-V! Professional, Society DA VIL) u. W KLlii), M. D PHYSIC 1 AN, SUKGKON * Office and residence Orees streets, Mi-Henry AND OCULIST comer Klin asifi Telephone Me. «U FEOEKSA FEGER8 OHY8iClANy AND dl'RaEONgltcfifttr? * 111. Office at Residence, corner Court sna Rim Streets, Telephone 333. ^ "v D. T. SMlLElr "" A TTOBNEY AT LAW, Woodstock, Illinois All business Intrusted to his care wll! be properly and promptly attended t<». PARKER S. WEBSTER T AWYER. 701, 708 Rector building, 122 Won JU roe street, Chicago. Telephone Centra 4531. DR. R. G. CHAMBERLTN DENTIST. OtHeraod Residence over n. J. Walsh's Store Hours: 8:oo to 9:30. WKST MOHbnkt. IXX. TtleyhdM No. >93 --- SIMON STOFFEL Insurance; Ag ent for all classes of property to the best Companies. West McHenry, UllnoU ydhh J. Vyoltai •£.? DEALER IN General Hardware ' Stores, Paints and Oils. Tin and ma- «-hine repairing of all kinds. 'Phone 543 McHENRY, - - ILLINOIS. Well-drilling a Specialty. 'Phone 353. WM. BACON Dealer In Windmills, Pipes, Pumps, Fittings, Well Supplies. Flrgt-class Work guaranteed at all Times McHENRY, - - ILLINOIS. FRANK BUHR PRACTICAL PAINTKR AND PAPER HANGER UltRUiE PAIMING, J5.00 dnfl UPWARD House and Sign Painting and all Interior Dec orating. Residence north town line one block Vest of river. Telephone No.254. MCHKNRYI. - - - ILLINOIS KILLTHE COUGH AND CURE THE LUNC8 WITH Dr. King's New iiscovery FORCSFSi18 l un ^^OLDS trW Bottle Free MP ALL THROAT AKD i»MS TROUBLES. Weak Lungs Bronchitis For over sixty years doctors have endorsed Ayer*s Cherry Pectoral for coughs, colds, weak lungs, bronchitis, con sumption. You can trust a medicine the best doctors ap prove. Then trust this the next time you have a hard cough. The t>est kind of a testimonial-- "Sold for over sixty years." A Had* by J. C. Ayor Co., Lowell, Alio manufacturers of srtanfc working committees lea1 m him ry little time for exploration 8 od re search in the new fields of inquii y, but, in view of the sonnd, mental a UHudo he hss disclosed toward tl^e sab jsct of currency reform, it is to be hope tl that, l;e will find time to devote bin si ilendid j energies to the solution of thia t uperla lively important. qu«*tiou HOW MANY EGGS DID^lE SARSAPARILLA. PILLS. HAIR VIGOR. havo no secret*! We publish the formulae of all our medicine*. yers Ayer's PiUs keep the bowels regulars AH vegetable art**! gently laxative* GET? Problem lit Cuiupkrliuu With Which "Bow Old la Aun ?" Ia En>7, Tbe Hctfenry VMulu PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY BY F. Q. SCHRE1NER. Office In Bank Building. Telephone, No. 37$. TERMO OF SUBSCRIPTION: One year.. 11.60 Six months, 7Scts. Three months. 40ots. Thursday, November 38, 1907. GUARANTEED SATISFACTORY OB MONEY BEFTTNBEDc Tel. Mala i7«4- WHY do people of Mt, Henry, Lake an ' 11 h e r countl irop in at Lambert Q. Seng's (tt Fifth Ave. CHICAOOP Because ft la so hi tine like. CENTERVILLE Market We handle everything in the line of fresh and salt MEATS and Sausages We also handle tmrgh Creamery Johns- Butter, Chas. Q. Frett, McHenry, III. HOPKINS FOR CURRENCY RE FORM "The question of currency reform at a time like this is one that should be handled with great caution and conser y&tism. The tendency is for too man} doctors of finance to arise and to be a bit too hasty in diagnosing the case and prescribing the remedy." From an in terview with Senator Hopkins in the Chicago Evening Post. It is refreshing in the present crisis to find one man in pnblic life who feels that anything so vitally important to the public welfare as legislation to re form oar currency must be approached with prudence and conservatism. As Senator Hopkins suggests, there always have been too many doctors of finance, and he might have added that their proffered nostrums, if swallowed by the nation as units or in bulk, would inevi tably haVe produced consequences tothe body politic more appalling than any the American people ever dreamed of 1 be Senator