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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 7 Jul 1910, p. 5

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?., ,i.W: •: • • • • • - - mwi "•'f'.V'" NEIGHBORING NEWS AS CHRONICLED BY OUR ABLE CORPS OF CORRESPONDENTS KiDumnu. List your farm with D F. Qninlan. Mrs. Morse of Woodstock Was a caller here Sunday. Mi88 Mabel Skinner was a Woodstock visitor Monday. Prof. Thayer of Hebron was a recent Ridgefield visitor. A. P. Peck went to Lake Geneva • 1 SiRrhirl I tA f AAlA/f l i l t ywto note ^ .. -rut mkm>isrm» * ^ liu* *" " 1 ,£ The average slaughter-house is hard to keep clean. A Alarquette Concrete slaughter-house almost cleans itself --required sanitary conditions are easy to observe, Time saved in cleaning up and the added value of the fresh killed meats will pay the first cost of a Marquette Cement staughter-house in a comparatively short time. Once built, the Mar­ quette Concrete slaughter-house is up for all time. Materials are cheap and the structure is so easy to build that you can do it yourself We'll gladly send you details for build­ ing a slaughter-house with ^^"pORTL^eTCENIBlsfr Mrni The farmer's Cement Handbook free for the asking. Write us today. Marquette Cement Mfg , Co. General Office and Works: La Salle, 111. Ckuat* OJIM: Marfnitt* BUg.. Chicat*. IU. jfrilbur Lumber Co., Mcllenry Distributors. EXCELLENT LOAVES -AND- Delicious Pastries I* the Inevitable result II you use White Swan ...Flour... *4 FOR SALE BY--- Wilbur Lumber Co. West ricMenry Anton Schneider r icHenry John Richardson Volo William Althoff Johnsburgh I Bank of McHenry ESTABLISHED 1888 This Bank receives deposits, pays 3 per cent interest on time depos­ its, extends all courtesies consist­ ent with good business principles and does a GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS respectfully solicting public pat­ ronage. Honey to Loan on real estate and other first class aecurity. REAL ESTATE il'arm lands, residences and vil­ lage property for sale. If you vant to buy or sell, call on ns. Abstracts ordered. INSURANCE in First Class Companies, at the owest rates \ Perry & Owen, Notary Public. - Bankers. The Long Distance Passenger Boat " A L I C E " i -tell farms. D. F. (^ninlan. „ . - • -i «®u ii*ruiB. u. v . ymnian. i Mil fauna. D. F. Quintal. is : t£ii iu in commission and making dally tr ips along KOX 1UVEK PISTAKKE HAY l ' ISTAKEE LAkK N I I ' l 'EKSlNK LAKE 1'oX LAKE (iUASS LAKE LAKE MA HIE LAKE It LI ' EE CHANNEL LAKE LAKE CATHARINE Tlic lxi: i t a lso makes tr ips to Cary and Algonquin. 111., aud W11 mot, Wis. t in these tr ips I t follows the course of Fox ri ver. Excursion* are run to aud fronj any of the alxivc ; ; tvt;u points at any t ime a suf­ ficient munlier of passmiKers may be olj 1 .ai i ied to make i t an object for the cap­ tain to make tbe tr ip. The IhmiI will car- i-y s ixteen passengers very comfortably. The Most Reliable Boit on these Witers Tbe "Alice" is one of the most rel iable passenger boats that travel these waters. I t is neatly furnished and has the dist inc­ tion of beinK the only passenger boat on these waters to go thru last season with­ out a delay caused thru a breakdown or any other source. BOAT MAY BE CHARTERED at any t ime at reasonable rates, provided, however, l ici t t t ie captain is notif ied In due t ime to make arrangements for the tr ip. ...6o MILE RIDE FOR $i.oo... The boat will make tr ips, by appoint­ ment, s tart ing from either end of the tr ip, between Mcllenry and Wiliuot, Wis. , tak­ ing In the !