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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 21 Apr 1910, p. 5

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MR. DRESSER: $'b time to order that new Suit and Top Coat. '• Ouf new Spring S^inples await your inspection. The very latest Foreign and Domestic Cloths made to yoar own measure in any ST YUD YOU CHOOSE. A nice line of Shoes, Hats, Shirts, Collars and Ties to .select from. Call and see them.1 :: r-v Yours truly, M. J. WALSH WEST flcHENRY. - * PHONE 483 $T6«oo and up. J. D. LODTZ McHBNRY, - - ILLINOIS. Is Yoar Memory Good? Do you remember last winter's coal short­ age? Do you remember that you vowed that another winter you would not get caught without coal? Lest you forget, we remind you of it. Next winter may find the situation the same, if not worse. If you buy your cosfl in the summer you need not worry, but can laugh up your sleeve at your neighbor who waits to buy his coal when he needs it. Be wise. Order it now. Be wiser. Order it from Wilbur's and get the WILBUR SERVICE, the best, :: :: •to T f 11.2/VII LV1 Kk/LH WM« Telephone 651 - WEST McHENRY, ILL. •d) A 'CROSS COUNTER TALK ' Customer: "How do you know the colon in ShtrwiH'WUhtUKUk 'Wif. Prepand, are durable?" Dealer:. "The colors in S.ft.P- are durable and lasting because pi the high qualities of raw materials used, the care taken in manu­ facture and the skill employed in mixing »d grinding. The S-W. Co. has its own dry color plan* and produces dry colors second to none (or brilliancy and urength; operates its own linseed oil mill and manufactures ail Rure linseed oil for S-VVJ Products; has its own lead and zinc mines, and employs a large staff of chemists to maintain thestandard of al) raw maf&riais and finished products. '"With materials of such quality, combined with the thorough assimilating they receive in mixing and grinding, is insured the most permanent and durable colors it is possible to manufacture. 3.W.P. wears as long as any paint can wear and retains its brightness and freshness for the greatest possible time." v j z i Z / j f x J J V L r /V'.£i i V s i S i O {_IIA'C/Tv'/C JL*£LLj 13 ill OXM ABLE/CORPS OF CORRESPONDENTS 'HfordrnirH •-;« Bnd Ford of Waacon3n caTtedon friends here Sunday A few doses of Petesch's cold tablets and you 'll have no cold. Bliss Beesie Dnonill of Chfcago spent a few days laot wrek with ber parents here. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Lnsk visited rela­ tives at West Fremont Snudty afttir noon. The Clover Leaf manure spreaders go like hot cakes. Only a Tew left. Wtn. Stoffei. Mr. and Mrs. Will Mollidor of Ronnd Lake attended church here Sunday forenoon. Mr. and Mrs. Will Davis and children of Wanoonda were in town Sunday forenoon. Mrs. Carl Atterbury and son of Wan kegan are guests at the Ranght home this week. Messrs. Wm Frost and H. Stadtfeld were Wauooada callers Friday evening of last week. Miss Katie Pitfcfn of Ptatakee Bay WAP the guest o? Missee Ann:.e «nd Clara Rosing lant week. Air cooled, rionhle exhanst--some thing new--our primp engine. Better skw it at Wtu. Stoffdl'a. Mte Lillian EfHnger in appuding a fbw weeks with her wnnt, Mrs. N Kretschmer, at Grayslake. Staver carriages are the beat Call and let n» explain their merits Math Frennd, near river bridge Mm. Jennie Cossumn and daughter, Mariel, of Round Lake spent one day last week at the Kirwan home. Chester Hironiwon of Round Lake is spending a few days with his grand par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Dannill Have yon seen our five and ten cent counter? If not, better call in and save money. / .1. .1 Vycital. Diarrhoea should be en