* " v,» «"> • v ,. * , tf % _ s- \ ,v< " ,*. "7~"-~^" 7 *.j , ) " x,' i"; *? v , - i-: lie McHenry Piaiodealef ?• -----. --ii(iniiil*jj.1 WTO (ii«M « i j. i;: '- McHENRY, feUXOffc fri RECREATION. , While torn® do not work enough to ^ g« the proper amount of physical eg- erciee, there are others who wear _ $|fi* themselves out by too close appllca- ^ ; ' <! lion to their labors. A certain amount p; , .of rest is needed by every one. Me«- |& , tal labor will tiro the body as wellai j|| \ the mfesd. There is manual labor that' ;\ requires close mental application, labile there is some that requires nO ^ appreciable mental strain. Every one L 'i Y should do some work of some kind- | \. And every one is in heed bf some rest ik}' |or recreation other than sleep. Idle- > se£s is far from being a rest, though there are instances when perfect vv idleiieBs may be required. Change or ^.occupation brings a desired rest If ik your work is manual labor, seek men- rl2'tal recreation, music, reading, ah en- " tertalnment or a social hour. If your GRAND MtNT A * TOR RETU INOICT- 1N8T STATE S<18/#f, FOR PERJURY. Ttfl REBUKES HIS GttliyS DEPLORES DiSCUSSIONlN HOUSft OF HIS TRAVELING EXPENSES. H mils BRING BRIBERY CHARGE 4i:"'vIf it oomes ^^workls chiefly mental, take some phys ical exercise. Make use of a bench, ride, walk or work in a garden* in your reach, follow the example of Gladstone or Lincoln and swing an ax, but with discretion. Everyone who can should cultivate a habit of walking. One gets the fresh if air and a variety of things seen re- '(•0"-, fresh thf mind. The observing person |sh?< -cannot walk many blocks or far on a Ip; country road without gaining some r good thought Whatever your occupa- f'/;- tion, choose that for recreation which • *•"" action a different set of ^muscles and a different field for t^V^thought "Change la the sance that • v sharpens appetite." The tide of immigration is rising, *," i - 'and the officials at New York say f*"'; {April and May are likely t© be record j~n^' breakers in this respect ;More than. ^ 5,000 aliens arrived at Ellis tsland the |KS|i!-other day, and still they come. The £V,V$ circumstances will lead to fresh sug- 'gestions as to the desirability of re- ^ ^ «stricting immigration. But it cannot vV;be denied that the facts point to r>, •?;'^strong belief abroad in general pros it <* • -peruy here. Immigration falls off \ * quickly when commercial and indus- - trial depression exista. u z . ' \ , ' • - ' ' •111 la Returned In Connection With " Forehaee 6f $19,710 W«rth of Desks #0? Capita!--Sevtr*! Other® Ara Involved.. » - ; -y v Springfield, I1L ^ King Frederick of Denmark tells American Minister j&gan that the Uni ted States fa thf model nation of the .Sworld. ThiB is a great "feather In the ivicap" of Unclfe Sam, who is in duty ^: v, bound to return the compliment by frankly admitting that when it comes to up-to-date and enlightened, pro- Tbm Sangamon grand jury which Is InvesWwttfhg the purchase of $19,710 worth of desks for the state house by the legislative com mittee, returned an indictment Friday against State Senator D. W. Holstiaw, Democrat, of luka, on the charge of perjury,' _ Indictment# against a* least two other members of tire commission and perhaps one or two of the agents who sold the desks are said to be, drawn and ready to be voted on by the grand jury. I Hclstlaw, it is said, will be rein wort j m * Charge ot soliciting a bribe «2id possibly & third indictment of bribery will be lodged against him. His Indictment for perjury came after he had sworn before the jury that he bad net communicated or written to any of the agents representing the desk companies. State's Attorney Burke asked him this question several times and then asked him if he had written to 2. W. Knox of the Derby Desk company. 311 Wabash, avenue, Chicago. Holstiaw replied: *1 did not" He was excused and then Mr. Burke sb«wo<i the grand jury the following letter in HolstlaWs handwriting: "Forty-Sixth General Assembly, State of Illinois, Senate. D. W. Holst iaw, Forty-Second District. Inks. "January 12, 1910.