adds in his interview with she Evening Post: 'The trouble in this case -has been that sotne of the eastern trnst companies bfi ve been using their funds in promo tional enterprises for the sake of making •awful gain out of their money. That pranced a crisis in New York, which, with eertain other conditions, has af fected the entire conntry." Thus, with vision clear and unimpair ed, Senator Hopkins goes straight to the root of the evil that ib exercising so ma lign an influence upon the country's commerce and industry. The Senator believes that the senate will formulate and pass a currency bill at its forthcom ing session, and he is confident, more-, over, that it will be such a measure as will command the respect and confi dence of the country. Incidentally it may happen that the evil of unlawful promotion by trnst companies in New York may be the object of a searching scrutiny with a view to effectfng re forms in this branch of banking which will be in keeping with the best ideals of finance. Let ns hope so. The de mands for this sort of thing must come from the great middle west, where pred atory methods of high finance have not as yet found a secure lodgment; and its successful achievement will depend upon the insistence of western senators, who, like Hopkins, are not amenable to corporation influence and control. These can be depended upon to seenre legisla tion for the relief of our overworked gold and currency supplies that will bulegnard the interests of farmer and banker alike. Senator Hopkins is a very busy man. His duties in the senate ats & member of half a dozen of its im- A reader sends us the following prob lem, answers to nhich we will be pleas twl to publish; Just as Jones was leaving liisr home yesterday his wife called alter. him: "Don't forget to drop in at the corner and order soate eggs sent up to the house right away. You kuow the Smiths are coming over to dinner ami I've really got to have s>>me cake." "All right," haul .Ion**, and mindful of bis promise he niepptid into the gro cery. "Hello," saitt Jenks, the grocer, "I don't see yon often. What can I do for you this morning?" "How mm-h are your best eggs?'*' asked Jones. "Well," said Jenka, "two more than I am now selling for <£4 cents Would make them 2 cents per dozen less than they are now." "All right," said Jones, "send 34 cents' worth over to the house right away. My wife is waiting for them. ' How many eggs did he buy? After he reached his office he started to figure it out and before he got thru he was nearly crazy. Then he gave the prob lem to his bookkeeper, who also came to grief over it. If you are a good mathematician, try to solve the problem. It's easy. A LM til cult Serenade. [Characters--A May lover; his chnm. Time--Pa's club night,] Lady, wakel The pallid moonbeams Shine o'er valley, grove and hill. Wake! (Confound that barking terrier 1 Choke him if he won't beep still!) Summer's gentle breeze is blowing, Softly summer's buds unfold. (Jack, I wonder if she'B listening! Gracious! Ain't it turning cold?) When the roses bloom in June time, Let us wander, you and I. (Keep your eye up on that gateway, So the old man don't get by.) Let ns drift among the lilies, And I'll speak of thoughts of love. (Bless the dear! 1 see her looking From that window just above.) Sweetheart, wake! From thy lattice Waft thy lover down a kiss. Canst not hear my pleading message? Do not tarry, lovely miss. Wake, oh, wake! (Crash! Smash! A deluge! Icy water! Pitcher break Angry man! Triumphant solo: "There, you duffer! I'm awake!) Colda and Croup In Children. "My little girl is subject to colds," •ays Mrs. Wm. H. Serig, No. 41, Fifth street, Wheeling, W.Va. "Last winter •he had a severe spell (and a terrible cough, but I cured her with Chamber lain's Cough Remedy without the aid of doctor, and my little boy has been prevented many times from having the croup by the timely use of this syrup As soon as he shows any signB of croup I give him Chamberlain's Cough Rem edy for three or four days which pre vents the attack." This remedy is for sale by all druggists. 