red without loss of time and by a medicine which like Chain berlain *s Colic, Cholera aud Diarrhoea ^Remedy not only in rep promptly bnt produces no nnplrasaiit after effects. It never fails and is pleat* ant and safe to take. Sold by all dealers Eli and Jane with Harry Gfaenin the principal role is enong-b-^^l insure a go<>d first class performance. Every­ thing bright, new, clean, catchy and a real funuy show, such as Eli artd Jane should be encouraged by all. It i#>with oat a donbt the greatest comedy pro­ duction of the present age. Coming here Snnday, April 24. The Sound 8l«rp<tfflnnd Health. The restorative power of sound sleep can not be over estimated and any ail­ ment th^t prevents it is a menace to health. J. L. Sonthers, Eau Claire, Wis , says: "For a long time I have been unable to sleep soundly nights, be­ cause of pains across my back and soreness of iny kidneys. My appetite was very poor and my general condition was much run down. I have been tak­ ing Foley's Kiduey Pills bnt a short tune and now sleep as sonnd as a rock. I eat and enjoy my meals, and my geueral condition is greatly improved. I can honestly recommend Foley's Kidney Pills as I know they have enred me Frank Masquelet. GET BUSY AND MAKE YOUR OLD HOUSE LOOK LIKE NEW WITH S. & W. PAINT AT PBTESCH'S OSTENJX Single harness, an exceptional value, at Wm. Stoffei's. Paints and brushes of all kinds at the Centerville hardware. Bern Harrison was a Chicago visitor Monday and Tuesday. Miss Merle Hollarbush is spending the week with her sister, Mrs. Warren Thomas. Gerald Newman of McHenry was a Snnday guest at the home of Mrs. Alma Thomas. If it's a buggy or carriage that you wish to purchase, buy a Staver, nothing better. Math. Freund, near the river. Miss Ammie Francisco, Mrs. Henry Hobart, Mr. Lincoln and Miss Eliza Burr visited Mrs. Lo$ Francisco last Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Thompson, Mrs. Mann and son, Earl, of Woodstock at­ tended the funeral of Mrs. W. F. Bas- sett last Thursday. There is no cough medicine so popular as Foley's Honey and Tar. It never fails to cure coughs, colds, croup and bronchitis. Frank Masquelet. Mr. and Mrs. Jack and eon, Arthur, who were called here by the death of Mrs. Jack's mother, Mrs. W. F. Baaeett, returned to their home- in Madison, Wis., last Sunday. One continual round of pleasure in Eli and Jane. Yon laugh, yell, scream, roar. If you cry, well, the laugh is on you. Are yon going? Central opera house, Sunday, April 24. Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets assist nature in driving all im­ purities out of the system, insuring a free and regular condition and restoring the organs of the body to health and strength. Sold by all dealers. Peterson -Shcrmsu. From Chicago we receive the news that the marriage of Mis. Nina K", Sherman to Mr. Joseph J. Peterson took place in that city on Monday, April 11. They have alrdady gone to housekeeping at 6435 Honore St., where they will be pleased to meet their Mc­ Henry friends. Mrs. Peterson has made McHenry ber borne for many years, where she is held in the highest esteem by a host of frietids. The groom, we are told, holds a good position with a large manufacturing firm in Chicago. McHenry friends extend- congratula­ tions. , Good results always follow the use of Foley*B Kidney Pilig. Tbey give prompt relief in all canes of kidney and Mai­ ler disorders, are healing, strengthening and anti septic, trf Hum. Frank Masquelet aibUKFIBLlA. A nam ber of iittie ones hive "the whooping cough. V _ E. L Kimball was in Crystal Lake on business receutly. Mrs. W. L Yank* is visiting her father in Chicago. Miss Marjory Reeer is entertaining a