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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 12 Dec 1907, p. 5

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r -~v <*.. Nothing makes a more suitable Qhristmas* Gift ^ than a nice piece of Furoiture; sot okly use- ful and ornamental but is something 7 that will beautify the home and^ f" serve as a lasting remembrance * of the giver. We would .. *"• suggest a nice Library Table, Davenport Sectional Book s e , L a d i e s * 7 Desk, Parlor Cabinet, * ©ining Table, D1 n i ft g ^Chairs, Buffet, Sideboard, China Closet/ Leather Rocker, Mor­ ris Chairs and many other useful and beautiful Presents. Sleds for the boys and ^ fior^ l©r tbe Little Fdlks. See them. ft* The Stove Question Is solved here to the highest degree of Satis­ faction. A fine line to select from at honest prices, y y F. L. McOMBER.. WEST McHENRY. ILLINOIS. -THE JOYS OF- Horning , are felt with equal exultation if the remembrance by some friend is represented by a token, large or small. Es­ pecially so is this true, if that token is truly representative of the giv­ er's feeling of "Yule Tide" cheer and the sentiment of "Peace on Earth, good will to all Men" pre- vades the atmosphere. . We can help you with sug­ gestions that convey this meaning for a very small outlay. Hundreds of pretty things in keeping with the Spirit of the times. We cannot here fully describe the hundreds of appropriate Holiday Gifts we offer. Every Gift we suggest is of sterling qual­ ity, whether expensive or inexpensive. Don't get the wait­ ing habit. Buy early and avoid the rush. Goods delivered. M. J. WALSH. ff1 Xmas Groceries 40c 30c . «5* ......10c . .15c, MC IOC EXTRA FINE California Navel Oranges, high color, per dozen Boiled Sweet Cider, large bottle Spanish Salted Peanuts, fresh, per pound Cranberries, fancy Cape Cod, per quart....... Imported Layer Figs, per pound. Hallowi Dates, new, per pound Fancy Mixed Nuts, per pound.. *»c New Brazil Filberts, per pound *0® Nqfie Such Tomatoes, per can '5C Fancy Seeded Raisins, per 1-pound package 15c Fancy Seedless Raisins, per pound Fancy Layer Raisins, per pound, *4C None Such Mince Meat. 3 pkgs., 25c, perpkg.JOc Fancy Blend Coffee. 2-pound Can 45c New York Eating or Cooking Apples, per peck 45c Fancy Sun-Cured Japan Tea, per pound pkg. .45c FANCY naine Corn or Sifted E J Peas, per can «5C COHPLETE LINE OF XMAS CANDIES^ JOHN STOFFEL CASH GROCER. WEST MeHENRY. ILL! IOIS. 1*2 RING WOOD. PLEASANT CHARACTER PARTY. About eighteen guests responded to invitations to a surprise on Mrs. A. Q. Bishop of Ringwood on Thursday, Deo. 5, the occasion being her birthday an­ niversary. The party consisted of Mother Goose and a nauiber of her children, who all came appropriately costumed, the little girls bringing their dolls and Teddy bears to spend the day with their friend, who had been invited out for the day, bnt on being informed there was company, came home, whan she was. immediately carried off by two ladies, who proceeded to dress her in costume for the Qneen of Hearts- Than seating her on a throne, Mother Goose appeared, followed by her children, whom she introduced one by one to Her Majesty. At this time Lady Boun­ tiful came in, and on being introduced, invited the qaeen and her guests to a feast in the banquet ball, which had bee^ especially prepar**t to please the eye and taste of children After being seated, with napkins pinned around their necks, they aid justice to the feast, ciucb dwlu iovid tart* and