>eautiful Chain of Lakes, Fox R i v e r and the World Famous IAJIUS Beds in Oruss Lake. Beautiful Scenery ali the way. ROUND TRIP RATES BETWEEN McHenry and Lotus Beds 75* Mi Henry & Fox Lake, Mlneolalandlu«75c McHenry & W Shores Fistakee Lake, goc Mcilenry & E Shores Fistakee Lake.. 75c McHenry Fistakee Bay. either shore 50c McHenry and A1KOIH|U1U and Cary. J100 McHenry and W i I mot. Wis --$1 ®o, WM. KOEPPE, CAPT. Long Distance Telephone, HcHenry No. 8ji Napoleon's Grit was of the nnconqnerable, never-say die kind, tbe kind that yon need most when yon have a bad cold, congh or lnng dis­ ease. Suppose troches, congh Byrnpe, cod liver oil or doctors have all failed, don't lose heart or hope. Take Dr. King's New Discovery. Satisfaction is guaranteed when used for any throat or lung trouble. It has saved thousands of hopeless sufferers. It masters stubborn colds, obstinate coughs, hemorrhages, la grippe, croup, asthma, hay fever and whooping cough and is the most safe and certain remedy for all bronchial affections. 50c. |1.00. Trial bottle free at N. H. Petesch's and F. Masque- let's. I sell farms. D. F. Quinlan. I ̂ ell farms. D. F. Quinlan. List your fartii with D. F. Quinlan. List your farm with D. F. Quinlan. Uat yoar farm with P» F. (Quinlan. Aj vi iMk WCOB Mrs. J. J. Reser is visiting relatives at Capron for a few days. Eiii Bkitiiier of WoodHtnck visited his sister, Miss Mabel, .Sunday. Mias Nettie Siielt of Woodstock visit­ ed at Qeorge Gorham's recently. Geo. H. Fanning of Portage, Wis., visited with his mother last week. Wilbur Levey and Andrew Johnson went to the city Tuesday luorning. The Ladies' Missionary society will meet with Mrs. E. B. Smith July 12. Mr. and Mrs. H. P Barber had com­ pany from the city one dny last, week. KMKRAI. i l PARK. I sell farms. D F. Quintan. L. Huck is spending this week in Chi­ cago. H. Bending spent tbe first of tbe week at the Park. H. Felmeteu ppent Tuesday with Chi­ cs en friends. Miss Mary F. Knox of Mc Henry spent Wednesday at W. Bolgei 's Mina Mary (iiblw spent Wednesday with Mr and Mrs. Chas. W. Oibbn. Mr nnd Mrs. Donlr-y of Chicago are spending two week* at J. R. Smith's. Robt. E. Sutton of Chicago spent a few ilayH the first of the week at his ! b"uie hero. Mrs. William Rlum and children of Chwago «re <x-cnpying their cottage for the summer. Mr aud Mrs. Ed. Larkin and family of Elgin Hpeut Sunday and the Fourth at U. J. Sutton's. Mr. aud Mrs Harry Haxton and chil- im T An m III IUWII Saturday. Mrs. EL Mnmsford of Chicago in spending a few days with Richard Rewd and family. Mrs. A. J . Dietz of Woodstock visited with Rev. and Mrs. Uiesselhrecht one day recently. Miss Genevieve Goddard WHS a busi ness caller at Crystal L<ake Thnrsday and Saturday. The Ladies' Aid society will meet at the home of Mrs. Wm < >rmsby next week Thnrsday. Miss Agnes Dsfield entertained her friend, Miss Zura Groat, of Chicago over trie Fourth. Mr. and Mrs. F. E Fay and son, Carl­ ton, of Ringwood visited relatives here last week Sunday. Miss Marie Earl of Honey Creek, Wis., was a guest of Mrs. E B Smith Tuesday of last week. Mr. antl Mrs. C. Ogleshy and two 89ns, Harold and Harry, spent Sunday and Monday in the city. Aaron Kline and family of Chicago visited with his brother, Dan. and fam­ ily the latter part of la»t week Mrs E, B. Smith spent Wednesday of last week with her brother, Silas Olin- stead, and family at Woodstock. Miss Moore of Chicago visited with her cousin, Miss Lizzie Forney, and two brothers, Albert and Robert. I. E. Mason and A. F. Salow are tak­ ing pleasure trips in their new autos. Mr. Mason has a Reo and Mr. Salow a Ford. Mr. and Mrs Herman Irisl} and two children of Harvard spent the Fourth with his parents, Mr. aud Mrs. George Irish. Tbe Missea Rurohe, Catbrine Quail and Vera McLean of Woodstock spent Thursday at the home of Miss Emuia Nelson Johu Jorgenson of Chicago is spend­ ing his vacation at the home of Fred Reed, shaking bands and calling on his many Ridgefield friends. Mrs. Lolo Bennett and son, James, -S. Reed and little daughter, Virginia, dren retnrned to the city Monday after of Woodstock were Ridgefield visitors j spending a week here. John Armstrong and family of River Forest opened up their cottage here Saturday for the season. Mr and Mrs. Annit and family spent a few days the first