cream in the park Saturday evening, Aug. 10. Mr. and Mrs. Eddid are the happy parents of a baby boy born Snnday, Aug. 4 Mr. Eddie is all smiles. Miss Ada and Ralph Curtiss of Ma < rengo spent severai days recently with their nncle, C H. Tuttle, and family. If you suffer from bloating, belching, sour stomach, indigestion or dyspepsia take a Ring's Dyspepsia Tablet after each meal, and overcome the disagree able trouble. It will improve the appe tite and aid digestion. Sold at N. H. Petesch's drug store. is Chamberlaiu** Cnlie, Cltolar* and. Diar rhoea Remedy Better Thun Three Doctors. "Three years ago we had three doe- tors with our little boy and everything that they conld do seemed in vain. At last when all hope seemed to be gone we began using Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and in a few hours be began to improve. To day he is as healthy a child as parents conld wish for." Mrs. B. J. Johnston, Linton, Miss. For sale by all druggists. T7VORSALE The Wm. Phalen home In West cllenry Is offered for sale on reason able terms. For further particulars write to Mas. Abica l'HAL.KN, 73 English Court, Keno sha, Wis. 7-3t* GIRL WANTED for general housework. Will pay from 9A.OO to H.S0 per week to good girl. iwHj to Wm. ItONSbaTT 7-tf v West McHenry. roua Mrs. Sarah A. Howard of Grant visiting friends in Volo this week. Min8 Mande Walton visited friends in L'bertyville last Thursday and Friday. Misses Bessie and Lncy Dnnnill were Grayslake visitors last Friday afternoon. Charles Gurler of DeKaib made a business trip to Volo last Wednesday. Emory Tower of Chicago is the guest of Mr. and Mre. Ambrose Raught for a few days. Miss Susana Kres bach spent last Thursday in Chicago. Misses Bessie and Lucy Dnnnill spent last Thursday in Chicago. Miss Catherine Dowel 1 of West Fre mont spent Sunday in Volo. Mr. and Mrs. George Bohr of Chicago visited the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Sable, Saturday and Sunday. George Adams of Black River Falls, <Wis., called on friends-in Volo one day recently. Miss Ruth Baoon of McHenry is vis iting at the home of her grandfather, Chas. Potter. Miss Delia Kir wan of Wauconda was the guest of her aunt, Mrs. Jim Kir* wan, during last week. Mrs. Frank Davis, Jr., and daughter Florence, of Grayslake were guests of relatives in town Saturday. Mrs. Nelie Williams of Des Moines, Iowa, and Mrs. Lon Russell of Chicago are guests of their mother, Mrs. Fay ette Huson. Rev. J. R. Ball of Wauconda will hold services in the Volo M. E. church every Sunday afternoon at 2 30. All are invited to attend. The ladies of the Volo M. E. church will give an ice cream social at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Walton Wednesday evening, Aug. 14. Come and bring your friends. Everyone wel come. Pineules for the kidneys strengthen these organs and assist in drawing poi son from the blood. Try them for rheu matism, kidney, bladder trouble, lum bago and that tired, worn out feeling. They bring quick relief. Satisfaction guaranteed. Sold at N. H. Petesch's drug store. IT MAY BE 1011: Hundreds who read the announce ments of Prof. Leach each week, and need his help, put off writing him for the very information they ought to have. They are of the opinion if their family physician cannot aid them no one can. His work is on a different principle than the physician's. Fore most of all it is the adoption of nature's own laws. Prof. Leach was born in Connecticut He began life as a mechanic and con- tinned as such until his powers became so evident that he adopted magnetic healing as a profession. There are many so called magnetic healers, who use