--Mr. Knox. Chi cago, I1L "My Dear Sir: It has been arranged Hhat I should see you. Will It be con venient for you to meet me in Spring- field Monday evening, say about eight o'clock? If so, "wire or write me at my home. luka, 111. Must see you not later than above date. Yours respect fully. * (Signed) "D. W, HOLSTLAW." After Identifying HolstlaWs signa ture the indictment was voted. According to the evidence of Knox before the grand jury he met Holstiaw as directed in the letter and offered Holstiaw $1,000 or $500 for himself* and $500 for Senator Pemberton for the contract He told the grand jury that Holstiaw said he would not con sider such a small sum. and spoke about $2,000. ilv Wz „gressive and discriminating sovereigns '-'^his majesty of Denmark is the pearl of £ j* • princes, or a perfect peach, whichever Chicago fears a chickeh fattine be- ^4^ e cause~farmer8 are holding on to thMr ^ stock and producing eggs to sell at 20 *cents a dozen wholesale. The cold -storage speculators are thus not only keeping up the price of eggs, but are Indirectly boosting the price of poul> vtry. The fanner is not to blame for M trylng to jms* of the egg sit uation. 1 J ipr ,w ^ Itarlng the last quarter ofaast year I* , 'm „ the post ofllce department earned a fsurplus of over $2,000,000 as against a ' ^deficit of about $1,500,000 for the same ^ 11 quarter of the preceding year. It would be interesting to know whether U V this was due to improved business con- V ^itioua throughout She countryj or to l r^v;'>more economical management Tawney Letter Expressing Re yret Over Remarks Made In Sitate. Ordering an annulment, a New York court has just declared that the writ ten consent by parents of a youth and gl'l under the legal age authorizing ";v( r them to marry does not make it a legal ' f •« marriagp. That's aJU right The court » . simply Indorses the old 'adage that there's nothing certain these ;» s safe rent day and death. . New Orleans Is getting ready for a great exposition to celebrate the opeh- I Panama canal in 1915. *f4c ,m i / governor of Louisiana proposes raising *|f&V $4,000,000 by taxation and $1,000,000 by l \ , popular subseription. Of course. Uncle yf 8am will be depended upon to help ix^wt. - .. .. j , . M: A Chicago man wants a divorce be cause his wife fed him dog and goat meat and beat him with a poker. That diet should render anybody strong . enough to resist chastisement llany persons are tickled half to death to get somebody's goat Ladles ' of a certain age and gen tlemen with a past may answer the census man without fear, since he Is expressly ordered to write it down and forget it > The scientists combine to assert that there is no connection between earth* quake shocks end volcanic eruptions, and the everyday man continues to be lieve there is. "Boiled alligator flesh," says the Bai tlmore American, "tastes very much like veaL" Do you remember how veal tastes? T%ere is nd doubt that sounds have color, Tbe girl itf the next fiat plays yellow. ' , . , , That New York^ chauffeur who re ceived $5,000 for his honesty must have deceived a severe shook when the check was handed him. Those kind of Shocks don't kill, however. Anatomists say a pel-son *a& h«af ; better with the mouth shot. He fa* like* iy lo hear more if he learns to keep mouth shut. KING ASKS MOURNING TO END British Ruler Does Not Wish Trades men to Suffer--Reoaevett Re* ceived by Alexandra. London.--The Court Gasette Tues day announced that King George, Queen Maiy and Queen Alexandra de sire that genera! mourning shall end Friday, so that the tradesmen will not suffer. King XdwaiA beqneathad his entire racing and breeding establishments to King George, who wUl continue thorn on the same scale. The mother queen, Alexandra, re ceived Mr. Rooaevelt at Buckingham palace. The two had* a long chat during which her majesty took occasion per sonally to tell the former president how much she appreciated the sym pathy exhibited for her in America at the time of her bereavement Subsequently the queen mother re-' ceived Lord Strathcona, high commis sioner of Canada. In spite of England's mourning for King Edward, the municipal reception to Theodore Roosevelt to be held on May 31 will be one of the most nota ble ceremonies of years. SAYS BALUNGER IS'NT SAFE --prMtdenl sent to Chairman Tawney of the house committee on appropriations a letter expressing deep resentment at the criticisms passed by Democrats in the hOuS$ debits upon the traveling ex penses of the president .The president says he Is especially distressed by "suggested reflection on southern hospitality.9*' "I am deeply grieved over the phase which the discussion of the