of the week with Mr. and Mrs CIihr Malefyt. Master Robert Larkin and Miss Eleanor Larkin of Elgin are spending a couple of weeks with their grandfather here. W K Burns, Mr and Mrs W. M. Burns ami Miss Grace Burns of Chicago spent. Sunday and Monday at the Burns cottage William Ultim and duneM***-, trude, returned to the city Monday after spending a couple of days with folks here. Misses Mary and Anna Romano and younger sisters and brothers oT Chicago are spending H few weeks at the Oak V'illa cottage. • Foley 's Kidney Remedy will curp any case of kidney and bladder trouble not beyoud tbe reach of medicine. No med iciue can do more. Mi1 and Mrs. J. Campbell, Mrs E J Cohan and son, William, of Chicago spent a few days the first of the week with Chas. A. Cohan and family. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Knox aud family and Mrs. Margaret Fitzpatrick of Chica­ go. who iH spending a week with them, enjoyed the Fourth at Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs. B J Frisby of Chicago, Misses Irene Frisby and Anna McGee and Walter Warner aud Thomas Mc- Donald \ iwited at John Gibbs' Snudny. Mr. aud Mrs Thos. Flannery of Chi­ cago spent Tuesday at the Heaney cot­ tage. Their daughter, Eleanor, re­ turned home with them to spend a few days. Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver TabletH gently stimulate the Liver and bowels to expel poisonous matter, cleanse the system, cure constipation and sick headache. Sold by all dealers. Mrs Paul Armstrong aud daughter of River Forest are occupying their summer home here. Mr Armstrong Moving Pictures Illustrated Songs Any S i her sister, Mrs. E. W. Merchant, and family at Cadott, Wis., Sunday morn- ing. Mrs. F. M. Risley was called to Ft, Atkinson, Wis., by the serious illness of her daughter, Miss Agnes, Friday after­ noon. Agnes and ber btother, Henry, were visiting an annt whipu she was stricken with peritonitis. Teething children have more or less diarrhoea, which can be controlled by- giving Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. All that is neces­ sary is to give the prescribed dose after each operation of the bowels more than natural and then castor oil to dense the system. It is safe and sure. Sold by all dealers. Some of the property owners are plac ing cement walks around their homes. Those who have them completed are A. F. Davis and H. H. Hanson of Chi< cago, J. Peterson and Albert Jacobs. A. F. Peterson has commenced his and Mrs. £. B Smith will also build in the near future. Mrs. O. Baldwin of Crys­ tal Lake has two lots on Main street that are in very bad condition. If the owner should decide to place cement walks it would greatly improve tbe looks of onr little village. / VOLOl List yonr farm with D. F. Qninlan. Wm Richardson of Elgin visited rel atives here Sunday. C. G. Unson of Libertyville transacted business here Saturday. George Hironimous of Ronnd Lake was in town last Friday. M rs Simeon Ruseell of Chicago was the gnest of relatives here last week. Artie Frost of Kenoeha, W)s., is spend ing a few weeks with his grandparent^ in Volo. Mrs. Chaa Ranght entertained Miss Mary Ranght of Libertyville Snnda> and Monday. Word was received here last week of the birth of a son to Mr. and Mrs. Frank I)owell at Marengo. Mrs. Elvira Richardson of Gage's I.»ke visited her mother. Mrs. Gardinier, during the last week. Messrs and Meadames P. L Stadtfeld and Lawrence Miller were McHenry vis itors Saturday evening. Harry Ritter and son, Ralph, of Ma rengo spent Friday and Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Ben Hiller. Mrs. John Do we, Lewis and Frances Dowe of Kenosha, Wis , are viaiting at the Frost home for a few days. Miss Bessie Dunnill and gentleman friend of Chicago were gnests at the Fred Dunnill home over tbe Fourth. Mrs. Tom Williams and son, Floyd, of DesMoinee, la., are gnests of the for mer's mother, lira Simeon Weingart. retnrned from a four months' stay wit!