little cakes and pink and white stick candy with stripes and other goodies. The favors were little red apples, which each guest car­ ried away Alter dinner the company gathered in the spacious sitting room, There they gave a short program con •'*tiug of songs and recitations. Then they played games until the clock earned them it was time to go home. They ail departed, wishing Mrs. Bishop trmny happy returns of the day and all feeling they had spent a most pleasant day. The guests were: Mrs. Stella Clemens Mother Goose Mrs. Rilla FOBS Daffy Down Dilly Mrs. Bradley .Mrs. Sprat Mrs. Grace McCannon Jack Sprat Mrs Lucy Randall Jack Mrs Lena Peet Jill Mrs. Matie Bishop Queen of Hearts Miss Nellie Clemens Bo P^ep Miss Mand Harrison Lucy Locket Mrs. Alice Hut son .. .Red Riding Hood Mrs. Caliie Rainey.Mary and ber Lamb Mrs. Ltiella Stephenson..... Mary t^nite Contrary Mrs. Mattie Walters Buster Brown Mrs. Myrtle Shales Miss Muffet Mrs. Nellie Tattle Nancy Nettuot Mrs. Anna Harrison Cinderella Miss Agnes Bigeiow--Knave of Hearts Mi s. Mable Beck Bet tie Bine Mrs. Julia Bishop .... Lady Bountiful ivirs. Eittie Harrison Twin Sister RINGWOOD SCHOOL REPORT. Below will be found khe standings of the three highest in the different grades of the grammar room during the month of November: \ II-Vin Grade, K irl Bradley iviary Beli Arthur Bell Jennie Beatty VI-YH Grade. Leon Dodge Harry Stephenson Willie Lawrence VI Grade; Viola Beatty Lonnie Smith Margaret Fay 65.8 Gertrude Fay 84 4 V Grade. Edmund Randall Francis Adams. John May Tbe following are the names of FCL.S . .tH.ti , .79.2 .79.2 98.1 .91.7 .09.1 «l 7 .. 78 V VI Grade .86 8 .80 S .79 8 the pnpils who have been neither absent nor tardy during tbe month: Mary Bell, Jennie Beatty, Harry Steplienson, Leon Dodge, Willie Lawrence, Leo Adams. Ethel Harrison, Viola Beatty, Lonnie Smith, John May, Frank May, Francis Adams, Edmund Randall, Edward Har nson. W. B. JOHONNOTT, Prin. HOLCOMBV1LI.K. C. Knoblanch spent Sunday in Chica go- Will and N. Zenk spent Tuesday in Elgin. Mrs..A. P. Peck is spending several days in Wisconsin. Miss Josie Dalton of Chicago is visit­ ing at Jay Doherty'e. Mr. and Mrs Bolger and family spent Snnday at J. Doherty's. Mr. and Mrs. T. Flanders and chil­ dren visited relatives in Ringwood Sun­ day- | Wm. Powers and daughter, Etta, spent Sunday at Thos Powers' at Mc- Henry. , Mr. and Mrs. W. Sanders of Elgin spent Sunday with relatives in this vicinity. Mrs. H. McMillan and children and Mrs. F. McMillan spent Sunday with Mrs. B F Peck Mr. and Mrs. A. Johnson and chil­ dren called on Mr and Mrs. Carson at Ridgefield Sunday. Mr. and Mrs P. K Clark, Helen Fo­ ley, Martin Foley and Daniel Campbell of Ohio spent several days last week at F. Powers'. The following pnpils of tbe Holcomb- ville school were neither absent nor tar­ dy during the month of November: Irene Davoll, Charlie Tegtmier, Willie Davoll, Lester Bertschy, Eva Davoll, Niel Do- herty, Nellie Doherty, Etta Knoblauch, Bertha Bertschy. PROBA TE NE WS MMIIHmnilltMnnniH [Furnished by McHenry County Abstract Company, Woodstock, Illinois.] REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Mrs. Elisabeth M. Hunter to John R. Brents, e «7 ft It 8 blk 7 W Me Henry.41SOO.OC MARRIAGE LICENSES. Frank Jurp, 19. \ Marengo Emma Book, 18 Marengo Robt. H. Wendt, 88 Big Foot Emma A. Koones, 20 .Richmond If yon are contemplating an auction sale this fall F. O. Gans 1s the-right man to cry your side. Orders may be left with either M. J. Walsh or