appropria tion for the traveling expenses of the president took yesterday. I think it is a legitimate argument in favor of such an appropriation that congress men and many others press the ac ceptance of invitations to visit their sections and districts, because the* urgency of such requests indicates the opinion on the part of the peo ple that one of the duties of the pres ident is to visit the people in their homes. "But the intimatioE or sn&gestSOte that the acceptance by congressmen of the president's invitation to travel on the train with him in their re-" spective districts or states was a rea-, son why they should not vote their free opinion on the question of such an appropriation Is to me a most pals' fnl QDta, .y "I# traveling upon the train they were not receiving my hospitality-- they were only making a little more elaborate the cordial Welcome Which they as representatives of their dis tricts wished to Kive. ^ ""The featureof the discussion yester day which was especially distressing to me was a suggested reflection on southern hospitality. The intimation that somewhere in the south board waB charged has no foundation in fact and I never heard it intimated until I saw it In this morning's paper. *'In all my experience--and I have enjoyed the hospitality of many sec tions and countries of the world--1 never had a more cordial, generous, open and lavish welcome than I had in the southern states during my trip, and the slightest hint that puts me in the attitude of a critic of that hos pitality gives me great pain." In conclusion the president stated to Mr. Tawney that he wonld make the letter public. emriAu rtiis, •<Mr nr* -a* A- *5 rmiSHCO IT AND. JAMT IT , to Mrta. Smith to kimt rut READ rr Arrsji OIWWI* WHlWf, fr < i COLLISION ON LAKE HURON DUB TO Freighter Ftinfc ̂H. Qoodyear Slnfca " Whin Hit by the James B. Wood • . Five Escape. • _.,.i CANTEEN IS AGAIN BEATEN Resolution to Re-Establish Armjr loon Is Decisively Defeated ' In Houhe. Washington.--The old fight over the canteen question was reopened in the house by an amendment offered by Mr. Kellher of Massachu setts to the sundry civil bill to allow canteens at all old soldiers'; homes within five miles bl cities where lienor 'is sold. The house rejected the amendment by a vote of 17 to 351. DANISH CABINET TO RESIGN King Asks Ministers to Continue Duties Until Their Successor! Are Selected. Copenhagen^--The resignation Of" the cabinet, Whose policy of de fense failed to receive support In the recent election, was placed before King Frederick by Premier Zahle. He asked the ministers to continue their duties pending the selection of their trucoeooors • « Qlavls* Attorney Condemns Secretary of Interior In Summing Up for "Prosecution.* ̂ . Washington.--"It has boon conclu sively established that Secretary Bel linger is not a man so zealously de voted to the interests of the common people, so vigilant and resolute in re sisting the insidious aggressions pf the special Interests, that he may be safely decided on to carry forward the broad policy of conservation of our Batural resources." This was the condemnation of the secretary of the interior delivered by Attorney Louis D. Brandeis FHday in summing up the case of the so-called prosecution" before the BaUinger-PSn- chot Investigating committee. "That he is subject to far severer criticism we firmly believe." added Mr. Brandeis. ^ Naval Bill Passes Senate. Washington.--By the decisive vote of 35 to 26 the senate Monday ap proved the two-battleship program which has already gone through the house. Both of the new ships will be of the Dreadnaught class, and the most powerful fighting . machines la the world. In addition, the senate added a provision to the bill for one submarine boat and six torpedo boat destroyers, none of which were pro vided for In the bill as It passed the house. As the bill goes to conference, It provides for two battleships, to cost not exceeding $6,000,000 exclusive of armament; two fleet colliers to cost not more than $1,000,000 each;> five submarine torpedo boats at a total cost of not more than $2,500,000, and six - torpedo boat destroyerŝ to* cost not more than $750,000 each. •*r.\ Cambridge Gives Roosevelt Degree. Cambridge, England.--With quiet ceremony Cambridge university Thursday conferred the honorary de gree of doctor of laws upon Theodore Roosevelt • •' Naval ..Operator Arrested* San Francisco, Ca!.