Ik NdeiY r iilillirfliri PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY BY. F. O, SCHREfNER. OlMia Baak Bvttdtai. T»l>|boM, W^W. WEEKLY fSSmkL iiurw TlflMI O* •UBSOfttPTIONl Jney«ar.. UM ? ill months, TSctt. Thru soiitt*. Matt. Thursday, February a, 1911. QUARTER Of A CENTURY. item? clipped fsoh plasseals or TWENTY-FIVE YEAM AC©. This is one of our wild winters. Thermometer on Tuesday morning 24 degrees below zero. O. W. Owen has his news room run ning in first-class shape, where you can order all the daily and weekly l»apers, magazines, etc. The Chicago morning papers arrive here at 10 o'clock. John Myers, with his gang of men, who are filling ice houses at Fox Lake, filled the Cedar Island house, which holds eighty tons, in fire hours and forty-five minutes. This included marking, cutting, drawing and pack ing. The Sunday school at the Universal- ist church has already assumed fine proportions in so short a time, starting three weeks ago with forty-eight, and last Sunday numbering seventy-eight. They have a fine set of officers and teachers from some of the leading fam ilies in town, and all seem so thoroly in earnest. Homer Wattles had the misfortune to come in contact with a circular saw one day last week and the consequence is he is now minus one finger and a thumb badly damaged. Homer says they are a bad thing to meddle with, as they are dreadfully cutting in their ways. He was lucky to get off so easy. The Universalist society has made quite an improvement in their church by removing the old seats to the right of the pulpit and raising the floor to the level of the main platform, thus bringing their excellent choir up higher than the congregation, allowing them to be heard more distinctly, as well as to enable them to stand n^ore at ease facing the people. New chairs have also been furnished them. Taking it altogether, it is a great improvment. The trial of Gray for the killing of Snyder in the barn of Geo. H. Harri son, in October last, came off at Wood stock last week and resulted in a sen tence of three years in state's prison. How so light a sentence could have been given after the proofs which were brought before the jury is one of the mysteries. His own testimony was enough to have sent him up for twenty years. When a man or boy, who com mits a petty theft, is given from two to four years in state's prison, and one who takes the life of a human being and acknowledges the fact only gets a sentence of three years, it looks as tho justice was a thing of the past and our courts a farce." The following is the cast of char acters in "The Hidden Hand," present ed by the Ringwood Dramatic club for Thursday and Friday evenings of this week, Feb. 4 and 5: Major Ira Warfield, (old Hurricane) John Buckiand Wood, bis servant Patrick Garr Herbert Urayson, Capitola's lover •» John Green Black Donald, the coiner Wm. Smith col. Le Noir, villain Jule Bmlth Craven Le Nolr, his eon I T„ Headlong Hal ( Jos- «»»>thorp Traverse Rocke I i„„.. u. Stealthy Steve ( Ernest Ingalls Gentleman Dick John Green Pomp, comical darkle JDhas. French Officer. .Prank Coates I'riest . Carl Richardson Ma rah Rocke Olive Stevens Clara Day Lois Chase Mrs. Condiment M&ttie Dwelly Dorca* Knight Llliie Dates pit-a-Pat. .. ^Libbie JTrench .Mis. Natiiau SieVeuB nkcGT?;; COMERS AMD gOERS OF A WEEK M OUS BUSY LITTLE VILLAGE. RINGWOOD. Mrs. Lora Brown went to Chicago Tuesday. Bert McCannon was in McHenry Saturday afternoon. George Stevens of Elgin was in town last week Thursday. Mrs. Hepburn was a Chicago passen ger Friday of last week. Mrs. H. M. Stephenson was in Mc Henry Wednesday forenoon. Delbert Bacon of Rockford was an over Sunday guest of his parents. Mrs. Charles Bacon spent Saturday of last week with relatives in Rich mond. Miss Elma Thompson went to Dun dee Wednesday to visit her brother, Claude. Mrs. Emma Brink spent Wednesday of last week with her sister, Edith McCannon. Mrs. Charles Carr's mother from Rockford has been visiting her for the past few days. Mrs. Emma Merchant of Woodstock visited at Bert McCannon's Thursday of last week. Miss Eleanor Hawley spent from Wednesday of last week until Monday evening with Elgfn relatives. The W. C. T. U. will meet