J. W. Freund at West McHenry, where they will receive prompt attention. Mr. Gans may also be reached at Woodstock by letter, 'phone or telegraph. F. O. Gans tbe auctioneer. He pv- antees KTlHiKFIKla*. Mrs Torn Bennett is improving alow- ly. Mr.Dilley of Nandewae her© Than- day. - - - - - ; -- ' Mrs. A. P. Peck went to Milwaukee Tuesday. Grandma French was a Nunda caller Saturday. Mr. Hanghawout was in Woodstock Thursday. Mrs. Levey mm a Woodstock caller Wednesday. Martin Anderson waa a recent visitor in Poplar Grove. Mre. E. L. Kimball wis in Nunda the first of the week- F. Thayer of Hebron visited at Mrs. E Smith's Friday. Gordon We tester of Colorado ia call­ ing on old frienda. Mr Lang of Woodstock was here on business Tuesday. E. W. Merchant WM in Nunda on business Saturday. Mrs. Baldwin of Nonda waa a Ridge- field caller Thursday. Mr. find Mrs. E. L. Kimball spent Friday evening in Elgin. Mrs. Peterson was a Woodstook vis­ itor the first of the week. Elmer Jacoby of Barrington visited at Mrs. Jaynes' Wednesday. E. L. Kimball attended the teaohers' meeting at Algonquin Saturday. Mrs. R. L, Dufield and son, Leroy, were shopping in Nunda Monday. Miss Mabel Skinner is visiting har sister in Woodstock for a few days. Mrs. Lynch is able to be out, after several weeks of indoor confinement. Mrs. J. B. Lynch and granddaughter, Eva Merchant, were in the city- Satur­ day. Miss Emma Wagner of Algonquin was a guest of Mr. Wille one day last week. The Foresters of the M. W. •. will givs an invitation dance in the hall Dec. 17. The ladies of the M. W. A. and R. N. A. surprised the Woodman at their hall Tuesday evening. Light refreshments were served. Mr. Button and sister returned home from a week's viait at the home ot his daughter, Mrs Smith, in the city. Election of officers at M. W. A. hall Tuesday evening was as follows; J. Bartz, consul; W. D. Cobb, adviser; B. L. Peck, banker; F. W. Hartman, clerk; Geo. Wheeler, m%nager; Dr. Windmal- ler, physician; S. Reed, watchman; A. Skinner, sentry. The Aid society chicken pie basaar was a great success financially. Tbe ladies cleared $100. Those who bought eatables at the bazaar please return tbe dishes to the society kitchen. Tbe members of the society wish to thank Messrs. Thayer and Baker for their eer 1 vices as auctioneers. SCHOOL NOTES. Our boys will whistle. Tbe Christmas exercises ere going nicely. Tbe following in tbe npper grade were neither absent nor tardy the past montb Kay Lynch, Cora "Lockwood, Ethel Thayer, Genevieve Goddard, Pearl Zenk. In a recent spelling match between the third and fourth grades the follow­ ing pupils misspelled no words: Hellen Carlson and Emma Wieland in fourth grade; Mildred French and Mildred Jaynes in grade 3. aET READY PORCH RISTHAS \r>Wi It is not too early to begin think­ ing about Christmas Gifts. Prom now on the time will pass very rapidly 'Then there is a lot of satisfaction in making selection while stocks are complete and while you can do so at your leisure--which is an impossibility in the hurry and bustle of the two weeks before Christmas. Cw foil HEM of Holiday Goods is now here ready for your inspection. Seeing it while it is complete will suggest suitable Gifts for everyone on your list--will solve every difficult Gift problem. We urge you to come as soon as possible and as often thereaftei as your time will permit. L i. hrsol • --wtwuT DRVGGIST. PHONE. 274 " ^ A , . ) - • > * • £ fc. 4: § 4. m : •• • •> • ^ M 'M ^ J L, * ** if u ..rf * ."H"1 . 