--Qlen <5t Mer* rltt, naval wireless operator, said to come from a prominent Des Moines (la.) family, is under arrest at Vaile- jo, charged with raising a government pay check from $5 to $300. Packers Fight Against Trlall Chicago.--A legal battle to stop government prosecution of the pack ers in Cblcago was warped before Judge Landls in the federal court Wednesday. Counsel for individual packers and the National Packing company argued in support Of a de murrer by which they hoped to show the indictments to be faulty. George T. Buckingham made the opening argument, followed by Ralph Crews, chief counsel for the National Pack ing company. Afterward James H. Wilkerson, special assistant district attorney, and District Attorney Sims the presented government's side. , Pays to Keep 8ecret. Lincoln, Neb.---Miss Sarah flL Malt Indicted by the federal grand jury on the charge that she had wilfully re fused to give her age to the census enumerator, was Friday f&ed ten dol lars. Prison for "Whits Slaver.** New York.--Belle Moore, uegro woman convicted of placing two girls for Immoral purposes, was Thursday sentenced to tbe Auburn state prison for not less than two years and six months or more than five years. - Defeats Commlsslon^Charter. Stillwater, Okla.---'pfie only Social ist-governed elty of the first class in Oklahoma and* probably in the south west has rejected a commission char ter. The proposition was defeated here Wednesday by only a few votes. Racing Qlven Death Blow. Albany, N V --The final blow aglnst racing In this state was struck Thurs day when the legislature passed two more of the so-called antl-oral betting bills, which have beejt urged by Gov ernor Hughes Port Huron, Mien.--Probably eigh teen persona lost their lives in a col lision between the large steel steam er Frank H. Goodyear of the Mitchell Trataslt company and the steamer James B. Wood, another steel vessel belonging to the Gilchrist Transporta tion company, in Lake Huron about thirty-five miles off Point Aux Bar ques. The Goodyear sa£k in 40 fathoms of water. But five persona weil* saved. The collision occurred about sit o'clock Tuesday morning in a heavy fog which overhung the lake. A partial list of missing follows: Mrs. Lillian Bassett, wife of cook. Algonac, Mich.; John Bassett three years old, Algonac; Archie Fuller, sec ond mate, Algonac; John Gibson, chief engineer; Gus Zaetaoh. When the steamers came together the crew of the Goodyear, which is reported to have been struck amid- sMps, had dm® only to seize life pre servers. Only a few could jump over board before the boat began to fill with water. The cook had just sounded the second call for breakfast on the Goodyear when the crash came abd many were in the messroom. AU rushed on deck and then the boat began to sink. Several jumped into the water and managed to get. out of reach of tbe boat, which was filling fast Suddenly the Goodyear parted' In the center ttntf with 0 sound which* could be heard above the whistling of the Wood, sank out of sight carrying with it all except five on board. The bow of the Wood was stove In, but she rested on her bulkhead, and, although some water flowed into the hold, was kept afloat with the pumps. Captain Gibson of the Wood ordered the lifeboats lowered and gave the crew Instructions to make every pos sible effort to save any of -tho sail ors of tbe -sinking steamer. * c, > UiTtlll AC THUSMCChin A RfiMfHP ran • Mikwi. ivm!aw!.rSl« A vnlwil Washington Hoiress is Married to Peter Goelet Gerry--President Taft Attends Wedding. 8eek Life of Alfonso. Msdrid.--A national campaign of terrorism instigated by the anarchists has been begun in Spain and the gov ernment is alarmed over the situation. Stern repressive measures were or dered. The explosion of a bomb here Monday night, followed by the suicide of the thrower, coming after the three outrages of the last week in Barce lona. Is regarded as the beginning of the radicals" campaign. After search and inquiry the ppilce beiieve the laBt bomb exploded was' Intended for King Alfonso. Cleveland Polios thief Suspended Cleveland, O.--Pending an investi gation of charges against hffn, Chief of Police Frederick Kohler, who has a national reputation as the "golden rale chief," was suspended by Mayor Baehr. The charges are misoonduct and Immorality. \ Ctemlnson Denied New Trial. Chicago.