false titles and dress in gaudy cos that vvtr failf J tumes for advertising purposes. Prof. Leach is a plain, true American, honest and sincere in all he doee. We quote the professor's own words, as follows: "Mine is a gift that cannot be taught. I was born to cure. At the age of two my wonderful curative powers were first noticed, and at that ^ge I was able to alleviate suffering. By the mere touch of the hand I can go back into a person's life and tell how long they have been sick and the cause of the ailment. I have patients all over the U. S. and have made cures of almost every known disease. I do not claim to be able to cure everything. I DIAGNOSE FREE, and if not able to cure or at least help I do not accept the person As a patient " It is an easy matter to learn more of Prof. Leach, and as he gladly sends his testimonial booklet free you ought to write for it. You will then form a very good idea of what he is able to do. -An average of ninety reqnests for booklets are filled every day. The professor gives this important matter his personal attention. Address mail to the permanent offices. Suite 2, Spurling Block, Elgin. Chicago offices for treating are in Kinihall Hall, Jackson Blvd. and Wa bash Ave., and are attended by Prof] Leach Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday afternoons of each week. Professor f. A. Leach, E L Q I N , - - I L L I N O I S . HOLCOHBV1LLK. Mrs. F. Powers called on Mrs. W. Gilbert Friday. Mr. and Mrs. F. Powers visited at Wi Powers' Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Stolpeand children vis ited relatives in Nnnda Sunday. Mrs. P. Hunt and Miss Lixzie Ames were McHenry callers Saturday. Miswes Alice Knox and Mary Doberty spent Wednesday at J. Doherty'B. Miss Mary Gibbs of |£mera)d Park spent Saturday evening with friends in this vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. G. Whiston and grand children spent Sunday at P. Flanders' in Ringwood. Mrs. Jay Doberty and children, Nel lie and Frank, visited at the home of W. Bolger Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Enos Conley and son, Glenn, of Huntley visited at the home of W. Doherty Snnday. Mrs. Otis Mnrray and children and Mrs. Wm Laughlin and son of Chicago visited at W. Doherty's last week. Mr. and Mrs. X- Flanders and chil dren, Mrs. E. Flanders, Mrs. Mason and daughters, Lanra and Cora, visited rel atives in Ringwood Sunday. Man Zan remedy comes put up in col • lapsible tube with a nozzle. Easy toap- ply right where soreness and inflamma tion exists^ It relieves at once blind, bleeding, itching or protruding piles. Guaranteed. Price 50 cents. Get it to day. Sold at N. H. Petesch's drug store. I AY.0f€ A G Sweet to Eat UIA%|J V AUady Ssml Lautin, FAN(Y (AIDES We are proud to announce that we have one of the finest linGs of fancy candies ever brought to town and want you to sample it. OUR i(t ran Is also of the kind that has won for us a great reputation. We want you to call and test it. G i u n t a B r o s . NBAR DEPOT Chicago & North-Western. Effective May 12.1007. WXKK DAT TRAINS. Oh?CMO. north bouhd McHenry. .00 a m Via Elgin 10.17 a m 45 a m ..Via l>es PI nines 10.17 a m 12.30 p m Via Elgin 2.50 p m 1.00 pm Via IJes IM aloes i.il p ni .45 pm Via Des IMalnes 4.45 pm 00 p in. .. .57 p m ... ,00 am. .45 a m. ... Via Elgin . Via !.'«s Plaines.. SUNK AY TRAINS. ..Via Des IMalnes.. Via Elgin. . ,10am Via Des Pl&lnes... .. .4.40 p m .. ..e.40p m 0.37 a m 11.14 a m 11.14 am -- 4.55 p m 2.02 pm Via Elgin WBBK DA V TBAINS. Leave «Ann.„nm«n Arrive MeHinry. south bolnd. Chicago. +7.04 a m Via Des IMalnes.. ... 8.30 a ni .80 a m Via Elgin 10.10a m ,(2am Via I >es Plaines .