ML w |rnwm FALL Hats, Gloves, Shirts, Gents' Furnishings JOS. W. FREUND WEST lttcHENRY, - - PHONE 59-R is! CONE AND SEE WHAT A r will buy in our 5 and 10 cent department. Quite a number of people residing in McHenry and vicinity have already taken ad vantage of this new department and satisfied customers are call ing daily. Come in and see the display. It will please you. J. J. VYCITAL Js- Women's fine quality fleeced ribbed Vests Cfl/ and Pants, all sizes Women's medium weight fleeced ribbed 0C/ Vests and Pants, at each Women's medium weight fleeced ribbed CA/ Union Suits, all sizes Misses' and Children's fleeced two-piece JA/ garments at 25c to ^"1 Boys' heavy fleeced Shirts and Drawers J A/ at 25c to 4UI Misses' fleeced Union Suits 35c Men's heavy fleeced Union Suits each $1.00 SHOES for the entire family at popular prices. Every pair marked in plain figures. :: :: SWEATER COATS in large variety for Men, Women and Children. :: :: :: John Stoffel m Bank of 'Hi' -m McHenry ESTABLISHED 1888 Thia Bank receives deposits, pays 3 per cent interest on time depos its, extends all courtesies consist ent with good business principles and does a mtm BANKING BUSINESS respectfully gliding public pat ronage. Honey to Loan on real estate and other first class security. REAL ESTATE Farm lands, residences and vil lage property for sale. If yon want to buy or sell, call on ns. Abstracts ordered. INSURANCE in First Class Companies, at the lowest rates Perry & Owen, Notary Public. - Bankers. You Can Depend on It Those five words explain the merits of EARLY RISER FLOUR. What ijetter endorsement would one ask for? That's all the housewife expects and we are here to say that we can back our words. If you have never used the McHenry product make it a point to give it a trial the very next time that you buy. Sold at the mill and by McHenry merchants WEST N'HENRY FLOOR AND FEED MILLS QUARTER Of A CENTURY.: Rtm CUPPED FROM Pl.AlNOEAl.Eft OT TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO. Mrs. Julia Bishop returned from her* visit to Tennessee last week. Capt. Walter Hill had the misfar-' tune to get quite severely burned with steam at the lakes last week. The M. E. parsonage is receiving a new dress of paint on the outside. John Neihs is doing the work. John B. Blake is treating the front of his block to a coat of paint, which much improves its appearance. John Kh&ifgen is the artist. Mrs. Elder Wheeler has returned from her eastern trip, where shd has been visiting friends and relatives for the past three months. Lewis Waite, one of our oldest citi zens, had thef misfortune to fall and break one of his ribs one day last week. He is able to be around, but quite sore. Justen Bros., the West Side furni ture dealers, have been repainting the front of their block and it presents a very neat and tasty appearance. John Neihs is doing the work. Married--At the residence of Mr. and Mrs, - John Slim pin, Thur^djSy noon, Nov. 9, 1887, by Rev. H. E. WyekSff^ Mr. Geo. Schumacher of Oaberly, 111., to Miss Alice E. Huntley of McHenry, 111. Lewis Althoff, of the firm of AlthofT Bros., measured nine feet two inches and a half without his boots on on Fri day morning last.' Cause a ten pound girl arrived at his home the night be fore. With careful nursing the father is expected to recover. The Universalist sociable will meet at the residency of E J. Hanly Friday evening, Nov* 18. Each lady is re quested to bring a gentleman any where from the age of seven to seven ty. Each gentleman is requested to bring his thimble. All are cordially invited. George G. Smith had a much broad er smile than usual on his face on Mon day morning, and when we asked the cause was informed that a young lady, weighing almost eleven pounds, had arrived at his residence and George was accordingly happy--and he had a right to be. Jojra * Flusky has one of the largest and finest barns in McHenry county. It is 100x60 feet, with a nine fo6i base ment, and it was all completed insi4e of eight weeks from the time the first stick of timber was touched by the carpenters. This is owing to the push and steady application of its carpenters, Peter Rothermel, his son and his son- in-law. Miss Julia A. Story has purchased the stock of drugs, etc., of Henry Colby, and workmen are now fitting up the store lately vacated by John I. Story, which she will occupy as soon as it is completed. She will k^ep the stock full and complete in every^ par ticular and will no doubt receive the liberal patronage heretofore bestowed on this popular store. Her many friends wish her unbounded success. 