---Motion for a new trial for Dr. Hald&ne Cleminson, convicted of the murder of his wife, web overruled by Judge McSurely Wednesday. A motion in arrest of Judgment was granted and sentoncs deferred to al low appeal. Train Kills Two Women, pes Moines, la.--Mrs. Ann Qtriiflan, aged seventy-three, and Mrs/ Kate Doud, aged fifty, were struck and killed by a Burlington train at Ot- tirnnwa. Woodmen of Wortd Encampment. >, Laporte, Ind.--Official announce ment was made Friday that the an nual encampment of the Woodmen of the Worir' uniformed divisions for the states of Illinois, Wisconsin and Indi ana would be held at MlchUwP City beginning August 11. "'C*; A Lonisvtlle man's heb solid 'lime. Raisod her off mi suppose., eggs of beans, Wssherwomen Form Union. Orange, N. J.--A union of washer*, women and charwoman was formed here Wednesday with a membership of 300. The officers say the standard o f w a g e s w i l l b e r a i s e d f r o m a 1 day to a day. •. "! Babe Drinks Poison; Dies. Bedford, lad.--A two-year-old son of. Dr. J. W. McFarlan, ^prominent physician,, toddled Into fre fair's Office during tbe letter's absence Wednesday and reaching up to a table got hold of a vial of carbolic acid, drank It with fatal effects. V' Preliminary 8hoot Winner. Des Moines, la.--With a score Of 94 out of a 100 bira.matcn, M. Thomp son of Gainesville. Mo, woo the pre liminary handicap of the Wester* Handicap tournament Wednesday. \ Jesse Overstreefs Life OitJs. Indianapolis, lad.--Jesse Overstreet, who represented the Seventh district of Indiana in congress from ISM to 1908, c|ied at his home in this city JM- day after a long illness. ) S u s p e n d F o u r Y a l e M o f i . < K Hew Haven, Conn.--Robert A. Ratty of Xenia, O.; Samuel Barr of Moosup, Conn.; Earl H. Hale of GUdersleeve, Conn., and Raymond Goodrich of Portland, Conn., members of the Shef field Scientific school, Yale, who "borrowed" an automobile belonging to G. G. Prentice, Jr.. also a scientific school student, have been suspended by the Tale authorities, as Prentice Q$ciiiMKt to press tbe om^ them In court The taking of the au tomobile was the result of a "da*c," according to the students. Washington.--Miss Mathilde Town- send, heiress of $30,000,000, and Peter Goelet Gerry of New York were mar ried Thursday' at the Washington home of the bride. The weddln' was witnessed by a brilliant array of guests, including the president and vice-president of the United States. In point of distinguished attendance It was unequaled in private weddings, la Washington's social history. The eeremony%was performed Uy Rev. Roland Calf on Smith of St John's church. Miss Townsend was given away by her uncle, Charles H. Strong of Erie, Pa. Her wedding gown was made up of point d'alencon lace, which cost $15,000, GIRLS SLAIN IN AUTO WRECK Car Runs Over Embankment Killing Two and Injuring Other Oc- 4 cupants. Logan, O.--While returning from a party an automobile driven by William Snyder, president of a lumber company, ran over an embank ment near Young's bridge and Miss Lillian Wright and Miss Flossie Her man were instantly killed. Mrs. Don Goss suffered a fractured rib and Mr. Snyder's leg is broken. Miss Wright was to have been married jgpgt Wednesday. Patten Is Hard Hit. " v 1 Chicago.--James A Patten, almost on the eve of his retirement was~ .forced to "take the count" In one of the liveliest bouts he has ever bad with the bears on the board of trade. The big speculator acknowledged de feat by throwing several million bush els of September wheat at quotations said to average fully ten cents a bushel under tbe purchase price. Many of his followers likewise suf fered losses which in the aggregate amounted to a large sum. The total loas sustained by Patten was $1,200,<- G00 and by his friends sxi)0.008i; aO> qording to brokers' estimates WfeMEN'8 ILLS, Many women who suffer with back- acte, beatiBgdown pain, headaches and nervousness do not know that these .ailments are .usually due te trouble with the moneys. i> d ait * a Kidney Pilig move the cause. M r s . J o s e p h .Cross, Church St, M o r r l l t o n , A r k . , says: "For weeks I was bent double by pais in my back and the kidney se- were pro. fuse. My feet and ankles were badly swollen and I had headaches and dizzy spells. Six doc tors treated me without relief and I finally began taking Doan's KMqay Pills. They cured me." v Remember the name---Doan's. For sale by all dealers. SO cents a box. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y. -A MANY (.IKE HIM. |; V* 18 BROWNED IN SHIP OfiASH rreNCH submarine IS SUNK Every Member of Vessel's Crew, Num bering 27,. Drowned--Rammed by Ferryboat Calais, France.--While trying to dire under a ferry boat in the English the French sub marine Pluvlose was rammed and sunk'with all on board. The Pluvlose carried a crew of twenty-three men,, and four officers, and ail went down when the . vessel sank. The disaster was witnessed by the passengers on the ferryboat The ferryboat Pas de Calais, crowd ed with passengers bound for Dover, had just left Calais when one of her side wheels experienced a violent shock. The captain, believing that his boat had Struck a buoy, stopped his vessel and a moment later the hull of the Pluvlose came to the surface a Short distance astern. A boat was hurriedly launched from the ferryboat and went alongside of the stricken craft but tbe sailors rapped in vain against her metal sides and in a few minutes after the sub marine arose to the surface she sank again beneath the waters. \ Diplomacy. Here Is a story about a ai negro Walter; also about two known Kansas men. who can go hy th© names of Smith and Jonea. just to tell the yarn. Smith and Jones look much alike aixu irsM'ucutJy takes for other. One day Smith was in a cog* tain big hotel not a thousand mliot from Kansas City and went into jtfco dining room for dinner. The negro waiter busily brushed off th# crum| and said: "Why, how Is you. Jones, how is yon? I's glad to see yott, l hasn't seen you since I wsiieu 4a your table when you all used to imva a little game upstafha" "I'm fraid you are mistaken.* «#: Smith, very quickly. "My name Jones. You have the wrong man." "Muff said; nuff said," smiled the gro, with much bowing and scraping "Ah knows all right when to ke#»' mah mouf'shet; Ah knows ail Mr. Jones."--Kansas City Jouraal. 'i^ T $100 Reward, $100* II £ "What kind of a fellow Is he?" tnat 1 "The kind only on Sunday wears good clothes BABY'S SCALP CRUSTED "Our little daughter, when three months old, began to break out On the head and we had the best doctors to treat her, but they did not do her any good. They said she had eczema. Her scalp was a solid scale all over. The burning and itching was so severe that she could not rest, day or night We had about given up all hopes when we read of theiCuticura Remedies. We at once got a cake of Cuticura Soap, a box of Cuticura Ointment and one bot tle of Cuticura Resolvent and fol lowed directions carefully. After the first dose of the Cuticura Resolvent, we used the Cuticura Soap freely and applied the Outicur*r Ointment Then she began to improve rapidly and to two weeks the §eale came off her head and new hair began to grow. In a very short time she was well. She is now sixteen years of age and a pic ture of health. W® used the Cuti cura Remedies about five weeks, reg ularly, and then we could not tell aha hag been affected by the disease. We used no other treatments after we found out what the Cuticura Remedies would do for her. J. Fish and Ella M. Fish, Mt Vernon, Ky., Oct 12, 1909.* Tbe readers c-t this paper will be pleasad to SolS' ~" thsre la &t ieast one dt-etuod diseane that, arisnM been able to cure in *it its staKo® and that to. t*rrfc. Hsli'» Catarrh Cure te the only potttNO jfire aow known to li» raeciical usleniity. €»taoO being tt tiorotUii&utmi lofjutrr-n 3 cowtlfi* .Ktoaftl treatment. Hall'B Catarrh Cure te tckca tern«)l)' acting directly upon Uio blood and murajlB ittrf&ee# of trte system, thereby destroy log jn fpundattr-n of the «ll*ense, and glvtng the naMrfaS MrenxtH by building up the constitution ami a WIT nature ir» doli.g its work. The proprietors T**1.!'. h f*ith its C'jfstiv® nowr* tlutfc UifrM ^8 as Hundred Dollars for ouy caca Out t$ Osi-a, S«nu tor Un of testtmiiMtl!). • tM" Andrew? F. J. CHENEY * CO. TOlefin Gk -: & f ScM oy all DniKtriuts, ?5e. • » •> »uro tonmy pan for cocaUprttes., ; A Dirg». She laid the still white fortn be those which bad gone before; no eoli^ ho sigh forced its way from her bear throbbing as though it would burst. Suddenly a cry broke the stillness of the place--one single heart-breaking shriek; then silence; another cryj* more silence; then all silent but far: a guttural murmur, which seemed % well up from her very soul. She lefljt the place. She would lay another egF tomorrow.