#.35 a m .21pm Via Des IMalnes t.15 p m .23 pn Via Elgin-- 7.10 p ri 17 pm Via Des IMalnes 7.63 pm SUNDAY TRAIKS. .20 am Via Elgin.. 10.35am o» p m Via Des Plaines 8.25 p u. 4 K p m V i a D e s I M a l n e s . . . . 9 . 3 5 u m 4 8 p m . . V i a E l g i n 1 0 . 8 0 p m •Saturday only. +Mouday only. Want Column. All advertisement* limtrted under this head at the tallowing rat««' Kl»e lluetf or leu*, *6 < rritn fur flint lnoertlun. 15 ccutH for each Hubtjequnit insertion. Mure than Ave lints, 6 cent* a line tor itrnt Insertion, and Scent* a line for additiona insertion*. A choice farm of 100 acres 2H H cash, balance long time at 5 per cent. 51-tf Bank or McHbnby. TV\OK SALE " miles from McHenry. 13MJK SALE--Eight room bouse with ten Iota lix-ated in West McHenry, also HO acre farm, located Just outside village corpora tion, having river frout>ige. Uoou buildings. For further iuforniation apply to J. J. Buch, McUeury, III. 2-3mo F°S SALE--Dakota and Colorado lands. Homesteads located. For further Infor mation apply to or address E. W. Howe^ Me Henry. I'll. 3~tf tpAKM FOR SALE--One of the finest BOO acre farms iu Lake county, under the best of cultivation, situated on the banks of a beautiful lake. In order to close an estate I offer this farm at a very reasonable figure and on very low terms. Apply U> B. ». lN- nrss, Riverside hotel, McHenry. 5-tf - - F a i r 4 TTMJK SALE--A good farm of 120 acres. A? Improvements, % mile of river, ' Inquire of E. W. How x, McHenry % "'Mqr % .4 Sundaes r the richest tiling to eat yet invented is a as served at oar fountain. A combination of real-cream Ice cream and the most luscious fruits obtainable can hardly be anything but rich and palate pleasing. " We serve about every of sundae ever heard of. Be sides those prepared with fruits we Serve maple nut and chocolate nut sundaes that are simply delicious. All sundaes, 10c. • > " '"If N. H. PETESCH Dnttbt - KcHtmr. a - Tlw 274 * M < I ? j' . c ^1 $5? wm ' > n *: MM ' • C'h £ M Ik * • 111 • Vv -NOW- Heep Your House Clean 4t We would be glad --to SHOW YOIT* How much comfort you can get fear a invested in ottr f % ...Call on.. JACOB JUSTEN rtcHenry, 111. \5#j f* Ringwood Drug Store Our line of patent medicines is complete in every respect and when in need of anything in our line just drop in and let us supply your wants. We can do this in a manner that will make you smile. Otir Soda Fountain is ever in commission. Come in and get rid of that tired feeling. A dish of our delicious ice cream will do it. :: :: S. W. BROWN, Ringwood, Illinois. • ** * k/' 'r* • • V- 'L'C • -zff - /T ~ ̂ " VI 'Sis • t > I. iHV Wl avmg money and sacrific ing quality is poor economy when Food Stuffs are concerned Pure and wholesome Foods always command good prices. I have them at prices that are 110 higher than lots of cheap stuff is sold at. Save your health by buying the best, it's none too good for you. Did you say Jelly Tumblers? Well I have them, the full eight-ounce size- at 25c the dozen. Cups and Saucers, Plates, Platters, Vegetable Dishes, Water and Berry Sets, Tumblers, Water Pitchers, Glass Lamps, Fruit Jars. For a short time I offer the celebrated J. H. Bell & Co. Coffees at special reductions--25c grade in 51b lots, not ground, at 20c per pound. (I guarantee this coffee to please or money ref unded). The 20c grade in 5-pound lots at 17c per pound. Cut out this ad, bring it to my store and get 5 per pent discount on your cash pur chase (sugar excepted) amounting to $1.00 or over. J John WEST McHENRY, Aki ILLINOIS. " " ... ?< » \V i " ~ -A? 3 v- ' t ' ̂ . « ^ * V " '** V \ , - v * 'i Mi / ' V W