4 COST Pr^pai-iktGFy to raising and repairing b^ildit^f in which we ire doing business it becomes necessary to dis- pose of* our heavy goods. Therefore we will for two weeks sell at cost Walk ing, Sulky and Gang Plows, 6, 7 and 8 foot Pulverizers, Drills and Seeders, @9rn Planters, Wagons, Bugg ie s--i n tact, everything in stock EXCEPTING MANURE SPREADERS. % • # -1 The Round Oak stove burns hard or soft coal, wood or coke, holds fire all night, and the cone center grate per mits no clinkers. See it at F. L. Mcj Omber's. 19-3 Adv OTTO KUEHKKE 18 ALIVE. ' Some weeks ago a report was spread thruout Lake county and about the village of McHenry that Otto Muehr- ke, the former Fox Lake hotel man, was dead. A friend of Mr. Muehrke's on a recent visit to Lake county told some of the friends of the supposed dead man that Mr. Muehrke had re quested him to deny positively that he was dead. "Tell those people up in the lake country that I am very much ali ve and that I am working in the liquor department of Rothschild & Co., and that I'll be up and see them be fore long" was Mr. Muehrke's mes sage. How the story got started and how it was generally accepted as true is a mystery. It emanated from Fo* Lake, a resident of that place having stated that he had received word di rect from Chicago that Muehrke had died. Muehrke was for years pro prietor of what is now the Illinois hotel, Fox Lake, and was the origin ator of the famous game dinners which made the place famous. The fact that Muehrke's death wa^_ chronicled wa back in September and no denial eV came until this late date adds interest and some mystery to the whole matter. But, we'll all have to take Otto's word for it--that he's not a dead one yet al tho somebody tried to make him a pear so. He at least had the satisfac tion of reading his own obituary and found how much people thought of him. »t m UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY CAPITAL STOCK, $25,COO. Absohite Safety inter Goods Fall and are coming in dathr. Come \ , , andvsee our SWEATER for Fatf and Winte^wear in high a ular cuts EDWIN L. WAGNER. PlM dress and se of principal should be your ftfst considera tion in banking jour money. High rates of interest are unsafe. Our bank is relia ble, its management and executives con servative, careful and efficient. Security is assured you if you deposit a checking account with us. " \ ..SAFETY DEPOSIT BOXES, $3.00 PER YEAR ML C. H. FEOERS. Via* PTM. CAM. W. STENOER. Cdhlw. (fir PROBATE NEWS (.Furnished by McHenry County Abstract Company, Woodstock. Illinois. Office ID Ar nold Block, east side public square. Ab stracts of title and conveyancing. Money to loau on real estate in SULDS of Ave buna red to ten thousand dollars. Time and payments to suit borrower. Phones 634. 903 and 911-1 PROBATE PROCEEDINGS. Estate of Kathrine M. Dolbeer. Proof of death and petition for letters of administra tion filed. MARRIAGE LICENSES. Arnold Rogman, 20 _ Algonquin Latre^ Adolphy, 21 Lucas, Ohio ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE. • J . I .Lane, Attorney. Estate of 3<.»hn OeftiiuK, Deceased. Tta^ undersigned having been appointed Administratrix SfInstate of John Oeffllng deceased, late of t.liHUt Joiiy of McHenry and State.of Illinois, htr<*l^«Lyps notice that slut will appear before.^lii-, OutHityMJourt of Mc Henry, County, at the Court flora*) in Wood stock, at the January Term, on Moo-.* day in January next, at which t liilfi all iiefr- nons having claims against said K->l,uj-.e are notified and requested to attend for t.lni pur pose of having the same adjusted. Alt' uer- sous indebted to said Estate* are requesteTl to make immediate payment to the unfl Mgmjd. bated this 38th day of October, A. D. 1912. Adv-21-at KMMB KATTNEH. Administratrix We make hats and caps to mat uite. J. D. Lodtz. For Values, \ don't fail to visit this store L. F. BLOCK, McHENRY PHONE 79.J The Best Goods at the Lowest Prices ** T\0 YOU KNOW that one dollar is bigger on a nothing but the best merchandise and sell on a one alike and we have but one price to all. HEN'S SHIRTS This line of goods is hard for us to keep in stock as they sell faster than we can find the big values we are offering in this litae. :: :: :: Men's fine quality- Flannel Shirts, navy and gray, with new style collar*, at each. $1-00 Extra fine quality wool flannel Shirts, full cut and correctly sized, brown, blue and gray SI >50 MEN'S CAPS Special values in this line. . New styles and mate- rxaV-4ll shades, at each (. -$1.00 SPECIAL.--Men's Caps at e^ch....25© 50© purchase at our store than anywhere else? We buy small margin of profit. Our aim is to treat every- ITEriS OF INTEREST Flannel Petticoats, each •1.00 Extra fine black Sateen Petticoats. si 1.25 Full length extra full cut flanne! Kimonos n attractive patterns, at..... .$1.50 $2.25 Men's Sheep Pelt Mittens, just the thing for ̂ warm driving mitt, full cut and correctly sized, at 50e SI.00 Boys' Leather Mittens at... 25© 50© Men's full cut Underwear* si .00 Men's Lace or Button Shoes in a good quality box calf, per pair $2.50 Qood size Bed Blankets, per pair 75© Ladies' and Children's Coats at a BIG SAVING •a