1 J******* \ •0 WEST SIDE is the place to leave your order . . . . .FOR tf 4 Also an elegent line of fresh and ^l t MEATS £. Ft Matthews, West McHenry, III. Backache 'gives woman some of her most' miserable and wretched hours. I Along with the backache, getter-1 I ally cume headache, waist pain, I failing feelings, irritability, nerv ousness and the blues. Have you these periodical troubles? If so, you may know that they 1 are due to disease of some of Mhe most Important organs of 'your body, organs that should 1 get help or. In time, through j weakness, will wreck your I health and life. Help them to health with aril 1 could play the Piano?' me can furnish you an instrument which we guar antee you can play (be day it is delivered. i he fffeftrte trai f osliig tm>uth~pif>ce one of the ejxclpsi futures that ma ihe Apollo the ide» layer--the sfcanJa layer Piano of ti « pi*y«r {>iaj> that plays only 05 notes of the Piano t up to date The Apollo playp B8 notes or the en i i iv keyboard of 1 he Piano Ihe Apollo Player Piano adftY.*^' yoa«eo3,y 10 €- nt ten ' 1Y to have luc. ot vour ! , for the test ot ^ ̂ re,eUt se»* as the I.™ 'B* *« »m jbinw® u and ftge ftU<1.W.^ ved AP0**0 lUftQuer and \mpru-- { tory a highly 8 ^ 7^ /. WIRE OF WOMAN'S RELIEF [Says Hk iiianche t. Mcpnanou, of I 11228 S. 42nd Ave., Chicago, "l suf fered miserably for five (S) year* ' with a constant pain In my back and right side and although my husband | employed several of the best doctors Un tfais great dty, not one could give I me relief. At last I took Wine of I Cardiol, which relieved my pain, pre- [ vented an operation and restored me to health." It Is a wonderful cura tive medietas lor all womeos' ills. Try U. fc26 At all Druggists fi>00 PR OB. A TE NEIVS j [Furnished by McHenry County Abstract Company, Woodstock, Illinois.] MARRIAGE LICENSES. Frank Shnfeldt, 31 Harvard Nellie M. Cross, 22 Sharon H. F.'Padden, 38.Pleasant Prairie, Wis. Flora I. Heck. 28 Richmond Wm. Kngath, 28 Marengo Mr« Pearl Stahler, 27 Marengo Chas. Persson, 29 McHenry Gertie Harris, 28 McHenry Chas. D. Havely, 83.. Harvard Beulah Bordwell, 30 Alden Frank G. Spnrling, 26 W. McHenry Margaretha H. Kranse, 28. W. McHenry Ernest Selter, 28 Woodstock Christina Obey, 22 Woodstock Edgar G. Luke,.24 ...Woodstock Nellie A. Sondericker, 22... . Woodstock LonisTarnow, 26 Algonquin Dena Nickels, 19 Algonquin Frank H. Morris, 38 Nunda Mrs. Florence Lucas, 83 Ridgefield Behind the Prison Bare at Jollet. "The illustrated lectnre, "Behind the Bars At Joliet, 1 was given to a large and intelligent audience at the opera bouse Tuesday evening. Mr. Wetmore certainly h»s a grand entertainment. The effect is surprising, thrilling and intensely impressive, and should be seen and beard by every man, woman and child in our State. ISo entertainment ever given in our city has received high er commendation from the press and should it ever come here again the opera house will be tested to its utmost to ac commodate the people. "--Atlas, Mon mouth, III. At the M. E. church in this village tomorrow (Friday) evening, under the anspices of the Ladies' Aid society. Admission 85 ce^ts; children 15 cents. Grand B*a«0t Copftpff. A grand benefit concert will be given by Kirtland's 7-piece orchestra of Chi cago, under the auspices of the Ring- wood band, Saturday evening, Nov. 30. at M. W. A. ball, Ring wood. You are most cordially invited to attend and enjoy one of the best mnaicai treats to be had this side of Chicago. One of the best banjo players on the vaudeville stage 6f Chicago will aeeompany this troupe. Remember, it was Mr, Kirtland who played a violin solo at the soaial October 18. You know he made a bit. Admission, adults, 25 cents; children, 15 cents. Do not fail to attend. LOCAL NEWS OF M'HENRY AS SEEN BY THE PLAINOEALER REPORTERS. Item^ of