little cousin this week. Miss GHenys Jacotm has been appoint­ ed postmistress at Ridgefield. Mrs. Eva Lynch was a business caller; in Harvard last week Wednesday. The missionary society met with Mrs. Albert Jacob* Tuesday afternoon. Mrs A. Hanson was a Woodstock caller the latter part of last week. Mr. Irish of Harvard visited with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Irish, here Sanday. Rev. (Jiesselhrecht of Woodstock took dinner with Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Lynch Sunday jj I. E - Mason returned the first of the week with .a car load of cattle from Wisconsin. Louis (ioddard and Willie French of W(v,HW,ck Snndayed with their par2"; ents here. W F Jaynes, wife and little daugh­ ter drove down from Woodstock Mon­ day on business. Mr* Frydendall of Batavia was a Kidgefield visitor Wednesday and Thursday of last week. E. Jacobs and wife of Terra Cotta visited with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A Jacobs, recently. Mr and Mre A F. Salow entertained Mr. and Mr* W Kegebein and family of Cryntal Lake at dinner Snnday. Mr, and Mrs. H. P. Barber enter tained at dinner Snnday Mrs. Nellie McKellar and Miss Kline of Chicago. Mrs. C. F. French and two children, Alice and Claud, visited relatives and friends in Woodstock Thursday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. L Nelson aud Mr. and Mrs. H. Nelson attended the funeral of their cousin, Frita Larson, at Elgin Snnday. At the school meeting Saturday even­ ing Messrs. W. Weiland, C. Lockwood and F. M. Risley were nominated for the epsning year. Roy Skinner, wife and son, Wesley, and Arthur Skinner of Woodstock spent a part of Saturday and Sunday here with their parents, Mr. aud Mrs. R L. Dufield. Every family and especially those who reside in the conntry should be provided at all times with a bottle of Chamber­ lain's Liniment. There is no telling when it may be wanted in case of an accident or emergency. It is most excellent in all cases of rheumatism, sprains and bruises. Sold by all dealers JOHNSftORGH. Tank heaters at W m. Stoffei's. Mrs. Mat Schaefer drove to McHenry Tuesday. Miss Dalsiel of Pistakee Bay was in town Friday. C. M. Adams transacted business in Chicago Friday. Miss Lena Schmitt visited relatives in McHenry Monday. Mrs. Jos. Justen of McHenry made a call thru here Tuesday. See the farm pump eugine for general purposes. Wm. StolTel. Mimes Lena and Emma Freund were McHenry visitors Tuesday. Frank Schumacher of Spring Grove wa9 a caller here Saturday. Wm. Althoff and daughter, Barbara were McHenry callers Tuesday, Miss Helen Adams boarded the Chi' cago train Wednesday moiling. Wm. Frett of Chicago is spending the week at the home of John Frett. J. C. Debrecht and family were Spring Grove visitors one day last week. Miss Lauretta Johnson of Chicago, spent Saturday and Snnday at ber home here. Mr. and Mrs. Win. Tonian and daugh­ ter, Margaret, of Solon were callers here Tuesday. Mrs. Jacob Freund and children of Spring Grove visited relatives here one day last week. Steve May, Joe Adams and Will Her- gott of Spring Grove spent Sunday at their homes here. Mrs.