--Princeton Tiger. v ^ Important to Mothera ,Fs> : Examine carefully every bottls CASTORIA, a safe and sure remedy for Infants and children, and see that i( Bears the Signature of { In Use For Over SO Years. Iko Kind Ton Have Always Bought Easy for Him, . ...*•.. , Tommy's Mother--Why aren't yen s good boy, like Willie BJones? ^ Tommy--Huh! It's easy enough fa| him to be good; he's sick most of tha time.--Philadelphia Record. Red, Weak, Weary. Relieved^By Murine Ey« Bye Tr< Watery © Remedy, Murine For Your Eye Troubles. You Like Murine. It Soothes. 50c at Druggists. Write For Bye Books. Murine Eye Remedy Co.. Chicago. Love Is life. He who has lore ij truly rich- he whd hath none ls wxnT indeed. tM9 with low Is etornaL ̂ Krishna. ̂ SqpCfeSI FOE SEVENTY Y®ABB C "Show Me Another." „ Soon after twins bad arrived at tho homo of a prominent dry good* mer chant recently the proud father led his son Richard, aged four, into tho room to see the little strangers. The father first pulled down the coven and showed one of the babies to hl« son. He then walked to the, other side of the bed and exhibited tho other twin.. Richard gazed at the two for a moment with a noncommittal look on bis face, and then demanded: "Show me another, papa" A lunplo Box of Resinol Ointment . Was Nearly 8uffiolent In This Case. JEadoaed find money to pay for Re* InoL Just the sample you sent hat almost cured Eczema on my little girl's face. I will gladly tell my Crtanda of the great merits of ReslndL Mrs. Emma B. McConkey, Hacker Valley, W. Va. ̂ Strictly Accurate. Xawyer--80 you say the defendant pushed you against your will? Witness--No, sir; J said he pushed mo fkgpinst the door. ^ ; . Gets In Out of tho Rain. > Knlcker--Is Jones a man who qtfUls the storm and rides the thunder? Bocker--No, but he borrows Ml utt» toella. The success of a scheme depends largely upon the man behind it * Xn. WUtSoiri SoothiBf Ijrni, , J ftrefeildrvn teetbliur, aoft«n« tbe enqaa, rednoetlta. i>mniaUon.al)ar«p3n.o«r--wlnd«oU« !5«»ko«S A smile that won't come off soon bo> oomes monotonous. v I MOTHER ORATS SWEET POWDERS FOR CHILDREN, V 0*u*uit«t«. A a. OLMS1 OLMSTED. AdO ley. RINES BINS SPECIAL OHM 163 for this Beautiful Rlnjr. Rolle4 ffold.scrollaiid open work alihitfit. Yoa» TniUal engraTea KBIUL Bomethins d«w and banOsoioe. _ . aims co., 4s w. bnmiw ̂k*w t«iK W. N. CHICAGO, NO. 23-1910. ro GET ITS BENEFICIAL EFFECTS i-Ti ALWAYS BUY THE ORIGINAL AND GENUINE (b Seyler Acquitted by Jury. s Mays Landing, N. J.--The Jury Ul the case of William Seyler. accused <H..murdering pretty Jane Adams by casting her into the sea from the mil- llou dollar pier . at Atlantic City, Wednesday returned a verdict of "not guilty." * ustn*t lowr as They W0fct Fir*. Newark, N. J.--The town' council of Nutley, N. J., Thursday night adopt ed an amendment to Its fire ordinance forbidding the use of profane language by the men while on duty. The pen alty for violation of the new rule la immediate dismiss*! from tho de partment «. V • <.,<• «• * , ^ Bishop's Aid Decided On. 1(^1 jLouls.--'The Episcopal dlooesaa convention Friday voted for tho ap pointment of a coadjutifmsl Daniel S. Tuttle. t>lshop, to aid M '• i '• a . \\ > Millers Will Raise Wages. Minneapolis, Minn.--Owing to the Increased cost of living, several lead ing dour manufacturers of Minneap olis Thursday decided to Increase the wages of their employes eight per cent. It is expected that the first la- grease will be announced next weak. •' - > -- Coal for Panama. / Washington.--The Panama Railroad company has entered Into contract* with four American firms for semi- bituminous coai totalmg »i&,0<)0 u>as for th«^ year ending March 31. i»n. C A N D - £LIXI.R°F SENNA m a n u f a c t u r e d b v t h e CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. The origin*) arid genuine Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna, known throughout the world as the best bf family laxatives, for men, women and children, always has the full name of the California Fig ^ Syrup Co. printed on the front of every package. It is for sale by all Bl leading druggists everywhere, one size only, regular price 50 cents per bottle. The Imitations some* times offered are of Inferior quality and do not give satisfaction; therefore, should be declined v'dLd . ' -*r *