'He M '3 i J M Jt OBTN SBUBOB. Mrs. John Mertee is very ill at this writing. Mrs. Simon Weingart of Volo visited in town Monday. Whj. Altboff attended to business in Chicago Tuesday. Miss Maggie Adams attended to busi ness in Chicago Tuesday. Mrs. Fred Diethorn was a Spring Grove clller Wednesday. Mi*s Eva Miller is visiting a few days with her sister, Mrs. Joe Michels. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Etten of Spring Grove were seen on our streets Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Klein of Ingleside visited with Mrs. Maggie Freund Sun­ day. Mrs. Wm. Oeffling and daughter call­ ed on Mrs. Jos. H. Buemann Wendss- day. Mr. and Mrs Johh Pitzen of Volo visited with Mr. and Mrs. Michael Scba- fer Sunday. Jos. Frsnnd and Hubert Klapperich left Friday for a week's visit with Mr. and Mrs. John Bngner in Ohio. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Krift left here Thnrsday (or Burlington, Wis., where they intend to make their future7 home KH»iMU) PAHK. Robert Ayl* ard of Elgin spent Sun­ day at R. J. Snftn's Miss Mayme Costello visited the Mios­ es Sutton Fridsy l«t»fc Leo Smith is spending a few days »t Fox Lake. Miss Edith Whitiug of Ringwood vis­ ited friends here Snndav. * Messrs. D. W Hill and Jos Frey spent Sunday at the Park. Mr. and Mrs. J. R Smith spent Sun­ day with Mcllttin y friends. W. J. Wal&i spent Saturday and Sun­ day with Chicago relatives. Misses Mary and Margaret and M. E. Sutton spent tnrhey day at their hotrte John Sntton and nephew, Robert Lar- kin, spent a few days last week at El­ fin. Mr end Mrs L Rocoo of Chicago spent Thankftgiviusr day at Oak Villa cottage. Mrs. P. CostaHo end daughter and sons spent a few day* last week at P. Walsh's. Edward Walsh returned to Chicago Saturday after spending a week with home folks. Messrs. Cbas. and John Gibbs of Chi­ cago spent Thursday last with relatives In this vicinity. Geo. Thnrlwell returned to Grayslake Tuesday after spending a few weeks at at J. R. Smith's. Wm. Sutton went to Elgin Sunday evening where he expects to attend the Elgin Business college. Mrs. Joe. Frey and niece, Miss Krouse, of Chicago are spending a few weeks at the Berkircher cottage. Messrs. John Gibbs, L. E. Walmsley and R. Fleming were gusete at R. J. Sntton's Thursday last. L. E Walmsley returned Wednesday after spending several months at Hope, N. D., and other points. Mr. and Mrs. D. Corr and daughter, Katie, and son, Roy, of Woodstock spent Thursday last at P. Walsh's, Floyd Thompson, Will Howard and Clarence Whiting of Woodstock visited friends in this vicinity Thursday and Friday last. Miss Mayme Knox, who has been at­ tending school at Keokuk, la.,' tbe past three months, returned home Wednes­ day last, and will spend a monch before returning to ber school duties. . Bank of McHenry This Bank receives, deposits, bays and sells Foreign and Domestic Exchange, and does a BMKIIK BUSINESS. We endeavor to do ell btuineee Intrusted to our care in a taAHner and upon terms entirely satisfact­ ory to our customers and respect­ fully solicit the public patronage. fioney to Loan on real estate and other first class security. Special attention given to collections. INSURANCE in First Class Companies, at the loweet rates. Yonrs Respectfully Perry & Owen, Notary Public. - Bankers. : . fI !: Onr elegant new liii%of Fur and Plush Ro­ bes is here ip/) -great variety % Our' atocjk Winter" I'Horsi^ J Goods "visa.', the < finest we have JI ever been to show. ' m. H. Cbelen, McEKNRY, ILLINOIS. !