{ HUi\ M,,U8 Rrw uki,,« H ,ril» v'* l)*8 I Mil far ins D. F. Qninlan. Us* your tmm with D, V. Qvinlaa. Plaiues, Illinois aud Fox rivers. They are expected this week. •'KLTKA < OTTA. Charles LaPlant was a Chicago vis­ itor Monday. Win. Burke and children visited rela­ tives here Monday. Thomas Phaliu sj>ent several days last week at J. Relihan s George Bay of Chicago s|>ent last week with relatives and friends here. Miss Mary Burke of Mcllenry is spending the week with her cousins here. Louis McDonald and Miss Nellie New man called on friends here Saturday evening Eugene Leisner and friend, Mr Jones, of Chicago were Monday visitors at S. B. Iitusner's. Mr. aud Mrs. T. R. Anderson and daughters were Lake Geneva callers Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Merton Gracy and son spent Sunday and Monday with Spring Grove relatives. Misses Eleanor aud Edna Pbalin were Griswold Lake aud Waucouda visitors Thursday evening. Miss Florence Leisner of Chicago was a guest at the home of her parents here Sunday and Monday Mr. and Mrs. Shnster and daughter of Chicago were guests at the home of S. B Leisner Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bergman and Ed. Bergmau of Chicago visited relatives here Suuday and Monday. The world's most successful medicine for lMwel complaints is Chamberlain's C/olic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. It has relieved more pain and snfTeriug*, aud saved more lives than any other tiiedu-iue in use. Invaluable lor chil lrt-11 and adults. Sold by all dealers. HOLCO MHVII .LK. I sell farms. D. F. Quinlan. Odin Lein of Woodstock visited at Martin Johnson's Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Troub of Chicago spent Sunday at Martin Johnson's. Andrew Lein of Chicago is spending the week at Martin Johnson's. Aner Sundal, T. Nelson, S. Lein of Chicago visited at Martin Johnson's Sunday. A. Sundal and T. Nelson of Chicogo were guests at the home of W. P. Kinns Monday. Mrs. Golberg and son, Emil, of Chica­ go visited at Martin Johnson's Sunday and Monday. Mr. aud Mrs. Michael Johnson of Chi cago spent Saturday, Sunday and Mon­ day at Martin Johnson's. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Lein ami daugh­ ter of Chicago visited at Martin John­ son's Sunday and Monday. b. Nelson and Mr. Birkianu of Mil­ waukee, Wis., spent Sunday and Mon­ day at the borne of W. P. Kinns. PASSENGER BOAT inakos daily trips between Mc­ Henry and Pistakee Bay, leav­ ing the Navigator pier, located one block north of the bridge, at 10:;50 a. 111. and 3:(X) p. in. This schedule, however, is subject to change during lotus season. Take "Bus to Landing For the accommodation of Me Henry people Overton's 'bus will carry passengers to the boat landing without extra charge. Call up the Overton livery when you want to goto the Bay on the Navigator and the 'bus will call and take you down to the pier. 'Phone 472 f. A. (flliln Want Column. All adTertlawneiit* Inserted under Uilu li^ad at the (o l lu»ingra t«« Klve l lm-a o r lene , 86 cent* for f ln t Umertioii, 16 rentM for Hubweijufiit initertion Hurv than tlve lintta, 6 cent# * line for l int Insertion, lid 3 cent* a Itiir fur addition I lrt#**rti"ns WANTKIl IIIMHI , c lean, white oats. Wll^-BUK I.I MHKK Co., West McHeury, 111. Timothy mtU clover (trass hy II. K. < I.KMKMS . West Mctieu i- tr tvm SAI.K the acre, ry. III . l iVJK f A I .K An acftyleui- Has machine. •*- quirt* ul this ofHctv 3-tf LOST Somewhere on road between McHen­ry and .loluisl iui 'Kli . : t ladles ' Rold watch aud si lver ful>. $.'>.00 reward If returned to KiSHKa 'S Ice cream parlor, near r iver bridge McHenry, HI. 3-l t LOST-- A Knight Templar watch charm Kinder will please return to this office and receive reward. CV)KSA1 r 115 Ui sota. For furt her information apply or write K. W. HowK, Mcllenry. III . 