Saturday afternoon of this week with Mrs. Rilla Foss. Leader, Mrs. Mary Carey. All cordially invited. Mrs. William Coates returned Wed nesday evening of last week from Okla homa, where she has been visiting the past three months. Ray Merchant and bride of Green wood moved Tuesday into the honse on the Allen farm and he will work for Bert McCannon on the farm the com ing year. PALLS VICTIM TO THIEVES, S. W. Bends of Coal City, Ala., has a justifiable grievance. Two thieves stole his health for twelve years. They were a liver and kidney trouble. Then Dr. King's New Life Pills throttled them. He's well now. Unrivaled for Constipation, Malaria, Headache, Dys pepsia. 1 25c. N. H. Petesch and F Masque let. AS SKKN BY PUUNDEALEK REPOKTBU AMD HANDED INTO OOT OPT1CE BY OUB FRIENDS, James Doherty was a Chicago visitor Monday. Nick Stoffel passed a few days this week in Chicago. Simon Stoffel transacted businesss in Chicago Tuesday. H. E. Buch was a Chicago passenger Tuesday morning. John Claxton was a North Crystal Lake visitor Tuesday. John Phalen boarded the Chicago train Wednesday morning. G. W. Besley was a business visitor in the windy city Wednesday. W. H. Harrison boarded the Chica go train Wednesday mqrning. E. Hunter was among the Chicago passengers Tuesday morning. F. J. Barbian was a business visitor in Wauconda one day last week. E. S. Brink was among the Chicago passengers Wednesday morning. Mr. and Mrs. N. J. Justen spent Tuesday in the metropolitan-city. Mrs. Peter J. Freund and son, Wal ter, were Chicago visitors Tuesday. T. H. Betlike was a business visitor in the metropolitan city Wednesday. George Schreiner is a business visit or at the county seat today (Thursday). Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Walsh were North Crystal Lake visitors Tuesday Edward Tetlow of Elgin was enter tained by McHenry friends last Sun day. ' C. G. Frett attended to matters of a business nature in the windy city Wed nesday. Mr. and Mrs. F. L. McOmber were Chicago visitors Thursday and Friday of last week. Gilbert McOmber and Leonard Phillips of Chicago passed Sunday at their homes here. Jos. N. Miller left Monday morning for West Baden, Ind., where he in tends passing a week or more. Casper Herbes of Chicago was a guest in the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Herbes, Sunday. Miss Christina Pint of Chicago was a guest at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Pint, Sunday. Miss Margaret Aylward of Elgin passed a few days last week as the guest of McHenry relatives and friends. Richard B. Walsh of Chicago was a gue&t in the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Walsh, the first of the week. Miss Elfreida Berner came out from Chicago Saturday evening to spend Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Berner. W. D. Gould, N. A. Huemann, C. L, Page and Mrs. David Payne were among the Chicago passengers this (Thursday) morning. Mrs. Mayme Lamphere and son, George, went to Woodstock this (Thurs day) morning to spend a few days at the home of Dr. W. C. Besley. Miss Eva Miller of Lily Lake and cousin, Nick Stoffel, Jr., of Humphrey, Neb., passed a few days recently as guests of relatives at Rockefeller, 111. Mrs. E. S. Wheeler went to Dundee Tuesday afternoon to be the guest of Prof, and Mrs. E. C. Fisher overnight. On Wednesday she attended the funer al of Mrs. Wm. Briggs in Elgin. Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Henise were called to Hinsdale last Friday by. the serious illness of Mrs. Carl Magoon, who is in a hospital at that place, where she has undergone three operations. Mrs. Magoon was formerly Miss Abbie Terwillager, who is well known to many of our readers. Miss Marie Block of Elgin spent Sun day at the home of her sister, Mrs. T. H. Bethke. Miss Block is now taking a two year training course in Sherman hospital, after which she expects to put in one year in the Cook county hos pital to finish her preparation for be coming a trained nurse. KM KRAI.I) PARK. Ed Sutton is spending a few weeks in Elgin. Jas. Haxton of Chicago spent the week end at the Park. Misses Anna and Irene Frisby visit ed the Misses Sutton Sunday. Clarence Whiting of Ringwood was a Sunday visitor