-g'" -- vf 3 J; * Xi %4U "-1 =fiHB SM - i • " in TERRA COTTA. Ed Conway waa a Chicago visitor Saturday. Mrs. T. R. Anderson was a Nunda caller Friday. Miss Lizzie Ekstrom of McHenry is visiting friends here. Mrs. Frank McMillan spent Thnraday and Friday in Spring Grove. Henry McMillan and S. B. Leianer spent a recent day in Chicago. Miss Ruth Anderson of Richmond spent Friday at T. R. Anderson's. Mrs. F. McMillan and Mre. H. Mc­ Millan were Holcombville visitors Sun­ day. M. Conway and eon. Ray, attended tbe Fat Stock show in Chicago Satur­ day., * Mrs. Henry McMillan and children upent a few days last weak wftti rela­ tives at Spring Grove. Mrs. S. B Leisner returned to ber borne here Monday evening after apsod. ing several days in Chicogo. Misses Eleanor Pbalin and Florence and Frances Knox attended a birthday party in McHenry Moudaj; evening. Bring or eend your news items to this office. We will be only too pleased to publish them for ytfia VOLOL Mr. Hendrloka of Ingleside was town Friday. Marsh Huson of Round Lake was in town recently. * Miss Ella Moore spent several days at Wauconda last week. Mrs. Jack Frost baa returned from a visit of several weeks in Chicago. Misses Annie RDssdeutscher and Kate Frost were in McHenry Saturday. Mrs. Sarah A. Howard of Grant ia visiting at A. J. Raymond's tnis week. Mrs. Vogt and daughter, Carrie, of Wanconda attended church here Stan- day. John Walton, who is serving on jury at Waukegen, was at home over Sac- day. Mias Emma Hanson has gone to Stoughton, Wia, for a visit with refa- tivss. ^ Mesdames Lonis Knigge and Fanny Tower of Mudgett's Lake were in Volo Friday. Mre. John Walton and daughter, El­ sie, were Grayslake callers Wednesday afternoon. Ed Lusk of Rousd Lake was the guest of friends here Friday and Saturday of this week. Mr. and Mrs Barry Nicholls were guests of friends in Qhicago last Thurs­ day and Friday. Mrs. L. V. Lusk and Misses Catherine Dowel 1 and Olive Wilson of West Fre­ mont attended church here Saturday evening. Preaching and services will be held in the Volo M. E church every Saturday evening at 7:30 o'clock. Everyone cor­ dially invited. Boasts tiowery at PMeech's. WEST SIDE Ml Miei is the place to leave your order F O R , . . . . Oysters fisli Also an elegent line of fresh and s a l t M E A T S £. F. Matthews, Wut Alctuary, III. CENTERVILLE Market We handle everything fa) the line of fresh and salt MEATS and Sausages We alee handle burgh Creamery Johns- Butter, Chas. G. Frett, McHenry, III. Ml "3 DM HOTEL R. L. UNLAND, MANAOER Midison and (irt Sts., (Mo ENTRANCE ON ilADlSON 5T. Stum Heit - flectrk Bells to ill Hm ...Rates... 50c., 75c., and $1.00 Located <0 tbe center ot tbe business district From Stock Yards take 7Mb and Balsted 8ts. car direct to corner of Madison and Clark fits. Chicago & North-Western. Effective November 10,1W. WAN DAT TBAIVS. . , OK5>. NORTHBOUND M*Heory. 7.00am Vis Elicit! ...10.17am 9.00 a m. Vim Des P!aiuss 10.17 a m u n Via Des PUiaes 5.04 p m 3.45 pm Via Elgin.... 4J7 p ta Via I>es Plaiiiss. SUM) AT TR. I as. ^.45 a QW VI* E!«,iu . .. fclo*Hkv.. .. Via Ue&PUiuss... IdOpQ. •. VlsSlgln V**a PAT TJU-we. Me Henry. " VI* Eivle yi... S.J7 a m Via Des mtqis.. ....Via Pes PiaitiSs.. VI* Eijtiii . SUNDAY TKAIUe. ' 7.10am.. ..Via Elgin.«.. 9.00 p m Via Pes Harass... 5.00 pm Via EIrId READ THE . 11.14 a n .11.14 a A.rri»e Chicago. a »-2v p» 7 JO p 0.55 a ' * * I " > THE PAPER THAT PROTECTS'HOME INDUSTRY -S ; rA1*" » tm •I;.:' '#J

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