20-tf ,K North and South Dakota land: i per acre. Also farms In Mlnue •CV)K SA1.K. lH-foot seml-Npeed gasoline launch, ti horse power engine, al l in good Address, U. UKNNBTT condit ion, new. Woodstock .III . LOST Somewhere l»etweeu . lohufil iurgh and I ' is takfe Hay on Weduesday of last week, agent 's l i lack coat . Kinder will please re- tuni to I' HKII .JUSTKN at Sti l l l i ig 's hotel , l ' ls- takee Hay. SA LE l»airy farm, 2»i5 acres, or a part " fronting on Mlverlake, Wis. , 55 miles from Chiciago. two railroads within one fourth mile. Two houses, several large barns, and li t iest soi 1. I>. B. ( 'OUSWKI.I . , Hilvprlake, Wis. l -4t T^olt SA l .K <>U KKNT I 'he Lake / .urlch feed mill beautifully si tuated uear tht banks of l .ake /urich. In the heart of one of the richest farming counties in the state. Mill is al l t i t led and ready for operation. A splendid op|)ort uij i ty for man who Is will ing to hustle. This Is by far one of the best money making opportunit ies that the section affords. No competit ion. Everything jrour own way. lion't delay, but wrlteTHK PUAIN- UKAI.EK at once for further Information. 4ti-tf H .C. MEAD JUSTICE OF THE PEACE AM) INSURANCE AGENT I am now prepared to insure al l kluds of prop­ erty against Kire, Lightning, Toruadofc, Etc Also luive a special l lueol Insurance on Live Stock iusurii if j against death from any cause West McHenry, - 111. Flacn Your Order Now. The government postal authorities have cauHed to be posted in every poei- office iu the country circular letter to the public, urging everyone to use en- velopws with a return card printed thereon. Every buainess man, farmer or person of any occupation should have his name and uldress printed on bis envelopes, thus injuring their return to the seuder if anv miHtake is made in the address. Call at The Plaindealer office and leave orders for this stationery and it will be put up in first-class manner, A Frightful Wreck of train, automobile or buggy may caase cuts, bruises, abrasions, sprains or wounds that demand Bucklen's Arfeica Salve earth's greatest healer. Quick relief and prompt cure results. For bnrnn, boils, sores of all kinds, eczema, chapped hands and lips, sore eyes or corus, it's supreme. Surest pile cure. 25c at N H. Petesch's and F. Masque- let'a. We have many things tt^at lessen suffering and make sickness more bearable. Invalid Cushions, Sick Feeders, Hot Water Bottles, Fountain Syringes, Ice Bags, Bandages, Lints, Cotton, and al l sorts of hospital and sick room sup­ plies. If you can't find what you want else- where, come here. We may have just what yon are looking for. Better save time and money by coming here first. :: :: :: N etesch DRUOlilSi McHKNRY TEL. 274 & When Looking for YourSprin % W an Remember we have Kmerson and Rock- ford Gang, Sulky and Walking Plows, Harrows, Pulverizers, Plow Harrows, Manure Spreaders, Pumping Engines, Chicken and Field Fence, Sanitary Chicken Coops, Seeders. Good second hand Gang Plow, also Milk Wagon, on hand. Good goods, right prices, fair treatment our mott£>. See us for Indi­ ana Silos. :: :: :: :: WH.ST0F Phnnec OFFICE-77*. fllUllC2». iteSIDENCe-791. ea THIS IS THE • . ;^S ' ? ' r fs rfecti ; -yd - The Quality Stove We are selling more of these Stoves than ever before. Why? Because they are honestly and dependably constructed. THEY ARE RIGHT. •v4 - I In i&ft! J. VYCITAL, THE CENTERVILLE HARDWARE NAN. OUR LINE OF R M5S : - .•f j is now very complete, in all the new colors and weaves, ranging* in price from, per yard IOC to 35c SILKS! SILKS! See our line of plain and fancy Dress Silks at. . .39c per yard All the popular shades. :: :: :: FANCY DRESS GINGHAMS! All the grades and colors. Our line of SHOES AND OXFORDS is up to date. Patent leather, Gun Metal, Kid, Tan and Ox Blood, in all grades. :: :: A nobby line of Men's Hats, Caps, Ties, Shirts and Collars. Fresh and pure Gro­ ceries. Try our Tea and Coffee. :: M. J. WALSH •,0i Si PHONE 483 GOODS DELIVERED v Jfj\i

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