-'Peter Williams and daughter, Katie, of Spring Grove were in town one day recently. F. Nimskern and family of Spring Grove spent Snnday at the |iouie of Michael Schaefer. x Mrs, John 8. Frennd and her mother, Mrs. Michels, retnrned home Saturday, after spending a few days with rela­ tives and friends in Chicago. Prompt relief in all eases of throat aud lung trouble if yon use Chamber­ lain 's Cough Remedy. Pleasant to take, soothing and healing in effect. Sold by all dealers. Don't miss seeing Eli and Jane, one of the best shows new on the road, and a clever company made up of sing­ ers, dancers, musicians and comedians. Central opera houee, Sunday, April 24. Saved From the Qrave, 'I had abont given tip hope, after near ly four years of suffering from a severe lung trouble," writes Mrs. M. L Dix,of Clarksville, Tenn. "Often the pain in my chest wonld be almost unbearable and I could not do any work, bnt Dr. King's New Discovery has made me feel like a new person. It's the best medi cine made for the throat and lungs." Obstinate coughs, stubborn colds, hay fever, la grippe, asthma, croup, bron­ chitis and hemorrhages, hoarseness and whooping cough, yield quickly to tnis wonderful medicine. Try it. 50c and $1.00. Trial Vwttles free. Guaranteed' by N. H. Petesch and F. Masqnelet. At cost and below, the F. O Gans stock of goods which I receutly pur­ chased. Mi M. Nieeen, Opera' House Harry Green and Clever Company PRESENTING A Whirlwind of Mirth, Music and Pun 4 BIG SPECIALTIES SWEET SINGERS PRETTY DANCERS Harry Green at every performance PRICES, 35. 5® 8EAT8 ON SALE AT PET ESCH'S Want Column. All td.*rlisi'iiu'iit« lna^n«(t onder this head U the followinKrates . Kive Unex or uc conts for flrat intHTiiini; io rents for each Insertion. Hon; than Are lilunt, ft centa & Uue for ft rat insertion, • mi S rents a line for addition! inaertions. TXf AMTTEO- YOUUK man with knowledge of ** bookkeeulnu for office work In Chicago. Address H., The Plaindettler, McHenry, III. T3H)R HALE -Black mare, eight years old. A weight 1200 ll»s. Will make excellent farm hors«. WILBOK LUMHKH CO., McHenry. pM)K SALE Ott KENT--Seven room house1 -1- aud lot, with (MM. Inquire at BLOCK & Bbthke'S. 42-tf nV)K BALE--Canadian wheat land. I<ow *- prices. Liberal terms. First excursion May a, 1»10. JACKSON, Cieueral Agent, £ ickford. III. E. "tpoliSALE--North and South Dakota land: *• #15 to #25 per acre. Also farms in Minne­ sota. For further Information apply or write E. W. HOWK, McHenry. III. 80-tf "C*OK SALE OH RENT *• toget her wit h two lots. formation write, phone or apply u> THKO. WlNKKLti. McHenry, III. 'Phone 788. A six room house, For further tu- CVJRSALE * bruekt'r hurk ftOO or «00 bushels choice Oder- _ free from all foul seed: 75c per bushel. Apply to (ins SATTKM. on the Frank Wattles farm, West McHenry. .17-11 T^OR SALE--Standard bred Plymouth Rock *• eggs for hatching. Cockerel or pullet mating. #S per 15; standard mating, #1 per 15. Sires from Truckenbrods famous prUe win­ ning strain. TURNER BROS., Mclleury. riAHLIAS--The time has again arrived A when dahlia tubers may lie secured from my choice collection. Any Variety, auy color, auy type, 15c to 25c each; $l.f>0 to #3.50 per do/.. Call Saturday evening or Sunday. Stock may be had until May 30. F. R. WOODMAN. 43-4t PR OB A TE NEWS [Furnished by McHenry County Abstract Company, Woodstock. Illinois. Office In Ar­ nold Block, east side public square. Ab­ stracts of title and conveyancing. Money to loan on real estate in sums of Ave huiKli'Od to ten thousand dollars. Time and payuieutw 1.60 1.00 LV0 ji&yu to suit borrower. Phones (KM, and all REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. John H. Mackay et al to >"ellx and Mat-garetta Tomei, It 4 in se)4 sec 17, Mellenry. rt) f John II. Mackay to same. It 5 Nicholas Itotaing's suit ulv, McHenry, r9 Same to same, pt It 4, l'istakee island, same Emily E. Gunton & h to Marie L. Wad- hams, pt uw fractl '<t. sec 17, McHen­ ry, r II 4900.00 Jacob J. Illlle & w to Frank Schnabel, Its 4, 5 Owen's estate adn, West Mc­ Henry *3300.00 John II. Miller & w to Nicholas J. & John M. Becker. It IH Orchard Beach, McHenry, r B 400.00 Mufcaret Brahan to Albert Etten, pt It 