at Ed Knox's. Mr. and Mrs. H. Berkircher spent Monday evening at R. J. Sutton's. Misses Nancy Frisby and Anna Cleary visited McHenry relatives Mon day. Misses Mayme and Katherine Knox visited Miss Anna Cleary Wednesday evening. v. R. J. Sutton is spending a few days with Elgin relatives and attending to business there. H. Felmeten returned from Chicago Saturday, after several days spent with relatives there. Messrs. Jas. Doherty, Richard Flem ing and Ed Sutton were callers in this vicinity Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John R. Smith and son, Edward, visited Jos. Arens and family Wednesday. Joseph J. Sutton attended the auto show and visited friends in Chicago the first of the week. Mrs. John Walsh and daughter, Cath erine, spent Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. W. Gibbs. Miss Anna McGee of McHenry spent a few days the first of the toeek with Miss Florence Welch. WIPE OOT TIP TOP ADVICE. "My wife wanted me to take our boy to the doctor to cure an ugly boil," writes D. Frankel of Stroud, Okla. "I said 'put Bucklen's Arnica Salve on it.' She did so, and it cured the boil in a short time." Quickest healer of Burns, Scalds, Cuts, Corns, Bruises, Sprains, Swellings. Best Pile cure on earth. Try it. Only 25c at N. H. Pet- esch's and r. Masquelet's. THAT WE ARE OVERSTOCKED ON SOME LINES Or t SHOES WE WILL SELL WHILE THEY LAST THE FOLLOWING: BOYS1 SUNDAY SHOES: Sizes-J galr No. 1, t pairs No. 4, 1 pair No. 4K. I pair No. 5, regular price $1.90, special 91.86 YOUTHS' SUNDAY SHOES: Sises-3 pairs No. 12, regular price 11.75. special 91.40 BOYS' PATENT LEATHEB SHOES: 81re»-2 pairs No. 4H. 1 pair No. f>. regular price I2.2R, special Sl.SS BOYS' EVERYDAY SHOES: Sizes--1 pair No. 2H, 1 pair 34, 8 pairs No. 4, 2 pairs No. 4H, 1 pair No. 5, regular price f2.00, special SI.00 YC5JTKS* EVERYDAY sHOfc'S: sizes--1 pair No. 13H, regular price $1.75, special -. $1.43 All These Shoes Are In Good Condition We also wish to call the attention of our patrons to watch for the "RED TAG SALE." :: :: J. C. Pebrecht &• Co. Johnsburgh, 111. :: 'Phone 926. PRIDE is something that we are certainly entitled to, when it comes to beauty of our photo- graphs. Every r/;>A9HB PORTRAIT hat we take is a r u e a n d p l e a s i n g iljSikeness. Everybody |idmires our pictures ijbecause of the nut- lral expression and >ose of the subject. Why not have your j )hoto taken and sur prise your friends v i th one? The y j! nake a very pleasing .nd appropriate gift ; ind theyr'e inexpen- ive. F. SCHNABEL, (Successor to J. J. tlille) West McHenry, III. - Phone 971 ..CenterviHe.. , (irotery&Market Always a fresh and - complete l i n e o f t h e choicest of gro- c e r i e s a n d Meats. Phone, 552. :: :• :• C. Q. Frett, Proprietor. McHENRY, ILLINOIS. TAXESI TAXESI Until further notice f will be at the following named places for the purpose of collecting the taxes for the town of McHenry: Mondays--at J. ('. Debrechl's Johns- burgh. Tuesdays--at Bradley'tV Foss', Ring- wood. Thursdays- at. M. J. Walsh's, West McHenry. Saturdays--at N. H. Petesch's, Mc Henry. Balance of the week I may be found at my home near Fox river bridge. 32-tf JOHN NIKSKN, Collector. TORTURED FOR 16 YEARS by a cure-defying stomach trouble that baffled doctors and resisted all reme dies he tried, John W. Modders of Moddersville, Mich., seemed doomed* He had to sell his farm and give up work. His neighbors said, "he can't live much longer." "Whatever I ate distressed me," he wrote, "till I tried Electric Bitters, which worked such wonders for me that I can now eat things I could not take for years. It's surely a grand remedy for stomach trouble." Just as good for the liver and kidneys. Every bottle guaranteed. Only 50c at N. H. Petesch's and F. Masquelet's. NUNDA TOWNSHIP TAXES. I will be at the following places on days given for the purpose of collect ing taxes for the township of Nunda: Tuesdays and Saturdays at Schueneman & Rahn's store, North Crystal Lake: Wednesdays at West Mcllenry State Bank. HENRY MCMILLAN, Collector. •March 16, 1911. LIFE SAVED AT DEATH'S DOOR. "I never felt so near my grave," writes W. R. Patterson of Wellington, Tex., "as when a frightful cough and lung trouble pulled me down to 100 pounds, in spite of doctor's treatment for two years. My father, mother and two sisters died of consumption, and that I am alive today is due solely to Dr. King's New Discovery, which com pletely cured me. Now I weigh ]M7 pounds and have been well and strong for years." Quick, safe, sure, it's the best remedy on earth for coughs, colds, lagrippe, asthma, croup, and all throat and lung troubles. 