Interest Picked Up About Our Busy Little Bars That H*f Concern Ton or Your Friends. Hot water bottles, Fountain syringes. Sick room goods, Nursery supplies, At Petesch's. If in poor health ters. try Herdrich's Bit- Shaving and toilet sets at Masqnelet's, East Side. F. O. Gans the auctioneer. He guar* an tees satisfaction. The highest price paid for backwbeat at the McHenry mill. The West McHenry steam mill is once more a very busy place. The C. T. Eldredge residence on the West Side has been reshingled. About 40,000 pounds of oarp were •eined by Ben Stilling this fall. Local sportsmen report rabbit hunt ing exceptionally good this season. Before buying a cook stove or heater see Vycital's line and get his prices, tf You'll find the best articles fered for 10 cents at Vycital's. ever ot- tf Think of what it means! $1.75 for The Weekly Inter-Ocean and this paper for one year. It's a spseial daaL 'Behind the Bars at Joliet" at the M. E. church tomorrow (Friday) even ing. Good spring wheat wanted at the West McHenry mill. John Spencer, proprietor. tf Bring or send yonr news items to this office. We will be only too pleased to publish them for yon. Only three more issues before Christ mas. Business men should begin their Christmas advertising at once. The target shoot and game dinner at Lily take park last Snnday was very well attended and mnch enjoyed by all present. Light refreshments will be served dur ing the afternoon and evening at Wood man hall on Thursday, Dec 0, for 10 cents a plate. The Plaindealer will be sent to any address on trial three months for twenty* five cents, $nd will be dlacontinned at the expiration of $bat time unless other wise ordered. Try it. Q}Rb WANTED--To learn the art of typesetting. Must have grammar school education. Work nine hoqrs per day at good wage^ to start. For fur ther information apply at this oftice. Photos are first among the most web come and best appreciated holiday gift*. Secure your sittings for Christmas at an early date and avoid the rush. Hille photo itndio, McHenry, 111., 'phone Ml j EMERALD PARK. Geo. Bolger of Elgin visited at W. Bolger's Snnday. Miss Mary Gibbs is spending this week with McHenry friends. L. Huck returned Saturday after vis iting in Chicago a week. Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Hill of Chicago were at the Park Sunday. W. K. Burns and son, Wm , of Chica go spent Snnday at the Park. Miss Mary Gibbs and J. Aylward vis ited at W. Spiel man's Friday. Mrs. E. Comisky spent a few clays last week with friends in Chicago, Mrs. Chas. Gibbs of Chicago is spend ing this week with her parents here. Messrs. Jos. Frey and Wm. Robinson spent Sunday with the Berkireher broth ers. Jas. Gibbs returned from Iowa Sun day after spending a few months in that state. Mrs. J. R. Smith and brother, George Thurlwell, visited relatives at Grays- lake Sunday. < Messrs. Ed Walsh aud G. S. Morris of Chicago are visiting at the former's home this week. Misses Margaret Aylward and Celia Frisby of Elgin and Anna Frisby of Mc Henry called in this vicinity Sunday. Misses Margaret, Delia and Minnie Conway of Elgin, Messrs. Jas. Conway of Ringwood, John and Thomas of Chi cago and Martin of McHenry spent Sat urday at M. Conway's. Place Your Order Mow. The government postal authorities have caused to be posted in every posl- office in the country a circular letter to the public, urging everyone to use en velopes with a return card printed thereon. Every business man, farmer or person of any occupation should have his name and address printed on his envelopes, thus insuring their return to the sender if anv mistake is made in the address. Gall at The Plaindealer office and leave orders for this stationery and it will be put up in first-class manner, BOLCOHBV1LLE. ^ A. P. Peck is visiting at his home here. F. Powers was a caller in Woodstock Thursday. Mrs. C Knoblauch is ill and under the care of Dr. Hull. T. Powers of McHenry spent Thurs day at W. Powers'. F. Davoll and D. Rowson were Chica go passengers Monday. W. Zenk and Otto Lawrence were in Elgin on business Friday. # Mr. and Mrs. Bauer returned home from Wisconsin Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. A. Johnson and children ppent Sunday in Barreville. Mrs. Stolphe of Nunda spent a few days last week at P. Stolphe's. Miss Lola Boyle of VicHenry spent Thursday evening at Jay Doherty's. Chas. Schroeder of Nunda was a call- V in this vicinity on^ day last week. Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Peck and Mrs. B Peck were McHenry callers Monday. Mrs. Hoffmeister of Chicago is visit ing her daughter, Mrs. C. Knoblanch. Misses Irene Davoll and Ella Kno blanch called on Miss Vera Doherty Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. H. Silver and children are spending a few days at J. Hollar- bush's in Spring Grove. Otto Lawrence returned to his home in Chicago Monday after spending the past two months at W. Zenk's. Mrs. Dagget returned to her home in Minnesota Friday after a short visit with relatives here. She was accomp anied home by her grandmother, Mrs. E. Flanders, who-will remain for sev eral months. (f you are contemplating an auction salb this fail F. O. Gans is the right man to cry your sale. Orders may be left with either M. J. Walsh or J. W. Freupd at West McHenry, where they will receive prompt attention. Mr. Gans may also be reached at Woodstock by letter, 'phpne or telegraph- Read The Plaindealer "want" ads AT THe CENTRAL NEXT SUNDAY EVENING Be m Oak! Don't be d Vine! If You Wint to Take Magnetic Tretunents, Take IHem Don't Be Afraid of Your Ncl^Wicr's Sneers. Stand alone in this world the same as an oak, build up the body and mind so you can stand alone. Don't depend on others to tell you what to do. How often we find people who hesi tate just because somebody thinks for them, and weie they to use their own judgment they would not meet with so many reverses. If you have tried one system of doctoring all your life and failed to receive desired results, why not try nature's cure? Don't ask your neighbor if you should do this or that When you are transacting business yon never let your neighbor decide for yon, apd when the health question is to be decided apply the same principle. I can hear you say this way of healing disease by vital magnetism is something we don't understand. Wireless teleg raphy ie something new, but the curing of diesase by the laying on of hands is not new. It has been since the begin' ning of man. Medicine is experimen tal. Vital magnetism is nature's cure. The majority of human kind are very short sighted. Very few have yet ac quired that mental breadth and height that enables them to clearly realise that they can cheat themselves. They do it because of lack of true grasp of life. Human life in any substantial sense - is a matter of inherent worth end growth. We may inherit considerable worth, but to get more worth we must grow. To develop and grow we must keep healthy. Therefore guard your health and when in doubt try nature's cure Vital magnetism cures quicker «*-n any o*ther mode of treatment People who have been considered hopeless invalids have been restored to health by vital magnetism. A wor* to the wise suffices. If you are sick, no matter what your troubles are, write or call at my office, and J will tell you what I can do for you. I earnestly solicit the correspondehce of the afflicted. My booklets with tee timonials are sent on request. If yoq do not find testimonials fitting yoor case write me and I will furnish names of jpesponsible persons that I have cured of the disease similar to yours. I diag nose all cases at my office free of charge* and can be consulted at my office from Monday until Saturday of each week. Simply by the touch of the band I tell you your troubles better than you oSn yourself describe them. Yours for health, ^ PROF. P. A LEACH, », Spurling Block, Elgin ?H, V if • " - m