9, litk a, orig vill. West McHenry 1500.00 AIOIIKO Ci. Bishop & W to I>. A. Wliltiug, pt tiw'4 sec 31. Mclleury, rii 3700.00 PROBATE PROCEEDINGS. Estate of Peter Rotherinel. Inventory. Allen P. Colby. Proof of death. A. P. Colby. Death proven. Con­ servator ordered to close estate a* ad* ministrator ex-officio pursuant to stat­ ute. Frauds Ay 1 ward et al, minors. Re­ port of mile of real estate filed and ap­ proved. In re McHenry Electric Service com­ pany, a corporation, insolvent. Partial and final reports filed and approved. Assignee ordered to make distribution. MARRIAGE LICENSES. Edward Dunkee, 22 Alden Elizabeth Bailey, 22 Bartland Harry W. frresden, 23.. .Hub City, Wis Florence E Allen, 25. .FOB du Lac, Wis Otto C. Wendt. 22 Harvard Martha M. Batz, 20 " Claude Puttnam, 25. Harriet Kenton, 83. Joseph Michels, 21.. Edna M .Smith, 19 # Edward T Anderson, 31 Woodstock France# W. Woodard, 18.... " Paul A Strond. 24 Beloit, Wis Ethel Howard, 20 Frank A. Dorr, 26 Beloit, Wis Edith El!wood, 20 Dodgeville, la .. Harvard --Chicago The Demon of the Air is the germ of La Grippe, that, breathed in, brings suffering to thousands. Its after effects are weakness, nervousness, lack of appetite, energy and ambition, with disordered liver and kidneys. The greatest need then is Electric Bitters, the splendid tonic, blood purifier and regu­ lator of Stomach, Liver and Kidneys Thousands have proved that they won­ derfully strengthen the nerves, build up th£ system and restore health and good spirits after an attack of Grip. If suffer­ ing, try them. Only 50c. Perfect eat- isfaction guaranteed by N. H. Petesch and F. Masquelet. Our hate never disappoint. They ar» always made in the very latest styles and the best materials are always used. Mrs. E. W. Howe, over Block & Beth- ke'e store. • New goods during ti» entire season at Mrs. EL W. HOWKV.^W Block ft Betbke's store. s ' is OUR PLA We solicit the trade of all those wlto, •when a drug store want arises, desire to make sure of getting goods of de­ pendable quality at a fair price. We treat all customers alike. We have but one quality of drugs, the best. We have but one price, the lowest possible for the quality of goods. Every customer has the kind of atten­ tion he would have if the existence of the business depended upon his future trade. N. H. PETESCH 0RIXH1IST McHENRY TEL. 274 NEWARK, NEW JERSEY. The Leading Annual Dividend Company Has during the past sixty-four years paid to policyholders, $263,296,648.05 Assets Jan. 1, 1909, $121,260,086.^9 : Surplus, $5,628,151.17 No company ha* accomplished better results for its policyholders CARL W STENGER, Agent. 7^ =}v P H I L I P J A E G E R OENERAL COriMISSION MERCHANT SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO THB SALE OF Dressed Beef, riutton. Hogs, Veal, Pmultip^ Hides, Etc., Butter and EffS r This 1b the oldest house on the^treet. Tags and price lists furaiahed en application. COLD STORAUE FREE CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. Stall i a j, Patoa St. WhofeMl* Market. •n TIGHT SMQKJ- nousEs at m M'irifciStoitT Where smoke mc^ins money, cracks costs cash. You can cure' meats quicker and set/so// them better in a Marquette Concrete, absolutely air­ tight smoke-house than in the old- fashioned kind. And your great- grandchildren will use the Mar­ quette smoke-house you erect. We'll, gladly send you details for making a smoke-house with ' MARQUETTP The Farmer's Cement Handbook free for the asking. Write us today. Marquette Cement Mfg. Co, General Office and Works: La Salle, III. Ckttm$m Afariwn* BUg.. Ckicmf. HI. Wilbur Lumber Co., West McHemy, Ik

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