50c and $1.00. Trial bottle free. Guaranteed by N, H. Petesch and F. Masquelet. MMM LOAVES -- AND- Delicious Pastries is the Inevitable result If'you 11 sc White Swan ...Flour... 5 I Professional, Society V &.nd Business Cards DAVID a. WELLS M. D. I >H YSIOJAN, 8UHGF.ON AND OCULIST Office ana renldenQe corner Elm aud 1 h oeu streets, McHenry. Telephone No. 311 OR. R. Q. OHAMBKRLIN DENTIST Office over Be«ley's Drag Stre. Hours: 8:00 to 5:30. Wbbt UOHikbt. III. DR. N. J. NYK McHENRY, ILLINOIS PHYSICIAN AND BURGEON. Office hours A at Johnsburgb, III., from 7:30 a. m. to 11 a. m. Wednesday and Sunday of each week. 'Fhohk, MCHENBY 333. MAX ZIMMERMA.NN BUFFET 701 Willow St., corner Orchard street, one block north of North Ave. FINE WINES LIQUORS AND CIGARS. Fine Lunch. Telephone No 6 Office over M. J. Walnh' DR. ARNOLD MUELLER, Physician end Surgeon WEST McHENRY. ILLINOIS. Telephone No 393. SIMON STOFFEL Insurance Agent for all classes of property in the heat Companies. West McHenry, llllnol* H.C. MEAD JUSTICE OF THE PEACE AND INSURANCE AOENT ! am now prepared to insure all kinds of prop erty against Fire, Lightning, Tornados, Etc Also have a special line of Insurance on Live Stock insuring against death from any cause West Mchenry, 111 F0k SALE BY-- Wilbur Lumber Co. Weat ricHenry N. P. Steilen & Son flcHenry John Richardson Volo William Althoff Johnsburgh Bank of McHenry ESTABLISHED 1888 This Bank rweives deposits, pays per cent interest on time depos its extends all courtesies consist ent with f?oo<l business principles and dottN a GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS respectfully Holicting pnblic pat ronage. Honey to Loan on real estate and other first class security. R6AL ESTATE Farm lands, residences and vil lage property for sale. If yon want to buy or sell, call on ns. Abstracts ordered. INSURANCE io First Class Companies, at the lowest rates | Perry & Owen, Notary Public. - Bankers. WHEN IN CHICAGO Don't, forget to call on Umbert Q. Sent )i Fifth Ave. ere you will L ways be treated lrteously and :ei ve the best iu the market In the line of Wines, Liquors & Cigars PARCELS CI1ECK£L> FREE 1. MMM®:, JR. nEmatAh TUAsnm w blinds Telephone No. 211 All work done at reasonable prices. All orders prompt ly attended to. Also buyer of Calves, Poultry, Hides, Etc. Highest market prices paid. McHENRY, ILL. Fine Stock Merchandise Farm Sale* Reel Estate G. L SATTEM AUCTKlNOk Telephone No. 804 WEST M'HENRY, ILL Wftct CMu I ivoru % 1» 'Jiai L11 LI J IA MUi R. I. OVKKTON. Fi x ;•!'( m. rams lor (Httiiis on nstiilav lt!H l,:ili«'. 'IVam- lasf or all Kinds done promptly. Hpe- ciai attention given to traveling men. First-cla.ss rigs with or without driver ai reasonable prices. 'Phone 473. : West Mctlenry, 111. - Telephone 47a WHILE WE ARE "AHEAD of tho meat, business," It has become a serious matter with the wage earner to know how to supply his family with WHOLESOME NEAT Although our margin Is small, we buy only the best, and give our customers the beneUtof It., WE have large refrigerators In whlr-h to keep our meats aud every part of our market is kept clean and In a sani tary condition. E. F.'Matthews WEST McHENRY TELEPHONE 3 •HUM ft JH •» Electric Bitters Succeed when everything else fails. In nervous prostration and female weaknesses they are the supreme remedy, as thousands have testified. FOR KIDNEY, LIVER AND STOMACH TROUBLE it Is the best medicine rvt-s sold over a diuggist's cc inter. M [lib! Highest market p r i c e s p a i d f o r furs of every de scription. Bring them to us. Tel ephone No. 222. CiHowifd&Son McHENRY, ILLINOIS Hot water bottles, fountain syringes, »t Petesch's. Will pay ten cents each for pigeons delivered at our store. N. P. Steilen & Son, McHenry, 111., near river bridge. Pttescb's for drugs.*